HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-2-13, Page 1Hit BAST .. t 18 THE CHILAPBIFT -ANIS-- E AMp- i'; SIGNAL ,,.ISTD UST. Qua 1. THE] Lf3ADINGI} 1•73E1W43PAPE7R OF HURON C7O17NTY_ FORTY-EIGHTH YEAR. --1566 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. TH1TRSDAY, FEB. 13, 1896. ONK DOLLAR wtt.f. P• r Putt THE SIIGNAL. Uamu. J•H. 1. 1447. t D. McGILLICIIDDY, EDITOR. RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO 11 THE SIGNAL r' FOR THE YEAR 1896. w sr VERA ( NT$- Fie. P•I secs W'ed-1►. C S'reohee... . Chap Hardware ---R. W. MuKenie.... 6 Nene. y ' on. •as- W. A here i Son. 6 Lots fee. fimel ' IME/P-- t' W set here I ' 5 The (aboral Seco W A H Calf b Decided Df kreec Joto.nra. K a. $ Fur lisle w mss- „1'•. Rossater, Bee miller , 5 took Wanted • Mira (1.r..... 5 Kootenay Rem..dis-fayLkw Mad. Ca Hamel' w 0 Heiser- , 4 I' :e. . 0 (:laxed hewer Pip.--Osteris8swit Ps,-• Co.. Teresa KNOX CHURCH. Revert .1 the •■seal reutwg el Ise fesaiega I.a. The usual toe ••.tg of Knox 4'touch coo• ersR*110s we. Lsld lrt Wednesday ...rag in the lecture room of the search, and was • red lotto .lay in the bust.'ry of the «.ngn- gataoa. Bath o.ar-b.rs and 4h.eost. 'urn .d out en mere and taxed the arttog cape y . f sy ^•nue room to the utmost. The panto., Key Jit A Ander..., K A., occupied the chair, and H 1 Serre, u. A , was in h.s nano! plate, as ecstasy. After devotion) ex. -octet. aed the reading of the mere of f.rwor meet,Dgs, reports were rad from the ...freest, organsz.ura of the ooagregst... •11 of whisks proved to M of an interesting roar -etc. Thew report* were printed and bound in pamphlet form and distil, a '.l 'hroughout the congrega- tion 'rhe rep - frau the eesstoo was presented by the mr•Aeret.r. It showed that 42 ores were .dried to the commuoton roll. that 31 woes removed oi0e of thee by de•tb-and that 539 names ore refloat* in their repot the ss.'nn recorded " t hetr barb appreciation of the emotivity of Win. ('rate sed M. Dope., now deceased, awl of Mn. A4am.os, an motive member of the coogre/.,i..a, me evidenced in their hand, some hequeeta red gift. to Knox Church. They •leo reorde,1 "their rrehtude to God that when the °o.reg.tan' was threatened with the loss of ita pastor. owing to a prow - ung call from another te0.estial °oograge- 1eo•, be wee I.d tin see it to be his duty to remise with e The Sabbath w•hool report was preoeatd by Alex Sounders, the superinteodwt. The school is is a peepernns cood:tton, with a roll, i.••ludtag Bible clans, of 425, sed •s arrow- Weeder* of 300. Theo total receipts plod erpeedttoree, inducting Bible Class ow.. $296. The ecb.ol is Sup- ported by the congregation, and the eobolere cootribucions go to miemtoo.ry sod hem - veleta pawner. Then .re 34 teachers mod o(hoers at ork Th. p• -t -o-'. Bib -a else mese in the body of the • totcb, mad report• an average attendee's of 64 serf receipts of $4(., which ram was whrily allotted to missionary schemes Khmer Cosi•stgs* secretary of the V. P S C. i? , preeeuted ma admirable report of the workings of that Soototy . At pres- ent the Society hero • siember.bmp of 127- 71, motive anal 51 ...00ate seemben, Dur- and the year through erdieery sad special afforts.$215 84 were rased sod disbursed to various nhieote by vote d the Sootety. the W ! " Society reported through Mees Bella Wiens, its oceretary. This So- ciety met monthly d.ri*g the year. It has • ..nil err tp of 47, .ad a average ago ad - .aos of 22 Ito total oo.tribatio.s were $111.72 The MoGillivrey Mienem Bead, which is •Otiliary to the W,F.M.`t., is in • flourish- ing os.ditien moo ca by the report whit\ was presented by the seer't•ry, Mies Mar- garet Strome. fledge the able presidency of M ass Poll, y, this Hand has Sorrowed until It now holds int plan &arse the 250 jar' n il* mesion bands of the Western division of the Presbyteries°here\ tin Canada. 1t has • membership of 167,-119 ere and 48 bo,. and an avower stte.dmmt* of 82. la receipts for the year uncoated to $174. it bold. Et* meetings every alternate S.tur- day afternoon is the Wears room of the Ouch Mn. (Opt. (.berm protested an .xaIlest report trona t M Derma Society. This So- ciety, though • nail is inember.bip, appears to b. like Its .scre'.ry, tall of merge, for mash b .e hem done is alleviating the 4is• tress of the poor sod the suffering. The .mmmeriwg omanittee of the seo/reg.- time reported through Mr. Street. Through boilers and dnatio.e.nd the liberality of the people, the .s.retsry was able to report that after mediae all de01s.de eo..eeted with Ma runes/ explosee oft the es.grees- tio., and atter ae{1'wg every met .l debt apo the ehu-rh '8., were alga to carry .ver a bassos of $410.20 with MOM to be- gin the we k of the soot year. This an- Oountenent was resolved with marked ap- proval by the ooseregatMa The td.1 pp•ay- mena for .11 purposes. kield.sg the sffflrl. .1 the duffer.et .ag.•'s.tis.o...esdcd M $4783. 0' Mir •a.oaat Mile ware shoo to h is issary sad beseveloMehju*a 1n the course of tie..uulER 11ses.grer•- ties. `y • treaty mel assmissomo vete, oes , Unwed rhe resolution peed .4 • epsslal nnstlag e1 this on.gre'1Mss M imams the salary el Ib• pastor \y $SMO, At Me *tags of tae prooee•linea, Rev. Dr. Ilre, who Pled owe sat awl is same the pspla, sad whose .11 are delighted M .Ei- menw, took the platform, mad •her beWv reviewing the history of the eos1reg ted. sad referring is fonder torm to the et et seem sow i. red enema triamphsetl, N roiled aim remarks be Mr. 8t .ag wed far O rly . qq.aner .1 • ...Eery has baso the solve and .soege•te sonoetary of the law gregae'en, est is the mess el the essgregs- ties pt... toot hies with • beautiful geld want.. oho sod pencil. Mr. eMs.e. bola/ wnplea. y 1.kms by wrpriss, feed 111111 - salty is o*pr.ssiag the grstlNde of W heart. awl tee apprsslaeie- e1 the sill The wash Imre • y soy e.U•bte iw.erlptiae. Th. r .twin • S •ora were rwdosted. Vases of Mao kre • wetenders/ Mr. lame and etr. a0$* axw. red 1 h... walla& ssrvi.se m se Sms- ial eserm *y ..A enem ars, Pee oolweh .md alas to 'ae A I net oreasieseises .f 1M ehrot., ..d whet wee . very pres.noees taieatbe tom 81...48$ he • sl..s by the owe- grop.Wws sbeglrae the L N. Moselegy sad the psalm pommemig the hi.dh,Y.. OUR OTTAWA LETTER. Wrest le la slag OK at the Capital • Clear Eaplaaal,.e d Was rear rockets era 4y.y-- *here. /1111... a 11- Ierr MM Ti.. large Increase he the MN lossre.4 •r. OTTAWA, Feb. 10.--Titere is a new head t.k,ag the helm today, as old @allot with lots of taproom. as you will have reams to know C.pt. Tupper. .bo wants ao awoduction to the people of Garda, doss cot p.opu.. ..ilea/ firs ship on ecO0.m tool lase. sod that you will hod out when be (ekes fall uon.maud. " There • millions in it -for who' Look out for increased etpenditure, increased taxes to old th. Mu ler . K.y Railway, the Cbigoecto Snip Keil .►. sod a soon of other simile, schemes involving millions which well hes.- to es.to go on when Tupper leads the band. You have danced to his tones before and you seamed to like his last music. But 1 advise you now to fay to your nett wiener's cosi It you bave nay mooey M you for Sir Cb.. t@ out 404oe to Deere you with say surplus is your pocketa NOW TO/ ARE heli There is an Important matter I wi.h to keep before you. " Where does nevi mosey ger " Wby •m 1 paying two fold the duties out of my bard earned wages 1 did is 1878 " Where is the leak Who is rem tensible It is • .natter of vital Ino portant* test you snould investigate Vises queeuoos snd get your answer if possible In • recast letter I referred briefly to the large laCre*ee in interest account that in- ores.ed whorl debt bad necessitated Y.'u paid out of your wages or earnings as tares os a000uot of interest, sinking fund and era pensee, •f ter critter trove received from Inveetmeop, in 1878, 57.960,940: to 1894,;11,307 123, wed In 1896, $11.611,508 Thee elbows that In interest sad debt ac- count there sae an annual increased charge of 54.030,568 as compared with 1898 or 53 per out. increase 4o the amount taken lot this service alone out of your pocket,. Do sot lees eight of the fact that I have credit .d the (:o•ernmeot with the interest they bave reosiyed from investments. N w what 1 wish to draw your attention particularly to this time is what title great taoresee u debt and interest really meso*. la the first place we 5111 loop at the cheer-- tee haraster ef gods that oould have bra admated free of duty had the (eovernMent Dot re- quired just $4.031068 more interest to meet the debit interest account Mad the promote* of Sir Chas Tupper in 1878 been kept wino he said, " If the people of ('wade return us to power we will run the country without tette ••A01 more mosey out of you/ pocket. is the way of taxa and an tee years the satiate' dell .ill he reduced to 5100,000,- 000," that 54,030,568 would not be required to meet increased interest Mad it cot been required the Government could have •dmited the following articles free of .iuty, sad then had enough nit. 1a the following list of articles were 000ld hove been admitted fres had that $4.030, not bra required for tat.rest, I .bow thus amount of duty mob article paid lost Tear Cottle, sheep, horses (broodier) $ All rranuf•otaree co cotton, prints shirtless, oto 1 Earthenware, all kinds. . ... Hata, caps, helmets- Aerievltursl implements....... Coal oil Geode made et tree or steal. all kisdn 1 Cordage 33 206 200 820 166 458 216 471 70 147 387 279 947 674 17 507 $4 038 562 Have I made the pass clearly enough Had the Goverarnent kept their promise and net iwwreasod the debt, they would last year have been able to have admitted all these articles free of duty, and thea have bud enioiest revere to re the oou0try Bat the Inorss✓od debt bas ...sssiated • farther ax of $4.036.568 upon yea and the articles which enter your household have, o be taxed to pay for it. Your areas, year .rtlbmwara, year bats, cape, and bosoms, year mot oil, all have to be taxed to make u p this modest i.crease of 53 per coot. is the debt interest a000a.t. wove' IT w.rt.D bo), Thera le mother and equally forgeable way of looking at thin alarming ieer..se is the debt tonna •eoeaat. Thus matt 1sor.S. of $.030.568 Moab has been token oat of your po.kets would mere Mesa have paid the tote/ east of 1411iti•. 1 674 013 (evil (lovrrm.est 1 422 277 Legislation 941 570 $3 937 860 TOWN COUNCIL, ■ laaaes 'M 1M Last eegalar morMeg .4 efts" Made. The regular smestiag pf Ike tows eominn wee bold en Friday erosion. Pr.s.1--the mayor. reeve, deputy -reeve;: eoesotllon Thompson, Good., Colleen. Netts, Saunders, W Il. , Dunlop, C•mpios, N,oboleon, Swartz. ('r.tgte and (;sallies. he mtnetes of the r.•gular Lod Gustatory meetings were read, approved sad signed. Report of treasurer fur Jahwry, nowise • balaooe on rood of $1580 03, was soot to fisacoe committee. Th. auditors rep. rt* for 1895 were read, and co motion of the reeve and •. 8..ndees woe referred to the linear committed. Report of fire warden. W. MoC.ugba., roousimending the appointment .f •K. C. H .lob.r as fire warden. Moved i.r the meet, seconded by W.C. Goode, that the report be referred to the fire committee. Moved to.meelmeot by the deputy reeve • wooded by M. Ntonoleos,rbat Mr. Belcher r.o appointed fire w.rdoo, and that the tal- e nts. of the report be referred CO tb• nn oone014t*'r. The .meadmeot was de hired carried, the reeve• and councillors Compos, Nairn and Goode vottog say. A oo.musicattoo from the ooltector ask - tog authority to ooatl..tae the collection of unpaid taxes fur the year 1895, was granted on motion of the reeve and councillor t tem - pion. A communication from W. J. Brows, asking for au iocrew of $1 per week was, co motion of the reeve and ouunsillor Vid- eos, sent to the water and light commit tee. A oommunicetao from Wm- Byon,Soutb . mptos, asking for pay for acting as • fire than, was, on m01ua of the depoly-reeve, seconded by councillor Ntcholie°, seat to the Sr. committee to report. A oommuuIcatioo from Phos. Tilt, asking the eeaoeil to transfer the bulled horse granted to 1'hos. ('ochrac to him, was cow plied with,00 mono of F:.Campton and the resve. A °ommuoicatlon from the secretary of the Single Tax Aseoeateon was, on motion of the deputy reeve and oounoallor Nichol coo No lothe special committee. A cemmustcauun from W. H. Gress, of Wtogham, witb reference to isosed000ent electric light for the tow°, was es mottos of ouu0otllor. Th. mpeon and Goode sent to the water end light ous,m*tt e to report. A oommuaicateon from J. W. Marsden, asking for • rebate on hotel license, hu h. - tel being burned, was 'm motion of deputy - reeve and counotllor N icht.leon, seat to the special committee. The Municipal World's ■ubsori flea was ordered to be paid, on mottos of Saunders and the reeve. • oommunseatton from the city clerk .t Ottew.,asking the council to sign a petite& to the Legalese. Aleno4 Iy, for the aboli- tion of ail exemptions from *sateen, was, on the motto of the deputy reeve and councillor looters, .ant to .,,sial °om- miltee. The 1, (lowing accounts were seat to the fiorsce °anomie*. • Kukbnde, 24 20: Devisee t Co., 18.- 01; 81. Geo. Prue, 43 00; Sturdy Bros, 9 - 77; G.N. Davee, 7.38: h. Romero A Co , 14. 81; J.8lbsw,7 00: (:Porter 5.20: J.E. Davis, 1.40; Samosa., 23.75; Gaeta Perob• Co .3.00; G N. Davis, 21.56; W. Barrows, 10.56: J. H , Woreell, .55; Hort k 14.dd01, 4.20; N. sod A. Dynast, 8.45: McLaren t Bete., 12 00; Jamieson Rem, 1.30; R. W MaYos- cme, 38.54; Jas. Wates', 200; C. A. Hum- ber, 19 98. The water and light reunite. asked permission to obtain estimates as to the probable nest of °hieing water from the lake sed the cost of an ierode.oent system of lighting the town, Recommended gnat 200 be allowed on Captain K.bb'e water rate. sad reported "bat the engineer had been in- structed M make • test as to the most eootenical fuel, sue test to be as fol lows : 1 --One week, wood. 2-0ar week, wood and coal mixed. 3 -One week, coal. O. motion of deputy -reeve and council - !or hi.bolses the report was adopted. The fears committee recommended the payment op the following accea01. for 11196. This given you a fair ids• of what extra*• agent immenseness ie bring the amnion tit, for in se plasty would you Ind the remelt inure bsalbly br..gkt out than in the an- neal bene* asws.t yen bave te provide lee. 1. the few fate I have laid before yew tile week you 5111 have neem pretty geed sats to amen with soma e8 year setheaiaseM friends. Just ask tie. M oxplata the fasts Away and tee tee knew the remelt is • ssm- 01wi.tle to this paper. 1 me Mathis for isfermailiss. Would set some .f Meese like te sash ens i. • try la mirepr+nnndng bele t I awn it • pant whom seeding them Mahn be deal with fuse enly : reek rtanoa., sad that a why the Meade of the lie.mamomt have saver ked the sheen .f e\ake.gleg .y aseamomib. The to was all elm Inst Trliy. The bawd M the risk, • las4-1.am b•1, • *semen tameimg, eatr praselsem ems • .nye el Moly"bmd " deOese f5* ire paeYm bobs amens the kmdklg Som' Mem OVER THE HURON TRACT. The Gtdst 17wm the► Local MW W. Sharrr.0. jr., 850; J. Rrophey • Son, 4.00: National Crew Co., 42.50; Star 23 25. lice. M. Elliott, 17 80 The report was adopted on emotion of mossillers Campion sad Dunlop. The retie works osmmttten asked for power to obtain Dost of oortruotisg • sewer sydsai In reorders with the pleas of Al- es Mollougatl Proposed that the said se - 4.01•a be plaited before the 00.0011 as its . ext meeting, so that if advisable a bye. law to proceed with the Werk rimy he sub- mitted. Recotamendeod that three additional snowplows be purchased, see to M left in each ward. O. motion of &weedlore Thesepeo..ad Canales. the report was adopted. A by.iw.appoiaths Dr. W.J,K Nelms T. Jordan .ed Jae. Albepbwd, Eaembws of the Beard of Health, was rend the usual member of tunes sed passed. 0o sanies of the reeve and eorewiltor Canopies, the relief ossimlttes was easter d to preset .t sett mamas/ • list of par - tin r.sivieg rebel and • Wermeet of their es.dtties. A petition was read, aski•g the omega to rant L. A. G. Pew 1600 t .id him is *b- eam ►aim • Marta sad proems as eleetrie rail- way lir fresh 44ed.rhh to Pert Perry, via. Wiorhaai. Mr. Pew bawls/ addressed Me .e.agl, as meeles d oesee111ere Nara sed Geode. the suss we gu.55d...s.eillda Swank Thompson mei De{ap vain • Weealy segs." K rusty Rewe served op ere OWN Rvevybane - n"k sad rein" elapsed .red t aedenaed gram Every Oert*n. run. They .B :memod be esjq the mus- ing a ceremony. Kluev•le : Mi. Floes Niall, • Blown!' girl, now living in lwmmm, Man ., in • credit to her native 51111... Shit it set aixtes° yet and has •.....d class oertifwte and has passed the ex•mtuatwns at the Normal, in Winnipeg. Se•forth 1)ariug the suction eels of fur sitar. at Dr, Campbell's resideoos last Sat- urday, • valuable gold wa*b was stolen 1t was left oa • dressing oar to sae of the bed roosts, and after the urowd bad left so traos of it could be found. \` IPI(; H AJi It. H Fortune, 3•.5., Clinton While Mr. thatcher was left tows this week to open an office ,o As .0.84 g at • saw to the Doherty Factory o ten Friday • p*eoe of board, thrown by. the saw Clinton . 8.1 Mheye•. ...ere baptised at streak bon in the pit of the stomach, mar - the lepton, church last Friday 'young. tag him teterwlly.but not euro&eI.,tbourk he HessenJohn Henault has purchased thaw off blood for come tune the McDonald properly to tea village. Chicon W. Luer, of the foundry, mot t 13'm hoot t V. \'e,.N raw, of Idelgreve, with • bad accident one day last week, ff whereby 4.e loses three fingers. tt'bile e has been appointed cote' ' polos for 1396. gaged at the buzz planer his hand got ' tl'ntoo : A six mouth. plan of Sunday ought, and was lao.rated so badly that 1t ✓