HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-3-12, Page 6einemialik Albs Mee J. ..... Ayer's Pills " L would like td add my tr.IIIu ny to that til otth 1. whir hate red Ayers Pts. and to y that d apes* a takentheta the fns [oats) >, hint trsult, from their use. For Stomach and liver troubles. and Mr the eilre def teyt.checaused by tbrattder.u., a nth, A)rr'v Pills cannel he ►qui:rd. W:.rtt nay tr.errds ask me what is the Iran remedy for diwMrrs nt the .t..tn..r'h, Liver, or Bowels, my tnt:.rlat.lr slower 4t Ayer's FMK Taken u. ••-*ori they *id break up row, pr.etd l• grippe. clerk fever, all regulate the dicrstlte organs. ?bey etre easy to take, and Are the best family seething i bar. ever .own.•. -N.-.. .tt oilearat,36,1 Aider Ave., New TOrk city. AYER'S PILLS Highest Awards at World's Falr. Atter'* alstreara r/fla for the bleed. THIO SIGNAL: GODERICH OWT., THURSDAY. MARCH 12, 1896. at -aim these r mere ere ` . ill dab Nor. .re Mae whit. Tame ie • oh•.ge se tis esadwMi's 4 emcee, *Meese tt u sot vas ellamestly presessad M smoke itself 5pyasess N the gweral eve -- 004.01IN HINTS A kelt worts carpel stay be made to last l b.g'r by oppose( It apart sad treo.o.eetag the t.redtba. The Treatment a pleat. -Wren meet is Miming. Marge tut poalltom are • der w ,g5.tly duutbu,e the woe., Papier atom* &mimes should be washed with • spew gad wares water, wittiest soap, dredged with dour while damp sad polished week • fiasnsl. Hain S'wlsa. A short needle makes the meet especial .• is plain aswsog, but if the augers et the am her .. Ioeg, • medium length will 5. fused the tart wsteeteal. 1 elsOtIre Sight Persons audetuig from 1 detective sight when tbreadtag • needle 1'buuld hold it over •outetbtog write, ea the eye eau be seen much more clearly by Clue Mir Method to Meedtagg. Keats sod tears inset bu rah together before washing to pre - rest cite.. gotta% further, sod they should be ~study d.ruel sod messed amities e tarobtsg ed grooms. ('orpulere Fat people bear k.weriag 111...• worse thio Chia people. Toe best ✓ emedies ler curvets/My also oolitic/ •wrong, avoid's.» M neer, .rid large quantities of any fluid wtth mho. purgatives, .5d ler gimp lutporiasce of Outdoor Kaer.:w.. Muth/me who value the health of thou child- ren should aupennteaa their outdoor eaer- ciara theo»el..e. Never seed • ahih1 out ori a foggy day or *ben the wind u to the •Mt The Flt of Itnd.rolotb.ag. Loose gar m.o:e ego nlweya wanner ter tightly ret Ung oriel., 001 Duty aware they 1641.1.0 room for t'trcuutiou, out beware they torus • laver of air between the .kin sad tbe out ode oold. Calico. Never buy low prioed common rhea for any porpoise. For estreat era rimy ueoleaohed u the beat, •e it ia not rid foxed, and the oast of tleaahing a eared. 11 w.ehr white to a Nur weeks, and r very thick sad warm. Woollen ('►othtag. - In so ehangeabl. • climate as the., cotton underclothing .Gould Never take the place of woollen., lysrlag the Summer, if delimit cahoot he eorme, soli aurae nae woven woollen fabric should b. coastaotly Near the .kt5 Shin of Beef. -Thr part of the animal is geserelly used for soups, gr.ttee and ehtap sews. It as one of the airtnutrttious por Moue. sod the most easily dtg.stibte it bio perly cooked --Namely, allowed to stainer, OF INTEREST TO WOM}N. ftiedletnd Vend, There will mar • un.%, stye • recent not boil, fes several hours wnter, wren $ sedIeitw w.11 be admt0.4 Economy. chair- -I)o oot buslM ttb.14 ur bemiuus. tared, e.•.ey• to ..ruse and sudden attach. it II would be cheapw a chestier go without .ad to in Tu Ihesa.e wul b• cure.' by food throe dans, when fashions change w rapid, 1 The u t "listni b, use mother is fraise I , ,t u • dsu mveruu. wain too Ivy by store. of the .glue of this erection in her daily ur I mucell•osow articles of clytbmg. her "t t t.e m..l. of her huuebold, for l ('bsidrem • boor* are 501 w brat" as those her 1•trl) •t.luihour ledge of duprttI of &dolts. end, to cuo.ttlueuce, tiny often her put lief ori the thhe way uo .b eNli,thtea. them res ben dolmas ep It..ak ashes tib Mob ham Imes seek seek wwring theatre ler rile leanings sr gMpMby. V r1Yi1ye� tests ebisY be pais aid mak end .read be primed wbbnt ..y I..rteh- es sr pesalsanuw They ebeald be this. with a dud muted" sell dwelt sad glary. 1a east of sickest,. garde sh..W be lit at the here, hoer/ the weeds, •• With ked ergatrw,' written os them. sad • With deep sympathy " is ease of • death. iVhea • rsrrt.d lade galleon, ..giber wise has • belbsad.she meet set east b ord., bet es leaving the brass .b should place two of her hashedk seeds en the hall tab/s. Hoo own, should not be left, awls /he lady called es be out, is which nano • earl with the htrband'n and Odle, m.Nie, printed to wisher should be lett. .ad • separate awe with the basbead's teases dams. Lards 'Melds aver be seat by poet, ex- empt to • few ...oma tree a. follows : --4e. leertsg • .ey►b.rbeed or se mug away from boar tor my WOAD of has., whim cord's with 1' 1' ('. r sham .bould be seat tie rotors's' hoar alter • prolonged •b- aee.:e, wbee card..►.ald be soot baring the tt Home" day writ's. on them ; es re- turning Masks tot Wed 'equines et mai pat hyo -Renew your subscription to TUB SItiNAL for I$96, 1AM-ON D `! AO ,ELLSoF V NSeriPAIRON. E31 L10 US N ESS, DYSPEPSIA. F!CY.. HEADACHE. NES U:ATE. THE LIVER. opt 0•t-. ARTER CA.T1 El It4SUR[:S, GOOD DIGESTION. reign CTs.TotMoe9s Pito co an t1a«s,, annMmni The Shoe that's envied! Hello ! The Old Reliable Still oa Deck. Inept t hem et e.t lewd reso., comptlyd by beau • limb when a groan -up 10e1500 would The 11 neekeeper is e»ndased and •111gea- break it. Ibis te called green sunk hoc tits, and worth . aiding out end pasting tee lure, and seldom requires any treatment but the back .d the t.mlly rr, •tpe bunk b•ndsgtug and real. But inroad advice 1',arms for suit rem from asthmashould, of course, be had at once. Water ...ire 10 a remedy fur newt v. The lultirsMou of Ornamental Planta -- Asparatttte u need to induce perep.r.tioa glared pots ate the beet adapted tut plants Wat••tn don toe epslrpt mud tor yellow Ib Weimar or an rooms, as the earth der fever not so woo art , as they allow no crepe Spinach to e.etul to th-we suffering with of the moisture trum the aides. Ferro revel. should be watered regularly every day, and Turu.oa for nervous disorders maid for the leaves :hurom,hly bathed and *personal scurvy oar • week Lettuce u useful to those s.tfertng from Resod 1t:re ter. This useful article should be in every kitchen, for, without at, breed - crumbs could out be really busty grated, and their co•reeoems proclaims loudly • careless Book. Nturly grated i.readwuwbs task as Doe of the mut imiporl•ot wgredt- sels in m$oy paddies*, seesooinge. ,tuf- tinve, forcemeat/, etc- Housekeepiog Hints. - Regularity to the payment of etwunts is essential to good bnueekrpm tt. All tradesmen's books should he paid weekly, for then soy 0rr0r* Dao be detected while the tra.eutw5• are fresh in the mast. The tickets emit 10 by the butcher aitli the joint& should be hung 001 • nail in the k.ttfbeo, that they may be compared with the amounts m the hook at the end of the week. Indigestion. --The low spirits indoosrl by 10.0005x. Itlscktw'rrte' se • tonic. 1'..ful is all forms of diarrhoea' Han.s.e are useful as • food for thore sol• 1.rtnK (inners , fd un Mar h,wtt Croatrrrs. ter erysip.I.a ; are used et term.11y ss w, I i .s internally. flossy so wholesome, streugtheolOg. elis.e.ng, hearing end noutubiov Larvae for 1. y.rieh t htr.t in tuckers, for bltovsuete, Isle fevers, rim' rightism., colds, (iambs, liver °mood .1111, oto. •t N••ry s ros.lueble as • food for those .affertn 'foal u1y berm of rbeu.n•tum tor divers of the nerves sod 111e00e dyspep sin. Figs are aperient nod wholesome. They ere seal to 1). • •Jostle as • food for those •alien. K tion cancer. they •re used a*ter• t• natty a. well v retrrnaliy. rower, ma may vary from el ,oh di J.olI.,a rloelleot for purify •"d all humor to the met extreme u.rlas- Fresh r,i. fruits .re tog the bio."..rid toning up the system. A. oboly lu order to o.erooma the uubrduiy apeoso rou,ed405 orange are 0pen.st. suet .late the dy.peptic *iruuld thoroughly m.. uo•te his toad, se that the dyteetite fluids rlrao.t• err a•.ghty re"wmmr5dta fur them may trnnelorm it ; b. ought .ler to keep quiet for some time alter • meal, so a. nut • n•t tie for other purpoase the mayor floe re.4ulred for dugeetyuo. F••hiuna in 'thud. We are retur0utg to the f..huons of our ancestor in the ni•tter of walking oboes, ea these are nun mads as devoid) as, s5d o•a hardly he dst,nruiehed from, those for indoor wear ; but let u. hops the thin 1.., nor sok. used 11,1tn the odd brow.' mod kid ..od.1 rues telt never return, r they were were terribly oondusiv• col• • e the •urtu-e, remote idiot uc. t., snarl and brtlachiti*, est feet banog a two. Iron 1110. 411.1 hinge, demote., and du. tit"r" Irmtlnl *yule, than 0017 other of dit- to lee gravid end .r•le.1., and Ming !be s.`esod d,ath, stomwn ..id h,tial. w • healthy- coodt- A •v ea hung skirt -fa m.kiog •skirt, E BEST AND ONLY SCRANTON COAL the Cheapest (sal ever geld its this market. All (;oat weighed on the Market Sod's. ate tea: You're sere von got roar weight Order% left at HARPER tit LEE'S promptly ettenderi to. IRT M.' LEE. alum. Torrid,* ere . powerful aperient for the liter, . sete•.,ttn remedy for dyspepsia and for t. ,urea... Tometor aro a value' le in at ineptness. of lite •oaten. to • huh the use nos v trtr ees 11 indicated. Salt M. • k bleeding of the lungs, and ase 5rr lee .d ,note kw week, thin blood .d trv,.i..• (...mnoued with hot water, e useful I,•r nelson kind• of at .pep.•, liver .omIl•,'.t, tele. I:rape. &a'e thick blond, *esti the cur Ston. Peanuts lo. indigestion : they are "speui• •lit reo,rmm,udel for cwpal.ul d.abetea Pasant• Ore fowls 1e.0 • wholesome and nu - semi. a• soup. an Moaned mid need es cof- fee, are rt• u am • onsets, simply naked, or are ofei- •rent end served as .•lewd • moods. Kae b. of looter great her' toper- e rs of frail a•n..,tnt1011, sad to those out ferias Mom •.woomplton. It as (Mopped Sus, ......ed . oh ..1,, end heard by )d .o his is la a 4..). --4 h.d water 1t wsm 1.1es e at:sad .41 •o.se rho heel o1 emanations' erten, • I.. v" 0m.•n0• of nuttlmmet Se • rearm. gn.uk y ay..lt,de nem Eggs, egpally t:.s )nika • 1 eggs, tie ria. ful to saa �aa Name. ea raw with sneer are = .e elem. end stoma, hen the voice With «ser .»•1 lemon. 1,1 • ,h• heated ooh 10 d Ma a u...l to relieve bearerser. O.,.o,. or. alone 'he11..11111t a. knoway No med.o1N is so um 1,1 i. ore. 1,1 berretta y.rostrenen, en 1 there is nos I. that w111 ee quick", relieve and '0115 up • *015na system. °nine' •r. nrfol In oases of no4Rlw.o 1 •5 end ,lineae. ; .n conaumptine, ta.nme4, hy4roabnh e, Sour.', graree said tone the snoop kt.4.ed Isar ,.ow,piaiet. Fm.en even When calling open •...lore staying at • 'shot 4.v. 'hey seen herr • e caring std Douse', ..parete card. *hneld t. 1.f' ter, ooh/tenant rife, t ea the e5mplet.no i them, r well ae torr the hoot awl pewees W M1. n" pe pieta. 0r pharmacist esu ! If • daughter rem her .,gees?..srd with .ssso,..n •••no.'s anent • ru'.•, Ih. lir. J, her "*n risme lwntef en it, she ma ora• C. Ayer 4'e. go.rm4'e the paw.. y. .Irurgib out her mother'. name wham 54)15. .1 wee 5x4 n.4, .s...1 v t,rraf Aeer••IS.reaperrla Sas tll seeds are shod fee geethese.,l.rger 1. wr '11. •sly dwrei pu.lge• •4'" ".4 M nose for ted... They are .leo seed web tine gr.- Wm' re Feer N r '. 7'. I'13. 1 the husb•ed'e sod wows neer profited to FRILLS FOR TN( FAIR StX. !gather the most import*ot paint .s to *sake it hang evHh' •11 round. A badly cut skirt octet. , treks out at the bottou. ; thus be beo.ues .t is gored quite einem to the hears A 1 front sears.' should to etreieht for the lea• eight or sine taches. 1111 .• ton short at thorns it i. tee. mu*e sop wins are purkered. or the a.tro0 le draws too tight, or hovers the we.nr has large hep, for which no allow ares hes been made B*Im ettemrt."* to tut the skirt, roc . geed Peters oat to the prevailing f..5.e. ETIQUETTE OF' PAYING CALLS A lad res nerdy cell nor • gso'1 met. First calla should he returned within • week, nr .41 the dram "At Homeday. 1 ells after dtsa5e parties and dances et.ould be made witbr three days, or .•.rda 1.1t Unmarried ladies tomes their garde 0.17 for the I•dy oalled aro, sever for nor hue - hu d LeLse nerds .hould n.vr he sod without the Deed' " Niro eat " Ms..' be - 4 NE -IGT UB aid FEED aid GROCER[ STBBB if you want the Lest that is going in Flour and Feetl and Groceries, at the best rates for your pocket, call at my stere on the Square, near Colborne Street. The goads are of the beet and the pries% are right. CHAS. KNIGHTS. SUMS Cle3,ring Sale Goods or Dry 1'd..hnul•l net be left la the drawlsg- dev.l y h to t.5.. Is •, rimy 04.0.44 s'r.. I.rmow., .et g10011 to 0 served Ise irk• tee, *e- thos of -Ser. aerate. s, amt are node sp kiss the lady he est se Ma gad palely • with f..••, M'ko or votes. teestr... Me. 1lreelies .r.d Whit,. se. erre taehma•hde , llewrmrrfe1 .•.g)tore have their rr ire dam •ver. Tn. 0e.. ..5.'.. aro .het ,a 'e4 es 'heir tweOsf\ ear&'stew l., tIyottl.we, prodssimg • moot .*('rite 1 away hem hs,emwbsn for wee14, el rona 30 DAYS Farmers' pr ,duce taken in exchange H. J. HORTON the CASH STORM., oar. 'footrest street sad P.nate. aesree, by. their etre. . mase eel slew -art bs Mho gad • Ar aimaet w ea& M a rear wre.te A good shoe is a good friend --to the man who _ wears it -to the dealer who sells it. But a good shoe a baa enemy to the dealer who can't get the right to sell it, and cares not tell his customers so. We are sole local agents for The Slater Shoe, which is the best shoe for men, that we know of. We are the only firm in this city which can buy these shoes wholesale, and with the knowledge and consent of the makers. Other shoemen want them so badly that they get their friends to purchase from us, "on the quiet," a few individual pairs, at full re- tail price in order to put them in their windows for show. But these firths can't buy the Genuine Slater Shoes to sell again - they buy them to ken p them and talk against them. We buy ours wholesale from the manufacturers, so we can afford to sell them retail. We keep every size, width and shape in stock, so that we can fit any man, no matter what kind of feet he is addicted to. Ours are The Genuine "SLATER SHOES," stamped on the sale $3, $4, $5 per pair. Now don't yon think it must be a pretty good shoe that's envied like this? Perhaps you should see these shoes that shoemen want so badly. We are the only people who have the Right to show them to you. IF YOU WANT Clothing Clothing Clothing AB ISCHIA OF BUSIKBSS Hae made it emissary for or to leave tie old mem sed take • larger ase That fine etre in VICTORIA BLOCK asst deer to Shannon Shoe :Chop, e where my breeds sad oa.10mers might fled me row. Her we espeet le do • dnurrhl5g trade W. her jest re raved • mew erg well asserted supply of BPRIITG GOO I)S Ir the firm deal tment4 of or hoot ..r. aaraely READT MADE, CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING sod CUSTOM TAILORING W new hssiame@ sed aro belied w soil Light profits .ad gl.1.k mien se ear most'. L CARD & CO. OODIRICH. e .m es a A WINTER SUIT of First class Make Good Material and Latest Styles, -(`411.L UPON - HUGH DUNLOP. The w e.baL Neat M art K Mestlreal PLANINO TELL. ES?lgtl5N€D 171414 Bac1iauaas & Rhyiias rawveurrvris Wit DOOR and BLIND Dealers la ell lied• ed LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Aad builder's tmst•rtel et every leeorlptlee School ?u.rniturc a SDecialt,. Patron ise T rue Competition. Tug Paestum, Pedalo a•IL**r (?ate Tt.tamwarw hes w- es..Muhsd its dewe the hbe dremelaes woks with fate .ad sr 110•0•11 simpetblest 11M .mamewd es beriesse prlss4Nr sad the Mumma et Ise Weer. If daisier'es the sorter et seri papa arra 444) oris Ie. sampwt1laa. weseessiag with all time Ivy err e=n e'*wa S 544 tM �Vib,�er* wires Maw ION.. bides-McMll` . a.. fes a L=ILAN i l lMlta! WM. SHARMAN Jr. Cor. East- st and Square, Goderich. Special at Munro's. Honey Comb Shawls, Scotch Plaid Shoulder Shawl., Double sled Stag.) Long Shawls in Black and tk,lors. HOSIIE;RY Fine Cashmere Plain and Fancy Ribbed, from Infant. to Ladies size. Boys and Girls Heavy makes, warm and durable. Ladies' and Chiidren's Underwear in ►11 the leading makes. Men s and Boys' Shirts and Drawers from 20 to 44 inches Just to hand, full lines of Men's Merino and Heavy ticks. New shades in Cheap Silks tor Fancy Work. Pure Silk Handkerchiefs from 5c. to $1.25. M-CTITRC. Draper and Haberdasher. POTMAHOFF TEA. We This new blenri of tea for family use is now On *1410 at our *tore . have also the finest in FRUITS and VEGETABLES and keep on hand; full Tines of heat Family Groceries, and the met reliable in Dairy Produce. Seasonable Fruits and Vegetables. STURDY BROS. Ties Grocers, on the Square. --- NOTICE. - - - ALL PERSONS ()WINO R. W. MceKIENZIE Proprietor of the CEEAP HARDWARE STORE GODERICS 7 Will please call on him and pay np. He wants clean balanced hooka to commence the year's operations. SHORT CREDITS AND LOW PRICES will he our motto this year R. W. McKENZI E. Musa kill 8191L1 $1.00 a Int I l