HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-3-12, Page 8s: TEM SIGNAL: GODDRIOS' ORT.. TI URSDAT. MARCH 12, 1$N. NEW aaAaxcs11 . As_p THE COLONIAL BOOK STORE. The first year since the dissolution fofzuZerahip between Fraser A Porter will elapse on18th. lin and after that date we will adopt The Cash System and feel satisfied that it is the best system for buyer and seller. This is not merely advertising matter, it. i. strictly Itu.ineM... Cash must accompany subecripttans for Newspapers and Magazines which are supplied at publishers ad- vance rate.. Subscribers will please note that newspapers and Magazines will be discontinued unless paid for in at I vane. Look out for Wall !'aper advertisement Thursday, %larch 196. Isrgest 1lsplay outside any city. CEO. PORTER BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER. Local Manager I:ell Telephone Co. NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. From our ownCorreapondenta. (there Mere mallow mere T►at tsa.sse he /red Anyw here Else -- low..( lits Comely societally Reported far The Weal. DUNLOP. '111sDAT, Mar. 10. 'ummiogs 11 vWtimr Mar Due. Miss 1. season Mae Elia Healy ill visiting to l:od«ich tba week .loses Morns is up from Buffalo en • visit to relmuvnm. Orme of the voter scholars •t the school bre . bad f.11 while playing on the we at n oon on W edusd.y. 1 wo of the sentots toot him hum. on s hood aMtgb. He wee laid up for the fru.. odor of the welsh. HEW -LACK CII - Y. Mo.I.AT, Mar. 9. M&.. Joan ('naso u visi.lug 1nend. et I'arkktll. 1� W. ors sorry to learn that Mrs. 1 tuo•ld McKay to yowl). Mw SI•i,;gu Fernee of Imams, was vs/t- am Irt.w&. ware mot week. (M the 3rd ad Much, at 34 Ktnv-st, the infer of .luno .Johuotau of • sot. Jas. L I,,.n't n.e a largo supply of four - lent wood on baud, .od a large number of tats atwirers. 1). M.k.or:e, w ho a teaching school •t Maple Lest, spent `Saturday and Sunday with Omuta here. Who ie the bare fuosd boy from Laos, weertoe • fur cwt, bore hooded. with • stook o.p ou, dnvind • teem ID • cutter, tosbtng calls Law* • wank W oat of the city • LANES. M'.MDAr, Mar. 9. John .Iomieeoa as able w w around again, after hem( laid up .nth rheumetam. Mat F•rr tee, t fie Amda Id •sssusor, u go- ing h1s .ouo is, ma nes now about half o1 the township aaw.lwd- Tbe other day *bite engaged to cutting toe Chas. Mut.nss .tipped red fell Ito the water. Attar godtu.r out he lost no toms in g.ttiog to • neigbbunng house for • ohmage of clothes. Maws. Ki. and Wm Johnston haT* so - oozed the co•teson tor erecting • large taro for the B.a orop to R.p*ey. the building a to b. 50.‘ ISO foot and b.e to be bombed by .I my lot On Frtal•y morning Int as F. Scott, sr., was going biasses the boos red the baro, he slipped and fell o. the nos, the side of Ws head striking the ground with *sob Bros as to reader mai unoo.actons tor half an hour 11 pa..... be is able to he around •run, Mit hu fan preen*. • very brun.d •ppo•r•nee. AUBURN. Mu.1.Ar, Mar. 9. March her come •gam It Brown, of I Itutoo, was home for Sus day. Master • eel hough u ooriuualy Ida pooled. Formers mo busy hauling Togs to the dif- ferent mills. J. P. Brown leaves tomorrow with • oar lead of horn for Morden, Mos. Mr. Moro, te• mail esteem. te oo the Makfat. We hops to me him around I 1M sear futon. Mu.W7,L Conceit' The Fiek troupe as tend huldtig .o euter1uao.wt oil Saturday evening. Mu. 10, .0 the Tempsruuus Halt, A good time sr *spooled. TM fifth axonal Sunday eshool 000v.s- ass r to he hold os 1'hur.dsy, Moron 13th, is the Mei bodied churok. • good program has hem prop•r.d for dummies. Mia 11 Farnham, who W been spend- iK • week •moug insod•, hes returned. Mho was soowipaotted by 4. 8 Keel. who spent • bre cavil is and •roa•d Ktabalrs A Gunn Tura---L•mt Friday •vs•ur • number of the (food receptors •oo.pted •■ invitation te 8t. Helens, mad they .11 re part bowleg had • ague time, *leapt oee lair lily. sod ohs would hays been (* K. if the Clued had not twee len at hose. A Pleaseis Dates W• aro sorry to anomie the date d dobe Boil, of the Rase Luis. which ..essrred en 145.4.y, Mar Ise, at the •g. of 66 years. I)eeossed had he.. • settler woos early boyhood, sad b• hardly had • day'. swim a wall two week • before death. when I•iameretee of use liege proved fatal He leaves • widow, fear boys sad Nor Nims to mown lbw loss. His remising were uterred se Hall'. eemwery es Wedeeeday. W. haws already been settled "that .he mash buds are eenreyed, but as see ha* ptuwted se with the beg egg. Dem hese, 016t inn the matter be t "bb year the pe me setebraw the 300th .arlvemary of ate utrsdwotles int• Km*. lesd. In 1606 Sir Walter Radoigh firm bmusfbt pstsesea Idem Americo to gresisail, OW for nems tame they were • lottery fes II . risk Mese, emnaag tee Millie., per mt.) THR MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF 11 THE TuwN or RODERICM. ULrIT1ialtte We. )ver auditors. bog N report that we hats exasl.sd the 00000nm of tie Tows Trimmer rad . b• cella -ter; ter oho year ending Dee. 31m. 1106. oespar(sg 1k.118 with their Touchers .tad gad them cornet. Herewith aro let. A summary of noosing' and Expenditures lad. A mtatem.st of sapeadit.ree fa detail, 3.6. A motesent of Awes sad LiabWt3ee 4th. A aumtea•) of I'ublicHotaoo' Receipts and kx,teodtturea is duplicate. of the first three we hey. forwarded copies ler requited by suutrl to the Bureau of In dlle.ri.•.• roruoto. We bays also esast.ed oho .mounts of the Treasurer of the C.•Haglau load'ute end corn permit hem with oke vom.Gers. end them cor foci, ebuwing • bala•.o. es Doc. 31st, 110o of 81.104 S4 cs.h ors band. Iteepectfu I)-ubulitt.d W R HuB4KT*4ON H. W BALL , Auditors. puurtrucn. Feb. 6th 11it, 'DrrAitY or sired •'r1 *NH THK TOWN IIF uvDtltU'it TRAM 1895. Kinaivri Balance *Porn IMO rn.ni :Sinking r uod BJuudrry 1.1.... M.gi.inlee Fries 14, share Cuunty ea relief •coolant Pa tom W. rhe Bill. ()..00uuted i•a/et•trie Light rates atei Hale.. Nun -Km Lauds Hun iris .. . Taxes. 1291. Tutu ling Attriculturri I'ark Nese Public o, houl. Ila.ttaod Cemetery. Market . Total DITCk$a Or FOR. TM' d o o n! $ 0es tI .i6 31 00 9.14 38 311 W .5 o 545.4.• w 1382 ft 253.2 38. 10 1s N 2437 23 panel 33 6 50 897 Su :7s u0 73 0* 77107 A! 871127 67 1x PUUDfTpma. Pamp:ngstatim a 527133 Water Whams. Mil 7e Elec. Light goo. 7 18 Agriod41. 1 Part8 26 *646 5 2 Public W'orte 1110 1w inking Food' .. 1717 13 leach urea 11142.1 111 31 Iet.rest 6„1/ SI sego ate Ncboo 3641 OU Pun to 8cioels fats (0 1. Ileo u. e laminae 18 a 0 . Fire D. parlament ...... .. N2 91 $ssdr.ea .. loot 8r Watc►maoi (71o*t ....• 31 8peciel ..ants ... ... 173 OS I '. C. and Laos .. 115 49 G ..eters .. 22 11 la.arssee 15 to Itl«uo.e SI Rt Printing erW and Advtag Na 01 Market273 79 Palsriea .... .......... ... 277.00 1r., 7 t't 8 11. Passed Belssos to *100 4211, 01 Total TRW 5*.K. Itl•BKRTIION Auditors P.brwary Ornar H, W,sus BALL I MINIM 050 1.1Ar.WT111n Or Tag TOwg Or M►ntrtreH, 00.11.11* 31.r, 1806. AY.eTa Sinking rends_ park. . e 6080 bleclrte Light.... 111111 52 tt •ter Work. ... 86.•1 M Agriouliurwl Park 967 78 u..derich organ Co 1; 1 Codrgtate lnst*tum. . 74 86 - Ietereot . 1821 IBS $16143 14 'Moe' gage., $13100. --Road*. *31043*. !►.renin to bovines Ronk. $:I0S.31. Tats Nea Hessdeat loads Wm r Rates . kl.o.ric 1..r..1 Hates W ata N mite Praprty. kleotrio L.Ckt , ire Itepee tmeat Property Pudic Hoiows Coll. gime 14.51 borate. Tows 11, of Polloa•men'. Clot* W H. agricultural Moo'). ('gal 1m toot Hoopla. - Pumping Station. Total 1.1 AMILITtt.. I/eheo.ur.. 1'+.un.y of Hume Nott u..der l$.cosat . 4.por.te ttcaoul. Uoy on t'u4'1 10606 1 10.'lu Ire 21141 s.5 MN 11 71168 • 8132 81 5019 1111 13.,1 00 17440 80 2115.05 1130 10 144 1 1,0411 011 .0 10180 .170345 1 1111331111 N 4011 10 113.0 00 1r 74 2r 41 tuft 75 111a1••.•e of Assn 8 MIM 30 W. R RHUaLLBERTBON { Amblers. W * ►obru•ry IYPSBIeL REST. URANT. The nod/wins/nod r*spssttully {swims 1.v at esti.@ w the foci that he boa resewseed the above mice .ad !•ted 11 op Is over, way Oar ab• coawo.leao. •d o.sfort d {ha bossed will he p.eee.•d te ha.. Joe Leu ferns our 0q•uu.taaa*, serer see Beit sew year eel. as beer. tmo..t.sid., yes Las ewer one that w grin) Daly TOE Caotoorr Oow, uonow.T, PISMO FROMT% W kat bromeliad CIOAHS and T0BA0008. OYSTERS 4•l.ms la w piers say we/ rye A..R.ALLIC Black Dress GOODS. We have always had a reputation for carrying the best Black Dress Goods in town, and this season we feel that we are in a better position than ever to melt the wants of our customers. Our Black Henrietta! at 50c.. 60c., and 7bc., are the best value we have yet had, and cannot be repeated at our present prices. Samples of these goods can be had at any time. Black Lustres and Sicilians in plain and figured, will be greatly in demand this season. Our stock is now com- plete. MILLINERY • • • ■ Our Millinery rooms are now open, with a complete stock of the newest novelties under the management of Miss Galbraith, the date of our Spring Opening will appear next Week. J, T. ACHESON, Big Discount Sale FSR 1St � �.Ylc ONZIY BEFORE SPRING GOODS COME IN. 2^ iher cent. off Ba,BIBLES, k)PURSES BOOKS, (exe ppt School o, BLANK BOOKS, PAPETRIES, SMALL WARES CHINA GOODS 1-4 to 1-3 off andl FAN(:Y GOODS.WARE, ALBUMS. 10 /5er cent off WALL SHAIjFs. IT PAPERWILL and PAY YOWINDOIUV to visit our sale. GOODS NEW AND CHOICE. A_ L. CTE IR_ February 17th, 1895. Nast ailsSe M JAS. ROBINSON'S Dry Goods Store. Tina. Oland," AssMask 1111aies.1 t UNRK.ShRVBD AUCTION SALK LOOk before you leap. Alto% /10 Don't buy a Bicycle I'0. eon one those made by The Wel and Veil* MT,. Co. of HORSES, CATTLE, HARNESS WAGGONS and BUGGIES. at the sootioa Room.. Remtlteor., Ooderie4 ON SATURDAY, MAH•'1I 21'T. In t Commencing at 1 o'clock p s, 1 good his (haft C.•l•, 4 )ears old ; 1 gars General Purpose M.re. A •nod w..rter sad in fair conditt•n. 1 good (tamers! Pwrpo.e Mare. t Tears old. Due rn foal M•roh 30 h. Thor a.hbrod .111' , 8 month. old. The Met bredr.11t la no (County, sod winner ..1 2nd Prise in • large oleo. or cults at the (iod.rlch ►•I. Pair, a h. -n • little ;ewer 2 months . Id. Cow., rid to brio calf. I .et of Doable T. an. Horne..made by 11.,wd.nr, turd only • few week.. I.et of Light th.ul1r Nurser, only owed a tee .Tama. 1 sot of Light 4ln(•e Nor seam. wort *hale amid. 1 WI of Hooey ragl•.h Carr Harare 1 urn of floats H.rsowe. 1 new Cover.6 I.adhops Hoary. 1 new Phst..n. made by Grey t Sots. 1 wecood hand l'*.. on 1 Lit/hi m. •.. res Weaver. 1 .et of N:clgh. 1 (Munn Rom Caller, may u.e.l 7 weeks. . wt of kik al) Plat Friss r ale.. 2 large Even•jou Table•, end other articles too 55mereue to m• mine. E.erytbl.g will he sold wishnht .eservp, pt ospl'mg *1i Tbo o'bred HO). wb:ob wilt be of freed .ut•ject to • re.e Ted b.d. TICHM--All .am• t• de 810 gash: over Mat • oust 7 month.' cr. dot will be elven o5 ?welshing sppro•ed , •Int notes. A dimmest at 'berate *15 per crit. per •anon allowed for cash on c-edlt sowatm. THOM tf. tit/SI/RV, Anotlo.o.r. Ooderi-b Marni steads. (1 KARIN(l AU4TION SALK OF lJ Hi►I81IROLD PURNITUR/AND iP rKl'T8. _ - Mr. tle0.1r Porter her hoar -tinted Thomas Gundry. • un, to .esr, to well by Debits anodes l his residence E1g1s et. (lode orb. ON FRIDAY, MARCH 1. «melenclne •t 1 P.m all ht• hens hold fur nl•ureaad effects tienehle ins of 1 new hpnrhr M.... t Rio! Maas. 1 •.,mplete vet s,f drawing real tarat.w.e .d 1 new drswlag rocs oa.pm.. 1 Mart.* I.mp,2 bangna* Iamee, how.. tamps platens. nom wising al •ad water a lore •sd steel 5551* r• los tea. 1 oospleu ii4m or drawls's-eosin fur .i.uya• arpw i•.rtteael-I. 05,86355, bllad.,dra• .slew t . Ked *sant fore' we, risme•.. (Hrwoods •nd woslteartslnssed Winds. alt then furniture. lean.* leg 1 8..... imps Though Hans. said all modern !itches bar loiter , ale .1 wood e..o.law nes.. farts • M k. aasooata te. rive 1111 Oat of mar•mm hoes (buts. .ew, awed cels 1 wast\*, I lows sower aid lows •prl.kl..r, sod s o u•. -Is e Ott sof w ernes tools. two stop len d -n sad • boa. Thane Is so reser... Itrwber ti. data Priamm. Manch 2u. I!•l Tin*/ -AU eulw..4 $10 sed ander. mob ; over thet.snu•t 4 tail. oredlt stn be glows en ftr.ihing approved jol•. anise A ells. taunt et tie. rate cf O per vevr per seams el - lowed ter sashes credit .moths. THOMAS BUNDRT, A sot 4aa.sr THOM AS OUNDRY Ane•ioneer, will sal Hay $6.00 per ton I Horoia ales .o Dila Wheels to. lode: Patent Solid one-piees Crank Shaft Self Lubricating Hollow Arles. Large Tub ug and Barrel 'ger Bearings. Haber Any person porcha..ag • wheel from •s. who does Sot uodenwast the art of (.Meg, wl I he tattaht ams FREE. me soother m••bs• torero getting oke set. owe Iwepetlote Is- wited. DAVISON & CO. DAIRY TINWARE W. have • full stook of an Mode or DAIRY TINWARE AaD SAP BUCKETS wbleh we are Galling VERY CHEAP All kiada of TIN, GRANITE IND COPF ERWARE REPAIRED. CANADIAN and AMERICAN COAL OIL Pali meaenre. ba.(ad y mad musing a.ar - WORSELL'S NEW FURNACE nus Its Crewe from awe oars TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED Jon 'oval red The Need Ti., Steve meg NOON 11111. to AMT TRE TNMii IS Mitt Nests. ane. sad see it at WORSELL WHY PAY $3.50 R,..';y „r "5a'b."HNOW for $2.25? hums. in tem ter sum tine radar CO., . a.16d (.!inure: IM. O. MttOssb and E. hairy. def needs G. E. KING, WinghamMiss bantam �`•. b." Me bare bees tlreetd i• the Spring Millinery Atter a leu tthy stay in the cities we has procured a fine assortment of Pattern Hats; ala a great variety of all the latest novelties L Fancy Straws and Ohefonne Trimmings, MISSES YATES. H.B.--.Bee our opening announcement next week. SPRING GOO S.. The iron items se wart to eau year spacial amainn 8. or. (1lt*d. •.E G./.yt House r.,..-.. la Nese Geoids wo •r. the fereamit hews is the Cewaty, carrying as we da. shoo leer times lbs Meek of any of ear etimp*&Mrs. We bare takes great pains to ands. time Geode is the hest mark.ls, Meetly hem the nas.laotwre.., seas M be a8o is eel them at bid rook prima. QARPETs Our Bross• . sod Tepeetry Carpets are et the *ewes. patters@ sad issi�as Wei herders te eastih, and the eel as erg amply elgam. Yen should one our •k S( Oer mew •ttatieetsr, the lints For shwa is this taws, deltgbts ereryeas *be hs saw them. They are golmg to be sellers fez the $prutg Trade. Oar All -Weals an three plies see tw. plies w . ahead d srytbing herskide is tie. market is Imlay, demo! sadoolorimg. Unitas Carpets this year look shame as Nasi a Weal. el one ansae The groats( trade we hers ambles as largely to imoraaen mai stock and we are now In • .tetter possum them emir to asset the ngelremaete et tel trade. When you went Cerp.ts, give es a look. We w entisi.d thee we ma ill ism ceders to your advantage and perhaps ase yes mosey tee by buy*., trees us All Car (hits made ad lad if 'slowed. We out make • 30 se 40 yard Carpet In about two hewn with our saw Carpet M•chtee. We ha.s the largest stock of Oil Clothe and Liad.wms over sheer. is l:oderish, prices to mast everyone. Our Laos Corrado Stock is larger Liens ever. 1t is seedless to quiet* priced Our Chenille Stock of Cartsaas end Table Covers, direst from Um makers. dower evsrytloos fee queluy and prune. Kegs sad Mea me of oar best specialties, des OMNI lima Of Demak, mutable for furnlaltlmit. We *sot you to see our Table Lisette and Table Nephi.. divot from B.Haet, Ireland, Wie wast you to remember our Art Selene bad Art Mumma. Our mown! Spring Stork is better thea a e•1 its most lines la Priata, Clrmhraa, Zepb.n, botch Gingham', I'igees, Spot Mambas, we aro ahead of other ssaeoa*. DR.Ess GOO s = A Isrgs ssortmaist .n many of the new fabrics oo5sleting of the mew Satin Royals, Black and Colored Lustros, Srrges rind Suiting Materials We Ames • lot of Colored Dhow Materiels, double width goods, that we are Mierimg for •boat half prtoe. Tweeds. Clothe, Hamlin* and Wor_ted. In great variety, small Wares Hosiery and Gloves. Ribbons, Corsets for Ladies and Children, Lases and (oozy 511301s, a complete smert.nent COLBORNE BROS. Th. Great Carpet WareAatw of the County. The Kroll Double Moo WASHER show you bow it work*. It will oat you TAKE' THK LEAD overt rel other Ws.h.r. It cosepet d with own 900 *•sear maohisu. .( all binds at ('h.uro to 1893 and car- ried off the sin. ['reauom..ad Geld Mode. It Is ...y sad Tuck. No wash -bear.( requ.red. - GIVE IT A TRIAL - Sand we y..wr address and the semess- sion you live ea, and I will ems and 4 Box 130 H. HI4 Pia ozi Top. That s when, people place oar Wall Pap«, fee they keew we have that lorgest sod bat 11so Cud that we are *LW CFI • I TOP le ti. Well Paper business. Our nock I. large and meet complete sad the sew lmperred pattens we aro oboists. w111 oertai•ly catch roar titan. W. have THE LATEST mum ver nook having hoes se*esled with a view 11 die animals, . ' s,, d laming g.aUty, std ear Pions are as knee as such roods eon be emit li smlto oar stack boos going eleawboris THE FAIR GODERICH l'OUNDRY Tbosabserniar has eitimm.ed control of the Oseerell thole .amUty .d is aow prepared to es lel atteatlea P.to m workouici/psr M PLOW REPAIRS. HOUSE CASTINGS GRATE BARS. sad all o'0aeo of work toned set by • Ong - class foundry, Tb• •s peeaeeatteetiee of the �Oriesa t•r MU heirless Mowery oleos et wort us the plr.mi.s,yd aree bat best w., . able will he turned out from the weeks, order. M mall solicited. .5/ a emotaess win bee osen.tlty. *.dude, is '..r of Headersea Blsyele par: 'aryry. with t ensr.ne. an Onnthei .et. Proprietor t ry Matsui : • little shW el Yr. leek intl. while /lapis( as settee' ea Tseed•y, .diet- ed a sway mead ea bo.dl, by rsauiai • due pawed *me bar fennesd. Ippon. The tliestaa lead N this ono% wader Na We of the Geoid Mimes )lard. is N MN.artein E wlothas ~aria• he C.R.SHANE&CO Full Line of Seasonable Goods. Ladies' Fur Capes a specialty. 0.aRILLS' a00. sass,. M ie. rays...., Leos 'r'S (t -;S way " Fine clothes do not snake a Renin.," but they go m long way towards key- ing a Nmn'a respect for himself and that of others for him. It donee% east say mora to divas nattly than it doss to go around with an ill iltting mat or baggy tr•ossers. All you beam to die n M deal with a first -elms hoes, Ski PRIDHAM'S, wham win got boot t*ality, mead it. end as a fair prima