HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-3-19, Page 88 IF THs RIOHAL : ammo* OWT., TIMBSfAY, MARCH 19. lift. Opening Cash Sale OF WALL PAPER. ONE LOW PRICE TO ALL 1'P TO DATE PEOPLE WANT IIP T() DATE PAPER. We have them at :ie. per Roll, regular price 7c. Dining Room, Bed Room and Hall, 7c. per roll, regular 9c Niel lOc. Parlor, Bed Room and Hall, 9c. per roll, regular 124c. and 15c. per roll. our Special Drawing Room, Library and Hall Paper must be Seen to he appreciated. A. cr:Slit i• a thing of the past, no fault will be found with., price.. These papers are all new. Any left froui last season will be sold at a greater reduction, All Papers are shown with Borders, Freixes awl Ceilings to match, including the lines :.old at 5e. Boar in mind no credit from this date. GEO. PORTER. Book Seller and Stationer Isocal manager Bell Telephone Co. NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. From our ownCorr spoodoutia Three 1. r.fsrs•alr.. Were Wiwi Ceased be I...s nay where R►.* -Rowe of the r'..■Iy •pedally tep.rt.d r r The atg.al. AUBURN Mu�u.r, Alar Ir,. Rowed, from Myth, was home oe -sande. Bob Brown, of the Clanton ('olleetate 1a atitute, was home on Sunday. H. Turner, of Godsraoh, was visiting inmate hero the pest few days. .eo. Hattie, of Wlsaham, was vision relatives.ud friends an the village m Rua day. lave Mole, of The Clinton New Era staff was home on Sunday. He has recovered from hu alloses Mies Bell W.Iso., of the Clinton Collegi- ate 101/utnte, was home last week for the S.S. omvenuon. The tssnperaa:e lodge intend to be wel represented when they vent theta Kinbara brethren on Wednesday evening. rude A t:oldthorpes mill u running all the day, cutting sawIop. Then is • very large number of logs on hand both at inn mill and .t Young s. A number of the people thought the labile, Stagers would sing in the church on Sunday bat wen dtsappotnted, as the sing e n weal to (;odertoh. Rev. Frazer Smith lectures in the l'rseby• Lerma church m Wednesday. He u • returned missionary from Homo, 1 hien. Refreshments will be served during the mem iseses of the De's Sic•• serenaded .I They McILvis, ✓ ammed • warm rimapti0 and all spent very seloy.bI. evesuag. B.tore leaves/ town the band played • .sleottm at J. Whtddow'e and thea started on thou way to Mr. McKee/ore. The football match which was played lap Saturday between Verso and Keyflsld jun tors, was wall 000teeted during the dna half time. blue goal was sound by Varna, the lest half 1 was mooted by Varna and .neo by liay6.id jrs., m sooenbt of the rough wester they bad hard work to keep the ball ea the grounds, bet we hope the next t ime they plan the weather wail be mote settled. They intend to have another match soon. BLUEVALE. Tamper, Macon 17. Another wedding seat week. Mies Belle Bargees as vatting in Tees - g water Matter Geo. Acheson stent Muoday in Belgnve. Jack Muaerovs was married to Miss Wood, of Turnberry tut week Apse Jackie,evasgelut, intends staying in Bluevale until the 1st of April. Master E4 ward Code. of Trowbridge, is nature her Suter, Mise kll. Cods. I Mug Ehzebeth McIntosh of Shakespeare, to minium her sister Mrs. Jobs Robetteoo, Mn. J Burgess. accompanied by her sea Jun, were visiting m Teamster lea week. • A large number of young people were M the entertainment at the 'Separate Soboel' sad retort having had as exoelleat li s, Tbe program was well rendered, and the . udi.noe well behaved. Arthur Bowbrice left toda. for Manito- ba, where h. wall meat has brother to nn • form. He has 'hi well washes of all wire knew him for hr success an the Prairie Provisos. Siam he o.me from Great Me- ath and took up has residence in this vicinity be has won the esteem of .11 with whom be came ia contest. to church and Sunday School o. Susd•y much regret was idioms es account of the removal of • wtlltng and 1-hrietiah worker. Notwithstanding the fact that the owes s. S oonvent1m was in progress at the roros time there was • large •tteodaocs .t the convention held here last week. The speeches and discussion were good, and the ammo( end music lively Thy answers to the queries in the quesum drawer were, In Mac mercer, asatstsnt in H. F Gordon. drugstore, sae laid up with an attack of errppe last week. Mies Slary Robertson, aocomps.ted by her niece Jennie, and Peter, her nephew, left for Manitoba last week. Jack Galatea, of Teamster, formerly et dos place, had bis wrist badly cut m • saw s mill in 'fesewater last week. 1 - LEEaURN Tct:,uax. Mar. 17 CHcno.' News.-_Csmmuatm service will be dmp.neod the mooed Suad•y in April. Peter Macdougall, lis , of Porter's Hill, was the goes, of Mr end Mrs. H. Chisholm last week for severed day.. .Joseph Connors, of Dungannon, was tbs. week the guest of Mr. a.d Mrs irony. The fiat part of March was cold and Amp, and made all know It was . lion ea deed. Will tta clneang days in 1896 be gia- llo sad lamb like' fit Raise Mss several case', amusing. One preacher deo- lured he osuld not ewer satisfastonty the ueetion ''Is It right to escort • vouag lady home m Sunda) evening '" through Ink of ezpertoaoe. Another said he thought at was right in some instances to ride • wheel on Sunday if at were not too dark. (to Friday evening the Fug Jubilee Singers arrived from l.odenob, sod were duly admired on Saturday whoa seen on the e tre.1. 11. Saturday evening the troupe gave • 000cen in the Temperance H.11, but they had not . full bane. some of our reet dents thinking the prise of admission, ?So, too high. The program was very short, only Mature tor about an hour and • half. It was nearly •11 of • regilious ober aper, Omagh some of the pieces were of • busorsue oaten, the hand shag iog parties. Iarly cato►toe the audiesoe. The head was u 'glandes ., and filled in the mteresisa,o. The singers left on Sunday morniaq ler 1:odenob. CARLOW. Moen,. v, Mar 16 Mn (Opt. 1 oung,we are pleased to hear, as improving Rev A. Henderson. of Atwood, filled tbe pulpit last Sabbath We ere pleased to see Thos. Campbell is able to be around again. Mess A W. I:rem spent a few days u East Wew•.o it last welt. Alex \ ousg, !r„ was sleeted president e1 tM Sahb•th school nates at the es meth trim held in Auburn. The ('brutue I•:edeaver pr.yer mssIsg o. Sabbath irritate' neat will be (ed by Miss A. Tywd•l, and the subleot r '• I>,legeet is baeis'r.." Master Herb and his sister. MTs, A.ais It Alexander, el a Nee *kb Min 1,11 James. ef Uwere w11e1s at Foam, MerDemisg BA1f FIELD, ToaergY. M.pob 10. The Salvation Army will give • farewell metal matgh1. Toa served at 7..10. Mies Kama Dowses wen radio, at the reeideme of Mrs J.5. Peek as McNay and 7. Sunday eveningMete ete wee • large mend sot M the Y. P S.C.E. .1 Wh*4 led elks meeli.'i. %hien was "Hamar el Yfsstm. O. 1116l t lest the BaylaM lbws Being, aeaesh si by ter beet girls ..d t..rsest end most oompleu CATALOGUE OF Good Seeds, P Flowwn Farm Requisite'slemma in Canada SENT TO E wmrvc Us SUVEtee FREITP•v WILL end The Steele, Briggs Seed Ca 5twno. Toot. mom Trow (hlr. IMPERIAL RESTAURANT. Th. undersigned rt.peetrelly Writes 7.ar uteeties to the fart that he boa ream .d the above Mao. s.d acted It up In every way far the oesvoaloams sad oomfore of the pa Waw will be ples..d to have i on owl and tors • , ssv,walntaste. stabs yourself and mace your self at home. Oeee Inside. you ,an seal's .ea tkat carry only we TAR ('rrolraaT Cowranrtolr.tT, Finlay Peoria, and beet heads ef ('[GARS and TOBACCOS. OYSTERS 0 Fiala Of served 1a our parlors my way yea dears. A.R.ALLEN. GOI)ERICH FOUNDRY The trerNer be. a.semeA os_tret of t piia.'a y a.d is cow .rwpesed N �j Ile ISItin,t and maoklne west. e/•6 W astrotlen pea to PLOW REPAIRS. HOUSE CASTINGS GRATL BARS. sad alt alae... f work ureal ea j�ss a emit classfoundry. The per.e.ai attoNlin of the srceoetor will to given to ovary plass M were dose 0e 16e premises sad saes bat legit wort me.ahlp will to tweed eat tram the weeks. -w ` wog aol4wd, wwwr pra risme, Is ear of Illiriderem eery, drab enemas* eais erg ~tammo H.. D. READ, Proprietor Oodrlsh Pennery. SPRING MILLINERY OPENING. Our first diapla) of Spring Millinery will be held THURSDAY EVENING ENING MARCH 26th., and the two following days. Mist Galbraith, who has just taken charge of our Millinery Department is making every effort to have this display the event of the season. Our rooms will be open on Thursday Evening at 7 o'clock. We extend an invitation to every lady to visit our show rooms during our Opening flays J. z. ACHESONI Big Discount Sale FUR 14 ON2eJYe BEFORE SPRING GOODS COME IN. 20 ter cent. off BIBLES, BOOKS, (except School Books) PURSES, BLANK BOOKS, PAPETRIBS, SMALL WARES CHINA GOODS 1-4 to 1-3 off and PRIrEs:sTy• S000D6WARE, ALBUMS. 10 ley cent off WHADALLES. PAPITERWILL and PAY YPWA to visit our sale. GOODS NEW AND CHOICE. A_ L_ wE IR_ February 17th, 11+95. Next door to JAS. ROBINSON'S Dry Goods Store. R. B. SMITE We beg to announce that our GIL6.1W SPRING OPENING -O F - MILLINERY SHOW ROOMS. Will take place on Friday and Satuay, March 211h and 2816. When there will be on exhibition a brilliant collection of the latest creations and exclusive styles in HIGH CLASS MILLINERY. You are cordially invited to attend. R. B. SMITH. We invite you to inspect our NEW STYLES Oe SPRING FOOTWEAR. Newest Designs, Best Quality. Our stock is now Complete in all lines, and prices never were lower. Latest Lasts, H. B. POLLOCK. SHEPPARD TON. T'etma•,, Moret 17. Brew the ewstmei pmt el ser sown ship en the RivueW • weer speedo he erg jssbyp weekly el IMM to .tow e5. lake llholiview Pam, bet a Mae bird wk*_e eemsihi5g else is sola/ fts happen DUNLOP. Tmareiy, Mar. 17. Miss (l.eid rosur..d last Tao.fa from • pp tai w friends .s 1,.5dm�mw I'l54., ram Oman with bar owndenbt,r were thelais sets gamed ata Al Tyne MILLINEIY OPENING. Our splendidly assorted stuck of all the latest styles and devices in Millinery will be on exhibition. MARCH 27th and 28th. Besides the many trimmed in our own work rams we will have a fine display of pattern Hata All are welcome. SPRING GOODS.. . Hos T5. inMime ms we weal le c.0 your weskit Mambas.' te are (Aimingand Dottrel la these Onede we are the formica! benne in the Co.aiy, o.nyusg as we de. &best fear Mean the steak of my of ow oempstiser.. We bare takeo great pains to orlon thee Deeds in the beet m.rk.M, Neatly from to maaufact.rer., se ea Nie able M ern Mon at bei reek prises, OARPETS Oar Brussels and Tapestry Carpps ere of the newest patterns end dssitas, wpk herders 1. ssatob, and the mien are .imply skims. Yon amid ere oar Woman as $i, Oar new Aisnaster, t5. Int ever .hown in this town, delight• everyone who has seen them. They w goig to be Niton for the Sprang Trade. Oar A11•Weola u three plies and two plies are shoed of anything heretofore in the market 1s quality, donne end ooloraai. Conte Co' glom Ibis year look , linen as good se Wools of part swoons Tb. growing trade we b•ve enables as tonsil; to Inoreses our mock and we are now in • better possum tbaa ever to meet the r.qu,r.ments of tie trade. Whoa you went Carpets, give es • look. We are waled the' we sea Ill your orders to year •dv..tage and perhaps says yea 5)0557 tae Isy bat 111141 from ua All (lar - pone made and laid If requited. We Dan make a 30 to 40 yard Carpet to about two hears with our new Carpet Machine. W. have the tartest stock of Oil lathe end Liaolaeme ever shows in Gederi.h. M pries' to curt everyone. Our !.gee Certain Steck is larger than ever. It is seedless to quote prices Our l Mlle Stock of Caromed and Table Co..*'.. direct from the makers, dewsr sisrytbieg for quality and prior.. Ru4e and Meta etas of our beet specialties, .100 - h.ne of Damask, suitable for furnishings We west you to see our Table Linens and Table Napkiee direct fr.ro. 8-•Ifest. Inked. We wast you to rememher our Art Seems' lied Art Maoism. Our emend Sprang Stock is better then usual an most hew 1.. Prints, ('►5mbrg., %sphere, Sootob Gingham*, Piques, Spot Muslim, we are ahead of other .erica& DRDBS C OO r 8 A large •esortme.t in many of the new fabrics oonsi•ttng of the new Satin Hoye!.. Black and Colored Lustros, Serge, sad Suiting Materiel. We bare • let of Colored Drees Mueriale, doable width goods, that we are alerts( for about half pries Tweeds, Cloths, X•otlinge sad Wor..'eda in ureic variety. Small Wares . Hosiery and (;loves, Rtbboos, Corsets for Lichee an.* Children, Li.ass sad fancy articles, • complete ae.ortuaoaL COLBORNE BROS. The Great C.rpet Warehouse of the (..runty. The Kioll Boublc Aofton .how you how It works. It will octet you WASHER TAKES THF. LEAD, weal other Wa.t...• 1 oempeted watts o6.1800 we.h ••r m.ddune f all kmd. at (Ammo it, WM end ear - rood off the Fret Presi,uo, sad Sold Model. ft I. .any and qumk. Ne wash -beard required. - GIVE !T A TRIAL Seed me your address .nd he came" Ston you live on, bad 1 will Dome end sodium.H HAL tf Box 130 G `ch, They Look Dierent on the Wall. Is the ren ark the ordinary Wall paper men always Snakes when he trite to palm of a hideouts lettere on • cud mer. You a •'• 1 11 Jheyoe •k ism ilkemr .mesawilt will eat i Too f the stag. Our ou•tnaer. are dN)8hted wlrh their par.•b•ese.and th. result is es • e h.v- lag to older more Although doing • good trade Is wall paper we have time to show you • ane sa•ortmeal of seeds for FANCY WORK sad feel we can please you in thi. line ales TIME PAIR Livery Business Changed Hands. J. C MARTIN bags to announce that he hce purchased the livery basi- nem lately carried on by ME88R8. COATES & YcORACKEIN, ()PPO(i1TR COLBORNE HOTEL He will Innovate and thoroughly equip the stables in first-class style, and asks the public for a share of their esteemed patronage. Rates reasonable, J. 0. MARTIN. The elap•t • .1 of NEW HATS We aro off ring a the pehlh•. Be is t•resony with nature as .hs dogs he. Sorbets., ire. and buy roaredr•SMILE Mar. Aiswo e.sok of .11 the !.lest In (tlnvso. Iris, C♦i.Are. Caen West ',gar. emirs. at O. R. SHANE & OWL rHeg " Fine clothes do not make s ossa," hut they go a long way towards keep- ing a roan's respect for himself sad that of others for Acro. It doesn't cost any more to dress neatly than it dees to go amend .It:: an ill titting oast or baggy trousers. AS you have to ds se to deal with a 6slrltrelees hooss like PRIDMAM'8, Vihore t, yata quality. l• / sad til FO I PUSL ON the be is eroal and deist r7e1* 'Ti Dash of het the e it is tam Seem Alt sad 1 jot. .5).i 1. mon, Th, Lova 5.. - Maui, x NE +V AC kig \load. Seale, Sea Pieter M.' Sprue t. ! Now M. moo Reedy Ito The F. ism For Spnnv Spring (1y It W.11 N Weer •11d P r.eri Common 5 Bol' C.I( 1. Kgoleet.•• 1 1 T1s most mesa was limo, Bast Prmwwtomt, I'gomp.on, Dnp, Nana. .maul.* bat amounts wt tee, awl ref report ro,or •coounts as port toe Fir, found torn without any The may. of 11.5 Liu)c start a town .sNi.ouuf tk ceased noes t Monde 11111 used Sy 15. Mod .rsada aimed thea by the ben. ('aencillore Neat, reeve Holt nen •0. W64 ...)suds. special mins and oouno. 1. A nee di ram wi•b tb loot mtetr.y vaauders asl vov.raing al soamitirs s fire compmy Om report s was 6.1.1 by purchase the ooatesded rl that psrohe bought alta nil The Ma a:paesmed, ti naderstood lunged on th The neat r deputy -reeve November a peu.dfro th unanimously 10.54, darts sot moved, both the law Q't. Panok'1 Andrew's ea 'Si a Dosed] milt.. Iut A vote was I declared cart Abylaw t* er to borrow reed the tis nw.11. A hyl•w e, was passed, 1 pointed for 11 sad .r M. Rh Deputy H. meord.so or meeting U had enraged t►. Int owl the probable that th....et e.hjent, sad pinion ad at this:oae.ml t1 • stabil pips. .n4 ether s wow sod h Yr Rre.a5'i mord • Meer, Norris : 11 have me of Www b