HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-2-27, Page 4;hr Aqui,
ss Peat maim
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OODERiCH. 'pUU .i y. FEB. 27. Ifst,
SOME weeks ago the Rev. Father
LAc:oVRl, the venerable missionary to
the Northwest Indians, said
••8ir if scalar', Bewr.o.l. has planed •
pedlam'k on sty lips, sad be holds the key '
In the light of the reverend gentle
man's threatening letter to Hon.
�In.Pmtn L*r,*irR• it looks as if the
padlock had been removed. and that
the fullest latitu'ie were allowed the
venerable missionary to display party
n.&1 in favor of the coercion Govern•
Not since his grace of Antigooi.h
referred to all of those who did not
see eye to eye with him on the Mani-
toba School Question as " bell -inspired
hypocrites," has anything occurred to
intensify the bitter feeling on this
subject, as has the letter of Father
Lsoorl*E. The writing of the letter
was worse than a blunder, and is in
defensible from emery standpoint.
Father LAev)mttx has been for years
a zealous missionary of his faith in the
Northwest, and recently conerived
the ides of obtaining a tract of land
from the Government oo which to
settle a half breed colony, which he
purposed establishing on a 17topian
plan of his own. llis effort was suc-
cessful, so far as the getting of the
land grant was concerned. How the
other details of the scheme will work
out we have at prysent no means d
But itseems Father LAcomen was not
satisfied with his success in connec-
tion with the land grant, one of the
conditions of which wss,evidently,tbst
his lips should be waled and padlock
eu1. With cr without the consent of
Sir MA'•sspzlr Ro*R1.L, "who held
the key." the venerable missionary
has undertaken the role of it diplomat,
and his first effort has been to en-
deavor to padlock the lips of the
Liberal leader and that portion of his
following in the House which hails
from Quebec. They must, says this
intermediary, who claims that he
speaks with hierarchical suthority, en-
dorse the action of the Government in
coercing Manitoba. or take the .rouse
guetices of being driven from public
life. This is Father LAroen.'s ulti-
"I most tell pet that we cannot as..p4
your omunimies of enquiry en say em'..w.t.
sed we will do the best to fight it I1
whieh may God not great-- ,•oe de .M be-
lieve it to b. your duty to sessds to oar
jest demand, and that the (isvestsmes5
which is serious to give us the premised Mw
be Warm sed overthrows. while keeping
Item to the 5541 of t.►e straggle, i inform
you with regret that the spiseepeo/. Uk.
ens mea, omited In the clergy, will ries r
sappers times who any have fallen to de-
sfarad a
If father locomen to net speaking
the private sentiments. of an Iln.sph-
istiested and guileless oM gentiemea.
het voiding the *pinions of the lead-
er* of a great ('hnrrh, there never was
eek se mnjeutifieble effort made be
flee ti. Parlament of a free eowotry.
Thg ltslgsr wee wi ittp. to Mr. Loom
cwt ea Jan. 30, at a carr, when the
1511 W net b..e laid bdnw Pard.
Lseat Aad yids ia the Paw of that
fact, the Liberal leader anti his follow-
er' ars threstime d with dire imago
.nee manse, without having seen the
Bill and its provisions, a promise be
made that it be unopposed by the
men who take an oath in Parliament
to .-onscienttously discharge the
duties of their high odic,.
What do we acn 1 tnen to Perlis -
went to do f Who gave Father LA-
tumns, or any other Dan, the right to
dictate to the people's representatives
what they should or should not do 1 If
he is right in his pre.entactio.,tben the
sooner we abolish Parliament, dismiss
the Premier and Cabinet, relegate
the Senate to obscurity and give the
reins of government to the self-conati-
toted adviser of parliamentarians, the
better it will be, and • great saving
will be effected.
But we do sot think the people of
this country, regardless: of creed, desire
to have the cares of state taken from
the shoulders of those that bear them
at present and laid upon the
wiasionary from the Northwest. Ser
TUPPER may not be the safest of men,
and Hon. W ILFRII LAt'etsI and his
lieutenants may not be perfection, but
they know more about the science of
government than the venerable Father
i...women We may not all get to
heaven by following the politician,
but we will have more peace and good
will on earth by so doing, than if we
followed the directions of Father LA -
rout., on the Manitoba School tl.es
%N anonymous correspondent, sign
ing himself " Elector," some weeks
back attacked Parer. Rbus, of Toron-
to, in the columns of The Star, and
when Mr. RTA) ,tent a reply, the edi
tor of The Star would not publish it
Why The Star editor refused to give
fair ply to a man who had been held
up to odium in the columns of that
journal is more than any honest man
MR say. Mr RYAN then asked The
SIAL to give publicity to his letter,
and his wish was 'owplied with. The
Star now finds knit with Tem SIGNAL
for publishing 11r. Rvwr's letter, but
gives no reason for doing so except
that it considers that the covrmnics-
tion in question was " pitching into
Roev. Fr. West, the esteemed pastor of
St. Peter's church." This sounds well
coming from the editor of The Star
who, during the Septrate School cru-
sade of 1890, not only talked and
wrote against the " hierarchical ag-
gression," be., but nailed his flag to
the mast the day after the election
and swore he would never relinquish
the fight THE SINAL does not know
whether Rev Father Wier is or is
not the author of the letter signed
" Elector nor does it care who the
author is. What we contend is that
if a newspaper allows a communication
to enter its columns which reflects up
on en individual, that individual has
the, right of reply, and to have his came
set in a plain, straightforward way be-
fore the public, whether his assailant
be the Queue of England, the Pore of
Rome, or the Aamenotor of Derry.
And no one Mit s journalistic pirate
would refuse fair play to a man
who has Seen attacked in the columns
of his journal.
The Star else takes exception to
Mr. R*A* taking part in an election
campaign. and asks, Would Ties
SIGNAL be at 'mum' if, for instance,
Deputy Registrar Dte•ssoe, of this
county, went out on missionary tours,
as did his contemporary of Toronto t"
To which Tns SIGNAL makes answer
that Mr. DICKSON or Mr. RYAN, or
anyone else has a perfect right to take
part in i)omi.ion politics, so long as
he is not a Dominion employe.
Neither Mr. RYAN nor Mr. Dimmest,
.or any other official of the Ontario
Government has a right to take part
in Ontario elections. Mr. RYAN had
a right to take part in the recent bye
election in West Huron tong great an
exteat .a i)r. Rouen -if the argu-
ment of getting salary from Lib-
erals and Conservatives is of any
value and the county didn't lose am
much financially when Mr. RTAS at-
ttended a series of meetings as it did
when Dr. Rotuma attended the Oen
see van vecon yes tion at Carlow. Again,
when To Cowan, postmaster at Galt
damped the ooe.ty some years ago
. tad spoke in Victoria Hall, in favor
of the Government of which he wee
as employe, The Star never raised its
tuneful voice in disapproval. and
the editor of that journal sat on the
platform and approved of Mr . 0.w
AI's action by vociferous applause.
All of winch leeks as if the editor
Of sur eeNtemper.ry mea b sait this
kw*. a Stile imeoraier.t
W have boon informed that our su-
teemed contemporary, the Clinton
News-Reoord, is more than usually
" yellow " this weak --a mighty hard
thing fir that flamboyant and brachy
journal of civilisation to be, by the
way. It appears that for the past six
days the No. 74 bat has been discard
ed and the No. 6 head of the illustri-
ons editor of our " yellow " oontem
porary bas been seethed in linen ban
degas not so tightly bound that the
swelling to be induced by the swath
ing would in any way be hindered.
He also engaged a special room, to
think deep thoughts in, and on Tuesday
last, atter his six days of retirement at
herd labor, be brought forth his What-
do- you call it. -
That'. our information on the sub-
ject, for we understand our esteemed
contemporary is going to treat Tut
SIGNAL in • most drastic manner, and
has decided to cut this journal of his
list of esteemed contemporaries, using
as a plea that the Jews should have
no dealings with the Samaritans. Up
to the present our copy of The News-
Iteoord has not Dome to hand, and it
is needlem to any that the way we
pine for • perusal of that journal of
refinement and intellectual culture,
u as that of one who longeth for that
which is near and dear --at any price.
We regret that our esteemed contem-
porary has seen fit to sever the ties
that hind in this regard, and hope
that with another application of wet
cloth on the massive brow of the tal-
ented editor the harshness with which
he treats TEM SIGNAL, by striking this
journal from his list, will become ap-
parent, and he will revoke the edict
and annul the decree in that regard.
It was not with the will or consent of
THE SIrs*L that the conspiracy was
formed at Clinton which resulted in
this telegram being sent to the Third
Party at Toronto .
sen ler. 4, nerd..
We kmWet1.ss111,, ae1N, If ewness
remotes Is Mie mond. tameres will be elect-
ed. Wtta/rsw New....
?IMM and r*nENp '
Nor was Tel SIGNAL responsible for
the answer which was received by the
conspirators on the same date, three
days before nomination :
et yen bave wessm/II.r pledged Maids/
remedial Isgttsl.tle., wbas yea ask ens be
What Ten SIGNAL has contended is,
that A- M. TODD was one of the con-
spirators on that oc. asion; that he did
his level best to side-track Nswtlme :
that he was willing to be a traitor or
lupe so long as the behests of his
masters at Ottawa might be served :
that be was a patriot for revenue pur-
pone. only; that be had been bought
with a promise by the Ottawa Gov
ornament, and that he is prepared to
sell the whole Orange outfit in Huron
-from the flag -stab' at Summerhill to
the ketttledrum at Fonlwich-if the
Dominion Government will only give
him a job before the grand smash
takes Dlace at Ottawa.
THs SIamAL doesn't are a brass far-
thing whether RoweAN's deposit was
tendered or whether it wasn't. The
public is not worrying over that mat-
ter, either. But what THs SIGNAL
and the electors of Huron, of all
stripes, want to know is, was A. M.
Tont) ono of the dauntless three who
fathered the telegram to Toronto on
Jan 4, asking to have NewrAu with-
drawn, and stating that " We have
Watm Iunit solid "1 Tim it Sloes.
says that A. M. TODD is the toady
who framed tete acbeme and engin-
eered the conspiracy ; dist he did it
for • price, in the interest of the Gov-
ernment ; that by so doing he fore-
swore the oath which he is reported to
have plighted to MARGARET L. SNIP -
NERD ; and that all the frothing at the
mouth or hemorrhage of language that
he is possessed of cannot cleanse
him from the crime -for a crime it is.
What say you, A. M. Toon, prison-
er at the bar t Are you guilty or not
guilty t
---The Turrss boom seems to have
petered eels se to mesh. •
The Government is engaged in
.skis its 1..t will sad te.tamoas,
it is bsgianiag to look as if Re-
medial William was gars le breva! up Salt
-it is omsldently expected that •
rendre' ele.Iine will ei bold within the
sort ell week&
The V.-emmsl-- imbroglio haa
beim e.eesba1'wd by Father irnors.'.
Maar r Lamina.
Tbs ides of Marsh will he a fit-
itting elm* to gift • re..r.l eleMee ou
MIS osi4mg es..trF.
_The mma who pmt • gee to
Lament heed might is make saw that it
het heeded with semimeh
-11 Iii setts untie waw't mined
�++4b M the /aegis r OW' seen of
t1e by p.rl-Mtaglean •a entre on
signal allowance Willa es earth wee It ears/
-That $300,000 for the chilled
msec tuejees leeks estsby like • pins d
skilled .0..l ter , .ii. pmvpme.
Fattier LAoouss evidently for-
get the Latin gusted... Ne mess sheer ere -
rides'. when M ssdeersk r lobes V
And the trouble is, dear friends,
m far as tk. •• nes% et Wilton- is ma -
moved, Nin w Bowels will neither die
ser range
There would have been do trig
ssN mentos d.nwa4staoo la Termite, if
so siert bed been wade by e.uid.n to se -
we the tetwben of Parliament.
Our able deputation to Ottawa
asked for everything within reach, sad get
al, too, if we are able to take stook 4a the
reports they brought house with them, And
wby *battdt:'s we!
---it will take years to allay the ill-
teelifr .roamed by tit. Remedul Bill con-
troversy, ..d the mem reopoosible for the
present critical meditate of .gain are
bathe patriots nor st• t..men.
-- Years ago Justus wrote•. " The
subject who is truly loyal to the chief mag-
letrat• will neither advise nor submit to ar-
bitrary measures." Kr tbs. km we ma Meg*
the loyalty of the oo.roteouts.
An Ottawa correspondent refers
to Joe. Mr'J/it.t.sx, M. P. for South Har-
e., as •'oN of t\e bast-wform•d farmer
.•swbsn is the Roma" And thm mere'
poad.ot makes no (mistake, anther,
It just took ninety five seconds
to deotoastrete that Firrnirrono was •
bettor bruiser than MAuxa It wotald take
looser to discover whiok was the mom sw-
im member of scything. sad winch should
first go to Jul.
5,300 Toronto people gathered in
the Massey He11, Tnrooto, Someday stent,
to resolute against the passing of tb.
DD KEY Bill. Ex -mayor Chosen occupied
the Maar, and tae speakers represented
every shade of politics.
The (;rand Association of the
Patrons of (►atarkt w u ae..ior at Toroa-
to,•aditutob.hoped they will m.kear-
rangemefta for patting up • strong light
against the bib taxation policy that nisei
at I lienee as we go to preen
With a new breakwater, a radial
railway, and • full IMiio of i.d.atriss
town, • general election on head that will
change the starvation policy at Ottawa,..d
broad bops is the future, there is osmethMi4
to live for is thee pert of the vineyard af-
ter all.
--Our esteemed fellow - countryman.
Pmrsn Ryas, Of that ilk, slings • purtio.-
larly mastic quilt H. has • perob•ft for
taking oars of olerio•t g..Uamen who dab-
ble is politics. and hie bum victim r our
old sad equally esteemed friend, the Rev.
Dr. 1)nw say. of Toronto.
- Every man who endeavors to
threat himself into politico should be treat•
ed as a politician, no matter what is Me eat
of kis coat or the cloth it is made et. This
M mo taw te stand os ceremony. sad poli-
tics give special privilegee to ao mob who
shim his canter into the rim.
- The clerical gentlemen who have
nee reader Mite print oo politiool gala -
Goes don't seem to bo baying quite se good
• Mine as they thong it they would. His
Groes of Aetagoonh had rather he
Lida •t ; Abb. PAVusr did not reap laurel.:
Mruios•ry Loxes RIC male a mem of his pe.
litical sorest' : -named there ore others.
At a recent meeting of the grand
mused et the P. P. A , • vim seep was
taken whoa the oos,tiestioa wee emoaded
by striking eat the class* whin prohibited
members ef tis* Order from employing or
vetmg tor Rima• Cation.. A moiety
that olumed to be formed ter ohm further -
mole of religious sad cavil liberty ought
sever to have had se.b " clads* ia its coa-
Ssefortb Repenter ; The editaral noia..
of Tb. Cb.ta News-R.osrd of last week
bear manifest onions that the editor, or
whoever oemp1s* the political liens*.,• for
the paper, W gena eraxv. 11 he wend
tars kis grant tn*l1M toward. •zpWairg
why his prunes. Mr. Wei.millsr stead
that ornate egression', pledging himself to
�the Remedial AM, while be wr
d ver alh tb impart it, and while he
Wed Mi b. might .zpWa She laan-
Ne. art Mr. Wesemiller'a.ir hw.drsd nada
farm i• the township of Hay. Tide would
be vastly maw becoming osed.M the wall-
i.i his be.eb.r .dims bad same..
Rewash /ton : T11. •osssy' man who rens
The Climes Reamed. had mother bed spell
thin week ..d load. up 1M paper with •
los .1 "awash" that Na submarines woe's
thamk him ter. H. mils M.OilHs.idv 'rte
Galeria liar," sad the editor et The Pose
Leal }Periled Fore' ..d thereby Mews
all ars..d. New we well ask yen a civil
gsesalee, Mr. Reser/. whish yen eaa sag
mer win yes .r as, sad yen will esiiely the
pubilo, mad t1. newer .01 proven ys
teem freNhg at the awn 4a the weeks to
sew 1/td yen Wag with Tk. Ftsdaea
sad On.t.les, er ethane's', and • elt4isgrm e
te Hoa (dirks Wall.. mkisg him r mss
his i.flsaeos te hese Rowana take" est si
Wed ROMPS sr weeds to that west • Mr,
the ement ha Wing awe. and
Xenon says ydid,d yea who=who=ogifdi g en os
the ashen of year owe
1. Is Pee . se 11 ! mer
4msgi : O., anion fair 51. week
have boss staying as 11n lei, tar
51e Owns I aka wishbpala der ea-
by risks. This year it we wee by
F. 8. Awl
(Winn A hen nye ties. Jobs
liehieseet. of B
siiient. o WOO 1p, and w u eawngNr►it �
a Mess1 gest,wlsa
widish was ammeerimi wen. Sow bort
the .1.w smash him Ie she boa pse ef sena
114. es injured and bin bas was sew- yr
who. aids
(A 10 Mantle for $5.
I A 7.50 Man' 1e for $3.75.
I A 5 Mantle for $2.50.
If you want • Mantle get it now.
If you want • Mantle for next winter, get. it now.
We don't want to carry • single Mantle over.
We have two Greenland Seal Capes, ;15 inches, full skirts, for SIT..
Also, 3 pair Ladies' Fur Gauntlet Mitts, worth $b for $3.
Also, Ladies' Vests, worth $1, for 75c. Ladies' Vesta, worth 75c. for
Ladies' Vests Worth 50c. for 25c.
Ladies' and Children's Overtime, away down in price
We must have room for new good- Don't miss this .opportunity.
Corner Square and West-st.
Shall Ws Bow Down To BaaL
Sew tie fonatry elm's Than a rev. nay
rates-t'aaoda le E•pteeted by 1\e
P.Ue ele.s et Iko Tapper Soma -
wolf - Naaltart earipe
From the 1:Itagstoa Fr em•n,
TH1 prudent busiaess man does not
go armed the highways end byways puffin
sad nowise shoat bis progress, especially
wiles he knows that has hewn ledger b.1
mom' Blows that be r naafi babied. In-
stead el b.nstisg sad continuing the rake's
progress, he will look into hr •ffain and
see where he o•a stop leakage. and Monne
profitable beeneet. This should be the
policy d the 1►oesinios a;overawe today
intend d ennui, after the mtt.asr of Pa
Tapper •bent our progress need well deie
whoa .rah does not exist oxbspt in tie sees
of men like Montagne, who was on hie
uppers before be mitered the Cabinet,
Foster, who sues may au itiu.rast tem',
mos spatter at ten dollars per sight, and
..thing when sot eareged. Then the Limos
are good with Mr. H•Rgart, when mill was
heavily mortgaged before semen B d the
C. P. railway oomatesos.: trot u the non -
try dMeg well or Das we .lord. is good
truth. to about prosperity whoa the vary
neat parties of our really bard -working
had economical nook are so their wit's sad
pawing how to make both sods msec. This
�httlpowlag about prosperity u .II • sham ..d
is plain Raglin would be called lying is •
rads Doan unity.
Lot tut look into the public documents for
1896 bad see what • sorry figure we out sod
how ridaoelous we most appear to the estim-
ation of ..nnbl. foreigners. The Neonatal
report for 1885 shows • deficit of over four
mtUions of dolt►n, examen taxation an
round, and every book krpieg device to
keep the sten figures down. Theo the re -
part of the Dspartmest of the Interior
shows that we .re in • sorry plight, fax im-
migration fell off during 1896 w compared
with 1854 y 2,290. Settler* m ('a.d.,were
Newer ter the .ewe period than for 1894 by
1,692, sad the cumber of than who esnght
bows is Manton sed the Northwest fell
short d 1894 by 1,749- The mains tram
the as1. ei Dsmimen leads fell off $46,000,
had tit. ninon tress ('rows timber, miens/
and grazing Hada decreased by some 116,-
It is evident that under Tory rale we are
growing like the oew'e tail, downwards, sod
Wee mast either be • Mange of Govere-
aten1or we may as well look out tor anim-
al ba.kr.pbey. Immigraato shoe our shores
for they hear about onr load of debt, oar
grinding taxation. air on • Il.egreosum and
end s.erm.u$ army d o(fioiels, who, like
51e gnuub.ppers. Ilrhr oo every suooulsut
thing in view sad devour evsrythiag doves
to tb. bons (:sada e • great country tor
the wolfin or i doieet plaosnua, bat for 2
those who eve not alone their oma, bat
other peupie's !pardons to bear, it e • load
to es* from rather than to nom. to.
Taste ass moor be relief tor the farmer 2
or for those bond op with tb• farmers' wel-
fare under Tory role, ter tha great sham 3
loyalist party is opposed to reduced import
duties en our farmers' coeds and stow
They are opposed to freer trede n 31
will the Renese shad look m the Am M
grime market ter our barley. Ismbs,poeltry,
thio. lay, Pooh, male, etc„ m the o..
514.4 sur purplemost •void. 1a .bort, the 3
Tory rule mew that the farmer meet gross
sad sweat and toil day is sad day out is
order that the fevered osm of the party
may lave ie U1-saiaired lusory sod Pa 1'
pdr sed 11. breed grow still robed. 4:
if the =writer"
to be dragged dew. 4.- eh
to the tee= water" et poverty, let Nem
a�5ie slept Ole Tory ()evseamoat Bet U
o ur bishops. et the hierarchy .ad of • 'ens -
dim. Uailiebee, tabes we ..k your patty, td
whim yen en the .o worthy chief, M omen
its if saltine tats f *.. gwttos sad to do
ea try Deeds. wises Ih. I;ovwamsut ea the
remedial ball. We do set sok you to vote
tis: the Gover.mmat, but for Ms bill, wetose
will realm es ear rwbts, which all will he
rendered to the Howse • few day.
1 cu•a•1.r, or rather, we all asost.ler,
that slob s5 sot of °enrage, goodwill sad
iso. -rite on year part, sad from tames who
follow oar policy, will be greatly in the m-
teresl. of your party, espea•lly is tae
eisersl eleouoes. 1 massa t.11 you that we
menet mom' your semmiaaioa of tmqu,ry
fear a\► reason, a•d we will do the beet to
fight a1.
If, which may God net great, yes do not
helices it to be year ditty to mood. to our
lad d.wads, •ed that the Goverment,
which 'union to rive um the promised
1•w, he best.. •ad overthrows wham' tenp-
ing arm to tae end of the struggle, I Mi-
ters' yea with reeve" that the epi.m'pacy,
like sena we, sited to the clergy, will ries
to w those who may b•ve fain. to
defend •s.
Peaa.e psrdoe my fraakraas, whim's Ind.
mm' to .pork thea Though 1 ma net year
inti.mte friend, still I may may that we
h ave bees es gni *mina Always 1 have
deemed you • gs.►:set.., • rem'p.oaabis Wi-
ese, sad • was weil able to be at the send
et . polities' party. Milky Divine Provides.*
bon wa your wren sad your energy ter
the geed d our messes. ossatry. 1 reams,
sisineely and reep.otfally, hessian* sir,
your mist humble red devoted went
i8tgf.di A. Layettes. ettes, 0 M.I.
P.K. Conan mm'mbsrs d year party
blame mo for deeding aloof from you and
i4..ri.g yea Ys. have too men geed
assn set to be able to saderst ad my pm'n-
time Belongieg to no poliuoal party. )taw
to go to them who have bests placed ie
power by the people. 11 ons day the Wee
of the people calls you to govsra she gen-
try. 1 will be loyal sad oerfids.t is ye., la
I en today towards Uses* whom you oppose.
1' yea should wish tow me sad to assure
fuller explanation. 1 will be at your senior'
Islam last may pl...s you, either et the
University or at year private room.,
••d you i form ms et the boor fixed y�
id -
1 will in Ossaws a the 23d mt. for .ov-
erel da a i Sigeed
A. L, O Mi.
P rogram at toe Convention to be Need u
Gaelp\ se Maar. oar. era.
The following is the program d the
Cheese and Rutter -Makers' Coeve.tlen to
be bold at tits Dairy &beet. Galpl, oa
Friday, Much Eta :
arrsalroolr grand -1 :30 r r.
Cb•irmsa's Address --
A. F. Mec1•rsu, pruideat Weirton On-
tario Dairymss's Association.
Dr. Malls, I'rssidsat (►\taro Agrioalturst
2 r a. Harding Over -ripe Milk '
T. K Mills, uevsoter m ob.os-makir
Provincial IP•iry &boot. g
:lb c.11 -
Mammies led by S. R. len., Molssw.rtb,
Ort., •ad J. W. Mis�b.U, inetnest,,r in
milk testis, Previr.W Dairy
:46 r. r--•'Httrdlirg 'ranted Milk "- -
M. R. Rrewr, Apple. O.t
led by A.T. Keil, Tavineek,
/Lard W. A. Bothwell, Hickson, Oat.
.30 r. re. -- " Newsier. and Separatism
ilk "-
Mark 8pefgns, MistruNer oe separators
Prenatal dairy 8.Md.
:46 Disowiers
h led
by J•mos St-eheeee, is
serestor•.d J. H. p}I•y,
ani.tus 4.Nr.Ms brq.r-making Pro-
vincial Dalry Sakm'el.
16 P.m.- " Peopardle. of Crime fir
iPo Rogers, Dairy
Sc i. better-mak-
30 r. r -"Oman ..d B.w r Start mr-•
F.C. Hants.., Predawn d Bwhrishey.
4:46 Pardo Pal SIM&
(banal diss.uien.
ev*tsr eo samsot--7:30 ►.m.
tAmirmer's addr s s --
ains A m'.Hsat Oterri. l'
Address --
WmJAM,- , lflhei.rr of Agri.ul-
8:15 r w -"Premien Lliesse-seakbtlg' -
O.. H. Barr. (illlsek Clunk Feeney) kl.-
brhgvQle. Ort
8:a0 P. r--
(I..asfl dtgn.n.i.n-
8:46 ►.w-•'Pristi.al 11.Irr•m.kleg"-
J. B, Muir. AI -band. Qts►
9100 1,r. -
Oatmeal diA.m4a
9:16 r r -Two Weft ad_w. try
Hua T. prof Dann Ptd.
Abs.s4.wu,1 F, lirdiam amok Hera
ed I--14 , l a.dlew Pendia, J. B.
harem Brill. J �Rebs,tmfr. A. Wenper, 1. T.
tea sad others. *Mos, R. Aden
Makin aro
es take pan
In die -
sardines. amber Ignited r oak` question
"'v__ salted dhwmd dulft.g tin
4ir. to sen the w ef Cada who
rtes 51e wetland wain have • fear
where they ma labor will same sad
ssf.ttw.d Hmb., 1.t them elsct • Liberal
Oeveramsat TLN.g. may be hater ender
• shags d administration, bel wens thee
they erre aow they mans p. bl, Ian salsas
5h. Tory .Salad. .u... 1 that swans roe
alms ns wb.r.o* d tit. peel. bat Choir
bodies, to 1m' sold en nm' antis. bleak mad
men b.oaw the.1Mrll. d the fevered few.
Aa all61111111rjoiltise SO MEW �tlr1 M UM
Men real, Pak 20. -The tUewlag is •
espy d the Meer whish t1. Rev. Father
Leesimi1!< lin the Ohba fred , seat to the
irg the iaba.s"
lender r ver few the remedial MU
9t Mer'. shod, 107 Visitation 80.,
Mostral, Jsa a , Una
Ben. Wilfred Laurier, M. P., 051.tw :
MF Dear Sir : la Mee 'Onset thee fen
agedptie er' et sew ramory�gnim'el0. pave",.,he
agenesis the
bisho.agedr.- ens wail ens la my, MeK t esu
r faith, r r
mph% of _to
la surdas Vis. or ea
r •a mean I5 4s is de neem d