HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-3-5, Page 4Stu $iuzL
a etimiseau
DT *. ayNSNT•
Ogles or t'ebll ' 8 end 14 North ere*
Terme of ewtt•eirlpilos
thea ruo•tb. •.A seem
Tater .dour.e
M Is •
use hoer. _
L..b at Weer Label.
yt.,r label Oiselesd,ng r.cr,ot Of the Mem
• sle', you srr paid '.u. re.-.• that tt ..
• lowed to ►e'1 1510 arr,•57.
W h• -n $ charm.. ••f .4.1►M t• al t *1. both
old mod the stew address .D
ld be a.
l..\.!%Lida Safe.
• *7
t so
t 1 •ad �.• err canal 5d..,rt **Wont,. g. Ise,
•r I a for fleet In.• --r. •0. And .1 ts-t,I0 ter time
CA each tulewtuen u..rrium. Meseured be
• empanel scale.
B oe.e car.*. of 1.1 Ceee and under. L'• <M
yam'f Lost. Toned. "brayed
Advertisements Vee
f+.ttteth.as t'a.••i,t. :et sat %l'a'te and
ll•.soer CA,. e. %% Anted sot decd t.og R
haft snpprrell. •t per month.
Meares es +tile end Farm* on Stele r ro•eb
ironed it d, • St t5r peel 15 Mr►'^rllOn.
t ' ' tris,", and.
no, Irv. the Mitre' of yr Ala -a tt0
v1A0al a the p,e•hntar7 brieeflt of any
rjjasj or cof*iP•n7. to be nrn.tdrred as and
vertie•m• nt .•.1 emoted at,eel t 7. per
Lerma soiree in onprre type
weed. en soiree lour. ?ban 2.c.
Leal notices :n primary
nioao7i' four fes. mit ,hie• t1
eines per word.
Mims for rharrhw and other mitg►oue and
benevolent tm•tirotiose hall rate.
thwvisg i• too• 7kO" wttb great p•►
lit- works . it u • epi et►ou of sheet%
whoa a Cabiaet Idiom** steeple
thousands m boodle from euntt*otOrs
to debauch thin cde�ate Led there
err scores ot other instapoco where the
queettom cif worals Is involved. which
'trier moved the clergy ,n the way of
reproof, deouuc,attou w threat in all
ttiese years Now, a lunriltuud liov
•rnuteut, bankrupt to reputation mrd
policy. makes a compact with a eer
tato etactlon of the clergy of tbis
country to help the -nomad they will be
repaid by special legtslatiou, toad the
,iurotiou of faith soul moral a trotted
out to do sere ice.
it is time this everlasting dragging
of religion into political was brought
to an end. The Equal Righters got
no sympathy frons Tits SIGNAL In
their day and generation, and Coer
cionisa will Ret poor on the preYeue
o.,caiioo. Ontario is what she is le
cause of her spleodid fights in favor
of Provincial Rights, and the On
tarian who will not continue to fight
for the principle which has placed hi.
Province in the front rank is neither
a credit to Ontario nor honest to foul
,..'be .i.. t" ataek*d GODIORICH BARGAIN CENTRE
tar.. tIhe .ia.t•• TW seam+% 4t� • v ahes•ble •pr m air iNt..r ..n......- i
sir the %,ideate set be g.souteae the avpeaa%i54eat••vge
d s2_111".., vat l.eeaw of'►. pnsheplr 01 146 r+
Sibs Fess OamsMts•• The PaM+
peep w►I l wemd/esw their tae�M ��
.dirt% r to pseraSMli sed
OUT local apv,.osporsry h....f: }te"m•M
Ilse 1 W ewe ttelid•o rte whey he ��
inset% Mr RIas's IMwr. The emplane-
.wlp.rtiag tie Week
es the
r the i drpadasee el IaRhMNess M *hetes*
ly M•Nsed,eed well thea strain tee Clovers-
Mest ...y.raly .ad rove t% • very rename I
twee,,- So uiportest • parallel* Marto( ,
be tee osrelelly .14.75514.4 anther s' tit
Mw.,whare it has been se d.gnatly gradated
el tote. ►rrespesove of the malice et the op
psateee, or b) proletariat adinisimratioes.
meldedwho, by the prevw►nag oeitoai, a
M whip is .r utlta.eoe" ntrsotort or .p
prs•obabls oembera It could b. embed
that `4r Oliver Mowat wound she
to the rest et (*nada an example of good
Goverrmeat t• :bid ryap cl, tea during the
past quarter el • 1s5ary M her tow Ulna,
straight Them ea she Trent Qm@silen.
Mea i. %resided sal' • ked aft ok ef sPetall-
balt. fiat whet of i'.1.ee lewd art 710•.6e
ear aide seetemewary •
Turrtt the Slider said at Mont
trial that the Ra-edMl Kill was sue es
pas. Aa Tr resit the Sider is woad fee be -
rat possessed of a lerbed beaten, it to these
thew likely that the bill woo 1 pegs.
•hest •• The •i,.sl" 5Nlvesr.
%,blies! ..r who fill to rarelve Twin Seen a t
resrerr a favor by so-
gaaentieR us of the foot at aearty an dates*
Melt ole.
K ircted manuscripts motto* be reterase.
Correspondence tete% be wrltteolea ono nide
of paper only.
F.N/o0r'a flettlee.
J. ('. 1.e To ,rel. of Ooderleh. W bees .p
pinled L.wl Travelling Arrest for the tows-
o0*ps of Ooder,cb. Colborne, kehtleld sad Ws
wlaeal an.rh ict are sloe
empowered orereee a subscriptionsr* over o ?Aa
An oomon0le.ttose meat be addressed o
T55 Sion AL.
tttee'irae hon M. __-Goderleh. trot.
Sop le. THUt1MDAT. MAR. %. 1118.
Tsars and FR•SEK matoe a tine
pair at the H.autt Yeas, liberal's boa
gem Satsrday aid►t. Tears was tort, Hid
Elmet, woo wont tart es the " imbecile
.ad "tee wt of traitors • at Ottawa.
-If this isn't for you, you needn't
reed IL ; if you .1e inmost. do your duty is
toe premises If year sub.crlpta00 is 1s .r.
rear., pay up at oats* If you have received
a reminder of yew detioyueoc), Geese to
our ooaeting ream and get • receipt Vault
feel better after you've done it, ea the es-
0.rter ..id, thea be wonted the manor to
she penitent b.aeb.
fy`( E resoice to learn that our *st.eenl
ed contemporary, The Clinton New:
Record has decided not to cut Tile
`liosAL from off his valued exchange
list, anti that our f+,lure to get that
highly edifying journal last Wednee
day morning was owing to the slipping
of a cog in the mailing department.
And now that our esteemed crop
temporary is once more clothed in his
right mind, and expressos a desire to
speak words of soberness and truth,
we hope ho will clear up another little
matter. During the election the fol-
lowing telegram was sent from Cline
CLINTON. IAN.4, 1896.
The following reply was received
These telegrams speak for them
selves. They show that there was a
full and complete understanding '*-
twee• WEIEMrLLa1a friends At this
end and the Thiel Party head at To-
ronto with regard to NSWUAN't e:todi
•lacy, and the proper time and con-
ditions for NRMYAN'n wtthdr oval.
What Tug Soto AL wanta to know. end
what every honest elector in Huron
wants to know ,s, does A. It Tom),
of the Clititon New', K.ecord,denythat
he int the Toon implicated in the tele-
graphic coospen4g. here disclosed.
Tats SItasAL has not charged Tons,
with beir a party to the heading of •
telegram. ' For God's sake withdraw
NEWMAN, or anything of the sort, bat
it does charge him with the other tele-
beating about the hush on the part of
our esteemed contemporary, and he
must now answer to this plain un-
varnished charge or stand condemned.
Yes or Na (het with it.
THE debate on the Coercion Bill
opened on Tuesday afternoon. Tur
res the Elder opened for the Govern-
ment, and was followed by Latium.
The difference between the two leaders
in the Commons was soon apparent,
and showed conclusively that while
Turret ass of the Past, I.Al'tl.t Is
the man of the Present. The Ltieral
leader ceoncludea the speech of his li4'
by mowing the six month+' hoist to the
Government bill. He twos followed
by Culotte WALf.ACR :►nil Hon. Mr.
1)ictov, and the adjournment of the
debate was tsovetrity J. C. }.t,,.Aa.
The worst abet the ,Ureas boom
hie received is the statement that Sir Ute"'
.u.o Sarni ie the only men who o5e coe-
o•►Iid t. the Tory party. The Tomato
World says Soweto. cannot do it, sod Trr
tote cannot do it, bat that Sarre can do
the work. Wien the Liberals mew that
Trrrsi s beam was pa•otured, sed said en,
the Tories denied the statement, but now
that • person by the some of Smile is the
tog looked to by the l o0eereative rood%%,•
MINN, as the hope of the party, what own be
sold ' And be it remembered %bel this ma
051711 ie the 'mete of whom Trrrss Dove
said on the beer of P.rlisineot, "that fel-
low Suers is the harrow Iter 1 ever knew.
A w..k or two since a letter *55
I t. 1' Freest, 07. 1'. , .t Hamtltos •' As
to the demi policy 15150 :o .peak very
pataly Ie Hamtliea 1s 1d78 some moa
talked as if limy possessed the power of
oaths* frees thee earth below sad the heaves
abase the acmes of amities Canada a pro
.perosis oo•sU. Thai were to fibulae
bard times, to woke plenoytby 5515000tend
keep our owe people
to bring beck those tau bed 1.11 It : to gave
good 550-ee ad .teen. work to ell who
stetted it. Ary sew who think they 0•a
do aytbiag toe the bootee of the people el
the coustry sive to give them the 7r..test
possible freedom to make the beet of teats
Dry Goods - -•
sorry household. They spat w
Al11C thea, that pin thltillrsst threherd
to ,lee, the willows ie thea.
M one me e, sad whsle it s rot haed lo Aad a Th God.gl0fik il{Lt'�1D
one to bast wpply them NettINS1 hills s esstake ahem* it either.
wnt�r Answ•r•s HERE! Thar.'
Heim, tight, warefort, matehlws variety, vieality, aurae,. pries -00 i that's the
ties sad lean yea seam share is your pass.
Mil's where w• cover year naoeew
Domestic Dry Goods
Prints, 41c to I '!c'. Shirting Prints
to 15c. Plaid Uinghaws, 5c to 10c
Best Factory Potton in town for .r►c.
White oottons, 5o to 10c. Lotngedwie
Catubric, 12c to 17c. Table Linen,
15c to $1. Towel,, 5c per Mair to
$1 50 per pair. Glass Towelling, 5c
s ado, all prices.
capecnues and power are sot worthy the
name of slat emea. Leave dem. and
thea you will bavo the ,reintest
peewee of heart and brain, of progress and
power . sive to every awe that It.edolu of
opportasttY which a tae blrtbfSOI of
every proal •abide% sad „ou do the entree
the best service. 1)o not attempt to pro
deo* pr asperity by Lgelmagainstoi against 1. .de
Aoy l:overeatent •545,107 to do what out
(1070rn0 001 motetd. to derisi n« a power
ably resting to the Creator.
They put up
barriers to p107001 4:67.1'. good amide cum
tag from ooe country to ...other. and them
eek you to mdmire thewedeln enamok
them for produalog pleat.. , Applause
There ere thuuseads of ('onetrv5pve' today,
whin. were tray to 05pree. theft views la
helmet words, would tell you that Lutetium
bug and chem that was palmed uhf oa them
as the cos slung weeded o make th . coun-
try wed ite people great and prosperous s
last a sham acid humbug as the be.
warned them it would prove
will two tell you so' This easele Canada
tion wee to spread mwtagaover
sod all men had to do *se to forget that
they were Liberals -forget that right woo
night. mid that u true Liberal+, true mem,
hey motion towed to ..oh of their renew
citrase --sed prosperity. ubbe•rd of in our
history. wee sera to be thein. fAppleu.e
Tb.loft oat of amount the taco that Dalt on
from the lobos ot moo sod women o we
that get w..lt5. sad at prosperity bas no
pact with tolustloe. • • ?deaf
so honest man to Caw*
who didn't think
out the eternal petsaples that uadorhe all
trade has Wm demoted. How many have
rutted their mc50' •ad found that this
oestrous s s Oshawa Some hers med.
money, but i take it tact there has beepwtame more moer lost t0 Caned* me 1nere boo
beep gamed. How could it be otherwise
I my pothole against any business In this
country. but I stand here to say that the
good things 4.d bee riven w, whether to
sea, earth or nn the s, of lumber or of
immoral*. of the fish m n a
all our rived
omens, should be for all the people. .sd
that then should be no partuliLY for say
mon or industry before aha law whom 5p
pliwtioo would be universal. The toe*
who est about defying the lows of *tut•
bad of trade have either paver hashed or
they have forgotten the A K (' of oessmo5
mese. They told the farmer's that if 10 or me
12 per et of the people were right they
would have • home market. I dorms, not
the home market, but 1 claim that every
men has a right to the fall fruition of bis
Tabor Many men who voted tor protection
feel they made • groat mistake end that
riot ,rest ad stood thaw -eye, that nobbles
of mew--Alelaador JI sokoaais, was richt.
I Applause. i --
to 15c. Butcher Ito
Stamped Linens.
We have a large range of lace Curtains from 22c. per pair to $al.
Our ;Spring Capes now in stock from 75c. up. Corsets from 35c. up.
The Trilby Corset, exclusive here, and without doubt the most peri.'. t
fitting Corset matte, price 95c. We cannot afford to take second plea, r
in any of the above lines.
received fres Davao (leash -inti, et OW
• informing Tris 'ImmAI. that be had
e gged no telegram asking to have Neweete
withdrawn. The unmade honorable wee
made by the joererl as follows
DAVID CA1rr.1.014, the Apple Kiag. of
Photon, writes te Tot SIGNAL., desya*
that he is the CANTEL°* who signed
'CA NTtUM Tone F'msa,o' M ' telegram. It
gives us much pleasant to make the o.rreo-
tioo, aid we have to bear te.tlme 07 to the
enmity mod straightforward ws.00or to which
the deem! a aide by Mr. CANrsw".
Hat this fair ase hosorwble referee°, to
the matter &mea't seem to please some of
our esteemed o00tespon.ree who will
settber publish a letter from • mol who has
bion referred to. 01 give • proper stateme0t
.t hu cam.
in another column will be found
a toterest1eg communication from that eru-
dite prots►Sor of polemics. 1)4 stet MORA S.
He takes issue with so article that appeared
jn Tita SacsAt. 1.et week on Father I..
,oto vs, and be records ban seatime5ta in
that chai5• diction .od polite style that
is peculiar .o all of hie public utter•noee.
He argument st times may be halting, the
logic may limp, the thread of the awes-
ome may be warped, the •ocnr.cy of the
statements may be sorry. the dedaottow
may be es rank se a eg, of aooieat data,
but the abbe writer believes that the creat
public is pietas for hie private opinion.
sod Tilt StuttAt.,00 than o00•tion, revokes •
scooting rale so that Mr Ofrolo. will be
beard as • self wi.t:tuted defender of the
ewrgy (Protestant sad Cetholici It cosy
be that Father LAco5es end Rev. Dr. Dr-
s tat, sad others of the brethren of the
oloth, 5111 rejoice st the spew -Noce of the
new defender of the faith; that Prtitt RvA v
VIII retire foto • solitude. deep mod vast,
for the remainder of htsdays'. sad that per -
H00 who don't knew abs tae*oine of " ea.
sophisticated " will betake tbemsel'es to
their diot.00artes after they peruse the pro.
lessor ebbs disquiet ion 'felt SD:ea.eWill -
Ina to have theta do en. fwd emir wonders
that a chair ti•. pelecoias has sot
been crested for title brillisat, erudite,
poor sod witty contr0ventslist. On this
poet ere are remicdd of the remark e1 the
dockhand o. the Fan. Coal boat when first
the chiet mate of the craft oposd the flood-
gates of his profanity on him •' Ray, mato,
it 1 had yo0r oult0re, 1 wouldn't sail so
loch waters as three."
THE most undesirable ier'oo on
earth is the pastor in politics The
creel or dogma of the pastor is of no
consequence. -he is the Ramo- undesir
able person, whether he breathes
threathenings ami slaughter on so -call
rel " Equal Rights in 1890 or ful-
minates against " helhin.pirr.d hypo.
trite*" or e•n,lee'ors to .•oerce mein.
hers of Parlietuent un 1$96.
The SiiisgL has been oppo.e,l to the
pastor in polities from the firiot issue,
and will continue to oppose , leric•1
interference in matter% political no
long ass st p01161w•0 the power to of-
fer ob1e, tion, arid it makes no dif
ference what ,-row) or color is exhibit-
ed by the Aeric if he will insist on
getting into politics, he will receive
the treatment that is given to polio
cal •-ontr,.vensialista out*ide of the
cloth Only that, and nothing more.
When in 1r90 an *ort was made
by a number of Protestant r1Prgynlen,
poseiued of more tea* than discretion..
to set Ontario by the ears on the
allegtd " Equal nighty " crusade, Tim
Mond*., which was then, and is
stili an upholder of Prov inem(
"Lights, didn't hesitate t,, tell three
gentlemen that they were engaged in
a bitter rruo* *r s hic•h was me -allot
for ,without comer and uncon'.tit iit1 of
in this Province. And now.when gen-
tlemen of another cloth rake roue
with the con.titutmn and endeavor to
dragoon members of Parliamrut and
*there to do what is wrong, so woo the
object of the Equal Rights Drescher*
so *090, THE 13D.i1At. donde by its
gena in defence of the view :principle
Provincial Rights for which it
fought in years paid
Rat, we ere toll, the • !erg, are
to this tight becaul ' tt is a question of
faith and morals It. is nothing tli
the kind. if faith ono 11..5011 were
meows for the clergy taking part as
politica, they ought to hhve shown
their hand when tine .•*pn.nree of the
th0fte sed bawls and rottenness an
high places at ()Uwe it were m&tie,,ye*rs
and years punt. 1 t 1. • gtlieetiee of
faith and morals when • Catania
Minister supporta. prse dually,* harem
at the public expense, and hag hie Her
time placed on the public payroll ; it ie
• genion of morels when • Cabinet
Idisieter appropriates another tsma'0
tib . it is • question 07w also
p, Oebi set Misi•brw maul at
has %wen more than enough
(Let reedy for the general •dr
tie°. sad fret reedy for it right away.
The Ft oplc have their ear to the
ground to hear the news from l Inst,.
The only members of the House
who stdl hese 0* to the Ty, ear boom w
Sic *0..uv' and err, it the Lees.
('AM0ROV he keeping •
sharp eve oo .be tater.et• of ,:demob, and
N est Huron generally, on the floor of the
i.Anarfla'o idea of tee appoint.
meet of • commission to oag*fre tato the
Mantled• •drool Question appears to be
gaining ground
The Conservative journals are
bep:ag time a defeoties is the Liberl rake
at oases will save the Oserafa Ri11 They
are hoping spinet Mena
L)Avio Waur*Lts% or his friend*
hew sot yet denied that he pledged him
sell to Ntwo*0 to veto eider% Remedial
Lsgi.atiee. it elected. W hat doss I )tae v
Prn.tvoite say to that •
ltoa**T .N.*. A Ie opera a now
yhim thM **.0, sad sakes the stlllgr*tsg of-
As1 d West Hata tots the dIeu aiet.
He oppose. elle M ado *Imp het f• ay
bled d • e_ea g1 w'
White Goods.
C'heck Muslin*, 5c. hest Bengt
Chocks, 10c. India Liuerut, 10: to
35c. Victoria Lawns, tic to 31R.
Also, W' hi a Piques, Whits U,mitir.,
Printed l)iwities, Cashmere Prato,
Wa iii.00ks, Mashes, Dotted Nwim
Muslin, White Skirts, t white Corset
Covers. Ladies ic to 41.
Oorner Square and West St
Pr nisi• 1.'N.w►1. Helix%.. rhe mo0t517
mest5g of the Yublic SGbool Herd wee
held on Mo•d•. eveoiog : Present, the
ukairntan .1 Hucbaoes sed 5100010. W.
Aobeso•, H. W. Kell, .1 H Colborne. *0.61.
McLean, M. Nicholson and las. A Reid.
The mt50w of last render meolta7 wen
read. approved and eig0*d 'rhe principal's
with vorttowk dip lemma bassbassvociferous-
. Club swsrr
g by Mi
(.'hold%, was the neat seedier. • port winch
appreciated sad applauded by the sadism*.
By revisit Harry Heialnal gave 5 Scotch
no:it•aoo. sad he rendered it with pl.'psr
•Apr0sslen ad to the asthma a pte.sar•' of
all pretest, tea •Atte toterprst•ttoo of the
piton beteg much .ppleadetd. Tie deems%
geese. Geld Kaes the with Mr.. Logan eta -
report for Febra.ry was, „o matter' matter' of log the time, wee enjoyed hes all, the well.
Molars. Colbourn Md Malar ramrod •ed keit. 50w 0siv s tormta.lw• of the
Mod. The report showed Dumber 00 the. .,seal meeting of the Cassettes Order of
roll for the Cestrsl, 164 boys, 147 girls. Feeest55 .
total 311 Aye -.,e atte mbesos, 149 b vas
129 girls, total 278, per wastage aawes-, ----
claw, 89 38. St, Patrick's dasher ea roll. ' 1 e M.r.5* d in bks . lies.
boys, 55, garle, 5A, total 106, avenge at
tsed.00•. boys, 45, girls. 38. total 113, per
asters of sttead*oce, 79.04 St. Andrew's
member a roll, toys. •`Ai. girl•, 42, tole',
102, overage •ttesdwoes, boys, 49, girls. 33.
total. 82, per osaase of stter5d500.. 80.39.
Rt. David's 00540r on roll. boy, 60. torte.
54, total, 114, average *tW*d•4°s, bow. 42•
guts, 39, tetol, 8), per miaow of sums -
dance, 71.05 An saeoaot from Gee Por
ter, 711 65, wee read, wad es mo'ie5 did
Reid ued Motors ordered to bi paid.
,coon% front J.Cook 71.70.wee r+wd,.sd es
motion of Colberse sl'd 111c1.ea5. ordered
to be paid. Trustee Ni000110O0 Wormed
th. Board that two boys ked called es him
sad 00mpluae1 of beet*, beam pmt book •
oleic Mr. Belle was thea invited to give
the foota rowdies the papa, put back.
The priaoip•l .:patina visetter1 in omen
was with each outs, thea there was a gee -
oral d+oetroo, the ter of Itch was
that the proceda70 of the pwiaap•1 woe
perfectly sstiefesto57.
i'he tow* oatmeal tart 10 regular ,sheen
*eat Frida) .•10007.
Rogotar neseieg et h1.ttl•sd lodes "..
33 A F. mid A. Y sut TeeedeY.
litres risks of eerier, left oa the 2 t s.
trate to seat their pewee with three of os
010.tar imrg.i.e thee ever 1• tanker•
%stone oviee to McLean •• block. •1 44•11L44•11LYrwi amb0
The meter of St. Georgie, 'easier/ esus -
oss will for setae time bemoans! ease to the
cram %.sine Una
The Charebw*a•s's Guild held ata rage
low tsr651g is St. Genres', .eleol roses oe
Tannery .MMrsees.
Bolero 'Bowleg weft the Square my stock
suet be great ll y reduced t0 sew a /goer
time ter bariaiim
J. H. Worsen A Co. have a comp,%,
stook of dairy *aware, map
head. Their a.soa•om meat will appear
seat week.
After this mead) I bet. dotarmis.6 to
adept the nod prisctple, en se to be able to
gip every ~tem* the ful I booed' of ready
mosey ..is Geo. Poo". 59
Wm. C.•ie, of the Ktnsetos Street hates.
woe balm the Police 11.gtetrato .t the to
steam of lo.peotor Penley, sad Gad :20
.ad oats for • violates of the L.ee.so Act.
.1. Barter Runoiss*. who W *pawed out
500640ery sod repur shops at Naw' old
*5100 works, shipped the week to (amp
Wilford a twenty live borne power engine.
Word wee received yesterday mooting of
the death of little Para? S..ff*eld, aged -1
years, the roe of Mr. cad fin. N m wet
held, of Clevetoed Oho, formerly 0 1,ode
I have hod pretty big sales, yet my stook
d erec6ery it stet yet gado. Thera are still
a .0540*! d prstt7 0lismbor setts 1511, ad
the, well be, wid et eaoseduRly lewd
Geo Prove
lc'S *o parole to had 0. N. Davie's seem
and oil depot He is still doing bosuns= to
the Sgs•rs. Them 0*.tomere to wham I
have o gleotrd to reader s°oome* use ell
others will kindly call ea 1 rsIMtre • +ettl.-
%deems 59
After four mouths' Otey i0 Goieeieh,
tape Wheaton ad Lean,%. Holden have re-
ceived orders to 10 well ; lttb00gh they
have leagued to love the sad stead
like to stay longer. yet they meet neat teed
bye to go to a new geld to labor. They
will farewell 00 Sudsy.
Miss Jove l'. Joao, who hes bouts peed-
i0g the winter with bey poreato, lac es
Toads! for Whettord, N.D., where ehe
remotes Mr dates as treater. Mies Addie
accompanied her to speed the Seams*
with bar sietors, Mrs. R. A. McArtb.r.
Wheatland. sad Mrs. J. A. bleOurre..(be-
eslt, N. Dakota.
Price is the bast 0alsemas es earth a
foot that &aliases@ sever lasso eight et. •
It's the pascal, all .resad leer prior se
eyerytbtag they sell that makes their stem
es p.pslol No variation .heat theft
taM`sdo. Its their everle.Iw*g OAe1t to
prise reliable geode of all kinds se low se
set enly to retail' the ..tickle elie.tsge
A t 41 Soret*. -0. Tbaetday roaming
Coast Goderie0 Na 32, C1a.dia0 Order of
Foresters. held the mammal rapper i* the
Tempenmes Hall,wbicb had bre leered for
the ..scion. Te. ookbeatiee was intended
for eapplyins meatal sod ootporesl oouriob-
meat, and though then wee sot a over-
aboad*aoe of the first named, the mooed
wee to boonti(51 perihelion ad of eloelleat
quality. For thea so5n,bamet of the body,
Wee nobles were phieed le5gtbws0 sloes
the hall, saoh .xeeediorly rttr•otive, the
faultless disposition of the tempting diebes
sad perfect ate•sremteet of the neaten
being admired by ell prseswt. When the
call to the first part of the program was
heard the rats were moo occupied, sad
thee se quick se the treseform.tioa some
in • patostme ch*oges,oyatore were pieced
before Mob Meer. When e11 had satisfied
the .evil, tor the good things o1 this
world (sod by -the -bye the tables were owe -
pied by seoand army 1, the tables were re-
moved end eau comfortably pkwed oo the
floor of the main hell. The shifting ar-
raagernena were swiftly ad deftly made,
but perhaps the inset eotiosble points is
00005oti00 with the trapper errs the saw
factory cooking and the correct 50771005 el
the bevy of pretty and prettily attired sis-
ters who served sod satisfied every guest.
The wooed part oommeooed whoa Rev. J.
A. Aerie nos. B.A. , took the chair. The
rev. 7oatlame opened the proceedings by
oowgrateletiag (bort No. 32 ea the amens
of the first part of the oat.rteiemeet, rad
then rempit*l*umg near.tateti0*l figures
le 000ssotiots wit& the i.etitutioo. emoted
ed by pointier eat the teat progress of the
order is the 17 years of ire e1i'ta5ee, .std
the feet that tt wee a Cao dtaa lent*%,floes,
METHODIST IdAe:AzlYYl AND Ravisw for
Marge. 1896. -0* sssorl omd timely nosi-
est in this number are the illustrated arti-
cles on the •' Rad Cross Society sad 1 te
Work." as „Cabs." ad a Huila.
with portrait. sod or " Recast Scieaoe,
with .agrsviage of Kosaigen • Cathode
Photos. Of wide Mures* also are the spiel
didly illmotr*ted articles ea " Here ad
There in the Holy lead,- with • moors of
illustrations. bed •' A retreat visit rollmop
' Mo0regor'm Remov.L" by Doo,les Hem-
mer/a. *. • tosehieg Nova Yoo/ia taor7.
0isi nes leaol*eate of The RI lec's Roo,"
and -• The Story of Irish Methodism ere
glee a*vo*. Among other timely articles
.re • aketeb wet portrait of the late Dr.
Jeffers. Dr. (yw..•s vigorous article o5
'• Seal- W using. ' sad (;banoellor Rorwasb'l
review U S*leseed'5 great work on "Immor
tality•" "Tis First Fifty •Veers of Mhe 01d eth-
odism," by K 0. Orr. sad
Sabbath in New R.elt..d,' by the Rev. .1.
S. Gilbert. A.M., will reveal *bet marked
improvement has *km plum. Rev. 1. T.
Pitcher. of Stemmed, ((tic.. Iivco a able
pa " n 0the Social Life*** Church
11departments of " Thu Worlds 1'ro-
grom.;' • Current Thought," " Popular 4ei-
mooe, „ Rook Reviews, " Religious .ad
Missionary totellIgeoes, - ere of mon time
ordinary interest. The **10r teapots*
should be i* every M•thodtet household.
Hack numbers eels be supplied Toccata ;
Wm. Briggs. Pries 72 • year : 71 ter nr
months : aegis 00sbr. ?0 oats.
chutes New Ewe: Mr. Whitley to gi•
In the Ontario Gorere nteat the tollowirg
question to sneerer
"Is it the intention of the Government
to introduce legi.aue. provdia1 'het Do
Pewees .ho11 be .ppoisted to an HHRH is the
gift of the lioversaw* of the Toov75Ol to
whit* *07 'else", or 50011115151ts50
while he ea a member of the Lerehtters. or
tswtstiess last
be tw�«0ias
is • .t5000t."
1I is ie she the iotea'ioo of the (iov
wMWest i. issredsse *soh legi$.. it
Ito 14e ,ember ot is thea 5.
app0sted to soy
priaelpls, aid therefore should he deeper
--It u 1Mginning to look •a 11
Desk" SA* a07 the `tp.s•ish Hidalgo would
averse. loft ea swat woad rive the
Vsakee eiglaagb a shaves to who their •yes
Of (`osei AWN 1111 ,pulse of t6. Vow
wale aueSNw.
1'atholic Record : We eaderet*od that
K.reerd OY,ase.11, of Dublin, Is se *pplto
coot for the 'soup Reestr•rebip of the
County of Heron. We love known Mw
t)'('oo0ell for army years. ad we use wife-
ly ear that • better .pp.islseet onold mot
be made. He is a Ud residat of the 0000
17. and his hither wee ear of the first set
tars He eajoye the reopen ad esteem of
di who know him, sad ke ea m0 every way
gm:hoed to 811 the poetics. Apart from
tete, however, he hes bees w hf•-lone sup
porter el the part? is *boss head erste the
.ppoietwe5* Heron (;maty a noted for
the temesen o1 ('.*Aches holding office ostler
A cock sad -hall yarn is in cites -
laioa that M. C. CAMlrwse, M P.. ad
Roam Newts'', the Third Party medi-
ausa. had .mime art .f se ernagemeaa he
these is the Use eenhot. Tess Snow i.
i. • peseta w my tat tate sever ores
lest/ iMaeseis esisaties b.1. -.*'lest, be.
lase the elsseles, deems the aleoth*, er
01*14510 pea Oirr.w,A$4 Aye balm loot
received as attractive pamphlet front Hoa.
Jobe 1)rydea, the Ontario Minister of Agri -
indium, retitled " The Piooeor Farm .ad
the W.bi70ea Coaatri, Relay River Div
trio% " 16. attest*. ot the dep•rtsaw%
bowleg heeded• boos called to the hither
to essettled regia.. Mr. Dryden d.t.raised
to establish there what be termed • "slowest
farm" te deseastrate in • pewees] m•l'sw
the emestry's agricultural eapabilities The
11901 meet se far bee bees very sucoeeetrl,
. ad this pamphlet gtvtw, general inform
ties res.rdieg the meting', which is sow
open tor settlement, is the moult. It se if -
either the pommies or the Proviaert (.ov- Isetrsted Sad centeri u map of the district.
.meet%s. W• hope the Admiaetntten Tis information will he very optional, is
will hive Mr. O'C.*.sil's application ite view of the i•er•••io7 deemed st the pre -
hyoids* eessidw.tbs. soot 'ism far *harp lead. t•p.rially se the
part o1 yams ,tee o1 •tesll capital, the sews
Nearest Wibsm The Ilsl•ne tomer of fanners. who dews te serum isms •ad
.•awes have had an eppeeteasty to heeme of their ewe. Sic& .01014 by all
show that %bay beet nolo (tees tread is mot" i0v/tatit•to the Wt►ataw ewtry
tele 75r*ias their stte•tie. �jsleewhsr* Om-
trb.6511 ins The reesuas as M see- .rase Wigs' earl sibyls, was oheresierly
resod --e heritage hlead.d ire bar ata ..oempmild y Mn. 1, leek est the ones*
1 pews, .dtlh*eora *ossrP"- w. iL. Lapel see was a we ler a rM,was
Theme Pe 7 asy pmvi.n or bl say ht'sif). ghee.. ..,4 s saviour hew • mid este be
etireme savant/ s espy et the
p sAd ahead madras * shed ha 05 i0. swab M dot sgerthe".m, oenta-
weemist sur A rieult s., Terme* p•M4 y 1170 leads. slave • bats mile
Mattes. hews. =soh they may rapport ..d ether aemttled poetises Ol't•rle he
the wed*, by their ve ss. The Mews'
(ievorsmesa dewing the peat nam &weed
ed ewe sur aepothers ef the present legislature
's r.ei.sr.nbtp, wisely. the seseshars tam
,seeds lar Nash emu mod Sesta Want
..1. mimed their assts sod hn-
Wy .sepLd O4.essnss. appoint -
worthy 01 the rapptwt of •7017055 Piss- they enjoy. bet add sew 1riesdo to the Ines
eat. .les. Thermos was thea filled on doe •7077 day. 116, large crowd., typiMi of
• solo, .std as is alma with this genilemss, their .tore, a the boot evidence of tow well
mw d most ably and 5siM11y by slap- ! they mooned. 59
nig r neither that referred the Old Couto The volwtesr .0le&5Mi0. Mt The ?womb:
try •*d Old (;ooatry habits Mies Thom 1 Li'
a* Meirday sg,t shill bo sltnhn.d
.en •eoomp•oied her bather, thee making • mist. st drybr0ak fres tihe "eta, d!•
hattery, es•.bsr oa the1 .ss
sere of • mosioal treat Moveral Mentes were fella e6... em,,.w.dad by Last -Ohl•
UN. haired for romt•tksos. sen,,, oto., bet Wife,, of Sedeltb, ase .sale% ae 0Msset.
tae bolas De r•opease, tke ohairisao bad Fer the first ties dories the Wimtsr smarm
to oras the lime .•p.retisg the programs u- the flet will bo rased from the towor. ro-
tesod Gs11ad ea R 14,1,04,, who 700. e.m 6, the •isghR of the N.'ye
airedY seas is his well -haws able teas- WT.botc. •�s�g V �Ib
tow. Mrs Le,.• st the ripe, W. R sad the Brsewa
Lora with the boa, mad Mewled Ca54-
pelage with the moot& area thea appeared roe internal A dam s
For utorra) sea only.Y • 11iesEMive
sed whoa *breach the meritorious perform-i0-
.ao the %hie wire eathwiestiewll7 eaeseed, cone for spiral drosses, b4 ••ss -
..d wflb hal05.esa As irt00 teem•%►r7hro t, weak, and
tg'pesaad 1 begin, sore throat, weak acrd tore hags.
roeitaeies ttT Hsery Hoa•hts was won sea- braises, sprains, 'tiff joints, repave, sed
dared. Thea we i*hrmissles was dgd•rd. .11 kiodr d thong's, it hen akto beer
The mossed pert olwalla-d with* oar- frurd a sore sore fee throat ,,fustian la
sot trate by Jett Thaws, wash was se well horses.
played ea M lewd a soar* s ur ,l(i1ha roma 75 statm
dart by abs Mimes Melmrss, gives is thews Nose Remains without 05.7 t the tarsi•
mark or labels gad wr.pp'r' sad A. E
lielwsa... 1 miss. 1. O.ierisb. 0••
stomped es was gal taw sate battle.
11[.aadaata.ed 0.57 M Hspbaw A'
eterfe OM.