HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-2-13, Page 44 IMIMML ,figult, la Pt'YAanaa STERN' THURSDAY NI(IRNING ■T D. ■eSOW4TNT. Ogee of Public tthia-e and 10. North Mesa. Oodericb Ontario. Teem. 3.1 salweeiptles t Mae unoth, in advance Terse months. leas year, 1. ,.ak sI t.., Ia•M. Tt.ir label e. a standing r«ra•t of the date o which you are paid up. Nee tkrt It is not Hewed to fall Into arrear. `Chen a chanter of •d Area. 1, steel -al. `qtb be old and the. new adder., 0,nnl1 be ii, ea. dveeelakig Bale. t.ewel and other root.) advertlr•m-ern l . per Zine for fleet in.ar/'..n. and t ^e••-. 'one for each subsequent insertio:r. blesund by nonpareil eca'o. Hominess carde of six line. end ',oder . 4t per Fear. Adverti.emeute of Lost, Founds dim) ed eltue''•.. • CIwnL Wit -wines W.ntrd 'tad Bsfnen.e I'hr twee Wallow' OM •*t .Aire. 0 11oa. nonpareil, 11 per rnnnth. Honry on Sale and Rader ea Salo set is .ze -its t t•' .•.. SI for Prot tnoath. fU111, per sr•.0.•nt month, L.rr. r ..i"1 • -.. is pru.or' hay special nroi.•.. the nh...n .1 ..bleb th to protn.•te it.. pronisn'benefit of en) • .dl- vidnal or compeer. to be eoneidemd .1: ed. v.-nt .m,t't and charged aewtedlev4, Loral not writ in n..nrr.-.ail type one tent per word, no notices leen than 25c. Local notices is ordinary reeding type two omits per word. No notice for less thea bee. Notices for churches gad other religious .ed benevolent institutions half rate. If i .. 1110 Anes 1 The els sal " Delivery. Pabst -ether who f.11 to receive THs Sen.L regularly. either by eerier or by mail, will ooufer • favor by acquainting us of the foot at s early a dates possible. Resected manuscripts cannot be returned. ('orreepondence must be writteneaone side of paper only. r.bII.b.r's Neale., J. C. Le Tatum!. of Oodericb, bee bees •p pointed Loral Trevedling Agent for the town- ship of Rod.rlob. Colborne, Ashfield sad W- LINIM postmasters over the district are also eapewered to receive sob.cripttoos 10 Tog Steer AL. All nommunlatlons must be addressed to D McOiLI Mw , TwoTelephone ('.11 V. Oa4aja . Ons. 0O1DKHICH. THURSDAY. FIB. D. iM. SNAP SHOT S. --A remedial bill that doesn't .'verse is not leech of a remedial bill. It is expected that the Hon. Sir CBARLO TUPPRR pore, will now set • the Chasdiere Falls on fire with his lurid oratory. ---When Sir RICBARD and Sir COARL,s lock horns at Ottawa the re mainder of the parliamentarians will have to keep off the grim. --Tee recent big blow and heavy snowfall in Eastern Ontario is sup- posed to le the tail end of the blizzard that recently took plaee in Cape Breton. The t)ntario Legislature is now in session and the Remedial Bill at ( lttawa will have to take second place to the amendments: to the Ditches and Watercourses Act. -It is beginning to be thoroughly understood who pulled off Nawv*R in the recent parliamentary contest in West Huron. The tel'gram of Carr aLOR, TODD and FaaaltORN place the matter beyond controversy. - - Hard words break no bones, and the harsh language of The Clinton News -Record hasn't done n.uch to- ward proving that the editor of that journal was not a party to side-track- ing NawNAN in the West Huron election. 'r if it be time (shot Hon. CLARaa WALLA II xi*** a latter to Sir C9ARLmR Tvrisft, recommending the services el MAT W.uiu as a worker in the Cape Breton election. the use- fulness of the Grand Sovereign will be gone to a very considerable extent. -Sir CugoLas Tv,Pgs should now undertake to prove that there is no such person as His Grace of Antigon- iah. IJp to date he has demonstrated Andy to his own mind that no mantle MOB was written, and if a letter was written, its contents were to be taken only in a Pickwickian sense. -The Canada Farmers Sun, which pitched into Tim SIORAL a few aonths ago for referring to A. W. Wuog-r as a " Tory touter and heeler," is now after the Sweating Commissioner with a sharp stick. anti speaks of him s " renegade A. W Wattle? " T.. SIOCAL is always MOAT --even if W atowr is wrong. - At the annual meeting of the Ca tadtan Press Association h' -Id lest week Rostov Homier, editor of The Oblates New Kra wets elected second vIerepreeident of the Aaevociation. This pub hits in the line of eurxwsion for ]I•reaideat, and is • well deserved tribute to es able end useful member of the Assnciatios. _The smiler M shady politician who are endeavoring to return to pub- lic edlie life awes Air Caroti Tu►►sa, eh. " Bill Sykes " ot Oawmiee politic keasegd op, is s geed ewrnge. Th. West vee t:e a**Dpt to escape frau ty owes] bgmyaed le CBAau■ Ihraisfr al St. his, who was same sea et Padlo tat tar his Isom THE SIGNA I.: OODICR IOJ, ONT., THURSDAY. FEB. 13 1896 questionable work in the calm of the Lours S•wtw deal. Like master like sen. A TRUE WORD, MR. DAVIN. A TRUTH which all Canada should heed was tittered by N !emotes Ft oou Davin, M. P. when he depiored the propenes* of the Dominion Parliament to prostrate its greatness at the feet of the Cabinet. The true reason that the tuetubers do not assert the digaity of Perlis meat may be their inability to feel dignified. The sinners in this respect are the members of Parliament_rup porting the Government. The op position members by the very law of their partisan existence are obliged to stand up against the Government. The Conservative weabers act as if e similar law obliged thew to crouch at the frown and jump at the smile of her Maie.ty a advisers. In theory the Cabinet is but a nom mitts+ of the Howse, but in practice it is honored by the Conservative mem- bers as they never honor their Maker. The Cabinet is not merely respected. It is reverenced. Its wishes are com- mands. Its worn is law. A Cabinet Minister is an object of admiration to a seeionty of the Dom- inica Parliament. The effect of being worshipped is to spoil the members who are suddenly translated from a Beet is Parliament to the care of a portfolio. They throw out their chests and ride in special cars. Their pom- posity and pretence are usually ac- companied by no growth in ability. To disagree with one of these august individuals is to commit a sia which the party will not readily forgive. Too many of the members of Parliament are looking for offices, and they will not disagree with the Government which is the provider of offices. It is unlikely that Mr. Davle's proteit will have an effect, but it is a pity that he caanot rouse his fellow-pertians to assert the dignity of Parliament against its tendency to degrade itself into a mere automatic register of the Government's desires.-Torel.to Tele gram LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. Our hockey team ams snowbound in j• Northern village ma Tuesday. Kebz-e Scott has reached Goderich, to work at his trade in the bioyele works Mr. and Mr.. J. C. Fritzley, of I.stcko„ spent Sunday in town, with parents •ud friends. J. T (:snow, H PP., is attending to hie duties as representative of West Huron is Toronto. Re.. 11 Irvine will preach in kis own pulpit next Sunday, in the morning and evening. Make your ad• speak the truth boldly, and the people will appre tate your frank tram and respond. A large number of our young people were present at the ekettng rats in Clinton Met Thursday evening, Carling e• d shallow wee fairly- well patronized t . past week, notwithstanding the unf.vore a weather The Luckoow stage could not force its way through the drifts on Tueedav, boos did not arrive to Goderiob. ioetormed quickly on Monday sight and roeaday, hens there is the usual pro.pect for cool drinks this Summer. The a 'ranee and public sehol leering ex .minetione will take place this year ea the 24, 25, and lib of Jane, • week earlier than usual. New gra The local Conservatives are said to be "taking time by the foraloek, ' s they are orllenutng already for the general oleo'. inn. Clinton's youngest bestow men. W. 1;. Doherty. jeweller, was married os Jae. 28 to Miss Cora Bilotti, of ('limos. formerly of (.odenoh. A. iluff. who has been teaching at Cheap side, Heldimand county, has, with his fam- ily, returned to town to become perinea - est residents. Yesterday county clerk Laos was in Clin- ton to meet • large number of Perth nas- ty councillors who were visiting Horse Hous of Refuge. Il Wetsmiller and (neo. Aebeena were m Ottawa on Saturday to connection wink the building of a sawmill for the Gaderieb Lam bee and Sawmill Co, 1 ommoo Seem 8'oycles- Geo. W. Tbom- son has been appointed local agent tor this beautiful wheel Call on him and leave your order. Bir rush ea. 53-41 Mrs Frederick I.ove.who recently mooed to town from Owes Soaad, was serieedy ill the pas few weeks, but is new pragrekciag f•vonbly towards recovery. Winehaa Tues . We hops them porde who make a prsoties of magregaige es the street meson will ir.q.s. y theeem- mend 'move ea' frees the mew thief. Freak Alias .old hie well -knows breeeor "Nowdy Bey," to A. M. Polley, Monday last, for a sag ram. Now well am Billy Jskise get the sped out of the mit John (tumor has arrived is the siroal•r teen, and is teaming the berberiiag bum saes. The ham hail club will have .mother player this saris. as John is • good Mosher of . hall_ Whitlows tions • Mies Maggie lidless. wltn had hese whittle, is tiederieh for the pmt month, retursed hes'. ea Iletnrday el last week, aemmpaai.d by her alea0.Mre, J. Johnston. Dr. Radf.wd Ri.hardlw, wire left Oed.- Fiek a few years sisals be lessee is (laldsrab. her returned to the old lead and resold r the Queen Clay, where he will prosaism kb J. C. TINd.y, of i ocksow, sac ee Jams• them Trkaloy, of fialUa.d. wee mated le marries on W edm.sday .vsimg. the OH (sl Jam to Men Cama Hawed t...kw. a the reslda_ss of the beide's poo by the Ram. C. Mass. The bride was . e Mdamely themed m .ream sod earned white treses, 1 The/ .nsd.ed • .+she r valuable ► mesa We whit he yeas, menthe • happy HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. Report ot the January Aeselon ewr Peas, 4sst.l.Soes net In a Loy wad Wart were -• watt senses .1 the Week tens Mnerte of seism. enspessees. R PORTB of Inspectors Robb and 'lost were seat to the executive oomaut- tee. IN,rr.'rea t1UaP'e anPO&T. D. Robb, school impostor for wt Heron reported as follows : Br..seie bulli as ex cellist six roomed brisk school Mem, mat isg $,500. The bsiidw is of sleguat ds riga, well heated, lighted had vosuleted. It M set excelled by any bwldmg of similar dimensions is Ontario. A very band. -m. 1u .roomed school house wait emoted is see tate No. 7, Grey, at Craatroek. It is Ike '.bed internally with polished and varnish- ed soh and elm. It contains • besmeat oomeieting of two epartmests, me for ooal and wood, and the other • play room for the small cauldron during old, wet or stormy weather. 11 poet shoat $3,0011. and is • credit to the village, .od speaks well for the .starort.o of the trustees .ad the literality of the ratepayers. la motion No. 6, • nest and oom.l..dinue school house was built,00stiog •boat 11000 It oleo contains a hammiest of two •partmcatt, one for fare sae and lire, •ad eco for playroom. 1a .eo- uoa No. 4, Grey, the baildieg was oboe oughly repait.d by heeiag • now root put on and the walls meowed with brisk, the Interior finished in dressed oak, and a base- ment excavated, ooataintog .pace for • furnace and fuel, sad .leo • separate ap.rt- ment for • play room. The trustees of No. 11, Morris, •leo repaired their school house is • very satisfactory manner, end No. 5, Hallett, ws likewise pot to 51or11..1 on• - dation. Many others spent from 030 to $90 is improving their school premises. The emotion of two sew ahool homes in 1896 will ieave the wheel buildings in this to- 'pectoratt in • very .tiefaotory condition. Entrance and public echool examin•tioe. At them exami..tioos 474 wrote and 319 passed. But of these who wrote at the public school leaving, 60 obtained only es- trum* .tending. The following table .how. the standing obtaised by those who wrote at the several erssinatios mentees CITRANcm LEAVING ENTRANCE wr't' ps'd wr't' paid Mani i.g ('Iloton 97 56 29 18 7 Wingbam 48 29 32 16 12 Blyth 25 13 10 10 0 Seotorth 46 29 41 1 2'7 Brussel, 43 23 26 19 6 W rexoter 32 17 16 10 6 1''ordwioh 20 12 9 7 2 The total number of pipits who wrote at the sutrasoe ez,minetioa to 1896 was 311 pawed, 238 ; public school leaving„ 163: passed, 81 ; beaus paid hy L.ghilaturs,$O6 Total ezpeoditan for 1895, 067 378 ; tesob- ers' salaries, 043.233 : •verage,tdsrtea,>j ); pupils enrolled. 7.989: •.arae, aueadoeee, 4.412 ; per lest. of .versge eximogaae.. 56. Daring the year 37 schools oha.ged teachers, Use same number as Is the prec,diag year. 01 them chasgas 14 were caused by the ex- piration et third clam o.ruSostes ; 15 teach - en voluntarily resigned to swept more la- orative positiose, and should have reigned to attain • higher atandiw, std teres re- tired owing to bad bwth. Than has beau • •lithe downward tendency is the average salaries paid teachers, while the yearly eoboef receipte sod expenditures bore immersed by nearly 020,000 over any of the preceding 8.e years. This was mainly canoed by huddler of throe new school bones sod the rep•'ring of many old ones. All the teachers except three enjoy good health. Then are 37 school houses boarded or wainscotted, 43 with plaetered watts, of these 26 were not whitewashed during the year. Of the whole number of school. 52 are reported se without proper ventilation, ot the school houses, 19 are ex- cellent, 52 are good omfortabie building., 7 are inferior and 2 ars very bad. Them two, however, will be replaoed with sew building. in 1896. The sanitary condition of many a all that could be desired. The average size of school sites is ball an acre. In 23 sections the grounds are excellent, 4 are good and 16 are inferior. All school grounds should be properly Mooed, well drained and be planted with shade trees All new school houses should be properly oosetruotod for good venoletioa and basted with hot air. The basement in •ddities M a furnace room should contain • proper room for the children to play in. The well should be cleaned out during the emmeer vendee. INsrgr rOR TOM'S aslofT. J. E. Tom, inepeotor for Wast Huron, re- ported aa follows: Total raoeipta,066,863.69; total szpesdit.rs, 054.322.21 ; behove es Mad, 411,531.46. School population, 7,624; average •tteada.os, 4.481 ; per oast. of avenge attemillosse for 1896, 69. There am 93 rural wool as le the les/metwete. with 57 aisle rbT1111eTaaTs Wile i0 the dose of 1896. The average age of heelers is We yeam aid tee average yeses of es 5 1.10 years, N.mber of tansh.ee Cr=8 lent habit'', 47 ; good, 61 ; inersa I. O.sigR Baird, of N. 1. Stanley. bre been 36 mein ostisammly is his presses p.sitim and is still mama the most vigereus and essoesa- fel t.aohere is Oet•rls Darin Mr. Tom's ten years' term o1 .Men a.e teseheee have died of oese.aptiei. I. the tows mod vil- lage schools there mania male and 19 him& t aoksra The average salary paid le male tasehn. ws 4392. sed to female Swaim 4278 Tee of the teachers bold arse slam s.rtlacafes, 49 hold .solid less o.rYtenees, 50 bold tend dens e.rtifl.etes. Than age 94 roma .. keds. graded as fellows : e5ed- kat, 11 ; gaid. 76 : poor. 7. The ohtle,T• •ns el Arbor Day W lam ninth is Im- prove the warms*, ad the *sheet gt.a.de aAt theN sse• sad p.bhe esbetbed Isvileg riesed ..dd 6 66 the tte1W� sMI t. awsari ivisg. domed 6 folMwe : s.waiiera v. e. weals, Writes Passed Wrote Passes (lsderMk. 101 60 17 1. 61 46 RDa.igeMas 111 19 7 Ri.wl, 22,1 211134 11 3 St. Reims. >M 15 6 4 Barfield.14 6 7 e 1 Orend asd, 11 7 2 >t 11116 i1118 9ft fie Twesey ass pupils of Ude division peed the ..reapo wed dgho the ,able weed leaving se ether ee•1rss per the paeNp meed leaving the sestiese resolved s grant at 4a for sash eseneseflel papal. The great ta ibb divide assented to 01110. Thee were 66 taetheee h traits, as the Madel +.bed i1 i1FS4 all .f whom were gramme third obis ...Masts Many d them have n ot toss elle Se seer* eahois./lgagg� isherier ..a4wasss are ohms by .+keel hearth h.maaa sloe salary le esmawha. Ism- er. The work dem is most of rhe ashes& is eiodlest. SHIPPING INTERESTS OF TOWN. new They Ind Thiess Nley'Tbr.s 11011111 Ap The folbwtar memento, edvertissmeat her hoes headed t• by • well konwo mane - or. It was oat from • Goderieh paper 28 years since, se it mise be 53 years at lame slaw It ams origiselly published Our readers will res by the sasses that I inderigb had • part i• the Inks H erne sad (1.orrian Bay Royal Ilse of packet beats • HOW THEY D11U THINW 26 %N..., MAI. We have hers tsysoed with the original of an advertiseaest i.ae.ed twenty Drs years ago. which we re predose for the besudt of our reader.. SHIT' AHOY 'I' I.: lake Huron and Georgian Bay Royal It.. of Mast boats leader oostr551 wb'h the North Shore Iodine Trade.* •ed Loki" Sapen•.r Wnirg C'ompa.y. Wine and Wine, Cane .leo Kieltewd : Dluru• Chief, C*pt. Eli Berms, will .011 from (l..dertch tut L.clwb, via the great llea,uolin Mend on the first el Mai touchiest at K•hying, Fishing lelaade, Bog Idau 1, Toberreory. Horse Island,Nregqo.mo- ma.s,. 1Cequemeouaif. Shabebwah0.b.iny, tr Paseargan asd 't•ggage must be on board the day previous to miller Pa«forer money from (:od.rioh to L. lash C2 10s The tri sag and Wing carries an ex pert- mold.Surgeon who este s ('.toner sed Gros Knee, is of the largest dam and .naw. mended by om of the meet able and experi- enced Navigators. The socommodatieas ere all that can he desired, and furnished with every dasoription of stores and lame rig.. of the reason -provided y ou bring them with vou. No freight except specie received on day of willing. For freight or eaeeai a or env other interr- elation apply to Thos. Mileage's, Binning ham store. No berth no eoft side of • plank secured unless paid for in advance. N B Th. Surgeon r • desoesdut of the Royal Charley. A FARMER'S ADVICE. HE TELLS THE PEOPLE TO SHIJ1 IMITATIONS. Re HAD 0511 111101/50 UPON aY /IN UNeCROT. CLOTS DSALga WITH ?HZ RMI1LT TEAT IT 'I ARIT 4'0111T Till UR 01 A LOTIID 111.1511 OF HIS FAMILY. From The Wesdeterk. N. B., 8estinel. A reporter De The Ssetiul reos.Ny dropped tato the Victoria Hotel looking for rental sews and to moan the register for arrivals. Amoeg those pr••set be noticed • well dressed farmer sitting read. w • small pamplet. lime reporter asked the 1•.dlogd if there woo anything naw. and beim answered in the segativs the farmer tarred stat addressed him " Look• Mg for sere, eh; Well, sit dowo and 1'11 gives yea something worth publishing " The reporter wee at once os the alert shod the farmer oostieoed, " Ton em His little book 1 bold in my head ` Well, the title of at Ia ., Five Prim Stories ' and there is mors good seam is it than is half of the phpoeophioal work. of the day, and it dn0'1 lay le Loy of the stories either. Well, about • year see I got bold of another little book by the same authors entitled " Four 4 HODRRIC H'3 F Mall CH?BB. M PRICE. 1A. $10 Mantle for $5. THIS MEANS A $7.50 Mantle for $3.75. I A $5 Mantle for $2.50. AND SO ON. if you want a Mantle get it now. If fou want a Mantle for next winter, get it now. We don't want to carry it single Mantle over. We have two Greenland Seal Capes, '25 inches, full skirts, for Also, 3 pair Ladies' Fur Gauntlet 51 itti, worth fly for $3. Also, Lather' \'eats, worth $1. for 7:tc. Ladies' Vevtm, worth 7 5c. for Ladies' Vests Worth 50c. for 25c. Ladies' and Children's Overtime, away down in price. We must have room for new goods. Don't miss this opportunity. elle. GLr.er Sews and Westret. JAMES ROBINSON, Goasedlmms " which t read carefully tbreogh sad ase view isspor.•at thing I read is it was, beware of imitations, just as 1 road in this little bot. Now 1 wise to show bow I bad bees taken in (deceive!) gad how 1 fouod 1t out sad bow Deer it mime to met- ing mo the dearest member of my house- hold. Well, to bogie at the begtoning My same it Shepherd Bank. ; I reside Ili miles frost the village ot Ilri.tol, Carlene' Co., N. K., Pad am • well to-do farmer. ' For several years my wife was troubled with passe in the book and we.►ness of the kid - soya. About two years aro she woe taken very ill, tat trouble taking the form of moo' rheumatism. We *moulted no less then three different doctors who, however, holed to help her. Ree ooutioued to grow weaker nod weaker. .led the pain* she ea - derail were something terrible. i'or ever a year she was unable to do • single thing about the house. and *be had fYsllm •way is weight from 180 to 130 pseud., and we despaired of her reoov- erq. I gap/weed to notice io one of the sewepapwle • tstinsoaiel of • similar sure through the •.s of Lor. H'Iui.as Pisk Pills. i immediately got • ooaple of boles- My olesMy wife hope taking them, and by the time she had need these she began to este an appetite s.d her pais* were much eased, nod we began to have groat hops of se ul- timate curs I then went for another sup- ply upply of the pilts. Thi. time 1 purchased them is balk, paying 30 coots for 100 ells which were token from • large limn bottle. I took them home and my wife began their mo. Seo. eh* began tolgrow wages .Isis the uld pains retorted sumer thou ever. We continued using the pills onti! sheet • third of them wars goes. About His time I got through the mail plow with my Neigh bora, the book entitled 'Foe, Generalises,' }sued by the Dr. Williams' Medians Cow- pony. Oe_ee.dint it it did sot take is. lose to God of that the pipe 1 had bought in bulk were • fraud. as Dr. W ilb er's' Ptak Pills are not sold in bulk, bat W boxes with the trade mark on the wrapper, I went to the cupboard .ad taking down the box io which the pills wen threw it and its .m - testa into the stove I then west *led pro- oared noared • hell loree boxes of thegu... Pink Pills, and from the stele Mt web.. their me there wee se Improvement in her ao.ditio.. She used about twelve boxes .I together, and today 1 hers is se heartier or healthier women .s the miwbborbood, and 1k. Williams' Fink Pelle are the ./•.deed medicine to our home. Publish this ' 1-s it may do some other sufferer good. Wo are all thankful for what Pttk Pilb have dose for us, but he sure you cooties year readers against those vile imtatess. The warning uttered hy Mr, Banka is use that the pahllo will do well to Beed, for 00030 oneorapalous dealers is different parte of the country try to impose anon too pub is by tr..hy imitations colored to present the appearsnom of the gesnise Pink rill.. The public can always protein themselves by bearing to mind that the gesuise palls are Dever .old by the doses, bemired, or pun- • They ere siwers put up is texas artuud which will be found 1.11 dtnsims for their um, the whole esolomd in • label hoarier the fill trade merit. " Or. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People." If you went • te.dieim that will mire all dimmer doe to peer or watery Meed or shattered .wens, e ek for the geneim Pink Pills, and take sethiag deo,no matter what some its rated I dealer who is Mobs; for • larger profit may esy (bates : At Mantillas. es the 18th, Mr.. Koster, mother of Rev. B. R. Roofer, and Edwin Keefer, Imo M Mabee. died in for 86th year. Grey : The people of Brussels asd Grey are well pleased to bear that Thomas Strachan, reeve of Grey, was elected war- den of the County of Huron. This is the Bret timm this honor has Dols* to Crev, and they an birbly proud of it. Clinton A retest ism of The (brietian O.srdisr mousing an obituary notice of the death of Mr. Grsb•ni, wife of Dr. (1.ham, formerly of Wingb•ta, which occurred at Frenwo, Cal. Deomeed was • sister of Fred ✓ od Eby Runhall,sed wee bora to tiloderich Mweship in 1839. Look Before You Leap. IT WILL save you money. If you intend furnishing a house, call in and (examine our elegant line of Furniture. See and: ompare quality and prices, before sending your money to Toronto and other cities, with the mistaken ides that you can buy cheaper in the cities. We are up to date, and guarantee to sell you same goods, quality for quality. ten pf 'tent. less than you can buy in the leading furniture warerooms of Toronto. Remember this is no idle boast, Wt a positive fact, or we will forfeit our reputation. Figures tell and every- one tells figures. Other advantage* are -You see what you buy before part- ing with your money . You save not only 10 per cent., but cost of stamps, money orders, cartage, unpacking and putting together. Wt• manufacture all our Parlor Suits, Easy Chairs, Couches, Loungaa, Divans, etc. Latest designs and coverings, and best material and worktoq- ship, our expenses being lighter. Some lines we can sell you 15 per cent. less than city hrnses. There are three advantages in trading with ns. We save you money. Home industry is encourages], and the money is kept circulating in our owe town We also carry in stock an immense line of Window Shades, Curtain Poles. Mouldings, Frames, Mirror Platen, Artiste' Materials, &c. (Catalogue of Artist's Materials mailed free.) THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE COUNTY. SMITH'S FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING EMPORIUM LUMBER TAKEN SAMS AS CASH. r