HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-3-19, Page 44 TIE SIGNAL : GODRRIOI. Mao TH flR8DLT, NABOB 19 1894 Oigiud, rwmsele.e RIVIRY THURSDAY MORNING Mt e. McMILLOVID 11.1. 41111es ofPaildimatima-S and Ontaliriele.Oatarte Nenbwt, tra. form. sI Mbeertpates . Me moot•, Is advise*.. m.ILs. . , U o IC year.- .... 1 M Lee" in re.r tato. fav label is•s .dlnit r.r.lp' of the data as which you are paid up. Mee that it le sot el ,wed to fall Imus arrest. .V bee a clown of address is desired. both t• a old and the new •ddrees shoold be gine. *dven Isis. name .ei maIre' 'monk... or her ouoai •dvenlsement& 1e.. telit for I'rrnMs n. endf armper Ilse r each «hsequent lneertioo. Measured by • osnr.,.11 rale. cies carob of ale Ilan mod wider. SS per , r. Idvertisensebts of loot. Wooed, ftray.d t (maims '.rant. Mltu.tio•s Wasted aid 1 Mame Chances Waned. sot •meeadln. s 1 ow neepar.etl, t1 per month. Nowa' on Mile and rmrma on Mai& sot to e red $ tan... 11 for Int month. See, per sub • meat month. larger ad. ie. i" peopertwq tar special notice, the °N)ees or whloh le to I' 'emote 11-e peennlary heneft of sly cedl- du.1 or company. to be considered u ad • 'rtlsement mod eh.rve.t .oe••e./ net,. Leen sales. to nonpareil typo ase mat pee • wad. •e sakes le... rhea Ito. gad soden is ordinary reading type two t ms per word. No node. for lee. the !to 71 Mess for cherries sad other religious sad t nevelest Ifsntttioos h..lf tate, Lana, "The •vast" MII••ey. 'ab.erlbr who fall to receive Ti. Mount. ralarly by mall writ e nrwr a favor by se- t m of the fact at a. nary • a diatom !Soled manuscripts maw. be returned. Mirremondseos mast be wrltMe a ono side paper only. P.WM"ers cleatee. I. C. Le Tousel, of Ooderirb, bas bees ep lamed Isocal Travelling Agent for the town- . 'ss egOoderio). Colborn., Aeheeld and W. mesb. Meal posialaners over the district are also ipowered to receive eebecrtptloas to Tam tL eomeme>oatlose mu.t be Mddrem54 10 D M0 ILL101IDDY. 'gbae(illa, TH* ffY@at, sederleb, Ont. +ODRR1U, 'AVHBm4y. MAR. m. 1M. X X PUBLISHERS ANNOUNCEMENT. ON and after April Int, i$9G, the buueem of Tes .wn.t. will be done on • cosh beets 1• the pest 8ft..n yew the (Iredic system hes hems in vogue. .ad some $6,000 have beep lost in doing hugeness under the old *y.tem. Ts. 'i..., pap it• employees mob every Satordsy sight, and the ether wonder expellee. .r. paid on the same b..,., sod we have found it is ratter more than any Imtita- don ova stand to pay osoh and do business on crodit. After April 1.t all subscriptions, and transient advertisements and fob Mork will be on the oeah basis, and ledger scoounta will be cleared mostbly. i'b• successful busman mess ot town have "ready taken the c.ab basis step. and all of the others should adopt the same principle. I►, M.'1;11.1.14 1'l/l•Y. x believe that Canada r a Repabli, wouldn't be any better off than Hayti as a Republic. Were Canada & Republic tomorrow, . it wouldn t free us from the trade dif- ficulties which at plwesa.t encompass ua. We would still have the customs line against us at the 49th parallel. A Republican form of Government to the Domruion would not fres us from the dual language and the prob- lems of race and creed that hare exist- ed to Canada from time immemorial, Were Canada to adopt a Rdpubli•- an form of Government and bemoans an independent nation, the exodus would not be abated, the tonnage on our lakes would not be inersasb and immigration would not be drawn hither to any greater extent than it is today. The cost of governing our five mil- lions of people would not Ib material- ly (lessened, and our revenues would not be enhanced by a change from a colonial dependency to so independent Republic -with a large R. The same gang of politicians would in all probability run the various branches of Government as have here tofore held ofti.:e . the same methods of holding office would be resorted to by the politicians , and there would be no court of appeal, such as is the Privy Council, to guarantee provincial rights when the Federal power under took to ride roughshod over the peo- ple's rights. There isn't room on this continent for two Republics, unless we were pre paned to keep op • standing army and a navy for defensive and offensive operations, and all the other Aumm*ry, paraphernalia and expense incident to the perpetuation ot militarism of the European style on the North Ameri- .•an continent. These are the sentiments of the edi- tor of THE SIGNAL, and these have been his sentiments always. Tea Ntiosat is for anything that will make for the peace, harmony, goodwill and progress of Canada, but is opposed to everything from which no reel benefit, ccmmercially or otherwise, may be ob- tained. hotained. As we have already said, an- other Republic on the North Ameri- can continent would be ope other Re- public too maty. SNAP 86401S. From preettat indications we arr- bermg the elm that presides the storm. The Hon. Toe QALY, of Bran don, Man., tackles 0oastttationel quseti..m with the eon, grace, red sed urbanity of • professioe•1 jay -hawker. As a Itpecial pleader the Hon. Ger,. Cots* Forma takes • frost pleas. In is little wonder that Mr.. ADine CEISHOLm succumbed le his dela' herb.' toasts, The Legislative members of Osten* sow travel free as train dunes tbetr term •' ofBoe, and the railways get X the mileage. fhey used to travel free be fore, and pot ,.t the mileage. HE HASN'T ANSWERED. ( )U It highly esteemed contemporary, The Clinton News Record, hasn't an -wend to the satisfaction of an intelli- ent public the following important .8 motion Is A. M. Torts one of the eonapire ars who @met the following telegram to ornate on the 4th of .las. last : •' yrs hove we1.01telre mild. 11 !ewness •'•aa/M ti she Geld. t•amer.s will be passe •d. ggshdrow tevwanes. MlgsNl (*aTtt.eM, 1111111. aged raimmsan • To which the following answer was ...turned on the same day . If yea ban W.tendnee pledged aptnes Com d1s1 LKMMtalaa. what fen sell eons be 1►ur esteemeel contemporary has tun.( room for columr>yl of swath ,1e • oyed to irrelevant matter* of all itids, hut thus far has fought shy of stn hone*t and straightforward answer 1n this all important. question. While on this line of explanation 1.i might also state whether he is a ware that the pledge against Remed cal Legislation asked for by theToron- t.o telegram was •fterw&rds given to ItonuT Newnan by Dann WEumtt IEE. The electors of West Huron await :t dignified and truthful reply from tier asteemerl contemporary. ANOTHER REPUBLIC NOT NEEDED. 4OMR one played a phi on our ea - teemed local contemporary last week toy mending him • circular metaled, Manifesto of the Canadian Repute lican Committee," and the et:taamed Hear wants to know if the editor of THE Stella L ens give information an to these who comprise the aforesaid " Republican Committ e." in reply we might may that we can. mot give the desired information to Ne sSEioaa contemporary, ae jset'nsl tied is editor take no nark in ally seisms lonk ing towards the term - woo of soother Rep.Mic en the shwa American eestissont, nod we After reading the coercion ad deem of that stalwart Oranges.., (JGottne Tti i.0*, Y, P. for Lads. Tog 8tup•i. IS of opinion thav more that Dino each Taylors would be required to make • Mita. Whilst the eyes of the whole countryside w tared upon Ottawa, the pimple forget Mid the Ditehes and Water- oour.as Aet is batss duly oopprlised and neasped at the anneal mewling of the Legislature i. Toronto. That gay and festive Lindsay parliamentarian, `Am Rouiv, u bracing himself for • solerea.It on the Coercion Bill. Ya. i. • brother of Jamas L , mid that is all that is necessary to say, for both beaker after the leeks and garlic of RRvpt or I ftt.w*-os it wens The Star is taking turn and turn at battering up •ltd ointments down the mayor lid council. As. dead straight fact there has sot been muoh opportunity .f forded the unused. up to date, to do much for or spaanat the interest' of the tows, but in everything that has come up it is • oaks faction to know teat the membesu o1 the corporation hare bee 'saliently at mated by the beet motives. At • public meeting at Forest, Gamuts Mn,caren, M. P , for Rest Lembta, was asuimoc.ly condemned by his oosetituente for hie address on the Yui toles Sebes' Rill. Morelos' t is ase of the rashest .1 anti (otholies is Lambkin, .ad worked teeth mid sail ter P. P A. candidate Gcstiis IH94,bat it is said there is • ooasy Isdeeship dangling before his eves, which may •ve mown semi oro his hagal •ad vM- ng power. 61 th• present loaners That able-bodied would he states m•., Div tn 15t1owltkita,ef 8oasaI1,was is tows lam week, .nd promoted a sato free* •.e tb• free soil iedeseed..s element He was obirpy is his .t•eaer.nd.pry with. all, tot he failed to pates read any eera- ea end aphids denial that during to resat alma he did, with • hall ka.wlsdgs a M* fasts is the ease, sax tale erom hos a Mars rives te nee Roam, 1tn5*1,, 0f 7bente. that in the asst a to aforesaid Davos W ee m ixon beteg sleeted be P•rl1meet he wad opals '.mel al Le'`Iw"` N* omea beteg Iltk. sed w sews arose b WI Snake Heehaw Read, Gagglmk, That greed sed glarigise old aemnee', impammih imume e .54 psBtkest whiners. MAMA. 'horns, Bert., wimp mirkaposhilb hpeAd frees Regina se Ids Me tlf11m6 d..s.8ile pars, wet el the pit N M tip iy wham tine (brew B*11 sod . finer sins of maim end Menem-- had pissed 16, BosmY sagest be M arta fail utter to Mei alga M the jab he hoe eed.rl.ksa As a warhorse he hess't earned bis gas r M dote, sad it be isn't andel will he pas ted be the ksesher's yam. -It is ts.er ally believed that in the meet of • 4iseel.a m of Nethermost. ghat valiant sea of Mare, Mame Joe Baca, will be a leading aspirant for the Li►. -Oso. aoaiestiea is W sot Hata, wish tab equally -voted Gap •veteran. 8.rpse-Major Hu,,a , .f tbe 36rd Bata, • good emend 1• the scree 'rhe Mammag oakum wag's be h the ranging at .U, and the W amen: Leas ad the other arse marines wtU have te take to the tall Maher or the ease - Mahe. TM asst Lib. -Con. ooeranties will hos se • war fooNm, or •ll .inns tali. News-Rssrd; When • division was ow pasted on rte Remedial Bill i• the Dsmi- oios Haw the amber for West Huron was sot a* kis pest e( date He has bees la /lodris1 duriag the poet week -Mr. CAts*OH came to Goderich Tuesday of last walk to •ttood the faser.l •4 an old fnad, the late M irrxxw H,ntat- sox No divisioa was expected is the Howe ••d none took plan•. Mr. Canaan. returned te Ottawa in time to vote oe the Remedial Hill. His a- tom is oomiy to Gedriob is • credit to his goods«. of Mom but what can be said of the Joarnali.uc ghoul who seeks to make political capital est of • naso of respect to the meson y of the dead COMING AND GOING - Will blarney left ter Sarnia on Monday. Mrs. Walvis is visiting in the Forest I sty. W. W. O1rtivle left town for the haat last week. H. N. Murn.y, of Sarsia, .pat Sunday in tows. Mies Chalton laves today oe • visit to last T 8.sId , •t 3afortb, was in Godeiriob R. Roosford..1 Chattel, was in the Ca. town on Setard•y. Mrs. and Mies Sybil Toms are at preeset in New York Qty. W. T Mosey lett on Mond•v fee Sarnia oe • business Omit. R. Leese, of $.month, was is the County tows lent Thursday. 'Es -nee.. Stuart of West Wawa,ceb was is tows 00 Meaday. Jae Whom left this week with • "armed of hew for Leedom. Mrs. Jou. Roktensn sed daoghtr aro en- ing (read. is Chicago - Re.. G. F Hatton spent a tow days is God.risb the poet week. Dr. Matchless reteeusd te bin home, Matra(, oe Thursday. W. Hateh1.n loft on Tuesday oo return t• hie basse is Winaiper Arek. 8. Dimkea, of Blyth, was 15 the County town on Moday. Miss Jassy Adan left the past week for Montreal, a • lengthy visit. Cines Stuart, as old Collegiate Iantetute pupil, was is tow" this woes, Mrs. (Dr.) Youcg, of lendesbore, was is town the past Saturday. Hy. Marey reached town on Friday on • two days' Oat to the old bona. 3. H. Colbrse returned on Friday from • business trip to the ween city, Root. McLean, returned a Saturday from .4 sight day. volt to Montreal. Mies Doe•gb returned last week from her usual vest to Detroit and other cities. Mies Wilbi...s returned a Saturday from • mouth! visit to relatives in the Queen City. Mase 6115 S•oderaoo, Wroxeter, has re- turned home after • few weeks' visa to friends in tows. Tom Murray, who returned from the Coo- ed* Rusinese College, Hamilton, on Satur- day, was suoo•esful in winning a diploma .las. Forster, of Bear Lock now, drove his headmen team of well-mawbd draft horses tweety four miles to Goderich Tuesday leo, for • load of bran. He returned the arena evening. Blyth St..daed • Mrs. Most.gomry lid Mies is Monbas.r , of t.dereoh. Mrs. Grimm, Master Areola Green and lir. Hut• ohms, of Greek!, N. W T., were visitor. at the reride.ce of .lamas }tenthly daring the week. EN up as Date. The genomes of Goderich and . 0101(7 .re, as • rule, up to data If they an sot It is because they lack opportunity. Wham they get the ammo they take it, .ad match right op wish the procession. For that reason, what Prof. 1)oreoereed arrive. in the tows, they will visit him, sod provide themeelvea with kis first -clam Wig• sad Toupees. The gentl.wea who are hdd, and from projudies want wear a.araats. should remember that they are nada great risks. Amy candid p*ydohs will toll thaw en TM Met mss in w lead war those .siiast,fle averments for se other rasa w the pressor n to the bed. Thom goods are hoses oarsman* the hied. ad n eed no recontamination. Red w a- sese reset is •s.t*r .dame. and Mar the date u wind. He wilt be as the British tmcanes Heel ea Thiersday April fed. ADOITIUNAL LOCAL NEWS. NT, Pavmacs's Jwrci.r.-Thw was 6 good same« i. Vasa Hell es 1 ..1.y eveamp, whoo die meat. btesa.Uy give is mrm.ry el 8*. Petrick, was MM. An esigbt he masted. the pregrae was extensive. is. Mediae as it did mast et ear legal talons. 11,8 lama and Mies G. Doyle semasesd the p.*gtame with • plasma pima data: •T'pr.tty pa.oust. The Harp nee OeOuseroG Gghrt Tsrs'. Halle." won ..ntribaw by Madam Corson sed Pridha01, Masa W sled Chilton, sod Mars. Owe - dry, ,Tames sad B.bbs.: mad B Sel.her, who was is very peed vela w•. " The Clams .f the Rommr." se hie best sayle. Mime Chilton mad Yr Cat were mesh appreciated is the pretty dads " (1h Met we ware Made, ": es oastraMtal trio. Mesdames (bane. sed Manly mad Mr. toff, was okay played. , The fres tai. 11101 by W. Calf, won amorally rendered, Masa Medr,4. Bail rafted "Piratic Olreb esme" is • anew Nat dM melt Maas\ her repalatisa as ea .lseellenta. Idle B*B resolved ma maineess etre, bet moray hewed Mr has Maes CMha. snag ' The M• .• Dublin,' bed • part sang,bwe1M Saha" eeledod part 1. • M.rir /Ammo stoma pert 1T. wt • semis mag, and re - W mow!•c • oars vum Mill pia • m. tem haat ma • Mama Nay," rho Mr =rbilaree doableMese mak w the amese. Ida ��.w [at11 w.a....�, as her reads- of w .14 Ir15* eonerrssdd ea oar , N whisk, however dM cies rrespeed A /vast. visa. (1s.., pias., bin. [rely, wee rendered, and that Ind. 1110 hsesgh1 dews she hon. imam M. lead num, the Utak ems replied to mood by rep«'.o w p.tf.rma.« grass/ally as add ..old de it. The was Wa to Rd. (llopairn., who..s meg read aad am sethe•leeY mare. speeded wit* " The Bad (kill Played "God Savo the Queen" amid the Itall- Tbawl se Lerma, Pas,ss waw Y "d08• od 0 W lbtftrs M !a ro 8aii.o.. App Fut -fret day ansae. Ns maw gapasity of search was Wa.., co Its utmost, .wth abdomen's' and golfers e. oh. a the Ren. JY. A. A.doreos, B A., goad i no amine/ .rotes for the ..;lora mad ares. Tb. serves was Mesh on w wads Matt. 8. 2S. 'lord, save se ; we Nab sed w.. a falafel exposition of the .ad madames of ma., amid the tam .f life, sod ma earnest appeal fin .11 to shooter is Hist, who ie **as an barites from the mod, the • oovart from the pest." In the iotroduottoa ot h,s ear the prisoner. real.d.d 10. audience elms roc imas) that existed oatwaee Saviour sad seam's, while He was earth, and the *malted hoar He baste epee them, by m.kis. them Ha. c (mead. 14 00.88&1 aompaoio... 'raker .o.gbt to impress upon the m of the• rept., that He who "Bathers clad 10 his Ilett, "and '•me•eures the w in the hollow .f hes heed," .tell mama. His arm, sad null bend. His ear, to the cry fin mere thea is uttered by worm tamed nailer. TMs the probe Mg•o to paint la words • gloms, pia et the sadder bed violas% storm, that down from tot .dghbonsg heights, et ruin the ship is whet* were the dire, sad their Lord, ea they were oromisg nee of Galilee, and which forced from ilia the prayer "Lord, save tiara*.' The two thought• greeted by the text were tho.e ot des d deliverance, which the preacher d. •pad in the program of his dt.00uree was • oo.soioueaess of danger that f be disciples to ory out and seek deli see :.o it is with the sinner It 11 not Il he tree him danger by noon is sew, that he will cry out for salvatic.. set mime to the mime Jesus, sok0owl sit *101 as"Lord"; r.00gnvtag Hie sires. jadeite. whose power Dever fail., w Week works mot d•hverosce, ..d w ry leek w • bonadi.t oa The sailors had already aelteowl.drd Chest at t lnrd,were esta.atod to take Ham with th �y tie dews to the ma in their eh bon they would always fid to 1w • sou o comfort whs. the storms of trouble a/eteti.s sad morrow would coin. u heat, tor '•Toacbed with • sympathy He know. our (.sale frame, He know* what sere t.mpbts.. mean For. H. bas felt she same." TH. Lrrxuar Soeirryr.-las Friday civ et the regular meeting of w Cake ast,tote Iwarsry Society was held is assembly room, bad after this resume readies miaow and militia roll of mamba foltowiag aeries wee presented moo solo by Mem Ebel Neftel was a m strodueuN to the 1.e.tsg'5 bill !1 ) 4 the gave what ib. program address es Ottawa, but it attest ha more fitly termed • pies/oat ma and around the Capital, its such ere bad huge lumber business. theme, 1a a happy oevereationbl , took hie bearers tbro. 1, the PaH .nt build1n1s and op the tower, explant M wet •bag the objects of interest, ao lovely views from the •lutade 1 reamed. Mr. Boyd did not forret to rough Eddy'. mammoth factory, pointing lumber abut*, the beanies of the Low Ottawa, the CMudtere talk, the ape bridge, mad,we mast not forget, Lo.r alk and Spark'. Jrank TbS made • .uooemtal public •ppar ace reader. A mouth organ deem by Y nod McKwan was so well give as emend an encore. The premised, H. trang, then opened 11. question drawr, wen fall of duo.tt,aat and M jeers. •ll of which were headled y. Amon. other quietness Mr. 8 wired When was money drat mined Mt is meant by to Bravely .state, timed 1n last w«k'5 81011141t.! What meaning of 'belligerent'' Wbo tees or originated the Order of she Garter others, inoluding the appearance ot t tans in Abyssinia and the recast m of w Armeiaae. AB wore ens maw th.a should area. the edu oa.l knowledge 34 those present, be haps the las named wee w mat fall lionised 1eally.Armeniathe Saha ty maimed, deseribed Rte punas realise a Britain, mod the im bilis, of BriW.'s aiding w It the j•aleusy of Era*., booing der plead bare w ..4..1.. Fara ares thee made her Rohm as • reciter proved that if marriage was • failure ores set is thot eta Here an s was doddered ea who was .ailed be order Mies Chane . Rave some hetes a "people yon sees breathes by rail." The people Me Indy were ween ly .f ell ages end the p.sulrntios shown i of her illnetratiee were them that any railway traveller mom ham. seats time or other. The biota pitched w darling baby, the am mer met the Me people that got on • i.fl.. to felegds a.d block the mer, these that their levo end goad - by*, through the windows at w several stations, ..d Me Title dog whose (sonnies ower Gould dl.w It to be plated is the b•aae. tar, cleverly d.ptoted, bat the greatest r et the readies was that • Cel tato Mather. who has se mete Cell= onald find time to pot together nod se iatwestiag and able • paper. Mom gave • ckarmies pias solo ; Mos Cabers* followed with • nannies was se well delivered as te lead to belief thee she i.. e.mieg ele.etiseset .kw era/big (er* • Mee rediae. Miss Dame, se edam., falowed ata tonal •danMws, whteh Me read with exprsa.ies, and Oa Sate to Queen Me plasmas lied isWecti.e ea- bertamesL If all the m.eti.g. of the Seamy are of ousel snorit, the should be made to stated. ter the keowledp diaa.mis.t,' a thee ead not trerkk in the elms rens. equalled ~ • hard bee of Chillies sed mai Ysir w� manually Makessey tM d. - se Beals e sale Here On- pressed - soda s@ udry 8.0 Kam to the pastor, Giber - in state pins seek piece 1.m MOO, f the our upon wad boom The tads the • 1.r• cbes catch the her an• 00011 wad pr the their as, m[ vel. It creed oe his He edg- keee hose w ho 1,a it em ire, ✓ c• •Ill' poo e. tate the of a A as - r. called v1 mails t TM mesa Pad. a1 4 sat pass a • Stew art as .vasa to • 1 moru 1- t.aa7 as is M +6s& welted t 7 the Arm.nlens Florae Me i sated sod s we an • • m Y • es w 01 Lb* oral Bo an Moo 110 ri v Me nor 01 Y the t* the r lien tV Lana • HIU d M dr sob iv.) w IV Men ahs tined .d lad ..w ie • esti Per •tp O'4Pb ebb poen (throng 11 and she semiodsn m.ethr B.A. whom ItY mast exprionsad mob volae, baby see cher me WOWS wend leen work mad himag Lai whoa the w Mamie w mesh ••seledad Lavery peals edegatfon C.E.1. U. Bs.. amok .P. 8.0. R., Tnsad• ass- ing at 8 .'desk. Tapia to Morel 91st. xxit it ti1�er, Mies P.row...1. 6 11; Joneskah N.rt►at Methodist Mora RIM. e1 B.,' Friday 510sit at 7:46 e'.l.mb Mr, ID* SpeaW aria sees..e in piev'ppose wash Yll Ilia espo..1 ' , a0.ds01ed en real of poem papa. Leaders. Ilea Jorge Net ad Henry Irvine Maim epee wildi Lamp Pamir/beam Dlm1o& T. P.&C, • GODERICH BARGAIN CENTR] Dry Goods - • • •n• M AOI(: weeds Nat pe tirdliag through .very household. They t sesasaiiigaen , d while at r ort bard be 8.d eeeteenise, the oqpals•@ ths OD, eciao host apply thea. I$e•tllrally The OoderlehBarge! Center A11/ws.'e1 HERB! Thews s. swtak. .hest is lithe keels, NOM *meters. mashies@ variety, quality, s.we•se, ansa --Oh 1 the••• point where we oever year eo.saitios usd Mae yes •tem• Masse Io year plum Domestic Dry Goods. Prints, 4;c to 12e. Shirting Prints 5e to 1$c Plaid Gingham., be to 10c. Best Factory Cotton in town for 5c. White cottons, be to IOe. Longodaie Cambric, 1 2c to 17c. Table Linen, 15c to $1. Towels, 5c per pair to $1 60 per pair. Glass Towelling, 5c to 15c. Butcher's Linen, ell prices. Stamped Beene. White Goods. Check Muslims, 50. Bert $wt Checks, 10e. India Liners, 10.: Mc. Victoria Lawns, tic to :tt) AIao, White Piques, White Ditniti, Printed Dimities, Cashmere Print Wain.00ks, Muslin', Dotted 8w,: Muslin, White Skirts, white Corn Covers, Ladies Vest from Ie to f ASK TO SEE OUR WHITE QUILTS. We have a large range of Lace Curtain. from !!c. per pair to $1i. Our Spring Capes now in stock from 75c. upribeis from 250. ul The Trilby Corset, exclusive here, and without doubt the most p.rtec fitting Corset made, price 911. We cannot &fiord to take seoon4 pl.,, in any of the above lines JAMES ROBINSON Corner Square and Weft It - HAIR. HAIR PROF. DORIIUID I8 COIIRB. • It w contrary to nature that Me hood Medd be bald. lel that be tub ► odagteed. 1. it not • feet that many (.dies fid gentlemen do set wear *rtifioial hour fee so other r•.s.. th•m perdue. l'sfortmeately thele has bon • m.rkd thanes* o late in beldame and gray hair, &ad the smelt a the loss of Y •:traeuve sad redeed app.armaos. MANY LADlBS have tin wretched habit of anmptag and curbed their owe bair instead of bayipg es article 6000rding to the style. The result is they ruin their hair sad whoa sew styles cote is they are unable to follow them, PROF. DOKEN W KN1► of the Ilxoawesd Co. Ltd., of Tomas. has tor thirty years deesosstntd the b.astdvtng .fleets of wearing hie b•tr goods. Thoma.d. of THE BEST LADILM and .atlas . of Canada tied the united Stases are warier his articles today. la missy eases the mmaufnatured artiste is more Mas..iar than the Natural growth. and sot eves an expert ma dated that the Asir Is sentinel The Professor armee ma immense stook of Ladles' and Gants' Wigs. Toupees (half wtgat, Bans. Wavy Fonts. Switches. Braids. ate , m every tura, •haps ad 4)10117. All oma be plowed. (:est •side FAI.BE N OTION8 •ad provide yourself with • head dress that will give oh.rming enema, 1)oreaweed will he is GODERICH BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL ON THURSDAY, APRIL 2ND. This oppertsgity Mould sot be lees. It might be added that w Prsamor .1.. Genies with him • tall lies .f Hair Dyes in every sada. Heir sad Fa Bleaxbs.. and Maned Wigs, Whiskers sod Moest bas. Loa the date .t the visit be baa in dad. 61-21 BRFORIL �t�(ltKl'_f['1 Seedy surds. at 7 o'.leek. Tope fin I Theo. dundp r• Halation Salem Mar. 22. Dtligesi is ba.tsaes, ' ltd by tI - ---- -- - V - - _--ED AUCTION SAUL� Rey. Jamas Hamilton. Victoria -sI Mdr b5dies chards 6pwt* League, ea Friday evening at 7.30 .'0..k A. B. Davison will take Marge of the meet - leg ea Friday .venime ant, wham as mail*. abio Nmm is smYaipbi. Cured el elm...ge Merles. A Reinarkabte Ogre. -J. W. Jenni- son, Gilford -Spent betweee 8200 and 8300 in con.olting Doctors; tried Dixon'. and all other treatments bat got no ben. - fit One box of Chase's Catarrh Coro did me more good than all other remedies inlfact i consider myself cared, and with a 25 cent box at that. Hueneme A M.•LiVNAle'* Lnrine e. -For external use only, is a pastime cure for spinal disease, hip chemise, in- flammatory rheumatism, lame bock, low bolo, sore throat, weak and sore longs, bruises, sorsa'., stiff Joints, rupture, and all kindred diseases. It has also been found • sure tare der throat affections in horses. more 75 t's,rr,. None genuine without having the trade mark on labels and wrappers said A E. McLen.•s's Liniment. Goderich, Ont., stamped an wax seal on each brttl., Manufactured only by Euphemts A. McLtno&n, solo patentee and pro- prietress. Newgate 8t., (ioderieh, Ont. 34',. DAIRY TINWARE We have • fall stork of all blade of DAIRY TINWARE MID SAP BUCKETS whisks we are selling VERY CHEAP. AD loads of TIN, GRANITE AND COPPEgWARE REPAIRED. CANADIAN and AMERICAN 06AL OIL Fat .seller, heaped •p sad raa lag svw WORSELL'S NEW FURNACE m JUT TBE 11111/ r811 fall MOSES Osseo. sad wltat j. WORSELL 1 03.. its Palmi Tia Use. W Imam Ilea 8 of HORS fai, UA'I"1'LE, HARNIE88 WAGGONS and Bl7GGiF$4 THOMAS OCNDRY. Auerios.r, will eel • at the Awetial Goiterish ON 8ATVIt AT~MKt t'H SIGT. ISM. CMesmerelsm .t 1 o'clook p tan 1 geed big Daft Colt, / year. old ; I amid O.aeral Perpcae M .e. a geed wetter and te fair tosdltle . 1 mend O.seral P=see Mare. t yew old. Due to foal Marsh ark. Thoroughbred ►111• . e eamiths old. The WM bred rally 1a the Comity, and %lasr ed fad Prise ►a • large Oise of eons at the Gedmtieb nal. Fair, when • bole over 1 nwthe d'. r Cat... Wd tab. la calf. 1 snot Dee*, Team Rw6er mad* by Dowding. used 54, a few week& I set of Light Double Hareem, maty need a few deem 1 est a Ltghot glr. gins. Serf little UMW. 1 ass of Ha.y Cart Harness II eel 01 Plough Hareem 1 naw Cowered t..ds her M.7---{_- 1 .sewd eon Pbastpa. 1 L1.thtt..-sera. W •ei 1 nb t K ftlalale. t Pla.os.x Cutler, on tend 1 wa•ka 1 .e. ed t1.ap Ib. I'lut'Yr a S. f late s=j.n•nG. Talisa. and other articles toe ■.mar..e n es•sua. odder,ls7 _� •ops the flmee'bred without tanerve, ea- teet4 ony.Ol 1.111 a rga.r'.d wbleh wffl he ef- T$RMn-All 5001. admin *17...5 :Mat new W .at y asentbr meld will be atom so a far5lshihereto spread Joist mass. A Mesons: for cash a weft sment , mo cast. per lista sneered Maras • THOM,tk,Ai OUNDRTIrl , Aastis..r. 0.4oritih. CLBARINO AUCTION SALMI OF HHOUB*HOLD FURNM.1111 AND RI Mr. O.er . PMsr Inas IsMrsot.d Theesas Oaadrryy� a.*ttesta•r, t'..8 h poble.a10.. u *1s mama 8101. at.. Oede.ie►, ON'RIDAY, MARCO U. oraa.5Msg .t 1 r.e. 611 his base hale fermi ere and edam °.newt tag of 1 naw mtparl1lnihi M6.n. d Rah P1•.. 1 ees .ptrt 5rt Mfer.wlsg-rtararskre end 1 naw 411311.7 Moes e.epses', I P54.r 1M.:p. f 1.01sS 10.55 laesps. o... mal W w"aw o.lares.4 s1.5) romps. me Ike.. 1 Ga l ata tint N drawleamem tar alter., carpet IwrsoNd. cenels5, Y drll ieras ant. Red roew fees ere, Mrp . eare""..end assn ,.wale..d 1i feels E!t shoes hreNtr., Ieelsll.g I y Hopp ?Mead Rasa. end •r mama team. r .41.,., aim .1 weed •erMtea seem. Sir.A. • brahee rsomenese OM. ws5s as. *m7a.�.,y M1 tem of 1 anal gameyI ism mower and laws •pvtealei an4 • 55msMm eyerstdrriLifthertiewllliiM••r'.$1s71ir%Omdal.td wl�eslt1idwpMed` nsnnaaahex- en :»» eTtae� =tea rM5*er ngV,ieam sE a -Rennes sst gs to Tea ism be ISM. d...�.�.,'