HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-3-19, Page 7science 13cit-nee is " knowing how." The one secret about Scott's Emulsion is years ar-science. en made in large quantities and by im- proving methods, an emul- sion must be more perfect than when made in the olld- , time way with mortar and }pestle a few ounces at a lime. This is why Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil h @ver separates, keeps sweet for years, and why livery spoonful is equal to (:very other spoonful. An t'ven product throughout. I..ther emeWe . yes an te get as womme herrn- either w ever er men dere. .Mt oast's. awialne sae • adms . laced wrsppr. HEALTH AND HOME. HONEY AS A Ft1OD. N 1. May et r..r.ilea nesenelal is Arrear t ■•, • et noes•._ Prob•Ily must p... Isle consider hooey e. (the .yusl io t.' • ler food of soy sweet manes- no lute., no worse. AU •build knew that at pi...•.se. use great •upenor. Ivy- ear of `1i8.,ne., The nectar of Il .wets a •latest woolly cans sugar. The IMerwtions added ley 1w bees change this . gra-e stylar, tad o prepare it that it is a1 - most moot' fur eesiut,..uoo without at y ef- fort oo Co pert 1 toe stomach : ta tee Pr..lessor A J l:. ink saw sty led bot ey "d.gested oecle • It will be readily sees teat b reey s •,v ry deer able food ter atolls with w..k• sol die..t.vs pwon. It • peg - boll s rimy tired, "Wo exa.Mted t0 eat," it Is me miming bin. • few testes of bossy will wt almost like asague. Almost no et• fort is r.. titrd 1. to.ke it ready for as lw5- 1•tton P. robea lu(.rtng from soar tors of kidney trouble .111 nod that homey s • much more be..ti,uo1 food for them than u case eager. 1. eating cwm0 homey, many stnv to spot every particle of was, lemma that as wax is 'atheistic, e, Dlghtmare and other troubl.o me ooa•a9Oe.C.• will follow ao ta dehisce ta warm merest and hooey. 1` is arse that bread s rause early digested than warm biscuit, s. the letter 1. Mel bed te "PYk" ta chew., het is may strprw sem w lower him mash homy s re.tly u aid to the digesti, o of bet bread or biscuit. The philosophy of the atter is that the Ekes ..1 we' prevent the "poet»(" elate the hooey readily •1..•olves east, leavers pane ••(es bar the vest pates to ester the mem of hod. The ®ekes of win w indi.. s. ibis, teat or true, t.ct ` .ea warmed ore psrl.osly esseeth and aft, and will sot iujsr, the mese d•ltoste m. whams : a foot, they sot tae a peso, t. sumo! sat, and ore bes.i0li•1 le new* fora a oilmeniary difficulties. The unpleasant syn p .un.s from wrath a ,me sal- ter after eating b.roey may often be re move' by drtnk.e, a Bole milk __Albany a'0lttvt'a Te nil te • Widnes. Did y u mar find it aseto•ary to give • Mild a deo of ca.ttor col • Did you long foe time magic po ver to form the sameat. fag niter ore down the throat of • little, ob- Try adtriamtering the Jose le the harm si castor oh Naomi or wore bread arid the :as are es*. y overcasts. Take one ammo of • pearol of flottr.two muses of motet tomer, • small quantity f p .11L.CE OLOTCHES are particularly d sagree-able because they arc noticeable and apt to (muse orimment. Purify the blood with S,litt's Sarsaparilla and remove tht.m Ali th.s class of diseases, as well as blood putrefaction and bone / decay, are usually of scrofulous Scrofula and semfulous consplaints of all kinds, blemishes, pimples, blood eruptions, biliousness, dyspepsia, indigestion. heart disease, syphilis. or rheumatic troubles cannot be wardcd off in the spring if the system is not put in good order. A Boy's Life Saved 'One day my little boy, aged 7, got a fill and hurt his knee. lnibun- maim) of the knee joint set in and the di -ray of the bone of the leg rapidly fi )1 lowed. Ike -tors removed 9ver a hundred pieces of decayed bone, but the process of decomposi- tion continued. AN attempu to stop it failed. The boy had but a few days' life before him according to ail human expectations. Mr. me to try Scott's Sarsaparilla, I did s.,,,and not only saved but complete- ly cured my ling."- Josir.ru Dun - i -so, farmer, I ambton County, Ont. Doubters may write either Mr. Duncan orGeo. Denham. druggist, Petmlia P.O., kw verification of these farts, then tbey will immedia- tely purchiute a bottle of SCOTT'S OARSAPARILLA kil Ulf dim lie sill. THE SIGMA : GIODRRIOL, ONT., THURSDAY 11 [ARCH 1!, 1$IS. ivies Alla wed an .rase sad • half .1 easter oil •U tereeher, r.0 le *mood eat it bus he sates. Oaks them Yeut .* es • bet even. web sake will ewtals • ped does of em- ber st1, pisaea.tty dtepetsed. Ose or two .1 the cakes . be Riven at • tams.asserd- tag 1. he has ef'the add. mat seeing prow .ad rarer molasses hs- eoes/grefr. caster .tI Riagersste may be iteaele ani.ihe ebildrea will eat thent rap- idly withal* psteehi. the ieeIs of the ed A 8kah. ti'md/u4 Hew may sore eaa look book over their .wakysaand sea, wi heat •shadder,thetime sad energy they wasted ea the "penny dreadful "! Tbey have apt yet forgotten the somber. e1 thew wild tales they read os the sly u the uagu•rded been of their youthful pastime, .ad, perhaps, they will remember bow oare►ess father and mother were to regud to the gooks their boys per nerd. The ktadly *worse' sad delict. *metro' was not prises' to provost the sow- ing of the carer or the whirlwind Nu oar uing baud pointed out, ia• friendly way. the damsons of ibis emus" pathway ; no direottag finger directed latest •atbiuoo to better spheruand more protir•hleemploy anent. They were allowed to wallow in the reeking filth of • criminal sod blasobrmoa• 4ter.iune, tosoguuder• tast•for that *boob ...gelled 001, for an opiate educe lolled Lb* suss . my lo destroy them. A proper sp- p...aatien of the real, the natural and rho simple was destroyed by • ooeet•ot vista .1 the unreal, the enamour.' and the Dom. p1.. and imaginary sots of oiruumet.0ees. Parents should provide their boys with literature suitable to their ages sod dapuei. .ons, so grading their reading Mat they will desiro hotter bucks u the years are d dud This literatures plentiful and tars poseive. in almost any town, the boy who desires books may get them from the Sun day Suttee' libraries or the Idecb.aic'. 1. stitutee. The trouble 'rob jb. Sundry School !thrum s ,bet those who buy the books for them, are uo.ble to disttaguish between good fiction and bad and hopes ta- ttoo • "rest deal of the best of wool IS liter more by 000demaine all fiction e.oept the story of the boy who got converted and wont as • mlwionwy to Fop Islands The '•-►I 1.f the Yatauic's vast totes and Public !thrones 1 that too often they are sot free. They should be supporta b. • g ieerel tax on the community eo that the roor maws ono may 8..e an •hsodance of wholesome mood food The i.ditor in the Jos ry comedian YV.rins. AGAINST KISSING- The ISSING Tse nem rill-werera.� Seale° 5r- gea lard. Sruaw.s, Wash. - It remained for the oatamed west to inaugurate • trussed• .gainat this popular but dim/scow habit known u osculation. Byer •u • Chime dootor p►•oed the stamp of disapproval es kissing there has bees an •gitatiea in favor 01 an anti -kissing seamy, sad the move he orya•lhed aatil the •ati-eset►laU0 amine is • foot Ter. w twenty -Ave m enbon, meet of thew saw, sad the purge.. of the ergssia•- t3ea.w eat forte is the prospectus, i the ed vaewwm•nt of health and morality by the obsolete prevestio of tisane. The res- ume Dot hrtb are It mpsesdc dt•.aees; lards to .11 .orfs of isdlen.tiw; is opt to arses on 'the spur of the memeat, estanglesssata which ors bet- ter sot made, and to a tows fall of good- looking young moo and ye0ag thews, it la sot safe for the young people to be turned loose if they have not bees tsoeel.td for kiweisg. Of .arse, it scaled' like • joke, bat the projectors of the seoiety are seseettso young men who are 000vimoed that kismet N set noly harmful, but really dangerow The ladies bold back. They we willing to sub- mit to the prohibitioa of premiemess toe 'og, but absolute eupprs'eies-hover. The society bolds weekly meet m osicgs and has spotters on the trail of two weak .t•mbsrs already It is proposed to form w national organisation and slit the support of doctor. in civet), city is the lend. FACTS. Berlin ranks se the healthiest city in the world. Parisian eitheneu are not •Ilowed to sinok• pipes while driving:. A ton of pare mai is said to :yield about 8.000 feet of purified goo Forty eight Hoyle& peonies weigh ea needy sr possible a pound. Half of the world's product of quinine is mod in the United States The feeding exposes@ of the annsals Leedom Zoo are *00 weekly. The world'. roptel•tinn Montages at the rate of 1 per oast pee annent. A few intim of bony put into milk will premet it front heconsine soar. Fifteen of the 45 peashooters of the war of 1819 are ever a hundred years Md. Tbe Sold of Waterloo is severed wftb • arep of mimosa poppies every year. lady le Atchises has • poodle deg that Iles bee. fitted with • glans eye.. Aoseedieg to Maria Templet the finest opera bosh in the wield is st uulatb. Attest two thousaad soldiers are die sharood yearly from the Bridals army fee bad rondett. hose there will be no diem* thot is not ear The defines of exam tram oessusese 12 gale of water for every mile that they ()oat is dearer in South Atria& thee is any ether part of the world : it le cheapest 1a Chao The oldest Bethnal flag in the world ie that of Thenuark, which has been is use sleet 1219. "Is be ased-muired "Oesedeehred Why, 1 have items that me umiak kiedly Se hie wife when eh* was removieg a mustard -plaster hese kis Meme/les tiers• H. Atmbesd-Why de you meld the Weber! h f .'t his fs&s that tee mart rams es the table all dried on Beeld the seek." Wife -i deet den t.; but I'm be bums this 0 i keep es'Notate( the betehw, bell me mad. and sews shard end mid lea mak." The mem yes begin te debt the Are. the mese easily it my be e•irgeiehed. The mower yes begin earliest Ayers IlergsrMa ter year teemed -theses. the easier will be the arra L heti arses delay is dnyterees. If me fhts1. De sere M Iyrt Arne and se ether. Nims if the .meow Maim hehetrww Oise the plibh 'THE NATIONAL PIRACY. el The True Definition of the N P 111tetMmd the trarlltag .t in Mad Vahan Serb w saws rrt.Hplr.- Why Cana Elea Perm. nave Ie ehled eh per wet. Ie wase SINCE Noah and his boos stepped est of she teak with God.' blam•g •ad His ebmtsaad to be fruitful and repleaisb the mirth, sosama.lt►ee hove grows sande as we .w Limn growler today in .11 the sewly settled dietr►ote, and though at s 4244 years .iacet8.8sod but. smell portion of Os earth bas so tar been repleotehrd, and seen') whet• we may tbruueh the records of the put w •xamio• the coeditors of the pe.- p!w of the present we find the greatest sail feriag where population u deur• .ung and the least where the increase 1. mast rapid. First come the farmer., then the village and, u the area of cultivation •steads, abs tows and city. As the village in the early stage was the result of tilladte, se ars the villaires toasts tad cities of the world of to- day i he result of the extaos,on and eootiau- tioaof tiIloge. Protectionists imagt..this di. visa order of development cam be reversed if ( h an et of ion Ot of be (0 th ch men like Kir (Chas. Tupper are given s roe lased. and the vill.ges, towns and cities • made the cause of till.,., not the remit. The utter failure of protection to reel•ze be expectation* rel its &demotes in Obis or y country where it has hoes tried ills. rates the futility not to esy presumption eves • Tupper t yisv to improve this mutable 1.w ot the Creator (fa the her hand the predictions of the advocates • eeveoue tariff have always boar fulfilled rood the expectations of the meet ma- ma, for th.v aro bard oe the belief that is divine order of deeelopement i. Ro- an; eable. ea he 11 m of or tai th 00 0115 or am foo d th Tan •ad .d this te Doer or nrp stare•• •tab wor ing wit fo wht ore the part Men wor them food that over it el eat •Dae tb•; wort sole of cities this times steal dice from U Y To beim( lag.a of th most e the I W • time storms little mato M•• which D ever to rob Demo•/ end the tabor, tarn Pudi anysy ie /free f eeoority the farmers of the oalesamv- j -y in the pe•oefnl peesessiew of the of their labor at the hands of the Gov - they pay to protset them. trade depression that mast overtake tar elm of all oeoatries at dao. takes.dy.tep of by the dome -.1 611 mei to forward their own ma- de at the exams of their seffering eoantrymes. an tpportumity offered in Gamed• St sad 8, erbea the bad harvests of is,. had created the inevitable die- .saonget the urban cl... that always Fanners io a state of freedom sell t roles products only. -therefore the m re of the ooma,neity whe can devote t me to other employments (the urban cl wt be limited in number by them this surplu,oither produced to their "owe other country or onantries they t th The isrger this surplus the better • termer( , f freehand the creator will be mbar wbn can devote themselves to . plcymeate The proof that the tar ass (who generally live in villages, to artier) aro limited in number by Dunt o1 the farmers' surplus, lies in t that a Winn of Drops is Always tnl-. by • large namher of this class 8. rows out of employmeor,nar owes in 1 d 8 after the had harvest* of those y what is known w • trade depreseo. coped. The number of the urban cls have a point Men inoramed from year to y Produce eto1►s, to he exchanged for anticip.ted and hitherto etoadily •wins eurplw of the farmer.. Wb.. t lar trout' any ranee is redacted instead tng as hitherto, it i easy to sod - d why is the cities men are wutho k and sterving,with the elevators ha with grain. and the warehouse* pack b stock.. The stocks were socamola anticipation ot the farmers' detnan ob never materialized owing to the f_. of orop ; the fond was stored to 'app workman's wants, who, owing to t nil cessation of the most effective d from the fwmen, sr* throws out It, and Dos have oo wares provided It is this accumal•tioe of mock _ donna • period of trade doprse& gives rise to the popular notion th production moles the deprwrio,, eh early wises from 0oseation of prod0eii. las farm,sither in our own or some oth try with which we trade It is ohv)n onion some farmer. somewhere in t d prodooed more than enough for them es and with whom we had the prtvil_ Nadine. we of the village*, towns • would .11 have to g• farming, • i exactly what some of w do deli of deprwioa unless we prefer , starve or her (Roowut statistics i to • merited movement of pnpulati the erten to the rues' drstricts of 1. during the last deem/pion then). obtain • share of the farmers' surpl. the iso.ative foe prndoe no in n , towns and cities, • partial areata -- w usual •.arses motivation oo rim farm 0.oemsanly cheek production all aloe, loo, and (bus Doose the trade degree with .11 it. ghastly suffering. 11 aorlerstood causes for partial oases of production on the farm are drought , pestil.nos sod war, over whit or no metre' sae be exereia►d. The caw (sot so well todersteed) fa al. has baa corrupt governments (over ern in Caned• have control) who h.. .orspld, on use pretence or •mother, the farmers ter whole security in the el permit of their hosoe•hle selling mare possession of the fruit of the all governmental exists. and who in pay. er are the caw of them being all the expenses d government, ander stem ot taxation. tory oo drew the etetemeot that pro • slow or rapid s000rdfsg to the de - heir em heir an) rent own rade for the cher hen 876. ears de the in - hie of he de - of for on at es he • nd nd to no • • 5100 0 sty ea fruits eresses The she sr has bees Mewl Sob en hollow - Raab 1876, 7 those y trees prole OM IS still we To many course them wi mar Um dark such a calamity. mid they were Ised relief at the expense of oar farm - he is spite of the bad barroom ware phases this relief frees the farmers sobeines have tied their day is the of haw, from sereopieg deer. se sh an Armed form and earryisg off mins, ie eight, 'rattly in vogue devise ages, sad mem hammy is India. the eM mammy, to the more woken ..d ee..eq.eelly more sdf e t milted of taxise se rytbiset the farmer ��y foruthe beads of these who teaks This athume is k sows u N. P width means Nsti..ai Piney, thnogh tt ly supposed to .teed for National makes this schwwo • prime tavernae esestries where the fanners 1111 ewe )and. le the fact that it emblem • ewtUI the Aovn.ntest be teen tee Ise ors seam ie own Isis bald' theit b se erlemameag N t6.stitw s/ AIMS W' dInt. of the lake et the farm hods haw bees w.dm jsJ tr f.rerr 11 b.thee pleaderM..w t thdesires Med is Of Memel a the D.6. Ire west be really geseral Polley Wfist is sew their low Ledp--Will yee Hefty tea sea dm land lady wise writes the 'Mow% Pse snob wl were la pm paper Ile te 1 east Imo misses hem swath I ham enjoyed reading Ormib es Iher "lIverhart hoer is Shimini M�kwir+w the vales tariff wow mesh hither thea ours lin per oast of their femme are ewe wheervwt rate psytag ties - ash) le hoese where the tans s still higher (aims 18701 teas .f 'homemade .t fame have passed tate tee bred. of thee NatWest ptratlsal polatieiene, and the «se- wbd• swa.rs are .till w..denest hew b h•pper.d They k•ow they were 001 11 treenail' or limy, did sot bay top buggies of organs or mind too ut•ay e1 their sow le Wet school and college .. the protectionist& tell them they did.. et the farms they bought with their blood are gnos •d they tare agate eubeervi.as t.sa.te as they were before the revolutiea. T►s Traessouution of farm land values ie ealy neo et the any evils that follow the iatredwtloae of this system of Naiosal Piracy a0 say eauotry. It oeos•rnly ds- °ourages the exteanoa of agriculture (us piracy oa the hush ..m. checks the ex mason of a soaumerca•1 on..) t be base of .11 our activities, and at the wine t.me forum the ps•pb. tato oaths, wt,ere they mus' dogiwd e the farmer's surplus This soon crates artificially the same result. that • failure .f trope are knswa to pr...tuos, tatensified by the growth of uawir;,.i fortune and the slow eztertnisauun , 1 he yeoman fernier. (tenon 81 to 91. we toere.sed our urinals chase 38, our far- merew9000)essed the agile utnore.ei.g poverty and crime (an io(sllibl- .igo of re• trogrewioe) we see oo all countries (tooled. log our own) that eat ..,., ihemeekee to this species of .laver. or •re .u,jeoted to it by their ruler, as in Chiba. Iulsi• and Spain should warn w & .tea. t• continuance beta, if we would escape %I,e .vtls the teeming millions of them three .• ,,tarries .re known to he .offering 11 R'wrnfmu»r, Orton t, Marsh 3. MOT CORN. Willine---Who ie the, roan •" 111ktae 'That's Professor I,ittlewitt, the famous weather propbet II.'m•kes pre- diotions three months •h.•.d. sad publishes them io all the daily paper. "Do they ceras true" "No ono keews. Nobody keeps daily papers that long.' An old judge ot tory years' experi.sos is credited with saving '•1 don't know which do the most herrn ; enemies with the worst intentions or friends with the b.m," "1 t•usbt her how to fens with foils, To box with gloves -and now, Since we ars married. 1 dont dare To raise the smallest row ' Rejected Lover !writing to • friend) My Bertha hu deserted me for another I'm wretched Don't you know some pretty girl or other without whom it will be im possible for me to live • "Y.a " Mid the bill eoiiect.r at thetins.. al of the slow debtor, "Owelot• war • gentleman ; I'll say that of bion. 1 sever called on hint profeesioo.Ily but what he gave me • very cordial int natio. to come ammo, 9.--1 bey met .t the seaside. Then coatuieseed an .cyusiotance that would erten have ripened foto loye. But - She -But what i" He -They owned." "I dont know whether I like those photographs or not.- said the young woman. "To speak o•adidly, they .sem rather is - distinct." "But you most remember. madam, ' said the wily photographer, "that your facie i. sot •t all plain... Scbooltnstd-Why do you never touch jOmr piano+" Mi•. Thumper -We're buying at on the hire system. " "What differe.oe does that maks +' "Fon afraid if pa should hear me play he d stop paying." "Did yog see my beautiful present from Pape "No. What is it f" "A sew deck It's se img.oiow 1 It he • mtssie-bnx att.ehmwat." •Very clever r "Yes It phi* 'Heng Sweet Horn.' every night .t tar o'clock " Ail Charley west hien" that stoning at just fifty -dye neisetes past nine o'clock. ,t .I "Arad sew." massed the lest.rsr. " this wonderful wemae will Diose ler that/ lap entertainment by eateries • d.. .1 nos who haven't tamed food for • week, feed them with raw mart,' and sash• them do treks. ' Net one o1 the multitude °mind mote, mad sot au ye was take. from the intrepid performer soul the heart reading epeotacle was at an sad. 11 s herd for professional pride to remain silent when • good old traditsoo of the Draft s outraged The other Dight, when • new drama wee pr, duped at • L-.•d„o theatre, the gallery war crowded, sad the "gods" were pi••asd to approve of the pieta generally until the burglary wens. Kut whoa the `moiler was seen "doing" the piste with .II the blinds up, eo that he oould be seen ".t work" from rtes street, an expert present could bear it 0o longer, and yell d , ut " .t by doe't you pull your blinds down ' %ashes to °lase In this star .. 'DWI r stem by the Ilse, "T be shades of sits eras f&Ulsg feet • t'leeer Scholars The people were pallia( doers the blued•. t . - Il.:. r4.0'(!,..4.44's4**41) -- C;1 gated • P. 1•i�t1-r'LCTh'%tu . A. j •I ... i • rot tare tar (AN la: 1t .'....5. ('eoCr. 4111UN- • • tt .- poste N.uroote. ...sl W r.r aWriy.4 t. e.. w..w0ein.r•Om Ora r. .1 w... w./.lyo.yw�� t.-imahe 0661604. 01510 .. .• ...s.. -*sI r -art c.u.er.,, i y. Aar u so sae era" tai osose • .....7... sower hon. . if. • t R.sbtt a, 1 ..,:tIe kucbsr. N.8, wares; 14• rq •'1`Kt1�W14f,1.!. i MF i My al. t.,.. ..W Lo..! • Legge !pulps. tad eta. to.lvi, 4 t 1Wkk'NCIIt CR. 1.To /1 l'o; •i.,oes. Mos wt DODDS KIDNEY PILLS Any POISON blood is sure to do havoc some- where. The only PreteRthe is sou d1 kidneys, the only Care, kidney med- icine, the only ledicine is Dodd's Kidney Pills, Arlo RAVING BEutt Kart UP ALL NIGHT With that COMM, it ion do eat want to repeat the erpeneecc, bey a bottle of the OLD STANDARD REMEI,I' Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum The best Cough Cure in the world. Sold everywhere 25 ets. a bottle. miaow WATSON di CO Pactestertine (4) MONTREAL. A Cases re. TbeetahL "Yes say yosi 'hat to marry my daugh- ter. Hays you spokes to her "Yee, sir," replied the young man, "sad Imre gained Iter cioseest,' "Well. if she hes said 'yea' that settles *firths, I nosy say or do wouldn't bays the slightest ineuenes Tim the young man wont home end vreo• dead if he was Dot too yogurt to marry each Ain ladallIble Tv**, a miser had did very noldenly. The doetor who was called in recertify his death appeared to have his doubts &birth the case. "Platte a teemork pita* in his bassd,'I said the old boseekeeper of the doomed ; "If be deem% strum it, you may safely make eat the seder fee bin burial " "Are thee so times," mid • Min ester- ing the ABM of a busy editor, "what you ate write better Lima at other times "" Pairs. %a "Ab, I thought se. That men who writs doubt, Now, tell me whom can you write beat r "Wham I am tame." the editor made A men lessideseutioing newspaper silver Mimi to amend el latasses. "Lest week," he said, "I had as seabrel- la seeks from the vestibule al - °herds. h was s soft, and valuing it very highly, I sliest amble its worth in odeortisise, bet have set roamed it ' "Bow did you weed year advertisement! man prodseed • newspaper and read : imilk sombrella. A headsets* reward will be / paid for ha rehire Ilta--" liberal advertiser, sad • chat believer to lite vales, bet easelt dopes& ow hew the el- verlisemet is weeded. let se try ter year I enshrine seats." lathe • pane of paper he wrote . ',If tee sees who was seen to take as na- 1 bridle tweet - Marti toot Header ome- let, deem am ebb to rot tom tremble sod hem a state east ea la ObrIettee okaremer. httusgidelly appeared Is the paper, sed the hallowing day. by pest, by Ira* by eareol tio oitedry mbar ear. umbrellas to twelve a• Wm emelt reablessa Una Mow bad bete pekes mistalte. sa4 bombe the ewes, to bete dm MOW mdse. Look before you leap. SU N L I, 6 11 T 27 .10 Gold Meath and other Awards F.Al.• . ilit j .e. :::::-Sunlig."..t L NIP jwrappers sent to Lever Bros., j booed book will be sent, or • • kle Don't Bicycle i•ntti y ou -et. 1 hoer made bp The Wel •-ti Vale 1111Tit Co buy a Inera•Aeire. rare. tette. MIMI* Menthol Plaster Specialties in 18116 Wheels include Patent Solid mut-piees Crank Shaft. Self Lubricating Hollow Axles. Large Tubing and Barrel Hubs. Larger Bearir.gs. •ay person purchasing • Wh001 ?TOW ow who doee sot undergoes? the •rt rsding. will be taumht sante PEKE on spotlit r machines before wetting the se.. ono, isepection in- Peke Sas. GRA TEF UL -COMFORT I NG. Epps's COCOA BREAKFAST -SUPPER. laws which govern the operations or dimwit°, and nut Alba. and by • easeful appllestles of tbe ene properties, of well selected Coma Mr. Bops has provided for our breakfast and stip per • delicately flavoured beverage which may save ne many heavy doctors' bills, It is by the Judielous nose of each toilette of diet tbst •aosi 'Mutton may be gradually built up until Ores, 1.ftliTeds of subtle melodiee are Bowes to resist every Madero to disease. around ne ready to attack wherever there is • weak point Wit may 0101110 man • fatal shaft loreping ourselves well IMO Made elmMy with balled 'water er Illeh only lo zatiketabr Ohms. labelled hes : Coal ii_Virood Yard The undersigned begs to inform the public that he keep; on hand all grades of SOFT HARD coA BLACKSMITH COAL. PRICES OF WOOD-MOUCED. CUT %LIT WOOD Call and get prices and see samples of woort Office and yard, NELSON -8T., ease Seeks Brea ROW. men ef mei Breve Ward PATENTS ! CAVEATS. Tee* MOMS 11110 COPTNIUNTS Obtained. and an business in the 12. 8. Patsies OfBoe attended to at MODRRA P/2/01. Our *Moe Is opposite the U. 8. Palest Of. Got and w • an &Main Pastas in less thee ban those -emote from W A RHIAGTON. 8end MODIEL OR DRAWING. We eel ries as to patentebtilty tree of oiorwo ; and we Rieke ItICI CHAMOIS' UNLESS WE OI - TA IN PA TRNT. We refer. here. to the Postmaster. the suss 31 Mosey Order Oh.. mad to ellIciele of ths U. 8. Patent °Moe. Tor etrectlar, advise terms and referenees to actual Wants yoin Iwo Mats or County, we -Moto Opposite Potent (mos. waseinstsa...o O. 1.11 FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER GODFARJOH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. CHRYSTAL, stansfeateeer of all klads of El OILERS, Brooke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Imp All Mee of Pipes sad Pips Witham, Stem mad wawa Genres, Globs Valves, amok Velma, fasoiesters, Simian sad Is Cesetatatty en Read al Lowest • the of Stool Water mil Rog ler see of farms* ead *them lispodetes proneptly stemmas' b. A. S. OICIrrtraL. felladly P. O. Sex Sr. Oesertm. Wellm-0 mite di. IL R. demba. Ilitembn