HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-2-20, Page 8NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. From our ownCorr owpoadontn• 747 77.111Nir THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONT., THURSDAY. FEB. 20, 1816. More r r.wr...as.. Mere Ines rle■■ea he Maid gay w sere Ube - hews er eM t'..osy a.edetly ....reed ter The ahs.at. DUNLOP. TiIVO '.i, Fab. ll. Miss Annie .)Alen is vutuog relatives is Godertoh. Loftus funnings was a transient visitor $. Kiopbrids oat `Saturday R. D. Morris, of Austin. Maw, u visit i■R relatives •od lueods in this.eeuoo David Gram. who bent oboe tears .go to sadertake the Gala ata bosh. for • Ituslph Gnu w that fat -e1 Ind returned W.dam- dau. of last area elk* Matt to his relatives, LEEeUNN Ti ..' i.'. l els. 11. uita a number of our rattiest* ars cows Willa se, ere cold. LOWY yrirlme, frooi:Radek., is ')Sias* twlat. es and t:teads here. Dumas this week Rev. Mr, Hamilton will 000du_t w pr.vermeetlne at the resid- ence of 11 Ml..nianue ou N'edaesday eyes - ins A *reseal the other rv*wag Slade a very eolu)•ble trip to • heuery,deatroytol; • hal dorso fowl. and he made up his mind to pay a second suit. 'Chis time it was not • out cos•, as be was captured the owner, and was murdered LADIES .. . WHO ARE IN LOVE with t r• ,item design, in FANCY WORK .4111 find all they ole nice in the New Stock dust re .iter). As this class of goods Iine never been handled in this -tore before, we shall have 'NOTHING but NEW, FRESH GOODS in the fol lowing lines, HONITON LACES DOYLIES .. BRAIDS EMBROIDERED SILKS All kinds and colors. REVKRSIBLF PRINTED MOLLETTON CLOTH .. . Au HEN placing our order for VII Spring Dress Goods with J. & W. Campbell & Co., of Glasgow, we ordered seven pieces of Printed Molleton to be shipped out at once, These goods have now arrived and are in stock at 1.5c. a yard. We have them in Black and Red, also in Black and White fancy Checks, suitable for Ladies' Wrapps or Waists and Children's Dresses. Perfectly fast in Color. Inspection ot this new line of goods is in- vited. t ■ CRNTRE PACES .. FELT J. T. ACHESON BERLIN & ZEPHYR WOOL NETTING NEEDLE 3 & MESHES .. DENHAM We would ask the Ladies of God,. richand vicinity to call and inspect these Goods. We hese everything you want for this class of Work. THE FAIR KOOTENAY CURED WHERE 50 DOCTORS FAILED. For a number of years 1 was greatly troubled with a skin disease. 1 went to Hot Springs, Ark.. and 1 actually believe I comulted over fifty doctors at different times without getting any relief. 1 took one bottle of your Kootenay Cure and it has cured me. Previous to using it i To Owls was unable to shave. it is no doubt a wonderful medicine. 1 recommend it most highly. Yours truly. A. TRUMAN, too King St. E., Hamilton. tint Big Discount Sale FvR 1� =AVS ONZdY BEFORE SPRING GOODS COME IN. � �SeY cent. off BIBLES, BOOKS, (except School Kooks) PURSES, BLANK BOOKS, PAPETRIES, SMALL WARES CHINA GOODS 1-4 to 1-3 off aPnRdICFANCE OFY SILVEGOODRWARE, ALBUMS. S. WALL PAPER and WINDOW 10 fier cent Off SHADES. IT WILL PAY YOU to visit our sale. GOODS NEW AND CHOICE. February lith, 1885. WE IR_ Next door to JAS. ROBINSON'S Dry Good. Store. TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE. Abstract Statement of Receipts and Expenditures for the Year 1895 1888: 1898 The Aent ersarr of the caring out ot the Volunteers of this i►istrict will bt sole- bruited oleorated by • SOCIAL GA i HERING of the surviving members of Abe •.Roos corp and their frtead. at Th. POINT FARM eo MON DAY. MAR- 9th TICKETSd`0141 sod bloboob d"" A COMMITTEE Master RICK cam. IANCSY MONTOOMNitY list. HORTON , RLLJR Capt. MURRAY Mct<RI0011 .1. J. WRIGHT. GNU. Ratans* front Iles .....j 77 ,you -Reddest Tales • IS County W..rds 10 00 License Ratan°. for 1400 utirt 9 Il00 I.io.n.e for 1000 .. ... •• West W.w.aosb ratted0 53 Andrew Million reread00 1 00 Jabs sTres Joos. P. K. moo. _. IttM Tree.ur.,. New Clerk. .ale of Cellisttsrf lata f1�sr Bsr oectorto .pt .. Boundary u ndary /sat m 17 To [Salaries t! Total 1111119 Review Day and _Anniversary A year ago this month our besinw was re-established. It has been successful beyond our moat sanguine hopes. Throughout the year past, we recognise the generous good will and confidence which was ours to enjoy. and which, with the patronage bestowed, has contributed so much to our encouragement and prosperity while establishing our business on the strict tines of justice to all laid down by its honored and original founder ransom. Ry C••h, 8Oie0N PM N oCstsr ................ ReoAysad Brideas. 131'1 WV 06 B ,rruwed Meaq sad 1sttut 14 a■adrlee.. • ....._ !1 M Chari! ria M s •Mrt a Dap.......px s el00 Toad. 31012 a7 Assets to Collect Liabilities to per $ 110 17 10 17 We. the snderstgnad Auditors for the Township el Oalbsrse. ter She yosr.•A.D. 11111.'do certifyberebttrue and correct Is each �evem o the Receiptsted 1.yase.ts ethe sadar.nieepalltr se shoots end ensue by the origin& entries in the Treseurbd• books. wad erof e farthe ther vouchers pr'dte t ..'r'dweortthe theamaial pleoord to and to lee list d., of December. A.D.. 1106 boob iborowttb►y passed •ad that we believe imam to to tree sad oorrest to everygortledor. Datedthis lath day of rebrosrr. 1000. WP_ MAKE - Sewer and Culvert Pipes A,1 Whoa from 4 t■. 0e M t■. Also thio■ ortNWr. trawri /O* IMOta. THE ONTARIO SEWER I1PE CO IA *ON.Rttlet a r. •.. INOSIw oar tahtta a ' ONONTa 111•s• WILUsila ALat. a..UUTIO81. Amines.. REMEMBER --- The place to get Choice Groceries Provisions Fruits etc. is at C. A. Nairn's Family Grocery. C.R.SHANE&CO Full Line of Seasonable Goods. Ladies' Fur Capes a specialty. `' O. S.scars•00. 1- e>. M.. apala s_ R. B. SMITH. The success we've earned during the past year is encouragement for bigger plans and bolder operations for the coming season's trade, and the result of the forces now at work will surprise you later on. Meantime we announce a (seat Anniversary- Sale, as as a fitting celebration of an Important event. !teatl the list and compare it with the priaM quoted in the great dailies of Hamilton. London, and Toronto. R. B. SMITH'S I Great Anniversary Sale Best quality Laced Kid (hove,. guaranteed $1.25 quality, for 95c. Beautiful Blouse Silks, worth 75c. to $t, choice for 60c. 10 pieces Black and Colored Henrietta, worth 73c for 40c. French Flannelette, worth 50c.' tor 25c. Best Eiderdown Flannel, worth 50c. for 30c. 2nd Quality, Worth 25c. for 15c. R. B. SMITH'S Great Anniversary Sale AT 35 CENTS. 10 pieces All Wool Halifax Tweed, worth 50c., for 35c. 7 pieces All Wool Henrietta, worth 75c, for 36c. Large Sized Blankets, 35c. each. 100 ends Shirtings and Ginghams, from 5 to 7 yds, your choice for 35c. each. Grey Lustre, worth 60c. for 35c a yd. 15 different colors, 25 inch Blouse Satins, worth from 50c. to 60c., choice for 35c. • yd. 10 different shades Velvets and Flushes, worth from 50c. to 65c, choice for 35c. 10 different shades pure Silk Sural, your choice for 35c. 5 doz. Black Kid Gloves, worth 65e and 75c, An- niversary Sale Price 35c. 50c. Cortoett for 35c. Black Morie Sash Ribbbon. worth 75e, for 35c. a yd. R. B. SMITH'S Great Anniversary Sale AT 15 CENTS. Ladies' Felt Hats, worth 50c, for 15c. Jet Sprays, worth 25c. to 30c, for 15c. Black and Colored Flamer., 15c. Embroidered Lawn Handkerchiefs, worth 25c for 15c. Pure Silk Handkerchiefs worth 25c, for 15t•. Mantle buttons as big as a Silver Dollar, for 15c. a doz. Black Velveteen. worth 25c for 15c. a yd. Ends of Velvets, Satins, Silks and Plashes, worth from 35c. to 50a., choice for 15e. each. Double -Faced Black Satin Ribbon, worth 22c. for 15c. Beautiful Blouse, wash Goods, worth from 20c. to 25c, your choice of 25 pieces for 15c. a yd. Ladies R ool Tams, worth 25c. and 30c. for 16c. Men'* Heavy Home-made Mitts, worth 25c, for l bc. a pair. Heavy Cotton Bags, 15c. each. Children's Heavy All Wool, Ribbed Hoee, 15c. a pair. Ladies' Belt Buckles, 15c. each. R. B. SMITH'S, Great Anniversary Sale AT 10 CENTS. Wide Millinery Ribbons, worth 20c. for 10c. Black Wings, worth 25c, for lOc. Rhine Stour Brooches and ornaments, worth 25e. for IOc. Chenille Silk Veiling, worth 25c, for 10c. 7 pieces Dress Goold, Worth 15c. and 18c., for 10c Mires Black Cashmere ()loves, worth 20e., for 10c. a pair. Gents Black 11001 Hose, worth 20c., for 10e. a pair. Lame Sized Bath Towels, 10c. eaeh. R. B. SMITH'S Great Anniversary Sale AT 7 1-2 CENTS. Best Quality Gingham s, 74 cents. American Ginghams, 7} cents. Best Quality Prints, 74 cents. Dress Buttons, worth, 15c. for 7}c. 7 pieces Drees Goode, worth from 12tc. to 15c., your choice for Tic. Crash Towelling. worth IOc. for Tic. Boy's School Caps, 7}c. each. Baby's Wool Hoods, 7}c. each. Children's Black Cashmere Gloves, 7}c. a Linen Elastic Canvas 'Tic. a yd. 10c. Print for 71c. a yd. pair. R. B. SMITH'S Great Anniversary Sale AT 5 CENTS. 7 pieces Drams Goods for 5c. a yd. Gold and Black Neck Frilling, 5c. a yd. Gent. 4 -Ply Linen Collars, 5c. each White Neck Frilling, Silk, Sc. a yd 2 packages Silks and Velvets, patchwork, for 5e. Wide Black Lace, 5 cents a yard. Wide Cream Lace, 5c. a yard. Black and Colored Silk Veiling., 5c. a yd. 200 yds. Beet Spool Cotton, 3 for 5c. Bunch Violeta, worth IOc. for 5c. Ladies' Hose Supporters, 5c. a pair. R. B SMITH'S Great Anniversary Sale AT 2 1-2 CENTS. Beat Aluminum Thimbles 2 1-2c. each No. 5, Pure Silk Ribbons, all colors, 2 1-2 oeflitts. Silk Veiling, 2 1-2 cents a yard. Berlin Wool, 2 1-2 rents a skein. Zephyr Wool, 2 1-2 cents a skein. Beat Pins. i 1-2 cents a paper. Best Needles. 2 1-2 cents a paper. Black Lace. 2 1-2 cents a yard. Cream Laci, 2 1-2 cents a yard. Cream Silk Frilling, 2 1-2 cents a Frill. GROCERIES. Did :you ever since the Great Albion Fire, hear of such prices as those : Bast Gtoand Clinger, 10 cents a pound. Best Ground Pepper, 10 cents a pound. Bed Durham Mustard, 10 cents a pottnd. Best Baking Soda. 3 pounds for 10 cents. Scrubbing Brushes, 10 cents each. Blacking Brasher, 10 ciente each. Sale commences THURSDAY, 20th FEB., and continues every day this month. R. B. SMITH. C. W. ANDREWS, Manager. ► •