HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-2-13, Page 5tj • TAE SIGNAL : COMMON, ONT., THITRMDAY FEB. 13, 1816. b W. ACHESON & SON. FEBRUARY BARGAINS. Best Dutch Indigo Blue Heavy Prints 12 1-2 c. a yd., worth I6c. Fine Satin Check Muslins 10 c., the 12 .- c. quality. Lansdale Cambries, 36in. wide, 12 I -2c worth l6c White Cotton, American Fine Brand, 36in, at IOc., worth 14c. Best American Peaperel Bleached Twilled Sheeting, 72in. wide, 29c worth 35. INSPECTION INVITED. SEND FOR OR SEE SAMPLES. W. ACHESON & SON, IMPORTERS OF HIGH CLASS 000DB. WILMER SMITH, UNDERTAKER, 407:)1311RICH, OW.-. U• srt•kfeg I)epartmela raerml of our Mr J. gia n Reelgrove. praotl tial Funeral Dimmer and Kmbals sr..11Ispr ptly attendedmagma er M and gusto • number have aigst$sd their ha- ustus.s of taltag Immo. from this Wasted lady A Tmase-VSAM Set.ru'. ■. On Tues - da, Joseph Bresnan, who had previously pleaded ,tufty to obarges of horse stealing sad tarots), was brought before Judge Dole for testator. After giving the prig - ear some ver, good advice, His Hoaor meet the prisoner to Kingston for term of three years. Naw ('ITIrass. Mr and Mrs. A. R Albin left tor their new home is Goderich BORN- of T.esd•,. The departure of such good ♦t Sault Ste Mui.. Mo.dav, � popular oiIu.on from our village is W ii. -- rte orifi of Prsd W. yq . 7dga of Aggorea, oq• eft, be regretted. The Standard loins witb their • - slaty frasda here in wishing them aDaod- fHE TALK OF THE TOWN. Rthee of eview.gucemet a their new too. Blyth Ha H•. REIN lu_-F. A. ('r•bb,of Boy !'sty. to writing •boot the old home paper. From the Reporter's Notebook suet test hi. bruiser !;has. K. has hitt seriously ill. p.eumonu being tbe disease. The geatlomos both live to Bey ('try, sad the letter leads to the belief that C. F:. se be- yond tbe critter) period. • tura that will be pleasing to his m•ay :friends in (Joderiob and vtaiotty. Hs Ca' Taival. 5 limit,. Os Thursday A made tlIS IDed hie meals countenance ss tweeting Dan Molror enlaced for ILe S mils be glanced at tea photo he tock Inas the (open to all, roto in the Clinton skating letter. sad then msrmurtg, how tris 10 ills, rick. There were three entries, two from he premed warm kites. on the pretty carte. It used not be added that It was soon next kis Godertoh and one from Clinton. Dan soon konrt, whlcb mod. her 5.•5505 .oteewbst took the land, and at the end was some four fifes D..r.bte OA. ea. the Itta like picture was from 8ALWW S or five taps ahead, wtantog • very pretty, TM Iac►osotng brightness of the sun is • ulcer plated camp kettle. F. Stokes war care tttd/c•Noo °I" sorb Sprien and Die"- the other frooderiob, but not be - sat temperate days A. the o.gbta, however. , er entry m (. are liaely se be ekllly. all wbo dost) oomfort ing in good trim did not complete the and app. •ranoe wit' weer tine of rialtos . Spring Overcoats. which front their fesalon- r•o. able metes -MI •ad artistic out are. like the 1 Te. CAitNnii - To evening the tern. known everywhere. mooed carnival of the mason *ill tale place Hix Tsar.-Kinoardine end the home team in the Gederich curling and slating rat. will play • game in Godericb rink on Moe- There are • number of •xcellent prizes, q- day evOatur, tbe 17th.oludro, • splendid watch, and as then t. Rat i. at. MEETIxu. -- Spatial o•rvlen promise of a more extended list of fanny are being bold each events. in ilio limas- drawee for the nosing competition, there stent of Northam church, wktob all ars w01- .bgsld bs • large attendants. W. say come to ettead. mention that t1 ii espeoted Cliotoo, Ses rep - Ins Utte WWI*. -• Ren. Mr. • Yonas torte, Blyth and Hayfield aro ts have rep prwobod is Vittoria. et M'tbodi.t cbarob, re•entauves in fancy 00.10, m, so that Gods- richaad Rev. Mx. Rioe,.f St. Tbms•s,i* North will have to get semethine nth end m church last Sunday. novel to keep ahead. Mts.to,aay Sumo* -Rev. Mr. Joan., THEY WIN n Rnt.dr. _.. (Ju Saturday of Tborwd•M, will preach miwooary term- ter• hooker (sem drove M Kino.rdiw sad ono wet `ands, to Si.. (:corp'. on behalf played a match that .veni.g.the team of the el the eta marten fund. Northers town winning by 2 to 1 On Mon - A New EL t'1.r Robs. Mclean is bevies day evening our beys played in Ripley, and best the club of that burgh by 5 to 3. The plebe glass ps.t in the two mores next Sher- Oederich wets was smile. The soh., however, are not Nears (:c•1 H. J.:D. Cooks but iodise awards to the door, • feature Point S. M•loomsem eat sly new to I:odericb. !oyer point D. Thompson A. Me('.rtby Forwards Jas. Mcleod } Angus Molitor Ale:. McIver. CHORAI. ' mtasn%.-In 'realise of the e000ert vaven by the Choral Society in Clinton The New Era says Th. Goderioh forget the oosoert this evealtg is VISMri• Harmony O oeestn of 15 iestramente gave Hall. ender the augpie. 01 55 U.d.rke • delightful surprise to the •ndionos, and Choral Soeiety. Tickets may b. obtained • big •esimemos to the Choral Beoiety they .f the members and elan at Porter's, where gave four Dumbest very ol•.sicel and in • seats may be reserved. very effeotivs rather. This organization is Wm Do 3n -This week oar old sad M new'', a ..ere t■ a' Per Gass. 1 Node ie test It t • tlit.1'. Amens Y. Takla' Soma. an' with Ne'11 "rest It.' -Marne. A. Aa'ID&NT.-On Friday Frank Hesd- a ens, while workta. at a bum .w is the Organ Factory, had the midwsos@ to tsjmn two of the flagon on hu left had. the nosh being badly torn from owe of them. Tse MUMMAt.a Tele Ivtl,lw..-Do set voluted freed. J. (J. Ward, who u Mehl u the front with • budget from Da.g•noon wish. Tba RHINAL to thank the ki.d per- son wk. se ably tilled the blank caused by his (J.O. W.'s) ills... A Duty Down Swam. --As • member of Tau BwwiL stet started dews the eel Mr stairs las Friday b. missed his feettsg and went hurriedly to the bottom, the re. salt being se Wined arm tb•t will is... blot to reit for afew days. &Le m W EDDINS.-T The week before the het F. F. sad Mrs. Lawrence palmed the silver vain Oleos .t wedded life, and Mooch only knows M renting and personal Monde a very large Number et .om.Msa .1 t5. eelmOFen may sew 5. assn se Lacerates Villa. Cnnpsss'. Am Roder,. -Any panne hsviy dsibhg whet. les boyo .hoot R.1 .'. nide Num goer .f sin will reefer • fever ea W yK toren a 4 1 4 6 1-14 111• N •--N 14 l5. ..Mmv W laming dm wins with Win. ptt.PRwWNo's? • 5 • 7s1 1 11. 14.712 •1 1..•, ase,- Obeam*risb bra.f Children'. J -/ roMI 4 6 i a 5 1 1•4- 81 Aid $.0sey, at hi. Mass is WU Coon D N 1 • 4 -If • l • • 4-11 r Here TOTAL f1• R T. or T. twvta*Atwwatrm.-Umlw 000411100111 Collin*. RUDS&V5a LOCCL the em•pigos d Omani K., 103, R. T..f T, Uwetw. - TMP.. d N. eel wsl Fyne' pql• there cess is ..•'Clan* wMri.mwlwt is the eedwne le be held deMeg tb* test week : T. seer's.. Hall es Ther.dsy .vmsi.g. Rd tine .elw1..e beet it pre*.rtien erg site quaky el the pregnot, He 103 woad bare fled • mesh Mawr resets Int naw BAWDY ss low. -Motes Kew Mrs : Rim Han. Dors". vflekmM entd tes.hw, td O.Asun►, awe d the ibel .Mkt - We d the Hitgstsy Gealmesa, has been prevailed wpm M Meet a ds: hes M OWN • sow one sad the people of (.oderieb have jest rsaean to give the seeourag.mest they deserve. They gave their tterrioes for •x peeves, and the society were plowed to meet seeb • talented and boatel lot of musi- cians 15505 oar wighborinr bows. THE Raw irs Snorer. -Oa Friday the number* of the Goderieh (bus Club had • ooateut amour themselves, Pretty and Rec- e ss chaster silo The .sly oo.dltiom el the match was that the losing Mx pay she expertise of the day. it will be soca that Pretty's side same out ahead by 32 prate Pr.uy'. Side. 1M Total IN Total T .hal D. Marwick • 1 1 1 7-10 • F.Preuy •1.0•-101 J.Newesobel CO • 7-ilt P,JTjtaftel I • 4 l 1-14 AB Daren• • • 7 7-144 J.R,Skameen • t • N •-•1 • TOTAL nay semi. at 7:30 Velma. Tillie ll a rah MN new Choke W Wird Minty" s►, Fri Bods... Ushers Presbytery Ohm* Y.Yi Hadar et 7 .'siseb. Fee 1615, " ytiny le Nr 1'w lam& 1.12, I A review d th Wawf of ear own +waruali -.- Rev. Jaw Ram- illies. TREY Of..•saemD,-Lost W.d.aatlay ems - stag the statutory meet/ft of the Collegiate footnote Board was held in the sec. 1,.m.. .tion, all the trustees boas premise Joseph Williams was nested .bairelaa Th. stem ►.p of the beard are be be held es the Brat Tuesday el sash matt at the secretary's office. The obairman tad Meant Athens. and Lock wood were appointed • property 05stmittes, and bt..lordan, Judge Doyle and Mr. Colborn., supply oommittte. Mist Etta Reid was allowed to attend echo* dor- tar the present term fres, her brother the- tas paid the fee last year and beteg usable 1• attend. Miss Aiken is to be metaled that her escrow are .o longer required, •ad Miss McLellaad. whir is filling her pleas, ie eagtg.d p.rmaneotty. Two accounts wore ordered pard. and the hoard thsa ad- journed. We STn.i. Hua or Hi.. - Ths follow tog front last woke Aoto. Tres Prsss,.bew. that • forms pastor of the North -.t Beth abut church lives in the bouts of hie pres- ent os.gregatioo The servtoes in the Methodist church last Suodat were tater- gottag and will be long remembered. The . arsess of tin pastor, Rev. .1. F_ Howell, snpectally fiat of the cussing, were o1 • eery able character. Al the reception ser - hoe thirty-five new members were received, six by certificate and the remainder oa pro tension of faith. Nearly ►11 of these were • dells. The .acramont wee admiei.ted at the close of the evening service and the umber of communicants was larges than at any previous oommunten Rev. Wm. Byers assisted the pastor at the service. At the meeting of the Quarterly ()hotel Board oe Meads. evening • cordial resolution was passed, Inviting Mr. Howell to remain as pastor for • third year. He Rwit:!t..-The following from 'tee D•Ilt Trainee of Waanipeg, will be of inter- est to the many friends of our one time townsmen, .1. C. Currie, all of whom we are sure will join Tut SI., AI in wishing .I.(' C. hs old moms with the hemmer. .1. C Currie has neigood the .Moe of deputy eberrif, which he has held for flints. years. Os enquiry of the sheriff and deputy sheriff se to the cause, it was stated that recent I.giel.gon and the goner al tdodeocy of people to keep out of litirs- tioe had so reduosd the tees of the office that It was no longer possible to employ a miss oomm.ading toe salary of Mr. Currie. The legislation which bas most reduced the shuffle fees a that abolishio, the writs oe land, the ert.enstoo of oouoty court jurisdic- tion to emanate up to 9400. and the regul• boss of the new judicature act. It is re- ported that the sheriff of the Central Jodie - NI I)istnct u thinking of resfgam, owing to the reduction of fess. Mr. Currie will. is • •bort time, open out as auctIs.sr, • busi- n ess in which he has already had consider able experience. A Bali SET RA, x. SVM. time •Ince, when the Godes-soh saw mill and lumber company was first proposed, the Marine Department was written to as to the build- ing of • mill oe Government property, and other matters oonsected with the sea.me The answer received by the interested par- ties was a•nmisgly eo favorable (bat the cap- ital was fully enb.oribed and the purchase of lou oommeowd. Last week • oommunio•- tion was received from the Department, re- bottle permission to bund • mill ea Govern - meat property, thus stopping the large deal in lop that has helm going on the past few works. 0a Friday 0. Weismiller and Gee Achuso6 left for Ottawa to interview the authorities, but op to the present time (so we .re informed) they have not bon able to tame • change is the dhpartmemtal deou- ien. While te Ottawa the gentlemen were unable to ace the Minister of Public Works. with whom the decision reale for land for the building. they are now 'wattle, his •sower. SOSIL, BERRA%ED Mr. and Mn, Ed. if enema, of Toronto, late of East Missouri. are now pother through deep teeters. A fewlapi srto their young child, about one year of age, esus seized, with diphthentio (troop. which proved fatal after • very brief Meese. Tb. balance of the family, oorut- tag of three children. are sow dews with • very nt•ligreent Week of diphtheria. Five doctors were in attendance and in the o•m of the of the sow, Roy, it was thought That 5. oould not posahly Bye more than • few hoer,. As • last resort t5. asti-toxies remedy was applied, end the little one is d irhtly improving, though but Lint hopes are bell oat for hi. r.00vsry. Mus Cora McDonnell, dsa,bter of John MsDonwll,of this town, is also down with the dr sd du- eese. Mrs. Rotuma is well known hers, laving been for soy years • resident of this town, and she, with bar husband, will h ave the sincere sympathy of their many friends hen and throughout the meaty, is their sen bereavement- -From • St. Marr e P•pr. Tea Ken or was (brims..- O. Friday Mester neo rwowln in Herten's heck knows as the your Liberal nem were crowded with the haven el the noises elegem and their parser end rsl0Ny.s Prim were invited gutestw Misses Desegh .ad Panama, w5. W bees hes resaag several danses is dM Perlman end deeming. bad arrested the ex. melees with • new is • pe.a.t'vening for W pgik, •sd /lye evblesse.f their marked dva.-m-t is their .hdlew Ames. the guests were sur M. PP. sod a large number of sense= el both sexes. all of wheal seemed mesh pleased with tm evesieg's pronsaa, The enc pert was • greed marsh, the same yon•tlal ekes leading, sad ea early •11 the orbs.. were Ie fancy oestam., she sews was .meet pigeons/pm AU through, the u mbers won esrr.Uy end revery per - Knox awed 1.p.B.C.L. Tmesdy ewes •end missy present for t5. inn tire lmaww 8 ''geek. '1L/i. ter FM► • were Anal win .na wonder al the y gram AY.1t Mesa Olrwlnh," pa Ig:afv. 1 13 with whish sash pspil pe5. ed trather LTwtlirRoe J.n es A. Amassing* trying ordeal of a Ant sable •s��ppeseerrssww. K.,N.t Itwhe4rt.bwlah LL ef 1' R., partes the owenlgg Aides re/reshme W Friday sr.vfv.l w 7, Salon. Pelt sp 1055. 'me mooed Id tins semen is, sad *boo the rwivet a prDlewl 'bleb �% malts/• P..My iodise of chair5. sedseed w serene, will (Mr Row N Ob. yowls Lads,. M. Joseph gent will sown yens ,1ia► bnesseard hood r dllage el *sir ro,lt- Vnoises-• lgMlar•• Claweb L. 1.t- Nees ,led els.lbar her cls ensu ahem Clearing Sale. Il' 1.01. WAN'!' T(► BUY DRY coons o. READY MADE CLOTHING 10 PER CENT BELOW COST. We shall be glad to see you and show you the goods anytime during the Month of February. 11th .January, Ib%G. JAS. A. REID, Jordan's Block, Gotlericb FROG IN YOUR THROAT - - 10 CTS. Our Cherub.: HONEY COUGH CI' RE for children. Safe - - - Eft, tient, Our acme ('w(L■ esteem .c package. BLACK CH ERR Allays irritation. Lessens Distressing Cough, Produces Free Expectoration, PROMOTES A CURE. COUGHBM-SAM. There's nothing like it. Only a quarter. - We IsvIte pus to Stall and ser ear new .cert. W. C. GOODE. Clisatiist - - - Albion block. Call for one of our oefabiaed AMtaNe and Cm* Hoot Fres • id invited guests continued the eternises, and then the first .wunr nt lessons was over. I i••ULMb 11 Cn,•tt• • II(5. (,.wrsaT,- The l:odench ('hors. 'oc,•1 -000ductor W. A. H. Cuff, ails Enema Acheson, w- artime, will hold s concert in McLean's Opera Hones on tbs evening, Feb.13. Doors open at 7 30 : commence a• - o clock. Ad- missioe, 25c : reserved sets 3.c : plan of ball at Porters bookstore Followtug it the Primum reek' 1. Overture. 'harmony Orchestra. 2. Chorus. The ('bough and Grow Bishop. Soloists. Mo.. F. J. l'ndham. Mica Graham and Mr. J Thomson. 3. Song. Tie Esglunnan. Stockier. Mr. Cad. t, Duets. :Tee the Pale ‘loos. t'amnaea. Mn. ('ormo and ala C'bitton. 5. 'o.g. Miss Bailey. d. Trio. Ave Maria Oouiod.' L Toll., Piano Organ. yrs Ctuzoe. Mss Acheson Mr cuff. 7. 'long. In ewe t September. Hope Temple •Mie. Chilton. E. 'Mreaade. A wales. iove wage. Smart !'.itT fI 1. intermerse. Harmon) t)r tr.tra. 2 Song The Fiower Girl F4evigsasl. Mite Evs Acheson. 3 Trio. O Mem Leslie. MiseBurrttt. Miss t'hil:on. Mr Cuff. 4. eoog Mees Miran.. 5. Bong. The Whalen Darr. M. Wanes. Mr. J. Thomson. 6. Song. A. Bird Preen (ger the Elea. White. we F. J. Pndhani. Moog. Loves f;eyemet, Reichardt. Mr, ('u4 td. Ole., Little Johan) Horner. Celdicott. God slave the 4laeen. 'Myelins; Hula.. MAIM 1111 NIL RAILWAY. Mixed 10.50 a.m. Mall and Exprem 1.48 p m. Mixed MsLH . Mall lfn0e.wl • and II=Y Mix 6.361.m. 1.10 p.wl. 3,41 p m KOOTENAY CURE (!ASCARETS FROG R EMBDiES J. AILS, Leah �....iat000 Dreg More Know What You Chcw 54 1,25 Is Soo •an are blf.rt..s gi•1Rg. no Nero yes w of It as War ipso IS* MI. - ono It. TtUGH*TT 4 ROM 0R. e.M rumen Tom. owl% THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. O.d..fea risme. 00o satc N. Feb. 12. 1141. Rall Whest, (new) etsrdard... .. 0 7 • to o wJ Rall Wheat told t. . 000 to 0 co Flourfamily. per owt....t 100 to 7 2; "Your. Fall. per cwt .. ..suss. 1 1u to 1 to lrtour. palest, per owl 1 1 • to 2 Id ikon. 0 ton.. 11 00 to12 N ilborte. V too 12 Ott fol: 00 Noreseings 0 ton-.• s s. y:........• II" tot! ql New Oat, 0 bosh 0 24 to 0 ter I 'ma. 0 bush. ... , ...........-0 49 to 0 it/ e w Hay. 0 ton 13 00 le14 00 Old Hay. Ili too .. 1 00 tali on Potatoes. 01boab new 15 to 0 2f Netter. 15 'n 0 17 het, fresh repacked, 0 dewis to 0 17 Wocd 00 to 300 Hides M l0 300 Sheep Skim 10 to 114 LIT* Rowe .... 50 10 370 Dnwod Hors ti to 4 75 Sans- 4 to 0ni Ham. per 16.. 10 to 0 17 Cheese. Der Ib 10 to 0 11 TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be Left not later than Mon day noon. easual Advertisement accepted up to noon Wednesday of each weak. Bltuations Vacant. OO[ WANTED.--Ai'PLV TO HRS. OA1120W.. Head wam to the right Wanted. Xi WA!►TF."t -A COPY OF THE P01.17 .U1t published snout 1841. entitled "TM •she of Horses.; is wanted at the ofiloe a Ten SIOPAL. For Sale 1.1 AN FOR S I.K.-1 HAVE 1iN band a quantity of good Tleethy Hat far sale. Orders delivered to any part of the town. COLINCAM1'BF:L1. Wed Street. s�lt DIANO FOR SALE --UPRIGHT. 7 octave. rile instrument. Addtaw Roy 170. tows. or armoire of 0. M. ELLIOTT. w ooer. 5311. lloeofal Plotless. WOMAN WANTED -TO TAKE shame of • sick baby. Good home ted good were6 to right ppaarty. Address with term.. BON 104, Ooderfc,t 53.5!. A CAPITAL WORKING HORRR IN t1 epleadld.ondition w111 be loaned to • responsible person for Una Waned 01 the winter for hie keep. J. J. WRIGHT. The Point Farm. 53-35 Publics Nottoss. NOTis.'R. - THE MILK R(ri'TES OF The West Huron Cheese sad Hotter Mfg. Coy 11.td., will be let by auction. on Moa dap. _Feb. 17th. at Nile Omega Hall at 1 **Meek. Also whey for the .restos of hilt J NO. TiFFiN. Pres., W. JONK.tt, Secretary. Nile. Oat . NOTICE_ - NOTI(;r. IN HKRKBY given that application will be mads to the Leg4Iative Assembly of the Provisos of (uteric. at the seat anulin thereof• for an act to authorise the Corporation of the County of Huron, by and t'won,b Its Municipal ('ounotl to borrow the sum of 0100.000 with 1st ergo, re peyah:e In le years, tor the purpsan of Mihail to retire certain debentures of the 'raid nor. potation about to mature for which. by mi. take,ao Iwu•Icleat sinking feud was provid- ed, and to per for the expesdlture a en a Hones of Refuge recently established. end for power la minas and transferiag the most gates upon rel estate now held by the said eorperstioe. renrroenting the Irventineot of the aid sinking turd. to guaesatee as asnret the pnetpal.ad lame est secured by the said mortgageeand for such turtber sad other powers as trey M eeaesssry to fully tarry Isto eerier tho said purposes in the most ad van higsterDated ~t5.fgk dal of Deoembor Wk. GAHROW t PROUDIrOOT. 47.7* Nllaleen for the Osseo at Huron Oltuatloaa Vacsaat WA.KTZD - CAN VA/MFRS, MAL/ AND RMALL 1a weary township Is Oas•ds. r canvas ON the wvt,s wetbl, sew0�per Is 1544 world."maw m Ar Herold ed We sed,,r N.' at Mentrsel. TM r�o.Qpr Herald sed 'ready flier has bees elaepsa to eon hendr sd end tweet *MMbt mimes per week, equal to one hundred taros returnee per mania. 1t Is Impsv.d In every department a eessOMesseh es to be talked sheet ail ever t5. word. A splesdtd premium picture with t5. ltl.*1p Hertdd, A seed oopertu.ity for esavesesse 4 establleh • yearly .seem,. No Kprivate.eNed. Only natural rapacity for Medea eta.. 0111.. Wang= as severs pselties. Ina Oe.. gtbt e .rl•ties Deportment. Meeaat. Mead v.. A WA L SHAW. �Tet/A.rd1IZRMe "a THE TEETII rip WILLIAMS' ANTISEPTD. TOOTH POW K. (Wasp... end Rees. 250. bottle.) Cleanses the T.tA. 1'eeearti. ULe esentsl Revises the 0...s. Purl Oat the Meath. -- -IT HAS NO fit; PERIOR- Ittl(Ns'H. ENOLWWH and JAPANEgi TOOTH BR1gll4$. of seem vu•lity. The Popular and most Approved l'rrparst!ons for the Teeth oar a'ways be obalue.l .t THE PHAKMACI. (TIAs. D. W11,141ANIS ger Camphorated (:old Medalist, (walk is the heed I)wpessing 4 hemrt, Procurable. very (.oderith, Chis Ilse. Net Gritty. ARE YOU LOOH1140 1014 . CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ? Theo th:s is the 'Pore i••a abouiu omr ID . . . . . Tile week we are showing • n:Ce line of JAPAN' SF: TRA'I S LFATHKR DRESSING cA.HS MANICURE CAM1S SHAVING YEW. Ms AS PERFUMES That will be the delight of all the ' eine. Mee - PI PES t1 id SMOKERS' KDRIEtt TOEAI Co POOCHES, PURSES, CARD .AYES, oto. Why not give your friend who wears GLASSES • mice,old-rimmed pair J. E. DAVIS,' Phm. F. Medical Hall. JUST THE THING 1 Ft►R THE [)Eul'LF t5 r are again to the frost. with dainty crea- tions of Art Furniture most deet»ble, We aim to excel'. and we do ewell. Nowhere in the country can you have such • selection of .Fenny t hairs. )lockers i(tcritoires. 'l e• -.ate' entre Tables. Parlor suits. Couches. etc. all in beautiful woods a•d coverings. Ma- hogany. Walnut. Curly Birch. Hlyd-eye Maplemad Quarter Cut Oak. Rattan Chairs. Cobbler Seat Chairs, Oak Newels. Screens. Mamie Cabinets, etc.. etc. In great variety The best designed. best constructed. and hest finished goods to the market. You can nuke no mistake in bun ing these goods for your \ mss presents. The prices are remarkably low. Please call and examine. Ct.41THS 101RNITURE CrTuRE- F. SMEETH'S PLANING ]FILL - AND - SASH, 1)00R ANI) BLIND FACTORY, I take the opportunity tc inform the nubile that i am still In thebusineee notwithdasdlag all rumors to the contrary• and am prepared to do every clam of work in my line from making • window frame to erertlog • :-story building with mansard roof. Ratlm•tes furnished s competition invited. The furnishing of building material. such as lath, shingles and lumoer a.teotalty, F. SMEKTH. Oodorlgb. July nth 11111. Loan W SlavIsing Hostig. IC is NOT WHAT YOU EARN, BPD WHAT YOU SAVI MAKER YOU RiCH. THE HURON AND BRUCE i.OAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. SOuctve mw-Caoeron. Holt and Holnies. DglosiTA-l.tsreet Compound every otx mouths et four per mot, per anoum. on sante from ens dollar upwards. Depositors w111 sed it tit their advantage to Dome and nee us. Wane- May be secured u any time without delay ea the security of approved desirable ssee�a00aorr([�y. Expense. moderato. Applio•tloas rs h'.d by the Manager or solicitors. The Company• offices aro Innate." on North Street and Court Home Square --opposite Hutsow Stetr1L Dew HORACE HORTON. J. H. COLHORNI. Hasasar. Promise Pulp Salo or To Rant. L• ' OR *A-a-CH$AP-40 LOTS IN u Qatari.* howl 7 aerie te 1 acre reek. Also two baggies and one cutter. Apply to T. WRATHERALD. No. 4 1'tctoe st., 0.de rich. 3e ire FOR SAIF: OR ReBNT., A gond Hotel knows se the I'emntsrcal, with good buildings .nd • good costes s.m. For terms apply to JI'HN ROI#(IIR. Heetanler Agoteer Hotel. • dwelling Homo and a good . bre, all joining and with good ontbuildl.gs. For tonne apply to JOHN RO1dN11*. 55..- m11Lr. A Furs 1a West Nitrouri. cost. 0iag two h undred aeries : 141 cleared. I(ho mimic* a seal hardwood bush. The bud is first rate earl w111 sot be .old for lass than it le worth. . nether Fars. wilbl. 'simile of the •r0v. Ming part of the WI Farm. Lot No. 4. 0....s50. 1. Wert Nissourk This lot is ten pad of 15 aches of good land. gad as • farm le sorted to aims of Its else Per terms apply to 3014 R01SS1ER. 5seminer. 11111m To RP. NT OR t4LL -TN F.4TORK AND premises at Smith' 8111, C•r eon P 0. (10 Her.', at pr.e•et seeu,l.d by M. A 01t.1a111. No oppsiti *. One et the hail 000etr7 Mende le Oetellt Apply to J A M.Daaagh.1111'burehet, memo. rpo LEARk. -THE HOUSE FUR 1. ebbed. mar oeceAdoi by ir. McCann, Appy is CA 4E5ON. T ft HOLMB5.M•f FOR SALT. -- CHRAP, ON HAlt1 TURNIP : Worn Wt of let M sonoseena s. wed Waw,ssele 1M Iberia A well Improve1 i01.1 •0 end v aNW.4 n t0 •b.a Noah S. Q, T lateOL XT -T10 rasp .ee.wtr s1 the *IMO togM,O 1OHNRTON.trM rvg1O a• •