HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-3-26, Page 86 • THEr.SIG1IAL : (ODIRIOH' OT. THURSDAY. MARCH 2!,' 191. Result of a Neglected Cold. DISEASED LUNGS 'hii Dears Failed to Help, CURED BY TAKING AYER'S .. 1 contracted a severe cold, which settled .n my lungs, and 1 did what is often done 1. euro rases, neglected it, thinking It would g o away as it came; but 1 Mand, after a B ide while, that the allghtr.t eters% pared me. 1 tbeu Consulted a Doctor who found, on examlhing my lungs, that the Inver part a the left one was hall) agreed. Re rave me same medicine which 1 look a directed, ha it dW not wem to do any good. Fortunately 1 hapnenr.l to read 1n Ayer'e Alumnae. of the effect that Ayer's Cherry littoral had on .Ahem, and 1 determined to ▪ tee It a Mal. After taking a few dohs sly trouhle was relieved, at.) I.•lore 1 had eo• Imbed the Mettle I was cured --A. Lpt.a*, w alrhm:tker, °ranger leer. that. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Hfsbeet Awards at World's heir. 4wcr'a rills t'.ere 7i44neettom. IN THE MARKET. gam Mer while bed Mem, tete ell kr I OUR MOOERN PUBLIC SCHOOLS led.••my be kw. by • Med skits/OM. -- M b, • d.rlt red ion.. sed i w till s.lt o Use Ilam MO M is. of • Missy bgtare imam. tbrtwb tM mime d the rime. WINS meat premed by IM Meer rims up gslokiy, t1 may be es Mimed eI MMt el as amnia when wes ►a 1M prime; wbes the dust made by pre.i.tmre retinae.1swl7 r re. mama •rtblu,tae sauna had preh.b'J pee .d ate prime, sad the meet mos g.Mtly most be of fawner g5ahty. Seam The meet should he krm a.4 elsm ia the grail, •.d red la ear, the fa elute sad drink. Blames r Itis prime olio* the sheep r sheet ave leen ei& them& it Is . foie killed meek loser. 1t time )eseg. the flee& fee►e wader oboe padeked; if I. .1d, sr beteg piesk/1, at streakier .legal ea rewires 1. roam/ mune. the I.t readily sopor r.; ie old. it is Mid together by primes of skin. re.tM• 1s ckoe111a4 poseur the age of Me bird Is the obis' past to Ito amended to. Ae old mirky l.s leash sed reddish legs • ',nag me smooth .sd Math Fran kill- •, the eyes are fell and u1..r, sod the fat moist Wises it hes hems 1apt tom .eg..he perte about the vet begs to weer • green- ish duoolur.d .pp.sra°ue. Common d..mesuo fuele,nben y.awst,heve the lore gad tomb..muo.b; vibe. old, they are roorh, and uu the breast 1 .ad burs are foetid mewed of ',ethers Fowls .ad Mick - one Mould be plump w t e brwtar, fa ea the beck., ad whir legged. The bills and feet of Seese are rd when .1d, yellow .hen you+(. Frith kilted, the feat .re pt0t•1., sue whim tee loss kept. Gem. are e•lled green .hes they are eel; two or three mouth. old. Choose ducks with suppls fe.1.ed hard, plump breams Time decks have ye1Mw feet, wild aces rd A11 the eke of the meek ssusmplrbd meek will seed tiothing. esteem .M ie fare inked with prem. previews The bot way N prooure them is to deal with shops of o tsblisbd oaar0oter. Yon may fay perhaps ten per oust sore the you would were yea M deal with Mom who prettied to s011 neap bat yea will be more tees is proprues bis bar nerved. .ase Veal should be daUeasly white, though act no oxen Juicy Yd well flavored when racier dark u eider. Partridge. When yo.as. p.rud4ee 0..e ,yellow legs and dark oared bill.Old partridges aro very indifferent eating. age. Them can oily be mews when very fresh, mak lhk. m okerel, will sot remote god Many have alter they are aught. Fresh War rasa. The remarks as to firmness and clear lei err apply 1e this variety of fish. el whish there aro the pike, perob, eel., Mee, petered. eta (4o.'. bands ere heal.. ; Simi at is. jam It is, SWI Mare' mere to loilow ; H ymens and h1e.ry. Astronomy. m7etery. Algebra. bistel.j. Lama. emmdeRy. B etsey, geometry. Greek send iniearmelry Ran at In. stem is is, Cbildre.'s Made w he0nw. Sep it is. tap it is ; What are twwaitere paid ter I Bees at is. Mani It is. Whet are ehH4rms made M ? £stet .seh.eeka*j ; Apnea 'Maslen, Proeedy, weer . Phrase. .tail.• esdlien,• Roars' ..d hydrangeas," H..t it is, sees N tis. Iii W r.s'e heeds .n least.. 8.014 N •s. mealdtit Is, All that they meld swallow, Feld it 10, meld it is. Still there's store to fellow ; Foo.. pisehed, Mad and pea, Tell the eve asv.ryfe tale. Tell of mu esu robbed free slap. Year m.Wted, madam limp ; The,. who've paved the farness through With whim brow, will tell to yes How the towhee orommsd 11 is, Remised act is. jammed it is, Crumbed it is. peached it 1s. Rubbed it 0. daubed it tie. Premed and taremed it M. Rapped .ad dapped it M. W les their heeds were hollow. Matra on fa.gta.l. New Yoik Pott: Althuagc Keeton .oleo) boards lame abolished provincial dialect to • large *trot there is .1111 • named deal of local pronunciation to be re.kood with. Some years ern, ata north muntry depot, • recruiting ()Seer, attended by hie e.r- .eo5t, was in.peettsg eon army raw ro- ared.- One of them wee .ou.eabte tor the ~sae patters of his herr. The captola god b.moredly &eked him. "Who out year hair, fly man?' A vawtet erre sod prolcsed "Bn?'we..11 the mower sheeted, Tbo gw.ties wee repeated more slowly and dehtetratoly bet ratnivd no better reply, "Thr mss is either deaf or as idiot," end the ioptau, turtling reproachfully to the sergeant. "Allow me, air." said the tier - meet. trembllni for hie bri.gsog•in money. mid levies the tyke • friendly tap ea the shoulder, he said 10 • bread Doric. " *ha pow'd (p Iledl thee, led p' "Ye "either !" bawled the youth, lir couateo•oos Iigbttis( up with delighted t.t.lhreso.. A mot respondeat of "Nutee and Queries' pivot en t•st•n0., of en wither date, ooeor• ins is the South of Ragland. On. of his lerbearo, Is the old war acme, woe engaged to "drawing for the militia," to the oossty of Sumer. rind the local levies were paraded Wore him to be called up in their tern. "Noir, Yayffeld mien, he tried, Mayfield beteg • ooaeid.r.ble hundred in that emery, "step forward'" Rut on men moved. The all was repeated n louder •ooeets with so better result, "Mk for Mwvel mss," whispered as aid. The word worked mar- vels Nieuwe stout follows nit mot step- ped forward. OLD WORLD ODDITIES. _ort. Whew geed, the rod le this, smooth tied ora to tin touoh; when oh•nging from be tog tet lour killed, It brooms' tl.coid mod oama.y Kol.rged gawis, oallcd kernels, to the 1.4 .re marks of an 111 1d or dummied peg. We.de0.etts sad $.Ip... When old, wuudcb.ck..•d snipes bare the feet Limit and hard; .hen thew tee soft and tender, they are both young aid Irish killed. Whoa their hill. Mourne moist mad their titivate muddy they have bees toe Iu.g killed. rites... They aro very tod.eret Lod whoa they w kept too loos. Suppleness of the feet shears them to be you.g. the star of the Roth is 1 word whoa they or. stetting bad from keeping. Tome pigeons aro larrr Irmo the w.lu. venters. When good, the fat is ole, bright, .ad of oo..ld.rsbl. thickness To know whoa It is neeeta•ry to oeok it, • knife suet be plesaed tate the b..ewk.•ed Iron the smell the wawa swot dorrmil.o ea dresm.g or keept•g it Bares areal 4►01ta. Them..0eu oil, have the bassohee thick the ears dry tied Meek. and the Miami wast sued raga. d A your( bar. w Maws sme.tb ted temp, eats that steely tear, sod a nar- row aide le the lip. A asses 1• nett gaNma 0 bare by • knob se small �y.. Sramt the feet. Lamb. Thie meat w II not keep leer .ftm it is killed. l.....r,. vis. in the seek is Matak is ewer .hes the Ir. -quarter r freak. groom a ave Mu•ml.g •tai. 1■ the hled- gtrrter,.• out roe 0tty k Ilea, the fat of 1.00 kidiey ...i toorti • ethos smell, wad the kneels .e . 11 have Mei le. irtiileess 0......... Remre'l) ea.10t lotetere be.. elw•ye 'Mama r.m...os of msmoal.t moues tsi the dews, a o,sk airy be misted by pressing the eye. .ata tbsi flyy-ee; whoa this mama be pre •..ad, t►.. knoter rest have bees tom less hep . vV hen 011int, the eel preserves Iys i1.e. u y .f traria. M. teem It se uses ea M hesetoe. viola The he.vral Immune tee la. be.: -lea light. they tiro watery end Ma- " 1 AM A CURtD Seamy Naevi w.ntesened M ties £mrOc.■ hiders Dare AM. elmed1 WOOD. etell..ee 1. M: Seam Adam Super. Berk'. Fees. eat.: "1 est - limed nook pate far seams tram kidney •ed bladder drams I received .tollsed method mamtsitrst, ..d read .al heads et a.dicises to so purpose ; e tact 1 dad got *mous my rebel cul Swath Amsrsa0 1Lld- soy Cars woe seed. It seemed to it my case etwtly, smog no amm.dmte rasa. 1 have new mod ret 0.144.. and age m7 5w lively that 1 •n • eared man. llhelwve aces bot1Mof the remedy will rosy nee &Nyman ue great worth. Sold by J. 8 Davis. LIVING ON TWELVE CENTS A DAY. For quick and easy w•. irk For cleanest, sweetest and whitest clothes raw tease lesebeters mime • nab and Live le 0ymafrt res a Tate.. " W hat is the nom sem • fellow oma Uva eomtort•bly at par day 1" This wee remedy the mbleot foe debate by four young heshelore. They bre sac clerks with teas,* a.eregieg from $10 to 415 • wen. One of them who has a peeiYos M • dreg bear, emsseetd that • %sartr of a dollar mead be sufficient. AwtOr maetal.04 that • mss 011,4 w.rwe ea Lon thea half • dollar. Fatally the praaacel ansa 10 the party proposed that they oleo windier sad awake the.speiameat **Dom," egad theatres. Thus trete the aserien of a ..Leah.n el a cook. The Mown fad ea • lees( faired m.. wend "8111,." Thr Moa el the Swath halm seem "entitles" m regard to the eel - ray art Se the drameaa. which Mum es • joke was oryetalUod 0r practical ex- periment. Nun jeallemtrsr," amid Bally, "they my the Lord made the pro.Meioa.. bat the d.,u e.o4s the seek. but Dot when Is is my color, o i/ los let me be the aria of ter ammunition, whet we do have will be fit for the Governor, tee jiM mime the unmet to .en be eapeoded d 1' 1 de the rest" Alt.. did om•eidratiee it Wo decoded to form tbo0)mlves into the "Five Jelly Bach- elors Uet.sers-Your Luck Gas." They concluded at would sea do to aped mom th.i 12 ousts per day each for mush Tor .osW be the m.atilo.at num 1f M elate per week each They fixed the 1.1,1 tido fee at IR east, soma. This meted $1 25, wh►M they voted to sen for as Mal Mote sad the asomemry station. Thee eprats.a bo.aa. "kfy ! you eight to have beam at the bmogurt, coed on. of the ol.b. '8Al7's' a Ise is .mtresia sad hie ooukuw, wby, we pram it soder oar breath even how " "We swted is September last," said ..other membered the oIub. " mad alta the e=perime•t otread to be a joke we kept right en metal we have prmouoally deaos- utr.td .0.t it ie pumaittl* for five people to live oe twelve mete • day emelt and .till have Mali 0 and b.ppiaesa. •'The only mdioise we have takes al th.•.gb right 10 the 1104, r • -tally deo of j..ke and laughter ever our 'bill of taro' We have he 'elegant eo$tl.scy,' Omagh sot ell the dolomites of the shwa. Oir breakfast •ad supper menet 5f anew and r.. 1., .ad all that goes with them,. The tmltowiag r the dustier bill 0f fare tor the we. Woodsy -Coffee •.d bread. liver and hems. Tesiday-Chops. Frisch ,rid potatoes, breed .ad ea.ff... W vdeeed.) -8task .td get•1..., caws and bre.d- Th.ruday-H.m and spin. Mead and a «"e (so pmt.towal. Friday -Fish, potatoes, ease wend bread Saturday -Lamb Metre, poetises. tread ma Sunday-Ret Md. mass* potatoes. safes w tread. This imbeds, seems milk amid butter. What we bays is ref tie bow 99many sed plenty of it. We wwasid'- I05VWU fere het - et thew we would ea • s< • week bearding house. Of mares the nee ibis .. are fevered with 'Bally' makes • begs Mir - sone In !cervi• capital puntehmeat is by eboot Me. le the sear fat aro Sting Niha.h..bbs, • mimeo who killed her tiesn with am it while be aro asleep, will he riddled with ballets •eoordrng to law. She is the tint 0.005 ss.to.od to death nada. the reign of Kies Aleta.dr. Neer Legs, Ruesi•, the polios dioro.er.'l that • soot holdi.g its meeiiep there had for este time peer bees sacriloiest ob.ldres The bodies of enemy children, •pporustly two to leer lean old, were 'mod is • vault under the oheroh Forty five persons of both seam are new in prime •omitted of murdering them insomnia. It sometimes happens that violent prisom- ener• fire m,estles at their judges. Ref•.11o Megrims who lately *trod before the bar et Purees* Italy, o.. ley claim toorigl5•Uty to We lune Whom neatened to several moans' impiteoomeet he Quickly palled off one of nim hoots wad hurled it at the magistrate's he.•l. He hit bim,toe, mid is 040 *nflrtag lot it Four veers ago a Haseari.e judge named Monis Revs, mernd • very beautiful gill Tito alliance proved a failure. Twe meal. Igo they per's., i5 anger, the wife irking with her • $5,000 t04.r.ace parry ea her hothead's 41e Keys, tem onemutd eel. side, avowedly oat of spite, bermes tbtire- hy, ender the dely expressed °seditious of the pnliay, *0. 10.0(.6000 oempasy wee reissued from •II IOtwl.ty. A suitor in the Chronik dr Zeit my - that ie I.du snakes aro not as p1e•tilal es is generally eueprred ; hat •Imeet ,n the ..m. breath he menocrs that ie 1816 'b. Goveromen, paid 40,000 la promisees on 417 59b makes hilted r captured. He dam w est dotty that death friss sears hits is al- most 1cv auhiene• ,•sd he adieu that boas fifteen sa4 tweet, lent leas aro r.1 •t .11 rare In the Iodise jangle. A wnmaa i5 Catania. Tr.ly, last her tee little ohildr.s by death. sal .eemhow num to believe that they died through witch waft. Tel revenge b.redl ea tbsee wheat . he believed guilty of this wirhery, she d. - mired their Mil4r.s by premien of sweets sod toys, ten her homes ; thereinto gave them wine et phosphene' to drink, maim a- . peek.hle tottery, eons' in Math. I. this mages, .he poi0ehe4 sweaty -three Mtn aeon The B.nprees e1 Ametria bus to otos • written re..4p1 /r the State perste every time Ma. wean them ; ..d her Kolas y, as a malt, .u..11y metear h..rU with a paw ate sellset/ea, when is worth sheat 52100,- 000. Is .- Is Jamas then are he .I4 maids. Up to t he present, ....edieg M 1• ave, It • memen wee freed .amara after • torten age, • h.sbaed wee .el....d ler her 4..- ...,1,, hew.... the Mikado him Mood • do ties. •1Mwtas her te ret. aaaMrvmd W . he obsess.. Them M0,000 000 a 140,000,000 are, It M eseim•td, teat yearly is aim wrtd -e the tor., el whist from +7,000 000 te *10,000. - NO are mewl. ed se the (Need It.• Auwrotia M .s.p..MM. Ir 44,000 d the •mee.t The Istvan eirealstia ever intedsed uh any omens 04 r le the weelti wrp.p Misdeed b7 the Landes "Bemis. Hem"' me the lMh meaner. O■ that dee tele fewer Send than 011,8(7 asps' a thin wml.rprieher The erase el es beet. when goad, In 1•w. *anal weey add. ea meai red. and the dal ...IMM•e t• yd. W N► --Aly le year ibmhi s saw • alp - .eat hes • sir 1 Teed Irl10w ►'y W solo• ? t, ., beef. at the mmol. 1.wmte hes men mere* a As had M r dee,s 11•d a` ....0„, . whir lac. Meed gid element. w teas • nisei. flog .• iliac el a hod. Ware baa. whish his massy bmrly.•md eh• seR 111 eras sbnYsd gyms ill -fed smM.le, w sial ti Wel* The Shoe that's envied! A good shoe is a good friend -to the man who wears it -to the dealer who sells it. But a good shoe is a bad enemy to the dealer who can't get the right to sell it, and dares not tell his customers so. We are sole local agents for The Slater Shoe, which is the best shoe for men that we know of. We are the only firm in this city which can buy these shoes wholesale, and with the knowledge and consent of the makers. Other shoemen want them so badly that they get their friends to purchase from us, "on the quiet," a f_ w individual pairs, at full re- tail price in order to put them in their windows for show. But these firms can't buy the Genuine Slater Shoes to again - they buy them tfi kezp them and talk against them. We buy ours wholesale from the manufacturers,. so we can afford to sell them retail. We keep every size, width and shape in stock. so that we can fit any man, no matter what kind of feet he is addicted to. Ours are The Genuine "SLATER SHOES," stamped on the sale $3, $4, $b per pair. Now don't you think it must be a pretty good shoe that's envied like this t Perhaps Lou_ should see these shoes that shoemen want so badly. We All) the only people who havb the Right to show them to you. WM. SHARMAN Jr. Oor. East•st and Square, Goderich. IF YOU WANT IA Little Knowledge A WINTER SUIT le° the fact that the Cowes Week Soot Ow IS stems•. For two years I was dined. pilled sad phoneme! fort wrath beak, sodding .rias teed sosotipstit0 wilh.r.t bonsai Otto that r1 Chep. Kidney -Livor Pila v.- haye.d, three Mases eared. R J Smith, Taoists, Oar pill • dais., pries x NOW Tes of First-class Make I Good Material and Latest Styles, -CALL UPON - HUGH DUNLOP. The Wew•nL tarty Hama to Reek .g Merusl pLAFIN6 MILL. Buchaiiaus & BEtuas BASH. DOOR and BLIND Denim Melt Maas of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES And helyds materna et Ovary Canoeists* School Furniture a Specialty. As ss•swaillaa Wheel. Asti leas-(1.trarrodly) And yea really mien year ..0)017 ler the higher sultan d t...mfr Yi..M-Ie0th5iedim11y) Indeed 1 d0. lather, amtsmesekv.' Her lather --What mus the ..bled .1 year 0)0.1w yeetrdey .00M -do a-'.uvely) 0•. yesterday 1 Lel me sm. 1 tate the gew.m fee ighgn was .0..0 .Gimme that she profaner IUs ase ho.•a•g en ."0)0.015.. bet mt 14 r 00x0or me mined .Mat whim bee later Mw A.men0 hots w4Ih the fey miens' The heelball agtdes s re0•r1.4 us having heppea/d Is 8.41.1. an • mons Seeing emit : w pals* kdM4, trach., W op .1i .eeme•amd a.elale e1 fats hi. sal I T.. elhels cafes; year Patronise True Competition. Tv Oaaaaser roam Wtwev Oe, o Tee teem lm Mee emaatteh0d se sive the peddle • fh.t.lem erwlus with the end gm stemma* essepeOles. mmedied es Admire M0MN. mud 10 the tearer mf .we o. bsRwves 0)..:p. veillorpmaamw et .very se.. hoWok MI Mese stir=rZbe ilenies. iessoile sing • r e'at=l1Msent tee .w is not • dangoroua thing when it direct/I year Mkenlios Forest City Business and Shorthand College, Landon, Ont is giving the moat practical and business like tears in °anemia. Everything situ tly high grade. Write for catalogue and College Journal. School re- opens Jan. 2, 1896. J. W. WMST Et1rVELT, Principal. POTMAHOFF TEA. This new blend of tea for 'madly .ea is now on sale at oar store. . We have 'also the finest in FRUITS and VEGETABLES and keep on hand full lines of best Family Groceries. and the most reliable in Dairy Produce. Seasonable Fruits and Vegetables. STURDY BROS. The (,00.00, os the 81iRar'e. OM lie - NOTICE. ALL PERSONS OWING R. W. MoXENZIE Proprietor of the CEEAP HARDWARE STORE, GODERICH, Will plates eall on him and pay tip Ho wants el.an balanced books to eolmmenee the likes opssstie1I11. SHOE? CREDITS AND LOW PRICES will be est alo1M this yes, R. W. McKENZIE. iamb krill 3IIIHL. $1.00 t Iar 11 liIMN.