HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-2-20, Page 5Mb Ik. ty. for 66, rth info- )n. 0111 B. It 11111 dd iw ear• Vold No ch. Ira. Imo I.- Ih'e of beg ter- sod g-t114t4 IL f3:£;Ls ;_ LI LSP TAE ATONAL : ()MIMICS. MT,, TRRTUDAT flB. 20, Illi. 5 W. ACHESON & SON. FEBRUARY BARGAINS. Best Dutch Indigo Blue Heavy Prints 12 1-2 c. a yd., worth I6c. Fine Satin Check Muslins 10 c., the 12 - c. quality. Lansdale Cambries, 36in. wide, 12 I -2c worth 16c. White Cotton, American Fine Brand, 36in, at IOc., worth 14c. Best American Peaperel Bleached Twilled Sheeting, 72in. wide, 29c worth 35. INSPEOTION INVITED. SEND FOR OR SEE SAMPLES. W. ACHESON & SON, IMP(►RTERS OF HIGH CLASS GOODS. WILMER SMITH, UNDERTAKER, C30DH1JEtI0H, ON i _ Jo snaking I$p.rtme.t 15 ottarw of our Mr J. K. rfseiprove practi eat rimer& INreoter and embalm -r. t a110 prwmMly ssM.ded tin, magas or day. MARRIED. FURRY 4IRA W - LkX 41 she reddest* of parer s. Rowse'. Uoderl•b1en Feb. lats. by Rev Mark Turobu 1. delj. T. �tyg� Sb.. Virgin)•. Nevada. S W J.a•ie,.la- e.t dams/titer of Was Lee. DIED- RORTsIt-1. (loderieb. Thursday. Jas.7Nb ales. 'sly dauetbter of Mr. sad Mrs (leo. Pbreer. aged s year.. ME TALK OF THE TOWN. ?holm the Reporter's Notebook Y te.'ve a U.1• la a• Ter 1Dee•.. 1 rote We mat Mr . maw. Am.ag To Token' Ilene.. an' Naar fIM U veiled 10.--sn,sr. II•tlowe the Artist has bees terming out seemsaceedieg .Felty photos 1.1.1,. le fact. se pretty are r nest productions of be camee• that they are everywhere knows es gems of alt. Many people •av• been expecting war in but w far the asthma that tried to up est t Moth*, Mod have shrews to their .lathe.. Hers we may m..tloe that had W.J. PTldbu .lo'hes them they might have abreak en their boots, but in coat vat or pante -sever Tse CooNT% Arsl1vu --Israel Taylor, ( Cltete°, and J.C. Morrison, of McKillop, the oouaty auditor+, eommeooed the &usual mdn of the county aoaeusts oo Monday. Ha Hatt STAaraD The a.s"s.sr started en his round* of runts last Frady. From eery oo for • few weeks many dogs will be erilh.11 owners, and In some 'totems. eat - male with decaying teeth will he shown as pupil just teethtag. Uw Tim 12 bur )4 ARAM -The Y. P S.C. 3. of Knox church intend pose a Grand Org•. R •ental, Harold Jarvis, the famous Moor soloist, and G. Arthur Dop.w, Y. B., arises' of the Fleet Presbyterian church, ileeroit. are i.elne moored. Onrrca Sorra -The member. of Court G,deriuh No. 32, 1; 0 F., will enj y •. oyster .upper on the evening of Thursday, the 27‘b inst. Tits festival w111 be held in the Temperance Hall. mid an a strong onm- mittee has boo •Fpouted to maks arrange manta, the •o.etiog should be • pleasant MOS iT In i&Rt;sa, --Last week inn SD:NAI. cowed from the Broth paper • statement that a jewelled' of that village bad put to a regulator mwuriog 7 feet, the largest is the musty. Humber A Sen my them the regslator 10 their store r 7 feet 8 isobes,and therefore cannot understand bow the Riytb e.e can he the longest, FOR lhi.w. On Tuesday alteration, Mayor Sh..sos, ooamlllore Campion and Ni.holsos and A. MoD Allies, the delega- tion appointed et lees emoting of the mare oil. left for Ottawa. The duty imposed ea them gentles.ee into neoprene ea the ?abbe Works department the n.oemity of repairs and improvements at the harbor, and other important matters. INt!TA1.1.ATlow.-At the l.at regular meet - tag of Oodsriob Coasted No. 167 ('wades Order of Chime Friends, Peet Chief Cone- mlbr Jos.tar Reek Metalled the followia4 etlfi.sr, for the cermet term : C.C., W. A. Rees ; V.C.. W. H. Reith ; Ree., H W. Rall ; Trema , A. Farrow ; Marshall, W. I. arowe ; Warden, W. McClurs Peet Ceen- oilier Joseph Reek wee sleeted to represent No. 1b7 .t the Marek lust1.1 of Ike Grand ('4141111m1 is Tomato. MsreoDt., Awwtvaw.Aay.- Keel Kent PWedealer : Amly.reary nervier were prwebed hen (Ridretow.) I..t Seaday by Rev. Jen. Edge, ef Uedortok. They were .arnesf, helpful, eloquent and aeriptursl. 0. Woodsy mentos • spledld ten was eery. .d te . va.t threeg in the basement Aft.. Ma the program was eenths.1 1. mho audi- os.. room. After npmeing with meso amid prayer Yr. E Matey ei The Pktiadenler Web Merge, The Meir, reief...d by Oath Reassess with h. /Mk • tag lovely. W. iL Gundy ...g • •e'to ani tow eewr.d, be• aid sot r...ad. Res. Mr &tett gave • wry bort, .ed herr" address iebe ted by • dstN by Mere Osdy and flesh@•. whish car well rseamsd. Roe. Mr. flirt ,then lees -led sea kap • lamIlide god S. quest plea for oberahee, ubewi.R. their vent utility in so many dietitians. Qs speech was • model platforms Wert. Rev. Mr. ' 11er proposed, ee000dd by Mr. Jolt, • vote • of th&uke to the Iodise. the speakers, the . •lagers and tine chairman. Tun B* i 1111-oior. Tomorrow, Friday •ve.ioe, there will be as entertainment in Katt church under the auspices of the Mu. eine Bead. The program will include music - a1 -.d literary sel•oti•.•, but whop. the moot prominent feature will be the numbers in which the )union aloe* will appear. As the president has spent considerable titre in preparing the little noes for their respective parts, the forthcoming entertainment should be the memos of the @won. ♦ CaldwauT,ON. -Am will be mesa by the Targe advertisement oa page 8, R B. South t Co. will eslebrat• the annivereery of Ike re-establishment of the well known busies.. ny • Review day and • A Big Sale. Com- ma/wing today. the firm will oiler bargain. o all Ito. bat makes sp.ciel rates at 25, 26, 15, 10, 71, 5 sad 21 costa, that ars earthy the inspection of all lovers of °aromas. R L Smith A Co. oleo offer Fromm. at figures that must clause a /OD crani rush to the store of that Fellable Arm. ass Wtttt.y Jwoar. bo I rid•y the (,odertcb Gun Club met on tbe.r ranee, and head . match by sides. A. B. Davison and Il. Penhmn.ftos, being the captems. The losing side was to pay the expense, 0000sgoently the last named four bed to pay up. NAME 100 yds. 301 yds. Total 1.11 Devises* 7 1010 11-43 10 5 1 0 7- n M W Rumen 3 1 6 7 6- 331 6 10 4 7 S 33 /i F. Pretty a 0 4 9 N- c0 1 1111 $ 6 1 - 19 60 D Marwick 31 3 09-t3 0 • • • 0- u 1:1 TOTAL .. O 1'sesiagton9 ; 7 10 •-4l • t 4 I W- 13 50 k.K.tP•teoa ) 2 9 3 9-3/ • 7. 7 4-27 61 J. Newcombe; N 6 106--30 • / • • 9 21 5e J. Andrews ti ( 3 4 0-4g 1 $ • • t. 11 04 TOTA1 GODsaiva Cwai*ru. ENDEAVOR Locoi. UNION Topics of the several young peoples societies to be held dnriag the next week Knot Cbureh ".P.Y.C.E., Tuesday eves - tag at 8 u clock. Toro to Feh. 25 5, Whet faith can do for u..' H+b. xi, 1 10; til. 1 2. Leader Moe Jerrie Adams. North -•t Methodist church K L of ( F, , Friday evenness at 7 30 n clwk Feb. 21.t. Spatial revival services in per grass which end be especially co.ducmd on behalf of the young people. leader, Rev. J..epn Edge. l.eshure Presbyterian Church. Tope for Feb 25, "What faith can d• for ma. -- Lend• m. Jobe Lawson Psion Prwhyt r,m Church 1(;ed.rieh Tp -1 Top.. tor Feb. 23, "" I.oyal y to our Church. - leader, Ray. James Hemllion. Tut. WIN AusiN.- Oa Monday eversion ibe I.oderloh hock.. team played a mateb with the Kincardine glob in the (:odertcb rink. Play oommen.ed ohout 8 P. v , and the foo began At Beet the play was of • rather meld form, bat as the players warmed to their work they glided over the tom at • Worth °speed. often rrfneiag against an opponent with • force that put arm oft hie underrate/Wilma. The anal coo stshowed tioderieb 2, Kincardine 1, the (ollowies( be - Mg the player. - *I$f AaDINm UUDRRi.'a H. MuKsezie goal. H J. 1) Cooke A. Richards point. Fid. Maloo.eoa G. Carrick Dover poet Davie Therapies 0. Jewelers Angles Mellor .1. 13 Watson I forward@ Alex Mciver B Moller ( Jas. Mele•od C. W . Y.t(' W. Wi .tame. • 9eenrl utky A ('HARYINn: Kvswrn..-(Jn Saturday eventing Victoria Hall was crowded with Wm paresis •.d friends of Mise Fisher's ohm. There was no charge, the instruct rens having engaged the hall sad alenmed all the ohargss oenneoted with the eater tahm..t The lady bas four elegem seder tatruttion i. .leoutieo, phyecal culture and eali.tbseice, said the eherming inmost is whish the various so.... and Interludes were illas'rated was exesedingly erediteole to instructress etre pupils. There were tour isterled.e, "The Grecian Reed,' and "The M empien of Her Set,- both of whish war. .t•rsetagly placed en the stage. The rams - bore ef the ideas • bo r.pe.eested the "hat - briers in the awn oem•dtes perforated their parts with eeseN•r.ble ability, their gee- tfnslati.s.A•seY•s and deportment .hewing that the short term el iestreetics bed bees filly averse**. 0. far as the .adie« woe een•erse4 tllwe wen ua.imtity in the applause throughout, is fast, .11 proses' were delighted with the *mast eves*, sad the Madsen .1 the lsemes. The shah. m••. R. West. el the nsil•g*M Malt wee es might be STpeebI, as ea0eae see, 554 Mie $'•alit. Mrs. iL 11. Lars, played the .sees* suetbme with • shanalea owes. domes that "Mamma. Ile welsh* ashy. Rugs. Yens.- The •asea1 ----hr el the Hats'. eterlary Medical A.sstiNiss wee hell in the town hall. (tato.. M FN - 4.y, Feb. 7th, at 1 u olouk. Pres. Dr. Werk, • M. of Goderioh, occupied the "Amis. The weather being favorable chem was a large atteedauco As utsreeueg pa- per a the treatment of open pima, was reed by Ik. Wilson, Y S., of W iegham TIM was followed by • 1•04thy and animist .d desowto.. Other topics of interest to the profession were aloe discussed at some Meath. The elbows eho.en for the current year were as follows : President, 1)r. J. Uolley, V S. of Wisgham; vios-pr.s.. Dr. C►... McGregor, V. S , Coreeteees,irr. J .1. Walker, I...adeebor.•, was :strained is bis former pogrom as s.oretary. Dr Kl okall, of ('liatos, was aim statsed in be position as treasurer. The meet tog •d louroed r• d.e form, to meet to ',Ingham in seat July. Tea Csotut S.. !NTT . (oN. am Thee. who ..lased the Choral Sowell s 0000er1 o. 'Thursday monitor missed the treat of the season, •a the Harmony Uro►setre, Mr. C.I. clam, sad the solos, deetts and trim el the members formed • musical eombtw• ben that would be bard to beat. The over lure and intermerzo, aa rendered by the Harmony Orchestra. receival,and deserv.d• 1y so, the plaudits of all true MUSICIAN/O. and it seems • pity that its talented leader oma sot repeal the numbers of Thursday . pro- gram is the Queen City er 1 &nada • Metro- polis. Were it possible for this 'sleeted uombiwtioe t, appear a our cities, Gods rich, in addition to ice cognomina of the pretty tow.. would halo th.t of Hainan@, City. The choruses, three in oumber,grven by the class that hae been under the tastruc hoe of Mr Cuff, proved that vocal music may to successfully studied in l;odertuh. Ot the choruses, 'The ('bough and Crow, Awake, Love, Awake . and Little Junk Horner, each 1,.1 r i•ne point that wee, per baps, toot musically attractive, but their rendition was so good that their week point•. it any, were buried by the oorreot moo. e. interpretation, Refore leaving the chorus@. we must 000rr•tulate Mr. ('ad oo his soexees as a teacher and the ladies and gentlemen of the Choral Society on tb. musical •btlir y they Displayed on the mon- eon. Mr Cuff sang The 3agliebmaa. and Love s Request, end t I Memory, trio, with Mimes Burrett and ('bilton, and in m:h somber his yocalii tion wee that of • trained mo.ioun. Mien Chilton sew Sweet :September. See the Pale Moo., and () Memory, • too, with Miss Burrs.' and Mr Cuff with proper expression and stoop sweetens. Is the chorus The Cbough and Crow, him F. J. Pndbam, Miss Graham and J. Thomsen, the eolo..ta, added coa- a.dsrabl, to the "mains* pleasure by their .orrect ringing. The Whaler . Yarn, .ole by Joa. Thomson. was, as is usual with that gentleman. exo@edtagly well vocalised. An iastrumestal trio. violin, piano and organ, Mrs. Curzon, Miss Acheson, and Mr. Cuff, showed considerable musical ability, the chording beteg perfect " A Bird From O'er the Yea, • solo by Mrs. F J Pndha.., was as sweet as bird could stag It. MIs. Eva Aoheson s rendering of Rev.gannioi's love song, "The Flower Girl, was a great surprise to ail her friends Siam tier last appearance hers her voice (under a skilful teacher has developed in breadth and pur- ity of Loos and ecuoce.tioo every- word being clear and distinct, the tones pure and sonorous, yet exquisitely shaded and artis- tic. We predict for this young lady • bright future in the musical world. Miss Haile., rendered " B•cao.. 1 Love You charmingly. Sirs. ('urroo, in the duet with Wee Chilton, kept up her musical r.pc•a- 'ion. and Miss Rurritt was pleasingly sweet in, the tris "t) Memory " Noars ANEW. AN Lira Asat-kAN.-g roa- rase. -The 1 report of this oompa.y, which will he found in another part of this payor, is well worth reading by policy hold- ers of the oompany, as also by Oboes inter - mood is the select of life insurance. The figures indicate that the company bas had mother very successful year, and under wale and cooeervative management n bas at- tained 1. the vert front rank of the life in- w erent. companies In Canada. Its record for fifteen years is certainly uoezwlled. The statement shows assets of $2 300,618 18, °mooting of trot class securities, such Y first mortesges. moniotpal d.bentares, we. Darter the past year t5e sum of $231,802 wan added to the reserve fund, which sow amounts to $1,795,822. In addition to this the company spade ample provision for every liability, sad out of its surplus provided • . penial oostine.et feed of 025.000. After taking this exceedingly oesservsrivs warm there remain. • not earplug .f 1405,218 3.5, which in proportion to Ilabhlitiee is stated to .:owed that of any other Canadian company. The popularity of the o.mpany is well evinced by the new busies.. tested during the year, wbioh exceeded $3,000,1100. The mamas e( the eompmy •.d the bib stand tog if ham attained eweog to ita splendid fin- ancial pesiIien,must be exceedingly gratify - .4 te all these interested in the company, and also to those who watts the progress of oar Comedian i.etitati.a. The company bas • well -*weed reputation for the promptness web *hoot it pays its death elates., ea Mee for the highly eatief•ctee• remelts paid te its policy holders soder their matured investment pelmets». As as *wi- dens* .f ibis, it may be msstiee•d that • Webs( Tweet* Obese bee just received from this esmp .y ..der bis ett es year invest meat policy, whisk hes given him i.earesee for the two Named and thee retuned to him the whole of the premi.m* psod with s.speesd interest themes at the rate of sheet 5 per went per annum. ('ermi.ly seek a result as this should satisfy any pelioy bolder amid an donM will &frs.t the MNentien OI ,ltendmg (00015n Se the epeeist home et boomtown' policies Wad by the North American. This 'overbuy bee as Su. sellout Ms( of *stem., ..d the mention el the anew el the pre.idest, Yr. Jets L. II116kl., is h4baMv. of "armful Mill sm. Mood with shrewd s.p.risses is lee ism*. meat esp•rtmeat, while the same el the Maeagleg lirsebr, Mr Wm. Ms(sb, F.L le wfslest "Wawa* **all *et egret. Mew minas esterhi shill ea @tolls toe • Els era9gao• Y balsa wombed in Ile scam•&► IF YOU WANT TO BUY DRY coons a. READY MADE CLOTHING :a 10 PER CENT BELOW COST. We shall be glad to see you and show you the goods anytime during the Month of February. JAS. A. REID, 1 4$h January, 11816. Jordso's Block, Uodsrich FROG IN YOUR Tit BOAT = - 10 CTS. Oar Cherub, HONE\' 001 .7011 CII; F: for .:hil.lr.•u. Efficient, Safe I5.. BLACK CHERRY 00t10H [�ALsAH. Allays irritation, vim/ 1� Lessens Distressing Cough, Produces Foe Expectoration, PROMOTES A CURE. There's nothing like it. Only a quart, r W tavern sin le .W and ser ear sew .acre Our acme I (a.. for one of our c. mbinrd 411116111 osiers OODE. W. C. Almoner and package Ch('1ni,t - - - Albies block.I CookrHook meat of the North An orlon, and an the el - torts made by Mr. %h' .be to gush forward and promote the interesu of the company, be has always 5eea • il, assisted by the enc - story, Mr. L. Goldman, .t I A. P. M. Cn1•10". S tt watt, charged with assaulting two boys named Jones, with a stick of cordwood, was found guilty and Reed $12 00 in.Iudr.g costs The progressive euchre partieawkich have been .o .oc estul, will n'.w *lose until the expiry of the 1.st.n .rase., when they will b. resumed. Dr. Moffat, Toronto will address the con- gregation of North street Methodist (thumb at the forenoon s.rvice and in Koox church at the events/ soreio. nett Sabbath. Business Change. TEE HOTEL BCSINMS ('ARRiED .. by Alrx•oder RebiO.es, at the boners on Hamlltoe et. knows es lbs Colborne Hotel has been purchased by 0130 BC XTON. et Petrol)►, was wW erne ant on the let of March. 07-1k flier Salo. LN)R SALK AT A 1AR041N--2 GOOD F Mg workianaeroes 7 years Nd. in g ga- OOsdetion ; 1 .et double 1Harness . 2 .gaed- hana clattery. at Ous.try • Auctleo R.•seA Godertcb Haled Hay and straw &1w& • • hand i t Lost. I • OOT -OW MON11.A 1 EVENING, e J pair of Kissers without rims le r•! ease. Finder will oblige by movies at 'ewe 31aia1. oats. 57 -It KOOTENAY CURE C. C. C. CAECA RETS FROG" a REMEi)IES ./ rILSQNash u� - - - TERM GQDERICH rOUNDRY Thesubsariber ham .ssame.i rontM of the Uodertcb Vowed y and i• no.. prepared to do all blade of taxing and mar bine work. Spec. IV atteatlen paid to PLOW REPAIRS. HOUSE CASTINGS GRATE BARS. and all reason -•f work turned out by a drst- clam foundry. The personal sureties of the pr pNetor will be Rhea to every Dirt, of work dose on the pnnaiees,md none but bent work asaamklp will 1e turned out from the works. Orden by mall solicited sod promotnem will boa speciality. Foundry le .ear of Henderson Rloyele lose tory, with 'straw." on Cambria -et. Address H. D. REID, Proprietor Goderieb Foundry Know What Yon Chew 5 �C THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT• Seiee1eh Prleee. NODml0lt reh. 1N, 16a. Fall Wheat, laws standard... .. 0 ; . 10 a mu F.11 Wheat midi 000 to 0 OU now. family. gess cwt 2001.2!.. Flour. rel. per cwt .. 4 10 to 2 10 Flour, patent, per owt 2 W to 2 liras, r ton.. 11 00 tot: R)...rte, 0 too L' 00 toll 00 004 12 O0 ton 00 ':ew (At..pbush 021 to02I Poe a bush.. . ............. a /9 to t �'ew Hr y. � ton 13 00 telt 91 (Nd Hay, o _ It 00 toll 00 Pototo.., *Ibtonneb new 0 15 to 0 % )tatter, -., o I0 to 0 17 Lads fresh unpacked• dna.... 0 16 to 0 17 tt'O4d 300 to 301 Hides ' 00 to 300 HheeD Skies «. 0 60 M . M IJ;e11... .�. 3-'0rn370 Urese.d Hoe. l 4'. 'r -5 . Ha•+Os.. 0 6 to (ilIl Ham. per Ib ....................... 0 10 to 0 14 1505* 011h 0 10 to 0 11 4xe.nlas. 0 ton. TO £DVIERTISE RB. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon day noon. Lmtlal Advertisoroente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. Tie t warm 9RA101► TRIM/ RAILWAY. Mixed Mixed a d Express Mall and Express Mall and Ex prase Mo -I end Express ._..• ... Mixed - .. aa1lyE, e.:'0 a.m. 1.11' p.m. 7.40 m. 1.5s p.m. (.56 a.m. I. p.m. 3.41 p. m Jsltuations Vassal. WANTED. -APPLY TO !like (iARROW. (toed wager to tb.- right party . 762* Wanted. ANTED -A (X/PV OF THE Pi i1.1 i 'cal skit pel.Ikbcd i 'e.u' 1x11. entitled "Tbe o.le of Horan.; is wanted at the office of Tug 3n.NAI_ For Sale PIAN(I FOK , \1.F. ITRIGHT. 7 rcta.'e. Fine in.trumce... Addwese Sox 1711. town or enquire of U. M. F:I.I.WTT. 1r000r 53.11. Musks. Mise ANNA L. SHAW, TEACHER of Muer and Tb -ezperienord (MrfOr Elgin and Wellesley Streets. (lode rush Ito 9t R$otlledal ll*oheoo. OMAN WANTED. - TO TAKE y. 05srgr of a sick baby. Good home and t1�/eaHOX to14N. t:oighrt.'rich party• Add53.11.rrea with d Publle Mottoes. Nam.* - THE MILK KOUTRS OF The West Huron Cheer and Rutter Mfg. Co. Il.td.l will be let by auction. on Mos day. Feb 17111, at Nile temege Hall at 1 ooloak. Also whey for the season of Ilio. JNO. TIEPIN. P..... W. JONI*, gearetery. Nile. 0st. Situations Veloaa% `V ANTED - CANVASSERS, MALK AND renAL1. In every township In (Mads. to om the Kreatere weekly newspaper la the The "mils Herald awl Weekly Afar entreat. TA. 1'n.wily II. raid nod Weekly !Alar has been enler'ed to one. hundred and twenty . leo oolums per week. equal to oar hundred large volume11 per ann.im. It I. Improved_ In every department iso onnepiowtsly ea to be talked shoot ail over the ..Heid. A splendid premium plc'nre with the Fhwnllr Hrrnl.l. A *nod ooporunlly for Mnvaesere to rwtahli,h a yearly income. No expert. nor needed. Oen Datura' capoon) for knowing a good thine at sight, Sample copies. etc . ere., free. Address, Ittlritsedtately to secure poultices Paisitig Herald Publish Ing Os.. iubseriptlon Dq.rtme.$, Montreal, Vans*. 1041 Loam 10111101. JUDICIAL BALK OF VALUABLK /ARM Pit0P3RTY 1s the Township o. Ashaeld. 1a 15. Coast' of Hans. Psrso.at to the jadKm- ost of t5. 01gh ('oars ef Justice. IS the Bait et shepherd vs. Murphy. Mere will be offered for sale et Outdo serum. by M. Mak. &.... Sequin.. Mastro at i.ode Melt. 'at John Rnex•. Altotten Mart la the Tows ef Ded.rieb. Is the (1seety of Heron. .. SATURDAY. THE 14th DAY OF MARCH, A.D., IAs, at two o'clock in tb• afternoonthe hlbwitgprop.rty.rh samety e Mouth 13.E 4sarler M Nt mom two. la the Ninth Cen- elmemiles. Weston' i)Iv1 10. of the said Tems. ke, 10 shy 04 N 4ldAsb. eestaiaiaw.Hty semis of land eta la•m. hose•iriiii � 5r W0 = kt ,r toim pes games. � rte pmIOnnslea em be /Oven to • par e 3.0,0.17 will be ash ceWnt to a re serve =Tot ul stew reggaes the ..11110se sill be the peading e.edltrna of the Raab (oust ef lustier. /vthss pertieaWe wUl be mode hewn at the time .f sate mad may be bed from *be weeder'. whetter. i iJead eodWm .r. this o .may m( retreats Gil a DANCSY. IL M.5*.le tgit, I seder • awe _ass. Plu ✓ flee re_ NMI Mierkees ipltl.. TIM Ewe yes ..e e$ R Me ltaee. AIlbe 111. ` ► R. 7't1Cw!TT s OM Oh. Lena RAOMLTOaa. CWT. N HO Lll,TE1) COCHHB ee.i 1 ULLn .Fe oart.laly two of the .muses or . tion, but these are @battered .x111.141 22 W ILL./AMR' t!OUGH MI.\T1.IIE is wed. Blear is naiad th'e 1@ ant es me throws-tegolker mash all stest bat a.c...,tair erep•r•tl.s of uaequallyd o'erl% Verbal tea- uneeanl" maul lag Ina met w lloe are mu; TRY rr 16.. ter bottle. W I LI.I AMS' EMULSION of COD I,IVI':R ()IL, pus and palatable. Mr pglmwnery tr000lee and for debU*lotd 1111l5*- (,`. D. W I LLI A 11 is, (:ofd M.•delw, i bYist Md) Druggist THE PHARMACY' ' . . �•rl. h. Oat. ARK YOU Ltttlh:INU FOR CH RISTMAS PRESENTS? Then tails in theMOM yes should come to .... . . This week we are ehowins'. nice Mae at JAPANESE TRAYS LEATHER UREMING CASES MANI( URE CA%EtS SHAVING SETS, els. That will A iw ♦ND PERFUMES be the del.ght of al! the lamas 1'11')-. and SMOKERS' SUNIHOR8, TO SACCO P0C('HESS, l'URSRS, CARD CASES, etc. Why sot givii your frie.N who seem GLASSES a sten sold -rimmed pair' J. E. DAVIS, Phil). B. Medical HalL I rl THE r �NINI: FUR THE. 1)EUPLI: Ne are again to the hunt, with dainty craa- tlooe of Art Furniture most desirable, We atm to excell, and we do e'well, Nowhere in the .•ountry can you have such • selection et Fanny Chair.. Rockers. Latritoirer, '1'e• sets. Centre Tables, 1'arloi Suite. (ouches, etc. all .n beautiful woods .ad meetings. Ma- hogany. Walnut. Curly Birch. t!(rd-eye Napb and Vuarter Cut Oak. liatlas ('hairs. Cobbler seat ('hairs. Oak Easel., Screens. Music ('.tenets. etc.. etc. in great variety The beer designed. beet nonstructed. and best eni•hed fonds In the market. You can make no muuke in buying these geode for your X ..nae presents, The prices are ressarkahly low. Plisse eau sal examine. JITH'S ('KNITURF'+TORR. ---1--- -- F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL - AND - SASH, DOOR AtiD BLIND FACTORY. 1 take this opportunity to Inform the pablls that i am still In the business not withstanding all rumors to the contrary, sed am prepared to 40 every class of work le my Ila from .105154 • window frame to erne ting a istory building with mansard roof. Leitmotivs furnished sad competition invited. The furnishing of hnllding material, sn'•b ea lath, shingles and lumoer a ereci5117. F. SMFETH. Uod.rl.R July lib i114. Loan aa1 Mvlafrs Society. 1 r is NOT WHAT YOU EARN, BUT WHAT YOU SAYE. M %KIN YOU RiCH. THE HURON AND RRI'CE i(lAN AND iN V EOTMENT COMPANY. 4oi.irimwa.-Cameros. Holt and Holme.. Dawuutw. interest (bmpoond every sex months at four per oent per annum. on .ash from ase dollar upward.. Depositors will Sed It to their advantage to Dome and see u.. 141ANw May be Secured al any time without delay 0a the sorority of •ppro.ed desirable property. Kxpeo.e. moderate. Application@ received by the Manager or solicitors. The Com San . oeloes are located on North West sed Court How Signore opposite Hermit Smell. Ogles, HORACE HORTON, J. H. 001.110RNE, Manager. Prrwlde.4. For Salo or To RMt. cam. V ()R SALK CHlAP-40 LOTS IN I` OodsMob from 7 stile es I move ...k. Alm two bowies and age 'Ver. AMW q T. WEATHIRALD. NO. 9 P5...et.. (tern rich. 111-Me RENTOR R111.1e-'1'HERTORR AND `■premises at Smith'@ 11111. ('arrow P. 0. Co Huronat present *mimed by M. A Oledhl11 No opposition. One of the hep roue'!" stands Is Ontario Apply to .1. A, 0401 os0gh. 311 (Sureties. lornate* 0110 LEASE -THE HOUPR, FM - mewed. fetish N. I11JL by Dr, MaIAea. ADUbtoCAYK N. OLTtHOLMEat. I,1t0R NALK. CHEAP, ON KASY I� TERM' : West half of la 13, confession 1, Weal Wawuesh, 100 acro A well improved farm. Ices it toad art I(( 'nhdly{don of Block B, 0010 r.• abut 1s scree. TO LII --The shop lately recopied by !Ice tau nes Ra d ♦ rn M.�. JUHNg'1'ON,barrWer. Gods - deb se if FOR SALK OR RRNT. A Mood Hotel. knows as the ''ommerc.al with good Moldings end a rood 'some bosl- sem. ler terns .pay to 1('140 RO1481ER, i eemller A.Nher Hotel. a d welllag Howse sad • good pare, all lasing and wok Aged ...widow.. rent term apply to JOHN RO(440EII. Ren maim A rano i. ereat Yloneuri sontsiaing 'we ha.dred &erne . 1(0 clears , 1be tala., a geed bard wood bash. Th. lend Y get rag sad will net M sold for 1om,S.o It le worth. AaMI er perm. learns a mile el 111.• above toy part .f tdo w rias. t .. Ne. ins Ons*..dss t. west Nlwie rl. This lot le earn peed et M agree of pod Npd, nod as . farm le esetnd is erne of Ito 5*.. TR meed IF. T. tend PatFap�logo ReaiMaims. t. Agri*(It REN' Ise. emii1404•4w .sew bet Street. tl. ( owl or will wade 1p r ' lasmetll mew JORN