HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-2-13, Page 64
Jos.. L. X&.1.*i•.
Passes Belief
Yr. Jas. E. Nicholson, Florenceville,
N. B , Struggles for Seven Long
Year. with
par '11a
Mr. Ni.•hols••n 113 y+: "1 tom+•ilted dor-
tots esti.. pr.•s.111.'.l for rue. but to
Da purpose; the cancer began to
Eat into the Flesh,
spread to my ehin. and i suffered In
agony fur Seven Logi years. Irmally. 1
1 tr•;:in taking Ayers ti:.rsapartlla. to
a week or SMO 1 uoticed a
Decided Improvement.
Pnrourag.'d by this result. I parse.
terra, mail in a month or so the sore
uud,•r my ehin began to heal 1n three
mouths my hp began to healand, after
using the Sarsaparilla for six months,
the last truer of the cancer dt.. ppcared.'
Ayer's Sarsapanlla
Admitted at the World's Parr.
1 FK... r•Ia.L.1 Regulate tic Rugal.
Trust the child•en. Never doubt them.
Build a wall of lose shout them
Atter soeriov .er.t* of duty,
Trust them tor ;no mower. of beauty.
Trust the children. Don't suspect them,
Let your confidence direct them.
At the hearth or .n the wiliwnod
Meet them on the place of ch Idbood.
Trust the little nn -a. Remember
May is not like chill December
Let Do words of rave er madne•..
('heck their happy note of gladness,
Trust the little ones. 1 nu guide them,
And, shove •II, no er deride them,
Should they trip, or should they blunder,
Lest you snap love • cords asunder.
Trust the children. '.et them treasure
Mothers faith in houo,lles• measure,
Father s love in them confiding
The no secrete they II be hiding.
Trust the children lust as He did
\%'ho for "such once sweetly pleaded.
Trust and guide, hut Dever doubt them.
Kuild a well of love shout them.
New fork Ledger.
It was toweids the cline of be winters
day. The recently fill.. wow lay 'loamy
and white in all the interstices of the
streets. Aloof one of the lees crowded
thoroughfares, a now silk hat, • frock coat,
trousers cut • month or two before., and
other well known articles tt wearing ap
parel, covered the counterfeit preeeotmeot
of • . ming moo, who pawnor in front of •
statel •nsion, of ter game hesitation rang
the ben and entered.
The hones belonged to the millonairesee.p
maker, .Iac,b Mc Vat.
As the young man was ushered into the
library, Mr. Mc\ .t looked out at him keen
ly from soder hoe .baggy eyebrows, and mo
honed him to • seat.
"The object of my visit, sir, began the
visitor as he gingerly placed himself on a
chair and began to remove his gloves, "u
daub' less kouwo to cow. Some mootbs ago
1 w• 't•o. i.+ t., yonr d•nghter purely by
%cc; in different atmospheres
as we do, it was indeed the heat of luck
that brought us tog. -they. I felt singularly
drawn to her, and I have formolit called
upon von to sok for her hand, Whole per
haps not necessary, it may be well for me
to meesino that my family is on. of the old
est in the arty tint then is another fact
even mon etnk,og. 1 se, sir, he added
proudly "Do sou know, 1 leave
g raved • cent of money in my life '
"Yoe don we so," exclaimed Jacob
McVst as he took his hoods from his pock
see, and, rising, went to the window and
pointed thr.•mfh it to the front of the bowie
Tisa l ll •.11 yew what 1 will do for you,
geese iotas,' he said. "1f soul go out earl
clean thorium 08 the wa,k l'll rive you db
cents. "-. Harper • 11.,'.r.
• Greet Julie's assesses.
A sereno. jod,lme.., was pronounced oee
day by a judge in a court of law at Voles°,
in the island of Soto. An .nine for dem
ages woe brought by tun per...ne against •
Meal railway e•npanv for loess ..stained
W • oe111stm. it appears that • mac had
Mgt se Wm sod • yneeg woman had lost
Me boohoo& The jades. -s t;r.ek naw.
• sod tb, d•essgw. ohs.: H« rave sir thoes-
sod piastres to tbe awn for the lo.. of ho
arm, and two thoesand to 1h. woman for
the Mees .f herr heehsed Ai phi, there
were load ettrmsrs, whereupon the Pelee
g oes his Iteaw is th..s term. Mr dear
ps Is, my ..edict maw owner,, (w tab
,rill sal that tt M a jest was. Poor Ntkek
has Met ho sem. and aethisn nes earth rose
motors that pewee** Binh Rat y.'e " (tare
h og M the ws*sa) --"you .r. at. 1 risen
teed pratsy Yee have sew some mese,
Yen will ..oily had •.elber h..tead, vha
owi7M s. .. ..e►Fbebbfb
Ahatter h•n • r A. ., Mord That
/" 5a.ds.t, my ..d w 11 ower go lank
▪ asps th. ivies 1. ft she hall ThePIPSy ejg.rgd „km ..delated
Melee .web • -
thesee•IM e s 1••� E•e
dos Nowa
..rel. erldbodura b....a.
1, Lb* lar Nwehwwt, h.ye d Wilttsl:,eg,
s. lipliu.p.sa. Whs. soar Mapped fes the
krwaght up straw I, is th. k,rk.
The m. titer lameuted that bar batt.. bed
soh been baptised . too the reamos was that
they war• at such • dutale a from ant
oharob that tt had been impossible to attend
to tt.
" l ll baptise them for you, saga the
Janet was nut prepared to have say oe.r
away that she did out oosstder orthodox.
So she replied
" 1 will spier Sandie •brut It.
to the morning whoa the hisbop, who of
course claimed • monopoly of ordination as
nods legitiatate •uooe•sor o1 the spool.,,
mrotio.ed the wavier eg.to, the daughter
of .11 ,r % I:edAN answered
"'frank %uu, we b.v• c.wdud*d to wait
for .. regular ordesned mreneeier
The tables wore teraed,tur she oonstdered
the bishop set a.lsled.
Last and Overeat,
In • village smithy in lb. North of Abor-
deenshire, • few wor hies bed foregathered,
and the discussion on "a now loving bis
second wife' was loucbed upon
"Sandy Smith, said the village letter
wrier, "Sou end be werl able to gee an
opinion ou that •ua•l.ct ; %e've halo foes
wives. Which u them a' aid y• like best '
"Woe'. I'oety, 1 ha'e nee qualms o nun
science in ansa•rtn that •t ueettoo 1 aye
hist the Iiviu erne tut
Save all cold vegetables and fry than to-
gether with potato.. .rid pl«uty of popper
and salt.
lo test nutmegs, pick them with • pis,
nod if good the oil will Iostaotly spre..d
round the puncture.
A carte of croup in a child may often be re-
lieved by applsinv to the cheat • strip of
folded ttanuel wrung out io very hot west. r.
This woes is rxc.11e et for plum puddings
1',ao. • dessert.poouful of sassier sugar In an
enamelled saucep.o, add the ;woe of hell a
lemon and a vlaes of white wins. Make
very hot, but be sure the sauce does not
Thu label paste will suit your purpose.
Take eight noon of tl sur and mix it with
three ouaoes of brown sugar, work it tato •
smooth cream with oold water, hod then
pour boiling water on it, and stir till all is
mixed. Add seven or wrist drops of car-
bolic acid and it will be read% for use.
Beeswax polish for linoleum should i.e
scraped hotly, and to every two ounces a"e
ounce of yellow soap added Piece all n, a
gallipot, cover with a little turpentine, at:d
stand on the fire till all is dueeolved,.tirnng
with a stick occasiooall% Piece • little of
this on • flannel and rub the lioolenm, after-
wards polish with soft dusters.
Light tea buns may be mad. as folios,
Take three ouartere of • pound tf flour, two
ounce, of butter, ditto lard, four ounces of
cry •• .r sugar, and a teaspoonful of bsk,ng
powder. Heat the white of two eggs Seal
stir, and add the yolk' to the cake mixture
with • little milk Lastly, add the beaten
whites and • good handful of pinked ou
rants. Beat all together Pleoli to greased
tins and bete in • very getok oven.
Toiler vinegar may be made at home from
the followilg.recetpt ingredients - Hall a
pint of Rordeaux or hest malt vinegar, half
a pint of good brandy, • teaspoonful of es
Bence of bergamot, • pint of rose or elder -
flower water. Mix the bergamot with the
spirit, then add the vinegar, and finally the
rose-water it ma% bre cleared by etr :w•og
through • funnel lined with clean blotting
paper ; but in use it will make little differ-
ence whether clear or cloudy
if you want the best that is going
in Flour and Feel and Groceries, at
the best rate* for your pocket, call at
my store on the Square, near Colborne
The goods are of the best and the
prices are right.
Clearing Sale
Dry Goods
30 D8T8
Farmers' produce taken is ea..hange.
H. J. HOR?Olf
the CASH 8TOR E,
nor. M' ...1 wriest mod Sown
Great Bargains
Owing to the great rwluction we merle
in our prices in the fall of '95 our
was disposed of nearly as fast as we
could dewire Having, then, a well to
do feeling, and deeding to planes my
customers still more ; also in consider
.tion of the fact that many people at
this time of the year, fine) it difficult
to procure clothing owing to bard
timea, i wish to announce to my cw•
totnars and the general public, Nat
we have
still *ors This cheap solo will eon -
tittles till the drat of March, by whish
tine wo aspect to clear owl ail that is
left Of our reedy mors steak.
sighs with a Msaish fishy who hod h.m HAI[ILTONAT.
$rems as if co. -1
•smptiva always I
pick. out the bright-
est and best Maybe
it isn't so. Maybe it
seems so because
consumption is the
most Coat mamp-
tion kills mum peo-
j . ple than wars or
Cholera or Yellow
Fever. Fully one-eizth
of all the deaths that occur in the world ars
caused by con- umpti.. And consumption
eau be cared Doctors used to say that it
WAS incurable, but the doctors were merely
mistaken. It would be strange if medical
science did not make some progress. Many
timings were once considered impoeslble
The ocean steamer, the locomotive, the
telegraph and telephone, the phonograph,
the electric light -all these were outs (-
possible, and once it was impossible k titre
consumption. That was before the time
of Dr. Pierce's Guide% Medical Discovery.
Takeo according to directions, this standard
remedy will cure 98 per cent of all cases e
consumption./ Consumption is a disease of
the blood. It used to be considered a dis-
ea,e by itself. It is not It is caused and
f•«tcred by impurity in the blood. Purify
tttc blood and restore the healthy action to
the various organs of the body and coo-
e iMptiOn will ire cmted. It is by weakness
and loses of vitality in the blood. It is cured
by purity and richness of the blood --surely,
certainly cured Those who have consump-
tion or any lingering bronchial, throat or
lung disease, and those who are on the road
to them, have a positive remedy at band.
Any condition of the body that indicates
weakness, any- indication of impurity in the
blood, should be attended to at once. Lo..
of appetite, l,r.s of flesh, loss of vitality, ; I
nervonsneal, Weakness and unnatural wear-
iness, are indic itions that the body is run-
n ing down. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery makes the appetite good, the di-
gestion strong It builds up solid, healthy
flesh and vigorous strength. Thousands of 1
people have testified that it has really saved
their lives. Some of these testimonials,
together with hundreds of thing_ that ev-
erybody ought to know about health and
sickness and medicine. have been embod-
ied in Dr. Pierce's "Cowmen Sense Med-
ical Adviser." This too& page medical
.work, profusely illustrated, will be sent free
on receipt of p ose-cont stamps to cover
Fustoms and postage onft. World's Di..
pessary Medical tieoctation, Buffalo, N. Y. . I
Poll rissoles you will find a useful dish
wit.. you have roast pork that you wish to
u eop. atop up the pork finely, season it
with powdered sag. and chopped boiled
ou emu Take eon.' weight of potato or doe
bre dernmbs and mix with the pork. Add
• well beatdn erg to each half pound of
meat. Season all rather highly with black
pepper, mustard, and salt, and form into
baits the wire of • peach. Dip into beaten
egg, then into dried bread crumbs, and fry
in deep fat. Drain dry and sone with
apple sauce to • separate tureen. The
apple sauce makes this rather rich dish
more digestible, and Serves to bring out the
'' I Nave Siad
Rheumatism for years, and Nerviline is the
only reload ' that has done me at good."
So writes Thomas Mc(;lashao, Sor•h Pel
ham, .1ul% ul, 1890, and his testimony is
supported by thousands of when who have
experienced the wonderfully penetrating
and pun subdolhg power of Nervelioe -the
great nerve pato sure. N,pvil,oe is just as
good to take as to rub on, dud is the best
family remedy in the world. Nervilioe i.
cold b} dealers everywhere.
A Dutch fitness' postal this advertiee-
swot in • Pena.ylvani• tavern. "Lost a
small telt, hie two behead legs ore whets.
He i. •.he self. Everybody who find him
gets Ave dollars
We guarantee Dodd's Kidner 1"tls to run ant
case of Bright's Disease. Diabetes 1 towhee.
limper. Rheumatism. Heart Disease. Femab
rroubles Impure Blood es name, refun ted
Sold by Aided rs in medicine. or by 1051 ua
receipt of . rice. pc. per boa or Sia bosestts.Y,
DP a.. A. SMITH L CO. 'Toronto.
INlulOS (1000 ')I(CST :1N
PRICE 25 6TS.TM1900C"•
Hello 1
'It Ole Reliable
Sh�l ort Deft.
tis filwa nest Qat *ear mid ie skis market
All Coal +.`bed se Wm Market ftstalsa,
as tba' rewi5 nes van aim your wsiaka
Onlars left et HARMER ` LSra
promptly attended to.
The Shoe
that's envied !
A good shoe is a good friend—to the man who
weirs it—to the dealer who sella it. But a good shoe
is a bad enemy to the dealer who can't get the
right to sell it, and dares not tell his customers so. We are
sole local agents for The Slater Shoe, which is the best shoe for
men;that we know of.
Weare the only firm in this city which can buy these shoes
wholesale, and with the knowledge and consent of the makers.
Other shoemen want them so badly that they get their friends to
purchase from us, "on the quiet," a few individual pairs, at full re-
tail price in 'order to put them in their windows for show. But
these firms can't buy the Genuine Slater Shoes to sell again—
they buy them to keep them and talk against them. We buy
ours wholesale from the manufacturers, • so we can afford to sell
them retail. We keep every size, width and shape in stock. so that
we can fit any man, no matter what kind of feet he is addicted to.
Ours are The Genuine "SLATER SHOES," stamped on the
sale $3, $4, $5 per pair.
Now don't you think it must be a pretty good shoe that's
envied like this ?
Perhaps you should see these shoes that shoemen want so
badly. We are the only people who have the Right to show them
to you.
Cor. East st and Square, Goderich.
ie YOU weirr
�- of First -this M^tie,
Good Material and
1-itest Styles
Tb. t#esFoL Cambia
Mitt M Nest sr lemei W
UIls&ISNft* Iflfit
Bllchallalls & Rhyil3s
w•erte W1'VIteJr
1?Ware in .11 kiwi. of
Lad bwlldw• ettsatertal of every deseripttm
School Puniture a Specialty.
Toa Oaiaeiaa Penn( Waimea Om IF
ars has haw established 10 Alva *b•
• erstelam swiss with late sad pees
"Isgat fismmatilisa.
it i. wind w bwws 5,1.101.. sad Is
ter Worse of Its patrons.
11 L.wre.b lbs ee05•vt .I every 5105•g wM
wb/Mor►tsskk far w sass b g�
Masksaonameag with ell Uwe a.d elbgs5
Swss•d nsaoas. Q1..d• aid
01,1.1 ��5dob wow is Sha
•rw50rt111b Osl..ah'al• W t sail
Ymr.a,f-10 t8 SW. Waimea.
IL end
-w Masammi
i. the l ad
This new blend of tea for family
use is now on sale at our store. .
We have also the finest in
and keep on hand full lines of bent Family
Groceries, and the most reliable in Dairy
Produce, Seasonable Fruits and Vegetables,
Tie Orooera, oc the Sgsar.
- - - NOTICE. - -
Proprietor of the
Will please tall on him and pay op.
He wants clean balanced hooks to commence the year'ogoolisma
SHORT CREDITS AND LOW PRICER will be our motto !hie jlulfl:
hIu h fit THE 8IllhLLt $1.00 s ?apt fi bonne