HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-2-20, Page 6Pr
I,, x 1' .iter.
Results Astonish
Statement of a Well Known Doctor
" Ayer's Sarsaparilla is without sa equal
as a blood -purifier and Spring medicine, sad
cannot have praise enough. I hare watched
its effects In chronic cases, where other
treatment was of no avail, an,1 have been
astonished at the resutta. No .other blood
medicine that i have ever used, and I have
tried them all. Is so thorough In its action,
and effects so mapy permanent ewes as
Ayer's Sarsaparilla." -Dr. H. T. le*aalt.tt
Augusta. Me.
Ryer's Sarsaparilla
Admitted at the World's lair.
.4 .r'a Pills for Hew Sad besrefa.
Larks railer.
WI MITA, Ksn t' R. Mol)•,.ald, th.
editor of The tlatord R•.„" r, • lir le o„u°
try paper in Sumn.rs county, ham started foo
Parts, Ft -mice, on the IIvttetton of a Re-
sign uouu' scab° t .rutly lust her bnsh.n
and wishes to .herr her tortoise with M
Melt -malt, who 1• her cocoon. The costa,
or question war s M' SI,•Ir,.oela,
shopgtrl m. Chiu.•o at the time of th
World"• Far. A Rosman oo°nt fell to lot.
iW mad married h.•.. She sent DdcU,u.t,
, cheek for =1,500 to pay his way 1.
, tread ■l.,.
Sir Andrew Agnea, th. last, of the het..l•
itary sheriffs of I/allowev, was long pest. r
ed by en tmpu•t.n .ort of person whom h.
oomld not get rid ••t Finally, however, !.•
dropped off, and Sir Andrew was asked how
he had managed it.
"Oh, emu be, "1 gave him • hroati
hint -
"A broad hint' ret wood the inquirer. 'I
thought he Wm vile ..1 I hose who never ooul
be itduced to'ak. one.-
ne.'m. wul, wid Sir A,drew, "he wit
obleeged to tat,' it. For r the caul le mn.
grog not at the door, i lust threw him 0o
ot the window
Thr Largest Yam11v.• harem.
la the Harlem manuscript, numb,
seveutt eight and nine hundred and eighty,
in the Iibr•ry of the British Museum, men-
tion is made ot 'he moot extraordlrlar.
family that has ever been known in tis
world • hatoey. The parties were a Scot, -
weaver and his wife (not wives. who we,.
the (tether and mother of sixty two.h•l
The majority of the off prina of this pro
Itis noir were boys (exa.aly how many o+
each eel is not know! 6, for the record me.,
tine, the fact that forty -•,x of the mal
children lived to reach m,nhon.. .ot...,
shad one four of the daughters lived to be
rodeo up wom.•e Thirty °toe of the • .tit
were sill ugn,g .n the year 1b30,•he s•.1 ,
icy of them • h• -nettling 1n and about ..Nee
castle ton -1' ' •. It is reonrded so ooe ,n
the of . 66 ivories of Newcastle that " • uer-
tyea gentleman of laces *stares" rod.
thirty.a.. thte. miles beyond :he Tyne t•
prove flat, wonderful story." It is torthe,
related t ha' Sar J Rowers adopted 'to •.f
the sone, and three other '•I.eded gentle.
men" tea k ten each The r.mati.ng men. -
hen of this exIreordt.•ry family were
brought up be the parents '•L r•..
gentlemen' are not now so fond of n••I'eot-
ion boys; .11 that. time is required for "ol.
locum; r..nte
urate tsps .f Water.
'Their oout,nu.l dropping affords ao •+-
fel method ..f pun'el.•neet. rho cnmine to
the Grand Iwtught of the Trow taro Vamde-
vtllrs, h..,/.d • y M.ndow, UN /arouses*
TAW a rhe world, oalia to mind as eco n•
10111111 made lay.'n him arms years alto on VI -
nuns, A0.tna He was miring ,g a oaf.
talktag with a aamtsr of nm loot. when 4.
omvwreat.aa Ironed upon ph,.wet e.,.lu
moa awl the •1.11• Tot modes to p.°r.hmrnt
im volae amens 16. pa/gm people. 0,...f
the Chimera melee of puosh.neut, especial
ly vibes a 14,811.104111441 a 4•414 4,1 from a ern.
Sol. .s to pl..•. ham ..n.r. • Ir.p .f .v. e
wt111.11 spot, "se certain spit n hw.h•. es
crow■ for boars awl deye, if a.emsary le., w
M hats tees a••b 1. withstand th1 • • fat
@WM.- The biter• it lad ,•'. is proven r
an expert.••Let of 4*teloe 1) • of the ...n-
ames os.rad to het him th.1 M would n 1
M able t.. 1 t a 66.1( -blies of water dr..p
MS band a.' 11 16a .werae•rs sass ,xhs.t^.•d.
e assisa 1 melte t at the vary idea of his tin,
Laing Bbl. to de this, so . hall -litre ewevnre
was pr'.4on..t and • bola drtl'.4 in ibn led,.
tom asA• stly Leas to Lt '••• water etespe
a by Mew The szparitment h.R..,t6ere
tie me.y wattle* taco', hat Y.a4o • lean
(1jMid soar MA gaily at Bret, ...4 the sad
bq•.ree.• 01 the alamhee of drop. A
at sue I#• LOO 66, M..ins• grow . I,ule me e
Algae, we se 'speedster) of palm crowd
lett pas, Wo.a lb- antr•see 1.•-4 Ow Nor.l
`ps1%••4116, hie bead homes to •w-11 sad
rem ted,'6se'6. .k.a hent Tha jp••ti
mar•. •. 1 rw0re er.tr*••r/.4 a.s'l il..l-
9 w ,w. . w 4Mt deep
Meadow.brad live■.
art slake
peel the b . hat his Mad was awe ear sew -
Mod `oar sMissiea• A half Mae* lb ebeml
apia 4martetsu t• we. eas•sa-a
Mr /arsine ewite ed to •ess,4 or. moire
ow." me.. 14w.rd ate .. Weald
aim *plow or. Illa,,.s.
HR KIGP AI. ':t)i)RRICH, ONT., THi1R8IDAY. FEB. 20 1896
inW ! WE8
Ns* York, Feb. It- Yr. Ballard
Smith tablet. from 1.ost.on to Thr
World : " Truwth) Haa.y's letter to
Mr Sexton. onering Ium ..a apparent-
ly Ioyul dint unqualttkv1 s..plamrt should
he a°.ri,t th obairmat...hlp of the
Irish part) has t;reatted a alttlatlem
o! t•..nsid.•rwb►r perylealt. among 11e
nae-a,bera r'rreal leading members air
tht i.i.j'rlt) have a1ta111 premised lir.
& alon to reconsider his i.•tusal. but 1
1:, ., w Ith NHL. purism. of suoc es.
Thr letter of r -$weal whlco Mr /triton
hat.ded to the chits( whip of the part,.
on mdond.ay has not yet be. n publtrlted
It is maid that Its terms are runt that
even Mr. Healy's awurante" of support
wtuld nut enable Mr. Sexton to with-
draw his refusal.
" Thy member., of the Irish party al-
•) hrl that Mr H•'aly has tirade a very
admit mot•.. one which will materially
sir, na;then hitt i...i.Itlon in .opposing
M, INllon'.' election, whlr•h Is Inevi-
table unless Mr Sexton .•ou.rnta at
the eleventh hour. Even In the event
of Mr. Utllon's el.-ctlon t•hert. is no ex-
pec-taUon that Mr, H.•aly will opeaiy
r. volt. H. has not yet .1 aided whe-
ther he w111 resist Mr. ft111,M's nomin-
ation by ehnply registering a negative
tote. .rr by pr"t'u..ng the name of an-
ott.er .s.ndldate as an ano•rtdment. hair
Thomas. i•:.+mi.nk• has been approached
by the H.•atyite•m to lo•rtnit tib nomina-
tion In '•t'fw sitlon to Mr. 1'Ilion. but, it
IP .1.6.1, has •lot •tln,'4
11 'e reported that Healy may pro-
1•'se r:dward Blake. who In now on hie
t:ay frown Nees Zealand, and who. K
he re.. would not a"crpt the newnina-
ticr,---at any route. not against Mr. Dil-
,era it I. MEG ,t1,
The Salesian tear ties Seg.. M growl
ever tht 1.dep.edeare Taut.
New York. Feb. 111.-A special cable-
gram from St.i'eIersburg to The Her-
ald says: "There Is a growing convic-
tion herr that Bulgaria must recognize
Russia's supreme sway. The Novotl
says: "M. Naches:Its, tb,' Bulgarian
Foreign Minister, talked of the Inde-
pendence of Bulgaria. but Bulgaria Is
a vassal. In two degrees-hrwt, toward
Turkey; and, second. toward the pow-
ers of Europe, who awiantend her
existence. Under these. conditions all
talk about ladtpcndence is only empty
words. Bulgaria should understand
that mute of the Balkan States at once
received its independence. Bulgaria.
according to M. i ankofr, now leaves
the sphere of external politica."
Thr NOror Kremya says: "We have
now to see that Bulgaria does not be-
come a Menace to the peace of Eu-
rope with her desire for a Macedonian
Tal tat ion.''
The \'Iedomostl solemnly warns Rus-
sia that Bulgaria must not be trust -
e d. for she will be discontented that
Bulimia does not assist her in the Ma-
cedonian agitation. "Russia." It addl.
"will not allow Bulgaria to interfere
with the rilchts of Turkey or (Treece
and create an agitation somewhat like
the Armenian one. lust to suit Eng-
land. Russia has much graver politi-
cal duties In full might."
A Herald special from Phlllppopoll.
says: "The Sultan of Turkey la dis-
posed to recognize the independence
of Bulgaria in return for a lump sum
(tf money pakl down. The recognition
of Prince Ferdinand Is now certain."
■R. tae:EVw sl"w fe%t.
■ Will Mse.rd Ala formal Rrllpea Ireee
■a.INh• nra..ls.
Winnipeg. Feb. 1 i. -Ir ie. -teamed from a
trustworthy tour. -e that l'r.•tnl. r 5;reennay
will In a few day, Emile another clever
move, ealeulated to strengthen himself mod
kis importers throughout the ltotulnl.o .w
the school questionone of the strongest ob-
yee•tlons to the present ".1.001 law Is the pr.,
vision for normal religions exen•Mc., bbl• h
are held by opponents id' the law to be
Pr',t.elsnt. If this were removed. n-h..ots
would be thoroughly sr.•n' •• .old mo. 1. •r
the Romeo • athollc gr.•'au..• w..uhl
moved. $o much. at any rate. that Were
n.vrt warmly be any est -use for rem, -.fiat
legb'Iatloo by the Federal Parliament. It
u hinted, too. that an under.taoding has
been arrived at between 'Ir t.reenwsy and
lila polities! friends Im the oast t., mate
such atn.ndmeut mod thus ensure the defeat
of the remedial bill now before the Hou'o
of Comuwue. The first practical step In
this direction was made on Saturday, whra
the Advisory Beard of the 1.e•p.rtment of
Best fur
Wash Day
For quic%, and •acv w.,rk
Fur ciot:ion, swectc.t
and eiiitrst clothes
Supine Is lest
w c rlaaista•st 1)o.ld'111 Yule. !! I ll's to clammy
uu of Biligh1 . L)iee, , I>.L •hes. Lumbago.
'r „per. Rkrwwats•la. Heart Diem-. PAW,
utiles lamp re Ptle d-cr a ,t0ty rthinned.
.11 be. .11 eM al , M etedlctator by Trail e•
rept of ors, a rtt Par boa, our ties hoses Sam
UP ... A. SMITH • CO.- Toronto.
PRICE 2s crs.TscDODlS Pettatia
Hello !
Best for
EVerY Dar
Fc. every we Al the
Lou- esur.It :se '.•Loki e
haat auto vin4;14er
sae r pW •sag.
Tie old Reliable
Still oil Dect.
the Cheapest Coal ever sold tin this market.
Ml Coal weighed no the Market Scales,
•e dial you're enr. von Ret Tour weight.
Orders left at HARPER dr LEE'S
promptly attended to.
iv maw
If you want the best that is going
in Flour and Feed and Groceries at
the best rates for your pocket, call at
my store on the Square, near Colborne
The goods are of the best and the
prices are right.
teetattw toot the t ,lin r art, at r eeeelsl Cie gg sale
ltdurati and almost atter u omaly rreuuel v
mended the ebonite. The only opponent of
the proposal was the Archt.10op of 11.,- or
pert'• Land, the bead of the tplor,p
ure6 Although 4
n,gb the Ar.-hlhop'a '+plme+-
eltlo.! I• a e.o.m. matter. It Is not thought
the Advisory It.srd *111 he deterred from
making au ores -lel report to the t;ove•rle
meat In favor of doing ■way with ail re-
Ilgious earn Ise, lis s.ho.weoar this re-
eoww.•n,laslou Mr. 'renoway will take ac-
tion at the present session of the Manitoba
Legislature. The Advisory Itierd Is com-
posed of repree.utative•s of utarly all the
irMrstaut ehurche.. With ibis amend -
meat It Is .-Llm.d there can 1h• no opp,n•
Oats of the Manitoba *•hoot law except the
ammo Catboat: clergy.
Nit vtl1/-.111111tYS, titres.
/mower to the 16.6/0* tepr'N.g Tbaate
for $raglerq 1x10.4.4 Is Ow
14.1111nn, Feb. It. -A me.dage from
the Vurrn to the nation was Issued this
evening. In It Her Maie•aty expremas
her thanks for the sympathy extended
to her on the ....ma'am of the death
of her son -In-law, Trine• Henry of
Hatl,.nbe•tt, and ways: "Th.s new sor-
row Is overwhelming 1 I'.wr a dear,
loved and helm di son. whore pr'wenee
VMS like a brlgbt sunloam In my
hewn, and my daughter l....se a noble
and. dev,4ed husband. to worms .he
wax milted by tit choir af..rllona'
•/100•1/' e1' r 1., t/ettLe.
hn'y tin- r.'. 3,,daat nee., 1•, tby.et•Ia
1••^'' ''r• . •r. Bt1U.1, r -side .t la Keypf.
salt. .1.1 L,.n.low In y.•II.
ye.ltt l,' lag t.out it:. the tl...r-
It.•n•Ier..•u of 5Ib.p.. Is for 1.16, .er', 1..1
I he I.,16114111•8 arm of )Ise•t.11lae A '
lis • been tuned tato a (baled liability
A hole ar Mo,.e In t4.1... .,..noon. waif
were tilled
burned ).eder.I,y, w h. n eight persons
Cardinal Itetnlll relebrs,M pontifical high
ma.. In It. teals Cathedral. N.11 1)r1.414a,
Twenty four ('nhsnIltk•al pelsoa.n ta
cshssss were shot 0* �ed..sday (tomes
end Liston are bath la Hawses prowler..
The Prince of Wel..' clatter Ms 'rhea-
s* will mut take part to •■J rept% Ibis
'•Beene swine to the death .f Prise, Seery,.
commodore Melville, wbo M thew h Pk11.•
*plows. rya It le ImpeWbN ,bat Mase.
eon d lav• struck the worth pain .m
lines porseed
Ts. R,pahllt of Hawaii bee frosted t6.I
er tines.* so slaroot usimedItI**sf paroles
for Nr psrtlrlpell•g M t►. •prlMag .f
J•■..rya hats
" Zlmmy. tisq arrived at Ma
insteriw r..,. .7 rico Asebbsfts. a.
ears M r a...deedfs' •. .tier et MM •
*2166 N rMr 1s urea
Q.r►e w 111 am.. se mates (a the
er rrarunt, OM t'.b di pet .,dBW
It" w 104 t/us1aR tJt• ogassor pet
val noel.
30 D.gYB
Farmers' pr .duce taken in exchange.
oar. Meatrwal street mid tktuare.
Great Bargains
Owing is tag great redaction we made
is our prise* in the fall of '95 our
saw dampened of nearly as hat ad we
weld drain Having, then, a well to
do feeling, and tleairing t . please my
en -tomes* still more ; mien in consider
esti . of the fact that maty people at
this time of the ye.r, find it difficult
to procure clothing owing to hard
times, I wish to announce to my coin
omen and the grnard�public, that
we have
dill more. This cheap sole will non
tins* till the first of March, by which
,hie vat expect to clear oat all that is
left MI our early mark stock.
The Shoe
that's envied!
A good shoe is a good friend -to the man who
wears it -to the dealer who sells it. But a good shoe
Is a bad enemy to the dealer who can't get the
right; to sell it, and cares not tell his customers so. We are
sole:local agents for The Slater Shoe, which is the best shoe for
men that we know of.
We are the only firm in this city which can buy these shoes
wholesale, and' with the knowledge and consent of the makers.
Other, shoemen want them so badly that they get their friends to
purchase from us, "on the quiet," a f. w individual pairs, at full re-
tail price in order to put them in their windows for show. But
these firms can't buy the Genuine Slater Shoes to sell again -
they buy them to keep them and talk against them. We buy
ours wholesale from the manufacturers,. so we can afford to sell
them retail. We keep every Rise, width and shape in stock, ro that
we can fit any man, no matter what kind of feet he is addicted to.
Ours are The Genuine "SLATER SHOES," stamped on the
sale $3, $4, $5 per pair.
Now don't you think it must be a pretty good shoe that's
envied like this ?
Perhaps you should see these shoes that shoemen want so
badly. We are the only people who have the Right to show them
to you.
Cor. Bast-st and Square, Goderich.
• sa
Special at Munro'S.
A WINTER 8UIT I Honey Comb Shawls, Scotch Plaid Shoulder Shawls,
of First-el.'9 ke, Long Shawl in Black and Colors.
Good Material and
I -test Styles,
-('A1L UPON -
The weer -a, natio*
sees se Emma of Il.sbw.i
Buchaiiaiis & Rhlyflas
Duelers la W kinds et
sad builder'.,slatertel et every de.orlpttm
School Furniture a SDecialt,.
t stronise
7201 meat ►M to
Atf �, a
• on,,,d .s amwW with tab meid geir
narg asaaaampi as 11101•••• tartattflat sea Is
Mservw•1 liolleflemo.
in sow
tN at every psoas who
HA M iLTONFr. il •-M w +s' .74=
Pori. ,ms.esttttg sale 4. aa/ isb /y
Pawn tembe As ass, s nein ' i1 talrfs.1•sta eonor
...... dalls � me bit
1* Mod
`�I �/• 1 NNW a►• ai...i:..i�iea.slw nisi
see rag
Double and Sangt
1-1081E RY
Fine Cashmere Plain and Fancy Ribbed, from Infants to iadjes sine.
Boys and Girls Heavy makes, warm and durable.
Ladies' and Children's Underwear in all the leading makes.
Man's and Boys' Shirts and Drawers from 20 to 44 inches.
Just to hand, full liner of Men's Merino and Heavy Socks
New shades in Cheap Silks tor Fancy Work.
Pure $ilk Handkerchiefs from 5c. to $1.25.
Draper and Haberda;b.e,
This new blend of tea for family
use is now on sale at our store. .
have also the finest in
and keep on hand full lines of best Family
Groceries, and the moat reliable in Dairy
Produce, Seasonable Fruits and Vegetables,
The Groom", ea the Square.
- - - NOTICE. -
Proprietor of the
Will please call on him and pay up.
He want. clean balaaoed books to o.mmenee the year's operations
SHORT CREDITS AND LOW PRICE$ will be oar motto this yam'.
bioribe for till SIU11Lr $1.00 a Isar II Braes.