HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-3-26, Page 4A VIZ SiGNAL : IGODIRI OI. ONT.. TR ITIKDAT. IIA R )S 1* Biu $iguI, le Pemaswr IYRRY THURSDAY MORNING St R. ts.etaLUITMi. Mee .f Publication . sod IA Nertb-Mreet„ faoder alt (starts. Term. •I .. a.ertpAtee : .oath. la rid r vera MntN. Ude pear. • 11 en " I M 1 SI gene Sahel i..•a ta'M re.t.mdine r..ent14 .f the data Sante .. t ,.e...,•. t. •h.. •het .t tot sot • 'owed 1. 1.10 Mew teas.-•. .Tale a *wean outran ie 4.-lrod. troth 1 .e old audm .r sew a.... se. .Lu.. l .w et. • en. Adforis SI 51e• Lys. arA ettw w•.1 . Icer .rm.rIL, L. • r I!ne f rr AMM I:.+.: lO . w.l 3 a 1.41.41' lies T '. wart, .• Irrr!y.•r! ;r re.' o . \t.-air:reel by • 3•..1M^ ' • *1. bse.s•w cards of mer I. ,. nd nn.1.r. 35' per )ser. t1t•rrlaenrt nt. of Lott PoneA. w•nysd F•/Y'i n. t•.awll •., ,.. ..u.. AVyprr.J sed I� w•ee. o'h. r„•r W .,• 1.44 not aenc../ iI$ 3 1 +es nonpareil. $I per moot A. Mouses oi -a. n", .1 burnt. Ow 9,41•. OCT 10 A,1: A. �r 1.,.1month,9t.p.•rr•ib- e ..'-•1 wlor•h. 1.."r•r adt•.. in piow'r•ion, ART .a•rt.l nuryrr Il,r°Meer of .h.eh a to ,•ingrate ere M.•aniery hew.At of any ,odl- ••ldual or ene.nwav, to ha eon• /need as M. •.141r•m• • t and channel .ae,tr/ •'y. fe,.l nor$, r• nnnpar.dl type one ••lot per ',ord. no ft or r ilea shy 1te. Loral nnr,•-e. 'a ordtn.rr roadies type two • ter per wnr.1. Vo settee. for lees them No vibes ter churches and other religious Ye ',tnevol. ui la.titono.s holt role. •e•sr **The mesal" Mllve• r. tksbsrritter who reit to rarely Two Illeurai. r.ewl5N1 M e..II wit r •.r.r • favor by ao- •,uslatfy us of the foot .t • • early • n date r ee.i Me. Relst•Int m.ns.ortpte osaeot be rotor.•/. porno. e moist ba. wrlttoe on on. lido L.). ►.bllsher'a wse3re, J. t'. 1,. 1' rt.:, of Ooderirh, has been ap Meted 144, al flateltlhg Atroot for the town- Ipa of llo,f.rch, Colborne. Aahneld and W an•.1,. Leos' onetme.trn over the dletrtrt are also • epowrred to receive oubserlptions to Tea •••L .ell oommuoto•tlose must be addressed to D MoGILLICrDDT. Tis 8aP•t, .S phone OWN. odngha. Dot. • • /DIMMI r. THURSDAT. MAX N. 1M. TME PARLIAMINTARY CANCER. 111 the rarest debate on the Coercion I:III, DALTON MCCARTHY struck the tight chord when he denounced the }tack of reseals who, with promises of •46cer in their possession, deliberately t owned their backs opts' their honest otvictions and the will of their con tituents cud voted in favor of the •:oven'meet policy. it wag with -eon irony he remarked, when asked to withdraw his statement by Mr. Speaker, who ruled that it was not so, It is not true. i am certain that t hen• are w great many members now hanging on to the skirts of the Gov- ernment demanding compensation for . their vote in the shape of orae. It .s not true. 1 could mention their oamall, ',tit it is not true." And it •an't any wonder the guilty dogs owlwd when hit by the stone thrown ,y the member foe Simc•ne. It. is hand to find language to char n.:terize 'the • ontlition of affairs that 1 • xists in our parliamentary and legis .alive bodies for the Hien who are in Parliament for what they can make out of the position are not o i6ne d to • tttawa. When we refer to parlia- :nentariyns we desire to apply the term in its broadest sense. To one who has watched the arena .f politic, for the past quarter of a century the loud professions of probi- ty usually 'mule by political aspir mute is one of the basest shams and ':post Mellow of mockeries. The ease ''here the political aspirant is not • out for the stuff" Is the exception tad not the rule When on the stump •'hat stand does the everagepolitician • Ake! Dors he not invariably say he to the fore because the call of duty ''ss been Borne to his ear, and because • he interest of his suffering rountry the only feeling in his heart r No erdid views are held by him, and on no account will he ever be induced to make merchandise of -itis priaciples •.nd put self before the public welfare. nd ire is cheered to the echo, and • 'seed by his party on the day of oiling. if, instead of lying on the hustings, he came out with his true eantirmenta :t would wand something like this Aentlemen and fellow. electors • I ass not one bit better than the average 'politician, and if elected i will do lust . they have clone. Up to the present 1 ember' that i have been opposed to the poi icy of politicians feathering their neat•, hut, on the level. 1 ran immure you --(now that i am a candidate i will be honest with you for Dice in fay life,for Tying, i believe to be worse than ti.irwintr) if elected 1 shall take ••vary opportunity of improving the • °edition of the people of ray own nmstitsency, my own 'municipality end my own household- -particularly of sty own household, for the Good Rook W s es that the moan who will net provide for him own hogrebold is worm than an in6rW, need yea all tremor see to be a God-fearing ansa. i when vote for my party through latish lad this, Imam, wo ham to stead y the party or be blacklisted, sad you know what that means. If you duo's know, I'll tell you. To be blacklisted means that you get no crumbs from the Govenlmett able that you will receive 'o labors from the powers that be, for your sisters, your cousins and your aunts and as I have boys eroein;; up for whom 1 want posi- tions red other relatives who hunger after the Inks and garlic, I would be a fool of full magnitude if 1 allowed myself to be blet•kli•ted, and, gentle- men, as you are all doubtless aware by this time, 1 sen not a fool of that particu'ar brand. i11acklisting means something elec.: it means that the Gov ernment would use every effort to 'u u me down at the first convention that was hell for a future nomination, as they do riot w tut 'ren of thought on the back bete -leo. .. but simply vot- ing madhines, and if 1 aru anything on the f•wt..i,wrl utorc than another, 1 sot eawuCIA Ily a voting machine. There it other reason why 1 will take care not to be blacklisted by the powers that be. 1 .have watched the career of 'many public men for the past quarter of a century, and I find that there come* a time in the life of many of thea when an office in the county or a place of emolument is within the gift of the Government. i find that et the end of twenty-five year's the nle.ber who tun never be a Cabinet possibility has only had from $15,(100 to 925,000 out of the public chest in the shap.• of indemnity --Pro- vincial or Dowinion, as the year may Is -plus mileage and free railway pass. and billets for friends and other perquisites The indemnity of $100 a week to a ten duller -a -work man after a term of years has a tendency to whet the appetite, and when age creeps on and the pleasures of public life pall there is nothing that the old, worn-out and enfeebled political back desires so much as a billet with a good salary attached, with sinecure trim- mings. When such a vacancy oc- curs the man who is the sitting mem- ber has the pull, +el he can not only be a close at -band aspirant, but is al- so in a position to nominate himself for ithe vacancy. if he is anyway shy of so doing there are always a number of ambitious young men who want ELL, se'$ mantle and they don't hesitate to bring his case to the atten tion of the donors of patronage. The whole thing is as easy as slipping on ICP, of the member has been of s tract able arid docile nature and was always willing to keep in the traces." if, in conclusion, the candidate would say, gentlemen, these aro my sentiments, they are true in my cane in every par- ticular, and I want every mother's son of you to sand by me and vote for n.. on this occasion, how many vote. would Ouch an one receive, Anel the picture is not tiyertlrawr, •t; to the intentione of Molly of our public men. DALTON Mc('AHTIiv soya, from his place in the Hour at Ottawa : "I am certain that there are a great number of members now hanging on to the skirts of the Government demanding compensation for their votes in the shape of office," and in every Logitlaturs in Canada the same can be truthfully said, if any member dare arise and ay it.. The persistent and criminal violation of the independence of parliament prin ciple is i. aponsible for the lack of probity and honor in our public men in every phase of Canadian politics, and mak, s of our statesmen liars, tricksters and boodlers, end of our politicians invertebrates and syco- phants. ycophants. The system is rotten, and everyone knows it, but like every other cancerous growth it can only he eradicated by the most. drastic meas un•. There are honest men in every parliamentary body who deprecate i and in priv .te converse are very brave In condemning the evil, but these well-disposed fellows never carry the courage rf their convictions into the House, or if they do it is strangled in the party caucus. The Opposition in the Dominion House have, to a man, raised voice against it, but in the Legislatures the matter is seldom mot 'ned, and then after a fashion so mild that it is taken as it willing pen sent. The attacking of such rank systems is the strongest card in the country during an election, and the atjsfaction with which Mr Mc Carrier's exposures in the Dominion House were hailed by the people of Canada proves that the man who pil torn.. the unclean thing in any parlia- mentary body will dessreu well of his oonatituente. it Form N ti/epgsmo (1• feMl is the mob duly I.gdr.sam. t. Sir O.am. Tomos as "the leader sest:adioN biste.N, • Tb OM Mas meet help 1 . 111e has either soih gdist hfwsslf Si gait WNW mid I be has rembd She weruhss ata SNAP SHO1 a -Them is equally a lively time is 3b Hems at Miami whin " McCarthy takes too Ism." - The Abyssintatts are working vigeresidy to drive the Dales* from their basses halt, and haw boss highly semen fol up to dote. The Government i• very maims N tat• the mussy wry wtMlb otos terms Wad by La war fuer tab settlewsst el the Madteaa school dtii• 15y. , -The dailies state that the able letter -writer, the Rev. F.ther L•ooras is 'e charge of the sestensooa party whtoh P. Torre* bail seat te Claim.* AY t0 erase* • r.ossmliatioa is the Manitoba School gsestles 11 sera is the case it will be as dilbcelt N have satisfactory arraegemaste as at was betimes Prof Bub. Fey'zwrsomr sad Hoe. J J. Coaxer', reliantly _The Star is a mighty hard neigh- bor to phase. Sasses* Tut Sr.:FILL doom', favor woollier republic on tau onsets.* to wb.cb we belong, it is dissatisfied. sad were tar ealigbt.oed family purest to espou . the roam of a wooed republic Th. Star would still be unappeased. We excee•Iieg ly regret that we cannot plea our wor ✓ isd oontemporsryr and 'run leave the healing of the .ore spot to old Father Time. -The question is up for discussion Wbth.r JAoyuss CASTIR& or 3RIABT1AP CABOT di000v.red Cased.. To save lurtb.r *missiles we may say that neither of thea geoll.men deserve the cr.dtt dor the dis- covery of this land of ielesd mesa, o.vig.ble riv.r.,illimitable pr$inee,erh.u.tl.es muses, bravo mea, handsome women, sod bottoms* ehildrea- The old oartestora have no claims in this matter as all will admit whoa we sate that Mir CHADL. Tongan, Bart., is the oozy and original discoverer of Canada. if thereto any doubt on this ques- tion auk the ofd Mas himself. Our esteemed contemporary, the Casson News Reoord.hae retired from pul leo limousines in regard to the telegram boat by Cas ion, TODD sad Faaaao.P, wbioh read, " We bevy WSOMIL is wird. If Nswv•P remains in the Geld, CAraaoP will b. sleeted. Withdraw NswMAP," to which the • owr was returned, " If you kat. W aim mins pledged sgansst Remedial Legislation, what you are ass be does." If A. M. TODD ata truthfully deny that Ie was a party to the passing of these tele- grams, it is Ilia bounden duty to de se. If he osesot do se be may may solar the bars, and the ..bb. will know whirs bis. Mews, Arretwrrmrre -Tees following are the appointments to Candian boats toe 1896: Mer. Arcadia, John Clifford; Alberta, J McAllister ; Arebias, Oliver Pntaoaude ; Athabasca, 0. Monongell; Chambr6e, Jas. Foote; Chippewa, J Mo(ie. o; Chicon', J. Harbottle; (.ba, Robert Chestnut; Dolphin D.(:.8.. G. W. Pewees: Petrol, D 11 8 , K. Dam; L.k• Medias...John Mores; Maas - lobs, B B Aodersoe: Melbourne. Henry Chestnut; Myles, Wm. Mackie; 0•isgers, H. McIntire; 0..ao, .1 V. Trowell; Pena, Jobe A. Stott: Sequin, demes 11. Symes ; Tilley, 3. Irving. Some of the following list of captains are knows in town : Ser, James Fisk, John L McIntosh; S.J Mar pay, D Morrison; E'er Ward, Murray atc- loteat, sed the J. M, Niool, Wm. Mclean, who lean sew the well-deserved parities of commodore of tate Crescent Liss. A Mamma Pmegaal_-As mentioned in last week's Smut, Harry Hart died on Wednesday morning, atter s very lour I11 - sees Shortly after death the romair, were removed te the undrtakre and prepared for interment. Doric, the afternoon the casket was placed in the Ma•ooio Hall,whinb was from thesoe open to the public until the. interment. Daring Thursday, Friday and Saturday any hundreds of our resi- Aests visited she Hall and viewed the re - mads, of the well remembered form, that, in death, preserved the ever gentle, kindly .xpressios so well known in life, At belt past two es Saturday the funeral took place, the rater of St Geom.., ttev. Mark Turnbull, commencing the service to Os lodge room. At the °occlusion of the cbnroh service the Masonic ritual was proceeded with, the Master Bro A S. Chrystal offici- ating. The Maseate ceremony oomelets& the brothers marched down the hall steps and formed up is front of the hearse, Bro. M. 0. Johnston noting as director of cere- monies, Mee the pall bearers, Bros. Jas. Clark, Jar. Roblsson, D. B. Orme, Alt. Saesd.rs, F. J. Pridham, aid D. McOmr- Isiak bore the coulee to the hoarse. and the preemie. bayed upwards old Maltlasd. The cemetery embed. the mills was plated is swam earth, and eke /thumb burial tea eluded. Thee the IrsWreal .*role was form- ed and the .m.wooy of the A. P'. sod A. M. completed ike. • 8. Cbryeal eetdsstdag the omelet rites. The overuses having boss deposited in the grave sad Glued Homes given, mast' brother herby ..r - formed hie lest day .f earth to •nek the roma was made to the lodge rota Haters the ,.main of their ate brother wee sieved tem the hall it had bees heavily drspd,aol these Ogee of mteursiog had bass added te W the °\rite ie& omblome peed by treads ea avid armed the eaghet. Among the flowers prws.ted we sotfod the quare and compasses from the hombres of Male.. lead 11e. 33; a mess from Mr, and Mn. Tilt ; wrath from the (1 A. C , from the Oodsrl.h Amateurs, from D. Mo(;ermist sod W. 1. Harcus, earl booaet. from A_ Desai., sad (there. (:•soldering the feet ass Marry Hart was an Amerieea, • red- dest la 1)ederieh for oaly • short time, and had se relatives in the .oighl..rbon, the largo atreon..es .t the ohseasies shows Mat be hid wes the reep.et of our .11..... Tb dess•o-d's sol) daughter • ko hese with belt besbaed is Illinois, sed the lady's flaatber-e kw arrived is town oe Tkurday, rod grit\ Mn. (Dv ) Whitely were the shine magmas . The undersell Mamas w te be Mem4ter the interest masttemed it a vie• Ir.3hw, h life • id In death, sad the yawl df the kindly Reny Ret well hoer tsstsmeey 3h.s Maaee.ry, es e some e lm is Mill honey is to rho hr.IhtRh.d e/ Immo LAND OF BVANGELIN& ONS OF THZ MOST ROMANTIC SPOTS IN CANADA. a.ry K V Pe rota WE MOO TRI ILLI TO wuwwu /Lula N RIMS TRAP &.tit iAVO5*D LOCAIJTIe.-AOW)U AT Or • Ps&•1NI MALADY rams wutt'P A uAe- I.&RAU5 r•SMs .urrlllatr. • stress The Aroadtas. wisterias N.tl Perhaps there is se more hoeutttal er ptotere.gee spot um Nova Sootla than the vuley of lis .r.a.z, u the ' Load of Kwaagel1ee.' Wiadies its way through the owns, el the Maury is • beautiful Iii le rive or, while em, led at the foot of the moan - noes emelt ress uo either side to the height of huadrede ut toot, r the rotaast•e hoksag little talky&e of Gaspe/sour Ab•rtt two 554 a hell motes frees the valises resides Mr. Fred J Ftddtur, ooe 01 the meet thrift former.'. 1*,. .001.0* of the 0010 tet. Your oorreeposdeut called upon him as 1 luund blot • vert sea+al, tetrhgeel sod app.r.stly r veru healthy looking Wan. In r. pry to our gwetluo. Mr ?,.II* K sold . "V.e, I was ole to der h's duo, at oop time, but lh eek Lod I sin a new orae up - day. You sea, he w...t On, that pump it rhe kitoheo, beneath is • well about tweaty feet deep, whittle was the caw., 1 tbtok of all my 111..... 1 west down last Fall 31894 an It to clean 1t nut amt was only • .hurt wine at the bottom, whoa 1 took with a se were pato at the heck of civ head and • burning muss toe to wy throe, and luso., souls .oi caused by th. iuh.l.ttue of brim- stone. A sort of stupor was woo tmrmlog gradually over in., *tom by • huge .fl..rt, 1 regained the kitchen uno a n.ur. A heated lamp let down bee .• eau gsuhed, thus sbuwtug the aoeutnul•tiun ..f g.a lira caused the trouble. The pus at the beck of my head continued to true, I. ms, acd ore day wade work's. in • be c held I suddenly hat the use ,.f my left eye, right arm sad left leg. At time. I could not *perk, but towards sveotug 1 b.g.n slowly to grow cettr. T he next day about the eao,• Door I was seised again in the some mouser. 1 n ow called to our Luna) pt.)siaan mho told me 'bat • bloud vessel had bur.' to eke back of my head He 1.1t me medicine. Toe pato in the back of my bead never left toe and 1 oontineed to toil mae.r•ble About two meths afar this second attest while 'num iu tis postetbo• of the ..page I was .uddealy seised ...at sod genus out my bore and vegan started tor home. 1 had sot rose tar when the routs dropped from my ngbt hand stud I again fonud my sell tilled is on, Isle eye and the right um and left ler paralyzed The horses now car nw1 ms home but paved the house in the direction of the barn, lily wits thinking 1 had goes to the horn paid no attenties for perhaps fifteen minutes, when she meat oss of the cbtldres to am what was keeper ma At the tate 1 was usable to speak aid bad to be amassed tato the house. flet re bed- time 1 began to recover somewhat, and felt fairly well by morning, but woo .gide •sired during the day in the sea meaner and the report reached the .ell... that 1 was dead. Neighbors came lucking out,sxpeottng that it was true. As the mediates I had tried seemed to do me no good, 1 now thought I would try Dr Williams' Pink Pills and by the time I had used est boxes the pain had left my head mad I felt as gaud as new. I sow mewed using them for • month whet. I thought I felt • recurrence of the pain at the back of my heed. 1 ammo .sot and got three more boxes and used them. It snow about 1.. menthe since 1 u.ed the last pill, and 1 have never had a recurrence of the at- tack. besides I feel myself a Dow man. 1 .m now 39 years of age, and have always worked co • Perm and sever snj.,y.d work bettor than Wt summer and autumn and am point.. 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills oared me I always keep them to my bonso tied whoa my wife or ohairsn have any "'cheese our r..ort is to thus molten). and always with the very best eff••ot. Dr. 33 tlhame Pink Pilis are offered with • 000ldeoce that they a e the oily perfect and uotulmg blood b•,older and nerve re- storer. and when give. • t.ir trial diosese seed suff.nng must vanish Sold /.y all deal en or sant by marl on r...tpt of 50 o.sts • lwtt or 112 50 for six boxes by addr..aing the Dr. R'tluam.' Mediots• Guo . Brookville, Ont., or 8olsomotady, N Y. Beware of imi- tations and refuse traeby substitutes alleged to be 'lust to good.' AUCTION SALES - All parties settlag their sal. bills printed at this odic. will Mersa free notice inserted In this fiat up to the time of tales. Bale of velu•ble farm stock and lmpl.- e ote p the farm of Robt. Mallongh, 1{d, let 11, coo. 5. Ashfield, adjoining Dungan" eon, ea Tsesday. Mr. 31st, commencing at 1 roe. .lobe Purvis, asotiesaar. MOS iteeleree. • Ttvearow, March, 1893. J. M. McLeod, 0odelrice : Dasa Baa, -The find bottle of your System Resovtr did me * lot of good 1 feel be••ar altogether einoe i be•gan to take it. My head. the rose and seat of pain sod Wisdoms, felt ever so much better. i it in Augu.t,and after 1 took the meso bottles the pain and weakemw i• the small of the beck lett me enturely,and stem I ham been well. 1 have no aesralgia pilo any more. i used to be sick at the .t.msa\, •sd now, feel likes • new pr Sincerely tkaaki g yew for the guwd done mea 1 •m, kc.. 6116 Mmi. limas. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. Excelsior Egg p011 5(50 gang FORDO 000 12 ts0MT5* IT IS NO PICKLE. Von slunply treat the Eggs with PRESERVER, sad ley Hyena away h • basket or hes.......a......a .Aw DOWN a at/tYte ttM(N TNty est ' CMIMP. elft foe Meta glwlset fell twemm.rea bee 4 Nat *ALI eV •LL DSUpUIRtfI GODERICH BARGAIN CENTRE Dry Goods - • m •es. MAGIC words that go thrilled tar.sgb every begotten& They mem to. mseeasitis., and while it to sot hard se end sao.. ities, the gaieties is ober, ego ore best empty Moon. Naturally Th. Dods rloh Mullah* Gen ter Answer's HERE I There's au mistake ahem it «tang. Roost. Whs. oomlwt, m•tohless variety,salam moss, aaowh . Sre-Ob ! ShagMgpest where ws cover year amessities and leave yes tame sheep to your puma Domestic Dry Goods. Prints, 4ic to 12c. Shirting Prints to ilk. Plaid Gingham*, 5c to 10c Best Factory Cotton in town for 5e. White cottons, 5c to 10c. I.ongsdale Cambric, 12c to 17c. Table Linen, 15c to $1. Towels, 5c per pair to $1 50 per pour. Glass Towelling, 5c to lbc. Butcher's Linen, all prices. Stamped Linens. White Goods. Check Muslin*, 5e. Brost Swiss Checks, Ilk. India Linens, 10.; to 35c. Victoria. Lawns, tic to 30. Also, White Naos, White 1)imitieo, Printed Dimities, (` mere Prints, Waiisooks, Muslin, Dotted Swiss Muslin, White Skirts, white Corset Covers. Ladies Vest from 4c to $I. ASK TO SEE OUR WHITE QUILTS - We bate a large range of Lacs Curtains from 22e. per pair to P. Our Spring Capes now in stock from 75.:. up. Corsets from 25e. up. The Trilby Cornet, exclusive here, and without doubt the most perfect fitting Corset made, price 91c. We cannot afford to take second place in any of the above lines JAMESROBINSON. Corner Square and West St. Common Sense BICYCLES BUILT TO FIT THEREFORE FIT TO RIDE You have seen the above words so often that they are engraved on your mind. It's a good healthy thought ; leave it there. Send in your order for a " COMMON SENSE " now so that there will be no delay when the riding season opens. We intend to have a BIG BICYCLE OPEN NG on APRIL 1st. A finer display never before seen in Goderich. All are invited. 62-3m A number of axon second-hand wheels for vale. (EO. W. THOMSON, HAIR. HAIR. PROF. DORMER I8 COIIBG. It is maguey to mature that the heed should be bald. let that be fully understood. Ie it note Net that many ladies and gestl.me0 do got wear artificial hair for 00 other reset thea p'ejudloe UOfortunateiy theta has bore a marked increase of ate in baldness and gray heir, sad the result •m the 1.we of an .tttaotive and refined .ppeareao.. MANY LADIKS Lays the wretched habit of rtmping and ourhag their owe t..,r inroad of buying an article *wording to the style. TL. result is they rue their hair sari whoa sew styles mute is they are unable to follow them. PROF. DORENWBND of taw 1)orsowsnd Ca LW., of Toronto, bas foe thirty yws demeusstrued the beautifying *firma of w.snag his hair good. Thousands of THs SPAT LA OILS ead rostl mea of Coeds sad the Darted Stairs are wearing Ins artists* today. In meet' cease the aaauf•ctured article is more be•..mine then the natural g rowth. and not even an expert can detect that the hair t. artificial The Proloasor carnes as imrrteoes .tarok of Ladles' and Gents' W Toupees limit wig.&. Bangs. Wavy Fronts, Swttoh.s, Braids, Ste to every farm. shape and gunny. All oas be pleaee•f. Coat aside FALBE INT OTION8 . ad preside yourself with • head dress the*, will give Mamie; elect. Pref. Dereswead will be in G-OnER2CH, BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL ON THURSDAY, APRIL 2ND. This opportunity should not be Met. it might be added that the Professor also carries with him • full hiss of Hair Dyes in every shade, Hair and Face Blen,bes, and Theatrical Wig., Whiskers and M on.taoh.a Let the data of the visit be borne is meed. 61.113 DAIRY TINWARE W* have • full .tock et all keds N DAIRY TINWARE APD SAP BUCKETS which we are oellloa VERY CHEAP. All triode of TIN, GRANITE ANO COPPERWARE R1PAIRED. CANADIAN and AMERICAN COAL OIL ran sot osure. Mame .p sad ranine over WORSELL'S NEW FURNACE ANT TN 711M RI Mal Matt nom eel see aat A • WORSELL m. its Pagfiel Vas Sim sot 3... tees. tltroRPt A /Tito. " Fine clothe. do not make a lest." bat they go a long way towards keep ing a man's impost for himself and that of others for him. it doesn't Dost any more to dress neatly than it doss to go around with an ill -fitting coat .w boggy troseera All you have to de m to duJ with, a htlt.olass bolts lib PRIDHAMIN wham K amt a fair p 9WMlt Pad