HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-3-5, Page 3e THR SIGNAL : GODBRICH, ONT. THURSDAY MARCH s. 1896. l�matl.tarv. _ _I THE BRAVE SOUTCHM A N atiht14110111, L IAA -DENTAL • taw sell rarer. Pre dose Wem.l.• ad a weird sads red real Dr. es bard t.r r. es eff IMO ItTi. RIO HAEDSON L.D. Rs me Tr.re&MQ uke..gb arr.r.. •amats-- • a 00110 4....104. ts tae brae.. SMI 11 eirep a • Setae eaaale wad added Caere. Ui tee Urer Jamas Tar►M ertes .r • m111tra ✓ like ts tM Lespa e. Jameson • Good Work. M. TURNBULL. U.u$. LAIiL-' • Meatal te.rdtAOa .lately ae.,ataeti-1 iib Dr. Uttur, oar Avowal uuli ob(- W&, srt.au..t teeth resealed us sold or= is brie•. 11,464.1 atteSIMgl Wee re W - .1..s. 01 Ina watered reel\. wow w.ok > a '. w . BM.dlIMI __ UE.. MUM Ililt, eft 1 o1C1AN, SUR gem as oars Y.l.cer • hoick., blians- aaggia, Medd eau • fuses Kruk& Wrier-. Mend ady DL J. HA111LIUN, VKTKRINARY m.wr.ai Ituu.of .diem. Y,,rstertaary Ou s1ellW retired asd member sit os kcal aeswacrse. lJNlm MaMr�/ MMlyr rid • ad hews. dais r eight IIMNe a•mtwam areal threldte / Whores 11das Mae'rrlage lou rs•,•. W. LANE, 3K1UKK OF MARRIAGE lwaw,sim. wwri.h. _at. Mlily lwrll�al . M O.OAR BRION, BAKRLSTER,SOLI- Arl a corset . .:amts, dooms. Stu. tl� als�.. =I M 0.11 eft. • Lore eta. epos Lt 4114F:S3. HhA/uN - BARRit3TEE. Li IW.wtr. Awary Pah so aeiraaen'b Sleek t► est tkreer lbw ly E. CAMtf tRI PION . BARai kR, f1OL- JJtu.w. aut.... was. taigas emir MMaeol Hr1, misers. tooter •01. • lkj• JUHN8ION, 111AE1118TKR, 80- m hooloat., . hat, messy N yea, .02100: Cot. $*d. LJ w. a.d *.. Am- • tl*w'reta Nudes kik Us.. •N u "BRAVk. Ur. Jun we call mover was •pp.tlauuu inure be0rul eat. Op341o410 way uowe aid optima Iala. as far as tae introits fit hr loam I rat South Mitosis 0daua r usauer Ise all that there on rota Britisher Brume today iv to would sot grip till use ue tae other Rev• 'troy .Oystr1 war. tie may 3a,• blundered ; so did but du we trek icy tae Ices w atm Not • bit. Tare .re hew patri.,t. *no will try that lar. Jim Is not • col mea. If it were awn au soy gives the world such an example of Mieurbr pluck of the Brute Igoe, stead oornoted. While there ;oro moo Oke J hand, "Kraal's seer, never will be sod the lamer ride to Krugeted shows us one tiny at lows, .ad that, tin the reputation of the se erg h.wpre, tier, •re plenty naw htui, and y Wilier WY way y, ts ra awl. tint m lire.. Me *tip y seaalrp to we op Lae yawners as Mmtobs4ater he surly had • busk with si. Boer., bat e.ese.3.d a outage tag women wares tie Erbil' of • .ragas abet Hie admtarte iso M M..hoel.rd W baa all that weld he desired; 1a rot, with soca • seas at the head el afEahs, ere read orrery steer dee. However, he woe wt Mg to remain in IMM eomparsUve pear, fey hate* rag the Macabre War broke oat, writ the o u.daot d whirr he WIN M Hie march upon Bulawayo with • feria of 2,000 roe and ape •000wfal asdiug of • abort but brilliant osmpaiys w matters of harry. The usage of the usmpatvo wee the read- mit of the M.•buaes by Matebele Inapt. Tia latter were told Ito desist as the Msaho.•e were wader Watseka rule bat, psalm.' so turd heed w Warn. 1134/, wor.r✓, they repeated the offesoae, and on the white settlers is Yr. tree °beer ton• pettuuwtog the Administrator "to out ale oar for all the Maurer gesstioa,"try Nedra : were resorted to, rod too oouUtry awn. for it • Wed• o emirsAt the uta of the recast Boer dithoal&y, b• waa sell 000apytttg the administrative en'i°w poetlioa. 10 heve Stirs is a very brief moons' of some of toe u- the oar( events to Ur. J.seseo. • 0hegmor tmia I ed career. It will doubloons be rwnssettorsd that to Itarl the L/ooto1 voted England B. 111111441041 oa with Cecil Rhodes, and wee (made • C. Both were eathaeiistsoaaly feted end ea - stare: tertattted by royalty at lie Imperial loom - cop hail Cate. that is "Dr. Jim is • shortish men be has • r grow plewnt tar, mrke.l by swung lass of do- e ilk. termination: 114 votes is regularly .west, sad hr ut•tlnr .luspMearly uboswmtae. The last-mentioned char..,terrtto r the more 'rumble whoa ere remembers that her practically u rremsed ktag of a roe - try as large M x}NLm NI,. FRA1NCx ♦lib ta*w Awy rolled into one. His It. and habits .re •implsoity itself. Of bo home at Bulawayo Mir Bellow, authoress of •1200 Mdse in • Wagon,' gives • vivid •000aut. See:says the& 'it hoe mad walls, thatched, with ao urlthg; door* made of too pecking as.. lids. •lid lid neglated window with .hullos of rough beards. Furniture • bedstead, .ad ors box apostle down: some wooden .helves and • small strip of matting, an empty whiskey bottle doing auty se • caidteat lot , and soh, lux - nevi • table But, she 000etudes, '-the Doctor was .Ivry. • Spartan ,n her tastes. lir Jim is by nature a peaceful men. "No one oould haves .rester horror of war• tar than 1 heist, he mud when the Martel. war was over. More often hats ends were gained by the force of hr own peculiar and sympathetic nature. 1n this respect I•am indeed ach- ed to think be is regularly like that other Doctor who touua that soft antiwar tura tall away wra h -Dr. Livingston. !31111 more would I likes bion to (,wren. He probably owes has 50u05ea to two things an 11'00 oomsutuuou, aid • know- tedQe of bateau nature which u re ahem able as .t r subtle. Sud • gentlemen who are with him to the Mot•bele war to me the other day "There is • .regularly wamiar way with ;Jameeoe, but if he mares to get his way he will have 1t. I have seer • hat of et.ISTfttw.: MAIM* INTIM RN TWIT with loud targets and demands, rod leave it 'curet disarmed and f•eclnaied with the sere, .ed that, mind you, without grams aa tech of ground.... atm Ur. Leander Starr J•atesoo is • iiootob man, 1irtt►amgg boss born w Edinburg is Feta ruary, 1963. He is t*rctwe tory Lora years of age. His tattier was • N rater w Lea Nogales, eau t ieemr. Politicise sit halt rams) .140; hie mower wee • CI-tighterMyr t,.a•tu Joao hug*.. Kdrly u hie Darer Dr. Jim silow.d the tuff W. was matte *t. AL subuol he was dl. % u shed both M • stud.sat wad .w .utelote Anon his teeny e•tti. a L,.ouo• he ,lid sed medctw.s Uatvenu1y Cohere Hospital Hr career here MAN A oalt.l.lwxT 0' a. He obtained .ill r radar for m.dibine,sur- gry, anatomy and pathology, and • surgt wtiulareb,p. 1a 1676 as eradiated .t the Luodoh 5 u*vmany, •.a obtained • gold medal for sued cal Jurisprudence. So far eget yLhwg promised • brills/oat seatanatuen r • hrul.art 0.rser: good h d !t not been for one Lams be would, to all p*Uab.ltty, have serieu us priories in the metropolis of tae world, and so have sever taken„p•rt m the recwit stlrrtng events of Soutbbl.Atg aoaa butts y. That ono thug *s. 111 health, the result of overwork. t.000vquautly, be took • abort health Lour in Amet.w, but on hr return b. was advised W °Horatio to south Atria, which he did, accepting • ardio.l p.rtar- shup in Kimberley. 1° the City of t;old and U3.mooda he r'spldly sant Lip .° enurmure proomos,betug aimed thereto by tae peoul.ar charm of has oretr•et r. A trend of aim baa dart robed Wm as "the mat lov.t.le man .moogcarat.uiy pretty errors. carat. Of `u4no1eai 0sa' Ta. 4reotioe prospered exuwdl0gly, and "Dr. atm" berme tete wont pruler w.. in Kumb.r*y. TWO r evmud by the fact diet he meds so less than 1;5,000 a year by bie art, and oould have dourest has income had not devoted so mn0n sit her time 10 .&bars Interests One [Mohr day in Kimberley were intro. two men w 04w wuth.r, .ad at the probably neither of tarn guessed the portant heppeu,hge wbrb were to result ear meeting. They were 1 Obi US L DANUEY, B.,ltkI11TER, AI 8utw. otor, thus aa.. eta M.ssp 10 Wow a. w ase. taws. tawasa s 150.5, up petite Warr hoar wrench. Nal. 741-tt Ll r. LSW y YYUO- l7aibras hetes. « UM* O. t1sY13, HaIt RIOTER , SOLICIT OK, etc. u.a.e North es. out door AA. ter.». en .. • r u&de to Med at hewest rater of aster I'le► A.iuuw s PIWC:ulrutrr, BAR. VI risers. Amr0a, Lett0ttsrs, fro Redo. risk. J 1'. trrnow. yet)„ W. Erratum. CiAM ttJ:i, Muter & HOLMES, larrrstare, deb.u•rs u theesoury al:s. Ysdu.t.u. M. C. usworee, M.O.. P. ileo pedlar i .w ere. O. WARD, OUNVILYANUER. IF • *33.. 5.4 eumrue•teaer tor tatty and re- stores r.eegarar„ea 4 sail. arw•vtle m aMrmatto..s, Jr.p.r4.was er ewe's& Weeiers- h.ww la euseer*ue• eei 4wmoa, cwt tor pros "seam u tee d„t• evert W Jerrie. the (sort of ♦ ypss1 to Uraraa, or a •a Germy r lair.(.. court. s111rr•eawmasa wed preeapa*y e&euwtee. 'Hraerea sued Y.U. Wdrua- Uo ueaa,.,., 1)134, sissy -.l Lamm arta i ori. MONEY T0- LwR. .1ao,s0000 ferrate Estado to teed al�� per uses ea - meshy. M. w. t'A•ILKOIN. Ilmler'e Meek . mpgs1. UuIburs. Ho.e.L (Swirl& Ilf-tf -KivA S FU h alta - PASTIES DE 1 'trees et obt.,aasm mesa, es olidclam 1 Ms worry .tan de so M di j pee seat by y. 1 to J. A. Mo:/►NA alt n from RA brei dosed WQ bmrlatm es. Tereus. virtu time SEAGER, OWN VEYANCING AND ia. etas•. olaretteAter1W'sHMN from MONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE m M Bent. Mets 410ma&ted, C HEARER. tic ovvorte Martin's Hs1.. cede - The F J. T. NI TEL, 11RE, LIPS AND l • matteat areal• •t lowest rms. Orr.-Osis. tllaetka and tlpr.re� tied- S'i00oda ,000 TO LOAN. APPLY 4TO `•' iLaa,wa HOL7 a HOLMXI 1 Hob. MONEY TO LEND. -A L A R G I gamma& of Privets reads ter l■vgetseset stirrer raise oa'nt.elsenM.rrgag.s. Appal oGARltt)W t PROCDPOOT RADOLITpg, GENERAL IN- tyevegneeao. Real Mame and Mawr LobareReaaeted. Money w on straight Maw• u the lower erre « sayway to salt t►. ss�owe� He berme Mb sal door trona lip ase• Rset raker*, trade- „gib DOCTOR ASD PATII>T. pouter, wars lite era despaired Coal Rhodos. The MOO who nursed 11m hay and Debt, and altaan.tely brought him bask to health was Joiners. To the out rine of this .vest may be asenbed the sweaty years' err friendship which has existed between the two me .. The sesSt,mg prod to be the .erne past i the Doc- tor's career. la those days Csoil Rhodes powewsd am rues. which were laughed at borer of tier very aaigal.uae. People maned at hie arra of addtag • territory of &early tooth. of • mulion squire mules to the tab Empire. t so J.mesoa. He mw through those homes, sad titre was daylight beyond. e inoculated with soar of Rhodes maim, and decoded to throw 1a his lot with him a wrkuta them out For the furtherance of three plans it lies a.o.wory that Lobs.gur should be prop) aced, and • plover twos wee organized to p•oo..d into Mscab.MMnd, to mtrvlew the dusky chief. At its bead was Jameson, who had manhood her armour aid caoome into the uudertak,07. W. all know the muooess of hie mission bow the Doctor nerd tae old warrior • of tech of gout, and t•ec..e so friendly with him that the King granted all the 0000m roam asked for oo behalf of the South Afri- can Company. The •aoo0s of the move hero assured. Dr. Jameson roo.ga,xed that, if the oouotry was w e *posed up, • shorter and less octet ly route 10 the °ort than the lee/ ovrlaod joorrey whiob they had hese oomp.lbd to tacke wee imperative: rad wn5 this object m view he started with Major Frank John- sen oe It to .'IL[at&Teo TRIP *f d*oow ry from Salisbury 10 the eastward by way et the Peewee river. The expedition was et an exceptionally dada, mature, hut, by wear of his char amnesia mere,* and resw.rea, 11 ma ase- seedaity atrial mat. His milt ondraki.g (kt 1800.1801) was ea eventful marsh 10 the time eosntry,rsled ever by the Zelu tt►t0 thumes13w, Hs trmebed It; with tin* e0maan1.as, after • our •rdeese ioersey agrees the deeded w.Mt. The Afrieas *ism were nseseesenal =Ivy. Nearly all the msrshisg wee ea- se thweseb water .p to their keens, (easy slgbb _they were eemprled me they were, dreaded M the skis. le We the sestae el regime **- Mese • hark, end the risk .f ill • aseatr7.111.0.. *iii fer.r, sad meed de .4 Dr. Jim's Wk *ill be � ehetwioett le of eiret&L ATtAMI, M rauala, He r uniformly polite to .very..., sad invariably meets or.gg dooto with • eo•rtty which [amply paralysis Cas •rtrudr. He is a emperor treed sad; • resero.a foe-. all reopeob • lovable man. Children adore him, and in their oon- paa7 be u supremely happy. He has ao bobby,anles n be laveteret. atw.rette-amok of, lag. 1t r said that be forget. • friend or neglects to do .s wp0.tnt.°oe a good turn, if it he possible. 1t r not 5esr.11y koowa thou three prom:went mew have •t ose tune or another owed their lives to atm -vis., Cecil Rhodes Lobsegwle and President Kramer. Dr. . 1m has not .tad. mosey like the mrjonty of his South Afrlma colleagues He we. r o.r.d • straw about It Schemes by which he could Iitenlly hey• made nail limas hale passed over her head, lesring atm untouched by the goad lover. Prhaps the deer testimonial ever paid the plucky Doctor was that by Captain Tb•t.cber, who escaped atter the fight at Kriveredore. "What do you think ot Jameson and h,g blunder ' asked • treed. "Hssog the blun- der said the salient caption. " Jameson r the grander era I eves mei !., three - Brit No OSIInterest golag, Is so �«ra gill i e LI tiara IlODRKIpB MEpeANIOB' INBTI- 1 TUTU LIBRARY AHD H.&&D1MY- , ear. of Wm sweet awl Sews (imp stars Beam tress 1 se eras,. and tram r 10,te r.e. ABOUT 9000 VOL'B IN LIBRARY. Leal 09 f m,) asWwaies!p owl Ilitadrated KamPapers, B e'i*amp Tap '1C"T, ONLIlk OWY •. masa. tree iso /area ea had id ANINeilleme Lilateen ■oombenhlp nerved by .1 H. OOOLeasOfNR. H. HAMILTON. s oMerteh lteweti talk MIL AaBtaoae•rlia.. THOMAS GUNDRT, AIIOTIONEER Al'rt s maa°•t, Ap•&t, Rederich. Oat. Ise. M Ina pa' awl � la y. n ...eentr. .t J- OHN 111X, O1/e1RAL Ara eedesden Oat. Having maser �d a aelseerLead seleeeble raiperleaes is .tee aamtemerl trade be le 1a o peonies se memo" es rooted is Mm. ealtime Mb OYw r1 ease f�p lull' r wa* W 004* M W RNrl�jtskpP. , acentaur eetlaeded ltveleseer war PPof•/•EonaaL E. t' STEELE '- ''•xi. taw laaat, evtr.rsa, seta eOtt'rreAII, y&l.a&7.t. t aeies Cr Hamill d p sad her __ wan owg•wcr.ig dn. .5s the •uses posse. roue es ata is to eases w � ttth sue' Awa bossy sad "hams amer.eoe d seams •l'C tlrm restored to with L Mews up Willem* pay An erterprMbl .yenta bee lMeibe ed . following Ile • err .tg.r. * ted h.a �'TMs4.57 and byre.�wheels. sad glee the ensues?. lar. J t��adir''i�d ``ea'l'�nis eaus� ►puha Bars ear • se �~ teed' Tsslsee.i•1e : 'My weal W res rfb trrw.re/ 'stoma' 'My � melt yes .ellewed i•I•es t ta ere saes et •sea arserlmt. w►err had Isla 1 re a ere � .htuber aid1 N set rw� t t`wr.' (frwee �siiss r sod teeesumes. d *rod. fin �d Ts i ea yt ebbsesisie Ye le reser 1aees 111 is ..rryw est hie .etwitMs•mdh� Me hese that the IIJeg was ear*..ded by Portug.ee Allem and Weeps. Fran his dusky Majesty he ebinirsd aspartame -osRi•r ter the Blit- " 8513 41rle• �pae7, mad yearned utas..► t. ('ape Tees., •lehesgo seri- is %.alai. boss baelt my Moe fromW }.stir W Admilst.M, d tt airet _s�_. •� 1 liaisheembs= d to atasees pd ..4''es/ tees awl/ hope satedeis a Mae name While !Me woo Awe,. "Sae &lyette hems bre today, mothr. while I was away ?" isflie her been away dl day sisal break. fast, and mow d.ylt•kt her faded out of the sky,aid the moos'•'silvr sickle' wall hang. too shove their beads. "Let me see, seed bet mother, putting oa her thinking cap, "Yes, i had one yr "Ob ! Had you, another . Who was It Y" "She did not tell tee her same." said mother with • quizzical little mice. "Did not toll you her same ! Hew My queer ! Whore did ere owns tree!*-- - { "She did not my," "What did she crow to our helm her "Ah ' For several remits. Pet see thing she wired my headaob.; she 1e.egbt nes • letter from • dear freed; she gave me • new book :o read, ere put • red roes on my table; she dumbed • pros of wwieg for me, and gave me some erect new thoughts" W hat • stream raiser ' murmured ROie. 'Wes that all r "No; She *aiad Mr 10 do seamy Snags for her. Sir asked me to irks broth tr • ark girl, to write two letters camas a help two people, to psy • visit, We • pad- dies and several other Wags. "And did you do them all for bar t" "i did some of .rem, wad soma I her* haft widens, 1 wieb now that I W delle them all " ' ' I would have gives anything a see kr. *ill she ever mein &gots . "Ne," said toathr, "she imam atm seats. Meatus she died at sanest " Ded, nether tm How dreadful 1 Aad yet yes are *soothe 1 till* you aro jetting semeheNet *deg esssa 1►. Es. dear, bet 1 am t•lktng in • hail parotid, whisk I think yes see passe, when I tell yea set Iter sister is easing tomorrow at ..netoo--her Srre eta Mr, se like m vimter that se ens see tell SO m yae� babe d Mr gift and .nae sof kwr desires my be rise._& from Sedate ,MA.. "Tea my yin doe's Mow bar nemw, mellow i didn't say syr. i mid she dM net WI me her stem. MN I de knew al. --e. r Thursday."' _ beet mum today, then~ a~�E ••Yin •.T� Way." "Aad per whaler egmmww all e :t hosed---'. •,Fy, et seers.. IGhe wee very much amused at the .edea el tae Thursday visitor mad the Friday ra- tter• hut w53•e ate woke up m her Wile bed tie *est 'skra,.g she said softly' to herself "How do you do, Mrs Yriday. I troa- dr what yen harm brought me today • AS any rote I am gulag to do all the rungs yea art me 1 ,'esus. you have got to die as ..a- sst, you haew.' And, richt away, NI sirs 1''nday asked the liwle 4ul to got up sad drew In tune for murrlag pray ere. HEARTSNDING RELIEVED 20 IN A TEARS fir. Alamo 5314.1. w►e a•. Lived ea wee Wart her 1s tear. arty. libel Sr ossa• et be. *grew . t .re foe atm •can " This is to oertdy that I b•J, bought two bottles of Dr. .ague.' • Cure for the Heart fur my wile, *to has bees troubled tor the past twenty rears with heart dr- ew.. 'The first few do.,.love relief, and she Me had more trent from it tar• from all the doctorial' ore aver did. The remedy tesla like ureic os • diseased boort I aim pleased to give tits oert'rivaa.' As Ker Ni.'uol... Sold by J. K Dawis, Petrbtwa Gemmed ail.. •erofeller. A prime �y i told ..r Mrs. Harold Mc- Cormick while as was Mir Edith Rocke- feller, *bowie the simple manner in whisk she regarded her father a greet win th. Toe Incident oecurre I wham woe was a pupil at owe of the f•.nlonaLle New York school. Sb., with • p.rty of girls from Mir oleos, pre,. sated heroes .t • cs'1& 1ur- aiture dealer's to chose • Lit for a favorite teacher. The price of toe pretty writieg desk, howevr, was more ih.s the sum a their poa•esioo. The idly,. •u✓grsisl that if the (leek w•a sent lees would forward the balance aa soon as powlhl- Tho proprietor very politely, but also very decide ily, toformr.t the girl* 'hat he oould not do es they asked " but, he said, "if you ore think of any New York bat nes man with 0531.14 soy of your fathers are •oyn•iated and who will vouch for yon JUKES Till HAIRLROW Sold in Goderich by W i GOODE. Pastor M*at i s food breleansirg the Scalp and Hair. Iseela to hare teed everythis and am in despair Why Mrs R tht Very best tlin is Pluto TAR SOAP ilia splendid for Washes Ate head are/rots ./ruts dryse3 Bass aft tad to Daadntlt and 5hm1� the heir alcely. 23 i foR a utwt TA&t'T TR STAFF OF LIFE. ♦dalteretiou end substitution in nand pro ducts hare of late years become ao grave an evil. tba(rover assents everywhere here been obliged to call as the services of enyalysta to cheat their spread air ser* the live. ot the people O.e of the most important articles ot food uoeuestio ably is RKLAD. For pure wholesome Bread. It must be made tram Malt and Hop Yeast ; for this re.•on it l easily salable la the !.don of t fig stomach, or. le whet words• light of digestion . Hop and Malt Yeast is pronounced by the best .nalyns a iluriand to be the pure and wa•al1.erated yeast, and is used by the beet bakers In the country. IN MY BAKERY Toe as get tone coot as much Bread made frfrom tHop you cis for three .mate thettsaelvs 4.8 tee yeasts butwhich **klch docs aid eaanot rive the same sweet davond bread MY BREAD Pi MADE FROM THE PURE MALT AND ROP YEAST AND NO. 1 JMANI1ORA PATENT FLOUR. *Memos. and sweetws rhe est twe0edl that t is kcan be and e mow Produced of •ny yeut on the market. My one imprimis* I■ the Bakery briars has proved thew to be facts. D. ORLON. CAOL OIL COAL OIL COAL OIL A carload of American and Canadian Coal Oil at Wor- sel l's. Wholesale and Retail. Delivered to any part of the town. 50 Cords of Woo wanted in exchange for stoves. The largest and cheapest stock in town to choose from. WORSELL . Co THE STOVE AND FUWCE NIAN: the matter may poue. i,t . be woo. , ,1. ' •• Way said the deeabw or tae groat petelean. megniate, •' I trek m7 peps boa ma othoe doves is !treed w. v. Peng lily we gas .Iwt the 14, way Iloilo. •• Wh• is your father '" t. -i Ire I too dealer.4. a..ene to k w ktt`ifer," replied rl'*' girl simply '' John 11 Romkfs,'er He to to the oil bug:ogee. Toe aterobasi wiped sad tanked .t r1 • Rail a w'ame.e. ••Joy D Reokefeller, your father ? la Joy D. Res4/alhtr semi tier ilia''' be repeated has excitement The" be recovered hie pre•eet" . t woad entha.ently to tardier the 4,, p.ckr u:. awl coat loess is e.v, wh.!e Mos F.Atth, eery M., .510..9.1•.1 •. ►a rawo4. leo eault.- w.eu: , tt.ai►ed how w oh pretty wad nmpls grace I'hi:.J.lpaia 1-r-... Tim Mvgeir o' 'i5h.hurt -In' .o,. viral Who 1.0x.0.. d..rr"g hoe •tar e. (%ewtw, out withstanding the troutdloes sera. This r .ane L•- in* 1... ll... the. I''. W..! so • "er- ribl' had rotor, cud •reefer greatly free seaaickesen NO SLACK DAY WITH -CTS Some mer hant, look for „la.*k I,usineae dart after the that of the year, hut we don't want theta And WE WON'T HAVE THEM ! We'll give you such goods at such prices that will make trade. This is the way :-- Youths' Buff Bal.., sine 10 to 13, solid leather, double tor, regu- lar, 11.00, for 1 75 Boys' Pebble Top, Pegged Boots, size 1 to 5, solid leather, regu- lar, 11.20, for Men's Heavy Laced Boots, Blucher cut, rivited sole, guaranteed 914 solid leather, regulsr, 1:.23, for 1 00 Men 's Waterproof Grain Boots, felt lined, regular. 11.75. for.. 1 25 Girls' Rivited School Beasts .,, • j 100 Woolen's Heavy Laced Boots, leather lined, regular Si.> fair 1 00 Ladies' Kid Ruttoned Extension Sole, pointed tete, patent worth 32 00, special at 50 Have you tried WESTGATE OVERSTOCKINGS They're the beet. We sell them G1i,hti/Y Rubbers and Overshoes in all styles. H. B POLLOCK'S NEXT S'1'1'RDY BROS. New Millinery. MISS CAMERON, the Hamilton -Street Milliner, having visited the wholesale millinery centre, ,►f Canada, she has been successful in procuring a complete stock of new shapes and trimmings for the Spring trade, including all the new chenille effects, ete In returning thanks for past patronage, she, invites inspection of her stock.' MISS CAMERON. CHEAP CHOPPING AT THE GOLEI IC$ WOOLEN MILL. I beg to say that I have opened a store corner of Col tome -at al id Square, in Mr. Lewitt's Knitting Factory, and have made arrangements with Mr. Lew:tt to attend to the selling of our popular Woolen roar. You will find oor stock first class, and made of pure wool, well selected, consisting of TWEEDS, FLANNELS, BLANKk'TS, YARNS, ETC. Now is the time to buy your woolen goods as wool is fast advancing in price. Buy before the good. go up. I have put a new Grain Chopper in the Woolen Mill, and will be prepared to de chopping every day. Grain ground tine or coarse, and have put the price down to 4e. per hundred pounds, hoping by doing good work and fair dealing to receive a liberal share of your patronage. G. M. COLLINS. 'A RUN 01 STOVES. WE kRE HAVIIU IT. En'fhe Grand Jewel Wood (hook • Stove with Steel Oven u the ONE. GRAND JEWEL. NOTE oven. which Tmakes it bake with about half the fuHE FOLLOWING POINTS. -I. el required by other ler*. e Grand Jewel has • wood eters! 2. The Grand Jewel oven plates are made of Steal. They cannot crack. Rim • paws* double Ike in front of oven, which makes the oven bake evenly all over A ember d @ aad hand Wood and Coal Stoves cheap. 11A.RPEER & LEE. A Little Knowledge test the f&ct theft the' is not a dangerous thing when it dirrl-t.s your att..ltor Forest City Eosin ; :: and Shorthand College, London, Ont., is giving the most practical and buena like .•nurse in Canada. Everything strictly high grade. Writ* for catalogue and College Journal. School re opens Jan. 2, 1896. J. W. WMST Ei,VELT Fri ncipal. Cheap Winter Millinery We are selling our large stock of Millinery at greatly reduced prices. many 'lines at and below cost PLISSES YATES. P. S. -Store next door to let