HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-3-26, Page 5• TUB SIGNAL : GODIRICIL ONT., THURSDAY MARCH 21, 1111. 0 "MT_ ACMZ:E SON dr, SON_ Sicilians, Lustres and Brilliantjnes. F_nglist/a and French Manufacture. W.: received, this week, a Targe import of theme faahionahle and 'Bost serviceable goods in Blacks and colored. :Pi Inch, Mohair Lustre, at 25c, to Silk finish Sicilians at 95c., certainly the largest and finest selections of high class stuff over before ,hown in Goderich. Latest !'french ()inghams, Zephyrs, OriLandys, and Persian Plisses and Crepons All opened. Samples sent to any address. INSPECTION INVITED. W. A.0HF 8ON r316 BON. 1 WILMER SMITH. UNDERTAKER, C30D117RIOH, OX - Usd.r'takire Ile west Is charge of uvr Mr J. It c stt.ektrev pmut 1 cal Purerel Dinseutr sad Embalm" ▪ or. s all. prosily •tsemd.d sen night or day. DIED. PATTi<RNON- In Wi.rionon Math Mb, W. "fret Ptttenswr, robot of His late !. W Puttees... tuerlster. mase 47 yews. ten of the advent of the pipes many said that snob music was not Breed for • skating risk, but the mimic on Thursday and the skating to it. showed that it wee up t-+ the highest steedard of arrival music. R W. Logan, D McCormick and Dudley Holmes were the judges rod performed their dodo m • sati.f.ctory macer. Timer N ILr. O111;Amtz,. - A meeting of the Goderich bete -bull deb for the purport* el Dream:tog for the coming .woo will be bald this (Thursday 1 evening at 8 o'olock in the eters formerly occupied by the late 1' O'Dea. Every member sad friend of the • club u osdi.11y iayited to attend. ST Ptrsi a -St Peter's church is now heck within twenty fast of the position where it will net for tbe bummer. To- morrow the men will be .trt.d digging out for the 1c nedettoa...d it 1. .:parted that at the sod of April or bsgiesiog of Rey the eseemeny of laying the foad•tion stems will take plea. Tat OLD MaITu$o Rouse.-TIMettivall eemmlttae, It is rmmer.d, has . man who will ne certain oendittp.s res the shove boor eftr reentered to Chit lot neer the ligbt- how. Ica usdsntood that • saves in being sled* to miss feeds to move the hsild• I Mg bet whether success is sttosdiag the e eel1otere we onset say. 1'HE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Reporters Notebook tl Fe.'ve a RM. V' •' Ver Mmes. 1 rade no tet It t • e121sa.r. Aos•md to Tats' Sere. M' lath MIR "rent K.'-Mrmrt. Spring Is sear sod taster m within ten dogs view. the'efots •,l who want to feel comfort rev sed look •esao•,sble should at roe elv I! Lid bum w .. • 11 wad makes choice of r•aterlal tar s f. eblonsble suit or • Sp-1ne ev ernes[ 11 you waot tp see • form divine divinely formed ry Uld Nod's power, you should visit 9aloowi es.dI., lane Mar he found the latest esees•ertes Ica investor of photo repbio Europe. Wb.. roe wast • rota yes should de as you do ween roe want • fleeter --eels[ en experieseed deed Dr1tD 1st Baeosiee -Mise Carolts* Ae- tetneNe Chilies. • sear of R. S Ci ilio., U.8 Comsat at Oedema!). died on the 2caa Met at Rr.ekly., N Y. A Louses Rur'rr.-Marie. Record Th. Port Arbor and Duluth Packet Co (Ltd ), which operates the (Nnihri. end Carman* is oemoidering the •dvi•tbilay of snaking San dusky its •.stern terminal. To TICS JAii.m s -A eertaoa in Inanne.y with their o•lluq will be preaobed in Nor'h et oburch 00 Sunday evening by the peer. r Rev J ,. K loo, to the sailors tied fishermen of this pert. All are oordtal y invited to bear this "farewell serlmo.' before they leave. tor their se•tta'e work. AT THS ComvttxTtos.--Revs Henry Ir- vin* and Joseph Edge •treaded :he Ep- worth lessor 000veottoe of this Louden dutrioa bald in St. Ttom.e ea Monday Teenier and WenA.,day Mr. Edge will give the Notch st E L. of C E. on address se the pro. esdtep on Friday evening. A R.R Aev-tntee - The train by wbteb Mrs Jas. Rebore and daughter were travelling to Gbioaro,00llided with • freight when within twelve miles ot that dry. The maiden' 4.,1 not result is death, though • lady Mom betide Me Robinson was seri may injured. Mr. Robinson and child or- eaped unhurt AT TH1 HAawa,- The tug Seibold bus had • sew rail paten sad part of bar cabin is bring renewed. The Cleats is bawling bet meehin*ry •nod boiler fixed op, The 8.ber- n en are Maly sugared in getting their uses mod tackle reedy for the season's buein... Orme Bombers of herring and path and mate trout are bang eaten off the barber. Tbere are a very large swabber of lege pled en the lots wear the wharf, ready for the opening of the sew mill. Hotton HOLDS n's Owls -The follewi., from • Manitoba paper rater. to • lady well \sewn in this pert of Huron, sod shows that the tall bads the key tett batter mak- ing " Up at the nerd end of Devil's I♦k, you will dud one a the heft home dames in the ceu.wy, and evidently the beet dairy better maker, as her hatter has wen the Bret place both is Winnipeg is the past and at the Regina Fair. Mrs. Robert 1ooh•ae is the lady referred te. f c 1st,. vis Sweat --The stern of Toren. stay though not felt never.ly in Ged.rieb was the worst of the mama hawses thin smut and Toronto The teres et the gab mew to have boas greatest between Strat- ford end Tomato, between white shies the mow was is way plass slang the O. T. R. ern and twelve test deep. in Sewn the sten @term was fat by the ss-appsar- aaos of Tomato dailies rte Thusaday. Flrt- day and 8•t.rd.v. Tran letter Carnival- -- Th. atitesidemos sa the ei5rsival M Thursday eyeing was set en to bar e.uaiaas. but the after - aeon end evening were ee money .hat a fall tripk maid nut he ..p.eesd. Ae 16 sem, the few in eeetans were Dimly dread, bat the .0 sumb.r lot little teem for ow - patio. a Mature .f .11 e.rdtdl that erw- Mem SIMI Inters.. Although the Meese- emsa toss sperm eh* int teen good, and the mmde.t the pipes ..11sa6. Whin spok- e • P. M. Coosa. Thos. Green, of Port Al - holt, wee charred - with aa.a.ltimg his mother by threwtng her out of doors, where by en arm was brokee. The oats was ad jaunted ter two weeks. A tramp sensed Mcleod interviewed His Honor and asked for aso.mmod•ttoa for a few days. He was sent to Cam le Dickson foe ten days. HELPING ems D*.varasn. The suffer tam Armenians were remembered by Km: church oongregattoo Iasi Barclay, when • oolleaion amounting to 1106.60. was taken ■p on their behalf. To tins was added $9 48 from the 8•bb•th school, making • total ooetribution of $114 08 This was over and above the usual Sabbath eollse aloe. At the some time 118 70 were put no the coll.otioo plates for the tipper (7an- .d. Tract Society Ir'v pc STRATFORD - Koigbt Tempters M•jnr Beck. Dr Nicholson, C. A. Humber and It. Radcliffe were present in Stratford as Friday when the preoeptory of the 0 dor hitherto held in Gotta -job, was tra•ferred to the •beve-named city. After the forstal opening, .ou a thirty candidates were initi- ate°, and .t the coocltsioo of the ceremony the elaittse Frain were entert•iaed at a greed b•ogoet. As is other casters parts of Western Ontario, the storm interfered considerably with the attendance of vtaltiae Sir Knight. Tot Gun CI.o@ AT TRa RANGE -Tb• usual we.kly shoot was held es Friday afternoon at the (;un (_'lab'. rage, F J. T. Naito! ad F. Pretty berg chows as asp- t.ias, the former obesing the winning team. The following shows the shot and total. NAMe 100ydtr MO yd. r.J.T Netted 5 0 5 1 0 211 1 0 4 110-21 54 O Pen.lsgto.l 7 1 0 36 6 M 0 10 10-44 M W. Rstss. 4 5 to 5 1 31 1 0 0 010--211 6. J. IRit aley 0 10 7 3 1 -a 4 1 0 6 6- 020 Total n1 F. Pretty 0121 57-1411020-114t A. Devisee 4 6600-014 4a80-1466 Dedhen.e. N 1 1 1 6--11 0 1 6 6 0-16 51 J, Andrew 2 6 4 6 7-17 1 1 2 010-14 41 Total •i>K ('umecomv Comm. -Os Mesd•y the Stine( sittisg of the Chancery division of the High Gert of Jounce was opened 1. the Court Hones. Mr. Justice F•looabrjdge presidia; Fames vs. Farm. --mm action he est aside a ee7ey.nty. Atter hearing the 'admen His Lordship set aside the e inveyauts that bad bees made to defend ant's wife. and ordered the property • e be .dd. (1•rrew, Q. C.. for pt, .tiff, Clete, Q. C., for defendat Reatth vs. Hans•' wog des an semen to set smile a sonvey- ase made by e5. .nigras of the Raesah meshes. b defendant'. wit., At 0he 0541- 01alea of the *widens. Hie L.stbhip ren stirred jadamsat. G.rr.w, Q. plain tiff, Ayleewerth end Best for defendant Dr's vin Helton or Goomumi. On Mew day evening • largo number .f m.mbrs .t tib. Oedsrieb. the Madness ..d tb Tan- i* gels slab suet for the porpoise of fern- ing • m.uter erg.aituti.. Atter eenaiier- able diesnest- it was resolved Llai • dab be termed from the ekes old ease to he termed " The Heron Biayel. (nak a fade rise." The same having boom detmmimd the eleslimml dime was preewLJ with, use fellowint beWg the chases .men J. T. Garrey Q. Q, M. PP. , Hon. Pre. ; G.. Elliott. Nus- viewma . ; D. Yeah iwddy, trey : D. B. S.dwse, vlsspe. ; R. M.L %Om can. ; Id. Dallis. tern l W. W. If•?bmr, -pari.: J. 1t Plat*. i s Noah ; 1/. E_hw, Esd Host ; Dam. budder ; The. Nana Jen. Mdotwe, Jas. Wilms. F. J. T. Naha. tadby Bel was. the tea.. vise -rut+. and easy., u«e- tiw o.mmi1$.. The meal meeting et the eh* will he held is Harte.'. Mark en Mon day evening as 8 .'al.ok. Wow Beams Emulous' hornme. -A mewl mwt.g of this institute will be held et Leadesbore, ort Tuesday, Marmb 61e• at whhb A. tet . (impbll, city essri.esr of 8t. TMmas, Out, will disown the statute labor gs«$ism amid the building of reads. As Mr. Campbell hat given thus whjeot mash eheagbs and rssearob. it will be to every- one's interest w attend and help is the die- omnie.. 8 Pattallo, of Wooderok, pram dent of the hood Reade a seciettss, is ex- p•oted to be present also. Local talent will rive papers ea different 'subjects. A sal table program will be furnished for the evening meeting. Afternoon me.Unr will ooisrneses a 1:30 ; Evening mown/ all 730 o clock. All as weloome. W. N. Hew*'I,.so'y. W. Italie. Pree't Tat Avso's. ![arias Record Th. trial at Sarnia of Gpt. Cosgrove, of the sob,. Aaror•, for taking his boat away from De- troit while it was in the hands of the U marshal, mane op as Wednesday at Sarnia but wasaijnurned for one week, (.apt ('es. grov. living 0500 hail tor himself end (60 each for Joseph sad Wm. 01.s•, who were implicated with him The .Aurora was lye ins at Detroit lest Rammer and was sired om same ol•im, the mate being apt-oioted keeper. The ohares i. that Capt. Co.grove gave the mate to understand that he would go and arrange the matter with the manual and the two left the boat together Lacer the mats received • message to go up town and complete the arrangement Dunaj kis absence ('•pt ("eternal, 1t is charged, • etoroed, re••mbsrked and oast off, mettle; iris Canadian waters before he oould oe overtaken. Tr' Cur i3 xt: Cow.- - At the conclusion of the oouectl meeting on Frady, a member of the members were riving their experience with the two oows. Some gave instances of these animals opening gates with tongs. or born, of lumping over or knocking doves Won, but all were forgotten when Coanoil- lor Cogitates gave the fact ot • well-known bovine slimbiog the stars from his tomb house to the bey loft from which plass it was with dinoulty removed. Ware 17 C. had finished, the statement made by • Doe time 1.5ide.1 reeerdiog the same cow was mentioned by a person present The slots - Meat arse that the animal got up on • cor- ner of his fe.oe aed then walked some die_ three aloes eke seven inob so•_Nmg to which the boards were soiled, until it r..bed a point where it could drop into • patch of erowtmm corn. We do not vouch tor the tone trick, altbongh it is not Im- probable, but the climbug up stairs for the bay dodge is vouched for by the named councillor. THZT Ant Barns. The two little Mildest' of Jas Pries that are suffering from diphtheria are reported to be doing well,•nd it is said that all danger of • fatal eod11r u passed At one time them was much difficulty in obtaining a nutss_ may appealed to retuning, so that the doc ter and minister bad to hair .h the Dight watch. O. Friday, just before the second child was taken home suffering front the ds - ease, Dr. Hunter called on Mrs. Geo. Bieck mentor, explained the case, and the lady at ewes onmese•.d to take oherge of the little one and was .woe 1n •ttendad. This is mot the Brut time Mrs. BI.ca haa left her home to take chervil of diphtheretio pati- e nt, and we trust her womanly, self- denying mission may have • happy ending. It may be mentioned that Dr Hunter, who wee attending the children. was o• Saturday attacked by the disease. At the time of writing the doctor is mid to be passing through the several stages of the inteotios satisfactorily, • report every resident of Goderich and vicinity will be pleased to beer. Ws trust te be able to anemones h Um next Nene that Dr. Hunter is couvle.- peat. Am OrteT.R Sorest. -Last Thursday evestng the Impenal Restaurant was the some of • pleasant gathering So far se ooald be teethed the affair was the outcome of a promise made when the tenders for the n ew Albion baildisr were pet is. by the employes of Rmthanas5 & Rhyme, that 1bat they would give the, .mployeru a treat'? the gam got the job. A. soca as ib.15d., had been awarded prepsratiess were made for a supper aid e.tertaiemest, " Alln. Imperial " being selected for the function. As ogee as the sum bad paned beyond the Ilea of Goderiebites, the employees and M- ilted guests began to arrive and at the ep- peine•d time over fifty (In*ladi.r members of the fur w) sat down to the bill of tare provided. Hewing done justice to the delicious .hell fruit and other appetizing eatables', the following program was pea vented : C:hatrrns.'. address, Mr. Jammu' ; solo,E Bylaw : isstrurestal dnett,M•nn. Hilt end Relines : sposeb. W. A. Reye.. ; solo, Min McKemne ; reading, RT. gm - situp; ; mpeask, M. MD(inim ; .p.sek. J. Newell : dole. Mies M. Hens:mg; Metre ones tall deb, Hy. Hennfeg• ; speech, O. Rhys ; .p.5eh, Magmas Stresses. Torus Rome Maw -- Seaferth Exposi- tor :.A private letter lately ree.ived by • parte ie Hastert\ from • lady resident pl Waterloo eomsty, whey some rather wee - ion reforest'« to the early years of tow of Hare's well known public mem. She say.: •.lai the years long rose by, I was • regular attendant of Kant church, Galt, them un- der the pastorate .t the late He.. Jahn Bayne. At my right had usually eat • little bey who reuse estotly seer modestly is. apparently not d.sirteg to •ttraet the •Menthe of any ewe. He was a pretty, m- ....nt-I.gkimg 5.y, and had a largo sear on hi. ails. the remelt of • kWh treat a Agra. At my left. In the earner .f tko pew, jest tke bard hotness e., .very Sabbath, sat mother little bey. dressed is a grey mit. with lair hair sad freebies. very attentive, e nd hppwatlly taking In d the wane. whisk was mei, ism I was -p-bb el doing at the Lira. Es hod a lash of great oaf- pwewhs for swat a Bale Mien. too. TIM key sow plass end MerisL.n is the peens R D. Wtren. et asdsr.h, while the dent Everybody says what Os you use to ail- ; len your skirts and sleeves wi.h. I never saw such per- fectly fitting goyim. they hour seem to lose their shape .. ON course they don't. Sponge Crepon won't let them -it's Suit new interllal•g that yea bear so ranch about takes the place o' hair cloth, crinoline. etc.. and you don't !sow how perfectly *dress .rte tit t111 you try It ; r 1118.17 Tor Summer dresses, Ives body and NI " to 15 In or/Cer- ra and makes the skitttlare beautifully. Dosse't cud loathe fabric, never breaks or pulls lathe seams. can't be crushed out u1 shape. 64 Inches wide. Ask t. see r.. i«..»»..««.... SPRING STOCK OF - DRY GOODS READY-MADE CLOTHING ETC. NOW COMPLETE! SEE NEW ADVERTISEMENT NEXT WEEK_ JAMES A REID. 2445 March. 1896 - flogs Ain, FROG IN THE THROAT 10 T1'b. bast rowdy. i M Dente, r. 1 [)R. SAMSON'S CATARRH CURE POW DKR (with woofer...it i Immediately relieves and pe u ily cures Cold in the head. Catarrh. etc, Latest and best thine in no market 1;e. thus HEN DERSON PLANT FOOD it yea wesld bare aourWll.g Waste and Meet, Somme al Wiese -Ne odor. cheap, wonderfully effective. 5 cent. W. C. GOODE, t et.PIT touch handl Cream for auto.. lrrltstiors eta mentioned lad wmia the prompt member for South Huron, !J McLean, in embyro- Another North Dumfries busy whom 1 recol- lect well as a aohmlmate, was James T. Garrote. R.I.P., of Uoderwb. He was the best 'chola in Sur echoul, sad very popu- list with all, especially with the girls. As for me, I enjoyed getting • pull at his curly bar. Those three boys have risen to posi- tions of emimathe to which they deservedly enjoy the oenitdeoce of the public North Dumfries is proud of them. I.mon._ville : Mrs ripple, who had been • severe sufferer for .avers, weeks, passed quietly away on Friday morning last The old Indy had lived slope n.oet of the time fee many years, but durior her last Shoes was removed to the residence of her sen -ire law, Alexander McKey, where see received the most kindly immune. For Sale. BULL ('AL1 FOR SALE -A BULL calf. 14 M.tbe std. pare bred 1 v lord red. for sale Apt ly to Jolla W. 1251 INM, let 4. c m. t Oeeavick'wenbly. 8 741.14 Hoed - - - 8 THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT 0ederteb Pelee*. OOD.ttca. Mar. 25, 1216. roll Wheat. (newt standard 00; to 0 m roll Wheat fold,. . 000 t4 OOe dour. bd)...r 2 00 to 525 Hour. Falrail per cwtcwt _2 10 to 2 10 Fleur, patent per cwt 1 40 to -• Bran, 1 to. 11 641 toll 00 Shorts. t ten .. 11 00 toll 00 8eree.lags 1 ten.. Is 40 toll 00 New Oats. 1 bomb .............. 021 to 0 f New Hbea a Sten .._...-0 le 13100ttO4000 old Hay. P top ... , 14 00 toll 10 Potatoes ts(bush sew 0 16 to • 1L 14ttor tettet017 1 cod !real o•paebe0. 1140...,00 0o tIl too 03 4017 13 • Hfdet, 2 00 b 3 e0 She.p Skil s ..... ... ...... 000 to a 0n Live9 ilreseed Hom 4 25 W 4 50 Beam. 0 8 to 0114 Ham. per lb.. OiOtoe If radion ten Ib ........ 0 10 to 0 l I Situations Valiant WANTED -A GENERAL SERVANT Apply be MRS. OARED W. ANTED -A GOOD (;RNERAL SR It - must for family et four. meed wages. Apply to 111t8. i.OFTUS R. DANCIi'. 30-tf WANTED - CANVASSERS, MAL+ AND PIMAI.E, In every township in (Meade, to .•.vas tor the 'nate.* weekly newspaper in too world. The Aerie Herold and Weekly Stew of Montreal. The raawswtfff1yy en Herald and Weekly Stew hoe beenlartiled to tin* hundred aed tweet.,a Obt Below per week, sour t one bridged volnm•s per a.ium. Its Improved in every department se eee.plspeosiy ss t he talked about all over the world. A splendid 5remlam pistnre with the Family Herald A good opportunity for ra.vsseers to establish a yearly anaemia No experience, needed. Only natural ospadtt tae Megrim a good Wog at sight. Sample copie., err., or. ho. Address Immediately to enure pesltlen. Pkiwiip Herold Purdah Ire Oe., Sshunfptlee (spar't.eet Montreal. Ut.aaa_ sit Hotels THE COLBORNE HOTEL BEING thoroughly refitted .rd retar1.hsd, af- fords steeliest •oeemmedatlee to the travel Itsg public, ad the brmlyr 0omms•1t . At the (:olberee ..erelbing will be touod tot gem: De to a 01.1,01.5 MM OTO. BUXTON. Know What You Chcw r rut from fee MEM= ++.s. Ty wee it sof dti s bear ke It. ora OM. a. TiIMIlTT • feM obs. saw MA all *0 01♦:. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Once not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes intuit be left not later than Mon day noon. P,.ana Advertisements accepted up Luo noon Wednesday of usch weak. Zlta�oltlBt OVliss- OBAXD TRUK' RAULwAT. same; Mixed Weiland ixed« expra. M•n sod express Mall and express ER 03a.m. Mix Mal sad �fasn.....,« 11.10e p.m. - -.-2,41 P.m Now Yaohlne Shops. V KW MACHINE SHOPS --ALL KINDS 4.11 of Repair Work done at Reasonable Prior* Mamma Implements forst. Mach- inerynew and second band boeeht and sold. Bemires and Boiler to. sale, Stand Haire' cud wagon shoo. corner V icu.r(a sod Trafalgar Streets. J BA /ETCH RI . 42 ct For Salla or To Root. gro RENT FOR GRAZING -TRE BIG 1 ■■ter. meow. Apply to B. HEATON• 8olic- tl1r. R BALK OR TO LET --A GOOD ham. Mt 1E abutting on east side of Lake Hoed. Western divlstoa. Colborne. con Wining one hot deed acres more or Ica of mesa land. This let is well watered. With it flue miles of Godeitch and'jclown to schools and churches. Apply to J. C. MARTIN or S SLOAN', Godes-lob P.O. 60 It HOUSE ANIS THREE LOTS FOR SALE Situated on corner of Warren and Cayley .1. - ani •xtendine hack to Wil sou et.. lin one block. House 2.x10. with kit chum It1x*, storey aid • ball bleb oentaini.g 7 retro halle, oIoast pantry. Delisa, ho.- also mood maw. and outhouses , also good well and eofl-water Cistern. Orounda are well laid out. •n4 eopt•in • number of choioi fruit tree.. small fruits. Ike A .plendld opportunlar for • retiree farmer to secure a emnror18t le home W 111 be told reasonable For particul ere ap ply to JAMES HAXTIH on the premises 402m TOSELL OR LET -A BRICK HOUSE toner of Elgin and Steamy streets. con truing lsleve• room., hard and soh water. Good Dollar. House heated with hot air. For tortbo particular apply to:Mr. F. 041(17H- te11 FOR yiALF.--LATS 12.n awl 14,CKDAR .tteet. to Park sad Mrrwoed'. Snivel/in the town of Ooderlek. Thaw is a wall or ch*rd and Awonlnr •I.e• Mable. The whole will be .old for 01111.N, es the owner floes In t►. St- en eney d wants the mon. ♦[ply to SAMUEL 8W♦NR.Ooderisa. logs. FOR BALE CHEAP -40 DAIS 110 Oodsrlek from 7 aeras to 1 acre snob. Asa we himsdes and ono cutter. Apply to T. WEATR3 ALU. N. 5 Hetes et.. Ueda rich. Wass - 1 • RENT ORSRL.I.-THRHTOREAND 1 1.prunes at Smith's U. Carlobw P. O. Oe. Hera.. r present ooeatint Me ♦t O 4 N the 5 ll. No opposition. One esaatrr steeds h Ontario. Apply is J, A. M1eDonagb. 111 iltoreh et 9tr.mte. filo LEASE -THE Wooly E� HOUSE. FUR 1 - Applv 10 A MICRON. HOT & HOIJN Mtj FOR BALE. - CHEAP. ON EASY TERM4 orestb511 of tot 12. eessousiem Waw•resb, tell errs_ A well improved farm. I.M. R a and part 10, ..obdlvl 400 N Block B. Oelberse about M Steres. TO late Theo LET-T.he atop lately eceapl.d by the r Apply t M,O. JOHNSTONis&,hatristsr, Ood•- 01 11 RIR SALE OR RENT. i♦ geed 1i.tMCommercial,w.4 • asm tbe CommeCommercial,wwithgood 05086 p e. • geed eneteheel nom -P tonne wolf to 7rHN Romantik BensAmelia Hotel. • dereltlag Hers and • good e ase, alleluia. ad wish goodsatk.11d(ap Fee terms apply to JOAN ROIONIER. Ree mol r. a Farm 1. West Nlasetm • esi.ing two bewared sew , 110 cleared, the salaam a rose hardwood MM. The lends Amt rate and will Stet to add for ler tee.n it le worth. alsether rare. within • WMet eke above beim part N the W (ramose him, 1.M Na 4, (7enmawlns 1. West NL•ewrl The. M4 le ..m , wed el 110 epgpeltm awes apeed Nat Sad as le Wart jer .� ts ."!atemieLena. Seat the Leeem the miser dom Mu` femeare. 1zas wt. take mai Moab pastICRIPTIONB (ire/ally o ••d aeneseeiy pro at The Misruli- ng athe perearl tta.tie. of ('. D. W i LLlA1118, l'ba., R. DtopOmi-g (isnot. Use William'. Pure Bladed Powder. AJIM TOC LOOKING FOR .. . PURE DRUGS .' Thee th1s s tee shore yet should come to .. , . Tina week we are showing a nice line of JAPANESE: TRAYS LEATHER DRES.'lNt. t A:4:S MANICURE CA ES SHAVING tit: TS, eta. PERFUMES That will be the delight of all the ladle. Also - PIPES and SMOKERS St'NDRI F.-', TOBACCO POUCH ES, I'URSEB, CARO ('AMER, eta Why sot give your friend who wean GLASSES • nt.'e rold-rimmed par J. E. DAVIS, Plum B. Medical HalL IT BEATS EVERY T.H 1 NG The prices - We esu Furniture at OUR FIGURES KNOCK THEM ALL OUT SMITH'S FURNITURE ANDNDERTAKING EMPORIUM. ON THE 14QUARE. F. SMEETH'S • PLANING MILL - AND - SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY, I take this opportunity to Inform the nubile Hot Tam still In the business notwphstaadlyd all minors to the 000trety, Madam papered to e40 even cls of work In my Bnetitim-etetkt. • window frame to erecting • Seery with mansard roof. Estimates fureisbed . competition inviter& The tnnWloer of benldieg materiel, such es Nth, shingles and lumoer • sasolalty. F. SMEETH. Ooderloh. July 4tb 1054. Lusa and Bavtnfrs mammy. Tr IS NOT WHAT YOU EARN, RUT WHAT YOU BA V11, MAKES YO' RIGH. THE HURON AND BRUCK i.42414 AND INVESTMENT COMPAKY. Souctrntrt,-Cameron. Holt and Holmes. Dgroe,Ts. interest °compound every MMR rneeW at Mar per cent. per annum. on �afy from one dotl.r upward•. Depositor, will W 1t Mittel'. advantag. to come sad see us. Loins -May be secured as say time wltie� delay on the security of approved d 7.t, Exposure modest. Applle•tlmm 7 Manager or solicitors. The Company's litre a ortomaanent are located on North Nynex an Greet Mel Svu•+s elta oppo HORACE HORTON, 3.1.ODi �aL Mnsslal Noge.s. SEEDS FOR BALE. -INDIAN CORN. rex mewl (:lever Seed of all klala, nomas, Seed Laws Ores, Seed O Barley, es, 11%11brW, Pe Ha.garlan (ovum Seed, naiad Orem Blue Gears, Mammoth Ma -gel. Large White and Red ('arra1 creels Orland Ort Coke. and all klsde or Orden and Mild Sella. which will he sold at the lowest market prlee. 8. SI/)ANI. 611-10 Car. Hamilton and Vieterlaot. Wanted. WANTED -4 (ROPY OT 1211 Pour - leal skit published about tat fanned -nos Bal• et liorsee. ; s wanted at the crake of Ton Sloe A t.. &t1SR ANNA L. SHAW, TEACHER Gauer }� Tend Welles1ley rmme Bede rleh gniend el Mottos. THOMAS OUNDRY RAH PiURCHASED two W. L r 4 'ins. of Carlow. oneef their Imported Droit Rmt)ss.. ad 1.- te.ds to travel 111m during the eom,.g sites thrush Oederieh Township. alte1 ilefa 1•» 41...