HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-2-6, Page 5Jt TSH SIGNAL : GOD`RICH, ONT., THURSDAY FEB. 6, 1896. i GREAT CLEARINO SALE W. tACHESON & SON. Before annual stook taking this month we offer at unheard of all Winter goods. Read partial Inst for this week. Ladies heavy all wool Cheviot Serge Coats, braid trimmed, Silk, Velvet eoIIars at $5, reduced from 49.50. Heavy plain, all wool. Serge Coati. full skirt and sleeves at $.t' •50, regular :ti value. Wool Tweed Dress (Jowls, 42 inches wide, a great assortment at 3l4c, worth 50c. 51b. White super wool, St. Lawrence mill Blankets at $1.95, regular $2.75. filb. White super wool, Blankets at $2.25, worth $:1.25. prices, OVER 100 ENDS TWEEDS, MANTLINGS, FLANNELS and DRESS GOODS Clearing this week at about one-half price and under. W. Acheson & Son. WILMER SMITH, UNDERTAKER, c>FOD313RICR, to remaking Dspartmest in re of OUT Mr. J. K 'McIsrovr. practi cal Furors' Director and Embalm or. calls pr.mptly attended 1 segbter day. -- - - olEo- UItAHAM.- IeOederic►.on N'ednefday Feb 51b. IMM Mart Graben. mi•e• lot the late Donald Graham, aged 70 years- The earsThe tamer& will 'mike ,;ace from the rad dense of her son. Norman O bas.'Napier-at.. ea Friday Fel•. 7th at 2118 Weigel: p.m.; to Maitlad ('.meters. NEW ACVERTISEMENTS - FRE. 6 Page. K.sta.ey Care Jae. Wilson 5 Milk Routs Auctlen --W.loose, Secy 5 Tho Knoll Washer H. Hale 8 Every Ilea Hi. His Day --The Fair8 Resist Gathering -J. J. Wright 7 Leishssa's Yeast -Gee Prion 0 Lbs Mee wanted -Bell Telephone Co5 AmsRms Water White -U. N. Davis , 0 fllE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Reporter's Notebook M t.o ve • 1e tent Takla' scree, an' asetb Ili*'11 M•itl.od, and the large number of friends sad •.-yu•utaaoes present os the sad occas. siou rive testimoov to the svmpatey of the friends of Mr. and Sin, Geo. Porter. Woes. tux Lt seem. -The Roll Telephone Compaoy would be glad of all the et- perieausd telegraph or telephone linemen they nen get hold o4 lust now to work in Toronto for • few weeks. Applio•tioo should 0e made .t mos at 37 Temper►ac. St., Toronto. Tee CNOIIAI. SoclITT.-This day week the Goderioh Choral Society will •peer in Viotorie Hall this coming for the first time before a public audience. A. such societies as thus, deserve every encouragement It is hoped there will be • very large attendance oo the .♦.slog of tee 14th. JAxI are 1)Autr., - O. Friday Mester Nevis pulled • dais) root oo the public school grounds, and carried it to hie teacher wbo had the pleasure of gathering • .umber of Be flowers :o full bloom. This is the first tethering of fiowen, wild or otherwise, grows a the open for 18%. Thr Hor k ET Myr, h. -The rink esu fairly well attended oo Mood•y evening to witness the Hockey match between Seeforth and Gode mb. From first to last the rarse was well played. but the greater experience and more united working of the vulture woo the day by the 'err lerae score of eight to area. As A.. i ,r.T -- On Monday se Mrs. Keo Allen with two children was driving over the railway bridge leading to &1tford, • train panties under frightened the horse, which ran •ws upsetting the cutter,throw- sele 1n. • reg Caste. rhes ( tog the oocup•ate out. Though no boom It ■ eCftel'a Aeetsng *• ware broken. Mrs. Allen was seriously cut, 0 esu also one of the cbildreu. 'rent It. --sees A.crntxe ('aasrvAl..-- Tomorrow weak it te proposed to bold soother oarnivI, and Tame desiring te rete the progress of pko 0- 04 the first was suooesstul, the Mooed graphy. should obtain see of sallow. /m pbo os should be • record. We nottoe that mimosa and compere it a It b those taken .0501100 de seder ago They will thea clearly see tbn' It_ • the prises awarded lost time were several S. 1e well up with r e times to style a.d finish i given bychle i•*, mind this feature •hdnld d athat the life like cabinets famished at leu Wadi* are record. in the art. not be dicontinued, if the Goderich Curling While an old friend was putting me teat sod Skating Kok (andiron are to draw truck to his toilet with • Muse. be soloed • competitors froom • thallium'.won part on Ms overcoat. then •-ked him j milt. Wnat will 1 de. K'Mle musing os th \OOT RAD -Daring the past few weeks thought. he coked in the glass where a-• -•w clearly on lined. -give it to some poor Milan I pipers .ed msgsriues have been taken from sad net • sew *neat I'RIUHAMS. the Mect.Die', I...titats or whole stories RswrvaL.-Revival meetings have been ton out of thea., thin destroying the num- es emeaos 1 in North-st church. All are Fire. The n ant et the whole affair is that .erdt•Ily invited. SALVATION Aster - K.s'gn ('rag►toe, from 1...41141, will bold special meetingis the 8.A. bsrraoks ea Saturday and ...Sunday mixt the P M. Smoot. lssrscTi•ii..- Public school in Tents Wm Rms. -At a spatial meet - remanded till neat Tuesday for senteaos, as he, the armor. •Iteraey, wasted t. mike 'squirms M led mat whether the that was {hs sot of • ease youth or the act of • mei lean. lienteses was eeaseqMet ly deferred tall Tuesday the 11th east K T. of T. The Royal Templer* .f toss - peruses will this evening give .s sa.elleat mama in the Tempsaos HAIL The pre - pram will include addresses by Rev. J. A. &eders.a sad Rev. Joseph Edge, solos by E. C' Keleher, R. W. Logan, Ed. ('em- paigse, Mrs. (Rev 1 Aa/srw. Mn. F. J. Pndb m, corset sob by Clemente Penning ton, reolt•uos by M. McLaren aid • quer tette by tnemhen of the North-st Methodist church uhotr. G. W. Thomases will kl.dly bade lame A Keech cabinet grand* pias•, and there will be other tuterestiag features that osmosis be enumeroted, t b..sane fee admission has been plaid .t 10 costs. Nuns is Cat.trus.ta.-James Thomism, formerly town clerk of (,oderich, and for many rein pest • resident of Sowesmont, U•k., is now Jibing In Arose, Los Aslt.lse tae, t'al.. whither he west owing to the ill. health of Mrs Thomson, Previous to their removal, • farewell party wee held •t the residence of J. Halcrow, also • former Gedenoh man, sad Mr. and -Mrs. Thomson were made the recipieste of valuable pres- sen the former reowiviog • beautiful fiole• slam and • sold oh.ta and the letter • dia- mond brooch. Mr. sol Mrs. Thomson were well esteemed when to Huron, and evttl.ntly have cootina.d to retain the con- fidence and goodwill of their neighbors in the West. Ax.Ivsr-sAK1.D,..ric. The 30th •nni yereary of the milling out of the volunteers of this district will he celebrated by • social gathering .t the Point Farm oo Monday the 9th of March. A large number of those who took an active part in those stirring times have •lr.•dy promised to M pneent, sod it is believed they will he joined by many other, who have thetr patriotic feelings and mem in mekiog the .H•tr • *neem A oommitt.lo hu been formed comprising Quarter Master Reck, Capt. Montgomery, Robe. Ellis, (apt. Murray McGregor, Lieut. Horton, and Capt. T. N. I).ocey, while J..1. Wngbt who was • prominent member ot the form will be sec',, and who will be pleased to furnish full partioulsre. Bee advertisement in another column. Erin Mr -u CLAes.- The Gest meeting of M rCure .lementery class was held on Saturday last in the school room of St. George s churob. About forty young people attended and were enrolled as mem- ber. Mr. tuff then proceeded to instruct the pupils in LM elemeotery pnooiples of MUSIC. All were much pleased with the simple and interesting manner in which the iwtruotioo was imparted. Mime psreatm have sinoe expressed themselves as highly "retitled at the opportunity placed before the young people ot acquiring the founda- tion et • solid mnaicol truism/. The class will meet every Saturday morning at lit a..., in SL George's school house. All young people, irrespective of deno.ninaties, are oordi•lly invited to join, and thosa wishing to take the course of tnstruaieo would do well to •tread the .neettng on Saturday next, which will be considered the first of the course. Ax Ett.rciRsa.- A McD. Allen bas re- wired • communication trona • young man now li.isg in Leeds, England, wbo *Ohm to •tut life is Gonda. The writer, who has • smell cartel, states that he was brought up ea • teem, worked os one until he was 19, is sow 27, and would like to se. curs work with s resits geed termer for • few years. Such is the subsis0oe of the let- ter, bot the peculiar feature in ..,00ection therewith is how the w. iter oould have ob- tained the nem. of A. MeD. Allan, and how be could know that this gentleman we. " • man of int ,ence •td mash knowledge in terming matter*, mod on while advice ole might safely rely," Tor •ppacant •leo says that be is not afraid of work, and would like to es on • mi .etl farm, where be would be employed the whole thea. 1f the letter thus noted shwa anything it shows that laced. is becoming tetter known in the Mother Lead, arid that the name of • Gderioh cuirass is a househo'd word among Britain's farming community. Gonsol s Clout. SaLITT CaicgreT,- Tbe Oederioh Choral Society-oosdaotor W. A. H. Cuff, Wes Emma Acheson, pi- anist*, will hold a concert in McLean's Opera House on Thursday, Feb. 13 Doors ope..t 730 ; oommencs at 8 o'oloek. Ad- miseios, 25o ; reserved Beate 35o ; pins of hell at Porter s bookstore. Followings the it •e 1,.'ieved to t e the work of one who ie sell able to pay for reading matter. 11 the p.settee is contiuued then will be an lip- peenace, sod not • creditable one, before .peter J. lis Tom .I•mlrid the eased I inn of the Goderiob ('ollegleu inelitute .lamps. of the Gderioh publio schools the Literary Society the officers for the pees/est term were elected se follows : Freakiest, A McDonald : let vice -prey., B. Hamilton ; 2•d vin. -pron., Mimi M. Dickesn ; sett ,Miss L M. Strang: tress., E. Tilt; pea of oom- sitte*m, I.orsie Elliott; ditr.ss, Mies Lizz.e Roberts•• ; eoosoillora Mimes Mom and Jehltiptes sad Mr. Honey. Tint /Lam AL MIETlx... -O. 1's.sd•y •ftersoos the ansa•) seotisg of the Huron sod Brise lona sad investment oast pan, was bold is the Board room. The old board of directors more -elected. .1 H. Colborne boi.g r• -e.01.4 president, S. Sloan. vice ptwidest ed Berme Horton meager, W. R. R.Yer1.s and H. W. Bill were •pooias d •editors for the weir 1896. As KARL, 1)EATH. Jain atm Christmas Mrs. Willoughby, who had been visiting her parrots, Mr. ..d Mn. Edward Grisham left foe her bane in Tonswoad.,eoeompeaid by hoe another. hbertly after her irriyl .t the American town Mrs. Willoughby wee so ill that it wa deemed advisable to return to (lndsrimh. isms Tb.ndsy Mn. Wil- lo.ghby'e baby was tikes ill, end .n Of. rioaaly that it did no Sunday, the funeral takieg place es noonday t. Maitland mune- tory. Ova Sins WAI.x• -The folbwi•g from the Exeter Time mons as erceediagly ea- oemm•ry reminder to those is authority is Gederish : " The •ttemties of tbs authorities is draws its the arsia•seo of boys skating es the sidewalk. and also dons smashed M Might, smog the welk se • mese. It is • msmmes tWg fee smarm me M be ma isle by a deg .I.s . sad if my mmriens.*si'mate b.pp.s the essmell wit likely ham to pay lee the segligeme ill tea &bating the mia- sma" ia-s ma" He Was ()vivre. -Oa Weimeeday, Joseph Bress.a mad 19, a dense Imelda, led, mea before ledge Doyle ler elestien. Mae & se m whist W big tern, hem misting end theft el a -tsar sad lemmas. The primmer •*std M be Irbil by His Honer mil thea when asked M plead, amid guilty. Tbe Omni SSL. -W tea mind that *mien be pest week. A Bah Fu i. --Mn. Adams, Sontb-st while leaciar over • rain horrid ons day lest week, had the misfortune to slip and i y the fall broke one of her ribs. Tgs Chute • Woman's Go11.t. -The mestbly .*eery of this 5.01.1y was hold es Ttssadey evening. The Gn•seial oollootieas reported were exosedi•gly good. Tun 12th Jui.v.-At the mooting of Or•natemes is Clinton on Tuesday the vote taken seta the holding of the next anneal oelebratioo resulted lamely in favor of Uoderiab. j[v Wait A 11.-11 Fun Ors -Reeve Gunn,' el fieiforth, bad the seisfortnne to lees b•s imp from the rank at the British the past Week. Whether it was takes as • mistake t><elites ie.. yet u.kaws. Omni N(1 MATr•u.-Os Friday, two risks, eseb from Seafsrtb, and (led.rich, emanated far the wpren SCY en the lime risk and the sod was as easy win for Sesfortb, each of the visiting risks beans* its opposent•• As ATro.•x no reg B vaLvus.- The Y.P.B.C.E. cave as oyster Iss.Mes as Fri Clay ermine. whisk was largely attended. The oyN.rs were Mealy *erred, while the program was up M the AMMO usual wrest- bay. Tn. Boca try Cl.vPi. - The following mm ban et the IMsfertb I*okety Club were is tows on Friday . Freak yifprmsy, Harry Caeashll. Harry Walesa, 1'. Jubos's, (lea. Smith. Oce. moldwiu, Hal Davis, William Beate., John pestis. Tea Y . P.Q.C. B. a Inez ehaml i•tead 'MM. • Omand Organ 1.e. al aimed the cud or the meth. Harold Jarvis, the famous tease .olelat. sad G. Arthur Dy.w. M B . eagsaiat a the First Preab melee dwell Detroit, airs hely seemed RAUI.T CAL so AwAT.-1/at week, Belo.. eldest d•agbtar el Gem Paw woe malted sway after a very some Mmes. dor- ies iset gas dye el whish, .be woe =- The kanenest Mob plass r eld Clearing Sale. IF Vol' WANT •I't I BI'V DRY COODS OR READY MADE CLOTHING 10 PER CENT BELOW COST. We shall be glad to see you and show you tke goods anytime during the Month of February. JAS. A. REID, 14th January, - a•:. Jordaa'a IRIOok, (;oder'icb. FROG IN YOUR THROAT - - 10 CTS. Our tiereb'a -- BLACK CHERRY Allays Irritation. ILsssene Nati-Poring Cough, Produces Free Expect 'ration, PROMOTES A CURE. There's nothing like it. Only a tisartcr HONEY ('OTOS CURE for children. Safe - Edicieat, - 1 .sir. - Our acme • i'.i 6■ titer* .c package. (NIUGH BALSAM. If We Isveee lea M call and see ear arse .tern W. C. GOODS. I Call far one of our c,+mbinrd Almanac •.d Chemist - - - Albion Gin. 'c, Conk Rook Frei week while I.boriog under the dissdvntage of • sore throat. Finally • doctor was milled who diagnosed the case at ens of mal. igoant diphtheria'. After • week s resist- ance the membrane that had almost closed the air passages wee coughed out during • 5ea.on of vomiting. iron that d•).•young Bartley, although feeble from weak• sass, .sewed to Improve until the morning of his death which followed within • few hour" his ruing iron his bed. For many days deoinsed's tether, Rev. Mr. Hartley, the Presbyterian minister of Rlnevle, had 0t - tended him, end war with him when be passed to the better land. Those of hie fellow students with whom be attended the Model will reed with • pang the pawns away of their onetime compeaioo, while the teacher* of the various classes is Clin- ton mourn the departure of eo promising a teacher sod friend. program r A RT 1. 1. evertors. Harmony Orchestra. t Chorea Th. ('hob ..d (:row. Riehep. Soloists. Mrs. F. J. Prldb.m. Mine Graham sod IA*. J Thomson. • Song. The tngllanmen. Stockist,. Mr. Cute 1. Deett. Hee the Pale Moon. (aspen•. Mrs. ('erten anti MW Chilton. t. Song. Miss Riley. e, Tri o. Ave Marta Oonnod. Tlolla,Plea•. ovum. Mrs. Carrot. Mlm Acheron. Mr. Cain 7. Swig. 1■ Sweet September. Hope Temple Mise Chilton. e. .teresade, Awake. Love wake. gmsrt. PART I1. t. interwsaps. Harmony Orchestra. i Seng. TM Flower Olrl Revig.anl. MIs tit Ash..... 1 Trite O Meson. lit Mise Merritt tills (111tes. Mr CnR.L.. 4. Seag. Mee. Curses. 5 Emig. Tbe Whalen Yom. M. Wessel. Mr. J. Thomsen. 1 *mat. A. Bir a jmle 'erut. a. t8.Waite. 7. is... Levee Request, R.(nh.rdt• Mr. (.offs 2, Glee. Iles* Jebaiy Homer. Caldleett. God slave the Q.sn. HIP Caaaa. HAD Jin (7.wgaeceo - THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. ..dseleb triers. Gos.stcu, Feb. :•. Mai Fall Wheat, mewl standard... .. 0 7 • to 0 g0 Psi' %heat loldt. 000 to 000 Flour. hinFlour, Fall. per ewtper0t -.. 210 to 2 10 Flour, patent. per rivet `- 00 11 00 oVO l2 le Branh a ton . . OD Shorts, V ton l2 00 tof12 00 totf 00 9oreenings a ton.. 0 -w to 022 New Oats, a bask sees 0 48 to 050 Paas, a bosh.. sees.. New Hay. • tea 12 00 telt Old Hay, atoe ..•--•-sees-14 on toll 00 00 Potatoes, %Omit nem.- ... 0 15i o 0 0 Butter17 Kam fresh *opacksd. s' dos0 it to 0 17 Wood ........ _.......... _..-200 to 3 00 se, Shos Sktoe Live eetrrio.a 05.5.. 0050, par Ib Cheese. nee ib.......... sees 0401•11111 -- 2IDM2:'1 421te475 0 M to 0121 010 too 14 010 to 011 Mixed Travel's. Oudde. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. •helve. Mini and Kxpnm Mixed Mall and [serest 011r•ST. Mall and [xprm Mall and Express Miser.................... . 11500,m. Lod p.m. 7.411 ppm• g„sap m. ads 1.50 p.m. 5.af p•m KOOTENAY CURE Lees weak there died at M. residence of Rimes McCallsolt, Dederick Mwambip Mr. Hartley, teeeher. The yaosg gsltlO- w wpm well timers in (:I...en, Mvtsg stranded the Model Salmi during tea past tars, sad it wee hip week at that Mee! that sensed his s.hetisn fey Taylor's. His death followed • meligtsaN attack of diphtheria. Its appearance, h.wewer.b net clearly treed. it appears lass the day lei- lewtag New Years the dessai -- walked from )tol.ssvtlle M M.CWlsgles (4 mires) bah - mg tear beam ler the imam en oaaansf of the W resin Neraty site* be sesamasaad wheel be W • led e.Y. eel MOS .,.r a TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon day noon. (usual Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. Wanted. WANTED -A ('OPY OF THE POLiT- Ical skit published abou• *041. sett tried "Tee Pale of Horse*. ; is wanted at the wrier e Tua SIGNAL. For Sale HAY FOR SALPl.-I HAVE 411111 hand a queen') cf good Timothy Hay lar sets. Orders delivered to soy part of the sewn. COI 'SCAMPIIKI.1. West Street:a-Si 0 FOR SAL*. -UPRIGHT. 7 1 eoAee. here indrumeat. Address Iio', I79 triers. or enquire of 0. \1. ELLIOTT. gfmr 53-(1. Soeelal Notloes. WOMAN WANTED. --TO TAKE charge of a sick baby. Good home sad gt•od ware+ to right party. Address with terms. BOX 101, Godench :7-tf. ACAPITAL WORKING HORSE IN eplcndid ronditino will be leased to a responsible person fee else baba** a abs winter for rte keep. J. J. WRIGHT. TIm Point Fens. Mit Public Notlm NOTICE - THE MILK ROUTES OF The West Huron Climes and Hatter Mfg. Co, eldest will be let by auction. len Mos day, Feb 1710• at Nile Ora. go H•11 at I s'clsok. Also wbey for tree season of IMO. JNO. TIFFIN. free., W. JON[8, Secretary. Nile. Ont . `l EETiNG OF `HURON COUNTY1. CY)1-N('IL- I hr Council of the ropers tion of the County of Iluron will meet in the Court Room in the Town of tloderich on Tues day. the UM day of the pretreat month. at :t o'otock r W. LANK ('Ierk. Dated Jenuary 1:Rh. i[Yt, 5.1 2t FOK THE TEETII l' N E W ILLIAMS ANTISEPTIC TOOTH pow.... I W utergireos nod Roes, 26o. per bottle.) Cleanses the Teeth. Preserves the monad. Hardens the QYts. Puri ties the breath. IT MAS N7 SUPERIOR -- - /HAM 11. ENOUSH sad JArANtfHlt TOOTH 180111111141. of driest quality, The Popular a led intim A 'cloyed Pre parat wile fee the Teeth can a ways be obtained at "THS PHaRYAC\. CHAS. D. « 111,1 A Nis' Our isseepkonted geld Medalist, Cb1k le the h0ert I► ,ng t'heMt. Procurable. Teri s�sme,odertob, Oat. ane Not Gritty. NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS THF: •ental general meeting sr th.. shore holden of the Hume and Bruce Loan and in vestment (otupsny will he held at the Com pan) • omlc•es on Tuesday. the its day of Feb roar, next at 2 r. u,, for ,be purpose of receiv ing the financial statement for the past year ending l)e:. 31st and the election of directors. and all ether ,general business. HOHAI'S HORTON. Menager. 51.11 1loy1•r Jipylnpwrliaet (' C. C. CA$CARETs FROG REMEDIES � .J. PII��cl� ! IISti N44; Blwe- Know What You Char r bee them the bisrlela M1.lka. nu IWO 7.e em eft II the beam pee Mho It them MIL It. TUfl5Tt • SON O*,. Leah •mUL.TOU. oft. ARE YOU LOOKING /OR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS? Then th:e u t he *hors T•+. should tome to s e e s . This week we lee roomiest a nice line of JAPANESE TRAYS LEATHER DRESSING CASES MANII URE CASES SHAVING SETS, MM, --AND-- PERFUMES That will be the delight sl all the iodise Also I'I t'ES and SMI IK EItS' SUNDRIES, TllttAI l'O POUCHES, I'l•ItSES, CARD CASES. oto. Why not give your friend who wean GLASSES • nice vold•rimmed pair J. E. DAVIS, Phw. B. Medical Hall. JUST THE riTHING l' VOR THE roma: NOTICE - NO1'11 a 1S HEREBY given that appiicalien will be made to the (,ablative Aaicmbly of the Province of Ontario. at the next session thereof, for an act to authorise the Corporation of the County of Huron. by and through It. Municipal toanctl to borrow the sum of $100.000 with interest. re p.yah a in 2e years, fur the purposes of aiding to retire certain debentures of the said roe poration about to mature for which. by mis take,* insufficient sinking fund was provid- ed. and to pay for the expenditure n on a House of noose recently established and for power in selling and Mandating the mors gases upon real estate now held by the said oorpomtion. reprraenting the investment of the said sinking fund. to guarantee as •s uret the principal and intete.1 secured by the sold mortgages. and far such further and Maher powers as may hw neeeasary to fully carry late effect the will purposes In the mast adran- t(igesas m•aeer. Doted tMgth day of 1)eeember 1110. HARROW t PROUDFOOT. 47.71 /.lies- ter the C..aey of Huron. Notts. to Creditors. N1.- are again to the frost, with dainty ctea- tionsof Art Furniture newt desirable. We atm to excell. and em du e'rell. Nowhere in the country can you have such • seleotio. of Fanny Chairs, Rockers. Escritoires. Tea set.. (butte Table,. Perim suits. Couches. etc. all in beautiful woods and eoverings. Ma- hogany. Walnut. Curly R'rch. Bird -eye klsple and Quarter Cut Oak. Rattan Chain. l'obbler seat chairs, Oak Easels Screens. 'Mimic Cabinets, etc.. etc. in great vpriet . Tbe beet designed. beet constructed. and beet finished goods In the market. Yon, can make no mistake in buying these goods for your X mal presents. The prices are remarkably low. *'Lass* call and ..mine. S.JITH'S FURNITURE STOKE. F. SM SETH'S PLANING MILL -AND- SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY, 1 take this opportunity to Inform the public that 1 am still in the bush,*es notwithstanding all rumor§ to the contrary• and am prepared to do every des of work in my line from making • window frame to erecting • S.tory buildling with mansard roof. estimates furnished .*add competition invited. The furnishing of building material• such mss lath• shingles and Iumoer • steeialty. F. SMFETH. OTICR TO CRBUITORII. /. lk. ..after 0(11, rolnle o/ A F Penin»el. .f the Torn of Bra/or(h. fa Ili, ("may of H e rose Nobe*• 1s hereby given that A. t. 1•esteneet afste aid carrying on budgie's at the Town of Seefnith hammed* an as.lg.me.• under H. S. C. lfsrl. Cap. Mend &needleg set.. of .!I his estate eredlts and effects to Henry Barber. of the elty of Tereato. for the gsser•1 benefit ef M. credito A me.trsi a be ctedlt.rs will ee h.1 at the ogles .1 Henry Barber t Ce. Wellington street ease Toreat.. es MONDAY. TUEMd DAY OF FICBRUARY. .. the hour a three o'clock I. the eterness be massive a st.teme.1 of .Shin of the *oasts insaratINss are requested *0113.11108*' aWeoe with tbsaaM with the proofs and t� te�uieed by toe eald .ole• ea or been tea dy of Meeh. IMS. Atari settee liberate elves teat after tea 2nd day of Medi. NHL the said trades will gresN4 es db)Mb.te the .mets of the said dA1egsma•� the parties estltled there's havfm rngaae eels to no Mises of which Seam eh•B than have bee. given .d that he will net be Hata, few toe estate et any part thecae mi Mittelman.' toasty peruse er pentane of whom Mini he .hall then set have had ewtle. Deed et Termite this lath day et J..a•ry A.11 ISM NENRY WARNER. Aoelg..e. b ler asuman 1ppTr witsi1 Day *Meat -Seem your wLt'riptig. to Tee Neoax hr INK (oderiob. July Iib 1114. 1.01111 and savtaos Moacty. Ir 1(1 NOT WHAT YOU EARN, BUT WHAT TOU SAYE, MACES YOU RICH. THE HURON AND RRU'CK i.OAN AND i N V tBTMENT COMPANY. Sot.tctrnss.-Cameron. Holt and Holmes. DEPOnurn. Intwrest Compound every sin months at four per Dent. per annum. on sass from one dollar upwards. Depositors will fid it to their advantage to come and see us. Loans -May be secured as any time without delay os the security of approved desirable eropert . Rxpenses moderate. Appl lc.tloae received by the Manager or solicitors. The Company's oaken are located on North Street and Court House Heuer* opposite Heinle Htor s t. Mee. 0011 ACK HORTON. J. H.001.00RNt, Manager. . __ Presides& Fog' Role or To Rent. T0 RENT OR SIrLL-TH KSTORK AND premier-. at Sol-Ae Hill. Carlon 1'. 0. Co. Huron. at present oocupled by M. A Gled.111. No oppe0Ues. One of the hese mantel Mande la Ost.alo. Apply to J. A. Monomagk. 211 Cberebet. Termite. () LEASE. -THE HOUSE, FUR - wished. beefy occupied by Dr. Meld's, Apply to CAMOR(IN. HOLT t H01.MItA.eMt FOR SALE. -- CHEAP, ON EASY TERMS : West half of la 2I. oesoession 5. Wage W.wenosh• 100 acres. A well improv ferret. Lots It. . and earl 10. eotdiviston of Block . Colborne about 25 acres. TO LILT The .hop lately occupied by the Ism The.. S.e d. Apply to M.0 JOHNSTON.barrtoter, Gfd.e ries WI filtliatioao Vacant_ _ WA1tTED- CAN VASSERS, MALI AND FEMALE. in every toweshlp In Oaf•• to canvas for the gro.trmt weekly a iniffi per In eke world. Mr Poway I1.,.44 anti we. lay Nor of Montreal. The rasse.d.a Nerafd and Weekly Wer has beam enlarged Is tee hundred and twenty right seisms pas week, equal *0 owe hnadred lett, volumes pee *Masi. It is improved In every depertmese gp aes.pl.aotsly as to he talked absnt all civet the welldd A splendid premiers ensure wilt\ 08*. Peed, 11.. reed, A geed ttepertanity fee tgileVeNgers see tsesde�d 01ish 0.1v naturrltt aseme. Ns meldenesnatural capacity ter Imerien a good titian at eight. Sample etr.. eta. free. Atidrees imwtedl•ssiy M ewers poples. Fame, Herald Publleb- {be SabatnpIOs Daps'tN meet. Maeal. >rr2allw reANNA i.. elLAyW.. �T�OA�CTINE end ideas rtruets M e•