The Signal, 1896-2-6, Page 44
the signal,
as cowman)
Mee or Publication i and 10. North street.
Uuderinh. (lotarto.
Teruo. et a.Mcrtptioa t
Owe mon h. to.dvane* -. 1 Ig
T'hre. •wou t h•,
Oce rear.
papa 111
....... papa. 1 •
toot as T..r Lobo..
'Twit label is a standing receipt of the date
o which you are paid up. nee the. It is not
11 'Wed to fall lute armor.
.i.'h••n a change of address is desired. bath
• kit old and the new address .bovld be Lh en.
d',rtlefss Sate.
Lomat and other ca.n.l advertl.emenrt L.
per line for first instar .on. and J span.. per Fee
Int each subsequent insertion. Measured by
aespseett «•alc.
Bee'nees cards of al z lines and ostler. gs per
A 4. retirements of I#..t. Tnand, Ht royal
$lnutloms Vacant. t.truen.•ne Wanted and
$pars.•.. l'•. W4n0r.1 *Of 0Yreedinr i
Mens noenewil. III per month.
'1 vis.-. on Rale and ?items on fiats. sot to
exc. • el 91 ,.. el for first mint h. Ste. par +,.h
.1:+ . et month. Lanni. ad.'s, is pr000rlo 0.
An. special notice, the older, of *Mich is to
prne•o*e •tis p.runlary benefit of any utdi.
y:dn.l or company, to be considered s0 .d
Vert Mem, et and ch. reed anent -4 . .'y.
1 neat notice* in nonpareil type one root per
caned. no not ice. leas than 2L•.
Ia al notice to ordinary reading *ap. Iwo
oerts per word, Vo notice for Ire th.. SIM•
Notices for rhorrhes and other religious and
benevolent In.titutioee h Ii arts,
Attest "Tb. eigsal" lbelteety.
An'-• r,h.r who fail to receive THE Bram st
rev•.'.-ly. either by carrier or hJ null. will
or, a favor by so/unsling ue of the tact at
AA w• t a date as possible.
meeting is to be commended, as addi-
tionsl railway Communication is abso-
lutely required, and has been in course
of agitation for years.
The scheme contemplated is • telt
ible one and would require no addi
tions Inmos, as would be the case if a
steam litre were projected.
Twice the amount of money has
been spent already in a futile effort to a steam route,and it now looks
as if accommodation for
freight and paesengen to this point
can he secured only by the adoption
of au electric scheme.
The route proposed would be of
great advantage to Go'lerich, as it
would give direct communication with
the East, and would, by a belt line,
put the entire county in touch with
the county town.
There should be no opposition to
the granting of the sum for promo-
tion, and any perw)ns who offer oppo
sition should be looked upon as en-
emies of the town. In the past ten
mouths, tens of thousands of dollars
hate been invested by our b)was
people in legitimate efforts to move
the town on the highway to prosperitT.
end our public men should not, and,
we believe, will not act as • clog on the
w 1*. PI. of progress.
Let in. have the electric road. by
all Turmas.
IOen..•ted manuaerlpts cannot be returned.
Oorrw.p odence must be written on one mid.
Of p.n•r only.
Pwbll.ber•• Settee.
J. I'. 1 . Totowa. of ooderich, has been ap
'minim Loral Travelling Aseut for the town
shies of Ooderich. Colborne, Ashfield and W•
Local poetma.tero over the district aro slot
-*powered to receive subscription, to Tata
din, 41.
All commuolcetlons must be addressed to
1) MoGILLH'1•fOY.
THE Hien A[.,
Ts1.1themCollet tint
111011RRJCH. THURBDAT, RB. 6. 1eyi.
--That phrase " hell inspired hypo.
*•rite " will live years miter Mgr. CAM
CRON 11 forgotten.
- The Finance Minister officially
announced Monday last that it watt
not the intention of the Government
to make land grants to the volunteers
of 1837. They would rather give
grants to hungry Tory M.P.'s.
-That eminent statesman, A. M.
Tuai,, of Clinton, is discovering that
it is hard to be • County Master and
a remedivl legislation exponent at one
and the same tine. It would be
easier to Ire a ". hell inspired hypot.rite."
-Up to the time of going to press
1)1x11, W1ISMIII.Rit, the Government
creed itlute in the recent Nest Huron
election, has not deniers that hr signed
atsd delivered to R. NEwMAN a pit dge
to vote the P.P.A. platform. if elect-
-That resolution of the Exeter
Orange Lodge. prepared. doubtless, by
Hon. Bro. It Then DICKSON, is a
corker, and should be framed and
plao•ed alongside of the manifesto
which Most Worthy Bro. .1mutt
IIUGHKS prepared during the recent
little "family trouble" They are
good for every day in the year except
the Tw,-Ifth of July and the Fifth of
N•wmatn le Smelling HIM Out.
reds/are /rear shat A, !, Tedd. 04 lite (11a -
les %item Seese•d. wM • Tarty to .he
Telegraph MOWS le Side track
rewmas f r W.lemlller,
foremost et the est.blieldag .1 th.w beside
I bate men 410411 be say on His master.
I users you it le better eat of print. bat it
I sin famed to at 1 will net stop. I owe it
le my reputation. sod I defy you or any
tndivtdasl to peewit that I sired is elbow
thins se honorable meaner, and further deity
all be whew the least shadow of • corrupt
n os.
I e•ari•csd • position paying me $6 per
day whwh was to have lasted till June
east. I also defrayed my own expenses,
mid se ready to do tt over ensu, U say
good ens be got from it. I s* s lower by
n early 1600, sr will be by Jew next sad
sot • twat trout West Huron. Ilion yes
ay • person who will do more for the mom
of civil and religious Liberty • 1 have •
number of opinions from good Tones sod
Orangemen, °oa.meottog ea my stand and
all sodor.. it. Would yen 1•1i. their Daces
and exact word. ` You can h.,• them if
you will publish the sums. I reeerv. •
oopv of the letter
A. regards your article as • .bole 1
would refer you to ti.• article ea James L
Hwee r. is Tb. Orange Sentinel of January
3001, page 8, under heeding, "They
are Thinking It carries with it • full
expre.siouof my feel core to Orange pohu•
china. I have the honor to r.el*t.,
Yours etc.,
Toronto, Ju 31.1. K. Nsw 11.s.
THE following communication from
RNewta•e, the following,_
Party C•odid•te 11
West Hamm .t tie repeat eied,o■, which
was refused pablientioa is The Clinton
News-R.00rd,beesam of the exposure which
►1 mikes et the doable -faced action of the
ed,tor of that )cental, explains itself
To the Lditor of Tas 8104Ai
Sia --1 sotto, is the Now.-Reoord of the
:2nd ult. an article under heeding "THAT
t'10011l1A. ►. r.1.eti.41 tan m. to • dim es
it.ble maooer, I herewith enclose you •
.opt of a reply I hove moiled to the N.w.-
Record, as 1 .we say that they wall favor
puhliebl,g the ..N,b.w1* of the fact that
it.1'1 throw soma light on thesabjeut,•.d as
11.v. been foully assailed 1 •m determined
to make an rtpmee of the enure affair. and
.how to what .ads these scandal musters
have goat- in order to try to whip book tato
hies thaw who bare, after great moue, left
their Damp. The venomous article wherein 1
am resiled, is full of spleen and spite. The
following is my reply
l'o the Itditor of the Huron News Record.
Slit. --1 .m in receipt of • Dopy of your is-
sue of January 22nd. and under heeding
•• TRtr (',,•.rtatr4, I tiod an article
which, referring t.o mys If, is very mtslesd-
.ng, untruthful, sad only worthy of the pas
of • mal►goont trickster, end upon which 1
Am= • neht to mph.. It appears to me
that you will 00.tieue to not only mtaropre-
tent, but Mao to mi0o.n,true my utterances.
To be bnet : You any it was acknow-
ledged on !hay MAL platforms that I leaded
up Grit stammers with the avowed purpose
of assisting M. C. Cameron to win. That,
ur, ie se false 1s it was oowardly of those
who made such statements from the public
platform, and which •coon as only oh•rie-
teria►c of the time -serving party dive
it eo happened that upon the day I es -
trowel West Huron the .ow notorious letter
of James L Hughes appeared in the duly
papers, (Jan. 2nel and while es route 1
was rending thio rase, after which I rot In
to 000verwtios with • gentlemen and this
*me letter was mentioned. when I ventured
the remark " that I 'tad something that
would kill that letter. I was asked whet
it was, mod replied. '• The demotes of tee
' Greed Orange Lodge,- which
called upon •U Orangemen to strenuously
oppose •11 spirants for porb•m•ntsry
honors who would retuee to pledge them
selves to oppose the Remedial Bill. I was
asked for • Dopy, mod %.ked in return whom
I was addressing, and for the fiat time to
nay life 1 beo•me .oqu•iptel with Mr. Mc
Millan, member for South Huron.
1 said, by soil means ; ooze* to m7
room the •fters000 ; *d he same
*d took • copy. He had hardly loft
till I had • privet* conference with two of
lir. R ei•miller'e supporters. sad I openly
informed them what I1 had done ; but were
1 to publish the outcome of that little meet-
ing you w uld, I think, move easier in chim
mutt*r, which I snppo.ed was deed. I never
.gain rave the matter to any person etcepl
in open meetings. and. sir, I claimed then,
as I do now. that I went taw West Huron to
fight honorably, and if need be world have
given •udienoe to any of my opp0000ts. and
not play tho coward, to stab tope back and
hide •w•7. I •m • free born man sod •m
not afraid to come boldly out in d.f*ce of
what l think is right.
Now, sir, as regards that telegram, what
I said •t the meeting was that telegrams
were pouring in (0e though for God's .stet
•0 get Newmoc out of the fl.ld,• 41 1 repeat.
Sir. that Voca Naut is TO ONE Or Tun.■
id um t.. gn, •.d if my memory serve. me
right, the oilier two w Canteloe sed Free-
born The message read is effect. If Weis.
miller is all right can Newman be got out of
the held• The answer. i THINK, was seat
KO C*felon, saying Yr., 1f Wesmiller
mem a written pledge, or words to that
effect, and you may depend upon it that if
you did not authonz. such • dispatch you
b•ve been done • groat wrong, as I saw it
sod know where it is today,
Now, as regards tabs Amerio•n money
statement. that is all rot. 1 mid that [hare
had been . 0oosptracy, as . nen the money
wit below drawn from the bank th• gentle
men said he would wive the $200 in we
dollar bills, and when iota/awned only
smiled, saying. "Take them 1t afterward
same not .t the nomination that the r., ors
ieg officer stated. it the money :s not l)om
Moon bank notes i omni accept, from which
1 inferred that the banker must hive over
heard • plot to reject the mower tf is Imre
bills or American, and 1 so suited it looks
veru suspicious, which you mut admit,
your ss•ts.01 that so mosey was
is ered
f•'se. Thomas Gledhill offered the mosey,
and had it in one dollar bal. H• ens am•
ooimpsn'ed to the lank by two other rept*
table animas of year riding, and wines
n ames you out hoes, if you desire them.
The lett,K yes pablisbd to M. 0. Jab*.
S ton was furnished CM Gloat by WOMB
and not by tom, but is correct is every Fret.
rcol•r, and it proves that while I harbored
thoughts against chat genus.•• ad laid
the entire blame at 4 •now le pause
.pined., 1 nee boom
of my mistake to acknowledge the MOM
The Telegram rap* 1.0 hies
you will tisk Id (1 JohnetM.ha My to
you se to why that young geetlem•s beams
incensed, inced, wed will neer one est when I my
that he resorbed to every kind of tonm-
WOd*■ in se ..desver to gain tress u1 tits
,stets, et • st•Misr he veld bad been bold
is Auburn ; Iodise be had seats to the
wrens bourse to gain ieferwatisu he booms
very ang►y- if you era spate that ►o mads
me of su.h remarks that 1 was • lier in
year heads*, i will have so*sethisr more
bees] en the it would mesa that
you have throws out • eballwgs Mme
.hie► i mc.ept mid will endeavor be see my
self right ..twitheeasdiag the forte of poli •
ties! trimmers ardent ma De leu, please,
fellow th. Heiden Rola
i nest you • espy 0f • e.reshr which i is.
tendsd be diehribSts, bet you ovoid sot pub
help it as it might have hurt year party, yet
it wee pubMuhed by Mmtreal and Tweets
'1'111S week we print a letter from
K. \seem., the Third Party candi-
date, to A. M. Tout, editor of the
Clinton News -Recons, in which the
former discusses the 'telegram episode
with the Clinton newspaper man.
It isn't our funeral, being what
DAVID WKIOIIILLK$ would call "a little
family quarrel,- but A. M. Toni, has
been so loud in his denials, and so
prolific of hard language against
everyone who dared to refer to the
subject, that we thought it would not
be a bad idea to publish Mr. Nis
NAN'a letter in Tug Surest, and
thereby give a wider circulation to the
That M r. Tours was a party roe
here is no
nndto doubt.�lAlthough devoted andme
enthusia.+tic,(h»ngeman.he is neverthe-
lees a more devoted and enthusiastic
Tory, and a very devoted and enthus
nettle Tory wouldn't stop at doing a
little win'puliing at a critical penal
in an election conn st.
one thing is sure, and that is, if
A. M. Toni, didn't know of the tele-
gram which was sent in the endeavor
to side track Nom MAN, he has an ele-
gant opportunity to use strong langu-
age and coarse invective on Dave
CAYTRI.OY, of Clinton, and Dr. Fatte-
n/MN, who seem to have taken an un-
due advantage of hint if they ap-
pended h . name to the telegram
without I, knowledge and consent.
The old image of " Honor among
thieves," should also apply to senders
of telegrams.
-A short time ago TER SIGNAL
got into the Week book of the editor
of The Farmers' Sun because it re-
ferred{ to A. W. Wright, the Sweating
Commissioner newly appointed by the
Government as a Tory heeler and
touter. What explanation can our
esteemed i•onteniporary give now of
the action of A. W. WRIGHT, who has
stumped rape Breton in defiance of
the platform and principles of Patron
Brother Witmer is m Tory
touter, ex Tee SIGNAL said he war►,and
all the obligations of P•tronism will
never make hien anything else so long
as there is a dollar to he made by it.
Since the above was in type we
have receiveda copy of The Clinton
News -Recons, in which the editor, A.
M. TODD, refuses to publish NNeale/Jettletter, urging as a reason that it is too
This is not a brave act on the part
of The News Itecord-it isn't working
on the (:olden Itul.. For weeks past
the organ has lees abusing Newman
amd •teryone el -e who wouldn't sup
port WRIAYILLRtt the Wobbler, and
now when Newels"( asks to have his
side of the clime presented -and pub
the editor on the gridir•n.he is
fused the right to do s
The News Record, in the same ince,
has space to devote to a long letter
from Ooderich, purporting to be writ-
ten in Ringshridge, and which was
previously printed in another news-
paper, and signed with a bogus name,
yet the editor cannot find room for
NIwMAll'e letter.
Editor Toni, deserves • chromo for
taking the first prise in finding the
meanest way out when he is cornered.
THE Clinton News -Record claims
that the salary as High Commissioner
which Kir ('H troas TI•PPRR has •' re-
linquished (not " voluntarily," hut
because he could not legally take it
and he a Cabinet Minister at the same
time) is et clear gain of 014,000 to the
people of Canada. This implies either
that Sir ('MMAIILltn service,' at 11)144100
were of no value, or that the duties of
the High (bmmismionership can lee as
well performed by one of the regular
Cabinet Ministers at Ottawa. in
either case, it appears, if we Accent
the News -Record's claim, that Bit Tureen has for many years
been getting thousands of dollars
which should have remained in the
ppMir tresoory.
AT a public meeting held in the town
Mall Fray evening last a motion was
ttllaaiwimisly peers that at the next.
meeting of the town (teasel', the sten
11.500 be wilted♦
towards the preme-
d mei electric: G
railway to Gods
Tb. Repeal of the lad mis.rsee .KMI5• N
Foe sanest district meeting of the R. f.
of T , wsm held in the ball, Rippe., cm Tues-
day, .1.o. 18tn, oon.monclas .t 10:30 A. w.
to the absence of Select Committer, •i. E.
Tom. through illness, the fast Councillor,
Geo. 1'eabel*, took the chair and called the
meeting to order. Kron. I'toaty, Melly
moot and McCosh, were appointed a ma
mitts. 00 credential., and all the delegates
were asked to register their names A
eommanseatioo from S. Batton. Secretory
of El4ta District, ..king this meet1ow to
unite ID • measlier 1'emper•oee demooatra-
taom was read and referred to committee on
oorrc.pood.oce and m.monal.. The ink
log committee reported the following cum
mattes* :
1. Distribution of Report. and Papers. -
Brus. Prouty and Centel!, sod sister. F
P1ck•rd and lesson.
2. Temperance 1'1'ork.- Bros. Butt and
Harris. ..d Sisters Waolase, Hicks wed SrtrooL Bo*ao.--On Monday evening th.
Howard. regular **tion of the Public School boned
3. ('ornopandance sod Memon•ls. -lira.. was hold In the Board room : the chairmen Cooper and Waiters. mod Sisters E. Pickard Jas. Kuehanan are presiding, the members
. ad P.asery.
4. Appose and decisions. -Bros Davis ell being present. The minutes of last resit -
end Nelson and Sitters Pennell" and Harris. ler, epeeist and statutory meetings were
5. Siete of the Order Bros. McDonald reed, confirmed and signet. Th. I'r10mpal'.
and Elston, and sisters l'udmore and .loho-
Finance. - Kron. Lewis, sod N*lees,
and .story Fotberioghani and Foster.
7. Opening mud Rementstiog C.uncils.-
A $10 Mantle for $5.
THIS MEANS IA $7 50 Mantle for $3.75.
IA Mantle for $2.50.AND s0 ON.
if you went s Mantle get it now.
If you want a Mantle for next winter, get it now.
We don't want to carry s single Mantle over.
We hove two. Greenland Neal ('apes, 2:1 inches, full skirts, for $15.
Also, :1 pair 'bullets' Fur Gauntlet Mitre, worth $5 for $.l.
Also, Ladies. Vests, worth ? I, for ;:k. Ladies' Vesta, worth 75c. for 50e.
Ladire' Vests Worth :ilk. for '25v.
Ladies' and Children's Overbore, away dowu in prite'.
We must have route for new goods. Don't miss this opportunity.
Corner `quare and West-st.
vice cooaotllor, Mine Y.MuMordie. Kippso;
S.oeetory, Rev. W. H. Butt, Cestral•e ;
Chapter, Wm. Lewis, remittal ; Tran.,
13. A. Wanle.s, Varna : Herald, Slim Linos
Naslem, Vara•; (:nerd, Me. F. Pickard.
Holses,ille : Sootiest, Wm Harris. Sodom;
Twit teuaclllor. Geo. Pentode, E1ear.
An •:*Ileal concert was given in the
1101101 by talent from the home and .uat-
iog counoil0 A hearty vote of thanks was
tendered Mr McUord,e and their Kipp.n
friends for their kind and courteous tr*et•
moot of the delegates.
report, showing an average attendance for
Jesnart of 286 boys and 257 girls, •.d rs-
qe etine certain improvements. was had.
Moved by M. Nroholsoo, escooded by .1. A.
Bros. Colwell MoCo.h and D.y•u•. Reid, that the report be received and the
8 Literature. -Bros Swleke, Thomp matters mistimed therein %unstated to
e on, Andrews, and Sister McMordie
9 species --Brca Mclboald, Md'lymoot Carried. A oowimuoic%tioo was read from
e nd M&IIourb. I Miss Rnsk, *king that $4 85, bsiseo. of
Tho meeti,.g then adjourned to tb• salary for 1815 be paid. iloved by M.
Palatial reallenoe of K. MoMordie, Ey., Nicholson, seconded by J. H. Colborne, that
' • rich repast was served by the I•dy the sem be paid ,f cmlwl•tioe ie correct.
memoirs of Kippen council. Carried. ♦ cemmanisetiaa from alias
The *41010000 session was taken up with
the reeding of reports and discussions there- Wiggins requesting Mimic* of eatery for
on. Them reoommeod the holding of open 1196 be red. Moved by M. Nicholson,
meetings and frequent ysits between the weeded by J. H. Colborne. that Miss Wit
different 000 Willi ; that the Grand Council gins be pod the balance cf her salary
be memonhzed to reduce the capitation Carrid. Accounts were received from
ret ; that prize mays be *ked for w G. N. Drecesvis. W. I-
temperaace. and that efforts be put forth Sturdy Bros..
to rangiest, suspended councils A d.- P.en,ngtoo, Reed & McM•Ih, R. W. Yo-
Ke.zie, D. McLaren sad Geo. Porter, sod
ordered to be paid. Moved by Y. Stahel -
see, ss000ded by .1. A. Reid, that the salary
Tho following odious were elected • of the caretaker of the Genital s3h4o1 be
MOM MINIM n.1 1110 Puha,
YrrNnfIST MAGAYiOI AN. Rr.t.* cos
Fasacssr. 1896-8.• of the •rt Mtge in
this somber ere of meeri•1 .•d timely taw
set, as the piotur vise aspeete of V.sessela
sed its wonderful ....rasa,n nfaw•y, will •
moped the dk.petd territory ; "Resta* s
Kees el Bmpir*" ie the lowest and Red l..
with Same►... eeigriviumi ; sed dle•nesi1s.
wtµm.p. el reset South airmen affair..
Prise's' Greet pays se elegises* tribete be
the U. R. L- y.Yste. founders .f Upper (M-
ath. Dr. Rene east /lintel • freebie dime
twit1, .f Dr, Mmflav's Medea
week r Fe. EWE& The story el "Toasty,'
by • (]•Sadien writer, ie se geed ea my-
Frie b mine inetJ nte of Htwie
seary sf bin Methodism. sad e1 " Tis
pater'. Ilk.." .re deo g van. Am lmp0rhmt
gmps.imm en "The 11ib1.,' .ed "Bible
Reedy." by the R.. C R Rees. B.D..
Obese ller linrwsahi, wed J. J M••lsres, 4
pr...ebed The World`, Progress.
well eseed New" ems ether departments
New le the Mee es
aro oentnised i. the fellow-
tugw : The day for party is pant :
the dal tee meederi.1 the .Writ of bigotry
ISMFs�s.�pMf sent et their youth these who
Frew p he one *seems eitl1whip
twinMedea and edea eons en hesMd. omit.lp0.
who w be
fee wfellow. Is gee.. (*..da
tut .pit,* that
hes. with • friendly .pthat
they may emirs fee their 10SStr7 • geed sad
self-ddenee t end i eon sat M no sem who
will yt seek p&Miette enema a Grit
m Terry. be will reedy. m7 eeppeet. 1 hat e
me well
-ream -ream of 114 members was reported.
Rev. W. H. Rutt, of Centralia, was ap-
pointed delegate to the (lined Couooll to be
LsId in Guelph on the 18th Feb
Select councillor, J. E. Tom, (ioderioh ; $300 per enema from 1st Jia, oo.ddised
ea hie sigma, the refiner *grommet. Cor-
ned. Thequeeuon of window breakieg dreg
from the b.*srJ. • pr00000ced determ►est,m
to prosecute offenders. 1'he tine, sun of tkd
e uspeoa.. of • oeotrel {pupil was before th
board. After it heat b • o considered, that
matter was left entirely to the principal
The board then adjourned.
"Oasis HOLLY ". A copy of 111ie inter
eating pamphlet rwohed Tsr `i'.'4A tem
woske back, but es we w. re •t that brae en
gored in the by. eleetiun in West Huta'
we did not have opportunity to review it
pages. The work mitten up bt the ladle
e1 Stratford with the idea of furthering th
•(il.taee for • ooa.t7 House of Krfnge, ea
we are pleated to learn Lha' good wee dem
by its publication, in that the object for
f• • isir way of being .teamed ie Pert
.minty. The article. 1n "l:r•sss Holly
are well written, cod are the work of W;
writers. many of whom have wowed emu
else8 to the literature of Paned.. A pat
y,,mlarlly mterestwg art Ie to resade to .
Herta Tract is entitled, "io the days of b
Canada Comma y," wherein the story of th
early eettl.mest of Perth and Huroa r neo
told by R 1.'rar. A life lose pas portrait'
the redoubtably Dr. Iluulop " Tiger Dar
lap' le pretested. wb*cb shone • •trsi
Inure In the • o'' days when eery* se
vigor were required to carry out the r
vuirOetemts of settlement 10 the Hare
Trot The other owotnbutors to '' (:re
Holly are Agues Maul* Mediu, firer
E. Deanteoa, Annie Ro• hweh Christie,
Oestwloke Roberts, M. M. Wasson, M.
Flu Gibbet., Faith Fenton, K. M WIN
Frances Harness , "Sereans"►, A 1
Rolph, Helen M. Merril, Mary My[r
Knott, Mn 11.. WPoston, E 111. Helene
McKees e, Helen VW
Katherine, Yol.*geo
bairn, Sophie M. Almon Hensley, Mu
King Marquis, M. A Maitleed, ifotho
lathes Kamfemill. Agree W. Pantos..:(
stance and J. N. Mc 1e •s►tb. Orden
"(:rase Holly' item be left *t this ofh
when they will receive attention
we e..mmtesi • l'ery as yourself, but
settuys Tot nem Brtge► Ptrle.
«. 100
Leafs ft1 1.r sin mswtha 1 .lapM w•in ge party of nati red right peerie by thevery
, •sat►
Before You Leap.
T WILL save you money. If you intend furnishing
a house, call in and examine our elegant line of
Furniture. See and compare quality and prices, before
other cities, with the mistaken idea that
sending your money to Toi1onto and
you can buy cheaper in the cities. We are
you same goods, quailty for quality. ten per
the leading furniture warerooms 'of Toronto.
one tells figures. Other advantages
up to date, anti guarantee to sell
cent. less than you can buy in
Remember this is no idle boast,
a positive fact, or we will forfeit our reputation. Figures tell and every -
are -You see what you buy before part-
with your money ; You save not only 10 per cent., but cost
money orders, cartage, unpacking and putting together.
We manufacture all our Parlor Suits, Easy Chairs,
of stamps,
Couches, Lounges,
Divans, etc. Latest designs and coverings, and best material and workman-
ship, our expenses being lighter. Some lines we can sell you 15 per cent.
leas than city houses.
There are three advantages in trading with us. We save you money.
Home industry is encouraged, and the money is kept circulating in our own
town We alio carry in stock an immense line of Window Shades, Certain
Poles, Mouldings, Frames, Mirror Plates, Artists' Materials, &c. (Catalogue of
Artist's Materials mailed free.)