HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-2-13, Page 8111 8 WELL KNOWN CHEMI wow MAS TRIED Ji7uu NC OF ITS hVOSTH. My hair W Leen r.ehag, em eery freely ter ea. Ilene. a eseia. ana.•+r dame ibr sabre 1 111011.11 Iw.ead raprrm.rut .pen the yeeprrtwe M sed one awl. aloft. wrurey ,topped rt at alae e mbed a afterward* I. Mg m JI aloin square,' of M bottle. .a.1 Nos n.• rreNqj.u,ret 1., we a slam It re, -.re, -.41144411.1, o h... i.e., renes rd and Iran k) .twos to the peal aid 1 .-, re•,ru., n .s all ...aam 6lr. i Y114417..11, t'heuuet. t.anaeoque. 111s1 . Jan. W. INI. ■earnt e'.re. M.dr.t and arerf. Moll lotus and wishes the Malt grew all dealer.. t io 1•ntencl httut' C. GOODE. NE:11iIF TUE DISTRICT. F tnuurownCorrespondents. Tfeve is m.Armaeto. Mew 1a.i 4'a11.4 be retiree Aay vibere flee- Sews e1 Ise leanly Specially teperted Ger Tae ala.al. UUNGANNUN ✓ It • The wawa agent.) to Dungannon to: . err sled. is a1 the oel.•e of .1. b. Watd- J { voaveyaoer, ac., who will receive or- de.e ...r ...becripuoo.. ether:gag and Job work and is *whorrted to gree r.ospte for ano..nt8 yard for the same Tt.L.o... Feb. 11. • P 1.. in last week a moue should have L. u f t► F. 1 ,a: skating I. as In ea Vllemt trim; wed m be&0.1 welt pearuo.id. Fe! ramify weather eate!leat, sleighing gr . 1..ad all anal sundry in cone y uenu, ere en ins themselves. H•.•1/. A.•A1, 'Ir and \Irs. Curious, who ilea. been on au untended .alt to reit' Us,y nedt of herr base returned much plowed with their %ant. V. Ward is rapidly tmprovi.g, but NE... Ward. we .re sorry to e.,, lemur.). wa- di posed, a• • result, no donor, of her .ere fust parsing of Mr. Vi ard. \ :-.r i. Mew l.otiie Mitchell, of Wing hs ae on w extended visit to rrietive. here The 'ming lad. is •,note delighted with our young people and village, sad u Bolo} ung heteelt immeoselt. R.u... vv. -The electric railway protect, i understand, u assuming great probebrh ties. I notion in last week • edition of The t ,odench Star from its Dungannon able .or respondent, • verscathing complainant to the citizens of I.odericb in their vacillating :onduct oa rsilws% aHain with Dungannon The \lanitoba School question be. loot its &.rarest to our people. It has been * uperoeded b. the Electric R. R. question, foo well pleased are our people with the prospects that then wan no ditbculty in raising the 1600 neeesemry to purchase the *10.000 stock, and they claim that 12.000 could have been raised almost as readily. The stock 1. at . Dremium, in fact cannot be purchased .t any prioe. ,•oma my then is now no doubt that man. industries will be attracted to our thriving village from our. rounding towns and villages. We do be lires that if carried out the scheme will prove successful to the promoters and to the country through whish the Sine may pass. We have heard but do not credit the e tetemeot that Jno. has been promised the management of the electric hgnt. in !hut - phonon .t a salary of >300 a year. WHITECHURCH. M.,!rt,•Y. Feb. 10 Miss 4ndersee, of Goderiob, is at present visiting at H. 1►. Henderson e. Our town is still booming, we have what are have long needed, vii , a shoe shop in the Campbell block. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forbes, of Hartoey, Mas., have been vatting friends in thus viet- n ity for the past two weeks .loteph Nixon, our former hotel keeper, has messed from H. 1) Henderson, the farm formerly known as the old Hamilton farm Jae. Martin, bay dealer. has arrived home from Eases, when he has bought, peeked and shipped quite a number of car loads of bay. The combined oongregations of Whit. church and Languid* met .t the parsonage and presented Mr. McN•b the pastor, with fur coat and mite and his better halt with a set of fun. A very plesaant event took place at the residency of George Tumoth, of this village, when bis youngest daughter Margaret Chas was united in Marriage to .loho Phillipe, of Fordyce. `suite a number of friends on both sides wit.eoed the setae We loin In wishing them .uooe.e and pro spent, . LANES. MoiDA.. Feb. I. lop guano ie at present visiting friends in Logan. Wedding belle will soon bat ringing in our midst. Wm. Johnston has purchased the farm lately owned by .1....l•mteeon. Mr. Dees.., • student of Koos college. Teresa, Nwped the pulpit baM.� dee. - - - - re ea t- - Ra1L Howard mew .osupies he ear beets which . he erected during tad SOW . IR. Mw `bolt, of Teamster vinigift, �p lied tees venting fnesds in this 1 sy for the past few weeks, returned horn* on Wed wit&l• Jar Agar hos sold We farm ow this line to 1. C..mpbell aad has purchased 0.. in Was warmth. whew. be tweeds removing to i■ the `lpri.g. John .l.miasee hse ez.h..g.d hie fifty acre farm fnr one on the lake shore road osteiniag ISO mem b.lo.gi.g to John (lege les, of Kucerdi.s. Mr. Jamieson thwack taking possession shortly. CARLYW..ar, Feb. 10. Met O. limb. who b.e tem very w for the pelt m.salbe Y rapidly i.eprevieg. Fleres.s. ROMs denegiwer of R. Ysng was very ill I. week, het is now better. N • are pleased test that Mien (len Robertson hes es far rw►aed ee m be .M. to muted rhe eb.rob:servi.e. MM Addle Morrie leaves Team .1 this weak ter I.owisvill., Ee.teskv. any Meads wish her s a.I. j.......y. Quite a .ember e1 yaws Oae*4e wen est a Cbri.tm. Redraws.. fl.edny orreedes. Tib e.setisg wee led by R. Tema . • member .1 ser ()us .w yee.s se* sa�et5 i l U. et Mrs. R. �allowe. #. 10. , s Molloy meek% of hent TH F. SIGNAL : GODBIRIpg, ONT.. THIIRBDAY, FEB. Is. 1811. l.wroaco, Macher .f 10.*. Ne. 9, Denim, emoted our ..boot en Frtd.y slt.rrese, of last weak. Sobeol was aimed for a week, ewteg to the teacher, Mr borrow., \vltg en •a Mel of 1a grippe. Mos Tyed•U. tewb.r, ear) etticistly tilled hat place part of thee This bee bees • greed truster se every way ; bast of sleighing, ..eslmght sight , .ed we believe the 1.de sod lassies have hes tskug t.11 adv•atage.of it. Whet do you Nut, Jack COLBORNE. • About half past maw .'.leek r. i., ea the 8th lest., .e Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Roberto. sad their hale boy were about te retire, then wee • rap ea their back del, and tbi.kt.s it was ease of thew swarths ssigL- brs, Mrs. Robertson teak • lamp u hood aid smocked the door, thea usilosi si.g ibe stere door, .he was horrified to the two masked figures, ow being but • young lad wick es use, the other a yams" men with • receiver in hand, ready for roues, .ad de seeded to see the boss, whereupon Yrs. Rsbert.oa said he was not Doming tbur.,aed asked their *grasp, and at the same use •ttempt.4 w close the door, but they for- bade her doing so. About this time Mr. Robertson appeared, and the ase with the revolver pototed It at him and demsoded uses.., saytsg, We want it. Toe have It . lout of it, sad l know It. ' With wrest ditboulty they were made to understand that there was no mune' is the bow, but left without doing damage From the way the mea m td .round tb. place, It s eertan Chet the, were out strangers. A, 11.• a.eio. %I. (sok COMING ANO GOING. Mrs. Reynolds is .luting in Yeafortb. M. C. Cameron, )J P , was in www th.. week. Mn. sad Miss Toms .re away on • south ern tourney. Mrs J. _. Martin. of Kingsbridge, is •i - ttug in town. Wm. Lydian*, of Toronto. Is attoodug the Collegiate. Mrs. Jae. Doyle, l,'burch•et, d visiting a Wyandotte, !Ceti. W. A. Rhyne* made • business trig. o Seafortb last Friday. Miss Bailie returned lent week from a weeks yet to Bl. th. inspector Parsley, of Clinton, was in the county town yutcrday. �1 McK. fogies arae moved his family .o leodench from Brantford. llordon Hsderson, of Stratford, *peat Sunday at the .,ld home. New Era Mies Huldah Whitely hes taken a pwiuuu in the peatolbos. W T. Marne, left ou • short visit to Sarnia .ad nelghborbo3d es Tuesday. Kmosrtime Review Eb. higher, of 1'bifadelphu, u on a visit to hu friends in (;odertch. Winrhsm Times Mr and Miss McKen- zie, 01 t.odencb, spent Sunday of het week to LOMB. Kincardine Review Miss S. Campbell,nf l.od.noh, is the guest 01 Miss Whitehe,A this week. Wingh►m Advance Mts. John Johnston of 1.odenob,epent Sunday in WIngbam with her sister, llrs McLean. Miss Adds Morrie lett on Tueed•y morn tag teat en an extended visit to relatives in C iactowtti, and Louisville KOOTENAs( ARK of REFUGE FROM RunmAnsi. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES OFKOOTENAY-I .ippl..itton to a wide range of L,ease, Sc*, cured in I, months in two cities. The potency of the new ingredient in combination curing Hemorrhage of the Kidneys. its startling cures of Loromotor Ataxia and Illood Diseases. The restoration of sight and bearing lost through the effects of paralyssa,. The removal of all traces of etercunal poisoning from the system. its cures of Chronic Rheumatism WRITE FOA PAIRPIKET Of STARTLING CURES 1S. S. RYCKMAN MEDICINE CO. MAUILT0111. ONT. 1868. .1898 • The :eta Anniversary of the .apish out or the Tolneteers of tht District will be Dile heated by e west. •s.Har el/ emblem, TOsmph.11, who seem wee .w has terse w e wire, et es saw . soda the skillful ease el W J. R. Tem PILL .asamv.SI.d b Mite SOCIAL GA INFKING .ervacl.11. .t er. sombat the various oepsr hosed ?he POINT FARM SO MON DAY . MAR- 9th TICKETS .' 11•Zib arae $I COMMITTEE terrier Meets. RW^.K ('ape. DANDY l MONtOt) 4IRY Lio.t. HORTON RO&r. KLLIH Oapt. MURRAT McrRt11OR J. J. WRIGHT. WE MAKE Sewer and Culvert Pipes All etre 1bee, 4 1s. se el Ii. Ake WRITE[ Po* pperogs. THE OaAwRt�10uSEWER, PMP E CO. NlstmvAT te'ooTO4ONTO REVKRSIBLE PRITKD e MOLLETTON CLOTH .. HEN placing our order for Spring Dress Goods with J. & W. Campbell & Co., of Glasgow, we ordered seven pieces of Printed Molleton to be shipped out at once. These goods have now arrived and are in stock at 15c. a yard. We have them in Black and Red, also in Black and White fancy Checks, suitable for Ladies' Wrapps or Waists and Children's Dresses. Perfectly fast in Color. Inspection of this new line of goods is in- vited. J. T. ACHESON. 1896 Wishing our Customers anal' the General Public A HAPPY NEW YEAR. We begin the year with a full supply of SC=3001.1 3SCCKS Sc ooze Sv15151-6=ES The biggest value to be had for cash. SEE OCR 200 AND 300 PAGE SC 3E31.=S FOR 5 CENTS. Exercise Books, Note Books FOR 5c. AND 10c. Leather S:hool B,,gs Direct from makers Extra, Rubber End Lead Pencils 3 FOR 5 CENTS. .e1.7.73=-464. = N =mss Best 5c. bottle sold. New Tinted Note Papers, Stationery, Blank Books, Extra value to hand. See them. Albums, Silverwai e, Dressing Cases at cost. Window Shades, cloth 50c. TO $1.50. A_ L_ WEIR_ Next door to JAS. ROBINSON'S Dry Goods Store. REMEMBER - - The place to get Choice 1•' at • Groceries Provisions Fruits etc. C. A. Nairn's C. R.SHANE&CO Full Line of Seasonable Goods. Ladies' Fur Capes a specialty. FamilyGrocery.a i """" °0` aM•sI. 1A, r. tltisfWt gave Decided Bargains. ro= 4 WEEKS. 1 Ladle.' Oreeolaod Reel Cape, 30 in- ches, $27.60 for $20.00. 4 Rete Ladies' Sterna Collars aad Moak at Cost. i Ladies Fur Cap, worth i$22. 75, for _': 10 Pieces, double fold dress goods, 40 to 60 coats, all at 25c. 6 Pisces brae. Goods, worth 25 cents, for 15c All wool. 4 Pieces Dross bloods, worth I 'ie. end . 15 menta, at 9t.. 5 Roble Dramas, worth, $6, for $3. 2 gable Dresses, worth $$, for $4. 4 Dresses, i yd.. in 'soh, worth $7, fes N• 2 Draftee, 7 yds. in inch, worth $7.78 for X6.56. Dresses, 7yda in each, worth $6.66, for X14.5.►. G loos of Br'u.eals Carpet, worth III .15, for 9$c. I 1 Enda of Tapestry l'arpet, at whole ..1. prig. The above goods are worth your Such bargains are seldom seen. Our Carpet stock is, as usual, the largest in the County, consisting of BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIES, 3 PLY ALL WOOL. 2 PLY ALL WOOL, UNIONS, HEMPS, and the new make of AXMINSTERB. It is not necessary to say that our prices are Rock Bottom on these Goods consideration. COLBORNE BROS. The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain Warehouse of the County. Tile Kiloll DollbIe Acfu ASHER show you Low it works. It will cast you TAKK1 THE LEAD over all other Washer.. it competed with over 901.1 washing eathlnea of .11 kande a Chuang* is 1893 sad ear- ned off the First Premium and Geld Medal. It m easy sod quick. Ne waeb•board required. - GIVE IT A TRIAL - sesd me . our address and the emmeem sloe you live ad. sad I will Deme sad nothing. a H. HALE tf ties I :it I. l ch. Holiday Fruits . .1 A fine assortment of new Fruits for the holiday season has just been received. Everything New and Fresh and of best brand. Family Groceries a Specialty. ST. GEORGE PRICE, Orf ISIOOR TO t. POINT a SON. tet.10LIT af AND Oleg a.0 Special at Munro's. Honey Cotnb Shawls, Scotch Plaid Shoulder Shawls, Double and Sidi Long Shaws in Black and Colors. HOSIERY Fine Cashmere Plain and Fancy Ribbed, from Infante to L.die.. size. Boys and Girls Heavy makes, warm and durable. Ladies' and Children's Underwear in all the leading makes. Men's and Boys' Shirts and Drawers from 20 to 44 inches. Just to hand, full lines of Men's Merino and Heavy Socks New shades in Cheap Silks tor Fancy Work. Pure Silk Handkerchiefs from 5c. to 21.25. aVrvo_ Draper and Haberdasher. ELEAN'S OPERA fOO�E 11is GODERICH CHORAL /00IETY ar•Wst.d by W. A. 14. ('(JIT, •.elated by the GIODERICH HARMONY ORCHESTRA will give the Punt Rstertalnmst of the Season on THURSDAY, FEB. 13th Admission 25c.; Reserved Seto, 35c at Porter's Book Store. 111715 The Pallia soboel board asst en Wdaesday .irht of last week and awarded the .street far the sew Psblie sobssl to Hebert Howard. jr., e( Myth, sed Hoary *mvess, .t Pismo The prise was *4,150 &arisen • A little sea .4 Edward Hod - away, *,'plots, lied • dsllmM sergiw.i ep- ar.t..s performed se him ea Monday. The Wee book .f the hMls fellow's ears wee re- amed. the anomies arising from .owlet fever. *401s5 A resMem.e frees the village of Lege, .writ of Mitthsr, pseed through bare ee Moeday 1..t walla a Madel .etre, whsab he wee Mkfug a • hosed se leimil- kw. who he eats and .ma's gee ie le that pert ell the eenstry. "Every DOG Has IBM IbOG flail a COLLAR WHY . SHOULDN'T HE When they can be had at THB FAIR for a mere song ' We have a line of theme which will be sold at pncett to suit your pocket, as they must GO_ For the next few weeks we muse et ;l nevem) lines at prices sway flown, as we require room for new Spring stock, including a fine line of everything for Fancy Work., etc. We are busty making up Children's Aprons, etc. Come and see them. A..brth : The may fries& .t Wm. Masse, L*Mweh., will realer le Iowa dm h. u NW eat*. i le his rewas se thee.& dimes. Mist., : While eselleg • purse d - the ether dee, 611 RAabss4 Could. IN the k lb eisa we adeep spit t•toe Ivo