HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-3-26, Page 9TRT! !RaWAT, : (T0T)PRTCR, ONT., THURSDAY- MARCH 26, 1616. 7 SCUnt Emulsion The cream of purest Norwegian cod-liver oil, with hypophosphites, adapted to the weakest digestion. -Almost as palatable as milk. Two etas.-- .cosh god ft.en 'SCOTT a BOWNE. HiewIlls. OWL A GENTLE HINT. Within the parlor sat the pair. Jai,' .1•.r tea ; Ho occupied tbe rockoag a0.ir, Phe suss she. The lige• our the mantle bursted With i heertui sloe ; The tov. r wee Dot one who tared the I.mp down low, He sat su•i .nosed . with furtive ethos Tb. maiden eyed The *Heat, bridal youth askenos and softly oohed. At lesrth .he evoke, while to her brow The color Lew - "I'd feel •eheved it 1 were new As big as you." "You wool f not loot so sweet," said 0.. ••Bet tell ase why You'd 1..1 relieved if you enald be As by as I." "Became I'm weak," the made reply : -Should you noir Os kilning me, I'm sere that I Could cot re.s.t" THE LINDSAY MURDER. An Ofd Haan is abet to Death Jelin tarso•, •rv.mrd en Ms CIerge- Uad eeme N lbw laed.,ed eon'. rr.perty - A soler aaeese' N the Alleged ■.reerer. Need pages best. end meeker pe b lbenat glee gird .f In eentoet..... en the allow .dew here the bed/ Th. Meters er& the sa rdead ace hail rhes ens with bin wee otnedieg upright es tea wow. bob ms& less st es.. - atlg_ ia•S• • geld waw .a& t.1ai As old Hiphleed sergeant is ....f t0. N Y obeyee ebb" •Pew untidy, isrrl•& Kentish introits was going kin rends wens pesn sed the etre bed bees tern .0- ed fpm t0.. sight to sthat all the light. were ant •wey with e.N vM ktsas Pe. that sea .1 the Wks had broken and the la the barrel reser Comer t. • teem beg of the .AIM was left bsbbd, it beteg where be the get rasa a light ehmaine be lased ling as 100 skirt boom of the dead ,Md, '• fit net that lirbt there t " e tas. The murderer W left hie harks peg se t0. man .bowed bask, 'ilt's the ,posh enosg0 Is the wow, sad these Meeks mass, ssarg.an will 7°,1,1°.°d 1 evidewe. has hearer 0. Net hearetvery well, tsergeant cried F▪ res cla$ppeersaess t0. deed bed 0eam is roars, "I dins• care • trine whet it r. e.sesiteed by tos.ea.e wire wee well pool to oar 1" aware of t0. habit. 01 ON old tsar, and who brow it wee easel ler hint to so to the bare wems'ss P.I.na every eight •boat 8 o'clock, The loot R-gaire wo d.soriptloes. Nene, pita rare Prima is 115 .wee .hewed 111°1 tb• murder eleeptien,.11 .t tone tor have oapsrinsoed er 0.d w.ikod .11 .owed 10. oatatde d 10. their twinges. Rheumatism to rot easily bare yard and bas. token .p lug poslMw at , dislodged, o.ly 10. most powerfully pro . rete "1111"5„..b• could we sayr•e rtertng testier medicine. reale to is foundation' t0. bar. Tb.t 0. ,shod Aero for ease The moot saooeesfel treatment knows, .se htUe air M shows by tbe feet that the it i. sow fregoeally r..orted to by medical ✓ ow by the gate is &II trampled down, at... i. t0. .ppl os'.on of that sow twoas while there aro • camber of steno of tonic remedy, few peon- P•deou'e N.rvilies. It le co laity all •resod. NEWSPAPER STORIES. satin.■ 01 Tee Cama F,nslly limping the frog, the murderer welk.d down along the side of the barn T .. been door rat or waren of the bus, • a 1 tuns nerd tM owner the s.mMs. voted. Whets the old sus Dame oat of art 0•ro mad torsed to mkt t t 0. door the now - dere pained the revolve/ et t0e bock of h.e hod and bred. The bullet entered the lett side of . be heal, mod so clow wee it that the her mod .kis were singed by tie bsroiog pow er. Armee fell beck with hos fnsr towards tthe stmhle door and mast have died lastently. w there are no gigm el any rte M ..y that nothing 11.0. dierisve.red .f lorded equal sari.leetioe to the euffsrise,ane gni manor bow beef the ossa may be Norvi- lle/II is auto U. cure it told by dragoon •sd coestry dealers. Irene mad •Per. Colonel Peti.rhy, not bog age, set Jos Webster, a negro of his •cqu.iatmaes. Jos was recently married. "How do yos I.0. matrimony, Jim •" ask- ./ Colonel P.terby Jon .h..•k hie head .iobiowly "What's the aver!" "Yee gee, hew, before were were married. when 1 la.. ked at de dors, s0. Deed ter struggle. Tose the tracks .how that w0.- en. 'Ain dot you. hoaeyse. kl." Now, ever uommottsd the deed rotraeei 0te stops, whew 1 orate home, she bawls out, 'Clean 1.•tti.g t0il gate again, sod the track• are of dem hoofs before yea comes is Bac dere. lost. A. the the murderer reached the herd road the foot prism are et comparapvelt small sou wed show the impress of a smooth mere or overshoe@ • plaster of Paris you black sok, ! ' a Meer eMseber sos&c/ A middle-aged uo,ttse celled at • obese - oast wee made of seer of them by order of let's in Conant teem the other eves:.g.ed ah of 11.11 asked for morphine. and the shower re - Ties Carney faintly live as the boundaryplie opd to her r•yu..t with line between 1.ied..; and t0. toweehip of s There .re the lather en,d mother, a "I. it for your husband . girl and four boys, While the other mew mere - mere of the family bear ge.,d teputatieoe, John, who is charged with the murder. M looked .pen as • tough oh•racter Ho hie finned is polios circles before, havime Mee erectly arrested on . o0.rg. d breekter in- to Crowdy's gram storehouse. Hio repete- tos generally i. • bed one. Recently 00 has baso wow kteig fora farmer .•,sed We. Lo ie, who.. farm kr jest outside tae b.ad- .ry is what s. tolled 'meek Village end • short dieters south of the sow. .t 10e mar. der. tea acemien's t.o.aMtttesa I.se night Carney wee sr.r.d the tows with • party of tnende. Their Wee sr. Edward Roach, Stafford Oessiw. Donis 0.ts•n, Harry Back sad Ldw•rd irk.. They no all yeas( ..)lows, end their story te that they Idt Carney •beat 9 o'clock last night seer the Areca residence .ad that LINDSAY, March 18th.- a to Cense, thee was !kir of his revolver. g Nis t0. dne 10.1 made ('hid ot Pali.. toalgbt u the county 4111 se • ..••.teed- 1 Bell su.peot his of the murder. This year old lad named John Carney, eksrgod naming Bell went oat to the Leer farm and wits or of the most cold-blooded s.Aers .rreet•d Cer.sv, the letter wee is the bars sass use Avec bee perp.tr•tad is um Prov- .1 the time sad turned pale wham the Chief patio. Jae Agnew, as old are d 75 yew, "U him what he wee wanted for. Re was deliberately shin down at hie bars dem Ian sight and suepi•ion points to Jena Car- ney as the o.sria. The .s►d.rw, who- ever Moe, held the revolver so clan to the head of hu vloUm that the &eh was actual- ly buret by the powder. The deed bee .rsaeod the witless mincemeat is this neighborhood. Tek MD.DWD 5U1. Mr. Agee., the murdered piss, was • reared fuser se 1 with him wife resided .ens i h.. -••ter- booaduy of the town of Lindsey He was reputed to be fairly well to do end hod a farm rented oo t0. Bessay- geeo road, fres which he received hos nat- al most t.ly- Tree only motive for the mar der tb.1 or he ooejeotared is Last there was • report that lir. Agnew bad received come ewor.y from the wean of the fart. 11 had been the habit of Mr. Agee. every evening stout 8 o'olook to take 0gs lento end •gait tthis barn to sae that everything wee .11 rigbt before retiring. Leet night he west to the been to look op, bet did hot es- ters at ter usual time. Mrs Ats.w b- ase ocean and going to the back of the •tr.eeasly denied the/ 0. bad anything to le with the murder, and wee. questioned 1 I've tet left myself • three legged stool to .bent firing of bug revolver the sight before sit upon " ..id that it wee not be that 0. did not pee leAmmer never Need of Mesa. 4004 is revolver. While the Chid was going to Ligge's he noticed Petrick Corney oemi.g from that direct es, and when Patrick call- ed at the jail to etas is brother 0. was .leo placed under arrest "Oh no, ale ; I haven't got any. 'You doe'. intik of stride `' ••bar from it." "epi oleou take it for v' "Yost I i.Il sir! "You mem." "Weil then dealt you think that • w AOAU. forty years old. who has had her 6r.. offer of marriage lees • 0.s an hour ago. n.tur.Jy emote rmetmeg to gent 0.r n erves and give her • good night's deep!" The druggist thought es, mod .0. went away o,.tastd with the servwrotber. a fae.igM he tea Wm As elderly godless-, who ham some - Misr ot 1-w. lived is a- Irish village where no .ol.eitor had over pretested, aid was is the habit of arranging the disputes l hie e sie0bers sad noting their wills. At as early hoar see awning he wee . rowel from his slumber by a knocking at hr gate. owl, putting his heed out of the window 0. ..ked who was theta "it's me, yer boner -Paddy Flaherty : 1 Boole not get • wink of .rep thinking of the will I have made." "What's the matter with t0. will •" said the .sates lawyer. "Meller. iodised !" replied Pat "Share. PTAsrLItta STAMMER.. Patnck made some souther .tatemente, which were attearw•rds verified by the pol- ice. He said his brothr John had that aersi.g given him the weer and ,hue and revolver. The obaia be bad gives to bum motner, be thought, while the watch and revolver he had bidden in his house. Chest Sell god Comity Constable roster searched the Carry residers, end on top ef a wall in the collie found the watch wad revolver. Mrs Caney denied that 0.r eon had gives her the ohne, and it bis sot leen recovered yet. The revolver N a crap 32 calibre e0., with the trtgrer gene, so that to bre it the b•smer would have to be raised end mapped' with the Gager. When wrested robs Carry had only dw.11•ne,rsuhid• loons paling on t0. fesas, 181.06 es bons. it is not thought, however, a well koowe siren terattracting him et- Lb" Mr- Agnew 0.d °eel' pose.., am 04m •s the time of his death Artier peat tamttoo wino engaged during t0. day. Re - riving so .oswx to this, .be west out to the bora. sad Mere, .tr.s had ent ne hie 0.ek, hi/ arms outmoded. ley her heabsrd. dead. Ile bad bees shat M the bask of the bead sad inetsatly k.11ed. Ahem* frantic .t Om tern`,i. orb,. Mre drew ran to her wee, neighbor. Jure L. S►ss•en,a milk • ems, sad he. with .nether .Nether named J.wtes B.1d.ie, harried to the erne of t0. tr.degy It wee alert midnight by MH tome, bat the sews .t the warder .pr.ad tbroagh the Sews rapidly. Chief of Pslibc Theme Bmll and Owner Peels were wmso..4 time body is t0. .sas"ims Mins left act ilehml. tteaantT Tt. MOMS As oeamirWs .hawed that robbery wee evldeetly the metive for the murder. One peeketboek b.l.sgieg M the dead w ley opened .t the stable -deer, with . few sa•t- .g•i..t Carney is that the feots..ps lead -peg fres the bare re is the direction of l.eite's till to reed is rembed. when •11 tram is lest. William Logi.. .ham Jean Oarnsy worked for, .toted that he Nd set teem whether Jobe same hest. Met MOO sr set The bolls bee set yet bees eslls.ed fres the heed et Arnow. we its set know. whether :1 will it Osco,s romance. but • ..g.iIo•nt fast M that tireespty 32.alli0re shells were piked up as the rued .ear t0. Appian redeems. The impressive Mks of the fest-prigs.e are else said te be ef the sins et O.r..y'. fest. • • Seeing Obis IIMrd of merit " sit of M wW ills in t0. ire NIL � ins ifty'ysszs people base been sift Aglidseeresparills, .e& to- day it M the hisaapedier meet is fever wee the tabu. Ayr's Sarsaparilla sures. d Is the spring snff:•r move aevieely that at any other season. Scott's Sarsa- parilla would make theta healthy, strong, active and vigorous. A weak. de! lilltated, played nut, run down. suffering and complaining_woman can t,ui'.1 herac'f up so that her friends will hardly know her. Her spnghtl carriage, cheery laugh and snappy conversation will make her weld *dratted and appreciated wherever she gout. MADS STi 1 by Soottlitkarsanarlibi. the blotches and pimples cleared from her comple ion. that tired feeling gone. no iolge, nervous. irritable and crow grained, she becomes a teal sew woman- " 1 was so run down that 1 colt) not attend to my work," wastes Mie !il J Gould, iioydtown, Ont. Yr. W.S. Bond, ourstnrek, recommended S•-•itt'. Sarsaparilla . 1 tned it. One bottle cured me end 1 am again strong and vigorous, wholly made so -HT - -Scott's Sarsaparilla 411 /coign..1.0O pry. torte WM & Owe fae.p..s/.l . des. .USE SCOTT" SKIN SOAP FOA THE COMPLEXION ) Bohai, Wtter@s. r es well hirers in tsarville that tm folbwily eneedete,wbiM evidenced hie keen cease of 0.s.or, will he read with pleasure Bober W stter.00 is 0.t the poly creek beberetan of •Ii the clergy, but the beet story teller. The bishop tell. • story of how the drummer on the train mistook him (the bishop) for soother commerical tourist, end eekeJ him if he reproached a big bora "limiest on earth," Aid t0. bishop. "What's the Dann of the arm!" queried the drummer "Lord A (.'hurob, ' replied the impsrturb able bishop ''H.. ! Lord • Church' Never heard of it. Got breech brumes anywhere!" "Breech houses all over the world." •'That'. quer Never heard ones. 1s boot. and ,bow' "No." "Rate and saps '" "Not that either " "00, dry goods, i .upper "Well," said the blebop, "some cad it no Pose' - Loateville Tire. Sneer 14 Wes w Sig Teeth. west dew.w.1. , and borrowed • sheseete hem W esbis seta Another opportunity lest. PARALYSIS CURABLE. 5ersenee Ones so he gees Imerywsws.-Titlee form of rung Demi\ eared br s.dd'. Mame, Mob The meet startling example of tiaras helplewese is the p.relytia The Timis stogies year Mmmiesrat es. bet reswu your pity. He of the palsied bawd .tiltly pressor the be.ambed side s to be teen everywhere w. no. The meet opovioeing proof that 10,. piti- able mediae. w the outcome of kidney dis- ease is the feet that I*odd'a Kidney Pt1M cure it Not e...rally recognized as s kids., die ease. it esceembe to kidney treatment Did you ever koow of a ogre • Jan think • w.oasent 1 If you do it mast have hese Wi• work of Dodd's Kidney PJB, for no other mediates MIS yet cured why se WHIM& se starry Thu old fellow bustled up to the desk of the registry ofii a, and without any formal- ity en prelimia•riee he began - "Cie. toe • marriage Lessee," be said, "and give it to me quick." "Who for asked the ungrammatical clerk. "Yoe myself. of course " The clerk gave a long whistle of surprise. "How .1d .re you ' be inquired, opening the took. "S„vesty Ilse. "Yser been married before •" "No, 101. is my 6rst..Beoee." "Whet -- all the w.•r Id does a man of your age meet to marry for y •'Beo•ssa he can "It osa't such • difficult thing to marry, it It •" "M.yhe not for some folk.,' wed the aged applies.: horreedly. "but it sues eo for .as. I mode fnv first attempt vibes I wee twee' y, and for fitly five years 1've kept steady at it ; but 1 ueyer could get a woman to say 'Yee uncal last night, god 111 be pinged d 1 know how thio 00. happened to, and 1 /met ogre 1.'s enough if .he did -end the did ; now 1 want to pay for that bonne end bine her filed before she backs out I've got her outside in my wsggoo, with • policemans watching her, and 1 wast you to homy with that bores. The .gagster's wants( sad if there's ne prevent- ing Providence. you bet 1 ,1 Dot 611 a Pooh- elor's grave. Here's your money. Good- bye Asti tMe bsppy mos grabbed 01° looses and era ler the wages. eke Poultry Tara. • matter that does not receive the et tendon it should from formers and some others who keep poultry in largesarber.,r t0. ..Dewily for elector some sort of meth es their birds, so that their ages may be A moss prominent is thew two cines Ms • history. Some years ago he suffered with the toothache. He suffered so seek that at last he determined to have to toot palled, anti be did. Bot the pus of it was se great that it caused him to resolve test n ever arta would be lune • toot palled. H. kept hie reeolye ler four yew. The other day be had the toothmoh sad suffered w much teat eosin of hes friends got him te have the toot palled. He went to•demist whom hew well ham who 0.d joked him sos.w 5001'1 br resolve to war .Mar el destiet. He wok gee sad woke .p 'with the teeth gem. He bed paid the dent id .ad get en his wraps, .ed was gehg thresh the doer, when be b.opesed to tick of the tooth. " Soy, I'd lilt. to look .t thin tenth," he said. " SV.11, sew, 1'd been thinking ef that . red I washes the blend of it Here it is." The dentist W preserved for years an • etes%►Ores'. tooth se • acrimony, sad it wee We the be tont fres • Answer and stowed the Lewiston' man. . I bbw that it was ea ler se teat," said the enterer. with • -pigs' leek. The teeth wee an Mel .cream ea ter sod very lens. - iwhees lemma knew.. Amateurs who here enly • few fowls, and breeders of fancy pricey who keen by oosat at . 1rhea the .re sad per - wore et .1.0.8.,.ry bird to their flack, de tot require Tey •id to memory is this respect. Bat is Emmy di.trnot. • tow 1 M is .imply • fowl, whether it be tea years or owe year old. Aod when advised to get rid of all the old birds, .oil to retain only plow soder tree years of age. the re - jarred frequently is that the owner is un- able to tell the your notes from the old ors. This is p.rtical•rly the case with the boas; the Docks being fewer in member are bettor known, and the leech of the spun, mer.over,•saiets in fermieg • mere .ocurste e stimate The methods formerly room - w ooded for marking poultry were needless- ly creel, Guth as horning holes with • rd• het needle in the skin between the wises and the shoulder, or punchier te•rks thrs.gb the webs between the toes or cut- ting • notch in the beth. The simplest and easiest pine M to mark t0e birds with metal rings on the leg Many poultry •polianr stanuf.otaters make viers for this porpo•e at a lee rate. They should be placed os the chitlins, before they have become toe stature to be r.00eni..d frets the older bird The ring, ata be thicker one year, narrower fthe west, sed so noes need die tohewi.g Year. It •11 the fowls are darned of 0e - fore they are three year old. the ago am thou be told by ,naming the leg. There is .tip • general prejudice in favor of cored fowl. as fors poultry, but, however, mired or ,no.yr.lieed the hens may reit ie strong- ly recomm.tt led that the nook cocks be pore bred If there is • ready sale for table poultry is the neighborhood Dorking or Rendes cook, will arroyo do woll,whste er may be the clads of bans, end the (thicker will s0.. • great improvemeot is quality. Where, on the other rent, ergs have to be hooked to a the .0ief source of profit. 1l1i.- erre er L.gbors Docks own be employed with satisfactory results. Per Is Nea4 Cashte M Lie 5 wa'Ia Sod. -• veresw J.setten 4NHra. awed SepesMeee wash lean seaman. L. J. Lew, Termite Jemmies, pet-: "I oon.i&.r it my duty to give to the public my asperities. with Or Armor's Cure for t0. Heart I bays bees sorely troubled with heart diem,', sad unable to be down is bed far album manta towing to smothering spells tied palpitattoa. Raab eight I would ba1to be propped up by pillows in order to keep frees smothering. After treatise with ewers] mediad men without benefit. I presand a bottle el the Heart Ca' After "Miss the drat does i retired. sad dept .os.dly until morning. I seed or tittle. and 0.y' sot taken my of the re- medy for ewes weeks, bet the hart trouble has not reappeared. I ee.Mider it 10. *modest remedy is esi@tw.e for hart die - ease.' field be J. 12. Davis. ABOUT WOMEN• W.41 -hep. beards, especially in wotry hot. repairs seeking bat 0.t water. Beep sad soda Int boa water makes board' Mask. I...rabbine. eel, arum's Isegt should be wet ed at the tone, baking owe that the deeml r wren ,sob time dry o1 the sailed water. The bee of A er's Hair V icer M'• mama end &heat. 4.14, mina der set mil er tom seem resold by eepesate to the tar, end whisk ism ,.meet • substitute for the .0 waaiiwd by rte is yet healthy •Itb, askgs hs.nMy ale prelims Careful mob reumeye the owes of eggs. the bough. milk -.bite bit Need in the whits. These Were bard mod tdlg.sti- 01e ohm .,shed. Another small linable moister isle knew that peddi..., mites mod Mush esapeund..' whit halting powder Y an *greatest. Chesil be baked at salsa when eared. The brim' wreath ie usually termed t. Ganes, ef umyrt le breaches. i• Taus.. fwd Beelaed Si ening. blas. titium� is Italy sea plisse* Stritti.r8md et .Mia rams. M Spate .f red rams end tte Woad. el (gree.. d dot wap le i is itihesigi• a reessemy. to Owers Switesreed ed . mews of wtliitit•1 in•Psa A demean enemas ea t*. mak= dere mese le the r halts, bssy 11 he 1s well. as he tiled&),, and peeped, el itbei and heated mallek O. wfit sib rm. They were Isek1ng thoughtfully ere the rail of t0. 515.0.1 at the prwumptsene swells el the .010581.. Rio was yang. beautiful sad wealthy, rotersisg from the easebeest. He was 5Mdlemend sod tb..ghtfel,gob/ te Amorist' tr.pesalaive • ens d. yen Bk. t0. OM World 1" 0. ieds.•t•d. "Oh. delighted with It, i awe yen, Oseetr ••Awe &• thinks, You mei same .f the rbility. f essay f .1",'i re I wee &IWttid .ieh the essete, ear* msraments. sad lords hu. - Tee. Weed. I lu .wy. Hut s -p-- s my astir Yip ObObbend., Mem "Thee what. some r '10.1 von ODOM ►-hew the shim def Roe Miles Is the wsY " "Ob. i home messes r "Shaft I sea star 1 elk wise Ms yen M« amMgted se N. meet 0ststidit' a Tb tie oeesf tlMr w .sneers Bas, .. Me .ober bend. ..M s•dts•l authorities cense" Nee ening le the .hist sed bees ..crag.. ter ))cosi Madre.. coil w hospital w tsed.et *aye that • healthy baby should cry titres er fest dean • day a Meet, and from ter to ifter elm- ses as • Mm. This world would be dull indeed If trek tad •greed. faders. 1 wredreor eh reams. Neglect could in the bead end you will surely have catarrh. Neglect nasal cat arra and you will as cutely Induce pul- monary throne or catarrh of the atom •cb stub its disgusting attendants, foul breath, hawking. spitting, blowing, etc. Stop It by uunr lir ('b...'. Cate rb Cure, 'JFi cents • b..s ours.. A perfect biuwer enclosed with oast b •t -Renew your "ssb.cri'fjpg to Tia SIGNAL for 141911 .•00 THESE BRISK LITTLE PILLS Ant 'IADTaT WHAT N ..-war. hale*O M All seeds a• CONITIPAT.ON. SIC. HlAoaci.c, Siuoua ATTACKS Awe DvaptroiA. sots evt.vewest AT wee. e 001. DODO'S MEDICINE COMPANY. Pooh...aa, 10a05TO, OAT- unlight SOAP If MAKES HOME BRIGHTER HOME IS VERY DEAR And it is it. atm of a flood wite.to keep it clean and At tracts.,. Nothing will help IV MUM the. the use of Sunlight Soap 1-ika a ray of sunlight N .tighten. and cheers. cow*-.- .-s and romlor to It :nits homes bright anti beats light GOOKS FOR WRAPPERS Por every sr "Senbgbt" erappqpe!Tsa sent ti Laves Boos... Ld • Toronto, ■esefuI paper booed book will be seat, or a cloth Lund for so wrappers r••••--•.••.� I "D & L" MENTHOL • PLASTER . • t eons ps'wr.ed • • • • • lirsmd Minim Isa.sebr .oar et ..4a .as ransaiik pans. and r veto a. 0 tta.aweb .los Moos -Ws . 5A .C�ar r,r., N D., Nary Oared. ear. I a..e used error ner r sera ere of e.eelbr rf sensiO e, and hat in .beef aur ,win •,r5r.wt sea pre.sma MMkr. -J. b D wwa.ae. p• . It Cu xe- r.Igle, Pallas le sr lade, or any *sassier Pales. Price Oavb a 1.vrrene.e 0.., Lal. 23e. ...wle Proprietors, MowTa.M. S • • • • M • • • • • • • • ONATEFUL-OOM FORT I NG. EPPS'S COCOA A arena e...beeb-. Ile ---1( yes Weed me you Weald mere M while I'm paw." 14180 Yen M M isjwttw. 1 lore Tao too much he hove year proceed' health risk- ed by my esgildsg. Wait until you USIA af- ford to k•NaRfYta" BREAKFAST -SUPPER. •'By a therooieb knowledee of the natural laws which govern the operation. of dlelvetlon and not titkro. and by a ..rend bears of the nae oropertle. of well-r.l•ola1 Cocos, Mr. Epps has provided for our breakfast and map per • delicately flavoured beverage which mal save as many heavy doctors' 0114. It Is 0y the inheres use of such &Anne of diet that soon eiltstioe may be gradtmlty built ap said A1v.e enough to rine every Vendome, to Memos Hundred@ of subtle maladies are aoatre •rotted es ready to snook wherever there 4 a weak pert • may rear tray• fart shaft kueping ourselves well fortfied wfth pare t amid y worish•d (rano"- Stevie( Ocheette r made amply with truing water or milli N.Ie eel, la seeker by Wooers, rs, 1.0el d tee : JAana arra a fJa 11.14, m s4wegedide C110111111111120.. .. t.3en. lesetaed. *te PYNY - PECTORAL Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS to • ..uptwngly shot plat. h'. a > , sadly rertasoiy. tried and us.. s..otbl...; and healing .n w egrets. W. C. !Set o.a.a A Son, hour brae, Que ne, ere ,A . kion Ito. I7'.y P'.Mat nos" Nes 0. a.nse d .Amb., . J"d 1r ..art aha trariva1 Wee. mod aloe Tenni a u Yc+:.rist a of a toren, sW. Ma. J H. HUTT .beun.t. ''cute tit . Terence, ostia•-- .. de. 'moat ".sus► ...1 tact •0441 l 740 1+501.1 5* a ar.t lrraleiS 1.nrsp..IMa n to 'pars I0. warn a.tmrs4lae le all res ►"• inn4 H. may Lely spat. 1. Fend the e...m 44.4,44 f..a I. ser 0. Ileo %HU .. 11 ,. NAHW k. ."d a, passe tutu: p-1.aw0 I. ,l. los.. II. .de .rtl 50 fro .- a04 1 ..n always Fr.....:.'." I' .a • a.i. ...... ,1l• ...4..,,. 1. tree rune. el rte. '. 1' -' :.1.-.I<1 •;a-IMorn r - lT. What's the time? Coal & Wood Yard The undersigned begs to inform the public that he keeps on hand all grade. of SHOA�ICOAL AND BLACKSMITH COAL. PRICES OF WOOD REDUCED. 882111181ettentlon /yen tO 11 you have a Cough it is time you were tel I.ij GRAY'S SYRUP RED of SPRUCE GUM THE OLD STANDARD CURE FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA and all LUNG AFFECTION'S Grey's syrup has twee on trial for timer tbaa yo years and tee verdict of the people 4 that kis the best remedy known- rgc and - ,c. pet bottle. Sold everywhere. KERRY WATSON & CO., Mor0ieeene top AtoN.rteRAL. PLIT WOOD hall andget prices and see samples of wood Ogles and yard. NSISON-ST., saw Nuke ttr.. Hees D C. STRACAN Look before you leap. °n�tbuy a bicycle Until you ooe them mar be The Wel'• •1 rale M'fg. Ca S0.cla'tew'• *55 Wheel. Include Patent Solid espy -pines Crank Shaft Self Lubricating Hollow Axles. Large Tubing and Barrel Hub. L er Any sera urohas be Bearings. wheel from ea, who dries Doi onders•ani tleart ending, will be road same 7R7 0. on another machine Were getting t0. .ens one Iaspeotion In- vited. p'r.prl,lter �r.$g,/-, -W 1.d, est erode .�fii0.54 1'S5n 0514 .•Sew . - ,.ads al .+.F •vo.it..t.ertwium 1!f sg ftMif 54 end w M~ •wgMw ani spew DAVISON & CO - PATENTS S emir en, Tiellf sent ,Ili CIlPTI NITS Obtained, and all hmela.es le the U. 8. Pendell Mlles attended to et MOPRRATX FRia. Our once le opposite the U. 9. Patent 01 - nos, wed w • ..r oht•io Patent. la IPSO tttts ham those -emote Prem N' A/BINOTON. gleed MOI'RI.OR /ORAIrINo. We ad ire as to portability fres of .tad we make A CRARfl r ivr.R88 wit OB- TAIN PATRNT. We Mer, here. to the Postmaster. Me napsf honey be,ler il,.. enol to eerier of the U. 8, Petry 'Mon Fur clecoder, advles sense and Menaces to neon oilers In year net State or retenty writer r A "mow 4 re.. eeeefte Penult 11404 Wasblagte.:D c. 11 FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER 7HLEARntiFIID GOD1lcRJOR STEAL[ BOILER WORKS. A. S. CH RY STAL, s.w.w«a cartery a B4..lt4 r.f••terer of all k4M of BOILBRST Smoke Stacks, Balt Pats, Sheet Inas Works, etc., etc.. And Dealer b- la.giess, Machinery ('rYsp, !e. An .imam .f Pipes bad Pips Fit legs, Steam .rd Water (Isere. OI.he Velma. (Tei Valves, i..prawre, Itiestare and Is- j.ders Cens...Ny ea Hued a (west A gpsaiel live of Steel Water .ad Ass Ilreag�g ler oto of farmers sad mimes. seeming .-.--psis aeemleil t. A. S. SlItTIMAL. _L, P. 0, Sea fr, eledert.5 . oat. ti/.t11m-0 ease •. T. R. Mates.O.ietgat