HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-2-6, Page 7i i T'erwwfw 1 9 THE SIGNAL: UOOICRICH, ONT., THURSDAY FEB. 6, 1896. If? If you want to preserve apples, don't cause a break in the skin. The germs of decay thrive rapidly there. So the germs of consump- tion find good soil for work when the lining of thethroat and lungs is bruised made raw, or injured by colds and coughs. ott's Emulsion, with hypophosilites, will Beal inflamed mucus mem- branes. The time to take it is before serious damasr+e has been done. A 5o -cent bottle is enough for an or- dinary cold. IN awls end else *ow 3 &.was, Chemists, Belleville, O. DO YOU KNOW r Ask your *shoal to write, without pre- vious sotto., *sewers to the tollowisg yus. Hees, .11 .1 which seem perfectly may : I. W hat is the •'lower rim' of • teacup 2. What a the "task' of • tsblefor k ' What is the "shank" of • tsblefork 4. What ie the "hhlt of • table kotfe' 5. What a the -.hank- of a COMMON pin` b Whet is the "shook ' of • pair et sower* 7. What is the "shack of • key. f3. What is the "body of • tbn.lble 9. What s the "stalk- of a hairbrush 10. What t. the "died' of • cloth 11. W bat s the "stretcher of an um- brella! 12. What te the "shalt el a feather ! 13. What le the "ntsrgla of • book 14. How many "faces hay. the cotter if • beak ' 15. What is the "barrel of a bell' lb. What it the "crone ' of • bell • 17. What part of • carriage is o.11d an 113. West is the "rim of a wheel' 19. What is the "curbstone in • street 20, What u the "king post of • Muse" 21. What ie the "sash hoe of • wisJow! Zel What holds the glass in a window frame 23. How deos pure water .rete 24. From what te loos mde' 2SFrom what ill 'Inaba rubber - made '• ASKED OF HOUSEKI_EPERS• U, you know - Hot alum -water will drive away croton- bugs ' Soap bark boiled in water will remove grease spots from woollen materia. Gasoline will perfectly cleanse silk' (,hloreform will take sok stains frcm wool ' Camphor takes out many stains from wool ' Salt a the best deader of greasy kitchen anemia ` A dish of Stater near a lamp will prove • trap for motto Frr.h, raw meat is the beet batt for mice fps ' A lamp should be filled quite lull every day, and thus used will burs use wick many times se long ea if it were only tilled soh oil ahem absolutely required ` The coldest place in the :cobs: is under math the ion, not -on top of it "A pet's a p,uid" only in butter and granulated sugar In r.,sipts, "..n• teaspoonful" means rounded up as much above the spoon as the bowl rounds below • A hot cloth around the mould wt:+ kelp Jelly or hues to coma from at without stick• tag ' A whisk -broom should be used for mweeF- lsg stairs ' Wicker furniture may be renovated when soiled by washing with salt water ` You ora make your owls mucilage by buy is glue sad dissolving it in water Gloves should never be mended with silk, but with colored (totton thread • A tooth -brush should always stead so that it m• drain when not :n use A may cloth may be crocheted from white cord ' Te •mobs■ a %tuft neew• It your room bestuffy bemire it has ben lived in too muck, or because homo domes - tient' ha. indulged to freely in the soothing moons*, you may easily render it sweet and habitable once more by planing one -tag ouaoe of spirits of lavender and • lama of salt& of ammonia in a wide mouthed buoy Jar or bottle and leaving it empowered. Thia makes a pleaeast deodorizer perfume which will be @oathisg to the serves sed sense., espectslly dorm( the warm weather. Tr L J CHRONiC HEADACHE. HOT OORN. The eye of little K.w was et4amed by the Mark 14, of the bow M early ra.ruisg. M•maaa," .he eseWm.d, 'Yi. hotter. 1 thought it was. Look hese : the gram e all towered with perspfretiw." Robbie W hat are deseesdtit. father Father Why, thewMat co. after you. (Preesstlly) Who is that yonag Mao in the passage Robbie -- That• ase of tiWore dewendaat mine to Coke her for a drive. "Darling." she said to her buebaed as they sat oo the roll of parker ~pet u she ball of the house tato which they had jest heaved, "1 wish this roll of carpet was velvet... ••Ibyou` Well, I dont. "What du you wash 7 - "'That 1t wee down Ht -Wheat you are asked to mug •ad don't wish tis, you always have ouch a ooa- yeom e 1 cold. % bore du you get them . she -Ob, they're kept 'on draught •II over town. The (.alt Reformer says •' Several night• ago • well-known physician bought • package of peanut. from a !lain street peddler, and while the mw was measurtnv out hie purchase, the doctor drew • cigar from hie pocket and proceeded to light it. 1 he peddler looked at him with • sorrowful sip -easiest is hie few- "They doet smoke mash in heaves,' he said. " No, ans- wered the desS.r ; " neither do they eel! peanut& heal sod S1 Are Our. "To two weeks' wages owia/ by defend- ant to plaloufl for services of himself and goat. P, This was the 'totem.ot of the olstm submitted to the court by little James Douglas Walters, who sued Crawford Woe., tailors. "'This is the kid, is it asked some one as Walters, wbo u. little buy of lo, step- ped into the box. "Where s the gust ' "We 11 assume that the goat and the ltd are esti,' said the court, ''sod 111 be his n ext insert The boy a story is this : One day he went into f'r•wford• place, sad said, •'IMe you woo t to advertise with the goat." "1.11 see : fetch the goat •'1 fytelied the goat, and he measured it for • blanket ; the next day the bl•aket west done, and the next day it was'01 dose, and the next day it wasn't done ; he might wont me 'n • month, said the boy. "Thin you dido t get the blanket, the advertising or the money "' asked the judge. "No, sir, maid .lames Douglas,. "1 asked him. 'Are you Rote' to gtv me .Dye tbl„g for the trouble you put me to He said, •No, you o•n t claim unless you have a errata" document.' "Did the goat Intik when he was mesa tired !" "No, sir.- •'Hei was quiet was h. ' ''When you're n ot round bis hood.' "Theo you knot around his tail, did you"' The boys owns a goat which hu drives •bout the streets of the city, using them as as advertising medium by ooveriog him un der • lettered • blanket. The Crawford brothers swore that .tomes Douglass hermit measured the goat. One of the tailors told him, "He must be longer than that,' eo the boy and the tape hoe again laid themselves over the goat and brought in another measurement Police Sergeant Archer • little boy swore that Walters did not measure the goat . at was one ot the tailors who did it. The oourt found that no contract had been made and judgment was entered for the detendsat., D O M.L. THREE METHODIST LEADERS. N air 811 u•N ars Asaew • Catarrhal 'Pow- der and Wortore scrawls la Ica Favor. The clergy of 1'anada of all denominations seldom besttet.e to trprek frankly in the in- terests of • rood cause or on behalf of some uieritonous article. Force is given to ut- terances of this •hamster when the men can speak from individual experience. This ta the °see with the Hey, A. R ('h ember., LI. K and Rev. Wm. G•Ibraith, LL K ,said Key. W. H Withrow, 1).1)., than whom few Methodist church nnaisters are better knows in Toronto or elsewhere throughout the Itominion As with mo.y other. these brethern hove been muff with cold in the head and tie invariable suooseaor, ca- tarrh. A remedy, however, was within their reach. They used Dr. Agnew a (' twrrhol Powder, and tound as everyone else tiode !hat relief was speedy and effective, and desiring to beo•tit others they frankly made this statement to the world over their own signatures Uro short whiff of the breath through the blower. supplied with esoh bottle of I)r. Agape's Catarrhal Powder, daemon this Towder over the surface et the natal paw ages. Painless and delightful to use, it re- lives in ten inmates, and permauestly cures cst•rrb, hay fever, Mld., hesdaohes, Dors throat, tomtltio and deafness, 60 cent.. Sample a th blower seat for ten costa u silver oe stamps. S. G. 1)etehon, 44 'hurch- e t, 'Toronto. Sold by J, g. Davis. - lis change in mg Mother's condi- tion marvellous. Seett's Sarsaparilla lea Swat. MoIITREAL, August 29th, tilos. GLerz-isttlt:-Tbvt is such a change s. le my mother's health that i cannot re - Strain myself from writing you. She ssd*ered for years past with a (hro'1iC headache, accompanied with a disordered stomach- She was weak and irritable, sad we thought she was going into a de- cline. For three weeks she has bees See( a course of Scott's Sarsaparilla, which was recommended to her by Mr. St -Gale, Druggist, Montreal. Her head. silo is now but a memory, her appetite s (11 good, and she has gained five pounds is weight in twelve days. She is a different woman, and i led that Yoath God's hands, have been the means of re storing her to health. i *hall always nd recommeScott's Sarsapanlla to suffer.from head or digestive trouble& ng you again, 1 close. Yowrs sincerely, Hortense Gavtlkr,. kat'• Sarsaparilla is a Concentrated attract, pleasant to the taste, a is takes in small doses. it is the remedy for disorder' of the stomach and ber,pelpitation. drernieleos sores, ecarma said skips diseases ori 'ag frac ithEzesio.blood. It builds up thewmppurriities lthe it msifaiss it /mai . pal al A LIGHT KEEPER'S STORY HIV WIFE WAS A ITLARIUL SUF- FER FKUM RMBHMATLSM. man JOINT% vomit •auLL&'i Atli ptetu*T1D - Malt oiunyc •I.*( '1 111.1ayLlan ••D , malt •rrarlm 'oto -- •tI Y0*AD roc s1% tam. rb414.. narOS0 WILILY Vier ro.'.1 /vain The Kis•iwn Newt. Mr. Hugh MuIoreo, ltgbtbo.ekeeper ea Wolfe Wood, se ear ul the best knows mm is the /mutton, and to hie vigilsow in the perlormsoce of his 4aa y is due the safety of She mas7 craft sailing in this port of the St Latinist's. Mts. IIuLer. it, hie wife, has been an cove ad for • number of years, and e twovsrsatioo a it to • reporter reoently.Mr McLaren silted that the was rapidly re- pining her old time healtt, under the treat moot of coat marvrlMus 4.1 modern medi- ct.ea-I)r Williams Pink i'.t.s. Asked 1f be had any objections to giving the particular. Mr. McLaren vaulted that. emphatically he bed out d snub publu:•ttoo was likely to neoetit nor other suffererlie said : " A n umber of rears eon mt wits contracted rheumati.m,•0d for a cousiderablie tune was • helpless invalid. I1••r joiut. were areal ion cad distorted; her utghte were .leeples and Mr appetite p..or end very hate Dario, those years she exheritmoed excruciating ter - tures, the pain wryer .teasing say and night. She had the benefit of .killed medical ad - trim but the treatment effJrded no relief, and we begets to fear that her trouble had gone beyuhd human std. 1)o • number of occasions I had read in the papers of eases of rheumatism being cured by the hoe of 1)r. William. Ptak 17.11s, and this at last determined w to give them • trial. She had trod some three boxes before any improve - oust was noticed; and then we began to tete that .he slept better and that her ap- petite was improved. Then the pains grad- u ally began to subside, asd after using about • dotes boxes she wise able to vet up sad walk about. She twntioned the use of the pill. tor a w note longer,snd although oo- Leelueel,v .be feels tiring.* of the trouble in changeable weather, .he naw enjoys better health than eh* has deo• for years, and can sleep as soundly as ever .he did in her life, while her appetite never was better. I look upoo Dr. n illmars' Pink Pills as • wonder- ful medicine, for 1 know they have done wonders in my wfte'. cese,a04 I feel certain Unit if soy who are attl•cted as she was will give them • trial, equally happy results wit follow, and 1 therefore rave this testimony freely,hoping that it will beoetit some other sufferer Mr. McLaht • strong testimony proves the claim made that i)r. Williams link Pills ours where other medicines fail, and that they deserve to reek as the greatest duoovery of modern science. The pubho should always be on their guard against im- itation.:and substitutes, which some un- scrupulous dealers for the sake ot extra profit, urge upon purchasers. There la no other remedy 'just the same aa or 'lust as good .. 1)r. William. Pink Pills, and the hill trade mark, 1)r. William.' I'iok Pit. for Pale Peep.' on the wrapper around every box. Column lour Pareeta, f:Irla (:iris should Dever forget for .toe moment that no being oro earth takes so deep and so true an interest in their welfare as does their father and mother. The advice springs' •ver from the very soul of affection, pure as the love of trod Himself, sad their com- mand should be oh•yd ea the command of t;ods As sin bring. it. inevitable punish- ment on this earth, so dieobedieooe of the parents is sure to be followed hp sorrow and other shame. A girl may say, in her pride of her budding womanhood, that she u of such an age, and can judge for herself, -she may he even guilty of trrevereoee of thinking her parents as "old fashioned" or "old fogyish," but at such times she knows sot what she says. SM is blinded and led away by the youthful pasiow ; the parents are guided ty the soul -Light in which they have emshrtned her, and they can see the breath of evil -the faintly •pprotobior mut nt misfortune that stead into the Glorified spiritual atmosphere with which their pure love has surrounded her. Inst girt honer end obey their fathers and their mother. and their days will not only be long but happy and led to eternal happi- ness hereafter. As the lint glass of whiskey often proves the ruin of the boy so too the drat deliberate disebodienoe o( the girl to beer paresisearlead her to ruin and misery. - i\ fit& l.4, AIOUT PEON. E. Alfred the (;rant said "A gen afford to be polite," ('oust de, Lessem was the style of the French gentleman. Justinian inculcated polities.. on every official of the empire. Goldsmith was i11 bred and too much io- dised to talk about Almost'. Meares was even in hu owe time called '• g.stlsman of the old school.' Calhoun was so •heent-minded that he often forget he was in company. Ilihmaroft was rather reserved than other- wise with most persons he met. Garrick was generally so .iniet that he of- ten created the imorwios •f Wieldier -mos. Dante was solitary ,Is him habits, sad by his austerity obilled meaty of those wham he met. Henn t et was said to make the most esgskisg bow of any gentleman of his tie. Malta. was quiet and reserved hi his coon - venation, but thoroagbly refined and well bred. Mohammed ineuloated politeness in the Koros. He himself was nue of the moat merteene at men. Plus 1 X. lath before sad after 1. 'dem. ties to the peatifioiol (their, was a aseael .1 medial politeness. Robespierre was erbium is seaaer tad eour1ous, !heath brief, es them who ap' presebad on bn*i.G.. Byrom was affable to be equals and to floes whom he wiled te phisise,bist kamgbty sod diatoms se meet ethers. Sambeves we rude said emir, sed seem- ed ss he is • sareatm l W haste with himself sail .+orybdv else. ttlbynad *wed his meow is life to se hint mesh MIM nails....miMey with whish be trusted *pry saw PARALYSIS CURABLE. Slrletea want believe Every where -Thole Perm el eJvleg aes/b Cured *7 Mid'. Many P111.. Teased V • tetanus* Invent es/.*a. I Wooled 1. Mppsh • Nem sad A schoolboy is he lumrteeotb year wee! es Imprtaat wits•.e to a reams murder ease. It, was ea •'ecce cisme wmstttle4 wader ouodlttoue of polities' excitement. The boy steppe,' forward briskly and turned toward the qur) • loos at mow used boot .ad aages000s. The wassail fur the 40411101.1 won/dorsi sought to deo:oaten him at the outset by ask tug him if he understood iM.•lure of ea oath The buy without • mom.st • beeutos re- plied " It plasm to tell the truth .sd so - Muse else. It the boy had bees tratsed In • sw mahout, he oouirl not !lore given • hotter re- ply. 1'1e jury exchanged eigatfioat gleam... sad everybody to the oomrt-room wee ies• pressed with the lad • tllssert'y. The doted. of the murder need not be re - mated here Xe her is 1t noceeerry to ex plain the bwrtog ot the boy s testimony'. `That was retaart4hlr was the effect pro- duoed by the little fellow's yule[ narrative of an .aultlog.vrne,lu.lowiag as it did many oentrdtctory vetetour vires by partisans of both aides. He was sett p•ese.eed, and told with atm plc. ty whet h. had .r •u. Every one to the uoutt room was uopre•sed with the tact that after much arr. .,nail•[ ;e teetlmooy, hers •1 'est was the truth Ir ' the lips of a 04114. lu the sear-ex•th,oatime, the cuusrl fur the aycutteel murderer s, -Aught to memo the boy in a herreasinv Mr%, her met with 001 euooees. The 1a.1 0• y.•r swerved from ha' story. The Orel\ •113. ' •d croe.-.Yanimati0/ was its *scream the \ .!ue of the testumaoay, oy revealing the *,:t-er straightforward uhersater and regard 5 r the truth. There was a round • applause when the bright boy was excus-i from the altars' chair , The best witness ;_,t I ever sow '" ex clamed an old !sweet. " He did his work Lke • moo, and an hobo .t one, ,iso ' The verdict was n..' eitbbeld, and the boy hos dose much '0 s.,:ure 1t. 1'hs boy w.s neither ,.r.oe'inne .n 'atol- 1 geoce, nor 000sctots 1 the importan.o of Dm story. He was simply • trulhtul 11154, fellow *hose inettsets were right. That was the secret of the mmlbnew which Ito *reseed the jury tad courtroom. l oath's t ompenion. - We 1 rue. There ore persons shorn yea ens always believe because you know they have the habit of telling the truth. They do one "color' • story or ealare a bit of news in ordor to ha%e It sound hue or remarkable. There are other. whom you hardly know whether to believe or not, because they stretch things nos A tntitng incident grows in size, but not in yurhty, by passing through their mouths. They take • stns 1 fact or slender hit of eros end pad it with added words .43 punt it with high -colored adjectives. until it is largely unreal and gives • fele. impression. Abd one dreg Dot lake to listen to folk. when so much must be "allowed for shrinkage " I'ultivate the habit of tenant the truth 's little things se . well se to great one,. Pick your words wisely, and ow only mush as rightly mean what you wish to say. Never "stretch" • story or a fact to mole it seem bigger or funnier. ito this sod people wilt learn to trust and respect you Thaa will be better than bovine • name for tellibg wonderful stories, or making foolishly or falsely "funny remarks. There are enough true funny thine, happening in the world end they are Inc most interesting when told Just exactly as •!.et' 000ie to pea. (toe has well said, "Never deceive for a foolish jest, or to excite the laughter of • few companions at the . %tense of • friend. rase, Star\ Apron.. v Very pretty and eervtce•ble aprons. for afternoon wear are made from blaek wash silk. black linen lawn or • good .ivantity of black redeem. flak• them with • wide hem, wide ties, and • pocket for thimble, thread or knitting ball. Very bright flower. are need for deooratioo : a border design of pas. area, wild roses, nasturtiums, ox -eyed daisies or morning vloriee worked across the bot- tom upon the wide hem, is a very satisfac- tory adornment. Tine can be done solidly, using Asiatic filo, or more amply outlined with Romeo floes, fetor notural colon. Tba pockets and the soda of the ties should be similarly decorated. A single corner design of large flowers is often used for these •props. S.srlet poppies golden rod, tiger fillies. Jonquil., tulip., etc., are very effect- ive, done solidly, using Roman floss : this fills m mors quickly than the tilo, and . equally as pretty in working large flowers. 1 onventtonal border designs are much teed for apron decoration The.. dolgue are usually carried out in a amide color of Roman doss or Asutu twisted embroidery E lks, using • plain outline, briar or oat stitch. . The most startling of human helplessness is the paralytic. The what'll ensues your commieeratios, but remota year pity. He of the palmed band stiffly prt.rag the benumbed side t. to be amen everywbere we go. The meet °mildeoing peen( [het the p11i• able oosditlen is the mimeo of kidney die - mese is the fact that Dodd's Kidney Pills care 11. Not generallyr.o.�is.d as a kids., dimes it .uoeamb. to kh I..y treatment Did yea ever know of a core • .lust thick • e10wle•t ' It you do it meet have kms the work of Dada's Kidney Pills, for se sift isselie e ver yet cored. The estimated popul0tt . 4 file world es Jesuitry 1st. 1096, was 1,500,000,000. if all the homes is Ragland were libeled side by side they would tower a spoor et 460 square miles MiMplesed Amity es the farm, save a writer. to te give hot beard to tweleM. sows. Some fancies who weeld send their eM rots to the pew home, meld Med live w ala ~them emus without .mmpialat Ig. Mapes" bas dissevered that the m.ar- ahe sod ether Igystums osa..oatr dl.ae,- erd M Risme all balsas ens the dues of this Pttlesat=, mea isaeg.sM their di....... re deest help the thaw, t� the Lismsi- fas .yeeries erigl..td Is Rapt. All Linen 5.11.... English housewives use on thein pillow- casesd ford which est be A %orsek, Seritierbasd, doily osstoiaa the follows/ advert -meat ' A young .ad Pretty I. 'y, gratitude of the auodom), able to support o husband, desires to snake the o.yuai•taica u1 a man !total alalmei tut under 0911 years of age, Heenan love child ree, have. thorough ksowledge of h.-use- k.eptog •u.l be of • modest, serous dap SI Hoo : ',ate otease deetnnle Serious oder,, •au)otrlpia tad h% photographs. and tee,. enosiala to character, to be Gent t.. '1 Helting.. And what le ss.id.•r s!iL,1n.m • ma•eullwe standpoint, the adrerusrr re sewed stacl• of oruwera. TM Wreath et a Werdle W'elkertoe 'Telescope : Nineteen years ago Hebert Rums', .bile w••rktug awe lum- ber osrnp, had the point of • needle broken off in hu *boulder. The first day or Vin 1t didn't both*, him any •aid he concluded it had been Kot out, sod he forgot all about It t las slight haat week he felt a lickltag sense tido to his lee just above hie ankle and iso taking ot hia stocktuv he h.aod the point of a needle pron.,/ ling through the dean He pulled it nut and found to to hie . Id friend ./f 10 years aro. ttur.u. ell this conte lira b.'eo 614.01& a. aktut i'. we, dawn wards, het r. u• progress had been wit hour pews, its prsseoes had o• ver br-n .'e•eCteef. REMARKABLL: CASES Cbro.tc tovsllda itstaed tram their !left nods Aver tl,yug lip Sop.. Loudou, Ont. -Henry R. Nicholl*. 176 6e.•tory •tre,!t, ratarrb ; recovered. Lr. C'hase'r catarrh Cure. 26e. MarkdLL•- Gro. f'rowe's child, itchiug eczema , cured. t'ha•e'e Ointmeut, Truro, N.S. ff 1l. Sutherland. travel- ler. Pike -very bad care cured ; char.'s Ointmrut. GOe. Lucnx - 1t m. Brau:.,n, gard•'Dee, pie warms ; all [;one. Chase's Pili... L',%uu.ble--Peter Van Allan, eczema for ',firer years. Curet'. c'hase's 1Jtu(ueut. Gower Poiut I:"baro Bartard, dread - fill itching pile., :tis rears. Well ugatu ; ('ease's Ointnu tit. 60c. Meyenburg \risco Simmons, itchiug piles ; cured. Chaise'. (hutment. Malone -Geo. I:i.'hardsuD. kidney and liver sufferer, better. One box Chases Pills. 25c. Cbedey-A. Will'e son. crippled with rheumatism and suffering from diabetes. completely reeosrred. Chase's Pills. Mitchurd Township -Peter Taylor, kid- ney trouble, 30 years. cared, Chase's Pi l lb. 2:.c. Tur.�nto•-Mibi !Lott., Delaney, 174 Oran -lord etRnt, subject of perpetuak colds. fared by t'ba air's Syrup o1 Lin- seed and Tnrpeut:no 25 cents. Dr. Chase's remedies are sold by all dealers. Edmanson, Elates & Co., umas- !setaren. Toronto. �.••••t...•••S1 • " * " MENTHOL • -�I PLASTER • • t cue. pwrnbd s•rtot P1sM.r N • seal.., M•.i...4 .rurrtgie.W rb.u.ottr pair, awl • . r meta ',Hard wit\ ti.. li sad i-.wetiw silts .t7.:••wh.e -w. H. CAars7.• Hotel oAfora. Wawa. 1 ►s.•,.w waned t•Irten a sewn! rare •f a air taw rlruaat1 *. a•e sae t..salaams IL At a ora..alm.+t taata•t col Maass tatki -J 1, y ex m u . we.5tegt e • 1t Cures Refatles. Latrabbwugg oa Neu- _ aay 1aacalar Patna. or Bide, or • 1'ric� Davie t Lawrence Co..11.td, LBO. I Sole Proprietors, e/oeregA L. i•••••«••••.i tmt�l�r•vm.. 5. • • • • 1 • • • • Cutting Prices -not cutting our nose off tolspite our face -nowadays is what we are tom underweor, w 1ti m doing, to make' room for the large oftener laundered, all 1.n0 buttons whiob stock of Spring Goods that will cannot be bent or injured in the wash. The making of thew buttons affords em- &Kin be t0 hand. Alth,tu_h the, ploys/ant to many of the old women, and children Iu the north of Ireland. Choy are made of lavers of linen cut from waste piece., sewed tegother and button -holed around. They have noinetsl centre, and are a great improvement on the old fashion d Hoes button. 'keep Me MN Cane /Med. As the fruit awns sad jelly glades are emptied they may be filled, with little trouble. with apples cooked in various ways. Apples pared, cored sod quartered, , delicately cooked in • little water with sugar. will be beautifully clear and appetis- ing as • breakfast relish. To give variety to the owns flavor them with sliced lemon, others with • dash ot nutmeg, cinnamon or a few whole doves. Reslire the i .fleence nt early impressions, I and never refuse your daughter the oonid • *sae she seeks, mor your .on the weed• of .ymwthy he caves. give to the boy all the information, advice and sympathy be needs, but give to the girl your oosfidenee and .ffsotion. " Lank for the opening heart and you will sorely and the bsddisg flowers. ' to the heart of the daughter who confides everything to her mother no trees of evil lurks. A girl is nsturslly hall of orf. faction, sad eh. Ionia to open her heart to her and be her friend, but 1f the mother woos shows. by the slightest word or sodas. that this cotadesos . under valued or on- etnght, it will quickly be withdrawn, asd, beseefortb ie the quiet workine of your hearts wed lives, you will be so mile ether as raeglra• Wet tat a pity ! The ..t beautiful tie be. tweeen broken, sever, perhaps, te be .ce .ded. Asd all be.sens of the rade .ugh et ..kind remark wbieb treated lighti, the thieve held .aered is mother's heart ' gsstle words, for who ods tell The bbs..tees *hey impart ' Hear aft the, fall (as was fell) 1)s .ewe sigh Niacin' heart. prices in Suits anti Ov.•rt••,ut' yt ill he shattered, the same hid,h 1, y.•'< of Quality and Workmanship %till he maintained. As usual at this season of the year, we are offering our entire stock of Trousers to order for $3 .,0 and 54.00. Is the height of hie e.l.brity, Yk Morel M•lsdo, the three. spsdalMM, .Mead £I8.600 • year, PRIDHAM THE TAILOR. wager sad Pre•ep. **Imes God, ' preyed • little Uo reb-et ata den lest • vou,.g, "undo" • g..od hue rn I out of tae ; sod if at brat you dm's flue - (.064 , t.7, tri &tuts. PYNY - PECTORAL Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS b • survningl, ah.•tt tin. It's a • Muer • 11rubl. triad alas u,w..m aid bt•ntte to it. effects. w. C. act a Sor, Uouctwu. , o?w e.twt lee ,4••• that rya, reseal • suet an .'. ti•••.w •4. le • ewe mI Myr, kw, 1.,1.r. •..q 4'e' • wad III Q 0.0.510, N A leitata•di.. ,uta. 11.. J H. Ht'yr\, Chemist, l*. Yuma. St., Toronto, WO.,- " A• • ••sere' • sae:ey w two P.. seal Y• twos-iirrta r••t••a ail i s t.. pada /M Want .gYMrtw le tit e•.. termwW K•.aar lawns swam kow towts• 5, roses las a. Mama* to 16•1112100. Ib air ant rtel-..4 1 11 ar sel at• . de her 1 wad . •.1•:. ,� as reliable lomat .u.GH ,•. LOP*, Reale. a l't.. ! iVIS S LAt1k8NCE Cv t 5 1., Propria tura Mora! AL Driving Nails 1 w a so acd dr %nag 1aroara. ore a good deal .1:1e, ane wise". to atom wners to strike, 1\ SILVERWARE AND FINE CUTLER/ t'(dll t'HKIS7'111 A.-' '1.1t:11/E W'u ire mil greet bargains. to CROSS -CLT S.tws, AXita, 1''1►.F,� and GENERAL. HARDWARE. Our prices are away down. DAVISON & CO. Voted for goad goods. PATENTS ! CAVEATS. UMW NAUNS AND COPVNIIMTS Obtained. sad all 10.10.01 In the C. S. Patent °ince.nended to at VO1rPKATRFKLS. ' Our ofnue to ippoeto the I:. S. Patent M- ice, and w • ase obtain Patents In lees time ban those -emote from If AA!(J.VOTO1'• Rend Lt.il,KL (K 1'1't..1 WING. We .d• rise as to eatentabillt7T free ret' bargeand .0' we make ) PFIARR RC'A 1,11,774.S WIC OB. TA IS PATP.NT. we refer. here, to the Postmaster. the Supt at Motley Order iDiv., and to of:elsle of aha U. R. Patent Office. Por clrcnlar, &deka terms and referon..0 to social riiynt• fn year Men dtate or County, write to C A a%5W a t -a., • `vtio.'t. 1`44. at 0141.4).14a,blrtt3o, 1) C. to Coal & Wood Yard The undersigned begs to inform the public that he keeps on handl all grades of HARD OAL AND BLACKSMITH COAL. PRICES OF W000 REDUCED. Mp•oiu attention given to CUT and WOOD SPLIT Call and get pricey and see samples of wood Office and yard, ` ELS( 1N -ST., sear Wets Urea Hegel. D C. STRACAN. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS ProprNtee. 1t A, Womtedms e.r'ds of gnarl green bard• wed t feet less. .1 A. Plan wilt 6e is the ',flee Wedsasday and 501 4ey eivenl.a tram 151Nfie p.m• te receive seders eM show ramal. el .m1 and weed. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOICSBEST FRIEND L*SGCST SALC IN CANADA. GODERJCH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. C H RY STA L, Swearer fo CAryetal d` hifte4 f Manufacturer of all kinds of BOILERS, Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Tree Works, etc., etc., And healer In- F.nglnie, Machi.sry C asses Ro. All 117ee of Pipes sad Pipe Fittings, Steam and Water Gauges, Globe Valves, Check yalves, lnepir•toh, Ejectors and in - Constantly on Hand et Lowest t'rloes. A special line of Steel Water and Hog Troughs for use of farmers and others. Repairing promptly attended to. A. S. CHRTSTAL. 1'151'& P. (. Box V. Ooderich, Ont. Works o oo;to O. 1'. lis Mattes. Ooderls* GRATE F UL-OOMFORTING• EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST SUPPER "Ay a thorough knowledge of the natural lawn which govern tM operations of do eetioa and nut niton. and kg a es .•fn1 application of =tie ogerties MwNI•eel0Mron o& (oos, lir. RpM hoe previa kir fast tad sup- per a dritnaleb wherh main m save no any ravy 1s. It why t1. Judicious nae 0f 'melt art of diel that •ron- etital'on may he gred+alit t up nnttl .rroag 1=re motet every inlet/whey to disease. sireds of subtle atlt.dies are ttettlag throned no ready teen/belt wherever then, Is a weak point. We nay ~ape tray a fatal =Weed by keepeg oenolees well fortified wit* i:�lof n d y ao.rt.h.d hare.' - tad• swirly with 'DAMN? miter or mutt. said may In ntokets•bylrerars..M.1s•dltbsat JAMS' rrbesattes. Waw fLg 1.