HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-2-6, Page 88 THE SIGNAL: GODESM ONT'., THURSDAY • FEB. 6, 1896• NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. ]Meer war ownOorreapoadaata *Me Is morn. -N- nm Tttn blamer be ae..d *newborn Mee -Imre ei 'he Omen seeet•tU Reversed Vac The Stlls.L DUNLOP. 1.1 16.4041, Feb.4 For ma and dieser sets, give 4..o. Price a call Mr. Lawrence and son, from near Sea. Myth, %our1 our towhee M... Lawrence, Tuesday est lest week NILE. M.•st•iy, Yob. 3. The meothly report for January ts 11.8. No. 1, ('olborne, Is as follows Fifth cams, Iwo Hetherington, Ethel D..tow ; fourth class, Maggie Kilpatrick, Lizre Gltddoo, Clara Fultord ; third class, (River Thompson, Geurget:Iiddoo, ('lareooe Must3w . second elms, Steuhen Carney, Arthur Murphy, Willie Tbompsos. M. M.1.tioart,t.. teacher. BLYTH. Tt a'IA,. Jaa. 'L.. 11 m. Mc4.111, of Morris, is very III. Mrs I. K. Laidlaw is on the mend. Hobert Laidlaw Is worse than he was last week We are glad to see our chee.msker once more. ► A. K. Allan has sold out his bakery n- tablishrent. 11'm. McIntosh, of Burnside, Man., is vi. sing friends here. 7 he Presbyterian anniversary wasa great success. it netted them $1 ov. A Ittge meeting ot the patrons of the cheese factory was held on Saturdat, Mrs, 4'atherine Stewart, relict of the late Andrew Stewart died suddenly lest !toe• day. DUNGANNON . 1kories.-Tho 'oral agency In Dungannon for THE Itiu'At. a at the dace of J. O. K'arn- J.P.. conveyancer. &c., who will receive or dere for subscriptions, adverceing and job work. and is authorized to give receipts' for amounts paid for the wee M.o"nA', Feb. 3. l iv hundrea pounds of first-class butter and 300 dozen fresh eggs wanted at Gee. Prices. There's a gond deal of sickness in the community, chiefly is the nature of severe .Ids, scarlatina, etc. Vara suoossstul revival meetings are now b.tng conducted in the Methodist church 1•) the pastor. Rev. Mr. ldmunds. Toe sacrament of the lord's Supper was administered in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath, preparatory seryao's bei.r held o0 the Friday previous. 4 cur burgh is somewhat agitated over the prospect ot a branch •letter hoe, running through bore on its waw from I:olerich to Klo•ardtse. John has arranged to run the ' bus The new nMoere of the C.O. T. were in stalled on Tuesday evening, 28th, and one initiation followed. Then will be inittatien next regular meeting night, viz , lest Tues day of the month. Our three societies bete arc beano well supplied with new ma torula We are pleased to note that our esteem .d corre.pondeot, J 4:. Ward, who was for poems time ill with congestion of the lungs, is rapidly reoovnor, and we hops seen to se* him in hu aort.•tomed places and to read his eatertasnisg notes on Dieugannen. *meta in THa SIOIAL. We regret to chronicle the death on Moodav, .tan. 27th, of another of l(ung•n n on s old and respected residents in the per eon of Anthony Black. TO* funeral on Wednesday, which was in charge of the 4 orange brethren, was very largely atteeded the decamped having a large stride of friend@ and acquaintances. A great many of the oldish men are hunting up t`eir knickerbocker and jackets preparatory to attending the night school which is being organi, id by T. t: Allen in connection with the Meohanitw' Institute. The alms meets for the 6nt Immo on Wed ne.day evening. Free instruction in book- keeping, arithm..., etc..1a not going to be e livht,d in OUT tows, PORT ALBtRT. Moxn&r, Feb. 3. 4 pounds ginger snaps for 25c, st Geo. Pries a. Miss I.illie Steveioo, of Goderich, visited her parents last week. Miss Jeanie Toot. from neer Kincardine. s vtaittsg het ..tire, Mw Nellie Ras kis.•. Th. young people of the neighborhood gather ever, night to bare a good time • leighndi.g o. the hill. W are informed that the flour mill hero has changed •wn.rship : the new owner will take poeewioa in tho Sprinv. We beg to intones our Asb66I41 oorreepoo- diet that he has bees misinformed ooao.rn lag the "ho• -down" at Mol hail'. Hall. 1n the first plan there wasp's amvese at the ball who had indulged too freely in the "real staff', but all was quiet and orderly, as all parties in the past have bsss. In the esoond pleas there was nit a crowd from tb• Circular City as reported, but only a 0o004 d youths, who were former rodents of this pl.., wishing to show their respect for themselves and also ter the young people who got op the party. We "appose they won out on a spree ; at say rate they for n ishod a greet deal ot amusement for the loafers around "Dido," but said youths did not some to the ball sofd they were sobered up what m read sae ler regio they had M MI *bemire together at tae cba.g. Is I s MINI Mass Iwai Irwts wag two very wear MIME Mn Canes gave souse wlootwa. as Ma ved- ter oast mama. The tableau eatitiad "Tba Old (lamp Grooms, ' looked splendid, i. which A. E. Krivoi wog a wag ..wtid •• commas oa the 1 (Id Comp (:road...whim► bresgbt down the bourne. The receipts at the door were $37 'y.`.. LEEBUMN. Toaster, FM. 4. Agent for F lerehmaa'' patent yeast - -4Mo. Pros s. Jamas Llalleter lowed. emoting n silo of the latest Improvement, emit Summer, Oulu r Nina" -As menth.ed m our last, seism Sinclair the lady miwtosary re- owtly returned from Central lathe address- ed the 000gregat.en at the oleos of th• ser- vice en Sunday last as the work done by Presbyterian mlestooarws there. Kyr Foo. 01r► N. - W e got a plosetsg letter from .1. U Andersen B. A., who ie the Summer of 1892 was as a student in charge of Loeharn and Como full of enquiry of his former 'barges and hoping the work of the prism ressatly cameo will be summit 1ul. _ SLUEVALE. 1<cr.o.tt, Feb. 4. Mus Rollo King, daughter of the late Duncan King, was married last Tuesday to Goo Macdonald, cheesmaker of this place. The l'. D. F held a vary enjoyable At Home at the Forrester's hall last :Friday eve.tn6. N ord was received lest Monday that tired, son of A. Y. Hartley, of this place was dead. H• had bees suffering for a wed. adaptations, hit be was thoeght to be getting better He was a young mac of toasty years and was teaching school near Godertoh. fie wul be much moved by his treads in Filo. vale and much sympathy is •zpreised for the sorrowing relative@ in their sad bereavement. Et i•11141t A M. LENNA!i's LINIMENT. -For external MOO only, u n p05111re cure for spatial disease, hip disease, in- flammatory rheuuist,sin, lanae bock, lulu Dago, sere throat. weak and lore lungs, bruises, sprains, stiff joints, rupture, and a'1 kundrrd diseases. It has also been Lound a sure cure for throat atfectiuns 1n burets. 1•K4 t. 755 1 ENT. None genuine wubout having the trade 'nark un labels and wrappers :cud E. A HcLetn'au • Lii.imr••t, t ..drrich, Ont., stamped on sax .seal utl each btttle, Manufactured only by Euphemla A. tleL,unan. sole patentee and pr.- pnetre. Newgate St., Godench, Ont. 'Nat 1866: 1896 The 30th •nni.ersar• of the c'l'ing out of the Volunteers of ibis Uwtr ct will be cele- brated by a SOCIAL 1,A 1H E.RING of the survinag members of the various corp• and their friends at The POINT FARM OD MOIS DAY. MAR- 9th TICKETS Zu .1%"'ve 81 -COMMITTEE- 4/tuner Master HK(K rapt. UANCZY taa•. MO\1GOwlilt V beat. HORTON KOH1'. ELIAS Capt. MURRAY McIJRKOOR • J. J. WRIGHT. Seoy EcLLIN'S OPER! HOOSE TH6 GODERICH CHORAL SOCIETY MAYFIELD. MONDAT, Feb- 2. Jas. Donaldson is kept Teary May sawing .very day. The people of Ito) geld and noisily are busily engaged poetise up their senor sum sear on Mr. Stesshcuse, a resident of Bayfield few a number of years pas,sd away no Tose day, Jas 28th. last, at the ripe ego of T y�- W McCloskey the late ppanis eipal of fray field snbeol and Min Mo(:luskey spasm day .vwf.g and a$urday .t the reideses of 1)r. Sew►.ry. Wm. Devises, aoseapa.iod by his friend, Mr. Hawkridge, upset wedseedy and part of Thursday ism lewa ..Jas. Ferguson Owned friends in tikediweeb loot week. (). Samday oyssi.g lest while min (saes Losseroe was walkbeg home from Marsh dos .tipped ee now lee sad is poems way bed her 1eoti.g, Winn to this g►o.ad •.d .mills_ • movers gneb alone Me sea My Imps be eon hear of bar r•savoy. Conducted by W. A. H ('CFF, assisted by the GODERICH HARMONY ORCHESTRA will give the Fret intertsisment ot the 1Sea.o• on THURSDAY, FEB. 14th Admission=25e,: Reserved Seats, 35c wt Perteti't( Book Store. "Every DOG Has His IIAY RI T Eei' DOG Hasn't a COLL&R. WHY SHOULDN'T HB When they can be had at THE FAIR for a mere song ' We have a line of these which will be sold at prices to suit your pocket, as they must 0-0. For the next few weeks we must sell several lines at prices away down, as we require room for new o. Mammy tart •.weer{ was gives Spring stock, including a fine line rho gam" people of Ibe tlethedist , of everything for Work, s.h••i, wbiob w.. otwem .1 The etc. W e are busynatal/big n .+a~ `,ggagg geed Ms. K7T'h"hoei��y" Children's Aprons, Mc- Ooe and dhemed {layer 1. U... asst ale' akaw.t age theca. KKYKRSIBLE PftINTKD MOLLETTON CLOTH .. . HEN placing our order for Spring Dress Goods with J. & W. Campbell & Co., of Glasgow, we ordered seven pieces of Printed Molleton to be shipped out at once. These goods have now arrived and are in stock at 15c. a yard. We have them in Black and Red, also in Black and White fancy Checks, suitable for Ladies' Wrapps or Waists and Children's Dresses. Perfectly fast in Color. Inspection of this new line of goods is in- vited. J. T. ACHESON. lass Wishing our Customers and the General Public A HAPPY NEW YEAR. We begin the year with a full supply of SC23002.>1 BOOKS tc C:i+:3o i.4 svPPT. S The biggest value to be had for cash. SEE OUR 200 AND 300 PAGE SCR23233M2mi-MRS FOR 5 CENTS. Exercise Books, N ote Books FOR 5c. AND 10c. Leather S:hool Bags Direct from makers Extra, Robber End Lead Pencils 3 FOR 5 CENTS. Best 5c. bottle sold. New Tinted Note Papers, Stationery, Blank Books, Extra value to hand. See them. - Albums, Silverware, Dressing Cases at cost. . Wiwi= Shades, cloth 50c. TO $1.50. A. -RTS IR - Next doer to JAS. ROBINSON'S Dry Goods Stow. REMEMBER - - The place to get Choice is at w Groceries Provisions Fruits etc. C. A. Namfl's Family Grocery. C. RIISHANE&CO Full Line of Seasonable Goods. Ladies' Fur Capes a specialty. 0. 1 aLNI 00. Anon M sem Wiertraai gree STILL BARGAINS. A FEW LADIES CLOTH COATS 1188 THAN WHOLE - BALE PRIDES. 1 Ladies' Greenland Seal Cape, $27.50 for $20.00 1 Laker' Kaluc Seal (Awe,. .. 15.00 for 11 00 4 Men's Wombat Fur Coats... 16.00 for 11.00 2 Men's Wombat Fur Costa_ 13.00 for 10.00 4 Sets Storm Collars and Mufti at cost price. 1 Man's Fur Cap $12.00 for $9.00 1 Ladies' Fur Cap 2.75 for 2.00 The above goods are great bargains, and must be cleared out tkis month. Our Carpet .cork is, as usual, the largest in the County, consisting of BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIES, 3 PLY ALL WOOL, 2 PLY ALL WOOL, UNIONS, HEMPS, and the new make of AXMINSTERS. It is scarcely neceieeary to say that our pricer are rock bottom on these goods Our Lace Curtain stock is large for this Season of the year. Between 200 and 300 sets to choose from, and:150 sets of new stock expected daily. CHENILLE CURTAINS, MATS, RUGS,'ART SQUARES RUG FRINGE and TABLE COVERS in great variety. COLBORNE BROS. Tlit• Great Carpet and Lace Burtain Warehouse of the County. - NOTICE. - - - ALL PERSONS OWING R. W. XcIKENZIE Proprietor of the CHEAP HARDWARE STORE, GODRICH, Will please call on him and pay up. He wants clean balanced books to commence the year's operations. SHORT CREDITS AND LOW PRICES will be our motto this year. R. W. McKENZI E. The Kiloll Double Acon show you bow it works. It will .net you ASHER TAKIE.S TRH LEAD over all other Washers It competed witb over WO washing machine of all kisds at Chicago in 11343 and ear- ned off the Fleet Premium sod Geld Medal. It is easy and quick. Nie waab•board required. - GIVE IT A TRIAL - Send me your address and the oe.eee- nes you Bee e., sad 1 will omen and notbiag. H. HALE. tf Bei 130. Goderich. Holiday Fruits . e J • A fine assortment of new Fr'lits for the holiday season has just been received. Everything New and Fresh and of beat brand. • Family Groceries a Specialty. ST. GEORGE PRICE, a arcs .R. TO R, PRIM a es. (eR. WeT-$T AND WARS Special at Munro's. Honey Comb Shawls, Scotch Plaid Shoulder Shawls, Double and Single Long Shawls in Black and Colors. H08IEFLY Fine Cashmere Plain and Fancy Ribbed, from Infanta to Ladies size. Boys and Girls Heavy makes, warm and durable. Ladies' and Chikiren's Underwear in all the leading makes. Men s and Boys' Shirts and Drawers from 20 to 44 inches Just to hand, full lines of Men's Merino and Heavy Socks. New shades in Cheap Silks tor Fancy Work. Pure Silk Handkerchiefs frau 5e, to $1.25. A_ 2VirreTINTMCD. Draper and Haberdaaher. !timber : Ona day leak week Mr. Jabs Allies of the name" Read, met with a meet Q1Mawd.r temde.t. Re was monied is sinkage eteaw and is seam amass, amt his hand sasegbt ta the meg wheels .t the strewwtr'r,.maablag three d kis Regan M • jelly.11 wLand .seesry te have the threas m Jujured mambo, amputated at the weed joie& (Asats.: An inasssstiag event *marred at the raefdmet el John Ray, WeedNwk, ea Smarday .boons.., who• his y...gat daughter /thee Mand (Birdie) was gives is marrWg. to Alia. Wain.* Hart, teller of the Mebane Bask. Climes. and ia. of C. H. Hart, barrister et net tows Th. wed- ding was very pretty mad wee Mee.ded by ever fifty puma T.ekeeadth : Mash emptier mid repot woe felt by many ea Friday last en it ba seems, karma that Miss Margaret Siselsie, side's Q&mikier of Jobe S3..lai,, d Hs Kipp.. reed, W departed this fah. It wee kimws that Miss 8iselair W me hem am Myles geed heath M ems time, but few the. bt her sew wee se swims. About a year age she had • very severs Mask tit Is grippe. hoes whish she Never reeem ed and whieb holly aNtetad her 1 Qt� death. She was a motive of T- and was all year .f sew Ramer : Reeve Rambla has meds the purehase of Mother valuable lane ..it Bay - Gold, it Ening the Weeds emote The farm is is a geed (.sake. s.1 esetai.a 136 sees. Teekereaisk : May will regret M lava of the severe aaeies whisk has Wallin the family el Mama Healer, .f the 9th manta" elms. .early all ef them havfag kw /r►• n aiad with typhoid fever. Semi e/ the ehtldw• were float Maimed and ',steely load rewvwad whew Mr.. Rater woo laid u p by the -- thaw., and before she W towered Mr. Rater wee taken ill. Mrs. Hatter and aha other membere of the Sassily are sew, !remover 1. a fah way ler rosemary sad Mr. Rueter le doing se well se maid be eerpseh.d ander the inameessesa, sad will, N N b.pd, get armed all right Mei symtiatby is (sit ler Mr. sad Mrs. $.algae w soeswt of them severe sad tryyfat leen, • Mistime. • Cheep 1ohr.a. Los M. Tbs ( Desisted Tor Said miller Cook W Kama.. Hamel Habeas Glazed C.. Relieve The . grngratio in thele • red ler Espow and out oapaet. y The pass occupier was In 11 d.votior miout.s read fro worm' so lots were lin and da tom The r by the names e that 31 death their ri bi.b apt 4'reig el of Mn. moaner some be. They al• that wb with the tag call tion, be remelt' The by Ald The .ot with a r and an total ret Bible (1 torted I cootribe volent asst offii The body of attends' ram 51 .chyme§ Else( 1'.PS( of the v eat the 76 aotie 'nngg the affect.,' various t he Mow B. ctety m• a mewl nos of 1111.72 The adkillar 'oat was pre sores 144 Mies Pi It mew .Ile mr of the has am boys receipt' bolds it day afti oh arch Mrs. report t amity, ti to bo li mash b trees of The h lien rep boil oast hs pee that as with tie., si epos b ever aI gas the 00410(114 proved meats f .1 the $4783. missies I.tb ties, bl fired imeelm salary 1 AtM lire, a eass.� renew' .rid ref el gem reeled .early . drive Meet p wotel•, se e sa hast, wits► The w of the. Mellow lel ..w ales t. skeins .serio the r