HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-2-13, Page 7conditions 111 some conditions the gain from the use of Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver o is r•lp1 For this reason we put up a Soc. size, which is enough for an ordinary cough or cold or useful as a trial for babies and children. In other conditions gain must be slow, sometimes almost imperceptible,health can't be built up in a day. For this Scotts Emulsion must be taken as nourish- ment, food rather than medicine. food prepared for tired and weak digestions. $iarya $.w... Ches= p.c. sod {tees WOMANLY. IF NON ' NEW WOMAN- LY" ACCOMPLISHMENTS. A 1rir1 should i.arn to make a bed, To make good bseeult, cake aid bread ; '1'o haudle deftly brush wad komp. And wily tidy up a room. A girl should learn to dare and mend To care the sick, the baby tend ; To have eo..ugh of style sad taste To trim ab.torfit •waist. A girl should learn to talus time : A picture hang. • ladder dont, ; Asd sot to almost raise the house At sight of a httla harmless mouse. A girl should learn to dress with speed, To bold t igbt-lacing 'gain.' bet creed . Te buy her shoe. to Bt bee feet, In fact. above all vain deceit. A girl should loon to keep her word, To spread oo further mesh heard. Hosie and abroad to be at ease. And try her best to cheer and please. A girl should leers to eympathice, To be reliant, atrceg end wise ; To every patient goalie be Asti always truly woomely. A girl ebould leets to fondly hold Trie worth of .alai more time gold : A.cospli.bed teas, with tender mem, ]ieigm, drowsed with love, hem. s cheerbed queen. -Kathie= Kavanagh. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. The leap.' 1. Tear Cellar. sill probably be destroyed by the presence of boxes of lima This will also absorb the damp. Te fiesta gotta Perebs. Rub it with an even mixture of soap and powered abaroosil, and afterward. polo\ with • soft rale. 11111mMe• Stembus tlfWw Always eboose those with wedge [seat t, for they oan be scrubbed .ad washed if amythiog vreally is spilt on them, and kept nice by polishing with beeswax and turpeo Use. . --- To !.slings flwirprIs. First have the carpets beaten, then put them down on the newly scrubbed floor. Dissolve • tablespoonful of ammonia In a gallon of water, dip a cloth in this, wrier it nearly dry, and work steadily all over the carpet. Co.aantly dip the cloth in the water and squeeze dry : the carpet on no amount should be made wet or the odors will ruo Alter the carpta has been treated all over in this way. ops the windows well and let it dry thoroag►ly Were it is step psi on with dusty Mee& Tbs. ►Ire • .et.abtere. Toronto World ('bear• reports of the 8saocial condition of all the ,•uclee and of an Inc,.... is membership were presented at the quarterly meeting of the King • dough• ten in the rooms of the Y. W. (' A. last niobt There are now 25 cuckoo to Toron.o, with a memberuh.p of over 600. Miss A Brown, the president, made an appeal for Duds for the tree hod supported by the circles in (.race Hospital .ad the wines of Urs. Geo. H Good.rh•m and Miss Kelly were added to the reseal evocative c..m- miner. whish hitherto has .omprised °oil y the officers of the association tied the eon- eeners of oam.ittes . Coed dreamt ter Cesaplalat. A Cleveland woe= wants the polio* to Toro* her husband to takes bath She says be work* u • hie bosses, and refuses, when be gest heave at night, to either wash or elms'* hie olathier. iA bath or a divorce is her etiolates'''. Here le • asee is which the authorities should take prompt ammo. The smell of nth is all right in its place, but one •honld not be compelled to the with It. ('ole.. the statute provide hat a husband who works in a 6► hour. t Racked with Rheumatism Unable t. Welk *wing t..xeruolat- Ing( Pain. Altar tet years terrible torture, Oared by Soott'a Sarsaparilla. A. H. Chnstiansea, writing frau the Clifton House, Niagara Falls, says : " 1 ewe you more than 1 can ever pay. For Ilea years I suffered the tortures of the damned with rheumatism. Father had It before me, and 1 believe it is ma here- ditary disease. My knee joints would get Inflamed and 1f 1 was out is any weather " 1 was sure to be laid up, which to a travelling ma* is a calamity. la a score of Canadian towns local doctors greeted me, some giving relief, ethers sone. 1 read that Sarsaparilla was a rheumatic cure and 1 asked a druggist far "a bottle of the best Sairsaparililee ie market." He gave me St.0 u, re - smacking that it was an unproven. et w all others, and that he could k'ftsm recommend it. 1 have taken four Iit1Nr, and am as free from pain as a sada tea lope to be. i was out in a rainstorm two dais ate gad neve felt a twinge. As 1 mord before to Scott's Sarsaparilla 1 mitt mere than 1 can ever repay The best for ▪ rieindaduelle sciatica, sod seers ltic na--ell .iiliat Orem the ere o.1 in the hieedl ode Scott's Santa a modern ems - emended eeetratad medicine, preempt in IN airs Ow* effects. Doges Iter Pe half is eon *Iseapaenhi. At fit pmt per beide Milk TNI SIGNAL • QODIR1Oe ONT., TsUFZDAY FEB. 1S, INS. .....foam a Issb. dent iber.ly burlli his wNi witi-.aselen for differ.•, they ah..Y be aosselni i.s..U.Wy. The . oak.lhei prinks,* mast be Waited Lei the tine be drawt at the doer of the dab Wow ow se wane e' utas& As Met beteg asked for a simple r.1e far hoagies motnres, save the 1o11 aid. di r.saien.: The Might, tune and deaoratiasa of the room should be taken law •000est, Mt it le Met. where wily ons row of pie - tures s hang, to hay. the oestgal pout in sash es a levst with the eye of the',raisary paras- For esteem, in a tigaetto per - keit tie osteal pout u the clue Von oaa toake ao mistake about the pout in any pic- ture, for the eye uvolunteralyr re= upon 1t at tires elasitg. That mmuds use to speak of • irayue.t error to Lae part of framers who look artistic knowledge. This osteal point should be at the east interssutioe of two dtagowl Imes dnen from the corners of the frame, not the mat Many picture • p.earl to the es who kaow this rust as if they were slipped out o1 thou trainee. et oar Renee. We have learned [lest it is a otos thing to make work aprons coot of old sheets, says • writer. Make them bag and wide, sad when clean they give one • neat app.aro.oe wbeo baking ur cookie'. They woe\ easily end are thought to be .iuite the thing .t our bombe. We also make a meat pie that seems so .xe..di.gly relatable as well as eao.omio•i that we are anxious to tall everybody bow to make one. Take bite of meat, " left ores from steak or roast., or, indeed, any good scrap of pork,beef or mutton are good for a pie. boil in eutticueat water to aver them until they are aldose and tender. Sea- son well with butter. pepper and salt. Thicken the gravy a little. four Into a deep too. ('over with a ore= same ea for chicken pts. Bake until the crust is well done A uiw meat pia is delicious for hungry men folks when they Dame In from • herd day a work : in foot, it is "good en- ough for a king at any tense. TNIe' alai.. It to said that a lotion oomposed of ton grates of citric acid, one ouow of pure gh - oertoe sad ono oamoe of rose water, applied several tames • day, will gradually written the .kin of the few or arms. The following tonic for the heir is pre- scribed by • regular phyeiol•n. The form- ula r as tollows S•Ipkato of naisiee, thirty Braise ; uactuta of oantbaridee, one dram : ipirtts of rosemary, two drams : gly• =toe, one half ounce : wlu.iou of sage leave, four ounces ; bay rum two ounces. Rub into the scalp thoroughly cow • day. Intuit= of sage leaves u amply sage tea. One of the real necessities for the toilet is • bottle of milk of I:magnesia to rinse the month every night before retiring. 'om11 persons teeth, though of the finest and most .ubstantul quality. we liable to drop out when there is no decay is them, simply boomer the gums have receded from them. Ktsaltg the mouth with milk of m•gsesia is very effect -e in retarding this retraction. gabber* k M sower. Anwar the many peculiarities of that bsauuful woman, the Empress of Amama-- one of the most romantic figures of the pr. teat era --u her strange influeoos over bards which, were she of more humble rank, might prove a perfect gold mine to her. This power is known to few outside of the court circles of Anoint Hungary, vet ne thug is more wonderful than to see the birds flocking from quarter round the Empress the very moment she sets toot in the gardens of Lainz or Scbo•obran, but es - wally at the latter place, I Age ars away ornamental paean of water at Schoen - bran, sed ell torte of valuable bird. --each &s Australian .wane, Chinese ducks. Thibetan pbewots, and birds of moodies- t= permitted to roam at will through this splendid domain. They .11 know the Empress, and are sub- ject to her power, ea are •leo tat. wild birds. even down to the ordinary sparrow. They gather round her, each uttenog its own particular cry, while the pigeons and smeller birds alight en her shoulders and S tine. • lo bygone times, before the doctors for- 1 bade her to ride, she used to exercise much the some power over horses ; and ...rage stallions which would permit no groom to approach them, and had to 1» fed and watered from buckets feates.d to long odes would show sign. of .•ti.f•ctioe and plea- sure whenever she entered their stalls, el - lowing her to oared, and even to addle sad bridle them with the help of a lady -is-wart. ing, who was gifted with much the same us- tlueooe over horses. Method in Semeewert. An spite of .11 test bas bees said and +noes against having metros rules is the matter of housework, those who have tried both methods find that they can s000n,plisk mon when they have • time for doing everything, and follow the program as close- ly as possible, than when things are done hapbarzrd. Meaday is the usual washday, noises the weather is very had, and even then if the water can be .omised without gotag out of doors for It, and LMee is en at rte to fret clothes in, the wanking may be done at the &seal tutus in spite cf the weather. Tuesday is ironing cad baking day, and the dieser may be pleased in that moot ot ie can be cooked in the oven. saving both fnel and time. Wedasaday is the gears' elsa•ing rip and weeniest day, and the mamba( ma be done in the after. n ese. Thursday and Friday may be devot- • •I to family sewing Saturday brings its rowed of eweepiag, ds log, tnkmg• wed pre - pries dishes for the Sooday dieser. Cells easy lis made. letters written sad amity of the lighter household dells attended be in the ahsraoes. Let Sunday be a day of tib• solute rest as early ae It te possible to sake it, after the monitor efiZreh service. Of mums every botwkeoper mane follow ; the mme retie, as the work in the varies bo..eboids Men ; is harvest. thrashes( It fruit asses it is usually necessary to week bard all day, esteem oars can \aye intra help at each times. Ones wove or failure depesde a great deal oo Mw one bonne the day. Never h ave breakfast later the. seem o'olook to the wlint.r,and VANS the in oak d the way. it is hit sailing. Peewee ons be peeled the sight before and left is the water maul they are weeded, salt meat haahenod, and ether Wage prepared far breakfast, the dlsim.-reo. ceased sad swept, and the Odle set so as to *heroes the work is the tuereleir ss meek as possible. 1/ ties. h. • ; ds�ter twelve year old or feet., she nodi eon te the heap and .weep sad dost rho dldbg-reeem while the meth ge1e; br..kfsst, We sire hot is apt to be inter- rmasd early in the day, .ad es week NM- A.•eh pima welsh away !aid Mesa w$v.e hew bund helpful. 1n es the ben of fere she flout et the weak (M.hday Meissen ear erally) Ir a wesk and pat it up is the Mishima The quo the., •'What shall we hoe for direr ererr ire them w meted, end mesa time est army near - day. HEALTH AND HOME. t resin Cream '.\said be taken dnri.g the wises seethe by these wh t have • ooaeusepti.e tondon.y, for is monis all the purposes el end her oil, le mace pleae•ater to taste. and W .s lu•lly airman effect. Oneidas these who w dspe ed to .omensep ss, yid people, delicate oAUdrsa, sad ;thaw of habls droulei toe are greatly bsadt Id by a liberal use of sweet mesas. Mixed with • little het water, it shosid be takes early to the morning. 1behed revs* la aelatb. A private letter from Duluth gives • graphic &cornet el the typhoid fever epi- demic there. "So lar we hove .soaped,' writes this wife and mother of dye obildren to her .o.lotts tweeds is Stratford, "but we do not know when our turn will come. Wo dread prostration, for any of es now, for there u not • lever curse to be hod for love or money in this airy, heretofore noted for its stray of teamed ounce The fever ward. of all the hospitals are full. and more than tall : the doctors overworked, ..d the situ• atioe really most serious The trouble bed its meow in the polluted water supply. which is being remedied too late, however, to stay t he preen, epode vic. We have sot used the ester stow ,eptemher, my hus- band employing • men to supply us with weer from an u000ataminatetd sprint out• aide the town, and paying • detective to ase that the matt ate up to hr •grwmeot. Ws would leave the city for a whale, ex - .pt that the physicians tell u. thin • change of climate is apt to promptly develop fever germe in the system, and. as there to little doubt that we all have pleoty of them. we feel that our best chaoset is here. A great many deaths nave occurred, though perhaps not a large proportion in the number of oases to indicate any special malignancy io the attacks It is bad enough, however, end everybody feels indignant that the wa ter matter should not have been streiagbtea- ed out long age, as at to by no means • re cont evd, Wens Vast, Yes will never be in good health and sever .1.. your best work it your feet are are canto -aptly oold. Grave diseases of the throat and lunge are c•ueed by oold feet alone, and these troubles are always 4aggra vated by • frigid uoodium* of the lower ex trernttles. If proper footwear dor. cot vivo Whet, consult a physician, tor the chanoes are the oons.utution is "run down, ' and radical measures aro necessary. In Dille asses oct of ten, however, the toot covering in to blame. either because:of ate shape or its material- Save in warm weather, and for low-cut shoes, leather, &s otdisarily pre pared, hes serious objection.. It tacks two prime qualities -porosity and oapooity for a.a.rption---being in dm respect too much like rubber. No foot oaa renown either comfortable or inanity if kept in a perp.otu- a1 bath of its own emasatioas and excre- tions Leather, especially that of the more porous varieties, may be tolerated for the outride, but for cold weather It should al- ways be lined with woollelleloth, or, better with wool felt In foot, fdF alt oold olim- .tes, and for w:ater wear in all climates where there is any wioter,a foot -wear made from all -wool felt approcbee the ideal. Ac oordiag to modern notions, any illedas to nae part of the body may be occasioned by by some irritating cause tar removed from the seat of the trouble. Just '.ow this is oanoot always he clearly explatltd,but 1100 such commotion dome wm.times one is be- yond dispute. In the matter node discus- sion, if the nerves of the whole body are it netted by a tight shoo, or the extreme cold of the extremities makes extra demand up- s the blood supply, then r neither nerve tones nor blood enough left for other fun- Mio.a CPISP AND CASUAL Nearly tai per asst. ot European Hewers •re sort-giyisg. The average annual cert ot keeptng a race -bores is England u 1:325. The solid constituents of milk avenge from tee to fourteen per owt. of lis weight A000rding tc recent experiment. • single bur can carry a weight of more than six ounces. In some portion' of Upper Egypt rain in absolutely asksown, and in Lower Egypt there is occasionally no rain for years. Sleeplessness may be cured by the admin- istration of from one halt pint to • pint of warm liquid food say soup or milk just before retiring. Copper wires are used for .uexicen tele- graph lines, so that they can bear the weight of the bade and monkeys that orowd upon them at night. There is in New York • weekly newspaper of eight pages, six of which are prepared each week from printed copy gut and pasted together aid then photographed. Japan has a henkisg hoose that has bees is business without • break for over three hundred years. The bank has now more than thirty breaches, and is the largest private bank in .lapse. Count de Fontelve, • Parings= noble- man, recently drove • mail coach drawn by rix mules, without relay, all the way from Lisboa to Paris through the mountains of north-eastern Spain and the Pyrenees, • &stases of 760 miles. Mayon wedding trips ars all the rage al the ostiowt. One couple r..sstly rears - ea homes after a tour of eleven hundred miles, all made on wheels. They were ab- sent seven week", and have Hailed three hundred and fourteen towel and villages. A y over man is Lowell, Masa., troubled for Ivan with a attestant .uooeoeioo of bode ea his seek, was oeseplgtoly oared by taking Ply three bottles of Ayer's Sars•narill. =resole of the treatment was greatly demotes with isersased &verde pie. During the hest twelvemonth, Arch House I estafeehs., Orlyl•'• birthel•e• and of sipelohre, sea• venni by some 8011 pewees, among w►•m S6 ween from the liaised Slaws, 11 from the Amirante oolenie•, 7 from Canada, 2 fres kali., 1 hem Trisided 2 from (lerassny, 1 five Usewark, sed one from (iritis\ H..duron The hes eesstrieter is sayable of ewaUow- tog des, osiers or mon whole It first ermines itis viotim's hoses by the strength et ita folds. it usually .•leis. its prey by Imaging teem the hr oeh of a tree ear the pmol when the animal" are as..st.med to go to maser, avid sloes it has ss poems (sags N kills ite prey by peessur's (Isar oard" of Weiland delft are aat.afl the letest..arsines for the table. The sane ass is odd shapes, ebewiag the e.n..elietsd den seesaw The setae l• written se a wide apses .t the hettees of the sand sad M be seely rubbed .g when the i --b. er' in ever. hie fast makes Num rather as eomaamisal roars l.•KIh : Jesa)b Ismael left es Tuesday it Tis young lady who made 7110 weird" eatlas Omatul Repaid l• have as • f"aasmrauaesy" km Autumns has ram away eper.tba preformed. he b wlsg fes same items hem. Wer 'mother wanted hes be rima pest hoes warts( with • growth es make three Mame of bred ode of Mur. ( Ihe tide of hi .soh, 0005E FED ON A DIAMOND. Rm. te•eetb•l r..ad • N1Y DAM to • newt ter wbMb Oise aid read m1. ea New 1 wk, Jen. 20. Yea Robert Ree on1101 r s.tly became the possessor .f • df.mosd .t oo.ndor•ble value to • .ugalat trey. About Bre weeks aro she west he her haulier a and selected • gorse- It we sent Immo, and es she does net beau.e in euuddiag such matters to bar serve t., she preesed.d to .pie 11. She felt 'outsides bard ued.r her =gore and epos •zallinilblitia found what ••• very much like • die read. Mrs. Itrlssathai did not at first suppose at was • diaostok hut to make sure .hs took it to • (bled, who u • judge of preotou. stones. Muir ■.pelting it he d elerod it to be • diamond of exeslle•t war r, worth in the oeigbbirh...d of $11111. The fres•• did not oust inose the 11 50 - NOT ZORN. "1 wt•h 1 had lived to the days of Adam and Eve, said • ttred•looking roan. "Why w .,.soli a meed. "Rocas.. 1 should oat have been ea is - tolerably bored by hearing people boast of their ancestors 11..teea herr me. the •••ooverr'J.n r Saggioe. guest. Host 1 don t know, unlade we leave the drawing room for a t,•w minutes to give them • chance 1.. tri, uhout u.. BE NOT DECEIVED. the 1.perrellyd a. N .add'. Widmer 5111. t,rI1re thr *:atr ant t:rr'd .r 1 earr.p.l.e. ImN.ter,. .% kidney trearm-,.' -o poi form wise un- known until Dodd'. !y. hey Pill. came into USD. It Ilodd'e Kidney "ille were not wised "the boot is the w.,r:.i, no one would imi- tate them. Who is defrauded and who pockets the proceeds when • couuo.•rfeit coin is passed upon you ' Never let anyone t.rtu•de you to buy a e ubetitut• or tmn.tt„n of the real article you need. The genuine are put up in round, fiat wooden boxes, white lettering on blue label with red band. You can get the genuine I [odd'. Kidney Pills from any drugvist or dealer in 1 anode at See cwt. • bot, or by marl from the Dodd s Medicine ('o , Toronto. floc %%hat eau we do to amuse our The man who fears to spend • sent And never advertise.' With little gain oleo to content While others take the prize., No matter what bus wares may be, Nor hew much worth the selling, The world will sone the wiser be, Except 'tui by the telling. Meehan* a Marv. Stew down .11 supertluoce skin from the rib., .to.. with any pieces left over after cutting the carow into Joists. Make • good thick gravy, and warm the meat in ,t for half an hour. n■tieral• 1 ekes. isgrediente, three-quarters of • pound of flour, a tea.poouful of baking pnwder,three ouhoes of dapping or lard, two ounces of retains, ditto Durrant., .three ounces of sugar. and three-quarters of • pint of but- termilk, First wash the - 11.raot..stone the twilling, and chop .mall. Rub the fat into flour, add the sugar, fru;;, • little.pioe,and mix with the buttermilk to • .tiff batter. Pour into • well greeted 1:0, and bake in • hot tin for about an hour merlon. •t A witness in court who had been caution- ed to give a precise answer toevery noodles end not to talk about what be might think the gaestioo meant, wee interrogated as fol lows : "You drive a wtwon "No, sir, Ido Dot." "Why, sir. did you not friend so this moment "No, sir, 1 did not.' "Now, .ir, i put =to you on your oath, do you drive • wagon "No, sir." "What is your comma. ton, then •" "I dove • horse" tell my learned Why the alter Was 111. "1f anvene enquires for me," said the edi. tor, feebly, "you can say that i haveIgese into the hospital.- After ospital.--After he had tottered out of the office they looked on his desk. and saw that he had just opened • letter from "Old Sub- scriber," containing these questions : 'Which is oorrsot Tomorrow is Friday,' or Tomorrow will be Friday ' 'What were the causes that led to the Fr•aoo-Prossian War •' 'Will you please give, in as brief outline as possible, • history of Government by Cabinets op to peesest date'' Tee Pr•evlee. la • osantry assize wort the other day • farmer was the 'defendant 'in • suit for • piece of load, and his lawyer bad bees makiav a street fight for it. Whim the plaintiffs counsel began his •rvoemeat he .aid : "May it plow the ooart, i take the good-" The old farrier lumped up quickly. 'What's that' What's that ! he asked. The edge bade him sit down. "May it please the omit," oestiooed the oo.tmel, not sousing the interruption, take the s•rosd-" "No, IR be bested if you do, either, &boated the old farmer ; ".nyhow,not notal the jury deaden the case. • Wlllrrhey d. t*. The follower creed and articles of faith are published by a Wells, Minnesota saloon- keeper . "1'. whom it may oeoe res Know re, that by the proem of 2600 1 lin per - mated to retail intoxieatiug tim.oes ia this este. To the wife who has a drunkard he • beibsd: or • friend who r ufortanabily diesipsted, I say, wpbatie•Ily, give tae so tees in perms of snob ease or mase in whish you an intsrest.d. sod •11 e..b .1011 10 ea - eluded from my , Let mesbre,fathesu, sisters and besei do likewise, sad their repose .h•11 lie regarded i pay • heavy tax ler the privilege .f selling whiskey rod ether liquors sod 1 wet It distisotly setae - Mend the 1 de not deure to ail it to drinkerds sr .saes., or to the poor or des tibula i mesh prefer that they will save their money sad pot it where it will ds the emit g..d to their hostiles. There .re ease e1 baser sod aim of mosey who ma tided 11, .ad it i. with Uses that i desire to traile." 1 tltr.ts.1. ; Th. Umsgomon el OnimmI. .s having the Mb of July .►earlss bore thee y.ar,e.d hem been argued getb.rIrtg .sbu.riptieaa Yd erre well received, sod everything oheeM now be dew to sake it whMh .o doubt w di he dose. Se•lert► David Stewart, of Hew I, Mwhi's., a former ',indent and a highly respa.ted resident .1 seatorth, died u. the 19•h lost , after • I seg illness, suffering front ooueumptlna. The fuueral was co. - ducted oo the Clod, under the • ispso•e. of the orb, r of the M•.x:rb.e., of a htoh M was a monitor, firu.s.ls Iitrue.elsoa•Ing club !Alerted the l.nck•ow aid %Vett:et.r clues at hr N,r,✓. ham rink oo Wedo.•day. They will there- fore Ipj•y kr the West aro Tankard. Wilt/hen. .1. A. Fryluggle •r.turoed home from Mskok• with • badly cut foot, The Italias physicians, who have bees making • study el the o,nlpuaent parts of the street duet of Turin. one of the e!senest cities to Europe, by the way, report that the gonna of almost every due.= kuown to ecle.Oe was discovered. (In the sweets et posed for .el. in the etreea, and on the our taus of food sold to rhe opeo air. they found the Orme of tuberculosis, authny. and ten other maladies. Nothuip can be really safe Lo eat It [her11 as diger even 1n dew, PAST YOUR PRIUL Perhaps nut in years, but in energy. Tour health is tout good. yet you hard- ly taus what is the .atter with you Tour business. too. 1a tai tho decline. Peupl.k mase tom' uW ebonite spirit you sbo.t-.l Iu foram. r years. The secret of all tb.a is that "our eonetitotion is worn out and you- blood is bad. Set both right by (b- use of Chase's Lid- tegy-Lever Pills. tum box will cars Jou D rr•wi. Rheamatts. Catarrh. I-lea _Zoot u peculiar b womsm Scref ula. M nervation, seiaticu poor blood. Ind igestioo. raver complaint of Appetit& filovers kidney diems& Thousands of sufferers bare p.6Wiy teetilied to the efficacy of (.'bass's Kid- ney -Liver Pills. TI.'. are the best. on use the beet. One pill to dose; nae eeet a dose . 25 cent. a box. For sale by all dealers. or by the manufactureru, Edmans.a, Betas & Co.. 'Furcate& Use Chases Lioeeed and Turpentine for M1 throat and lent; troubles. Lars bottle, omkll dose. small price, 25s. .are -Arte. /sai-dSelaser rats.. noweelleto (/aloe. 5.1. la fns NOON eat. t n I, sur ir.b.-•-' .,.d r.r ik)by The "D.&L.' Menthol Plaster 11 a l •L•I." ,. . n.. i..,.k and iube4.�1 ..,• ••..,,.•s•..1.. r . i, i•. . tan. •.rIJ. rl...MILt.wa..,ga ✓ etro ate. • tyY:Rl 'CE M. 1 rr. .. r•, Cutting Prict ' -not cutting our nose off to' spite our face -nowadays is what we are doing, to make room for the large stock of Spring Goods that will soon be to hand. Although the prices in Suits and Overcoats will he shattered, the sante high levels of Quality and Workmanship will he maintained. As usual at this season of the year, we are offering our entire stock of Trousers to order for $3.50 and $14.00. PRIDHAM THE TAILOR. Coal & Wood Yard The undersigned begs to inform the public that he keeps on handl all grades of HARD coAL SOFT AND BLACKSMITH COAL. PRICES OF WOOD REDUCED. attendee given ie SPLIT WOOD Call and get prices and see samplers of wood. Office and yard, NELSON -ST., .w Menke area. Renal. D C. STRACAN f'reprimer- N.It - w.aed.ti. J ePtst green \aeil- weed 1 list Lea. J & a t .111 he lg Ma eflie.'esdw..y w.deay ••d satd..wtap hells 7110 le hie p, in t. reed.• orders and show esmpl.s of sisal and woad, pprvp end by mere It an *ilea Ifiregiste u• set•l-I..\ • Naval Ked (;rata $gaily, w\..e reale, fainted is some lir li..M.s order, .hall e.nse•pe.y linctus 6..la end amok .p the .roes..( va..es mak in Bra.i. Up a Cold in Time sr U$.rvt: PYNY-PECTORAL .- u miak Carr for (.01'1.11'. (t)L1Y1, CROUP, 11110N- ( MITI', 110AliniEnnml, sir. \t.s. josarw Noswlra. t .hor.ute. A,,., Toronto, writs I'..r rennet W Wet /WA w rye • suer.. sf creep toot •lie err It .roe Isr••eef�lmi .'nor ..041 01.11•11 It W -• • :.nowt as ewe= es= era a, .y 1 pi, is se m+ .i(lw remise ...;Aka see w lienee... ' H; 0. Itaseoe.. of lode Kocher, N B , 11,1111111 •. • ern k neer Pr., P.esowl le 1`. t+.t .h1r ' Yr.. my r•• IL..-•ewrmDeMa.r.- Large nettle. SS Ctn. l'AVIS le LAWRENCE CO., LTD. en Proprietors, Mo,. rv.aL Driving Nails and driving her -gains are • cool deal alike, ooe wants to know where to strike. I5 SILVERWARE AND FINE CUTLERY FOR CHRISTM AS TRADE We ere nades great bargain.. la CROSS -CUT SAWS, AXES, FILES and GENERAL. HARDWARE. 041r Winne aro IMO) down. DAVISON & COt Noted for good goods, PATENTS CAVEATS. Tomei RIMS AMO COMMITS Obtained, and all business In the U. R. Patent OA1ce attended to at MO1g11d T1' 1'1CA8. Our once 1a opposite the U. P. Pateot Ot- floe, and w • roc obtain Patents In lees time hen those •emaefrom WASHINGTON. Bend 1001)141. Ole DILA WING. We ad• .Ise as to p»tenuMlir tree of chem.*• sad we make AO C11AHO14 1'NL FSS WE OB- TAIN PAT14NT. We refer, here, to the Postmaster, the nape al Money Order 1)1.,. and to odt..aIs of the U. 8. Natant (Noce. For circular. adries teras and refereuoee to actual clients la me awn State or Count►, write to ✓ Al SNOW a C... Opposite recent 0111ro.W•ehlogt'tr, D C. if FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. GODERJOH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. C H RY STA L, 8woeeeeorto Ckreont • Meek,) manufacturer of all kinds of BOILERS. Smoke Stacks, Salt Pane, Sheet irate Works, etc., etc., And Dealer In- Engioes, Machinery Castings, lea All ..ire. of Pipes and Pipe Fitttens, Steam and Water !:aures, [:lobe Vales. Check Valves, i&spir•tor., EOM en mod is- jeeters ('nostently on Hand at Lowest, Prtoes. A special lime of Steel Water and Hog Troughs for use of farmers and other.. Repairing promptly attended to L S. CESTSTAi. !erI-ly P. 0. Box 17, (1od.rioh, Ont. Works o eine S. T. R. Pieties. Osderl.a GHAT EFUL-OOMMFORT 1 NCi• EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST- SUPPER. "Ry a tborongh kncwledee of the imes al Taws which govern the nperetinns of Atwood.n Mid set lesion. and to s nrrrnl applicatioa of 1ho Sae twopertlea of wellerlerted (oma Mr. Elms lies provided for our hivokfa u and sap per • delicately flavoured beverage which may may hoary doctors' bills. it le by the jlady�iMm noitai of sorb articles of diet this a roe may he gradaeley been apatite *roam to rs.t.4 every te.deaey is 41e•.... R• of whets maladies an Hestina Vas raalt to attack wh•nve tbs..,r s pMet- w• my geese man • fatal 7 kKOSSesrealvee troll iert1Sed with =Wads prwew;Rrtr .ourt•h•,! imam' MMd wb usseetata.bb/wwooers. Ish.11.imaw woody witwater 41111‘ JAMES erre a eb lid., nem.e>♦meibM A+sols. gameem. ti