HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-3-12, Page 2Cu* Cure Biliousness, Sick Head1 - ache, i)yspepsia, Sluggish Liver and all Stomach Troubles. Till RlGNAL : OODIRICH, ONT., THRR$D&Y. MARCS 13 INS PAIN -KILLER THE Genet Family Medicine of the Age. Taken Internally, It Corgis Diarrhea, Crump, and Pain is the Stomach, 8ore Threat, Amides Oak*. Coughs, etc., .to. U.ed Etcternaly, It Chess Cute, Bruises, Burne, Soaids, Sperm.yg, Toothache, Pain in the face, hearukplj Rhwemutiem, frosted feed. 1 1 M.rw Mhlre Y .W ramming ph..br- Poor ulgarra. •e.w r.enr.eq Se tae scary of I . P.. - Mr. Memo. r.. ir Now,4..r. a ...e.a y W r.er .s.el�l v..,.� W lou. 111.. • 1.M 0/01c011,-4.1100110.�4r4yy .• fit wri.ri saa rrt►nteat. mark r Uri writ vase', •...0 r..•traal.ee r..•..1"..Yr. Oval nary igen Pion . es .:.......e mewteer* pRase_ .l. wont** h.. aoc .4 • ,...0 0110.1M ria Rule m.• I, Wino. 1:6yw ta)R ..rY1 1....'- t:.td0.t)etrn : .yItel• A 1)1;1:.11.1+I1 E k �it1Y�U: 111 MAIO kill II 10tILAl. " IllO tjkt- term chair," said • youpg lacy, tau„. !tofu .b.' only ros.i.er ohtub the etemor .Mt.uk..t..t .dried. " 1'sa rested ...J .nut u walk about. The eid troy to shoo, eke spoke looked at her .u,;uusly. " N ell, it y..0 are rioted, ward she. ''it's red pretty o1 a 0U 10 oder 11. any way err• pretty. Ao l 1 on tired. fro t so much tired either; I've gut something cm my mad.' She took the their, and the girl walked away. !Lwow, the . Id lady eurnehow e:• premed bererli on her mind What there was m bs. I.os that ra m ad d net of seine - sae sue MYew, .be u41ul4 uot, way, but n •1• toted. Sooruv ane returved to the ethos' with • vises in her hood, and offered It to the old I..ty W. y, tuat.k ). u . but what is it, deer'' eats the occupant of the rusher, looking up IL • ,.... s lemonade, "sok the girt " I alw•y, have lemu.e with me whew 1 tray.1 lemons ...d o ..tile sugar and • elms . and 100 w stair is ueuely to be gut, "• Tnenk you. 1 never saw anybody with snob ;moue memoirs, said the old Indy, t.ktug the glee- one ripped the lemone. with • 11.,1. ... ore of appreci- ation. " Mixed iso good, too : neither too sour aur esu sweet. our au) ti4•g. Meet folks' L•mu•am MA', worth tasting • " 1 au, g8.id y,•u like t1," said the ftrl. .be set does at the old lady's feet, on a little hae«ok, w eh. •puke, and began to pick •way some of ibis little seede that clam: to 1110 fl .uam of the black -asbmre dress. " Helmer"' Harvest they call thug where 1 cutns In,m," said she. " Yoe," said tL• old lady- '• 'Then • lou of at to our lane. Ueuetly 1 bold up my skirt, I.,, for ODOR I tower thought about it so more 'ham it 1'.1 owe • saves/•- I've got trouble, 1 :..0 t• i• y u. 1'ie got to break sap my, home mit vu and board with my ell ter Pre,. Ise,.ly 1 shan't like it. but It IS better 'tau my other alternative. Ob, dear, what • world thug is t And the old lady groped w:l sty over the length and breadth nl .r *kin for wmething, " four p.. kat meet be under the drapery behind th.r.. .out the girl. ".moo it l.. .aid the old lady : "1 forgot Mess M1cn,r.g tool me •Away to look for it there ; I,ur tt does seem so unnatural • pl.os. I:et a ..0l, deer. And the g•tl, ono know the pocket hand kerchief see •ii. of j,Ut for which search woo being mode, produced the article in question, forthwith. " 1 sow such • toot girl, said the old body.' " 1 wish 1 had • daughter lake you. 1 do, indeed I had two sons," She patriot. I oughtn't to nay h•.I .on. tinged she. " The)'re living and good y000g men, both of 'e0. ' '• And your daughter is your daughter •11 your 10e. And your two is your sou till he gets • wife ' " A woman who dose not behave well to her husband's mother oan0ot be begets the rirl, but checked herself. ee Atm 5510.010 them stay W qualm&L • " IL u . et y bard for yew, ' maid Lille i lady " 11 I were to that sorra pies stook I would say to your eon ' 1 win il• beck to service . I will act Meek peer mother's Mart ' But if .he won04. why there's Jack," sold the old lady •' .Thee a toxo is set es I . col. bee wrot, hod if he de. get ea and • I dost cat• h.... soon 1 go to knaves our Uv I 41 a don• Sipe be/gooiest t herself •gain and the girl left her ••nee ',ore and p.ced the deck • 1 seg while TWO time .he seemed to have • cause of 1er »• fat trouble, but the sea Mise la blew at away if at were really so, or perhaps she owned her grid. whatever at may be,on I;rd, to ,.oe ot these wordless prayers, whit* •II who believe is Him nowt otter at time•. Lever, she returned to the old lady. The hurt esti foot •pproaehlog 'he dock, and the old lady wog geeing her handles 10• get her: " I tiros at Tiskelr's /aim," nsid eke. " 1 web yes sen goins to Ivvo bear. I'd lilt to neve you coil. 1 .appose you've het quite though of a g•bbl.ug old woman the, oouldn't keep tier trout.le m krait, but you've dome me rood. Where do you Moll , " Hen. mid the yon.g lady. " I'm t. ! ge In tie hotel. Mr. Spiwr'a" " Yes, 1 know her. She's old Captain Spicer • widow,' maid the .Id hid; ; '• but .ew, dear, can't you )est take Liss with me' 1'* all alone. and •leeward Tom "hal day yes .o the hotel. There 1 my light I *meth e•d the man Tots, now The gill w.keJ •t her sub • curious lit I tie "truly- " 1t ell, mid .he " 1 shall pled to iso. r.ut you ksow I'm • perfect stranger 1 might be •-• servant girl fur •11>1.0 thou 11 ever then was a lady with pretty meaner", you re urs, ' mid the old lady. "1 know *toe to k. when 1 see 'em. Im Mra. Decker ; Aunt Hannah Dicker, folks cul m. wanetistes, and ,leek he going to be dominos doers to the church with the whim •te,D4. 1%e re proper tom folks for myths W visit, only I'm too talkative, se you know " People usually can me Sarah, mid the gal. " 11'&11 you " Why yes, dear, ' sed the old lady, "mar is and take your thing. off. ' " ties,' replied the girl, " 1 will Dome in. for 1 went too tell you eemetbing. You have your troubles, I have muse ; sad you look at, much like sumeene 1 love dearly that 1 feel as a you would be able to help me. " Wdl It i ow, dear knows, i said the old lady. "/'ome up to my bed- room. The help can get tea, and nobody Ulla hear you then. The two wom-o0 went upstairs together after this. The neat old faebo.ed room was odorous of rose leaves and toreador, and the chant arm chain invited the weary to ropes upon their cushion.. Divested of their hate and wrap., lire. Decker turd Oer.h took poesee.ioa of then. and tier•* began, without prefer "'Thug la.k. like my mother'. room -hi.. Der room in my old home. Iiow often have i turfed myself np to Just such • cher w bile she told me iiWrtes, sewing all the *tole at mow prett ygarment intended for my wear. My father came home at dinner time. At forward, omissible, we took • walk or woos to sem. 00ocert, or my mother read erns tuterreting book aloud but sometimes we were elope •11 sight, for my father was • th village doctor, end his practice extended over mules of ooantry. We were, however, •leaps happy, though we could not have bred very well oil. 1 remember .o well the d.y on eh s my little ester was born. Nee was • •suhitil little creature. end 1 t„ved her .swirly . but mother war never quite as strong afterward.. I knew my lather was •r.11ona about her 1 wee twelve years old and old enough to know tele by his a:premien and by the question. he asked ; but i believe my mother would bays recovered It time but for the terrible blow that betel us is the course of three year's. Yellow fever broke opt upon • ves- sel 10 our turbot The o•ptau, • fnend of ours, was taken 111. My father attended him. Alae I it was at the cost of hr own precious life One day be .wt se enrol that he wo.14 not be able W return that night. Two d•). pooled, then they brought ns the terrible new" that he w.1 dead ' He had mart this 01eemage to my motto*, "W• will meet in heaven, darling. "All .he anewerod was "t:ed grant It and I think .t *111 be . 00G rah Mole& " 1 ass Neste yeses dd .ud I Me is the mane pktm ; hal • Swot kr'..be has ems open ma 1 .m oogemel M • y0Ug men whom 1 love dearly. "That eel teo.ble," sired the old loch '• Ir it dear !' " Ab, yea, It hes treaed t• 'sweet., re plied Swab. " Hie nether bee ',titles to bon. She is very eogry beDoose 1 Item row • oervaot She le esib•med. She has twrrel•d with bra." " The misty, diempemble old Moog. and you no mikesaid I s old lady ,. A per tea, lady, loo►• and messes and all, •0d s.. noble. •• " I have only dens what 1 could, ' said wino " But 1 have tried to keep the Gees 'lent and habits of • e.A..d woman. 1 tem r. ad and Improved my mud When I was .1•l., ••d 1 will twiner marry my b•tbrothed hwb.d usher his tte•aher approves. " 11 she can les yes sad set approve. she eider be med. of semethisg besides dash .aid blood, mid Mea &wise. "She did not kis.* me *boo Dee wrote to boss twit she would not Iles ander the ..nie roof with • servant girl, mud Sara "Eh Y said Mea Decker, dashing to the ..rs. " L► 1 she writ. the Y' " Y. So be islet me - -my holt sent 0 am- " What • wicked old creature I bate been ' Why, you are the dearest girl 1 ever knew ' " Aod Jack may marry or ,' asked S•r0, laughing aid arras to gather. " Vies - will let os be happy r" The old lady took the Kiri in her arms *ad kissed her ; and so Jack, movie' to hu opportune lwmt•t, found them, to he treat content. died, .f mares, the ,tory ended with a wedding, as lore glories Weald, N WASTING YOUR LIFE. Wailers or Physical 'end Mental Isere -Te ♦sal 1* t.sgth or Lire Um seed's aN me) P111. ith • pathetic sigh how often it 8u bees said "Weil, them, 1 suppose 1 must let go my hold on life" To fathers and mothers of unmated Mut- dree this is tr5Ris. But whesca osimeth Imre .od timely help' If death is prsvestible, how ! The timely answer is : By scientific and euooss.ful Wary treatment -by ming Dodd's Kidney Pill.. Hundreds write to thank un and tell of their ;tows, but tone to say that iodd's Kidney Palle have ever ruled Mew Wee Mage ser Mote.. is oharmi.g indecision she gazed at the two portraits The uooerlainty in her heart clouded her eves Just eooagh to soften and reader more b.witnhior tier splendor. "Which Mall it her she murmured. From 00s to the other of the pieteree her glance w•sd.red. Now her ennuis encs would for • me - meet beam with joy of • settled oboioe,00ly to darken again in • moment with perplex - Ivy. "11 1 000ld oily my which one. •' A sigh tottered within the tender bosom and escaped from the rosy hp., "Will et dark. 1 Lure dark men.' She clasped her hands end rapturously scrutinised the nearest portrait. "But Hoary is so noble sod good . - A faint dash crept into her cheeks. Her thoughts were with the other pic tan. "Om of them 1 most marry. Rising to nor fest she paced the door nervously It's • life's happiness that hong trembling it the balsam "I ate IS both ot them love me with all sir hearts." Hand was premed in hand until the blond forsook the taper fingers with the traotac n "Ano. S,•;ina, 18.1 WilI..01 marnid u m ✓ eal good, t0..," ►aid the old lady. "Sheieie asks me to tea end made Over everything k she hes lbw • nice-- but its not the same. Hs's her.., not mine now. But 1 wouldn't I 1 mind N Alum : its .lack that grieves me. Jack was my )ounge.t. The apple of my I w eye, and he'e bees to college and going to )e I m • demo.r right where I live, and 1 °•tool - . sad to h• happy. sod 1411 •o proud to think he be had • •ail to T.ekrmw., and now be 1. has sotto" to say that he is going to bring 1 w • wife with hum I'm going, away 1•m e going to stater Prudence'.. ' Ren the ..14 lady •pp1tsd her handler 0 ekiri to her eyes in earnest. Asrl of wee all se lovely, and my 011 e prior mom' sited • the parsonage d•ning -nom, and we were go- a tog to get • new ono !nr the parlor• and the 'engr.g•ttoe all congratulated me 011, it r droa4t,l, it a dreadful ,' " Kut shy not stay sad see if you lest b• like the sew vette,' said the young Indy.• • "1 sent shall. ' said theold one "Never `she • • Poles:. IOW dolts. 'rn0r•nt. ugly servant vel. ' • The young lady nolo made • little metres or, with her head and listened. "She ea* hired help where the eolith* ie is the'. town,'. mod the old lady. " He says the is perfect and lovely and good : bet 1 at !mew the sort she .e A nest red -fm ed • thing, with a tarsal up sees and lmpedeet' el eyes, and teeth that seek ret 5.d red hair 5.i heed sip eo the ass'► breathe Why, 1 i r w ouldn't here sae of them i0 my kitoben • wed ehe'L ride ever say heed. N., but Walt of my Jae* as dead to nisi end echo " That day .he took to her bed and sank platy Wo were soon orph•se and atom the world 1 was tifteee : and my little ter was Dor quite threw yews old, The thee was "sly • hired the. The wale 1 the furniture brought eery little stoney. was not nld enough to know what to do, of 1 heard our neighbors wondering what ould Odome of wo. Had 1 bees older and v education 6sisbed, 1 might, ..deed. have ass in • echo. 1 or gone out as • goversene t 1 was a mer. girL Awl then was how ly We hoarded with • woman wen bad meted for ea, until the last dollar had been hanged into quarters : emd on that dee roe 1 Mrs. Sullivan's easterners stopped is bar carriage to magnet'. If she lower of anyone ho desired • pl•os ea waitress. I heard, ad taking my courage is both hands, offer it merit- The lady's admirer was " 1 will try yea on \fro anthems recast. n eedatton " " Her air wee bought), her moaner cold, t I felt Cher i moat metre my little sister home 1 w..t to the he..e. 1t was sus eocup,ed by a family who knew nothing el the vullegw. 1 made oe explwaew, 1 ever said " 1 have .sen bettor l•ye " 1 the tables, deleted .ad swept- Vey e ms the laity Med 1 was hady." " 1 retold thick se," itiad Yea tklok11. " Ad 1 trid," said depth "Myatt &era y pride. ' After ell, hs.*ewovk a ..I hams.' 1 mid, ' and I Ads this fur the sole/ bole Lily ' " And you were noble,- .mad Mea Desk- " I'm pried d yea Why 1 some heard of asysee 1 eft to be mere Mehr geed, sad 1 begs lily a girseell-" " lily a •t • plmi. \.stile *show new, I premiers "Both of them hot stay, ' It was • startled look that fleshed •eros* her fres "Yeo, yes, it is surely so." Relief succeeded ass sty, and a *mile of sweet content Shred shout her hpe. "1f 1 marry Will, Henry-' She leaned forward towards the portraits, 1, "Heery will gays me • wedding present. If 1 merry Henry, I just know Will would be huffy and sever give me • thing." She pondered a moment to silence. 'Ass," she "Deftly whispered at tut, 1 shall marry Will " And the high resolve invested her person • slaty with • new interest WOlpIMelr Knocked hL "1 was so much run down I had to glue up work, and 1 felt as .1 life was not worth tiring," writes Wm W Thomwon Zephyr. (let. „1 took Scott's Sarsapar- illa and am now feeling as I did years ago,' Scott', Sarsaparilla topes up the eatHe system, purifies the blood, and eradicates rh•oosatlo and scrofulous poi- sons. Ash for dente. sndgst it. mem Tem Tend 11 T An exoeleat •ad .ever-failsm core for headache, mooed'sg to • physician. r the simple act d welkin. backward. Nobody has as yet duo•ver.d or formulated • rouses why such a proems should bring certain re lid, but the doctors my that it is probably became the reflex action of the body britge about • mdse .sties of the brio, and than drives away the pain that. lobes produced by nervo.easee, is fhe result of too moth grog forward. A. eosin se the hegtp, to walk backward, Owes mare • feeling of nverythise being saversied, and tb.t is followed by rolls.. The tame •Iwmys certain and generally speedy. Tap minutes to about the avenge time foandano e*sary to give relief, and a p•ssat• or• lo.g •arrow room snakes the *sat place foe soh a prow..n.ds The .of. ferer should walk very slowly, lestoeg the ball of the foot tooth the floor first •d thee the heel, jest the w.y, is feet, tb.t one should, is {beery, walk forward, hat wh.b, in pectis,., ie no rarefy dew. Writing Rolm -Let your be plain, s.pooially if yes ore le • str•eger ; many flourishes are to be avoided. Do wt es any amount Dross year lettere ; h•pplly the °h opoe's of good writ eg paper remota th• prevalence of this Moot kr steamer, whereby three of her emw were loot Ste Jack had • este" of ember THE CANADIAN MARINE. Our Mapping d Yefwsed. Piss LIW, Peri I.., tend le walla, le•50s 4 .1- �'- The Undue* Mellie wee simiodk.b,d 1808. TIN seawall' ie Wss. P.h►, end the Mellnlas. i 75 nenthier all. The 4011111. lliVer put m55u .d ter me.driill. 6..4 'he Dewe 51 50 seek drill, swim • mesth ♦ tasraeaes e1 41.15* Tia. fee VOW ea TimmI The boot le sell rightrag .ad self banes. and jab feet es., •11 .ad 8 feet beam. SM mem with MPS - recto W Pinner* From the Mee Moak et the ■0115. 0p.vtmo.i TH B following are extracts fro', the BIW Book ail the Departure', of 11. rine and Puherlr for 1896. More .tteo- ties le paid to llodrto8 and Ootarlo them to the other parte of the 1),,mloton. 1 I0 Hanoi ,11011. KW. The to•.I nulnuer of light swoon*, tight- abips sad fog harm "tetlo01 In the Itonua- tee o0 the 30th of .lune, 1891), were 632•.04 of lights show., 768, the number of steam whlales and fog -horns, 81 ; the somber of light keepers and engineers of fog •leans with masters of laght•hope, ems 710. la the t)otart° dlvisine, whloh embrace .11 from Motorail W Lake Winnipeg,and on the Otwoe river, the Dumber of lighth..ueta heated Mecum and I ghtelope nuonta1010 ay the Dominion, is 224, lovatu l at 1'2 def tweet et•tlobe ' The number of 1 get kis"pars In tae diet - "on paid directly by the government, r 172. There aro is Ontario, two fog -whistles, Meson "team fug bores, and three 1ug whs. all located at Itgbt-stauoo., as well as four bell bnoye, v •four There are also In Ontario :two Ilghte oo swing bridges; • evet.m of iight. on the Murry o.a.l; f. ur p..r of range-Ukht. on the Detroit and So Clair K:vers, 0.ai0tam• so by American vitowl owners principally interested; thirteen wharf lights. 'maintain- ed by corporations. and two nage lights es. tabltshed t lits year .t l',tte Tree Harbor, ea Lake Hares, 1a Brum 0000) y. The following table shows the erpedi- tare on .00001 of ntatotance of ligbtheess. and *teem fog -whistles for the ditf.net years. The first column shows the somber of I1.bu, the second the fog whistles, the Onto the fog horns, belle end bombe, the fourth the cost of m•i•te0ence 1883 84, . 597 23 10 45h. dtwi i3 1885 86.. 625 23 16 505,929 27 1889-90. .706 23 32 434 802 10 1893 94 ...755 22 58 470 549 ?7 1894 95. .. 768 22 59 457,547 81 !uta CAN AI_ Th. canal is cot through led validates* rock on the north or Camden side of Sault Ste. Marie,eboat 4,000 feet porch of the ex - Moog United Sates canal The cut is straight, and is 5,400 feet long between the extremities of the cribwork approaches. The canal prism is 156 feet in width et the surface. 143 feet at the bottom and the water u 2`2 feet 3 iochee deep. Then ie one lock, which is 900 feet long by 60 feet wide, with . depth on the mitre ail of 20 feet 3 Mohr'. The lift r about 18 ft, varying somewhat iso the waters .bovs or below the owl .re effected by drought, rata, wind, em. ()betide the conal, at *soh sada °honest, 18 feet deep by •.50 fest wide bis been dredged, connoting with the American channels. The canal .0d approaches are marked by electric lights. 1•OWltrlON gam. The following were the summers main- tained by the (loveroment during the year elided June 30th, with the reosipt• and ex peedituree Alert, Druid, Newfield, LsodwIowne, Stanley, (1*dra, Aherdee., Ise t+oadtenn., and Sir James Doogles- Btpesditure - .5129,899 80 Receipts . 11,766 92 Excess of erpenditere... ..118,132 88 The Deet of maioteioiog Feminine steam- er* for different years is shown in the follow Ing table 1883-84 1885-86 1889 90 1893-94 5122 816 25 130.759 83 114 959 20 142 487 42 129,899 80 N-R4'N0, ASI .'AVI'AI-TI t� The total Dumber of cumalti e to British and Canadian sea -going vessels reported to the departmeht,aa having' 000urred in Cana- dian waters and to ('.aodi.o ee•-going ves- sels In other than Canadian waters, during the twelve months ended 30th ot .Ion. 189.x1 were 247, representing a tonnage of 93 914 register, and the amount of loss both par tial tied total, to v.aswlil and cargoes u far as ascertained, w.. 5767,536. The number of Less lost io connection with these casualties was 54. 1a the Ontario division the os.ualtaee wen as foll20th, ow* August 1894. Str. Like Michigan. of H*a*iltoo, whale en route from 00otreal to Port Arthur, when .bout thirty miles west of Sault Ste. Marie, broke 8r crank shaft close to the after bearing. Moonier returned to Sault Ste Marie,00d new abaft was procured. September 9th, 1894 -!Its. Atlantic, of Collingwod, whoa returning to Coiling - wood from Sault Ste M•ru,.od Dear Loop'. Head, Georgian Bey, hrokeIher crank pts, Ilia canned the tweaking of the entablature between the high .0d low pressure cyiiu den, and the bel plate ot the ergine. The low peossuro cylinder aril the .•toss head were also omitted. She was towed to Col ii.gwood end nwitP-d. Neat 1314, 1894 Str. F.otrp,iw, of St C•thrl.ea, ran ashore near Alpine and was •bandosod by owners. Jane 19th, 1896. St,. YL Msgsu., whale loading at the dock at (,level.od, (thio, cap sated. • Ootobs? 7th, 1894 Flaws were disco, d is the shaft. of;the Str North King, an she was rwp•ired 1t Kingston mar. 121►, 1896 Str. Rideau Bell while lying u Wiser quarters at Sand Lake, casrbt fin and was totally d etryd. May 9th, 1896 Sir. Jack, of Kingston, while prooseding up the Welland (;esal,00l tided with the look gates, break nig her Mem mod some frames fie part side. May 30i8, 1895 ---5tr Jack, while pro- 0sdisg leen' Lake Heron, collided with 14tr. Normae, of ("molted. making the lot to of the [Lobbies pattern. and wee bell. for 5675. The Nommen; t. ■p to that ail regulregulationbeath.tee. • There are 26 life eteme, and the Mau with one or two e*0spuuncast, st 5675 •,. over, and the equipment M op 1. ilea 01 t►.• o regul•tn boathouse. The t\wlllegree, ()el., boat, built in Kul fele In 1883 although of the same malicemalicees the others, coot 51.400. anw•UA'.T 111411.1.1fromThe rotors" from the (ocn lle'uof Cue tem" 1.11 the Dominion We mtipade p 10 It” 31st of t►eusmbee i0 ooh veer as retried by low. The publioation of lbw rep..rt,-sr The Forewent time, preclude" the possibility of manage • the anag• for 1896 The 10181 num • her of v.seamooted remeint•g o• the ooted twin" of the Dominion ea the 31st of De. mintier, seM , 1894o...iodise old end sew vee, aesmeasl rs and barges, woe 7,245. mer0g 869 634 revolter tonneg., 11.1,4 • doormats tuo to the onege of 42,:)1sre 5 rose as oompd m with 1493. Toe number el ete•er1 no . he registry books on the oma date was 1.610, with • grossWattage of 240 906. Aweless, the averse. value W b. 530 per ton, 1be value of the reg,eurod tooneee of Canada '.a the 31st ut December last would be aElko088,720, i. 'lb.th mothof mew boat. built and m- etered In the Il.mouuo of facade ;luring year the last woo 326, measuri•g 21.243 roue registered teenage 1et,ss•ting the value of the new tuna*. a 545 tierton, it gives • total value of 5,955,93.5 ter mew vowels. ta. The number of I.m vsrels, 'npeoted lad mot inspected, reported by Iwp.otots of Steenibosta sed their groan tonnage, due tug the year ending .lune 30th, 1895, was sib follows No. of gr... \ e•+r le T a West (►satm , Has, Superior 343 73 283 Kingston 163 22 075 Montreal 152 19 468 (1 ',boo .... . . ...... .. 156 41,691 Nova Seeds . 123 38 683 New Bromwich and P.N1.. 129 19,125 British t'olumblm 134 20,043 Manitoba Keewattm, N.W.T 83 6,889 Total 1,273 232,067 GENERAL SUMMARY. The following emend g.summery of the impeach, ar.. and reoeipta for the . ear .ding .lase 30th, 1895 :n ltx PIN DlTkx!t Dose and river seservice204.092 65 Lighthouse and coast.. .. 475.903 22 Scientific lustitatioes . 77 341 82 Mri ane Hospitals, eta ..... 38,596 35 Steamboat totheiries... 26 386 88 (rattle io.peotioo 2,268 74 Salaries and disbursements of fishery overseers 95 518 25 Fiehbr.ed10g 39.730 93 Fishery protection . 100 207 29811 Fishing bounty 159,9 42 Civil Goverpower 64,373 82 N1• *11'T•. Casual Ravenna ('apes Mail Services i lwomi0oo0 .team•,. 1,308,938 03 7,873 02 206 02 9,328 74 Ki. Mates and Masters ........ 3,974 50 Voles end forfeitures 1 497 70 Harbor., piers n eand wharfs 9,150 78 as Lighthouse .ad cot 1114101, - `tn kaaFogtneer& certificates 939 00 be Stesmat i..pecuoo 23 771 56 Neck Mariners' Fund. . 42 815 74 Miscellaneous 24,629 86 Total . . 99,567 04 fie tetwe' rmed the fenselI .t, young man and 1 young woman Lyn It i1 A over the front gate. They are loters- m000ltght He is loth to leave, as the part- ing Is the last. He is about togo sway. She 1s reluctant to see him depart. They *wag on the gate "Ill sever forget von," ire "and if death should claim me, my last thought'thought'will be ot you, ' "I.11 be true to you, she sobs. i'll never los enybdv else or love them as long as 1 live." They pert. Mut ran Iter hn. e retur His sweetheart of former years has married.ar They meet at • pt;- She has chomped greatly : between the dances the mural - ciao takes pima. "lot me see, lobe muses, with her fee beating • tattoo on her pretty hand, " was it you or your brother who nus my old sweetheart '"n' "Really 1 dot know, he sats• "PIo- baWy my father." A Nov a L bromine* CCAW rammita& AND rte.'me1.YR are regeeetsd to favor us with their company tomorrow at 1 rw ample te p.y the last boson,to a ample of geese killed today. The Tyrant. The well-i0tentiosed man overheardtogether m two women talking together . tram -car, and be Immediately let down the portals of hit ears, for the well intentio.ed maw always roes •boot with • lifelong hunger in his to Mawheart Mawhimself into the ',thous of other people r. "I tell you he in • metetyrant," mod woman No 1. "I th have 00 do0Ft of it, said the other. d • "1 will loam to this poor woos.'. tale," thought the loamwell intentioned mss, .ad, per e haps_ 1 may be able to asset the poor seal. ' "Tee, he i. • regular tyrant and despot. •• He bas no m.roy es me whatever. He raise the whole hoose lake • (Lear-" "Of 000rse be dome," said wessn. No. 2 "I shall have to offer my cervices to the poor, down trodden' wear's, thought the well intentioned sMn, "Vs,, he rides ever the while d r reach *hod. Aad wototit5 ., whoa he glee es the rampage, he breaks owrybeinit he can lay hie bands on ' "Mad•.,"said the well tntemtiesed man, who meld Mead tt so Imager, "madam, my nevem aro.. your densest Let me go to year bums .5d teem da with veer true - Meal 8.ellssd. " I"N• se`s ss hw..5d u all, yes pe - too " onspneIbassweenie No, 1. '•He's my Mee -1511.'s old baby -Mem W passions tittle seal r arytag Nese el •s *seer. A Toe for Thew iteposd to !election. .0d did net ms►. -Sprite of camphor, tweet; minim" ; roe• tided spirits, infusion d yellow 011.8N ttra-aAvino IRA Timm. bark, NMI ad • 8.11 8.441 coon' Make • Amass these to whets inward* were gives drawn. nib ...its,. ebuld M takes a sseet.lesed the lifeboat WOW at (lodertoh, every Oft tereicbt knees by • ~ems •t• vibe wont to the ass/sense M (beedi5. tendon* Is •.del rooms. *Mr M L Beek ad America. "abeam, Howe disabled u • .eels. The .:w peee 111 ♦ S.m. Thrall- I Her 'looker 0.rie, it ranker mer you tewl.g sbe Itis kcal wen -• vieete • 1st of eeinus Usse logo year The follewieg •1•teme5l amen the same poodle f" prke11 bate (Magri* and their Two Besor kPoor• P•obs-beam both mestere I 1 .1tw 1.d dimeseese sorry ler him. H• hes se slob to le le cei AThe .dela► bey a ed shone the gems' ewusing mid aie.ss himself four M Ire plows se the other beat umbel" I whish me new sedi.Sed y w, 1>.bf, I. 1 bails hire eel I 41 A pr+My }Mry Ir lRY .beat -use et the e.adidses fsir the Pegs teawsesyp, On the Death el Ne Dab. s4 Olremm. he sine to • tale khe paper ems rime Yennier the seam The a erribeq,e Wei mess s ed. Amps wee lerwried the p u sed r ler NIL thee he 'Weld tea ereswa payment no .eeeset 5.a/.u'• e.esw '1 Whew the 0.1.. el T ems weir*•* b. Beet t.. ; he ..".e 1 It, aid .p.'u.t•tnitlin raw •luly.pp.a ad, but wet a•ka....l-. 'veil 1.v . •eon , I..... a• (area th. e ........40.10 p•".. K li lataded th.' ibis 8.. 1 Beet '.e8 'n• eat oke yse, he 1..401011 • h.1 the -•...., were . feeent. "141' bile! 1 ••uai4 •a if no • ''e•seeat 1., eke mo ea if . ow'li teem, there • w r •.so . wry I 4i .•'I 1 be peed (..r • Idtug to a e.', its • set 1e. Dr. 4. P. r...w. Results Astonish MEN OF SCIENCE� AYI3RS� A MEDICINE wrimour ANIEALR Sietemeeuet a Well Loewe Dene. " Ayer's S.resp.rltls,ls without 0 epi it a Waal-pafllec and gprlog medicine, ale ea0aot have prates esoagb. 1 have wattle Its elects In ebro.ie casco, where efts treatment was of no avail, sad have hes astonished at the results. No other blow medlelne that 1 have ever need, and (Me tried them *11,11 so thorough to Its seem and effects so many permanent cures a Ayer's Sarsaparilla " Dr 11 P Mgntn.l Augusta, Me - Alm0 e. Ale's Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World's Fa1r- Apar'. Ptl1s for ldrer amid benooia WE MAKE_ Sewer and Culvert Pipes 4111 Mars frame 4 In. to 14 In. Aloe fN•MMe•. WRITE FOR PRICES. THE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE C 001 ADELAIDE iT. E , eiterowv Ar thewTORONT, do o t 10 About ten years ago I first McOsme •ffllete with Rkernee .-m and (:out., and dnrthg tt leo ten yr.ir. I bar. been treated by seven phy'i.'Lin , ..d they ..11 •r. % f.e.l uta that It wI :mtsn.l bin tore-tl toe hers, and 'hot lbeonl reined)' for toe was logo tea we; Leer ulin.aie 1 watt aonfih.d to sty boner l..t il.eewnbe owing to U.i. diurese, and was amble to d any work ahate%er, 1rnmnienred taking the Kootenay Cores w h1. 111 '1 . tty. lawn, ll. 1' , gave me 'hoot the middle of April fart, and atter abouto.e neck using this neviieltne I was ostroiently rotted to be able u. Mart driving • been wanton• which work required me cu0-.tantly mettles os sed elf m1 wagon. The polo.: which i &Luray. had In my wide, are now rompl.•'el, gone,' d 1 am now able u work witlouta0y pato *841110:. 10 the met I have suffered altooct ludeerreb aid, ago) from this dreams. Aly groer.J health 84. wonderolly improved slice 1.100, refs rnhllrine. Sworn to by MicHAYI. H. DWYEIL 4 l*sming tarsier, 1114111f1"6- Send •m111oaSend fart pamplul.t to 8. 8, Itrommon 011,1 t7Or■ Cu,, Hamilton, Ont. Uiiu .II�T,IS%I f BRISTOWS PILLS sR=szoxes PILLSI Are Purely Vegetable, • elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do not gripe or sicken. BRISIFOILOS PILLS Act gently but promptly and thoroughly. "The safest family medicine.' All Dnig ists keep BRISTOL'S PILLS •