HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-2-13, Page 22
TBD !SIGNA t. - GODRRIOR. ONT.. Tilf►RRDAY. FEB. 13 1846
Is •vley remarkable tem.4y. both for IA•
?SRIILL wd 1ITI3WAL w, .ad wce-
dertul la Its ,idol eo•os to Mane.* dl.erser.
t °111.. U4.ry t. lreera,,v r), t ants..
t a.terw..d .0 •.... aw,µ.11.r
PAIN -KILLER i. Tom, mow* res:
.eerie. `� u
14111 ear tell.•. ■I .MSI.1 easy iearalRIE
PAIN -KILLER nsi;siiiel
IS tie , it im.ar. A
r. ra•r , y,i' sral ktts.r
am .4 arsat
es. ,'e. nw*MBe""
pe. me
r .. rte.
■lir. r. near
ear a rs� r. rile
.is ..•deelee .' ...yam W�
..sti rags. Weiler
A. rex Ltera.W .r esterWb e
:- etAt .1 Glume Take wee ,.t It aware
Nt.r etas- ass .°icy. e...: stet ole L..
Li .tot. Rota le,LYH.
1O1'R Serail -aid Mrs. S...l v, iu
the sundu.d so,ce, tuned toe pl.iotive
minor. which hes been the outcome of many
morrows and • lifetime of tr,t.ul.•ioo 'Ihd
you want to eve her She• in the heck
yard hanging uut the cloth.*. ,Ve re
dreadful behind to our wash this week. but
tin rained evert day now lt'• unee•eou
able weather say what you w111 N ow 1
wonder,' she added to herself. 'Whet Mr
t:eesup wants of Sarah " 1t can be about
the district school, for its been green to
Naomi Delimit fur ..d square e.ougb . and
if he wants her to loin one of them potent
0.1 climes., she u.ry lust say so. A poor
man dam/heir tan t spare the tame to go
tramping •.ver the hills mud dale., picking
clover :eaves and sour gra, and putting
long Isatin Names to etn. Our Sarah's got
mm.Ibmg elate to do ! She ain't situated
like Square Poole's .cater and the Deming
Aod .he west slowly kick to her 000up&-
tioe of refilling • newly -trashed bed tick
with bales of ahinese yellow straw.
-John Jessup took his way over the dew
• psaglod gram of the nock yard, past the
well sweep, uodr the yellowing fruit of
the gnarly old yutace tree, to silent Marsh
Sadly, with • pink suob meet fallen back
on h"r shoulder*, was pinning innumerable
fluttering pc.n ane of bouaehold linen out to
He looked quietly et her
'.Jamie must have forgotten ro tell her
that 1 ass coming this morning, mud he to
time If
Jamie h•,1 ; hut after a11, it did not ingot
h- so mot h. Sarah was awe? s neatly
dresee.l, no matter whet her •voc•tlun
mirnt ns.. Her heir always Wow like gold -
broom ; ber plain linen woll.r was always
•potlereli cioan : and her smile, asshe turn
ed aroue•l coup *cued of he foot-
steps on the gra, lighted up her whole
la. I Is" a sunbeam.
'tin, \ler .I sup, is that you ' said she.
'111 be through in • minute "
Jessup sat down on the low twisted
brash of an apple tree which seemed almost
as if it had been made for . rustic rest.
'I oan wait, said he, composedly, as he
ecttled down quietly.
l•rsh went on with her work, as at she
knew how becoming were those swift evolu-
tient to hr slim, well-built figura and long
white arms, and how like a mimeo her
pretty profile showed against the deadline
blue of the September firmament.
•1 suppose it. •boot the botany claw,.
said she, etraighte.ing • wele•d.rned table.
cloth with two or three deft strokes of the
•No, it isn't about ih• botany,' said
Jessup 'Marsh, you work exactly ea it you
liked it.
"i do, said .sar.h. '1 believe 1'e • lar
'Safes ,.
'Yee, Mr. Jessup.
How wt old you hk• to be my honor
Sarah Sedley shook ont the wet, snowy
folds of • pillow ewes, and pinned it as
straight se the lines of • tempter/Pal propo
'Then it • true, said she ; 'that your
mother's rheumatism is troubling We
'Yes, 1 .m "wry to say it i• tree.'
Aad.' fixing her clear, brown eyes on hie
face, 'you think 1 could suit you ''
' 1 don t know anyone who would suit me
belt ao will,' he answered, promptly.
Sarah pondered • moment, as she reeesmd
• clothespin from the paws of . frisky young
Maltese kitten
'1 -dart know Chet 1 have any ob-
j•oeoa,' said she. 'Mother would wee me
of sour..
'Of enures "
Jobs Jessup had half rieen frees hie apple -
tree threw, bet Msr.h kept diligently on
di••nt•nglieg the cable like fold. of • hate
ambles/Med sheet.
'Bat 1 000ld come over mad lee her Sun
day weenies ' maid We.
'Or any other events( that you pissed.
'fled .M afternoon Is • week !'
Ahy, orwsIy,' he respeed.d.
'1 Weald be tested as o.e of the lawns.'
' M y weber weald desire se dearer
•I des', expose her w feel like that,' said
Baeak. gravely. 'Bat of wane. I shall try
my bot ho be agreeable to her. Tell her
111 see. snow to lee ber this evemiy- alter
Pee °•.salted with nether, d ewes'
• 8ka11 Imes yew mother. Sarah 1'
.hrtd yes? res .td eweyk
te manage Iles Ater hit myna( age I awe
' Set, Marsh -
•DRmss ewes* me MO Sale esenteet,' paid
Mash, eeta►*ac .p the empty basket
Jane has left ah* door ei she eq.lahie
writes ogee, oaf the fowls are aetatabing
up the sow celery pleats '
'How predimillt els takes theme ! mid
.Jessup to himself, with a little Wren el the
shoulders 'She se ills o0 other girl that
ever I wee. I wonder It els is going Mea'
No . els heave straight on to ike knee's
door. Well, I suppose I tints seaside(' my-
self dismissed for ties pc... ,.'
And he climbed lightly ever the stone
wall, to take the thaw, est lhreutlh th
woad. to Jessup farm ; while Swab dm
hberate,y hung the clothes basket against
the wall •f the outer katcae., and Mooed
the clothespin box o0 the top shelf, well est
of reach ..t the marauding kits...'
' Mother, said .he, •I'm ring foe hired
'La • wad Sire. liedly, who had reached
!the stage of mattress mewing in which she
tear sewing up the took with stoat Needle
and linen thread
'T. Mn. Jessup'*, eyplaneel the girL
,1 ee, but ieroh
'It tan t worth whale to otic esy objet
ties, -raid ...rah, with • little determined
sod of her wed,' pot.ed heed. •1'm to be
treetop as one of the family, and Mr Jessup
says his mother wants me dreadfully. It
ewes her rheumatism u bed again
'1)ear, deer nterpolated Mrs. Sedley.
'And although I hate to leave sou, yet
there teat much to do, now that the sum-
mer boarder season ,s over, pursued Swra t.
And you can easily get along with what
help Jamie cin give you, before .ad
after school and of own o my wages
will go towards paving interest 00 the inert -
gage. And- hut whoa that
'It • only Ruth Ana Peebles,' said Mn.
Sedley, ooise to do a week's teilorin nod
dresemakin' 1 • weed you'd aero her out
Little Maw Peebles got up from her
chair, with cheeks pinker than • mountain
"How do you do, Sarah' said she
'You re in luck to get such • chance to earn
Yes,' said Swab "mph . 'The Jessup•
are very plewnt people, if one swathe to
live out at a11.
'I wish I ,00uld get • plow like that,
said Ruth Aso, with • sigh.
Mn. Sedley °buckled.
'Our Sorsa" away" in look,' she said.;
'They are ones people,' said Ruth Ana.
I helped Mrs. Jeesup ono', for • week,
with six New quite that she had on the
frames I sever bad • pleasanter week to
my Ids. Where's the petters for Jamie"
overcoat, Mrs. Medley , 1 on had 'em.
Sarah ?iedley's new 'e.gagement Stade
quite • sensation in the neighborhood. Mrs
it dgett heard of it as she wine over to bor-
row • quart of real cider vtoegar.
'La me, Swat Sedley, she said, '1t I'd •
know d you were going to lave out, I'd have
gin you twelve dollar. • month myself.
'Would you The wine brews eye,
sparkled. Mn Ihdgett lived oleos be
where S.r.h could see her mothers milk -
room windows trona the ihdg.tt doorstep :
and the Jessup family had paid but tau dol-
'Will you give it to me new
Tee, I will 1s • minute. Gree thr I.:d•
tett'• genie' almost infirm, and there s
many steps to 'take in • hru.e like owe,
especially slow Nan*, took to school
'Theo - said Sarah composedly. 'PH seine
lust as soon as you like
'Rut --Mr. Jessop s folks ?" queried
Mn 1).
'1'11 mane) that, said Sarah firmly.
the new m..oa hung like • tiny sickle of
silver over the crooked apple tree, where
the lines had long eines been denuded of
their fluttering glories the sten were
shining se only New England stars know
how to Wine eat of • crisp September sky,
when • Untie brown -cloaked figure same
out of the Sedley yard, sad hurried along
the road. in • second • tell young man
stopped forth from the shadows and joined
'I'm hen weitsng tor you, Marsh,' said
he, 'you're going to our home.'
45, Mr. Jessup*, said Ruth Ann Peebles,
with • wart, It tan t S•rsh Medley
'Rath Ann
Was it disappointment in his voice'. 1)r
was it • certain crank ring of plower* '
Ruth Ann was too flurried to discriminate
most at br.t.
'Yee, I'm • substitute, you know,' she
added with an agitated little leach. 'Sarah
has changed her ,and. She's -hod se offer
that sate her better than yours.'
'()h said Mr. Jessup.
'To go and live at Ltidgett's,' west on
Rath Ana.
'And she hopes you won't need taking
me to her place,' added Ruth Aan with •
strange little tremolo ie her votes. •1 wey
Not look .lune en roe bust as eh* dose, bet
I'm very stripe, said 1 can all sore of
work, and I would do my very beet to suit
your mother. It's herd to go from hoses to
,•..,use to house et my trade, awl I've otos.
felt hungry like, seeing ether people's files
hnr.ea. Mo that, eves H I'm ealy hired
help ---'
'So you would tike me is take you is
Miss iediey'a pleas'' said Jam .lessens,
looking down at Ruth 4..'. soft blue
eyes sad cheeks tinged with delicate
'Yea, ea, If yon pleas.,'
little Miss Peebles.
'Agreed,' said Jobe.
'Of worse. it's • hargais,' said RNs. ASS
'Rtes -bat --plea don't bold my bead me
'Why sh*olda't 1, Ruth Asa ! BemsmS.
don't yes sea, there las haw • mismadr-
standing .11 around. 1 did', ask Hersh
ti.dbv to be my hied help -i embed her b
be my wife. Will y.. be the wksaHwls
new 1 Yon sada dear, ler you haw mein-
Rath Aea b begun tl�
ream sad fillies Wend mash ease
sewer her Meeks, M bias eye egaeNld. 1
meekly answered
'it's a
Bet she lettered :
'What will tines► sly Y
'She will meyr knew it tow. 1 wee dos
sled ey her bright eyes sad winsome ways.
Wt it sees she Welk it ,. the Ut m s1 seams.
1 always knew she liked Henry ladg lit
Well, let her b•ve 'him, se long se I ma
have ye., deer little Ruth.
And whoa they reached the old faresbew
where Mrs. Jessup* was dr.wuly imitate!
by the light of • lamp, J.am pro.sted his
• t eased wife te tis slid lady.
'Well,' said Mro. Jemups, is hr slow
deliberate wey. Tye no obleotiswa le
the plea. I always did like Ralik Asa
'Demo Mrs .l eo.sps, voa are so k isd, said
t : uth Am., .osr..ly knowing whether to
leach or to 'cry.
Aad Sarah S«iley sever knew how near
she had nos to Wass John .Iwimp • oheise.
she hswsN.e weeded to Harry 1hdg.tt the
eery next week There was a basking eer-
ty, • soft-soap beilieg, and au apple paring
bee, all within tea deye, and as everybody
Loose, Cupid ragas dominant over .11
these celebrations. And w it wine to pain
that Sarah and Rath Ana were beth mar
riod is the IRON gusty, red-isaved tinted
month of November.
'Borah Sedley has dons very well, I do
n ot doubt,' said ye..g Mn. Jessup* But
Harry Ihdgeti o.a't compare with my las
'I'm glad Ruth Ann Peebles is married
happily,. observed Sarah. who made •
handsome red•ckwked bride. •Rut •Dowd•
mg to my was of thinking, one may as well
be buried alive am married to • bookworm
like Mr. Jessup. M y Henry, now- he's
something like !'
And to people were suited ell around.
• reety lear Nd erlevaaee teeeeved.
In Bath. Ont., Chase's Kidney Liver
Pills are • standard remedy. Jne.ph
Gardner, of this town, suffered for 40
years with tn'tigeatioo and its ever pre-
sent accompaniments---a.nettpation and
headache. K. al L. Pills aro the only
remedy that give ham relief, 25 nota a
box, .of a'1 druggists. One rill • dose.
Th. Jews probably learned to drive .harp
barges' by first trying to do the same
thing with God,
Some pre ebere are afraid to open the
Bible very wide for fear they will have to
die in the pow house.
The preacber should pray that every time
be opens the 01d Book in the pulpit some-
body will find it Melt.
Every church has just am many waver -
eons in it as the spirituel cooditioo of ie
membership will allow.
Anybody can tali about religion in an en-
tertaining way, but only those who have it
can make others want it.
How many people there are who would
be splendid Christian' if God would always
keep them to a tight plates.
It is the oleo of the holy Spirit to ewe
vino' of sin, bot at is the preacher's business
to keep his church awake.
Whenever the devil is milled by his right
n um to churob, some man on the front seat
slw•ys gets his feelings hurt.
It is sate for the devil to bleep when he
goes to church and sees that the preaching
is not keeping anybody swske.
There is still • good deal of religion in the
world that 000sute is putting the big sound
apples on the top of the basket.
The preaching that is not with 'authority
may tickle the ear. bot it will not strike
deep enough to reach the heart.
Christ always reached to the sinners that
were in the how, no matter whether they
were rulers of the synagogue or not.
The minister who would awaken his
People to their eternal good must open the
Rib1e wide 'cough to show them what is
in it.
Any tendency to premature baldness stay
be promptly checked by the use of Aver's
Hair Vigor. Don't delay till the scalp is
pian and the hair roots destroyed. If you
would realms the best results, begin at once
with this invaluable pr.p.rstiea.
K. prompt •t every meal hoar.
Shot every dew after yon, and without
damming it.
Let your But, last and only confident be
your mother.
Don t make . practice of shouting. jump-
ing or rennin, in the how.
Carefully clean the mud or wow off your
boots before entering the ►seas.
Never interrupt any ooaysesatios. but
west p.tiestly yeur tars to speak.
Tell of your own faults gad niedoiags,.ot
those of your brothers sad sisters.
Never sit down at the table or in the .1 -
tiag room with dirty heads or tumbled
Never reserve your good maears for
company, bot be equally polite at hems sad
Always speak kindly and politely to
everybody, if you would Wye the do the
same to you.
Whim told to dor not to de • thing by
either parent. Mere(' ask why you should or
should Net de it.
Never °all to pewee upstairs or is the
next nom ; if you wink to speak to them go
quietly to when they are.
Mr. Moslems, the well -knows brewer of
Meatrsal, save the mommy to build els of
Wee Aurelius 1. ,bet eity. The inssrip•i.s
wristeo up was Hebrews it One day seem
sac wets easier it whet he thought was
NR peeper way of readmit it. a hraw.
drab ' X."'
A lady of gra hearty and •ttreetivmsem,
whet was •s orient admirer of Imbed, ones
etwwned her praise el it at • party ivy may-
1ed : sweat I think 11 wee eat ter sa Iri.�•
weasel." " Modem," rojesed • witty mss
.d aria. who kappewed to be pai'I.asl•
Si..mmd• weld bask see b saying thea
pea are mwa.t ter an iriMw "
Brtg•wg lip s elldvea
Tbs sae d a very emiseat lawyer, wells
abdtiag eesenee is the fele°'s desk, wee
asked by like lodge. " 130, you remember
your bleier .. Prt..tly," sad the reels
•• whomever 1 entered hie presser. M said.
• lies •osr my lad, sad don't ,moble ms.' *
n. greet lawyer ices likes enabled to ONO.
�pl1sseMe kis west week w " The I.w at
Tresis." ea his see in dee tithes Per*ktied a
P UJ essemantery es the we" le
whisk his halerr had ho.rred that mem
Emmy d Wage s.w.gettted be him le the
germs of ►M eh11d. - Rxrb.sge.
Awes° M. Meas•Nys
Ayer's Pills
•i was troubled a long time with ark
headache. It was usually accompanied
with severe psln. in the temple+, a sense
of fullness and tenderness in sitar rte-. a
bay taste In my mouth. tongue coated,
bands and feet roll, and .I knees at the
stomach. I tried a geed man) r,-wrdlrs
rec„nmrndet for this complaint ; but It
was not until 1
Began Taking
Ayer's Pills
that 1 received anything like pertna-
nenl benefit. .1 atngle I..x of these pails
did the work for nae. and 1 am now free
from headache.. sod a well malt " -
t' H. H,•T, tn'..s. East town. Me
Awarded Medal at World's Fair
Irer's Sarsaparilla la the Asst.
FW Time teed. W all Mawr neaps.
Th. Red Jacket ma. 2280 nodes ilio 7 d•yet,
or 325 mile. • day for • week.
The Sewell Rueaell, for 30 daya,sver•ged
226 miles • day. m.ktng in that time 6722
mils.. At soother time she made 328 miles
in 24 hours.
The Snverignof the'..,*. 10 dsys,m de
3300 miles : •n 22 der. made 6245 miles, se
average of 283 9 o r day : sae day making
41,4moles a lrt521
The Flying ('1 °•i merle 4331 miles is 24
hours, the fastest time ever made by • nary•
Mg ship, team noon to none
ISeadn•ught-canny Rook to Reck
Light, 1.,vrpool, 3.000 m•l-m, to 13 days. 8
hours. 'iame ship. Sandy Reok to tpteenr
town, 2760 miles, is 9 days, 17 boars.
The lames Rein.., from Boston to liver -
pool, in 12 day., 6 linen.
The James Reines ran 420 miles in 24
The .lanes Renee, from Liverpool to
Melbourne in 62 days earl returned u 60
Th. Rent .i.vt.t. from New York to
Liverpool in 13 days. 1 } hours. (1864)
The Mary n'httero4re. from Baltimore to
Liverpool in 13 dey.. 7 hears.
The R•chaed Ryland, (em New thde ms
to Liverpool in 25 dare (1871).
The Flys, ('i^nd, from New 'fork to
San Fran/Peon in 84 days (1851).
The Yong Am.rina, from Liverpool to
Sas F rsncisoo in 99 d.y. (1873).
Tie Nowthe•n Light, from San Francisco
to Bouton in .i.y.
the N'(Mm75gal. from New 1-ork to Mel-
bourne in 73 dess.
The K.th.y, fr..m Shanghai to New
York is 92 dare.
The Hoo q.s., err m Sh„oghai to New
Yrk in 88 t.ye (1850)•
The Nabob, from New York to .Shanghai
is 96 days. M A•Tt!t (i atr-
Ihektlme Mea.
Never nee . liniment for rheumatism,
says • high medical authority. Uo.u't
rub it in --drive it out Take something
that removes the acid potion from the
blood -take eowethr..g that will improve
your dtgrsn..n, and build up the body to
the perfection of moult health. T't•t
"wmething" to Scott's Sarsaparilla, a re-
medy that '.brat.,s the beet result' in the
shortest tuna 91, of all druggists,
•ester Mtl1.
" W e masa ta tt, • penny exile at the
Mures wet time,' bad Are. Waiter
"And what's that !" asked Yr. Watts.
"Every woman gives • penny for every
year of bet aeirsas
"Bet ter make i1. penny for every year
she u wader *sweaty. Tb.. the ooetnba-
dem. will la leas im-esd d short. "
-Renew year snbecription to Tile
SIoiAL for 1896
Cure Biliousness, Sick Head-
ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish Liver
and all Stomach Troubles.
Are Purely Vegetable, -
elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do
not gripe or sicken.
Act gently but promptly and
thoroughly. "Thc safest family
medicine." All Druggists keep
Ra -tires
l krlsM.a. Holidays
MO.u•%, JAS. 13th,
lim. r ilw.w wu1
FUR we
GIRLS, "'�"'•' a
�ser-I feel
Harper's Magazine.
IN 1896
Mise*., •nes novel by W1111,n1 Meek. writ
tee with W the:author's well knows .'harm d
tsa*ser. wi11 hyis•
1arm.- un.
Itlma.•ad atoe'lnuela untUikMay..).£
u •lies sovrlbentty
Oa)Hn105- 111•, alma. retitled The ■•rt5n,
will also heirs durfse the year. 1t se not too
smelt to say that 150 hovel has ever hese
•waled with each greet •tpeetatlen as the
euuor see to Trilby. lbe there/ass nee.ttee
*lens N Jess of Are will continue. god will
relate the story sof lib.- failure and martyr -
non of the Maid of Airless*. Other Iesea..i
net of the year w111 be a Novelate by MAIM
Tw •i., under the title. Team Uawy.r, Belem
, a humorous three-man tats celled Two
ewme.a ,ores, •u4dle'y, be Lamming
1:,. w v a \Iris u a tL : and .hon sterMs by Or
ray► Threw. Rice tan Haase .0 navel.
M•0Y L, WiLg1M,. Ji ,.uAtr R•I ,, flit AMl.ae
M.TTHat. OR EN W iserl, and ether weld
knows wrr,
Prot. Wooiteua.w-, W I LOON will cestributs Olt
impasses George W.shin,rtos • et his times,
with illuutntions by Hon AND PYLE- Poi tr-
sev Kowtow a history or Tee enemata
rwa5M e.r Ubri$s. illuetnted by r'•1 -o.
Woo al.t.a, will b. ro••Isti4 rhreugh the
winter. Two peeper ne M. Plebes defeat .sd
15.4 Anthony Wittaesvictory. hi Theon Rae
Roueas.Lr with graphic all.alrstloe will he
Waded dustier the year.
A noteworthy /ewer* se the 11'UAZINE
during the. year IBM will be • series of .rtfclse
by "Aeras W. Wittr.* . describing his trip
of age) miles os. wow shoes and with dog
sleigh train into the nnespltred itarr.e
tiroun.ts of British Verb America in mar -
aim of wood bison and meek otea Mr.
W httney • series will bare the added interest
of o..los illuetr.ted from photographs takes
by himself.
The Volumes of the Magazine Aegis with
the Numbers for June and December of each
year. When no time te mentlo.ed,.ubsonptfo.
will begfia with the Number eurreat at the
time of receipt *f order.
Remittances should be Riede by lbt•offoe
Mowry Order or Than, to avoid resew et
.Vrrrepaprrs are eel to ropy this adewrfia -
meewt teltf sunt the erprres ordtr of Harper It
H It PICKS AfIOIZ1XK -.Per Year 414 ds
HARP/MS WRRKLY. .. ._ 1 lip
Postage P'ror t. ail subserlbrm i. the Dieted
Elates. Canada ed Yule.
Address: HARPER a JIW)TIiXR8,
P. 0. Box Ms, N. Y. city.
Harper's Bazar.
IN 1866
The treaty -Watt year of HARPER'S
BAZAR berienl•tgIn January, Ilbe, Ends it
maintain's.le deserved repu atim loth ea •
Pashtos Jawrtsal •sd • weekly periodical for
home readier.
Every week the BAZAR pn'eree beautiful
toilettes for various occasions. K ..vises. BAtr.t
and CH•Tivis illustrate and entree' the .ew-
es designs from the Anent models is Pat'iesed
Berlin New Tark Psalms.. epitomizes cur
rest *tyke la New York. A fortnightly pat
tern -sheet supplement with diagram' and
directions enable* wom.° to mit and make
their own gown', and 1s of great stator to the
profeedesal modiete as well seta the amateur
dre'smakrr. clam rem • Clothing meet vescon
slant emotion.
is ny full detail hions hy $ for Men are dee
man -shout +owe.
ear Pram boiler. by KATHtcaiss Its roamer
te a sprightly weekly recital ot fashion. gossip
and social doings in Paris. given by • clever
woman in an entertaining way.
Both the serials for 11°1 are the work of
Americas women. lin. e:erald, by M•Ru
Lot -Ise Pont, to a rnking story ot New Bag -
lend life. Maas B. WILat9.. Rn dermme. ■
Peer lean. db0osees the always interesting
pr•blerna of the relation. ber woes labor and
capital Short stories will he written by the
best authors
a.ertal aeparemeare. Music. The Outdoor
Woman. Personale What We Are noise,
Women and Men. report and diens" the....
ot Immediate interest.
•sewers w Irerreepenelesta. Questioners-
enive the personal attention of the editor, end
ere noawend at the earliest posaible date at -
ter their receipt.
The s%oltimesof the BAZAR bat(in with the
Ent Number for January oteach year. Whoa
so time is mentioned. subecrlptloas will
with the Number current at the time ofteoaip1
of order.
Remittances should be mete by Poet -cape
Money Order or bh.ft, to &voiid chance of lose.
Nmeel..wrpapers -illseat therropy
,rprvas order of H apse &
Itia/Til gait.
Per Tear r
HI RPRRB TOUNO PEi)PL5..... a as
here. all r0A.erfber e a f he Muffed9fwkJ, a.ada, gad Marfa.
1'. O. Boa Ass N. Y. (it,,
Harper's Weeily.
IN 186w
whole'n'ER'ry.,Itdeal. EEKLYwith • the eeve t to
the world that are impor.st to Americans,
le carryingout this policy. in *511 .11-I.IAM
RA1111 visited China and Japan, and ,tourney
ad through the WPM; RrrH•ao 11•ttoree
Davie mol a trip thee:nth the Carrttteen �-
the evolutions of the mew Nary wen d
sd and llhrstr.eed M Ri-r r. Zoo *s'tt
p'Rettentc RewiNoyox p.esested etid4ee eft
Army and reveal.r life: Poet T.ar Hmatow
attended the epeeist of the Kiel Caael,
1n 116 lite attention will be given to every
notable happe.ing. The chef tweets in an.
literature. and masba.d the d,... wi11 be
artistically) pre.eeted. W. D. HOWELIA. in
the new Aeprtm..t, este sad setters wt11
discuss 1n kis Interestlsg way book, and the
molal gqnutlona of the time. 11. 8. M•aTor's
strlgbtls weep of the 0..s World will be
oe.tieued. The peewee e< the 1',
ties CoOmisNae :ironed the world wt11 k.
followgd, sad C•wre. W W,,,T'agy .111 000 -
deet the department of seemese .peso!,
in tee will occur • Presidential auction
is its edlteri•In and through • polhtesl ear -
ms.. the WEEKLY will eontinn* to be an la
d.ps.deat sadvso.s, of good goversmoeat mid
Retina he WEEKLY will 'be It
utrosg It will wake the may .ov.I et w
ssar 6y W. D. NnwtLu. and • ahrlam serial
of • Scotch feud, by M. it. '7aoctrrr. The
abort stories.Nestssedvv learye d esafsal
tied resew*
W1Kh LI' willlmaietals Its Madre R 113
the lltnrtnted )euraall.m athew ee
The volutes. of tae W iter begin with lith*
got Number tera•ry et saes year. Wb.s
w 11mes is W
m.s.Md� esk0rtpd... will beefs
with the Nimble ~rem u die tats. ser .
Bmllkssms..h•.M be mads by Pest.e51..
Meese0.4r r Dealt, t. •v'H o5a.,, .f
ore mer teem" tot• .teen e
IseItato express arpryH•a
Per LLTea s
sAljllFt. N ..!i restTO a
•_�Postagfiltui 0
. P0. pas( (� if ll.trllty.
The Sign
wet more wile apeman mammies te
Job Pried g beilttkaa whist are .am
pawed °.lade the °Mies kw the prom
sad proper mesSlsr e( all °lamas
pews A Mow) d this samosa°
meat may Isgsast sawaKhy yes. MI
be is amid of. lied is seek we ss
tU`year .t oar snot to please wilt t. maid.
the sppr..vsl of oar pair.,..
Kate k\COAS
This useful alas is kept in the
range of quos hies nasus as le
heats. Vs.
ldetuo. .‘‘ea6is
are not so generally used, they
an important plane iu oolntner
twrresptxttleot:e. lire what wt
got Tinder the above hearts.
I•ttt'ty ♦%ttad►s
In this line we have • very la
utocn of line writing papers a
able for every class of basil
represented in this locality, o
prising laid and wove, lint
quadrille and other paper., ru
or unruled, as may be require(
if the " pay a. -you -go " plan
the order of the day the dem,
for account paper would not
so great ; but there are some a
who get so many thinners t
they wonder if the stock will e
run out. We don't intend it
and at present our stock is a
plete in this line with four au
Good paper and neat ruling.
Both atingle anal double doll
and cents columns. They cc
cheaper than bill heads, and
the proper thing to send atm
delinquent once • month. 11
are sure to fetch him 'mum
Now, it would be hard to ,
along without envelopes, and
keep up with the demand
them we keep • large stock
hand. We have now •boui
hundred thousand in stock, e
the prices will range from 75c.
82.00 per M. We handle 0*
mercial and legal sizes exclusive
Cobh mereta\ 4r�u�tteuttg
has already been partially ern
orated in some of the heads abo
There is, however, a vast aril
of work under this head that
eaumerate would more than to
up the entire apace occupied
this adv't, but we do it all at T
\ r�1f tO,tf.Ohs
LO an "At Home" or at w.'rl.ii
require considerable tante in all,
tion sometimes, but we make
an easy matter by keeping
smock the very latest and b
amples to be had. Call and a
VTetley Efts s
of entertainments and meet'in
promptly turned out, from t
plain but neat to the most elega
with cord and pencil attached.
We aim to excel in all the difh
est kinds of work we turn ce
but especially in this, and keret
in stock plain and fancy papa
suitable for .11 requirements.
Cards au& T'%ekets
This head cover.. large range
work, from a bread or milk tick
to • neat calling card, from as c
dinary admission ticket to a tame
business card or a handsome
printed membership ticket.
Our facilities for turning out ter
clam of work are evidenced by t1
fact that the great bulk of it
dans by aa. This line also h
Doaq,ev a
which our three fart -running je
prwmes are able to turn out in
surprisingly short time.
�a\e B.\\s
belong to the poster (telarhs.su
also, and we make a specialty e
them-promptnees being our an
in this respect A notion of sal
will appear in T*. Bua1AL free a
charge when bills for same see go
icAttAiS os W ork
is the
can be.ab
in an expeditious and •rtislii
manner and
Our V wets I»% et jovavki
ul'te% vtosoaab\t.
We .wtmnd our Ihauks for past fav
lies, and solicit • os.tineenee of tie
7onamoU, Owl