HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-3-5, Page 1els UHT 18 THZ CHR•PWP esu THE SIGNAL . 18 THZ 1111L FORTY-EIGHTH YEAR. --2869 ic iount. THa 1.21,41LIDINCF INEw8PAPER OF I t3 ON OOUNTY_ (IODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, MAR. 5, 1896. ONZ DOLLAR WiLL PoY FOR THE SIGNAL. Fos Gen Teta. D. MoGILLICUDDY, EDITOR ' RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO " THE SIGNAL " FOR THE YEAR 1896. New AC RTI8IENENT4- MAR.. TODD IS IN THE PILLORY Cl.thise-L .'•ed • Co Plig 7 Wilem'• Ire Pdb - Jas. Wiles 5 Patties it es Top -Tete Pak. . 8 Black Geeds 8.04-R. Z. Smith t C8 Frog is Year TW.•t--W.C. Goode 5 Godsends B•ntalm Centre --Jeanie Ra► dawn . . .... 4 Wasted-. General 8erv..t-Mss. Om - 5 It's Thr Way -114. PAdh.m.....5 Baby N mite 1t --Rory Weems • C8 Foe Selo--8.sr sad Three Lone -Semi Mesas ...... . ...... .. ..... . b Hay, 86 a Toe -O. Z K1.4 8 Waster, A (;goal Servant -Mrs. L Z. Dewey 6 Lothar*. Hotel --lige. Bsxto. 5 Mine on the Square--(: N Davie .. . 1 Cash Attar let April -Gee Prise . 1 Hasde Arose the Sea- Ka. (lesiesigss. 8 1e. Up t a Date- Lower Bow , Terml8 Hesse for 8.1•-M1s. P. 8errrh 6 COMIN.41NO GOING. Moe Jeanie MLKrize vented port Albert this week. Mise Id• Reeniege lett on Moeday for Cleveland. Ke.. J. i:. Loud, 01 Ripley, vested I:ode- rum the. w•.k. His Honor Judge Doyle held div. court is town yesterday. Rev A McLell•a, of Lechery, was u tows** Hardy. 11,. Huta/limo. of Montreal, arrived is tows on Sa•today• H. D. vis, of W ingb.si, was in the ooaaty tows lest Thursday. Mr. aril Mn. : • m, ° Mwtnal, nnobsd tows Lo. Ph arid. y Mw F Hstohteoa, ornv.d is tows from Winnipeg, on Saturday. Iso, ("al k ret.rs.d to tows lace There day from an neesere trip The Mame. of Lotk..tr, ow i• tows this week will eosa mato le S. 8. Casper, deputy reeve, e1 Clinton, paid thb ofhn' • volt on Momd•y. Ki -reeve J.. .lob.ston, of West Wawa meth, was in the coanty town as Saturday. Mir Kate U Led, of Horsy, o view ing her sister, Mrs. J. Morrras, 1. tows. Centimeter Cooper, of Climes, bought s15 oar leads o1 lumber wfms ia tows this weak. U. L•wrtmm, F Davids'. sad J Jewett. of Lucknow, were m the musty town oo Monday. Mrs J. M. Best red deagbter. Verda, are visiting Mrs Pasmore, Mrs Best'.sister, tier week tnsp.otar Tom left by tie early nes es Monday on duties caseated mita hie u speetsr.te. The Misses Vanstone. lobe sprit • few days w tb .s(ther lose .ask, were the guests of Mrs, W .J/ Fleuty. W. Armstrong, of the pump Motery slip- ped ea the e)dew. ilk ams day lest week sod got rather bud 1 y bruised. A. Sutherland, who had bass mending the Wester with friends is trades sad yi• rusty, retersed boss Inst week Mrs. Claude Senders, eft Part Union. who had been nous her paresis, Mr. W Mrs .l. H. Williams tont fee home es Thurs- day Geed statists was to he bmi on the river, lake, •.d gravel pit the past few days, sod may of our young people took dream's of it. • family math/mita/ will be held is North et March on Saturday &finesses, to which parents &ad their ob.ldrea are medially to cited The hockey lean) left for Locknow yes terday menial" to meet the K.soudi. club • match hevisg bees err•.ged for the Laek- now rink. Mrs T F,. MoHnde sad children, who , pont the past t two manta at the res - ideate of rhe led), 's parent,, left for home, Haff.lo, as Friday .1. M K .bort. of Ds.p..as, pained through the meaty tows em friday fits hie return from Terriers, who be had bees at- tending the oesv.etieu el ese.rssse asdsr- writers • .i .s,11, es Few part, and from the.. who • bedew our p.Uey, will be greatly is the is bmata of year party, especially in the goeral elecrese. 1 mast tell you that we e.snas aeons your cemmrsios et wgwy ler aey reason, sad we will de the beet to fight It. If, whish may God cot grant, you do not believe it to be your duty to erode to oar )est demands, cad that the lioyersaaest, whisk is sexism to give us the promised 0.w, he bete. sad overthrown while keep deg firm to the gad of the struggle, 1 to- tem yea with regret that the eptgoep•oy, like ere man, a.ited to the clergy, wilt rise to sappers the who may bay, Mlles to &- lend as. Please pardon my frankness, wftiob leads m. to .peak thee. Tbo.wh I an net your intimate friend, mill I may my tat we have bee on good terms Always I have deemed sou • gentlems., • rwtaot•ble ari- ses. and • man well tithe to be .t the head of • political perry. May Divine Providerse keep up your courage sod your energy for the good of our commor country. I rees•i.. siseseely and respectfully, hosorsble sir, year most humble and aevotd .r,..1, (Signed/ A. Lavinia, O.04.I. P.S. Cerium members of year party blame in. for .tmidiag.loot from you mad Ignoring you. You have too iamb good seom not to be able to understand my poi. 1100. Belonging to 0o poliucsl p.rti, I ave to go to those who have been pieced 1a power by the people. If one day the voioe of the people Dells you to govern tee ooue- try, I will be as loyal and ou6dent in you as 1 am today towar& those wbom you op- pose. If you should wash to see me and to secure fuller explanation*, I will be at your Garvin' when that may please you, either at Me university or .t your pnvato roems,pro- vided you inform me of the hour fixed by you. I will to In Ottawa on the 23rd inst. for enteral days (Stinted) A. L , 0 NJ. This is Ib. letter about which Tax Sei- sm. has so much to say. No .me, maless bis brats is very much out of harms, will my that the Rey. Father L.00mh.'s letter is at all e.res.oesble or ase atl.maely. 1here is ruts • °outr•st is *hie r..peot be - twee the letter 10 question and the mu•lug end noju.ufi•ble attack es Father be which sppeezed u last week's Supra. The reader has only to coopers the two to be moaner o1 this. Father Laombe, • Freoobm.o, asks Mr. Laurier,'" fellow oonatrym•s, w • polite mid gentle- manly meaner to vote not " for the Oovsr.- ment, but for the Remedial Btll,o.adidly as- suring the Liberal leader thee if be does got do so he will Mee the opposition of the Catholic eloo*orste. That there would be rioh opposition is only his owe opialoo ; be gives no auMonty for or against *8*..t•te mart. Father Leoombe mw fit to waste to Mr. Leaner, cad tor so doing is held ap by the O.derioh SInNAi. as • bl.aderer and mod• Mee is polities. The rev. gentleman gees Mao has fellow ooaatryw in r0ttoba are notedly deprived of their *obool. and ere .ow ooeroed by a majority la the petty Wee to support a system .1 sdaetioo wbieb r oestrwry to their oosseiestions owvio- Mom Wby Mould not Rey. Father La- ooe0b usder.t•.d as well as, if not better than, Mr. Leaner the system beat adapted for religious :rstatag ` la the eyes of Tis Shona. It was • fearful em to make my mg - grown es thr..hject to Mr Leerier. Why was it mob • crime ` Mr. Levier is Tis SIGIAL'u mea. He meet not be .pgao•ob.d by berme without Heat rinse permission from the Mater of Tut .trump_ It was not long ago gime she mom editor attacked • Protestant su later, now he seem to delieht with his es- teemed fellow oo..tryman, Peter Ryan ia utngln, et olergye a what be emelt styles "ar lo.usuo quill.' friend Peter, made an i.nppoetest and ..called •*took epee Rev i)r f/ew•rt, of Toronto, and he u eulogized for dolag so by Tux SION•L. This paper amuses the Rey Faber Lacombe of wooing • letl.r for poli- tical influent*. Why ' every p•ragnph it THE 81dx•t. on politics is pruned for poli- ties! Iafiuenoe. Why de the editor of Tas ilet•L eon - deans u another that wbioh heas.05.tamly del.ag biaseelf ` Probably he thiaks he knows se much about politics that he eealde't bleeder. It is an " u..ophieti• eased odd gentleman " like the Rey. Father Leeesbe who would do mob a tbt.,. The editor's idigs•tiea was mach aroused bema.e Peter Ryan was called " the notor- ious," but he humor( bas no remoras of con• esiesee when he eel% the Re.. Father La - seethe an •• essophistl.ated" old gentler man. It "motorises " i. se undesirable epithet ser " m eephtra..L" D•x1.L MOsex. Nswasan Hits Ulm on the Raw Th. Tiird tarty f sdldnee frays sus Re deeds te ElM.rns.w eele.r Mmk-There re sig seam In mere iter Ow MEI mored The sews•ameesd, T. the editor of Tut 9tuxet_ SIR. - -I enclose you copy of • letter I •m medusa to the N.w-Reerd. C4ntoa, es I w N optoiot thee, like my others, they will And the waste casket without publication, and 1 .m deter..i..d that the people of K est Hares shall be given se op- portunity of judging between Mr. Todd and myself. Blase Ness-Reoor4 Clinton. Sin, -1 have before me your issue of F 96th, mid it would appear to me tat y More had another to murra•g.. Whet beautiful •moues of metier you am melee tug at my sxpsns., sad, coward -lake, de me Ipso, to ropy m the limy •rreeks, 7K you talked la ase of your rases ot ' (Midge Ruta" II yours is • ..sple of I truer 1 shell never so far degrade mota.r who gave ice birth by adopting yo teterp-et•Itoo. Under your beading " The News- Reese Right," is • .00ewat lengthy wools, yer weak however to its endeavor to o.rry t point that so mosey was offered. Whet tie matter with .11 the other points' H• cordgives up to obese ` You say the Ne is right, but 1 my, •'U8, so ; vane," .a your owe artier will show ; an m the swore •t•temeat, .t least, epos wb you so much relied, I find • sort of oompurr le, mud my ease parson readies the seisewill st ae see how ridecul .u. you hp.e be come in this metier. I rind la the sea most 0 Joseph Beek, clue. 2, --the r part of wb ole sores that no sassy w pe offered -the latter rt of this sem* sect reds, "I was asked by the 'footloose. w proffered the emanation papers for the en Newman,Robert Nn, 11, •bound the said Rob.r Newman withdraw bas om aoausati, would return to him the esprit mosey 1 g.. the editor of the News Record credit for tar p. -.weed of mon amce tellaa•oeras statesmen. publish each • state. 11, as you e so mosey was uttered, why talk of res vie Mould 1 wit►.craw ` The very fmot ( mob • 000veru0uon as is sworn I.. Phan'sod the shadow ear • dental that t t' gi meawas there. For .dnemeek., Todd t make an sir of yourself, and drop • his rot, as d you don't, 1 can .esus yo tat what i soul ave to my will be of c to your Arty, but rather work peewee rola to torn at Me gement mho d. West Harms. 11 r now to order for Joseph Hook s.ke • ewers stammer as to hue little a r e.7 room es the Mimeos. d J There wefour of es u all, and i mid be set very steowrg readies, ewers' part rt of it MorrowMorrowto We serum" was of Mr. W esunallr. 1 aye endeavor pomade,ea far ea pomade, to piece myself right .otwitheteedaag your owerdly attacks the eyes of tile Hems, e errors of Weet Hun avoided so fu the publrbueg of time mimes shat would look anytht.g bet area t Mile to your p.rty, •ef ,ear 70* •re wee as will nitrous from foreleg them freesme •m mon Mao satisfied Mot m mo year s- soiero• you kno. 1 have acted the pars .f r bout7, bat betas • party serf, len.islsify oat manhood, and berme • 1W.g to be on tem ed upwith oo0pt. Theoyou Thieve is o doubt tines by the time y eve tris you will have reversed Gm nno a .00doe, where, doubt, you seemed ahoarse for civil and re ligious00114liberty, but bbighted closed oars et oos.01 harm you. 1 ass t Il to memorytatt you took part ageism these relutioss at Hakim, yet I was there stayed to you we their fever, and if you 11 rasember it was not • Blest vote I ors t, and 1 •m .till of thee easaimhetiere se usual- ttier of the la power at wa to fastenepee the Ccseervativ y this Remedial Hili. It r uool drego cee wishesto the wishof the rank •.d 60., that we w an been`` muinmesented, d o Id turn traeob out. . el iI you were la boor*Ll. an yea would, tor abusing me, grant me .poo* to reply tat the people should judge f.r them vas. Had you doss eo, I would not have t engage amebae*, and d yea will yette barb my ether letre mtheir meanly oasse..e Wu. controversy I will have fear as to the results. it yes aro pee- k/ see part pt of • sred milder repl.s • I e ready le oo.U.aa, but If r seemed • will baIrma i. • •med that 1 prove to year party lea aas have bees the of twang them to destr.ssiss. You Ten Stamm. ler set peblr►hg ( . lose leiter ; whet r Moe me ' t e ts• with the we Reset •sd my lettere! Re Ivo Mixt R. Nsw.•m. ammo, Feb. 29.8. b .. en • , and the it, the sr d he ve WO not d doh es rs te- erto.r as l00 bo d I • be to v K sh rather• does 0 aan ger * Yta he • 11 a 0 t• •• be.e6 0 be den la ZeTheren ly ad la and 7Lk MOO yo re eu mad wl l (Mapartp Pan es shoe •f so e el madsen d se pored ..t wit mens abuse te No et T Special owner .ill be osetuad this week in North et o\Itr.h, osier the leader . hip of Ray. Jae 8Ige, emoted some ever tugs by Rev. H. tre,... All oro invited M t h... imeeu.gs. Rtroy•t_-A. Wilrm..s, whin fee seem years ham lived o. 8c Pate:a-et., has par• °Mord the reeideoce el W. S. Knight.. mg' linrtos s1., givisg hie ewe re.Wmnme is or Waage sod port payee. Mr. Williamson has made • gid inystmout, hie new home beteg me of she inset desirable Soman reside.mm is tows. The huddles is • tee Mary hum eettagv mid the '.mases .11 that am be dared. Mr. Willi•me0 mewed tate him arm hauss this week. Goommos Csearrl•fr Iiia m•vos Loom. 1 % vac - Torino est the wvmest yeses people's •eowtis M be held denies the sets week Know Charm\ Y.P.B O Z,, Tsang mems. i.e •t 8 : desk. Tel. ler Marsh 1ON. issis.•ry mws.at) **Ramos d Minims."2 Cor. et, 15 9B. Leder. Jena Clerk. The Fleet\ Animists .ad Northwest State Mise skim Lader, Herb Brie. Neirth-et Methodism Merl* L L el C. R.. Friday meshes as 7:J0 :sleek. Mar. 611h, Spsial revival smrwm is ptrgres whisk will be spesi•tlamounted es behalf d the u5 , yes people. Lender, Rev. Joseph ITimone-eh muss ea 7:80.t ..&..h t ler r, arwsatss as 7:J0 : clock, ' mrb ler Lsebur• Presbyteries Chun&Y..P.& C. R. 048.~We se 7 ohleolt. \ illr.i..1.e• es..f llflt." Ledsr. Jere Herter 11.i.5 Pesehyberi.. Cherub Y. P.&C. L. (Omeerksh To.) Timisw wMi y inimwho . Palmaami .JbpWI IIY- i DANIEL MORAN'S OPINION. MIME Ht7aow esox•r. 8r, -The 1oil..wing letter wee sent te the Hes. Wilfred Laurier making the Liberml Moder he vote for the Remedial Bill : St. Pester'* ober* 107 wrlteti.m 8s., Montreal, Jew. 90, 1896. Her. Wilfred leerier, M. P., Ottawa My Dear Sir la tone anti& time fie the gust*.. e/ Ymiit he ..heel., perett an .eel mi..les.ry, terry repressors( the kip, .f ear eeantry ie this mese whhh sesssrse es all, permit me 00 m7, m appeal M yew featly to your patriotism. .sate your spirit el je os, t ..treat you M se ed. M our ngseL it le r th...m. el our \r►.,.,of the brushy .d .t Con. - e rnes teeliet. that we sok tour Maty. of whisk yes re the earthy eh0.1, be mere se is sstUi s this fem.ae queersr end le de se by gores with the O.weram. $ • t8. Re./bel. W. do net askshe vete ,.dter the Omerea..e, het he IhewhM\mW adame oar mitts, whoa.80 be rendered m the Past Is • few dips. l einsidge. or wY.i, las mon menelder. IBM web es ..t d ermwgq seal -ter erg The Wit 8.n. Osevsx.etem. Feb. 24th 1896 J. M. McL.ano, Ged.re\ uasg Me . Atter suffering over • year with prise Y the.teea0►,whio8 events•IIy passed ~mad down say right side, 1 ooe salted two doctors, i we told that sorra, meld be dem fere sed toe. te the Terce- t* hespitp•I M mem, that I Wes clow oa the bower. 11 k.sw that there was • growth of seem sort there. I swelled up Eike • barrel. i maid ..t sates i suffered Weems paid .f I did, i endenteed any is.. was ase for the kntf., aid etp•oted nothies but the worst, Well, 1 wen sold, mum - Wing .i10 he de.s for you sr Trey. I left hem" with the atestias of to the he.pital, bet chased my es IN whri i re membered Mrs. K. Merriam's w ad that Feu oared her, mid I west he Owlerieh two years era nowt Mane. 1 ked net etas e arthier fee forty -Might be.,. when I sgeeea there and was tori weak ..d ah .si.4- e ssM w ge up the doer steps without se. s(rt•..e--1 rammed 8ve days is 11ed.rWh. i did sot believe i meld be owed i teak two 0.ews b.ttle of year STAND Rssoe let ..r used two bodes Z. • McLenn..'. ntel i amid see s.4 reel well before i Met (301st:*\. i ems ae my wok as mond r tee weeks, red els** thee hem mimed the bees et Malik 1 have not bees es well foe nears My sees wee • surprise te al& i me, 9Ir, yore truly. 88-9. W*•e•a Ihun. -Room' your wb..,ipM.. to Th Hte.I.6 for 18.4 OVER THE HURON TRACT. The Grist from the Local SEUL • Weakly sewer N e"tasty few. eery.. ■p 1. N11 lverybady - Plea and Petal dapped and Condemned /rein Avery merinos. (GREY W.Pollar,t,,ou. 6, him kissed k e 100 sots farm to hes eon, El., for • term et 5 years. Weighs= . W ieghem orome° Ret • sal- ary of 810 • year. Keever : John woes •h.p',.ed • orload of cattle to Tomato on Monday. Blaeval• Joseph Pugh, of the pot oho store, he sold 6ls oto: k to Robert t : eorge Casanova Bruer Some 75 new books have ham added to the vaoalle°t nut already in Bre- ad Public Library. Morro Albert Ashton, of the 7th con., bas reined hie father's tun,, near Rlu•yale, fur • term of 5 years. Molesworth Suis. E.:\ MoNet1, former- ly &ember here, lees for Asiatboa. where o ne 8r secured • school. L•kelet Mr. Heiken, our hotel man, has disposed of bis property here to a Mr. l.•U•her, of R•Imore, for 5600. Koster While Rov Leatrorn was skat- ing os the rink Saturday night be met with • heavy 1•I1, wre.cbtsg his ankle badly. F.gmood.ille : Tho. Hills bee sold hie hnu•e, next to J. S. Porter a r.udesoe, tor the mug sum of 51000, to • Mr. Baokle,fros Hibbert. fly' Fatter t at. MCNe.ta. who roods underwent • painful and critical oper•Uos at the London boepats, is fast regaining hie strength. Wingam Om Friday last Jane Drum mood, rel,ot of the late Tho. i)rummord, aged 5Y years, passed away after *o tlloe of arena weeks Exeter : While skating on the rink Satur- day afternoon, George 1s'.It s fell on the toe cad injured one of 8es hip boom. H. has ciao• been laid u0. (Alston ons of the ear! c rmtdoot@ of UIistoo posed away on Saturd.y last in the person of Tbcs 8tanbary, who tied entered the 62 year of hie age. Chutes Cooper Ram., cootr•cton, have bees awarded the 000tr•ct for • line two- storey brick home for Case Jenkins, of the let. .as. of East W•eranosh. Stephen Mrs. Louis 'hr•der died on W0 bd.y feat. She was • daughter of Mr. Leppert, seer Dashwood. She 1..... to mourn her loss • husband and a0fan1. Zurich : C. F. Weser u here o • writ sad on b..*.ese. He has sold hu property is Grafton, North Dakota, and is Rotas to have • rest tor • while He looks bale and hearty. Lordeeboro : Howard Riddle moved this week from the 13th con. to the farm of M. Br•ttkwute, on Ire 11th 000 , and Walter ('sm.irgbee., sr. mod ir., noted to the Rid- dell farm. HolmesviIle : 8. Merrill has purchased from Chas. Haley. of the Madrid coo., to farm be kgs been n. for • year. The one paid was .60.t 52500 and his housemaid lot l0 the village. Exeter : It ie our painful duty 10 o8roa- b1. the death of Thomas Hodgeos, who bee for some one Moo ahem from that dread disease, oonsampttoo. He raves a wife and two daughters Morris : Wednesday sfrersoen of this week Mies Kate M.tki.johm, d•tighter of Mrs. Me.klejobu, 51,4 lens, .oil Mr. Miller, of Dakota, were named as m•rrage by Re.. Mr. 13.11, of 8elgra ye. flr.eeel.. Lase Friday tby Rest Hama Lames. Heard met .t the Central Hotel, Bremer, and organ zed tor the year, Thos. Bibers was re-el.o•ed Merman and In . pools Miller, eeantary. l.osde•boro : U. Wednesday •fter.00e at the resides°, of W. L Camera one W the appy sod temporise' event, took wets Walter CaOlage•m and Mise ar.ah Radial berme moo Grey : Ota day het week ae men were outline timber in D. K. M•theeoo'e boob, they cat frogs oo• tree s'sutees lege, ono e t whish was 18 feet in length. tied the m- estere 16 were mob twelve fast u length. K : Another of those happy events Weng place at the residence of William Grieve. en Wed.a•day, vet , the marriage of hie elder daughter, E esebeth, to Robert B Hogg. • promistae vows farmer el this Weasep. Bremer Ferguson Rene , of Tomeiroter, who owe t8. splendid 200 •ors fors 14 soles Hast of Krmele, 10 h con , have hat the oonteem for • fine two .tory Mid( air- time, to be erected jam et of the berm, in the young onard. Hallett : Jas. Hill, eon of Mrs Thew A.11, of the gravel read, is home en • neat, He has bees travelog for • steel saaof.o- tenrg firs of Mil wankel), at • mlery of $75 • senth, bet .11...s a.spalLed him to t•k. • rest and recuperate. Clinton : R. Rard.rd, after • oos6no- sent to the bosaa fres • siege of gnp, r male 1. be out maim ; as this is the only 60. oom be experesseed dosing • residence el over 30 years, he o.nedees, and justly se, that he bas cot fig eeeily. Rueter While attendee, to her home- held ewheld duties es 9aserday past Mrs Mese.e Serest lied the sefortome te begs • .eadie ram are her sager at eeaaiderebl. 0.54/8 oedema mesh pain. ad it was with mash dlfiledey that the deem. exr,aettd Teekeremith : O. 04esday, !Calmed Disk, sea, el Toekreseith, Met ea of town, did after as .Ile..o el eser.My • midi. et i.- doememery rbermetiese, whitish went to hie basal, grime de.th. Demeeed wee 41 mere .f me mrd Mame • Ione Madly. (Noy T\. milder.. of Jobe &towers, lith see., e. • wary )41y s.rpmey .- ambled ea %godsendsy •resew to .haste We p ---r erases, ef Roe. D. 8. Meanie Viheithis m aerreesial bas between Yin the esimshle daughter of eon hast. ..d .raki. Molsto.h, • farmer "sada" d !FROM OYER THE BORDER. this locality, sow of Portage 1• Prowls. 04011085 W tag►•m Last Friday evening Alex. Forgo was struck by paralyses 00 nee side, sad is very low at preeenl. Mr Forgot as well 0p in years, and soother attack would probably prove too much for hon. His wife died last Fall frees ate same rouse Brusals : Mar. Joke K Smith and 4.548. 0*., of Reredos. Man.,. former well kn.ws resident was ren.wiag old friendships u Bremer for • f*w days. yst bad been vis- iting her mother at Durham for the pet few weeks Mrs. South leaves for the West this week. WASHING TI)N, D.C., Mar. 2.-- Se•forth . Oa Friday last Master Arthur Sown also should rawer. of 18. Ido of Hrowovll, eldest moa of Joseph Brownell, March. The modern •atrol,.gers were right met with a panful accident at the skating 1• dccl ring thIeu sufir of0wtub•uptow thehe isUtJSe srla. ,HOe,rtw0roemTimtaarnn1e8reoezandtool•rtel.lnygteSeaeogtedoocproydwoad • wave of enthu.lsstio strtk.ss heavily oo the to and breaking hie coder hose. patnou.s thapt was even mors esteem then Morrie : Charles Rozell arrived to Bra- Mono.* brought forth oy the Nnnre dotru.. sob from Pale Paw, Michigan, 00 Saturday m*smee, end which remodel in the adop of 1•et week, bringing with hien • oar load noel of • resolution do.a.rtag that the ball- ot furniture, farm implements, team, etc. groovy of the 1 ohms should be .t once re- tie will move to t8s ..obs Currie form on cognized and asking the President to use bo the 4th line next mouth. Mn. Royell and is4uenue to get Spain to re,v.geoze the is - family came oo Wednesday. depen.f.noe of Cuba. The 4 .vor to tht Rrtmssl.: Wedne.l.y evening, Mrs resolut.o is that it r decurrent, •°d not Farrow sad Mrs. Dennis waited upon Mrs. joint. Although there rooms to be • doubt B. Driver, who wee removing to Rochester, as to the °oustrtutian•Iuy of suoh prooeed- at the ree.d.10 of firs, Ktrk, and present- liege it bee b.•u the ciceroni for m0y years her with • sum of mon.7 es • parting gift to regard 000eurreet resolutions as merely from the Lathes' liu.ld of St Joho'• church, expression of oy.n,nae of ('osrrers and cot of which Mrs Driver was an active worker. i brad blather upon the President. There- Londsboro : Oe Saturday, the 22nd, Mr. i tors the President would not he hound to Jordan, sr., was tette° to the House of Re- !pay the slightest annetin0 to tete resolutiou fume by his son in law, ('has R•mbndge. unless so dispcerd should it he adopted by Mr. Jordan 8. boon • readopt of Hullett the Houes jet r it was hr 'he `e0►te. for about four years, b•vot erne hers from Ibut that i.0't the idea of ('.ogres Nin' Wawanceh. He was, however, nee of the tenthe or more of the members ot both poorer' of Oodertch township, having n- Homme and senate are det, ,...*..d that Cube sided for • lose tome near Holmsy.11e. a .hell lMfree, anA th.1 this .ou.tryf ..11 C hito° Friday morning last, after the mks • Aand is m•ktnv it toe, by /orae6i( storm had ceased, Dr. Turnbull was urgent ; ° 7• Nu man 0emilrr fa Ceegto•- ly called to mit • priest in Hullett. He siO l ssmie. gas dna• t rhe aiv:eace el tJtr started oat .0448 a horse mod wttor, hue sestiliralt )jt_ r therefore oe.fialemtly oz soon gut g the i• a soowdntt. l,eavtsr • the Hous, .n.*Aad of .doptisg UMW to dig the bons out and look .1tor It, ; the Seo•se Resolut.os, will rhes week adopt he put o0 •put of mow shoe and is this the joint resolution reported from its men way managed to ree•ch the boom of the mitres on Foreign AR.ers, which is •little P11141110:0•191.st than the S -nate -.solutio°, and Brawele Rev Joba Kos receivd • which ooeesis. • hint to Spain *hat this telegram from Elora on Wednesday evening ouotry well ieterfore hy (oro if its reysest •pprwtog him of the d.oee.. 01 Alexander that the lo telegram of (aha be nooeaizd Watt, Mrs. Rhes' father, at the advance u o •t complied with The able saws Let .ge of many 98 years. Sir Watt was one Spada will have supporter, amts, the of the oldest residents in that local-ty. fie • kurope.n l:overement• .ill en' 0n Cigars News Notes from WashIag'9so Tie rterea.ii1N .1 Cuba by C..sr.. - Jesies.ly artwee■ 10. rear. 111e • r •. •ppes.4 to *be *nun N Yatber /argretle. was •man of,terl.ng lategnty enjoyitir eke t with Gower in this markt Congress r hirbest 051.10* of the ommuntty. Mrs. willing to go to war if neer) be with all Enrage rattier than Poke . i aokward elan Watt died about two years ago, Clinton • A aorta° farmer sear town who The sox vola. cast aaaiher the Cubits re -- usual" sue of the most reverent of men, solation in the Senate were divided equally is would not k°owir,gly do wrong, most between the Repoli -can end Dee.00rstio have lost his reckooag duriaa the of partsee and threw n/ them own furnished by last wok, forit u eaid tat on Suedd.f es , fore • neighbor who maw hien called hie at• t ' w E"orl•"d-H.Iw, a( .trine ; Morrill, of be Io•dedk up • sleigh rock wuh woodmid • erenoet, and W fir more, ' f Khnds island had driven some drtano towards town be- and shrew b7 tb. S,urh--(',fiery, of [,our. mi.,. :Chilton, of Tr:.e, and I:eprge, of tension W the toct tat as ay. The old jealousy of the House of the lux 6..y : Last week Bert it PottswadSund..arrow arias of the Senate ba again broken oat. escape from death, the result of blood The result ot this on. hreek was the striking poro°m A ,mall pimple on his hand had out of that oleo.. of the Ieri.lative and ex b°as opened with the point of • keit.) ; eouriye •pproprutinn billy which carried the amend dant alter hr arm began to swell money to pay annual miliaria to "Icrks of and he suffered unease pain through the S.•tore who aro not chairman of nom body. Coosulueg a doctor he was latorm- mitts.. This mesa sot Few mistaken for •". ed that he was Galeria. from blood posse form on the part of *h. Hous., for 01 isn't iav, and it wee some LIMA before he was out 1 anything of the kind it is common, every (4 danger- I dry leg rollisr, hy which the House expects Morrie : The sad intellig.... reached ' to euoo•.d in having rho eal.ries of ice owe here this w..k from Ev....tlle, Mi.nssots, m.slors ke lhke o el the madden of Robin J. `bo•tor.' olerclerk•,mainsta••erl•enn•ofl hoeeingththem1 Aon of Ten. Mills, of Blumer*, and nephew pad oely so long se !'ongrese is in session. of Jobs Mab. Holten bouoduy Mr. i This sort of thin[ isn't statesmanship, bet Mille went West about two years ago and it is human. The members of the House held • lucrative position in an elevator. who voted to strike no• that •oneoprutioa He was ill abort three weeks and passed I for Senator's clerks knew very well that away at the early age of 23 year.. Typhoid the Sea•te would put at tack in the bill -•ltd fever was the came of death. tat whenire hill anew to onnfyrwen' they Grsy : To. Moocrieff poto&.oe hasbeAo (eao protrey euomed in having the Hones moved from the resuleno of Joho Mc'[•g- elewks put upon the sato. footing as the sort, 16th oo., when a has been for the Smite clerks, and them pack ell the blame past 15 yeah or more, to Geoids McKay', fo, ioer•a..d appropriation. for clerk hire 1 mimes further eat. A asuii-weekly mail en the Sonata will be o.rried room 8the1. The change The A P A isn't s.ti..d with the vie- ws* made for the purpose of adding to the Cowie' f( it bag already scored in the Hoose. o•sven..Ooe of the smarmiest, se • groat many west et Mr.,McT•rgarr, go to Oran brook, .here there is • daily mail from Brussels. Ssaforth : On Sunday, the spine of Mrs. Jobe Mc lamas took its Bight to the realm. above. Mrs. Molwa,an h.d oost meted that dread drop.., consumption, what'. after hard struggle, removed a, 1. Net home where no sorrow or pain ie. De mired was just to the whooped life. brae' 0Wly 46 yams of age She lave • brob•ad aiW family o1 smell 08 l.fren to mourn her lose. The peroral took place on Tueedey to the R.tt.e.dville eeasery. Wingh•m : Doe result of forecast heavy falls of mow was to lead to the inetaat•.e" ens sod horrible death of Reako.es Alex. Livrngeteme(el wi.ghem, of the O.T. R., Saturday bight, about 9.30 o'olock. Citi*. stem wee ono of the Leedom, Hamm • B, oce "ey fr.irht ane, and mot his Beeth while on duty u the railway yards .t Hes mall. The .soident occurred through Livi.g- mtono mrteking, in the insufOoient light, • cattle -Kneed packed with snow se port ef the solid road bed. Brussel Word was received Imre that A. M. Taylor, an old Brussels boy, was dead. After leaving ben noel te.obier ter mese yawn he etedrd law mad oemesened practice is Toreate.whre be obeyed several years. if. thew went to Duluth and lately 0. Chime*, where be as been for some time. it is said be was •way ..t A est w •;!sears trip wh.a he was mimed with oe atm* of ttewse.si•, which out hien off in • few days. His body will be brought to /a. barbs for burial Knox Cheroh, Palmerston, (at.. whisk was emoted 0517 • year ago .t • asst el (10,- 000, was harmed doers early yeeerSa y mr.4g. The moms djNmise was mewl The British Admiralty has erds..d these she now fest at.aamer (100damtor be 6t•d ter the meareeip.e el powelesm es host This to the dem ampeslemet at she hard te the Witbh 'levy. A t • seeNag .f the Ceseervmttvse et Wast Oseeeie, bend •t Seeneville es Nets day, N. V. P•seer.es. banister, el U 4{dwwee sereisWren oes aseon tmeM sal . for Obi Mime d Comm... It as sow trying to prevent the 'tattle of Father Marquette, yre•entwd to the U.S. by the 'tate of Wisoenein. from occupying • place is the statuary hall of tho capitol btlildieg. Reproantetiee L'etnn, of Mrh., who led the A P. A furor in eh. fight whish resulted in an •meutinume to the Indian •p- propr'ation bill prnhihiting the p.yment by the Government of any tonn.y to the (Mtbo- ie) Indian Schools, has nfwr.d • revelation by .bi.0 he expects en shut out rho Fathom Margu.tte Mete, .. the emend that the law authorizing the pl•o%ng of statues is the 0050101 says that they shall be cilium of the state representing them .nil that Father Marquette was not • waren of the state of Wb000.io if Mr I.•ntun can wean re- oocuitoa from th. Sneaker he nen prob.bl; _ ht psis resolution •daP'.4, hot ton eesoeol belief is that Speaker Reed will .ot moor mite him for the pontos. of calling it 05. Senators Mitchell, of Oregon. Rrarrnws, of Mich., and Tama.. of pod , form *sub oom mattes appoat.d to oneid.r and report to the full committee on elections, the resole tise providing for the sleeting of senators by direct vete et the people. Th. Alabama Iwgi.l•tne elation which prooded the election of !lamins Moreau ie likely to be avestagmt.d by • 8 gate mm mitts., se it is now certain that $.antor Allem'. r,gglutles for the inveetiraioe will be reverted to the Senate, and Probable that it will be .old few by .11 the Populists •fid Repoblinaa*. The homes has passed the hill •.tberiz- Img the Masai of the sehnol land' of Arisesa ever the Preeideet's veto, esti the Senate is esp.sMd to de the e•ne. it se rammed se Whrelese 'Net Sir Cheri..7Lpeeen be r wtimes.d t8.as Oes. verve tion per Lte.•t. Mrs. T►.m•o Hell, • well -toil. old 0.d of ..of.,d, wee vole...aril! west t. the Widows' Rome some Ave weeks se., died en Thursday from the effect of beige bi0ma le the leg by • dee. Weed preemty es - ..ed, meet.( death. The tree.0dieg of the German passer i.mellta. Mr ..veral days . \leakier the train fie the 9.se (a=111:62 bet veesm6 .f very Belo drerg8t,h.e opined the els of t8. *Orr (iwpa.seseed M • e.rb5n ee.d4W0 d •arm