HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-2-20, Page 44
IN ►C.1 WM=
11 D. lie.HYJST DOW .
Owe. of Publication s and lo. North Arent.
Godertch, 1 anuria
Term• of esu .erlptieu t
Use month. in advsace
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Owes year.
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Leah m Wear Label.
Tow la•.••1 Ie . landing r••.•eint of tt., elate
o w tch hu . ,.aid up. etc. that It is not
le.ed to tali .r•u err. r.
When s ...hare.. of afdre.e 1s desired. hath
be old and th.• new address .honed OIL
�verrl•IRL Rase.
I,ersl and Other oeaurl advertteeniest's. fro.
Ibr Ilneh fsoftw'teat
etr, e:1.nrtlaonnd 3 M^•a.nwtsupr.srd , ee
son,.-, .1 weir..
i ,.in.•.•.•ar.$. of els limes and under. S.1 per
A.1...r•tr•n.rnte Of Low Folio& ateared
altos, •r Vse.at 9yt n.•tons Wanted and
11".11".11044. ('
n.hung.• Wince.:. not .io*'ils/ 1
K.•. per month,
11o..•s us Male and Jr.•ma ne 'islc set to
es., el 41-•. •, el /..r Brst month. 3An. per sob
oe.tn ant m, .th, laeu••r at• •s. is petprr•'or•.
say went, node•., the obfect ../ whi.•h i. to
pr..e..-te 1•'e r•-nnisry bent Li of any o.d -
vtdasl or noniron) to he rons:dererl an at
eller h..ar nr a•.1 ch•revA Oo••••r.t'•., y.
4,..?' nrl.•14 in nonpareil 11 De one cent per
IMO. an not wee last then 've.
Ural melees Is ordhaery readier type two
s.e5anl1• ins waM, Jo •older for Ir•. thus Yk
1Ro11ew• f.w rh•rcbes sad other rolisloue aa.t
bes.vn!e0t Ina/ itt-rlone half rate.
an.. As '• The Pineal" S.Ilvesy,
r who fail to re sive Two !t.oiAI
ree„1•rly, sit her hy carrier or by mall. w• l
cos her • fist••r by acquainting us of the foot •t
es .a.'r a date as poesinle.
Rtlecr nd m•nuer•rt pt. ianont be returned.
(7crr• I••tndence must be written on one odd.
of p.t..r only.
►s•11•her's Vellr•-
J, C. 1.e Toured of (iodertch. has been •i
ppenrw.t L..•sl Tierw111nm Agent for the town
ship of 0oderich, Colborne. AshAeld and We
1401.51 rtn,tm.atwn over the district are slot
empnwere4 to renelve subscriptions to Tor
oto, AL,
AV onmenunic•tlora must be addressed to
D Yc(iILIJC'i'Iefty,
Twit Room AL,
'Mershon. ('mi t Is, Gedsrtck. Oat.
o(tr,Kltn'H, Tl1U1p1/AT. r'fts.
()UR eateeme'l ,ntemporary, The
Clinton News Record must have had
a "conniption fit laat week. It
broke out in spots, and two of its
pages are isatdly marked up, owing to
the tussle it had with itself trying to
prove that black was white. and white
was so color, at all.
The editor of TRs Stowat- the
family journal of West Huron, oily
one dollar a yesr in ativance---was ab
sent from the office last week, and did
not arrive home until after TH. SIG-
NAL had gone to press, or he might
have been knockerd into the middle -of -
next w••• k Ly having The News Rec-
ord and it4 attack of "yellow jaundice"
thrust upon him too suddenly. For-
tunately his absence from home al-
lowed the new. to be broken to him
gently, anti he now sleeps easily and
takes his meals re.-•lsrly as of yore.
What's w the steer, k Immer : what's
a' the stew, t'hat has driven our
•est. erred contsr. `nary into such a
lather of perspiration, and made each
iadividusl hair of his head to stand
forth like the quills upon the fretful
porcupine? Why is the classic brow of
the Clinton Orange sentinel corm
gated, and why is the light of his
couutn.an. P obscured for the time be-
ing, wad his face yellowed o'er with
the sickly cast of malice, wrath and
vain babblings t There is evidently a
screw loose some here , a linchpin is
lost by our esteemed contemporary, a
cog has slipped, or some other direful
calamity must have happened.
Let's see if we can find out the
cause of th;s thusnens on the part of
our estiltiwble friend, The Clinton
News-ite.rutd. It nay take a little
time, but what of that when one is
diagnosing the carr of a brother who
languisheth in the gall of hitternesi
and the bonds of iniquity.
As you are aware, gentle reader,
there was a hyo•election in West
Huron on Jan. 14th, and the Liberal
was elected try 190 of a Majority.
Three candidates were originally
placed in the field M. C. l'ANERow
by the Liberals : I►avn) WIIIINILLSR
by the Conservatives and Rohn*
head, tail, backbone and lining of the
Orange body in this section, he is only
looked upon as a stall potato
politics. ''y those who have asresse 1
kis at hie full value.
%'tiro the break isetweeu C ■
WALLAHS and the Government took
plug Toon was put iu • hole in the
corner. Ile had come to public notice
through lits conurctiou with the
( /rebu;t' Lodge, and wobld never have
lo. -tin Marti of had he not joined the
0: der. He had been promised by the
Government a position, in the Sweat
R.y and bye, et the time when Ro8SC•r
P05115 was allowed to step into the
Clinton post -office, on condition that
be would not kick against the appoint
went of the Siwcoe man, and there
was a pull and Haul between his
Orange professions and kis anxiety for
self which bade fair to rend him in
twain and cause his heartstrings to vi
brat* like the catgut on a superan
nuate.l tido Ile.
There was one way out, and al-
though ii was one which of necessity
would chill the marrow of an ex
County Nater and a personal friend
of V AtnlLRBT L SHxrraeu'S, still it
ha11 to he taken, s there was no other
way of reconciling the conditions as
they existed The Orangemen of
Huron must be got into line for
the tioverntoent :andi.date, and NRw_
MI1%, • Third Party *endplate, tuust
be sibs tracked.
How to do the trick was the neat
question. W BisMiLLsa had taken the
W ILLotut7HRT position on the Reme-
dial question, and vowed that he
woul•1 not move from it. Thin had
gained for him the support of a certain
section of coercionists in the riding,
but had alienated the string Orange
e•ement, which seemed determined to
stand by Nswi. o, as the representa-
tive of CLanee WALI.Aet in the West
Huron contest.
in the event of Niwrar going
the poll, WRIMAILLERs chance
bring a good third was a problem of
uncertain solution, and the Master
Mind of The Clinton News Record pet
on the No. 7i hat, and did some
thinking. A gentleman named Caw-
rrrow (not Davin) was taken into con-
sultation, and a medical man named
FRBIt1IORN was also referred to, and
then WRIMIILLBB, the Government
candidate, was seen. The upshot of
the touspiracy was that the following
telegram wa• sent to the party in To
ronto who was supposed to cr.ntrol
NewuAw't4 action :
" CI -r .TUN, Jan 4 l8 M.
" We have Wei.tniII r e,bd. If N.w non
remains in field, C+tseron will b. elected.
Withdrew N -metas."
(*geed) CASTRLO.. TODD MA Fasi.AN
The answer canoe from Toronto on
the same ,date, Jan. 4 :
" If von hsv,W.ismiller pledged AOAlstT
R•m. f,al Legislating, what you ask can be
doe. '
The T 'n, who was a party to the
Ileal in tin. instance is A M. Tours,
the editor and proprietor of aur es-
teemed contemporary, and all 'he
frothing at the mouth, tergiversation.
,name calling and abuse that. be may
publish in regard to the matter will
n t relieve him from the respomsil.ility
involv.rd in the transaction. The at-
tempt that. was made to prove that
N I:WMAr wee taken off tl a track by
the l.ilwrels has failed utterly, and
t'•e fact that DAVID Wain/MUM gave
PARENT r N gwMAN the pledge that was
Newman by the third party. Between
the time of holding the convention at
Auburn which nominated Robert
Sewn am, and Nomination Day,
the lion. CLa11IL R'a1.LAcR ,decided
to step down and out from his poli
,tion of Controller of Customs, and op-
pose the Government on the Remedial
Bill. This action of the hon gentle-
man, who is the Grand Moister of the
Orange Lodge of British America,
gave a wrench to the ties that bind
that institution to the Conservative
party, and, as a result, there was a
hurrying and a scurrying among the
blew lighta of the ( haler.
One of the., lesser Tights is A. M.
Tapp, an erstwhile lkeinty Merits--
vb. is what he is, and he can't, help
M Toon is a gond ennagh fellow
mgr his fashion, but tries to wear a
7i hat es a No. 6 head. A11 the
gaggifts of the head be has hetet itVlp
Went 611 the hose. and se OM
ihwegh he betide= M r Mho
required, Tit , that he would, if elect-
etl,vote agein@t Remedial Legislation,
pr. merits further proof. if any were r
t. M. Town may goon using up the
valuable pages of The News -Record
from now until the crack of doontbut
he cannot free himself of his part in
the conspiracy of Jan. 4th, and the
culmination of it, when DAVID Wets -
Mittel gave his personal pledge to
Hone % NRWUAN against Remedial
i egislattcn. The date when the tele
gram was sent from Clinton is easy
of verification, and if A. M. TODD is
the innocent indtvi,lual he represents
hirr..r'f to he, it will be easy for him
to soft the matter to the bottom.
At forewent it looks as if he has
been wooly hit. A quiet and manly
denial is all diet was asked for, bat
instead of that he exhibits all the
manifestations of a Yellow Dog with
a tin tied to his tail. Ile harks ; he
yelps ; he gnashes his teeth ; and he
froth. at the mouth.
will mat be able to mosaic se M
to. edema pat torah se behalf of selerti.n-
ato hby all 155 .wspapers lis
for «aly The Rosser sad she Rids stn
[►snubs Imre obampiesd the ammo W
elm .su.pklsa the MMMT sewapapsre of the
ws.ly are Asst or, ah* gwtina, bot this
oneepties hes deplored Marl sa souse op
possum of the praises-- a foot 5.....r,
whieh m wasp w *uprose is view el The
B.aaer'e support of the eeh....
Some counties will take no action
in the matter of proper provision for
their poor and indigent until the
Legislature steps in and wakes it oom-
We had the same alleged public
sentiment to fight in Iluron, and the
some lethargy to overcome, but we
are pleased to say that the House of
Refuge of this county has already
co emen(deoi itself to maty of the
strongest opponents of the scheme,and
has certainly proved to be a godsend
to the honest but unfortunate poor
who formerly had either to mate with
felons in the county jail or suffer pri-
vations which no one should be forced
to endure in a Christian land.
-- The Turrell bot.m has degenerst
d Pato a boomlea
THE Evening Banner, of Chatham,
has the following :
At a meriting el oho 05u•diss Trees A.
,slat ios held in Termite last week, 1)
M.al11...1dy the okras, editor et Teo
Hnzre 'tropat, is the operas et • paper oe
•• The Pres and l e5SMss and (:herttabls
kw @robe prod y of •hr gelid
trent the s5..,.. @ s et that meaty had
promoted is behalf .1 the Hops. of Ramg.
prei.at, SSA told .t the geed leek they bad
the. boss abbe es assempYS►. *hoe the
h.asy .1 • sioslrsr hwMNst!@. is Rest
Nasty semen te be emblem the hl bwis.
-TUPPID'A provertial mendacity is
still tow most swell.. feature.
The Mail and Empire is busy
making schisms is the L beral phaleaz ai
4.). taws.
-The overworked members of Par-
liament have base taking • few bolid•v•
this week. 'Twos over they.
-Nobody has risen to deny that
Watsstt.LRa pm, a wastes pledge against
R.saclal Legislation to New rag
-Tea Sioz.at, as will be observed,
is stall workteg on tb. I:,.Iden RuI • in the
mattes of ao ureic'. but, n.v.rthele.s, es-
teemed contemporary. 1,4 heaping owls of
fire es hie head, se to opt. k
-It will be in order for Tyra,,
the 135rs., t• elms that he, ►ad not NAN
sae,diecovw@d the North Por. It wonlda't
be a greater falsehood than some others !het
the Great Stretcher lir been delivered' of.
- -- An investigation of the seizure of
the fishing tugs of N.., 1. Bros.. donor the
regime of Torras the Younger In the Fish-
eries Department, will be held by Judge
Josiesroe, of Collingswood, on Feb 25 1.
,nob as if • goners! elecuoo was imm10.01
mad tie Government want to square all
former mlademis,
Tog SIGNAL (11.10'1 call the edi-
tor of The Mato. News Record "a hell -
inspired hy000rite," but the sap seems to
tit the bead of the ('itoton @cribs, and he
pats it on. A geo•lern•n of Antigonish is
the father of that phrs s, end he dole t ap
ply it to Orange lilies who favored e•.ercmg
Manitoba-.libo.ah he might wily bays
dose @o.
-.-DAVID CAST6LAN, the Apple
Rine of Castes, writs. to THIN SIONAI.
daoyeh. that he i. the CA`tTel.ON who signed
the "C'aseeu t -TORP FaaLsoR,-'teleer.R
i' gives us pleasure to motto the oorrecttoo,
sod we have to bear testimony to themanle
sod straightforward Meaner in which the
denial is mode by Mr. CAtiTSLo'.
--At the nomination of WtLLIR
(iasoe, M P. tar Li000in, the t,rtte .lot the
" 01.1 Flag " act up to the hilt- The Nissan
d•l•gatiou to the 000veorion marched with
a genuine old flag at its head- nate t hat had
area service At Lun,ly's Ls•e,en.l was shah
fulltof bullet and Danson bell holes. It will
be is order now for wen Tory convention
to !ling to the breere an «11 relic from Ab
wham's Heights. Trim flag waving Is •
great political industry
The Clinton News -Record has
pulled io ata horns as to Newr&ve.50
though it still refugee to publish hie letters,
yet it is very meek towsr1s horn this week.
For eootemptible and a.wsrdly '.odes to-
wards opponents The Nees Rtoord leads
the procession. It should change its mime
to The Coward tlaoderer. NswrA,'s •z-
posure of the raeoahty of the editor of The
News-R.eord in the recent siltation onmtest
appears in mother oolumn of this Cane.
-It will be many a long day be -
fere some of the steal aerV$.. at Ottawa
will overtake the 1 it f01 Baht whiob the
recent masquerade 5.11 has saddled them
with. Du,,zw.N .tartod 111. era of wgses-
dereom* tomfoolery come years ago, sad is -
Waited • system of eztravaga.es which bred
Psltuys ..d Sums DOSS A 4NOLS1 it the
weal @mews. A better state of' things was
hoped he seder 4WD AasaDsse .way. but it
...a the hops is set to 15 fulfilled, and
never will he maul Cubed* Meets Its own
(iovcrasr. _- -- - - -
-That attempt of The News-
Reesrd, of (abates. last week to reprodaw
the Protestast Acres whiob decorated the
commas el Tam tlISNAL sf'er Dm election of
1880, was • dismal faders Whys The
New. -Record's Foamiest Horse is • noMo
oh•rger, toll of pude and newel Sad gam -
..mess .1..eatde of the mle.rahle, wretched,
payload, wiedgel{d •ad foundered old
mag that Tea AIQPAL imposed to pubit-
vitro i. 1890. Bet rank lookout, ollf•.ored
and .... as she old, deeropit acid .battered
optima wreak was on that eese.ies,5e was a
hung is e.sprie•as with the (Theles Y.Ilow
i)•.g, who was howns' for the •holitins of
Repast* 1leh.ob i. Ost•ri. is 1^90, mad
elm a new ye!pisg fee memeeies far Masi
sobs bemuse the Fedwsl (lev.romeat ,lids
hien hark tint way re lose he prosp.osive
Ashore: Charles Remise bas had member
mefertsse 1 bat 8es4ay evetsg be was
g�s�11ss�g to eber.b, ao.mp•si d by Yea 8
b.rt. sad Me. Cheater, ohms t5. elm es
the rustier bribe ; beth .f the ladies get set
saber% Marlin bold es sad was throw.
est whoa he vet to the lento rheas; be
wee see mesh the waves of hi. delve.
S all TIA% 4LI.at. r1.1 -LY 3,000 511.0We Sr
w11EES1Y�51 AIM/ dr MOSS aaru*TIOIS
Om Till NIP 0111/171) 04 TRa +tOIT, AND
T•1.1 -e 1./ TNS DAN,1'Sn-
Troia tie Utica. N. Y. Iteee.
The Rev. Am. P F Y.rgusos, Presby-
terian almoner at 11 Millsboro, wham pic-
ture we give below, will not be uui.mi11ar
by eight to mai) treaders A voug 15ma,
he has still had an *needed caparteaoe as
fermi. neassosary, towhee., editor, memoir
sod pastor that ass given him • wale ao-
g a*totancs to many parte of the country
lo an interview • few day• ago, he said'.
"in tee early sweeter of '94 1 went noon
• tour through • part of (►mare es eay
w heal. 31v route w.. from Utica to Coes
Vincent. these. by steamer to Rugetea,
sod Irom there along Ib. north shore of the
lake to 'Porno,., a. d •round to Niagara
F.11s I erns, d at 1'.pe V,00ent at 5
0 clock, hat leg n.lden against • strong head
tried all day.
"After • dot s,• t 1 mil through the
Thous.ad 1.1504x, I stepped on *bore an
that guatet old city of K.ug.to.. A shower
bad fatten mad the strata were damp, so
that widow would have dictated that I,
tog- wooly that I was, 'should SATS kept in
doors, but so Anxious w•a i to see the old
:titre that I spent the whin. seeping is the
• tresis
"Five o'clock the sect morning brought
• very anemic me d .00very. 1 was lame
ao bath ankles and km's*. Toe seed wind
sod the dstnp streets hod proved an 05
fortunate oomni5atio5. I gave, however,
settle thought to at, dupp•utno that It would
wear off in • few hours, and the fint dash
of sunlight saw me speedlog out the splen-
did road that leads to N•t.aoee.
•'Nigut overtook me at • little village
near Port Hops, but fouu•1 not still lame. I
rested this nett day, and the next, but it
was tea late ; the mawbael was dose. 1
rode a good 1•.my miles during the rest of
the .S.eoo, but never . day and seldom a
mile without pain.
"The WIntrr came and I put away my
wheel, *eying, 'now 1 shall get well, but to
my dia.pp•.stment 1 grew worse. Some
days my knees •,most t rbsde walking and
my %diktat would not permit me to wear
shoes. At tames i suffered severe pale, so
severs as to make study a practical Impoe
ability, yet it must he understood that 1
r000se•d the condition ot affairs as far as
p ••sible
From being tricot the trouble beers to
spread s1 ght ,y and my snooty increased 1
o, nsulted two physivtans and t.Alow'sd their
emeell-nt deka, hot without result. So
'he Wieser p...od nos day in March 1
happened to take in my hood a newspaper
in whom • gibed deal of space was taken 5y
so article to relation to IIr Wtlli•tne' Pink
Pills 1 dad not at that time know what
they were supposed to 01115. 1 should nava
paid no a'enison to the arttele had I not
c.ught the name nt • lady who -rt 1 knew.
Reeding. 1 fount the, the, had been 'really
i.•mfitr,d by ,he lase of Piok Palls, nod
knowing her as I did 1 had no doubt ot the
troth of the .1.teme01 that she had author
iz►d •
"The hr.t box was not gone before 1 saw
• ohange, and the third hal not been finish
d hetore all stone of my rheumatic troubles
were gone to stay.
„ I try ',(one to stay, for though there
has been every opportuosly for • return of
the trouble, I have not fah the first twinge
of at I have wheeled tho..aoda of miles
sod n.ver before with so little disoomfort.
I have bmf toms of the most -evens toots of
strength and ..'[crane, and b.v. come
',arouse them without ea mho For •1-
ampl., one .Fers000 1 rode esre5ty miles,
preached that sight asd trade fifty miles of
the hardest kind of road bStors soon the
•ezt day. Another lastmaoe was • 'Cestary
run,' the 1a51 forty miles of which were
mode is a downpour of rein tbrougo mod
••Y.s .4o.1i think 1 world rsoeme'sd
tb. so.15. t W.H. 1 bete, ad b•vo had
thg- gvery good resls la •
suNlsr of belJ el
efier, Yes, 1 should feel.
Mot 1 was segbs.lag n they if 1 failed to
sorriest, link Pills to any trieod whom 1
know to he..Ssrieg from rheumatism.
No,that r sot tbo only df.ea o they mare.
i perms/MIT tees of • number of cures
lr..m other troubles, bat i have needed
dudes *sly foe that, though . would he fair
to add that my general health has bees bet-
ter the 8..... than ever before is 517
ur. William& Pink Pills contain all the
.reeda oeoess5ry to give new life sad
richness to the blood sod restore shattered
serves They are sold is boxes (mow so
loose form, by the doyen or hundred) at 50
a bei, or 6 bozos for 21i0,and may he had
of all dravgiete or directly by mail from
Dr Williams Medias' (:ompsy, Iiroek
i1S1e1, 'Ont
rw SSI A A Mc1.Ltts A 4'4 IA e13w.wy.
-Roe paternal nee only, is A pretties
Burs for spinal daturas, hip diee•se, in
fl•mmatory rheumatism, lame hook, Ium
hsgo, sore throat, weak and sore Ionia,
benne., sprains, stiff joints, rupture, and
all kindred diseases it has also hie*
fountiks tory are for throat affections in
rifles 76 NINTH.
Nonegenuine wr,M..t hewing the trade
mark on labels and wrapp.n land M A
Mrl ensau•s Liniment. (T.td.rtch, Ont.,
w mpor on was vel on each bride,
Men ofeet ored only by Lepherem A.
Mol.inon, nolo ppsal1.Mee and pro-
pinatas's Hewgat. St , (odosiek, Ont.
A roble ts.atess will be held es ?tidily
n ista as lambent es dismiss the ArsS5Y.
Tus.Nes, whoa who-1tpy5es will be
i- -
.A 10 Mantle for $5.
THIS MEANS I A $7.50 Mantle for $375.
IA $5 Mantle for $2.50.
if you want a Mantle get it now.
1f you want a Mantle for next winter, get it now.
We don't want to carry a single Mantle over.
We have two Greenland Seal Capes, _'5 inches, full stilts, for $15.
Also, 3 pair i.aliee' Fur Gauntlet Nitta, worth $5 for $3
Also, Ladies' Vests, worth 61, for 75c. [.allies' Vesta, worth 75c for 50c.
Lathes' Verve Worth SOcf for 25c.
Ladies' and Children's Overbore, away down in price.
We must hate room for new goods. Don't miss this opportunity.
Corner Square and W. .t-st.
Decided Bargains.
1 Ladies' Greenland Sell Cape, 30 in -
chin, $21.50 for $20.00.
4 Seta Ladies' Storm Collard and
Muffs at Cost.
1 Ladies Fur Cap, worth 12.75.
10 Pieces, double fold d goods, 40
to 50 Dents, ell at 25%L t
6 Pieces Drees Goods, wo h 25 cents,
for 15c. All wool.
4 Piece. Drs Goods, worth 121c. and
15 cents, at !Ie.
5 R:►: le Dresses, worth, $6, for $3.
;l Rab'« Dresses, worth $fl, for $4.
4 Dreams, i yds. in trach, worth $7, for
Dzeseeet, 7 yds. in each, worth $7.75
for $5.55.
Dry.,ses, 7yds is each, worth $6.65,
fur $4.55.
6 Ei..ls of Brussels Carpet, worth
$1.25, for 98c
11 Ends of Tapestry Carpet, at whole-
) sal« price.
The above goods are worth your consideration.
Such bargains are seldom seen.
Our Carpet stock is, as usual, the largest in the County, consisting of
and the clew make of AXMINBTERS.
It it not necei.eary to say that our prices are Ruck Bottom
on these Goods
The Great Carpet and Lace tssrtain Warehouse at time Osnaty.
The Kroll Duilc Acnca
show you bow at works It will colt you
TAKES THF. LKA1h non .11
other Washers It competed
with over 900 ..ah'., machine@
, .11 kinds at Chicago in 1C93 and car-
r ed Of the First Premium .ad (told
Medal. 1t is easy a.d quick. No
wase -board required.
Sed me .our address and •M onness-
sum yea live o0, and I well oozes sad
tf Box 130. l] k.
AUBURN. rias by fihsir plos5ass mors Yr. sad Yrs
Mosuay, Feb. 17 $ttth (.iris, A5h6eld ; Yr. sed Mr.. Chas
llies I Willes u vary ill.(Itrvm nod Mr. And Mrs. Jas Gomm, Wa-
0a Friday 8. Ls.t.asl.ngher ran • fork w•mo.h : Mr. and Mrs. McBride, of 8.1(5 s
51. Hill, and Mr. rod kir@ A Muliormid. of
R Brown (ram the Clinton I'.Leas bons Lochalsh. The happy oouple left the same
on Sunday.
Mrs. W. D. Wilson° had the misfortune to
break her lett wrist.
Mr. hisClement km bees on the sick list
daring the pas week,
Miss -L-1.rguese;-e7-1U .idler, was
home tart week.
Wesley Farrow was married no Wednes-
day to Mise ioha.ton.
Mien H. Femurs, of 1:odenoh, was bore
last week, °wilts to the death of her
W. Leech preached • miestonery sermon
oa Sunday evening lest in the Methodist
Yrs Rowed a going out of the dry geode
and Ptoo5ry business, and is going to keep
on the millie:ery.
The vaned matasg§ are still being hold
in the Methodwt church, Thee is • young
.ouple who would swami very regularly of
ib• boys would oely leave them aloes.
Mrs. Knight died o. Tuesday from heart
disease. aged 69 years sod A menthe,
leaving as o.ly daughter to mourn her Ines
She was i.terred an Thursday last in the
Gelber.* e.wlotory-
tUiu*r, Feb. 18.
V repress - L H.11, Teterboro. le the
guest of T IC- Faslay.
VnlnN& Rev. 8. Y. Whaley, pastor of
this and 8t Heim. rvasgree•ttose, I.... es
Wednesday for Searbere to visit hl• mother.
This is hie fret vide bore sleet his tedium
bee hose aid we bops mad cream0 that the
weft will he a plasmas% nae- Rey. Yr.
5.derees, of Tlv.rt.s will °°espy the pul-
pit here west Sabbath. is he stead.
1lYusnest. A eery est event bask
plass as the re.idee.. of T. R. Furby at 3
r Is,. es Thursday, also 13ak, bras the mar-
riage of his denott.r, IAS, to J.&. J.esi.-
sea, jr., are a the resift. The osss
wperformed by Rev. 8 Y. Whitey, d
fit Selina. The bridle was tire resolving, et
foamy made e.d seshl presesta Ames*
e mbodied. I *see tee. • limbless who greeted the ems -
evening for their future home neer Amber
ley amid 'bowers of nes mad the good
wishes of those pteeent.
flair The stern hand of Death has aria
tees se nor midst sad takes from assosms
-ultssether ot Airfield's pioneers is the per-
m of John Famish. ieceased, who wee r
his 67th year, mew to ter ooeslry about
Ob years Ago and bottled ow the farm when
M did, He was .[ways el s• ..easily
moony and robust nature until almost owe
year acre when he berma to d.olias, seed has
gradually dose se until the thread et life
e n•pped about 2 o'clock on nday moeaieg,
14th Inst He leaves • widow .ad a large
family to mourn the loos of • kind buuk•ad
and iadalgenl father. Th. humeral. white
took plane on Yo.d.y, Feb. 17th to Minted
osmeterY, was very 1argo17 ette.dsfi,
Harpirbsy : li Lies. .f )Hain Ay,
whom illness from paralysis we meeties'd
• ooeple of woks ago, did t eeterday mem
i5g Mr. adios has bees • inner respected
modest of Hupsrhey fora less term ef
years, sad he d.ath leers' asci her wisses1
is the reek' of the pin..•re of this diarist-
iaristRIMA• It was a matter of yore sed
surprise to hear em Thursday trse►atas Lha
Thos. Yibbll, as old mid well-ks ws resi-
des, of the 9th e.5 , had .5dd.sl ..pared
as Wednesday events[. He had Mrs)
is the day aiding is Airbag less, and Sat
hdieagg well, drove to Rewash •5d /%4 mese
While sitting by the .trove et
bis ass's residence, whore be lived, he sed
dimly passed sway, shame without a 5trug-
&Werth - On Weasel. lay sight leash res
moved as .1d eitis.s, is the pse55a .4 wet.
Chr,aal, hither of Yrs Raba Gray. •t
the led sea of M.CilI.p De..as.1 bed
esly bees Ask short ten days, the mese
e Meath beteg bresehikis toroth r midi *id
age. 1N wen bass r A►orde•a@hfr..
lead. IN Tem age. and is the trimly ola:12
this .sentry be sailed r Gesy tsweele
M ler the post Mrestskwe*t -rests he
mule his Mee with aa. -.1b.. ,11