HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-2-27, Page 7THE HTGNA T, : OODNR IOH, ONT., THURSDAY FEB. 28, 1896. 7 scrofula Any doctor will tell you that Professor Hare, of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, is one of the highest authorities in the world on the action of drugs. In his last work, speaking of the treatment of scrofula, he says: It is hardly sec.sear, to este th•te.6JNmr Mats the ..est remedy of a11. Th. adl should M riven in em.l.taa, w prepared Y to b. iolatabie. He also says that the hypophosphites should be combined with the oil. Scott's Emulsion of cod- liver oil, with hypophos- ph; tes, is precisely such a preparation. NEWSPAPER 1TI ►RIF`. ►Idly sellar • oboe A .tore r told of a young minuter who, on going to • new .huroh, wee told b a the Whorl brethren that hie miry would be • thousand dollars • year. and that as *vet y Mummer • *helmets home dealer visited the tows with it. tsmtiy sad paid regularly fifty dollar. tor • pow is the chetah, it would be the p.ltoy ter the m►at.tet to touch the 1 .I nut yuotloo.eatly. The young man replied ''lake ashy dollars off my uoI.z , foe 1 want to net • shot at dao pew M. Ps.sIe l As a result of • wager the following •d- verttgemeot wee pobh.hed to • French newspaper promiee ..thing I ..gate to per forts sorban ' Kat Brod age 11.. GO; is postale *taste. Perhaps there to • little surprise in •con for you. Wbo knows Address F. D., Poet. thoe.---" The imped..o, and app*rot-ander of Moe 000l siren to the pnt.ltc met with every .unses. Stamps rained to for several day, g toot the warmer of the wirer was able to head over • oowtderable sum to • loan Manly. eo tb•t the dupes might know wheat ad boor.s of their roomy. anises' KORN Men. A well know. Corte,. of Loodoo, who had • pito to hit stomach, went to • phyei- tusa for treatment the other day, and epos payment of $1 was fur.i.hsd with • pre- sonpuon, to watch was attached the follow iag 'S divide in pulveree vigtaiti et har- em amts pulverum ooptat in quarter hors' He was se horror stricken when be read thenm words -which he supposed desecrated ire :trouble :that he pearly faulted sad might aVe died of (rale. bad not •a ob- liging druggist uturmed bum that the cave- rnous eentenw wse merely • direction to *divide tie neitore Into 20 pallets, -ad take me every 24 hours. Theo the sick moa re- eeve•ted. By the way, whyis it oratorsder t learn to write English . The nee of • dead Languge u eo suggestive. rhesw's Maay a are There lea yeses lady in Huron towoship, residing in the north east corner, who u to be commended for nor good seam and firm - pole of caruoter. She was engaged to bo married to • young mag who at thim looked upon the wise when it wee red. The wedding day was set atter It was welt ea. deretood that a essential condition wee for him te quit dein:tog. He promised, bat did sot stood to hi. pledge. A clove, a peppermint, Judiciously •dmintatered by himself chartered the a.cobolic breath for • tams The wedding day was set. mots tion* wore Imbed, Rev. Mr. S•edeems. of Bente, was present to tie the nuptial koot, goad everything appeared to be all right un• 41 the bridegroom eleot goad with him the knowledge that • good .ted " tag had but recently been earned. The reverend gest Innen was informed that the marriage ould not take plow. It was an this cob notation that the young lady shower she was endowed with greed common sense, and her holts of friends tongrntulot. her The fact of the wetter u that to this enlightened day any v000g man who gets drunk u no good.-Kaart,ne R'•pnrrer. 1be entering wedge of • fatal complaint r often • slight cold. whioh • dee or two of Ayer '• Cherry Praetors! miwbt have awed at the oommtmoe.ent. Therefore, it is ad- visable to ave this prompt ad sure rem. edy always at hand to meet an emergency. •• mall • Pam►.. What u • ..ail'. p•os ' Some normalise experts in ee•ilology, Ending time bagging beery on their heads, cerno.ived the idea of taoenratiely asloal•tiag the travelling .ped of .mail., sad, with this ..d is view, d► aided to make a series of or or lees elate ate exosrise.te. Half • dorm of the mol- lies* were permitted to areal between two poute tem feet apart Exam time wag kept Could not get Insured. Saja tad bg Straight Lisa aid Mutual Companies Mut new Insured In both. "Md 1 die while I am in a potdlism M pal my insurance premiums, my artily will owe their support to Scott'. Sarsaparilla Two years ado I applied to two companies for iMe .since, *1000 is each. My face was • Mass of pimply Welchem and my tubs Ml Hot salad Ms tact. One doctor is M said 1 eould sot pass, bit list Mda>hle wee curable. He .dr heelinsights, *ad 1 Scottli Sarsaparilla. ted me, bet bur affithels= r I ale taken Ire bodes of year ram* I am theaktsl M say leer es a risk -one beteg a _ t. other a mutt,. The previously manned ems, remarked " I awn saw mash a names la This is named by 16. J. Toe. • ii T. druggist, wren 4•••• ass lststleiliseerbuilds sy�lls�� ll � t vffalfq� dowski .s1ls� vostr.a test. barn*.sew r. Of all a aefa, pearola from peer of w° a. 11 tram mart le Minh. .ad thee the average I pace wee •sosetaiaed. Tke esponnee.t.r• radioed these Mberee tete I.Nes of feet, sod the fo..d last it would take • wail Stant ly 14 d.ye to travel a maim. FOR TIRED FELLING- gabeelemee M Waste Oripswerk leases Moms" 11* Mall • ktdaev nue - Meaa. Meet for Is. kidney., (N.rIrset r what you do after costume seem mks yea to gall Overlie/eh e1 say load does more that tire, it *gleam r you. Jest • Loa... alter you main to .1wt r tae "sew mama" tint u.oe you up. The bleed gem oat t o ill porta faster Ghee seen wire you overwor►ted. 11 the kWoe's are sot in perfect fineries ender, more poieos ts termed through them to all parte of the hody teas weal, sed that work, to gay` nothing of uverwo)k, is harmful .►a twos se your kkdss*e assesses dreg good work there a toss les pekes tt the Woud .v.a c matte. This .x -oleos why Dahl% Ehbhy Pills Cure eo promptly tad pereamently, THE GIRLS OF Jk RUSALEM. isry Strew ..situ at aortal ore to a. smsaaIsa or the Sesta. 01 Social lite the girls of Jerusalem know militia- -absolutely eethag, writes Edwin S. W&ll•os, ('owed Stogy Uo.sul at Jerme Mega, a The Ladies' Home Journal. They 000s.t0mally meet, • few together, and ap- pear to eery each other s company, • little They talk about their household work -- which is roily eyerythag they know mod 'adulate in son.. light go.ip% abet about friends, though their atomics to sever of • harmful nature. In 0o0vereauoa they .bow some little •nirnauon and *pent, but being ignorant and tatterate, they have mo idea of westerns al form ot expression. I tom es•:ly cards, dominoes ad awoken .re played, bat the Drove vela hove loth. io- nisation for ace pastime involving mental effort. 'uob thiols as daaoes, fetes sad fore are unkoown to the girls of .Lrue•lem; uccmtonally they are taken on • family pic- nic to some olive orchard near their homes, where they pass part of the day. From thew and all similar gathering. mea are barred. Then is absolutely no comming- ling ot the mxw. For • girl to appear at any assemblage when there are mea would be regarded •e audacious and abooktog. No Jerusalem girl would do muco • .bang ; she would cot dream of oommittang eo fatal • breach In the unwritten, theuyb well dire ed, how governing the amerce of bee six. So •flet is thus law or custom of exclusion that ender no circemvtaoee would • girl attend the wedding of hoe brother to whtoh were midden guests outside the immediate .•nidi.. 6•9. NERV0['S HEADACHE. A TROUBLE CHAT RENDERS THE LIFE OF MANY WOMEN MIHl;it- A B LF. A •l'yrmtlta F'0Ry1% aly 1 l'LAA wri.0.4r,TRut'- 0LN Was Aaw:k ayATLr r.T xtr.!r.y DIS- EASE TILL.; flow To RC.. a i % H.A LTH A% D HarriNL•. IFrom the Smut's Falls Record. Since the Record began to publish so - cocaine of the cures by the nee of Dr. Wil. lames Ptak fills its representatives have found that half the wonderful cures effected by this medicioe have not been ewes to the public Women as well se mea who ave found relief are eager to let the facts be known for the benefit of other sufferers. Amoog them ie )In. .lame. 1'ot0am, of tee towo.hip of Wolford. "t'trnhAtt mote 'kt'1RL IILADA• fir. The Indy referred to was tor twelve years • osOetat sufferer from 'revolters'', head- ache sad kidney trouble. Having read e musk about 1)r. Williams' Pink Pala she de ermined to give them • trial. Their use for • short time brought • resat improve- ment, sad after teksag them for about • mouth the memos he•deohe mod kidney tenable left bee. The degree of thaakfd- mese felt by nee who emerge such Meat, as the above one better be imagined thea described. Hen ere Mn. Coto•m'e words - " 11 you cold may know or if i could bet tell .f to intense enff ring which I have m- etered ..d the many areolaas night i ane .Pre ie metal and physical agony.. you wend net weeder at the degree of thask- felsms I Nei for my restoration to health." Her tumble wee • cameos! dread to kir, and for • keg time prevented bar from de - tag un week. Se using to pills ea 1a as welly aver-er to nos bed awn words-- " lolly restored." In this besaehold Ptak Pile ars sow looked opoo as est et the se esetltiea A. is the age with every good as... Piak Mk ave mach to ooet(.od with : epariee e origins have boss pleood in the s•rkes, sed, theseh is •ppeerens, sed osier they resoluble rsble the genuine, they have N terMar didareat *Rem epee the system The writer wee Deme to • eters when flak Palk were asked for by • oNlemor. The Meier h•d.'t slum bet said that be bed esmeahine " Met se mind." TlNpellhe ere emceed egoist tkg jest es mod" mbgw whisk ie tee etre resorted to by atlas. keep- ers. It should be burse in need that Dr. William.' Ptak Pills am a speed. for .1) dimness grierift frees .. impoverished °se- ditious d Ma Mood or • shuttered .n.dladm .f Nb. mermen fere.., .ebb es St. Vitus denim, Iseemetar •►axis, rheumatism per. .lyeso e.daMns, the .her edema d la *whep.. Ions ea appetite, heal...., diadems„ etr.si. •vyellale..sref.1o, me. They are aka • ee'� em ler the troubles ps .ler te the Musk mega, ensrsestag irregularities, .eppromisee sad all form of fem./e weak sus. beiltikag ..taw the blood aid mselerieg the glow of heath M pale and wage .hooka la the ns.s of mm obey Alegi • eeMl see le .l1 mom .rides frees es.etal wavy, wormer! or mem sem .f any mature. Odd wily 1. tb.l1r.'. Mods mirk wsi gen ta red tee , esd ho W free .1(er direst by moll gleet nr,wnrai or e tE1.11! ak. N m. T., M MI ernes .. ins, es de bosom far 111.110. DOES IT MEAN WAR? The London Spectator Sounds an Alarm TO CREAT BRITAIN Mao Wafts* AWN • mea. Thee exprsnsion twinge as le the meordder algae et the castes. of bald.. of the deem belie, praento regarded as •Inuret sacred t mess minis as being ere .f the uer.m.aies attached to toe ('bruttm faith. he origin bowever, i. • very 'uprights rimae, sad the ringing of M1r was fernier 3 pr.otited from a belief a their efficacy to etre awe .e_ The •tailor.' w :be abeam Orme as a nor TM WOWS b* ia/M/eod. Is • ...tier t./ .m }' .moll isport•.00 a aspired it Wttplenir----hot if you r a h with ether app leaturee of eleutt:en MOO By n • , bow mo 1IsS w be Mea a Cork mo .. m ed U t e ISO mosey Poison's Nervusnude to Neoaate-bees. it was lust this : T mo petra1e to the tweet res.er ute net %e evy was et•y can there at the tome se bu, gnawer•i, J Iiitareeet 'e mm.1' 10 feel tn",teenfi eo,eat power Netvdine kn a N!rasaet to tae, evet./ th. yoageet ch. .t, yet ao powerfully far reachu.,o„ tm tie a k rh e the moot aeon Lan/ ate,Oal pais 'wide as:of by ureic. Net vile* reeves oeto•Igsa ,o Nally mad tor the speedy cure tor pusspss of every deeonption it hie ..o ,.,,sat. Sold everywhere. antely/eg .sally "IVO lord) to hese a small+hit of van 1sT," and a little women, .yin/ her bonnet striate before the glue.." That •• very noortho lot sei.•iment,my dear," laughed the 1... her ..n " 110 you think so ` 1 •m 00' .a sate of the," red,tat.d the little women, hear - now to pita 40 her rloye.. " 1 ehs old not be able to face Ilse people 1 htoe tow. 1• day nor eocumplt•h the mammal I have is hand if i was not sure that •',v 1 et ig da one inn, my gown well fitting a ,d .he mem derail- of taw dree• urr,prentheiele t knee I do look well, and therefore peeele Idke to see T.. So 1 can L l "... them m.' zoo w h • ' I want, ('mTh dailty, is that vanity ' ere o w be some other name for It lig TO y ll ti ties empties of the w••rd 'tellers, or strokes tol- led at the end of • knell. Imotediately oa few the death of • permit s kee11 is tolled, tae idea having beao ., previously observed, to keep off hostile sl..r.ta from :he uow depart , iso into lo some places the departure of an adult was announced to now strokes to meas says otos: six were runt• for • woman: three fee As . reeves. amigos Will LIk.iy r.' tae MaaMeaen. .s sgesernseta in Lite 11e1 $...g Natoli .a..rwal Days anis a Ilium/. wII seep l. - London, Feb. le.-Tbe Spectator that the V.aesib11I y of a terrible undrrllrai the declaration of Mare:hell Von Itierbersteln, the war Barna Ger- man Furelgo Mtobter, that Geretany will not .band. her render to inter- fere In the afta.r. of Me Transvaal The paper declares It thinks that if dreamt Britain war fairly roused, there would be m. danger of PArllament re - Natant the demands of the Govern- ment for munitions of war, but adds that it 1e doubtful if tb.- (vuntry even slow is aware of the dreadful sudden- ness with which an extreme emergency may :arise. The Spectator protests. against Government devoting port of the II lot surplus to the relief of the aeric :ural distress. and declares that t money ought to be eel•••mded • In I. ting the country in a .tate of f preparedness for war It asks wit time would elapse. Mupi..sing the should Ire need for linm..hatr aetio before materials And n•rnforrrme could ler landed In South .Africa. t; many. It mode, has e"tet .d upon struggle with Great Itritaut t., tibial the controlling influent-.- in tit« Trani vasa. An entente un the. suhJect Imposslbk•. The nerd for full naval military preparations without a m ment's delay is plainer than ever. The latest despate•hes from ('ape- col- ony eonflrm the view generally enter- tain.•.I 1bert,,that the Volk/tread of the Tranevad will decide that it would not be wipe ..r expedient for President Kruger to make a visit to iengl:tnd. The newspaper,. of Natal eta) ihry ex- pect that the negotiations between Orem (Britain and the Transvaal wUl end in a rupture of diplomatic rela- tions. and this '.111 be followed by hostilities According to The Natal A realised', only a mlracle can avert war. The tune of the Coneervative and Lib«rag epees -hes In the debate last night in the House of (Timmons and the consequent comments to -day of the newspapers of froth parties disclose the fact that there .s a eurrent of •apin- ion favorable to Itritlsh Inter, '-ntion In the Transvaal ttn the pretext of de- fending the rights of the fore -len std«nes of that iepublte. Sir William Ifareourt's moralising on the fa which attends those wb, interfere the arrangement of dome..tle dlff.'re res did not seem to be taken serious by the Liberals whose leader to t House he Is. Thr We-stniinat,-r ilaaette which 1. a Liberal organ, replies t Sir William laying that as hr the domestic evrmf.ari+.,n goes Great Rritaln has already .,-cured a Incus standi by checking the tight .between the iks-r husband and the 1'itlaader wife. It adds that if the- Der laws make it ttago.etbl.l for a man to be- norm- a burgher they must not at the same time dr.pr.te h!m of his rights ee a ►cristae suf./cal. Th.- gravity of the situation :e becoming recognized. • child. Hence *t lone to he sod by vase bagman for the announcement, 'Nina tell era take • man " As GIs custom became lege general, and the sllusio. Ir•e generally .ndentoed, there ea. .• may transit ,., from the word 'tell- er ' to the more !soil tar .roe "tailors. ' At Lite present dm) at 11.mblotoo it is atilt the custom to toll awe 'meek, • man. TI.at the bluod •I'ould perform Its yield funetu.os,st is absolutely neoreary it Should sot only be pure but rich in life -tiring ala. the wit These results are bolt effected be ud-the use of that well a Down stoodmrd bleed ul- purifier. Ayer •'•rro.rills. his tet- Mttlag ull at re 0. 0ts er- a m ls and 0- d- In its shadow I lingered with Jim : a And the sound of the music ase swelling From the door of the brill room below, And Jim for the tenth time wse telling Me something too silly, you know. It's so foolish for him to admire me : Aad yet he s so good and so wise That his idose of women in.pire'me K ink • wish to seen well in hu eyes re- Since ever the first day he met me He i.ys he has loved me, although tf It were better, of course, to forget me, to For I o•asot accept rapt him, you know. Ur N • •II have our crone. to carry, he And I so dear aunt (lector's, Most make • great mater wee. 1 marry. o H..ce her horror for Jim •ed the stair'. as I .ever did are for the lancer, But last -eight ..t the V.aderton'e hall, Wh.a be lad mewed* from the clamours.. To sit out a set la the hall; I dad vat wroog in permitting Such proceeding", as aunty declare. • girl cause. go..p let ...stag Through dames with nes on the .Lair.. Of course there u 00 Mrs in the practice, Which, is truth, kms .rade may • match: It depends who's the lnao, sad the foot is Peer J im s not exactly . catch. But nothing could wall. be otter Dear aunty had gore treat our ken. Whither supper ie Wire to setae her, With • lot of them horrid old men. So we sought out •.pot on the landing ty hen the Ilene in the hallway horsed dim, And • palm with wide branches was etaed- ing 1.1 MIIIEBEINATIM. SOLD %OEM May teed Two Creat 1at/e.. Bala • Ter- rible 15.11 e•Ma►rt Berlin. F. 1. 16 --The speech •I.liver- ed by Preih.-tr Marschall Von Rleb..r- st.•in las the Retehstag,whtc h has been revised and published in Th.- Reirh- .anxlger. the arMclal gas.-tt.•, dlse•losre the case in one sentence. thus: 'The German Government will uphold the etatu quo of Delag,,a Ray and also the rights Involved in the ownership of the German railways anal th. main- tenance of the independence ..f the South African Republic ae guaranteed by the treaty of lPb4." The Cologne Gazette, while warning England not to venture to Interfere In the international reforms of the Trans- vaal, advisee the Boers to remove any possible pretext for such Interference by granting some concessions to the Uttlanders The Volieleche Zeit one says that Eng- land, if she M desirous of living upon good terms with Germany must be- uome accuatomed to se.- Germany main- talnlns a hold upon a Dart of the main- land of the South Coast of Africa. Be- sides having weighty Interests In South Africa. Germany. The Zelturyt says,haa rub)ecte there• and must also pn.tect her right to save a nation connected with her by race form brutality and to e>trmpet respect for treaties The sum of the matter 1s that If Great Britain should menace an attack upon that South Aft -ben Republic. upon the pre- text of defending their .uhJerts in that territory, .lermany would M• unani- mous In disapproving the int.•rv,•ntbn of the Imperial Government In the most active for in defense of the goers mom Seas% Aid ma will u. c Me Is Very yalat.e atemediag the rotorn of Rae Crated Trews New York, Feb. l6. -Sir henry Tyler. ex -president of the (grand Trunk Rail- road. arrived In thin city last Priday, after an extended tour over the Peru- vian railway, and guano fields In tem Interest of British stockholdetpi, Sir Henry still retains an affectionate In- terest fur the Grand Trunk, and he is very oangnlne regarding the future of that property. He prophesies large Increases in the revenues of the road In ennsequenae of the operation of the new tont tradle asecelation. Sir Henri and his nos, Lieut Tyler, .allyl for Euro... on the Aureate yesterday, mem wires NOW 1N TOMB& Tae SM ONO. Varna Array. N esmmsee4 e..lpb 5...h Woos tlesanti.x e.ntatty.off � Uniitted.The retire - Pram In this city hares that Mhos White- a memberof the family sir Rev. C. Z. White, as .1mei-loan mteaionary at Mar'sovan,hms died hem om.11pon it le reported test Homer alone ob- Je-ctn to the [Yelled States having $ de.patoa boat hens. The Hot. A. W. Terrell, the Ae.erlt.n Minister, hew re - a reed the nutter to Washington for eettlem.et with the Government at St. Petersham Mama Clara Barton and her colleagues of the Red (roes SoeYty have arrtv.d here A ems. Ms.w t. Lw. earl.., reb 141. -TM aemst whom .f► emery ees easeet hateraey by a sabbleN grim mew Perrino, .arnft bee been eb.arv.d by rrino, wee le at teet Abatrrywet tl.. 1Mco.eeyad b►yy . lew bar. The .test bio } settkeety etot/es ears tm th. emelt Mart .t t1r yam., /tassel Olt eveire Solea it mow reek Volk Irl-Z'h...testier Otherwise i was .M tWO 11= �rMev. 'PARLOR" MATCHES represent the sane of progress in Match- making. No sulphur - no shell ----certainty of a light. All well appowlted Grocery Stow tarp Be B. EDDY'S Matches. L its err, My sem" said ea Arab cadet, "bring tae • aeket of water frees the spriest. " The bey tried ..d tried to 611 the basket, het 0.1we be wild get book to bre totter'. eat des water looked out At kat be re termed .ed amid, •' Father, i have tried to toll the basket, bet the water will am inlay " My ..e." mid the ell aakf, "what yoe my ie tree. The water red set easy da. bus ae. hew Mean the MUMS is. Se will it be with your heart. Tee may est b able M remember all tie geed weeds you hear, bee beep spier se loweere weeo ad they will make year WWI dm end pers." Row Ilmovh. Demefle (...rowdy) -4'a Bb the beet to to world is neer, yen, M 1 dant knew beet to pre.... sod riwiemalir)-1106' JI r Yes'va Islehed with ma sal gr M pupa IT &fRIKEs HONE ! cheers eisasseo Cans All Skin Irriaa Of the atauy err dleea/ee, eczema is me of the worst and moat cummnn. The one effect ire remedy so i:ir dis. ..uttered for t is fir. . Gbare's Ointment. It UM never been •"•>r , epi known to fail. Mr. esAcrLtle Atybv. • .drew A!toa. a Hartland. V 11.. "My litdaughter. (.p.,. }ilia. aged three sad a half. was a dreadful suf- ferer from ersemn for throe year. We tried a number of alleged gore. and are. weal doctors, brit all without effect. Her's was indeed a bad car. Her little body was eutirelly covered with rash. One day oar lora! druggist. .Ir. Wm. E. Thistle. rveomm• rod me to try Dr. ('base's Ointment. 1 .!;d so, and four Imam effeeted a -tInte cart and eared oar child." Dr (use's Ointment is just ee after - tire for piles, salt rhea= and sores of all descriptions. Por sale by all dealers and Edmaneoe, Rat.-. & 1'0 , manmfacter ere. Toronto , price GO cents. There as nothing to equal (use's I.ya- sead sad Turpentine for severe colds and Meg troubles. Large bottle 26 emits. r ..2. « .. • • •Ur' " MENTHOL • PLASTER . I Wet ..•.swsttr.uh.tAso la.member S .f , car d M/ rNam•tle tura tee tt��r� matalie appal ora• W 0. c u,e i t 5..efame d a.l•iimtl�-w, d CAeR1.- w .. t D.. Notts is I I' inns.. I tame •.a main.. t't.mwa>. ...wet en ..f enr.l.r rte..u� ., WSW r ....mye.rw tint it poet`....omnia.M•••Ceet noon. ma -J. n Nos N D . wa.•y,tea, D.C. . It Cures NeIatla., Lii Nos- • r•tgsa, Pains 1e Hoek or Ido, or . any Maolalar Pada. e • Price t Davis* 4wremee Cor, IAA. • she- 1 Sole Proprietors, !10 r_ L .......... .11 1 Cutting Prices -not cutting our nose off to'spitr our face -nowadays is what we are doing, to make room for the large stock of Spring Goods that will soon be to hand. Although the prices in Snits and Overcoat.; will he shattered, the saute high levels of 'Quality and Workmanship will be maintained. As usual at this season of the year, we are offering our entire stock of Trousers to order for $3.50 and 54.00. PRIDHAM TME TAILOR. Coal & Wood ood Taal w The undersigned begs to inform the public that he keeps on hand all grades of HARD SOFT coA AND BLACKSMITH COAL. PRICES OF WoosREDUCED. .4.4w .ttentlen g1... g OUT and LIT WOOD SP 0,0 and get privet and see .amplen of wood. n:Boe and yard, NELSON -ST., nor 51,1.s Pi's. 11.rtel, D C. STRACAN. fi w :::al tweitr�.MM.� :: PYNY- PECTORAL Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS 111 a •.upe.ungIt short ttmc. It . • nh catjae cettelo) • tried .tet oar. sash i. ad healing is ate elect... W. C *RC a Sow, Hoacbette. vase., rasa r • err stet Iyer .+gnat • wet Nr. C. Vw•a drew. cafe Y . Net sos1r.r.. 1... Iw rt. °OIL So cool w. ti 1/r e , r . Ls. j. H. Murry, Chemist, 1st Tome St, Teruoto...see -r.r+.rowl NOisar •vv het tw+� is • ado bra1.10, o ,se.ttes Ow -MW tM eros rao.etri r mR Wm. Maoris - ri.,say..eine o.. h.I ws,..r. ft *. wilablrl►•seeeliie eat ha Mw t0 sant 411.111140.• .,, Ube 'ae• lmrr. y..-1 ...•: • •.ala. ,. .d lir lira ,Y e.- Lor ....a .boa, 4. »rr...u....w.: u. 04 ••ti•a'.,b.rt.., .mei tea Lars* Hsetlo, tlti lee. DAVIN it LAWKE$CE CO. Liu.• Sok' Prowl/flea HOOT Driving Nails 1 and .t...mg be es lee are • Rood deal alak., one wants to know where to strike. IN SILVERWARE ANO FINE CUTLERY )'telt CHRISTMAS TRADE We are giving great bargains. to Ciioss-cu'r SAWS, A x E., I:11,Es and GENERAL HARDWARE. • Our prune are away down. DAVISON & CO. Noted for gond goods. PATENTS ! CAVEATS. TN/OF SARIS AND COPTIIt11TS )btained, and all business In the U. tl. Pease (Moe attended to at 1MODRJLTIC FISR9. Our otlIoe la opposite the V. A. Ptreat Ot- toe, and w • -.at obtain Pasoan" In less alma hen those -emote from II'AAN/NO TON. Amid IIODBL OR DRd 07No. Ws ad fee as to patentability tree of charge sad we make .%'r) ORA RON UNLR88 TVP !'A TENT. We refer, bene, to the PMrm•eter, the 8a�e if Mosey Order i iv,. and to °Metals of the G. S. Patent (t'Rce. For circular, advise Lorna and 4 r' .,w. to eettial olloeta In Tots .we 3Lte or l:'.un.r wrlteto 4' 4 541•W a is.. lana.. roe Patent ')•ti•'e.Vgloshingtsn. L Ce t.tr FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'SBEST FRIEND LARQLST SALE IN CANADA- GODERTON STEAM BOILER WORM A. S. CHRYSTAL, Sti rcasor10 (tris/ Rfcti.l rianuf•cturer of all kinds of BOILERS, Smoke Stack., Salt Pam, Sheet iroe Works, etc., etc., And (haler to - Kogines, St•ohinery (ssttap, Ro. All arm of Pip. rand Pipe Fitungs, Steam and Water Gores, Globe Valves, Check Velvee, insperatore. Kjeot.re and 1.- jmak.w eminently oo Hoed at Lowest A ep.ei•l lime of Stoll Water and fled Trough. for mss of farmers and other. Repairing promptly needed w.. L Si. 031ZT1IT.L. emir P. O, 1.a re, Yeierteh, Out. Wort. -O .nit w. T. R. ae.u.e. o.eariee ORATEF UL -COMFORT I HG- EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST SUPPER. 'By • therewith keowl.etr..f the � �pagt�wyg�l taw. which mews the.p.r.lioae of iiee aged eat Mika. smel• toe. of the 6.s erepsrteee (Poona, err. Epee lose provided or feet and nap per • 4.hnately Memel bsesus.e w0Mh may esvtt a matt heavy it Islay e M halleleme wee elms* slew n m ear. �.�g► me rep antes weeirel.~ d ..b'1. se lk+amw ae.weA es wntlr se attest ge t�hem�e le a eraCtim.. g -emelves wssmay memo* �tlss. Mr 2 aa,! peeperb pmerWd .team.water.' . .612 hi �i•sista tThilted( eient 1r� ekes t dila fiea w