The Signal, 1896-2-20, Page 7•
TI11 SIGNAL : GODNR1O11, ONT., THURitT)AY FEB. ?o, 1896.
111 some conditions the
gain from the use of Scott's
Emulsion of cod-liver of
>ta rapt For this reason
we put up a Soc. size, which
is enough for an ordinary
cough or cold or useful as a
trial for babies and children.
In other conditions gain
must be slow, sometimes
almost im perceptible,health
can't be built up in a day.
For this Scott s Emulsion
must be taken as nourish-
ment, food rather than
medicine, food prepared for
tired and weak digestions.
Sewn t soar., Ctrmistti tet, sr gees
Ir Was Wham She Wear ttlettas Malrwe
With tier rw.b.M.
Gln Peery, wde of the famous arctic .x
plover, declaims she has had mote taw
rsswgb of the polar regime, .nd le d.ttr-
n oised that her husband shall serw repast
his travels is these frigid lands. Whim
asked whet experience reads ort mast pro.
meted). in osmnctisu wet& the miasmal
It. while septettes. Mrs. Peary, wttboea a
. wheat's britt tilos, said : "'Oar Metric
the W•Iroe. It r the Daly eooaasow to se
Ids when ! was so frightened that I would
Nee w.loos.d death as . relief. We wan
oat is a bo.. .oda De Cook, .o.
n atives. Mr. Peary had broken his lag. hat
was stsensg the met, her Is in stt■e ,
' wombed out before hiss. W• sew the
walrus`4 toward as, sad when to
w arvs mid 'Shoot at them, we took ear
✓ ifles and did so
Thep followed • some too utrrtbls for
wards. The Whole had Daly entered the
hides of the e animale enough to iafurir'
than, and they .acs:forward sensed ..d
with ht one determtwtlea--to tars ever
the beat. They plao.d their lops tusks os
oaf Raaw.le sad attempted to up as oat.
1 wombed at the bottom of the skiff. toad-
ies the rifles, ea ith&t the mos would not
harp to wait • sawed The was (den-
se with their blood, .ad fee a few montane
I did sot know whether I should be shot by
to excited as. w drowsed by the sal
rasa Ws killed sheet 17, sad have some
of the tasks. Bet dea't let use talk .bout
it ss more. All that is peat"-Pbila-
�ia Ties, I.
sack Tear Marl inseam (these as ser.
Mae sea. .f Tb.ssas6 .1 Oar Meat
It is •lseest impossible b pick op • piper
witaeat sews. • some of the sudden death
from heart failure of • promtaent otttr.s,
who, prior to the •track, we is the very
best of beskh. Bat this condities war es-
ly spoons' : the dreams had bees at work
for "teethe, perhaps years, and its outstrips
has bees unheeded Sa„b • operas is sake
dal When eel of the impose are no-
ticed of heart disease, treatment of sumo
ktnei is imperative
Dr. Arises 'it Cunt for tits Heart is admitt-
ed °sly to core of d• of the ones,
It sot *sly gives relief within 30 miopo to
all sufferer. from negates or sympathetic
heart diasases,so mit' : bow lee( sta.dirt,
bet effects • radical aunt by is dirsot bo-
des on the serves and on the centres, which
oeatrel this mess importa.t organ, and sup-
ply it with the newssary power to perform
is greet work. A single dose of this rem.
edy will o•.vatwe the meet tocreduloa.,as tt
saver tis • . relies at case.
gold by .1. K flare.
Mika In Marna.
The following is takes from an English
Dowspai yr and refers to a villa.. net tar
from hers
A man Itviag in Koster, Ootario, h-- sao-
oe•ded to breaking • pair of elks to harness.
So aeon. weed bare they become to the
utehte and sounds of city las that they are
daily driven aloes the streets with perfect
ease sad safety to fact, the elks Ind lye
excrement than they muse. They are per-
fectly mptehed in wee. oolor end weight,
&sd ace drives to • light, but stoutly -made,
two wheeled oars, which they drew about
the oat) and the oouotr7 roads at • brisk
la para'°& from darke... oto light the
eye is pained because the pupil ie widely ex-
panded and se mash light eaters as to oases
pas to 'be oldie ser -•s.
lilaeb of life's tlttissry ie des lie iailisseisw';
ter who me be happy .with a pais te bis
ete..eeb' A.. sensory* and .trengtbea-
er of the alimentary engem. Ayer'. Pills are
iavlasbl., their ase briar always attended
witb asked bards.
tt'b. first itsRWish welshes had weigbta,
and were used as posits* .leek.. They had
oely one head sod required to be wooed up
twice a day. The di.h, were of allow sad
braes, while theme's were u.rlesed, but
opened at the back .sd freat, ..4 wars tour
et fire isobm in disown.« -chest the eine °f
• common desert pato
Racked with Rheumatism
Unable to Walk, owing; to s.snaola♦
Ins pain.
AIM Aften rears Melbas terturw,
Cured by Soott'a Sarsaparilla.
A. H. Chnstiansea, writing from the
Clifton House, Niagara Falls, says z " i
ewe you more than 1 can ever pay. For
tea years I suffered the tortures of the
damned with rheumatism. Father had
it before me, and 1 believe it is as berm
ditar7 disease. MT knee points would
tet inflamed and d was out 1, say
weather " i was sure tv be laid sip
which to a travelling man is a calamity.
la • score of Canadian towns local doctors
treated me, some giving relief, other
sone. i read that Sarsaparilla was a
thematic cure, and i asked a b
kw "a bottle d the best Sarsaparilk on
the eterket." He gave me SCOL, r♦
working that it was tin ispra.e ss et es
all wham, and that he (wad besea%
reoi mend 1t. 1 have takes fear WWII%
gats an ea her from peia is a masa mss
hope ea be. 1 was out ha a raiaeesefe tors
a(o sad atm felt • Ai 1
efore, to Scott'ssel.ena I ewe
mare demM.
The beat t Bret ever fat _
h thee�'�r� to thea
-ie a emir
tl.e is Mm eras
firm.. we bast ten ass
At Si per trade year
Is limos 11 is Illegal to mows free, . N
Teams ate paos o•Ily aaktawa u New
The paseet dynasty u Jaya bee he/4
sway lose 600 s.,'.
The deepest t.l•.MM dream lis the world
is - 1M s-
Niagara River, last mice
Ups eyeamion
A Chiasms dear in .emus. • bus. oral,
• abl.kea head roma the badman to M-
oors rapid he&lip.
Nearly emsllftb of the Imam raw die
from eosae.pitos or aame other toren of
pulmonary 41..•,..
BUnds.w@ r wary w uses as Finland and
other di.triets of the extreme earth. 1t r
attributed to smoky hat..
The I.ra..t Matte la.swtire 1. the
world (2000 horss power) was hilt 1.
Zurlok, Swilverlaod la 1092.
It is e.uated that u Japan, out of •
ptpslattoe of 37.000 people, there are Its
than 10,00C paupers.
The vamoose is found it • wild stab its
lad1., C.yles, Uad.g..osr, .ad many other
parts of Ana and Afrin..
Swallows hare two met with at sea met
1000 miles from bad. They were probably
driven seaward by storms.
la (',rte, .bees of paper pass for otomy.
One sheet buys nae quart of ria, or twenty
sheets • piew of hemp cloth.
The rebus is always the last bird to go to
bed u the stoning. Ito aro. and
it a.a see well by • dim baht
Japes workmen bathe the whole of the
body ones • day, and some of 'tee. twice.
Public battle are provided on .very strata.
Two Chiesa. •atrosom.n b... been put
te death bythe F.mperor for getting drunk
en the nigt when an eclip.s was due.
left leg ane/.aed la starer N earl. Cam
Mr Mostar Meads Draws eat of
Mope+ ieaad Weds eine lar ef harp.
Teterboro : "For four menthe I endured
ritemna ism in every part of my body. dair-
ies wbrb was 1 was blistered by dean
t sa different tames in as meq different
ply ,and •m now covered with deep white
spars. tae result of action of Hy. blisters.
My bands were draws out of shape and
Gagers almost destroyed sad .11 the time
the pain was moat exrsoutmg. My left
ieg bad to be tacmed to • plaster of Paris
oat for four months in ardor that It might
sot be drawn oat of shape, sad now Mar
the stat meat that am he vouched for by
physiology' .nd mimeos of Tarboro'. Is
maty -four years after ►somatag the nee
of Smith Maria Rbeassatio !;pre I wee •
sew am, tied u one week from the first
dose was able to ro to work. This rem-
edy is • Mame ti m•akind.
Soil by J, 13. Davis, t oderiph,
P1altsan wires made wham bot by else -
lrlo to eat+ saw estreare used •a saws for fell
The gaglieb sc.ny Ione 6,1:00 an sae
ly 1br.s/b expiration of time of service
ether maws.
Compressed ted, in the form of raker
sold:in Re -•, and carried by travellers
who like to brew their t•rorite beverage.
New York has a oleryytean who, it is
stated. b married 12,000 couple.. sad re -
mitred over f12,C - to weddisg fees.
The mom densely populstsd country is
Europe is sat (fele...., wIttoh her. 5.3
ss to the .quare mile, but S•moray, which
has 606.
Itis sot gsssrally known that • Royal
scallion of one of the great dailies is prepared
and tread duly ter this 9uese•s spatial
stgb1. •
la Qaasery school children Mee lama her
Insides to the beads of their t shoos ss
coating and 'wog, on the grousd of poesiN.
It is proposed in Texas to levy • tax of
4:10 as ell %maraied mss of thirty years
and over who do not swear trader oath that
they have tried to ester abs satrim.wisl
A groat exhibition, to be called the Mil -
landau, will be held at Bpd& -Pestle seat
veer to oommernor•te the founding of the
eagarian kingdom 1000 years ago.
It is estimated that the usual isms* of
the id&bttaab of the United [is
set lethan 41.000,000,000. armithis
•.oust 4160,000,000 u oredited to
and lands.
Besides the opal yet to be brought to the
surface is Europe, it is estimated that these
are in J&p•n workable seams 000taiaiew
700,000,000 toss, equal in oommerosal vale
to Awtr•Itan
Quebec is so named tori an Algonquin
wend sigatfyteg 'take aunt of the rook, as
the wen formerly • dangerous rook in the
river epsomite the place gram the pity was
afterwards built.
yV Nortto Platte, Neb.. Feb. 16. William
sad Balky was tarred and feathered and or-
dered to 1r..,• tout' by a Vigilant, Com-
mtn,w .vusl.ti&g of 11a0 ..Itlresia last ought.
Berry 1. an Imitator of 4,JJatter. the I.en.
ter bra:rr. and has hr.•u woridng his au -
called mlreelrs all w-Iutrr. TI. lase had
endeared hlmarlf t, the members of one of
the famines who had tedirtrd to btu faith
until be beesutl. s.' frequent lac waulfe+uug
his powers that the husband ordered hits,
to leave the bourse mad !ever return. Ile
ppaar no attention to the orders, sad the
badmud ejected the Intruder. 'DM act
was heartily approved by the eltir.•m. The
lather was ordered to leave tont' yesterday
and dl.obeyecl, mud after dart: th,. mob
quietly organised to enforce the order. The
onset. broke In the dome of the house where
the healer was atopy ae. and after admle-
istertlg the tar and feather' turto'd blur
boar. telling him that 1t they caught bum
agate he would he lynched.
TUB mraawanaawl o1MIF
*tweet ed aha loud.,,.. Tbi.rse Tine
rinsed she «erten Campooa
Marallt n. P'eb. 1{.-($peetal.l -Fie
polls* have In custody the two wen
who heyoud a doubt, clubbed and rob-
bed John eauley. Mayor Tuohait's
uety ieht Y'rhe y atternou.,. ua Pr►
0*3 night
Horn dsiectivoe worn toad that
grid 51ar'k Tuatpkuw ever.
the men seen running &way, and the)
tmmedlately out out n., capture there.
and on Saturday murWug la -teeth e
14edkly saw Tompkins standing °a
the tomer of York and Lucke streets.
7'empkin* had only a small rut of
.coney un him, and there was nothing
about hent that would Indicate that
tie was th, mart wanted. The detec-
tives and pulitemen. an plain ck,fh.-a,
.c.ntlnued thee search for bis pall, Mlle
Horn, who could out b.- .'en about be
c•ustontary haunts on Ii'ri•tay night of
afternoon at We the tfve Met 4 ekly had • war.
rant sworn out to seen h the I: num.
o.f Mrs Lyon un iwn•ke strrre near
Dorton, for the money stub -,t ;and wee
....c..rnpanlwt by I►etertltes Held and
Campbell and P.1•.'s Clark - and .tlken.
to Out house Tu the aurpriae ..f the
"Mars tory hand Horn and Lyon
sleeping on a bed, loth drunk. The
'•arnlfleance ..f tats was that Mrs. Lion
Is Tompkins' Meter. bete -Mk,. Reid
took Horn away.ard the other a'nthe'rs
round 3440 in m drawer. Of thl., i21:.
wens in 35 bank of British North Am-
• rt. a bllls,arld the balance in IM and 31
bills. The autharitlets are !till v-anh-
Ing for the rest of the money. Horn
has been In the Police Court s.•t.•ral
times, and Tompkins has serve .1 a
term in (central Prison for assault.
They have beth been n.•.•Itfns tyladue
att. ntton from the police her years.
('ashy, the victim act the assault. *0
slim• what tetter to -night. He reefed
well last night end If eomplluatfons
don't net In. firs. Stalk and Philp have
hopes of his r.'onvery•.
rteret *La1't r•tltt'r.iti.
Marl Stew a %err la tram Meeh awl Get
Awat Miss Alta.
Ness Yurlt, Fob. 16.- un-
d.•ubtedly proRpelonals, gained an en-
trant, to the building at 2:; Park Rose
uncupkd by the IMnnett Restaurant
Ceenpwny. through a. skyllght some
time be•twet n 12.30 o'clock this morning
and 4 thin afternoon, and blew open
w'th dynamite six sate and stole the
cont.! ;a, whk•h at present are esti
mated at * t. .-ash. The Interior of
the restaurant Is exposed -Ito paters -
b) on the ,meat by bright Hght•, and
tit• re are no curtains to cheek the
view. Notwithstanding this fact. the
burglary rents»'ed the safe, which stood
beside the l .hier's desk on the street
floor, and In full view from the street
and Washed it around under the stair-
way leading to the second floor. Herr
they drilled hones anund the rombtna-
tiun and Inserted expbowlves. which
almue, blew the front of the door out
and scattered the papers w'hi. h the
safe contained around the floor
TAM est PMAMINts tet ev►
Mw tae Teepee Is tors... till's Tara
Traded Malley. tae AI/ened teas..
I.esdea uses four sad • half gallops of
Tia' w per head for extinguishing Sr.., or
eight thousand five bundred gallops per Ore.
The estimated met of the water for ex
Uagsi.►ine each Ore is £40.
The notho4 of inlaying the harden steel,
seek se sword.. daggers 'tad, with
geld and silver was • mem proems ages
age i■ Dsale.oaa 11 is . groat .till, known
only so • few Syrian arts••s and their •p.
TM British Ambassador .t Paris reputes@
£9,000 a. salary and 42D,000 more for ex -
pewee. ; .11 this is a year, making .early
three taste tae salary of the ««widest of
Wm Ceded States.
The median fur to the 'markets of the
world le that of the sea otter, and at is year
by year arena, more .xpsasi,,. At the
Lake uprise sale leen year, ono of these
beautify! skips 1fr..ghs £210, and yet the
sixo of it wee ealy six fest less by two feet
A sew malaise in Paris b•e been built
with glees floors. The Waal cast sesnetd-
er•bfy ever that .f the ordinary doer, hut,
fa view of the feet that teag4aed &lase
lasts .yob l••g•r than wood. tate experi-
ment is likely to pave .ask dam i• tad
tests rwe-
A pialetlff le • Leedom musty awl de -
Weed either to be swarf se to maim ea et-
il swiss, s yias that be had bees weans.
ed ie the ttplesepal Corea, and had Ma
taught M sps.k the eras. Without wait-
ing se areas, the Jodie mated him.
ON el the dowered maim sew Mea
led is the media. for Wetly/ the seaman
Me la the papery ea w►a they are sed.
The osattriwsssring. b■p the pips 1. rewa,
s h papa rn paper ais p pea wimps it
taw is
phre he
theeegb Ohs � Ms *8 m la p -
The largest .f fruit paawtaliemi be Jemm-
ies are .weed pad wormed by es Asswt'.s
otmlysy. 1t oalrlvelss 44.000 nese., 111,-
000 el 'Web i1 owes, mad 16,000 et whip\ 11
4.-. T urswipe loweese
sad Lam year ie'• dapped 11,
000,000 beads .1 beeeops sod 6,000.000
peeteness, basilas other bele se Amor`"'
sea e. ample*. Waive
walaa the «mpii4 outs
NiledtALa *IF TWA t:a,TL'ST
s tie Terrible Wert est the Turks la rad
Previa,* of tsrp•es
Constantinople, Feb. 16. -The follow-
ing 1s a Turkish estimate or Turkleh
v/olence In the Province of Harp..ot
and some of the adjacent village», beinga translation ora tlst prepared in Tur-
key by a local Moslem In high extra
Governmental position. The original
s sealed with his seal. The total num-
ber killed fa given at 311.234: number
destitute. 14.773, as follows , total kill-
ed, males, women and girls murdered,
29.544: persons burned to death In the
fires. lt113; mintstere. priests and school
teachers kill d. 51deaths from hunger
and cold. 3,314 ; deaths In mountains
and .now, 4.33.E ; number of miscar-
riages from fear. 840 , number wound-
ed ehat ; number of buildings burned.
23.5':. forc•ihly circumcised and con-
verted to Islam. 15,150 ; number of vlo-
lationr..;.530 ; monasteries, weft000yi and
churches demolished or burned. C'7
number of women and girls forcibly
taken ht marriage by the Moslems,
1532: number of men, women and chil-
dren la destitute condition, 5.,770.
4641:151 $1tw MIT Mn SWAMI
A Prweb.Csdadta■ aba.lya ea Napped e/5
a$ .rtlIla b la she Weed.
0111114, Feb. 15.-Aurtele Gannon. re-
turning from the lumber tamps. got
off the Sexo express at 5.40 this morn-
ing. and registered at the Italy House
under an assumed name. He asked to
be called in time for the noon train. At
11 o'clock the Berk called him, but
could get no response, and, fearing
something was wrong. the authorities
were notified, who furred open the
door and found the body of the young
Iran Beate.. on a chair with a pullet
hok' In the left temple and a 22-cerllbr•e
revolver lying on the floor In a pool of
b'ood. Ho had evidently been dead
four hours when found. 11 was a .sear
ease of suicide. The body has bees
mint to Rtvt. re Onene. Que.
fine1t1 N$l'T rarer wart arm
Towne Maghltrs ■era,ah Was ted sad (N
4tea.s.d.4 se pia
Chicago, Pen, le -Wm. O. Hughitt,
21 years old, sou of Marvin Hurbltt.
precedent d the Chicago a Northwest-
ern Railroad, was found dead on the
firm of his room to the family resi-
dence. aim Prairie avenue, this morn -
ing.havlag a ballet wouhd to lits head.
The ball which killed him was find
by hie own hand. The young man had
been for some rain•• poet on
account of 111 keedth. An Inquest was
be1d during the afternoon and a ver-
dict rendered. " Rulcl4e caused by de-
spondency pr'odawed by 111 health."
Wittig WAS W00%AL1'a gravel
The 1 d.aeeer of (rut Weltered le ire
Peeeshsd N a8. lie..
Despoiler. Feb 15 -James MaMnna*d,
pe.tmaater of Calif, Township of Pua-
Ibnok was to Hoepeler on Monday Hie
had supper at ala bougie of Maloof=
Mel.ellaad and left the Nllatr for
home between r and a mace& on the
"'Pia ig d that dap. 13e was walking
and wan IMst assn a abort djsterws
from the ulnae, slag towards Pus-
1{Hell 1beheat hes ksea heard of him
Saes that tlmw thews' wr.tblng par -
tow helps best daisy eel they meld be
legate ham The worst wise .ad
stswateeeu et the masa was ragtag
Om Med MI Imo* perislied Me MUM* mew
at • esweat towed rede Mr
SIck_e_ dialer AL _
The m• who could nut trust ale fwltae,
! is supp•w 10 de baleen ou • ask pron-
The e I who wee' of m hysteria cams
back •,o t t I. road
I The r.. Lem.. who root to., far in an
erg s naso .. brought best« ou a .tranche -r.
I'b. .. who wrestled with sdveranl
+ wore out b.• knees of Ma trowels sad ger.
Ir. ..t -d.
Tar who lumped upon the spur of
the woe.. t .e su,.0 41.4 to .tt Juan
{ .g.' n.M se
The girt wits bunt into ware has two
I pa. teeth. .
Tf.• yet, g man who was taken by .•
rate has r. armed.
j Tit. y•,.'. 4 ,nae who painted the 'ogee of
I il.s time r .1,,w eat of a j..b,
1, ea . are r..1 that dose/incest nce laenchant
1 nonan to 0 ' •Mw and now the view refuses
10 neural
The u.+, r
he tow move.1 to lean cram
alaisa of t • d•onpt.aae of the premises sad
�'.•-lies to t, 41.1.44 trick again
Tour-- 1 -,e I vk awls' hlue. 1 5014 se
CURED PERMANENTLY;`�oe•of "'m Nayldlea heavens n
' holly -Yes; 1 cow'', Maio teel.n,;.or.) for
Door g••1
5 BY 'rAHIffiO
Ayer's Pills
'I was troubled a 1..'.i time with M.
h.edaebe. 1t was ..-,ally accompanied
with severe pains to t h.• temple%, a «arose
Of lullues, and tn,.i nae! to nue eye, a
bad taste In my nn..•.th, 1oa&.e ,4
!lead. and 1.."'•..'.t ,;,d deftness at the
stomach. 1 .. -Immo remedies
reseYrnded 10, :t- - ,.ompWnt but at
wesaot until 1
Began Taking
Ayer's Pit'
that 1 realer. anytime like porta.
bent benefit A e Pills
did the work for me s ao'd 1 adrt at Nww free
from header -bra. and a well man " _
HI'T(311:4ete. tact Auburn, Y,
Awarded Medal at World's Pair
Ader's Ssrsaparifru Is the Deet.
A small ('.median.
It would tee hard to pure•.@ the gentle
humor of the following pr.mary school.
ma •10.4 Stu!) Maggie cause tato sobo..l .f
ter recess 'receotI%, ebu•tug vagorousl),"
she beers. 1 thought that prbap..he was
ioupu.p an apple or • ^..e of ands, so 1
did cot av any, him, to I,er I happened to
look in desire • d•rrcre u about ball •n
bout afterwards and oat:eot that the mac
tarsuag oro. ea was Sotog on as hard as
ever. Of a..rse, 1 unieeautoby jumped to
the conclusion that .he w.. alewing that
children • del•ght esd tasebon' horror
-gum. 1:alled Maggie up to my desk sad
accused her of chewing gum See denied
it at once. She 'tot ped cbewl,.g, but had
no time to remote the gum, for 1 treacle i
b. r closely as she cane desk to any
from her pear. 1 talked railer •sharp
ly to bar, sod .he @Doily broke down and
ea.meooed to etc •'I we. , my mindingdelf Katie u
Jones, .h..ohb.J."--Portt.ed
Perltape past in years, flat la ea :M-
Walla is not good, yet you hard-
ly ►ouw what is Lite matter with qua
Your bus...,.., too, is ou the decline.
People meas the old elastic spirit you
showed to former years. The secret of
all this is that your constitution is
worn out and your blood is bad. Bet
both right by the nee of Chase's Kid-
asy-firer Pfila Os. boz will can you
A t manta peculiar to women
E.erratl. .
Floor blood.
I od a gest: on.
Laver complaint
of •ppeeita
ever. of
Thousands of sufferers have 1s11i��
testified to the efficacy o1 Ckase'e 1Cid-
ssy-Liver Pilin Th.y are the best, ea
tam the best. One t•i;l a does, oas
cent a dome ; 35 cent. a box.
For sale by all dealers. or bythe
nanp'aeterers. Edmansoa, Bates Co..
Dee Chase's Limed and Turpentine for
all throat and lens troubles. Large
bottle, small dose, small prise, 25e.
Mart.Aene. Tare.Jebe. Ilelesse
Pala. frurdsf Palau..
Pala In the tilde, ear.
reatetty 1cyr..d and rete.' , r
The "D. & L."
Menthol Plaster
trine[ e,.•a year D. t L. Wombat r•.• .•^ • tab r tee yak at
••••wr.lsadr• .i w•..e••e. ran r
m,.r1 a Lw..e'r ytir_. met. tad L
new tee.
Cutting rices
represent the acne of
progress in Match-
No sulphur --
no smell -certainty
of a light.
All well appointed Grocery
Stores keep
Tb. aspalesde Maks bin
mItly, shwa b 4.. .seeM'3
Over W par sank of Amuses es twuM im-
se.s teem Gamy.bee sheet pears &iso,Wane but a�1�i
alio Mea spyp wool el tap =en
" de as. serer hs the Weed er r
Ma Mimeo of • bed*, Ihriag toy, maw
id same et them blew slosh` S. my, the
wUg.d 3 Dr. Ewe. Ocher neawne eV
nese shut beet maim le mar the Ilea
ewe ami Maury r Aysr. Shea•
-not cutting our nose off to', spite
our facer -nowadays is what we a
doing. to snake room for the lar'
stock of Spring Goods that will
soon he to. hand. Although e'le
prices in Suitt and Overcoats w
be shattered, the same high levels
of Quality and W(.rkmanship will
be maintained!.
As usual at this season of thz
year, we are offering our eat:
stock of Trousers to order for
$3.50 anti 14.00.
ltah e. • .r-• fin rasa, o•rriegin-t)♦,
Teas, let es imp- oak
Toe. u....arety r- '1'wwld met
Erosible for aet►1ag We .ball bo
out. w • wars.
be 1hil
t brows
Iroak Up a Cold in Time
sr uatreo
TI.. Quick ('ere par t
1 OLlrn, rattier. RtrY-
1 UIT1*, 1N►AligE.N IMI, eta•.
Att. Nevem;
f • e:% Sorasrsa Ave., Torero. wires
.•1'rr-Traital W ver . s
Wall r••••4 en r • --Ieerr b
oo wail
e astail0100 �'s'� av w5 61041. aW
tr t,••t.aa cease w taenia.•..,
H. 0. As..ot .,
.4 t Tale Kocher, N.A . par fees
Its • ..r. tai ..a... 7...,
t►. t..t 0.484, wadi, ram 1 ti.... -y ca.
I.. -.,..r, will r.., r ut•or -
l.rae Nona., sa eta.
Prop -tore Yulte.wt. 1
Driving Nails
and (Laving bargains aro • cuod deal
•1tke, no. wane to know where t . stele.
We are gems great bargains. la
CR111w'M-CUT Stns, Acts, I''It.Es and
Our prices are &ws v dews.
Noted for good good.•
Obtained, .al all business In the L•. N. Patent
O4Ooe attended to at MODRRATP J^RRA.
(lar oaBoe leerate the U. H. Patent ot-
sce, and w t tan obtain Patents la lees tame
bap those -emote from W,4Rst1NOTON.
vise as to patentability fres of cit
we make NO (WAROR tTNLF.Y8 R'1!' and
We refer, hero, to the Poatmaater. the Sept
of Money Order Div., and to °Metals of the
" V. Poem (kilos. For circular, advice
-rate and referenda to actual ideate la your
rem State or (:Aunty writes*
r • swiw a re.,
Omwade Patent Otece.Wa.hlagt,n. D C,
8wcee,.o►to ('Austad t ktack•1
lleaufsetnrer of all Iced. of
Illo•ke Stacks, Salt Pats, Sheet Iron
Wor's, etc., etc.,
AN Dealer 1. -
Ewgines, Machinery Castings, kc.
A11 sira. of Pipes sad Pori Fitting..
Steam and Water (rosea, (;lobe Valves.
Cheek Valves, iuso,r•toes, Rioters and In -
Meters ('oat.ntly oo Hand at Loam
Coal & Wood Yard Prices.
A spousal line of Steel alter and Hog
Troughs for as. of farmers sad .then.
The und'raigned hegs to inform
the public that he keeps on hand
all grades of
Repairing promptly waded to
L !k vafTrr4L.
oily P. 0. lett IA, (1od.Heh. oaf.
W. ks-0 tees •. ,?. R 1tt&tles. Medera4
t4sw b1 atwtew glees to
OUT and
all and get prices and see samples
It wood
Odes and yard, NELSON -ST.,
slot seals arm. MAIM
Weak 7.2ordiell!giskiprois herd
see p,.. te resolve sada psi sew
semen a end ..d wesd.
sed eat
at vitae..ed by . careful
h revere ttewoperwl.frnrertofofd'8. l
Mie gas or.pnrttrs al .41 «JM.A
=pad bas provided for oar t'ta•ktst asd my -
gain• delicately 11•s beverage wa{.k s�
sawn ee roans �wy Mom' kills, It WIZ
aNikilemiM tw�en uawarTe(r �ivory fanteles et Mole lwsaw�tparew�.�.
-- - - a! t Ws k a=w aarMeaq
o0 web
Ma•.• PNn't/ frwssa
�1s' beteg war w toils.
e~ab I• er1Ml•.bp breve a t.Mtst lbws
JANINA WIN en L. ..ase.