HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-2-27, Page 66 Taa.wM 4. J.a.e. A Common Affliction Persa$atry Call b Taft AYERS Ssrst- Pa. A CAL11*ITIMS STORY. '•1 wag atffrted for eight year. with'Salt Blwum. Puling that time. 1 tr.e•I a treat many mrdt•wea which wire h,gbI tee. ,, im.•nded. but none gave me relief. 1 was at last advised to try Ayer'+ Sar *- p,rrlla. by a friend who tub! me that 1 mint ppuurcha+e Ma bottles. and use thus i''•urJti g 1directions. 1 yielded to hb per.u:'sfonbought the six turtles. and t.o.k the eu'Ient+ of titer of these bol - Ur, ani noticing ally invert benefit Before 1 h:: 1 Sloshed the fourth bottle. m) hands were a+ Free from Eruptions ," ever the)' were. My hu+Utess. which 1+ that of a ratedrtver. requires me to be out W eeld and sit weather. often without dove+. and the trouble has never ret rne.t."-Trtotl.va A. Joints. Stratford. Cont. Ayer's-1112- Sarsaparilla Adraltt*d t►t the World's Fear. etrer's Lina Camellias the ttuu'ce.. I HE SIGNAL: GODERIOH ONT.. THURSDAY. FEB. 28, 18M. TO CET PROPER ARMS At Last the Government GAMS Some Sense. SEES THE ABSOLUTE NE.CESSiTY K etartas rea'•aue tune. In Use Maeda M tan t anadba Mt1111. Tb. eras` W..* sad "mid Saaeeeres WIN 11.. Move Madera gems is Ilse+• Ottawa. Feb. *—files announcement Made two or three weeks ago that the Government had about derided to par- akeet- 4000 steed of Martial -11U Mehl A- les lid t., an official statement from the Minister that m' dentine conclu- sion had been reached. The original d demonalratIng the strong tli ngfeelingtext isting thruughuut the country In favor of the adoption of a magazine rldr•• us opposed to a single shot trial"'n. and I hear un swot authority that a ma- gazine rifle has now been decided Memel Whether the weapon cheese will the the la•.•-Mel(nr.t ar the Iwo-I:nfleld (the dlfferen'', l..etwe•-n which lits only In groovinft• both weapons taking the name bullet, that is a Wit. hos not yet transpired. but in whole %er action Ih.• tiuvernntent tut. s, ll will 1s• guided by the advice of the Imperial authorities. Communicatioons have recently been e nlrr- ceh•ed from Cel. Lake. tj who General. at present In England, speaks in high terms of the aasiatenee which the Was office and the horse Cluards are rendering to him. It tran- spires that the purchase of a rifle is limply one phos.• of the Uuvrrnmrnt'e policy regarding the militia. The pe omo'tt modern equipment.b.-prociured forte garrison g ands b to It . possibly a min - and field batt• rf.•s, and p• ply of Mexin,-Nurdenteldt guns. The total appropriation which Parliament will be asked to vote will be In the vicinity of three million dollars. Strong representations are !wing made to the a iuvernmtnt to place a preventionrevenue cutter ry A of and thepro- tection tection .'f the valuable fisheries ow lied by the Dominion. Cut. Prior has the matter to hand and Is . being stkongly backed up by his fellow Member, from liriiish Cuiusebla. As a preliminary step it iL ripet•ted that when the Do- minion steamer Quadra rrtws into come mi in tn. sprats she wilt be fitted THE BEST ANO ONLY out like he fishery cruisers un the At- lantic coast. Hitherto the Government steamer in Pacillc-Waters has been al- together unarmed. a condition that 1s undesirable should she be required for pother duty anywhere along the co•'lt. A short time ago eutlaeses and Hotch- kiss rifles were sent out by the depart- ment here and the crew are to be in- structed in their use. Resides this. it is understood that a ninn pow tier r i - fled muss)'- leading gu h Canadian Field Rat - CRISP AND CASUAL. A teo'h of the world ie still unexplored A ' ahinet Minister a hill dress undone ousts t. i20. London has 6,000 street lames. Paris 50- 000. �d New 1 -ort 2ts.`A0. It ii stated the, a million utety bhe muneeS are msaufactured lingually, spear on them being over ten millions sterling. Two thirds of the total number of child- ren miler ten years of ago in the lotted Kingdom are aid to be insured .o some form or another. smiles Victoria a coronation crows, first were fifty eight tresis ago, is valued at over X50,000. weighs 2th., and u almost cover- ed with 3,000 precious stones. The Church and stage ere he'ng brought tato actual communion in Chicago. where e elsfryroso is about to make his debut es ea err, supported by other clergymen. Pure milk u insured to the tonabitsota of Hataaa. in the Island of tuba. by the mrik• esao,..-isgiav hie cows with him and drew - tog off at each hoar* the amount remind. In Barmsh it is 'he woman who does the wooing. Not onlh does she sleet her own husband. but when she tires of him she pro- cures a divorce for the asking of it, and marries anew. A ' snkee dourosl publishes the following in rte c elamn of local news A gentleman a Monroe, who is an artist of no mean repute, a.d'indebted to this office for seven dol• ian, is going too Washington to stud\. DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU W. guano's' Itodd's Rids'- PDAs to mosey case of Bright's Ihmsas% Diabetes. l.aatbega flops Shawn/atom. Heart Disease. Pentair Tumbles. impute aloud-. moaet reluoded sold by di Jeairrs is medics( or by mull tie receipt d urge. sic. per bra, w a51a boats b -So DP a.. A. 8MITH a CO.. Toronto. Best ler �a-•`- Wash Day makes clothes sweet, clean, %hitt. with the least labor. ice. wt.a +..ami p5 RIS R�C,aAP li its remark - abk kit tug and t hanging pit +l rt.eb make SURiRiSE mo- t et..winit.al awl Best tor_I Every Day c,vR ?CONSTIPATION. ;^2ILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, SICK H EA DAC E'I E, REG U LATE THE U ONE. Pt L A13'i1:.H EA. -rise .y�r�+..sut:rer{� ]000 otGM� 0Pl.I ?RICE 25 b18. INIOODVS rOAJ •;J ello'! The Old Reliable Sll1 the profession of a bull fighter in Span, if some.%hat dangerous, appears to be Mon eery remunerative. Senor I:ueritte is said to have killed during' bis careet 1,400 bulls toad to be worth 1125,000- He u spoken of as s isms of great intelligence. First Ames cordwood ie now being deiiv ad in Unset at f2 per cord. green store wood u.lonted at q)c. At .,outhunpton, says The 'Iiverto. Watchman, wood has been delivered is town rets Winter in Targe rivantittee cheaper Chao for • number of years, as Deck. SCRANTON COAL the Charisma Coal ever sold is this markt. those used by the ens an e t. rtes to to 1"• mounted on a pivot len Alt Cow[ weighed on the Market Scales. the Quadra:. deck. This gun could be >a tha: ceu're sure you get your weight. used- it necessary for signalling and bringing to vessels suspectedI Orders left at HARPER A LEE'S of smuggling and would, t is .•xpeetest. overawe them if they feet promptly attertderl to .}Deposed to offer arty resistance to ar- rest. Such an equipment has at times been frnin•1 necessary in At- lantic waters. especially a short time - ago. when the whisky smu%glere ort i ttir i.ow•'r St. Lawrence were giving 1 UlteHk authorities in tt .•sh Crumb linable FLOUR ad FEB Hkhe>rto in Itrttish t'nlumt+la waters their Pets not been anything 1n the shape .N tier armed vessel for titer when the warships were away from To restore the tarnished surface of a pi ono, wipe it with a dampened chamois skin and dry wr'h a soft cloth. Then moisten another cloth with a few drops of as equal portions of sweet nil and turpentine, and polish well. 1f the keys are yellow, rub them with alcohol and water. The alcoholse mums quick evaporation, and that is better for the ivory. ire not allow a piano to stand near • stove or register. WHAT 1!3 WAR ? Wer a impulsiveness. (ft is also regret. 1 War is bravery 11 is also the most in ds.cribable ..vasery.) Wnr t. a •I'"4••• priyilede. 111 ei also a lasting sod bitter enerow.l WM. LEE. NEW port An ,A'nrt is bring made to induce the Dominion Government to transfer the nine Iepe-rs now held in restraint in IlrKish Columbia. to the new lazaretto recently er.vted at a cost of SWAMI I at Tracadie. N.H. in thte institute there are nine male, and 16 ferule patients. Three during the past year. For many years tor. A. C. Smith has been lin charge of this Institution. Itegard- Ing the result 'd iib experience with leprous patients, he says: -No real cure for leprosy has yet been discovered. )M)• preebssssor. Dr. Nicholson. 'and alter him myself have treated several of our lepers with colored water. to see if the influence of the mind over the bud)' would rause a change. and In ever)' instance It did so. For a time all syml'loms of the dlsrax w.•re In abey- ance. and there was a decided tmp'nve- m•ent. but. of (.ours.•, only for a time. and It seemed to me that the diseas.• maeie• up for lost time afterwards.- Mr, fterwards."Mr. Farb., M.P., whose firm has twr +ailing vessels In commission 1n the waters of the )'aetfle. r.wislvtd word yesterday, that nearly ail vessels of the Victoria fleet have left tort to take part In the coast catch. They Farmers'nr,ciuce taken in eichange w111 meet the seals off the coast of California. as tar south as Stan DIego. and d {nnes' them r' ll h up the boast north war is the exwberant thrill of 'miasmal pride , I t is also the solemn and '-oriels problem of the taxpayer.) War to the defiant tromp of pomp and psreearT• lit is Mao the rambling of the the death wagon .t tatd.ight 1 War is the brilliant deed that plants the banosr epos the frowsier parvost iIt to sloe the t..11ing el the bell in the quiet churchyard War is the mothers pride at the manly march of the beardless youth It is aloe the laying of a wreath npnn the aotimely grave.) War is the wild glamor of boyish dream. (I1 is atm m sea el daeolattoe whore shores ere lined with shattered hr'pse ) aaa GROCER i ST8111 If you want the best that is going in Flour and Feed and Groceries, at the best rates for your pocket, call at my store on the Square, near Colborne Street. The goods are of the beat and the prices are right. CHAS. KNIGHTS. faun Clearing Sale Yi Goocls 30 DAYS H. J. HORTON antil May 1, when the close eeenoti the CASH STORE, cO nmcnce.s. The fishery protection 'wryly-. las: mor. uremia sorest and yusere. year a p'•rient•a+d considerable troubl" with evasions of the taw by licensed v.ereee1s flytne the Otani and Strincs Their p,•ae•tie•e ,tam to buy and bait in 'Sort aw ••ntltl.•d to. and •wtslde the three-mile limit transfer them t., unt.rens'•d American ves- aeis. A et:tu+e wttl tie added to the mottos vivendi tktenta making )such READY- �A�E pt met hese an (Rolle. rendering the of - ieMi L fender liable t0 confiscation. War ,a tt,e grand parade herewith the ear o...eerateA by tM "nett of s tedium heroes (11 u ale•. •h. Wil% pi.ket shit, 1M wire'. the eh.rge, •he rar o1 enefl'ut and the des perste bawd -to -heed death Mengel.) We, Si the spirit of patriotic •meg. rpt Wart the firming away of the rowan life. erre . it.s..tb the saws 1 1Mgt�s seeds. Is Ism We bed that • onotemperary .b.wld 1a•e rsMd M IAA girls tM twee h�tyfel boa` Thy see already sap ,wpJ re haps a �y re n»• wit mad g�<rx n.a We see bpi that the Sew& at Regnsh �us�•- that Awerteae hoods swim Witilipt ... ram - lfi.n.w 5— gest• sad i r.s ere tee breed. creat Barg IN The Shoe that's envied! tel good shoe is a good friend—to the man who wears it—to the dealer who sells it. But a good shoe Is a bad enemy to the dealer who can't get the right to sell it, and dares not tell his customers so. We are sole local agents for The Slater Shoe, which is the beat shoe for men; that we know of. We are the only firm in this city which can buy these shoes wholesale, and with the knowledge and consent of the makers. Other;heoemen want them so badly that they get their friends to purchase from us, `len the quiet," a few individual pairs, at full re- tail price in order to put them in their windows for show. But these firms can't buy the Genuine Slater Shoes to sell again— they buy them to keep them and talk against them. We buy ours wholesale from the manufacturers, . so we can afford to sell them retail. We keep every size, width and shape in stock, so that we can fit any man, no matter what kind of feet he is addicted to. Ours are The Genuine "SLATER SHOES," stamped on the sale $3, $4, $5 per pair. Now don't you think it must be a pretty good shoe that's envied like this ? Perhaps you should see these shoes that shoemen want so badly. We are the only people who have the Right to show them tooyou. WM. SHARMAN Jr. Oor. East-st and Square, Goderich. IF YOU WLNT 1 Special at Munro's. 111110 101110 a*all$ MEN SW..t t. be 'Debarred From Rere.eata ten M /Wed /M Wheat ,lander✓. Toronto. Feb. 17. Tile grain seut:ntt of the ltreard of • Trate rest on Saturday to protest reduction we made swains* the propo.ed action of debar- Owing to the greatPali of 're one ring csntarlo and Quebec grain dealers in our prime. in the from r•pre-omtatlwl on the board r.M. READY-MADE CLOTHING standards for Manitoba wheat Nr.lalr- Lnughlin. rfiarman, and Messer*- H. N.fast � we Said, N' 11 At at thews and John Y' nearly w limen a t .'-seised the meeting. and It eras deposed as fat as we was unanimously agreed that the pro- , o.id dsedfe Hsving, pro- posed chrnae will result In Injury to dtriri»g too pld''t' my r tae t ratter M r. t ierirgo A. Chapman .10 feehing. also i„ oonstder was eeles t. (1 by the lmrtlart Chas" a del rnetOea.fa still runt's . le at t with the Montreal fart that many people ,rate to to -operate us the A M gallon in interests of '-ostein frogs Clothing. s es es a A TKR SUIT! Honey Comb Shawls, Scotch Plaid Shoulder Shawls, Double and Single Long Shawls in Black and Colors. of First-class Make, Good Material and Lateat Styles, cp014- HUGH DUNLOP. The Weweaa Ands,* p.wt M gambler 1Mtr'tMt PLANIZI MILL. ESTaKIflEl e• & Laaayas Bucaua11S wrlvfarrrowasls SASH, DOOR and BLIND noslsl. 1a ..a kinds et LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES f+.14104165" ISeersea et evert dseodelles School �Il1t re & SDeciait). g+• eon and will leave forOttawa to. -,fight Mr. 1'. 11 Watts goes to Ottawa to re- prewsnt the Dornlnied N111e»' Antrocia- ttnn avauer sae roam ea new yet Ms Med at airs.•• IMAM �yMg N Was fag roar t. Ray ■'' Niagara Falls. N.Y.. Teb. 16.-A re- markable story melees front Niagara Falls. blit , of an Italian clown norm"l endow of that ptwow. who e�Yhee, roeterday He claimed that h 10 death too In buy meAlciwie. Atter on ,� found that les had neer de on &MOOt In the Po.fiaflfiM ta g. bouldive eunAry arra bl6d'' about Anotos Paste or Iles biro ww e. an unman -lei Wee and a eho, moose by tirade. ---- v. w... is M" 1,111111 ell ..d �gmtrrat nosh. 11_. l �tw. pus rile Daas'dliwd se seer' g�..`.'.!�� will meet Mss Me Wee of kaiser had Msything in e tle� seetel at ah, sod the WM d Aer.altr to the ('wttl best tee t 'at,* rt s.1 +ttoo find it difficult ibis time d lilt' year,to hard to procure clothing owing times, 1 wish to announce to my cue heelers and the general public, that we have REDUCED OUR PRICES till more. This cheap sale will ooe lase till the first of March, by which uM yowl aspect to clear out all that is .fit of oar reedy matte smelt. L. CARD & CO. awl) f I.TOII�'T. le roe al dies= Melleette el Aid. se erre le em le sorter 4b- re rmt d Jagss. 4». i41 141. Mora .y .i belts tebm �1s.siui_ J0000840 Craft ger tis N1. w w ►. Area it orator Patronise True Competition. HOSIERY Fine Cashmere Plain and Fancy Ribbed, from Infants to Ladies sise. Boys mad girls Heavy makes, warts and durable. Ladies' and Children's Underwear in all the leading makes. Men's and Boys' Shirts and Drawers from 20 to 44 inches. Just to hand, full linea of Meat's Merino and Heavy Socks. New shades in Cheap Silks tor Fancy Work. Pure Silk Handkerchiefs from tic. to 51.25. oeye_ 1Vs7.71NTRo_ Draper and Haberdasher. POTMAHOFF IEA. Tim Can tis fiWAT Oka ts mai we le etre me a Millis ee erre forladel mars. w mad le"'as" 0:4=h . w' rt et every pars ruemir Meresre Mee e ^` .fib .114 rheas ,Md smmm. seer. erre mei i weetaCTreette464atesellibli Mesh Wage liP (�� R ifill. ilie1 This. new blend of tea for family see is now on sale at ou r store. . We have also the finest in FRUITS FOR HOLIDAY USE and keep on hand full lines of hest Family Groceries, and the most reliable in Dairy Produce. Selsonahle Fruits and Vegetables, STURDY BRSquarOs. The Oroesn4 lir. ills e. NOTICE.-- ALL OTICE. ALL PERSONS OWING R. W. McEERZIE Proprietor of the CgEAP HARDWARE STORE, C ODHPICS 7 Will please ea on him and pay tip. He want* clean balanced books to commence the year's opae$tiona. SHORT CREDITS AND LOW PRICES will be one motto this yews R. W. McKENZI E. Waft fri 1111 SIBiIL $1.00 a Int 11 lines