HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-3-12, Page 5THR SIGNAL : (IODRRICH. ONT., THURSDAY MARCH 12, 1896. i SILENCE CLOTH. • W. AQHESON do SON. We opened today Special Linea in ,Brnerican Extra JSeavy Double SILENCE CLOTH or Table Underlay, in several widths New and Special Designs in TABLE LINENS W_ ACSON lax/ SO1Nw_ 1 WILMER SMITH. UNDERTAKER, GOI781RICli3, ONS. .dert•kI.R Dopamine( 1s ob•rw' et ear Mr J. doielgrev wood .•1 Funeral Dimmer and Embalm r. Intl. promptly ••••.dod alibi or day. DIEM TORIKANCt. - Is Dedeerieb TowsMle. on Thered.7. Manta 6• h. Usti. Mees•rm( Toe rases, re kt of the Tote Johns Torratwe. Meas 70y ears. AMMON.- 1. Aedericb. on Monday, March mak, Ing. Husk. beloved wife of GeorgeAoiosen, sued r lean and 2 seethe. 111UTCHi8ON-At his reeidenr, OMamewan. Wdrieb. on March bk. Matthew Hutchi- son, of Osilvi* & Hutobies. In his 01tb year. I'HE TALK OF TRE TOWN. prom the Repartee/ Not boob W ToeVee . rate to a' fen Denotes, 1 reds We teat lei • Cade" Aeneas ie Takla' a.g•., se' With MRI wrest M.' -stare•. Habeas are always lovely. but as they grow I.Mat..e beauty change@ to youthful sad oboe adult p.rteenos. Tho only way to have e lett.. .emery our baby. 1@ to gel tallows to tats (k% darting.* photo. The introduction of the reasediel bill atad treat excitement* at Ottawa. sad the Intruder ties of Prfdhse's remedial snits, caused s sea mattes thres,bout the Domi.loe. Tee R.. 4I hilla las a Ottawa; Montreal and (]sasaeros bilis will pons a i ridbat0's. FowswwL Swoop Rev T M. Campbell • i.s .r ps.1.r of the church, will month Ne (serol sermon of the late Mrs. Adages* s the North .t Methodist then b os Sun- day. A Sri -mini) RILL tar FARE - We have just moss • program of the sumer% to b* given in Vittoria Hall oo Tured.y, the 17th, and it is without doubt the best we have read for • be. time. it wits Fvra Ur -40a Thursday wee. tag the hockey clubs of Clinton •led Gods - nob bad a pretty good game is the now rink. The ram. was roma kably tested from from s$art to finish, tbo result being • tie. 2s2. s Hage. Acaus THS 819 -- Victoria Hall ei 11 ..treed with bins is the good work, will be thankfully remembred by loom' goners Soso for their sobs work. OuANosrsp,--The woad meeting of tip Grs.d Lodes of Wantons Oetsrie met is Loudon tie week. Among the Harm dele- gates present ware . W. Crooks. Helmes- vila: Jos. Wilkinson, W. Jobwten, J. W. Sboohottom, Bsle'r•v: John Dass, Gents ; W. J. McIntyre, Authors: Rev. W. Stat, Gliata; B.S. Cook, J. Don.vby, Fordwieb; J. Bullard, A iathrop; G. B. Hasley, Gods - rich towwhip. l'c.um: tw Ssa,oar..--0a Wednesday of lint week throe risks left fir Ssaforth e test torr playing qualities with three from that burr. Alter • tee coolest the game ended ia favor o1 Godrio► by ens .bet When the last shot but me had rested, Set - forth had • lead of ane •led • good position. bat by • oosabia•tien of lock and play tb. Galeria!: stuns curled wrest the T, win - slag the pante for Ws ooe.ty town. Teat AAs Hats. -Tb, sodding plums std t•11 feathers, ..m. .s bask sad oometames gaudy. owe dies .ase at egsr- Minmate in the opera nesse, efiot..11y abut out the view of those onf.rtoaten wino sit behind them. This :s • griev.so, villa deserves mom attotieo than it gena, for is is sot only i.00nvenient and aaseyisg, bat it senrhia.s privity .amber of therm in &meadows seeing what is rotas ea apn the stage. This subject remindo as d s gentle- mas present at • performa.oe mat kw( time, who asked • friend • few .sats da - tout to let him know if he saw aaytbiag flood. Nsw Soao..-The well-known ...i.i.s Moo -Moo, We the following twelve sew is preparstten ; tby will be eased is iim ter the @sa.om's revs "My roses bright w seder boot." "My sidewalks aro awry,•, "My early own, ob whore i. it !' "Oh whom n my plant pie'' be wee tali, estttYsed b the ismr M- u sk e.aaitt.., white ..►dated Oho finssYsw d bmgitas, mks., sal thea Ise e.atldseeltw, ee *-- -d WM • 'abbe W g ory world be se .rvsebls as e.ytbl.R. wIM•.s -tailing asialia engages ter tie -l.t.m---. and this the Oeeerg..s.t aimed In A seed representative ((ts.s s rwMhese bas bong mined. who will at sass .at about Ws work. No details hve vet hos deeded ..pen, but tbm osgnaiUee will messed with doe aauti.a, end we hoe - doubt Nat tho osmosis of their work will be approved of by the oitias.s general- ly. The .ovegnitse s only tat -did es .. aazilMry ts dowiI1, of siy. work in oejmn ties Wherewith, A aaMing of the oomssiitee will be bald en -malty monis. nom at 7.30, in the...goil eb•.ber.-New Era LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. There was fibs dating as We lake lest week. W.H. Reid visited bots Rues at Ki■t•U es Sunday. 1t used to be tho'Old Albion'; it will eons be Who 'New.' Su =t Harvey, of the Collegiate, spent sed Sunday at KinsuL Who George Pates moves into Mo1s•m's block sash store will be ooeapied. Are we gotag a hays • day .n wart far tree phaatisg se the harbor mech. Tows is • bin pilo of those already pre- pared to start the sew St. Petri. Mach seas to be • firest month for otos- owe, .ad eaterta(amosu generally. • bissee gives his customers the Wait of the lowest prices possible every time 60 11 t understood that three tugs and roar beats will fish off this port the cesium se - son. CoaaIv otrk Lane was kept at home • few days last week, • severe cold being the masa Tkis saw that owes for bin paper towel septet to do welt to this world, let ideate u the wzt. The skating and Darling rink will bo • opleadid pt•os to bold church fairs and Minoan i.. Boggy tor s.ls-.aced-b•sd phaeton - Good, cheap, (:all at Geo. Tbomsoo'. Music Depot fc0 A lodge of the Sass of F.egl..d Beoevo Mat Society was instituted at Bowlike the past week. Two former tows school boys, MoDo.•ld sad MoClysaat, were in town as Saturday and Stodgy. Goo. Proms is booed to decrease his stook before crossing We Square, bocce he rives big bargains. 60 T5. Goderimb Organ Co. mads • Wee shipment of as to England yesterday (Wednesday). sdnesd•y). Mise Gundry was temporarily employed at We Central animal Ws past week during Mina Rook's illoos. lows Mirk Mitcbell is new able to move woad the bows, and will Moa be able to oliab N. dice stairs. Next 8asdey ..wire Rev. J. A. Aadr- sea will preach • .poeiel Mraes to sailors and fishermen is Kam church. Compare Robinson's 5 oeat costo• with May other steres 7 oast costo.. 60 Rev. I. B. Walwio has boon aa••imoasly invited back to Lookww Methodist church for sootier year. and has accepted. The Chasse Friends .led Oddf.U.ws moat in regular Masaoa this eivooisv. .ad tie Royal Areb Mao... nom Tuesday. Geo. Prise bas • splendid glob* chown in his window, and it is his mention to gro- at it to Immo lucky me in the near future. A well selected stock of ssa.o••ble roods ■p to all your requirmmeuta and at primas Wtthis your mast at Robt•.on'a 60 Tbe no amp has been gathered in, and thesg6 p.rhps not as thick as in seam pre- view yew. it never was batter in qu•ltty. 12 pounds of •prioota, peaches, evaporat- ed apples or proses for ose dolly at Goo. nee's, or three pounds of either kind for • nectar. 60 A number of Goderieh farmers opt their miner's ion to the no vbborbood of Piper: dam, and others op the lake front gathered Weir crop from 01d Heron. Dorian the course of the sera.. io Kooz hutch last Sunday morning the pastor re. ferred to the deaths of Henry Martin wad Matthew Hutchison in terms that brought tears to sow oyes. which testified 000cu is .- g the deep affection the oongreg•tion had for the departed. By advertisement it will be was that Goo. Porterbag decided to adopt the arabsystem is to ►s beings.., ad on and after the 10th of Mareb will sees forthe .ow doper tore isits entirety Every other business as lath Gederi/b should adopt e same mows, as it is the best for buyer end seller.re Eureka Conosil, No. 103, RT. of T., will most is their ball Tuesday svoinr, is - steed of Monday, sett week. oo •000aot of ens consort by too Fisk Jubilee Singers, an - der A.0 U. w spiess, being bold in the Tine - HW onthe Ilss.oil's regular t. ss "Did yes ever aanything prettier setaa Wier is whe ebe gtioe art stony tineas melt he day about the wall paper at TFair. wader .der bas bed time to .pis • web everh their stook. Att.rb early it the ease.•, they are busy fi1Wg orders. Make your ssen leotiearly whit there is • complete stack to choose from. "My little plot Is net forgot ;" 'My lawn is .11 dose brow. "Oh tender shoot* !Oh mumer fruits," P "And looms broken dews" q "The obesrful oow makes all the row," se " Oard'nn w n sodimmed " Tb. mayor sad reeve and deputy" "Will give time mar's ar's root. " Fist Justt.s Stooges. - The Maple Ls.( Lodge, No 27, A O U. W., •n moans the throat. having decided to give the Bien. of Goderiob • great treat is the ham of • oeoo.rt by the famous Fisk Jab - se Singer*, who have sot visited the tows for over seven years. And is order that riot aid poor alike may enjoy the opportun- ity of Wearies these world-raoowsed ..gr. singers before their departure for F.srope, tie prise of odmissios bas boos plated at Ws very low arum of 25o. tor •dols .ad 60. for children who aro coder the •r..f we've. The ooeert will be bald is the Tsapur•.os Hall oo Monday, Marek 16th. All who want to espy good, original .bora.... typical mage, std have • good a vssrslly should attend the oosoort Tu. Rsvtval. MsiTlst». -The special ...Begs being bold 1a Noah .t Metbedst Mardi are iwaras.sr in interest, jodgise from the ate atise , the largo lemurs ream is the bas.veswt sism ten .wall to aooai- modate the poops. Tno body of the Nareb was owned to the public Wednesday eyes- ism ye♦ism. and the meetings will be e..ttaaed there sr w present. The wirier. Rev. Jamb Edge. and Ray. H. Irviro, pastor et Victoria -.t Methodist aburoa, are .sed.ot- ing the messinn, and swoons bus already .arkd their efforts Tis water and pimp!. of Vioterinet hm *sod is We good week. and We vebebla.eilat soe ren- dered in of great bads to the menti.gs. Therm will M plenty of roman sew, and all are berated a attend. Sar servies at 7:30 regular surds* at 8 o'ateek ..ab week .►arew erseptien Sturdy. Tap STA.ILT &TAT& -The Oatar1. Oeverse..k hes .igsig.d is -$.ghee M oo minim (aist.s', deign M a parties .1 the 85a.ely sstats.aed WE wit adds the save .f $10,000 thor"er. Th. Nbw .lsives.ts M lee estate will •1.e ho. *sir ofla5.s wow tried, QINss is to b...agtagdes.d es tis gad knew, , the goodie ler width Neta with Mr. Garrew, the popular .,,._s.. 14,. .455. ctdisg, who bur hem very se. - 555.14 leaking shoe elision's 'Mims Tin I tentles t. s ter. Moo essay 1.r the s.- taMkhowst sed ednes.ssee d • pt.btis Bs+•v, genins.iagn sad rave- It is mtalk ef t mama Ise adaroo*..dses M M Jibe prom meaty balm treed 1s. .m, bag a. asailand paws ; ripde `nes dc.Ygd w_womminsse Ipng age t the este IgM Ns taw stabs be *.6 was tairly well filled .. Tuesday evening to see Hands Across the Seri. The drama is of considerable merit, and the oesipnny repro - wades it beim • good om, .11 preset had an so linable tiros A .9Li DAT. Friday was perhaps Um most slippery day To Godariob for some years. tiering the forenoon • large su.ber s1 pedestrians around the Square assumed • horisostnl position as the sidewalk, though t as far as ow be Maraud, neither sprsis or Moak resulted. JAavts-Dsrsw. ---This Welling the groat toner, H. Jarvis, and tbo equally great or- ti mast, Depose. will appear n Kaes (hur.b, .sett giving several ...hers- A.15.gentle- mos an known tar sad wide us loading ez- po.ens of higb-class moan., • groat treat is e store for lasso who •teal. Fon Tgs(bwarirss.-Wanted : A Light brides arevesg tress tin park to seer the canoes, steps from the lighthouse to the bathhouses, tress as th beck from Attrill's s iliagha'., • paid man to .ss that sows aro stabled from osdowa to sunrise, • few tress pleated in the harbor park, bicycle clubs invited to the Cormier City. eta. Tis 17th or Oi,i.n Isgi.Aloo, - The as aivsrsry of Ireland's patron meat will b* misbrand on Tuesday *maim by • 1en.5r5 u Viosria H.11, is whisk ..am of the Met local talent will appear. If then s me day whish ought to b* ..shamed it i. is. 171.1, es it brtags as Riad the ..awtry of the Nsmro.k, its pretty woman and Its wealth of poetry and w . P.wwa n Dowse. -ler 5h asst week • number of nun tam ress pulling deem the ore salt Moak. recently knows ea W. Kidd Week, to in•b• ready for the new ratio'. Mabry. Judged by the .seamy dspl•y d is Ibe wort se far, the b.ildtag will seen he risme from the present regia. a.d before tea eau bas poised is semodbr smith there Mould be anodise liege rest t, ..pvews. Hs %mama IT. -At ase ssaeil nose - tag the ooealuasa r wash A. M.D. Alam wee ss faversbly a.sli-d, ems available M .evsr. a -.wase sad .eight, far 15. gaMlweas .agnd bee hese ter yams mere - otiosity worlds* he •dva..s the teww'r lu- ta..ea Mg. A61as, bah the lutists er COMING AND OOINCL F. W. Y..ag, ai 1.skwo., was in town last Friday. W. Allen Mortis, of i>rtroit,was is tows tin past week. 1. Taylor, of Clinton, wash tie meaty town me Friday. Jus. Sone. harness. of Clinton, «eked Oedorieh Friday. Oeern. Allen, a Walkerton, woo home We pat few days W. W. Ogilvie, of M..tresl, was In tows the pent few days. Miss F. Raison was valued relatives is Detroit lass weak. Hive Cowen, Deas sear Blyth, was visit- ing htsads is tows. Mill Jessie Barrows is arising Is sad armed Y Dungeness. SMacaw r visiting, restive. s Mates sad 8e•fortb. Y. Anti►. g. of Merry sp., woo Is H. eoaty taws .. Friday. Mr. mad Mra Whitney, al Weodskaok, wore ta tows this weak. Oaps. Jobe McPbersen, of 1[ssusdt.y was is Mrs - SMmrday Joe Tare. el Chutes, atMsded 5b. tater. •1 of bas late M. Hatehtsa Miss Mowers. d 0....., was Winv..k H. great of Who Mose. Dark. Ease Raseall'. family .Ill ransom to Mors Orem K1.enelfno early 1n Apri. Egease Meati Oes. W. Kidd sal shied sees 4 it a Otsubo~ H.breakwppw ./ 4e Clearing Sale :F YOU WANT TO BUY DRY coons o. READY MADE CLOTHING 10 PER CENT BELOW COST. We shall be glad to see you and show you the goods anytime during the Month of February. JAS. A. REID, loth January, I S9ti. Joedaa's Block, Godericb. FROG IN THE ▪ o THROAT art :10 Cruex. !w►.Mtoettady. r met.. 1 DR. SAMSON'S CATARRH CURE POWHKR (with blower Mc' Immediately relieves and pe-mantly cares Cold in the Head. Catarrh. etc. latex aid best thing in the market. Use the 11 EN DERSON 1)LANT FOOD U you would have flourish lag plants and lovely dowses all Winter No oder. cheap. wead.rfuUy effective. 25 Dents. W. C. GOODE. W itch Hasel Clem for chaps. irritations AtrRgT as. her way to her parson home io (:odsrich. While bete also was the guest of her tattier - la -law, Thos. Kidd. M. C. Cameron, M. P., who arrived by to 2 r. r train on Tuesday attended the fussed of the 1•e M. Hutchison. Miss M. Rumen returned oo Sstarday from • visit to relatives is Detroit. Captor Ewart, of (obourc, was to (.odrtob last week cm vessel matters. lir. Hutchison returned to Montreal a Monday of last week, mod is back again this week. Mrs. George Kidd and two children, of Omaha, aro visitiog or parieto, ('optets and Mrs. Mamma or. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. W. V.o•ttr, a000ut panted by Mw Skelton, wore in Wagbam during the past week. New Era : Robs Clark has moved to l.odencb, where he has secured • situation in the knitting factory. Mrs M. Turnbull lett on Saturday for Leado.. to attend the mesh.► of tet Uburcbwoaen'. Auzilt•ry. Fres Press : A. Suthrlaod, of (:demo►, who bad boos spending the Winter with friends in Lomita and vicinity, hes esterase home. Winglisa Times : Mies Vaotose, of Sof f•Io, and Mise Vamoose. of (:odes -tab. vie- itd Mrs. W. J. Flinty on Sunday sad Moody. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. .es/ersh irlee.. .mnemes. Mar. 11. itM Fall WbsR Wes) M..d•rd... .. 0 75 to 0 110 FoU Wheat MM)• 0 r to 0 ft floor. family. pr ewt 2 r to 1 2s lour. Fell, per ewe .......... _-2 10 e 2 10 arsakFloe, paieat per ewe11 00 to1 2 41 to t 4p Shares, • ten .. 12 b tole 000 Sormlae. •Ian.. 12 10 ell r pi.. . busk Nsw O.s, • hush .... 0 Si to 021 040 to -0 W New Hoy, • t.. 13 50 sol Old Hay. •t....._ 1 00 el Rutter, Kbus\ sew 116 to 0 e an. ffr'sk.ssctd. i des13 to W r to Sbo.DRidial Wane M op M Levo Homs MI OS Dressed Hoar. Hama. a Ram. ter. Ib .. ................ 10 e Obtuse. ser ID.......... 10 to 00 00 2L 17 11 N M s 70 60 111 11 11 Motto. PROM A8 G UNDRY HAS PURCHASED from W. L F n & son, of Carlow, am of tb.1 Imported Dr•tt BtUicn., sad In Mods to travel kiln du,l.t the eon ng seams tbrow h Oodoti, h Towas►Ip. ettt SItuatlon. Vacant WANTED -A GENERAL BEET/XT. Apply to MR#. OARROW. WANTED -A GOOiD GENERAL /MR - vent for family of Wer, mod wows Apply b MBB. LOFTUS 8. DANCIY. let/ WANTED - CANVASSERS. MALE AND ISM ALM. lo every towo.blp 1e (Maeda, to canvas for the greatest weekly umtrsge�er l5. Pbe Iworld. Thr t1y Herold anal Wus p Star of Montreal. The "oath Nereid and Weekly Star bee hers teem buedr.d •led twat .fight oelrss. pr went. Nail to one b lanma velavee@ per neve- It le laprevd to every dgpe to eet reseseposeesty see er talk./ abeetan ever Ms war_ A epldld premium pis with )b. .. the ~sae Herald, A reel seaman.* for aMves ere to establish a yearly tssegns. No -p.rlrsol ts..deL Oaly .atarelmyadty ter espies. eta, grafi. fres. eddies@ ne Welly se were p.eities. Plee.ie Herald PsWiN- Iteteerlpee• D@.•rtuuss.t M..t e•L Oxf Know What You Chew 5 �C 10�r P129 r fos team frig l $_I ,a .IIIs4144 Tb. some yaw ..y lea a tea Maw Tom a It. ewe ea.. I. T UICM CTT • nos 00,. s.ue IllAMELTOIL TO ADVERTISER.. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes most be left not later than Mon day noon. genial Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. Mind Welland Hogal■. Mixed Welland lapmee, slAIW. Midland tzstrss• Maltsammo ...... .....- Traveling Oslo.. ORA14D Bolt=*A1LWAl, AiMR 1060 sem. 1.41 p.m. 7.40 p.m. . Lb. p.m. 536 a.m. 1.50 p.m. SM Ra !or sale or To R.at. 'L OR SALE OR TO LET --A GOOD Lt aka Read. Water. dlvtisi. Colborne. on east cos tainting one headved acre.more or km. ?hie lot is well watered. Within five miles o t Qodencb are 010.11 to wheels and ohterehes Apply toJ C.MARTIN or8 OLOAN8. 110 it HOUSE AND THREE LOTS FOR SALE -Showed on corny of Warnes and CAyIey etc.. sal extending tack to Wil see at. Or as block. Hoarse. 22:30. with kat them 12.12, storey a.4 • half high. oontalnlwg 7 metres h.11e, closer. eantry. maw. to.. also iced stable and outhouses ; ales geed well sed soft -water cistern. Grounds are well laid out. and contain a number of choioe fruit trees. small fruit.. Its. A splendid npportonit• for • retired farmer to secure • c..isfw to - le hoine Will be sold reasonable For p.rticul irs .p ply to JAMES BAXTER. on the premise@ Odea ►r0 SELL OR LET -A BRICE HOUSE i corner of Kline and Stanley stows.. ma Minis, pitmen rooms. hard and soft water. Good Miler. House heated with bot air For further eartleuiss.appl7 to:Mn, 0. 811111CKTH. tf pj OR SALT -LATS 12 13 and 14.CEDAR street sad Msoielin the town Oodeerb There is or chard and dwielfee. ales • weds. The whole will be told for 1136 00. as the owner lives In the State, matt wants the meow. Apply to !SAMUEL SLOANE. (loderich. Mho FOR SALE CHEAP -40 LOTS IN .a terkg.�. e1teracres trove 7 aes to 1 acre pooh. h Ales ewe R sad Dao potter. Apply to lt AL T IPEATHD. Ne. 6 Phttosat., Mede rich.Maim To RENTOR SELL-THESTORIt AND premises a Eh/11th', 9111. Carlow P. O. Oo. Huron. at present otemend by M. A Gledhill. No opposition Owe of the beat oo0atr, steeds in Ontario. Apply to J. A. McDowask. 211 Church d l ern.te. LEASE -THE HOUSE, FUR - ebbed. later eoenpted by Dr. MoLeea. Apply t. CAMERON. HOLT t HOU/MAW FOR SALE. - CH EA 1', ON EASY TERM.': West halt of let 12. oonem.sioo 5, Woo Wswaacsures ab, 100 seA well improved d i.sb 11, a end eart 1p •abdlvfelon of Red It Colborne about le acres. TO LITS -.Ts. bap Mbar occapl.d bylats rhos. ebe Ants to M.O. JOHNSTONdab,barrsrd.. eer. O ru FOR 8AI.0 OR RENT. -- A ,.MHefei, trews es the Ce-taerMal. wing _ 10110a. end • good canteen lad- =111rue r tones •piny to ('HN R01111111/1. Ammer Heel, a detelltes Home sad • geed more, ea all Res[t� aad JOHN %� outbuildims5. r alga►. apply ROisu[ER, 16gw- A Parra la Wept Nliewo_r1 o..staMp tore hundred form. ; 10 cleared. the melange a mod headwind bre. The lead le fiat rate ..d will set be amid tor iose 'hut It s worth. *nether Pane. within • to. of the stows beim part N the Wisaore Fars, Lot Na 4. Co•ceselee1. Wart Nl..ourl Thr In le owe pored of 30 saes of geed lead. sad ea • tarsi Is Mesad to rete Of 1s. stn.. Far tome .nd r.r Heelers. apply) to W. T. Wert', 9.q., teller is the Attrteulterel P.vlaeo wed Loan Hoak. re stag City Hotel, Lowdee, ea rhe .sear bot Wrest, wag to Market 8.oare. Nem for 04. trade tar The proprietor will take sash �rat en esevsslt to bine Jon JOHNROt881E1f, amen vv. Pubes. Nott... (.nester. Maria 4th, Int To W. F. Cas. and Sarum rorraa. .sertsauw:-1 have love t5.si 4 aortala state- amts whet& were std me a•d white 1 eatertamear with." gl=and s bare • ehe•s1� es o.. t5. last oil .7 bermw %