HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-2-6, Page 1TUN BEN
. . . • IS THK KE.ST. ;
rA 1
1'vett. JAN. 1, 1007.
Report of tut. January Session
deer tamers, Leg1.l.lera pal e■ • Lag and ■
Mae week • Mall eepees •r flee
Were Mar canna seen
ties 11 Cess. Reports.
Watiesmee, Jan. 29.
'I` H B council tat et 10 A.M., the
warden, 1 b, s. bit.chee in the oMtr.
Menne ..f lose •y's meeting read and
weir •
The feUnwiee r.mmooie•tIons were re-
ferred 4. • ie committees named
From '%. 1 - •. E'liole. sating to be •e -
p01...4 .,..u•y s.alest at the Armee ural
College ; Oui.r,. Gadd Reads Arsoci•ttns,
sebum I. r • mere ; iron Kest .ad West
Huron ro.e.ers' Assou.•tient and from
Godetieh .uta Sealortb l'elevate lestitute.
--all .sot to eseoauv.. From musty of
Kent r• pr teutloa of *beep--•peo:al
Th. rep .r• of ,t•ikiog 00mmrmteee was
rad .)A a ,np•e•t es follows
F:exci veva --Me are. E Iter, Cruikshtick,
Hn;a, W....w. M. Pherson, Sberritt, Kerr.
Holm... 11 bh•••-9Diember..
F,n•h-r. -Mw.... i'roudlool, Stewart,
Cee. M •1).o. 1, (=ass, Shephard, Kennedy
Melt... MMelivr•e.- c' member
Kqr*i.iz*r,oi --Mp NII r, B.wJeo, Alex
V.usit. (:., 's, Hyslop, ("eding, Hicks,
Moses♦, ('hs•e•hi.: -9 members.
Roon Aei. IAtisue.-Patersoo, Kick le r,
Mornaeo. l eep..n• Waren, Turnbull I Heyi,
Turnlo'I' t(:'ey). :JOKmeie, Delbrldgs. - 9
mese• •••
Iia.r.trtoe --' .".dor., Kirkby. Malaria.
Medd I(.ber'wr, Sethi/as, Geiger. 7
menet • -P
Cres .rev Pwtrsery.- Messrs palmate,
t'ooper. It 11'id, A chibiCd. Reddy, Bursa,
Andre.. Y. ung. - 7 me.F*re.
WasnrA'r - %I -ars H• I', McDonald,
Mo+t. •. F: 1 • r, )'.•K... members
Spacial. Mears. Cos, Watteau, Gerais,
Pt•n41n•,. Moor env. -5 members.
A ....t -el t, apt, Sas • house of refuge
emestet••e..a ter.•ed. sod the following
Imre ..le ' •d . • members -
Horse or Karmen -)leers. Holt, Either
Mel/oriel 1 3 ,,,-..bore.
Four townie for oouoty printing and a
number of •ocnuets were referred to con
A pets .on from ratepayers re who'd
section honneerne in Monte and Tut nberry
eras mat to peewee -in eommitt•e.
The following . fo.r. reports were re
(erred to e0nes.itteis named , County trees
near's "team. •t•, (aunty clots , reports re
Maureen nn o•'ur.ty building• and on .t.-
tios.re supplse.l finance : county commis
semen' report r..4 and bridge Mmm'ttee:
jailer'- rep .rt --comity property committee;
.oborI In.p.etore Tem and Robb-duca-
tens one 'entre
The following were appointed Collegiate
Instant* truster• for tbe•r rrepective
schen'. , P.ev. 1h t',., l;dericb; Dr. Shaw,
('1•stet.. I Ir Seett Sea fortb.
Menem Baird, ot Staley, and Cheswick,
of Seafnr'h, were appointed on the beard of
examiners for school teachers, and P. Holt
and W Lane, on the beard of orimin•l
A m•..an to grant $15 to.•eb public
library vies sent to the executive oommlttee.
The ft I ow.n. motion was sent to special
oa,mItte• : That the o.osil petition Farb --
meat to tamed the I.w so that all actions
for d•mise:a through socident. oo streets
awl h•ghw•ye be shied by erbttrati.,from
which t'•m►a •h011 he no appeal.
1.r. -I T•vlor, of Clinton. was appointed
auditor by th• oouned, .rad J. C. Morrison,
by the w.rdes
The followiu4 mater were referred to
road sod bridge c mmittelr - Tern Fine's
bridge, Take rn.4. A.h6eld, be wumed es
• county bridge, also the bridge known se
Whiskry !wide*, at (;rand Bend, between
Herm, •sd Ismhton ; that the o.um•y
sagioeer 'itemise the Desk end abutment.'
of Bly•h brides. as there ts probable danger
le abutments during freshets.
A mnt ton to make themes! grant of $300
e the beaus,. agrionitoral sweeties holding
during 18%, was mot to execu-
tive o0mmirtes.
Coattail then adjourned till 10 o'clock te-
Turn::Der, Jen. 30th.
.hair. Some duty •soeasts were referred
le the Yaaoue oommsttee.
Report of the property 0esmittae hernia
bees timid, ab. oouaotl was, on metiers,
moved into committee of the whole, Mr.
Sunder. in the char. Molts emadmee e
havens been mad., the ooased reamed, and
the report wee adopted me amesded.
Report of special oommittoe was reed and
l.ouocd tben adjourned to moot attars at
Council reoffered at 3 r w.
Report of rued gad bridge committee was
reed and adopted.
Report of duestion oommtttee was reset
and adopted.
Report of finaoer committee wee reed.
Moved by W. Prrudfoot, ee000dd by Wai-
mea, that cleave 48 be •e .odd by paying
the balance of M Butler's •.count in full
Moved by 1' Holt, seconded by Hyslop,
that the ol.uw referrlov w .dr.rtwoq be
struck out Carred.
Report was thea adopted as amended.
Mowed by Dulmage, secondee by Wil-
ford, that that portion of the report of the
toepec,or of the House ot Refuge, that had
not taco dealt with by the property cum
mitts. be referred to the house of refuge
committee Carred.
elecd by Suras, seconded be Garvin,
that the melange of the otlioaaia of the
meaty be now oonsid.rd. Sent to execu
rive committee.
Moved hy Carling, eeoo.ded by Creek -
•Mink, that bylaw No 3, of the year '95,
•ppnlatter Dr. Campbell, physician of the
Mous. of Refuge, be amended by appointing
1)r. Shaw, of the town of Clinton. Referred
to the executive committee.
Moved by l'roud(oot, seconded by Kerr,
that the noosed page • bylaw to permit of
interests being committed to the House of
Reface, under section 17, obap. 42, S8 Viet
Hent to .pecel committee
Moved by I)ulm•ge, ee000dd be Girvin,
that the peddlers- bylaw be •woded be
making the home" tee for moo-re.ideate or
those having no fixed place of business In
the county, .t $100. Referred to special
The council then adjourned till 7 P.m., as
me' ion of Seamier* and McPherson.
('o.oetl met at 7 .•
Report of executive °emulator was read
and adopted.
Seamed report of seemed committee was
read and adopted.
Second report of house of refuge commit-
tee, and recommendations of the hoose of
refuge inspector were read and .doptd.
Keeler to appoint auditors, by few to •p
point • heard of or!mlest •edit, by-law 4.0
mused by -1•w No. 4 of 1802 were red the
u.uel Dumber of times end passed.
Mored hy Kennedy, eeoeoded by Cooper,
the the June gesalna of the council be held
in ('listen. Lost.
Moved by A Yousg, seconded by Shep-
herd, that the council now adfnuro to meet
op the lent Tuesday in .Inge. ('•rrid.
Telt TRP t••IRPIt - t.r.TTLR
Stated, that a d.tatld statement et re-
a,ipte and expenditures, abstract of the
memo, ledger beams', • oomp•rtsoo ot et
penditure with est 'metes isvestmeotof .ask -
nag funds, and •4 foment of debenture lie
Mhuss, and assets to meet the same were
submitted. That the •ap.aditurel were
lees thee the estimate In nearly •ti the se
oouate, that debenture debt 154,000, is due
to Leaden by August, and that et preemie
rete of .xob•oge it would require $2154,600
to buy • draft for the amount That to
meet tem there will h. about $208.000 by
July, an amount sheet by about 556,000
That the Hous of Refuge had cost $17,-
885 14 ; '1 hat the (Government. grant of $4,-
000 has been .celled for and no doubt will
be granted ; that the balance will balm to
be rued by debentures. Teat an accord -
mos with instrectiOus Mr. (arrow hd pre-
pared • bill for pewee to issue the seo..sary
d.hnture. ; that the regiotrar'• return of
tees ter 1895 0oomcsies the letter, sad
that • portion of By Law No. 4, which pprne
vides for the payment of Hones of Refuge
amounts will cause oousderable trouble and
Atatiefaction if not .mended, recommends
quarterly payments. that the enema be
make oat by the keeper, o.rttfied by the
Ioepector and forwarded to the clerk. That
the original Dec"ants be kept by as.p.ot01
tor ex.1tln.t ton by any committee that may
be charged with the duty at seek refuter
mmltio1 of 0000011.
Commit resumed at 10 o clock. A tater
from Caatoa l'olletnate Institute board re
their asses! statement was sent to darns
teen o'mmluee, and the report of W ('.Sats.
es inspector of House of Refuge, to county
property committee.
Tb. Roue of refuge oommtttee was t0-
Itraoted to have the drainage and sanitary
oesditious of that building thoroughly stud
e feotivelr repaired as the weather w711 per
mit. minder 'be supervision of • competent
es5ineer, if deemed mammary. Council then
adjoured telt 2 o'clock r. M.
2 o'olook r t1.
The following mitten were referred to
the ex.uutIve committee To grant the
u sual sem of $3,000 for the:Improvement of
launders lines, to make the usual grain for
Farmer. lesti,ate ...tugs, and le etpond
$ho t• gravelling the reed from the Leaden
rad to ,the Hese of Refuge.
A motion was oared eater the eoasmil
to semenalas the Legislature to es wooed
the Men,eepal Art that ream only .held
be members of the County roused, the
vete. to be regulated by the •mambo of
the m•aieipalities npro.entd. Sens le
Special oemsittee.
The clerk was lmseraeted to fersisb tomb
reeve and deputy with s espy of the Ontario
statutes ; the isepset', .1 the hese of Re
1 100101aeed a appear before the Conseil
et lhid•v'm seesies ; theOe0sty e.msimiele
seadlid that it will hepsrt of his datum
be leek ef' a the Hew of Refuge ; sod the
Needy .sUeiter requested be Wheat the
se"bMl testerrew mediae el the Mains el
the emit between the .•swill .ed Morrie
Slrwpehip, The sessil theta adjourned
gill 10 estate! Fridley.
tag to Rome of Refuge. Seed work to be belt to report as foHor. est, That no meaning otehteeo are all oommttted w v it OUR 01,11.11r111. LETT I,'P
ander home of refuge committee and u be grant be made, and the. the sate be re -
proceeded with se soon as Tuckeremltb leered to the •xecutn• committee. god,
council 34rdes the reed I That we beg to reeoe,me,.d that the reforms
That • cope of the Ontario statutes ea ask.d for be granted.
furnished to mat reeve and deputy -reeve. I 3 lis regard 10 the memorial Irom the
rants under seateoue• Irom two to eta
months, es fellows . Deana Desmond, l
Cornwell ; Thomas Clat k, London : Joseph
Day, Namara Falls, Taomas !tyre, l'bat Want let C}OIDHOnattheCapltsl
hem ; I:eo. W,t.ou, Hamdan ; Nut. Rob'
That $10 be granted to poruhe•e dower ' tewo.hip mewed et Gree re..1teed1ag the era, Stratford : t:e.• Reynolds, St Mary's;
for the flower beds mound the Court House. jur *diction of division e• urts, we beg to re- Kobt. Well•w, l'ucLersmtth ; Meta also [A
That the Dae of Dr. J. W Shaw. of port that this uouncll should reoomntmd the tiny ; Thee. Smith, Quebec : FA McMaster,
Clinton, be sub.tltuted, for duet of 1)r. 1 ohmage* .eked for therein, which tour cum- Ktuget0I Kd. Selina, Klrpte° : Michael peartewre 111arrre••0R Mier serer
Campbell, removed, ,. Hoses of Refuge by I mutter consider are :a for .0tereste of thee Simpson, Toronto ; Michael Roach, M.Imi wenn. wean Totowa fat1
law province.
Regarding the salaries of the various 4. to regard to the immoral from the
county °Biome, that the clerk place before ( County ut Kest re. the k.lhog 0l sheep by
the June Session, the wanes of the ooasty dogs, we beg .0 report 11..1 u•i active be
officers and their respective salaries. take..
5 l■ regard to the ...realm from the
county 0ou.011 of trey •.L.ug maned to pe-
tition our Parlament@ against the impurta
qua of pauper children tutu this cuuutry,
we beg to report in favor tet taste.
811;iplementeary report of spec •l nom•
settee beg W report u fo lora :
1. With regard to motion of Wm. Peoul-
foot and Kerr, re passing • by-Isw to por-
ted, wd.geute bring cemuinted to the House
of helmet! pursuant to .soros 17, on.p. 42
Vic 58, all bee to rep. n tl st m sot:ne be
taken is the matter
2 With regard to the mottos of Mews,
I)ulnt•it« end Gunn. In reward to amending
by lee No. 1, 1887, fini.,t the leen.., of
pedlars and b•wke's at *1•e. in place of 425
es .t present, we meg to report that no
tt•AA' a .WMMITT1L,
W. Pt.ri.",NT, Thurman,
Reported r.00mmeaduog the payment of
87 amounts That the meow* of Jame"
Cook be men to the home of refuge comma -
tee to •m ertaio the (acts.
That the p.ymeet0 to lack up keepers be
di.000tin•d, .od t4at the clerk notify eacb
keeper of the feet.
That they had •mined the comety regis-
trar • return and had • full explanmuon from
the treasurer and el, D,ckmon, and were of
the opinion that $66'4 32 should be paid over
to the county ; that the matter be referred
to the oou'ty treasurer to demand" the
moose, sad recover sense of possible without
recourse to law, and that the treasurer re-
port at tee June session of comma.
That in the special act to be passed next
.mssaoo, $75,000 he deserted, and that it be
eo worded se to enable the count a to issue
their debentures payable with pnncip.l and
interest each year, or pia the interest
pearls and form • .inking lend : that the
treasurer take •11 seeps neoess•ry m 0000ec-
(ion with the passing of the said act. mod if
necessary to •dvectlme the debentures for
sale before the Joos meeting, .o that tee
0000011 will he in a position to kuow exactly
how much money to pan their by-law for
That by-law No 4 be amended by m•kiog
amounts of the House of Refuge payable
monthly, with the exseptton of contract• and
salaries, which should be quarterly. That
.11 .oco0ote be examined by keeper and in-
spector, that the mwpector e.rtify thereto
and forward to the meatysolerk, sod that
the warden thereupon issue his orders os
the treasurer for the original amount. The
origin.) accounts to be produced by the in -
specter .t the meetings of the council to be
e1anti0ed and reported oo by finest. oom-
mitt. e
Tb.t the fioanci.l statement bed been laid
before them, that It aope.red satemfastory,
and that after it bed been passed on be the
auditors, it be printed in the minutes.
A statement of stationery supplied to
county officer concluded the report.
1Or('ATIov ,'aa MITTLL
Tug.. K. SArelieta, Chairman.
Reported that the •pportioomeut of pmts
.f S. Seo' lone 5 and 9 of Turnberrv, and d
4 Porno S. Saunas Morrie and Turob.rry,
he formed into • section, the 'nape :ear
Robb, Finley Aoder.on, of Fast W•wanneb,
and Jan, Menem, of Rowtok, be arbitrators
n the meter.
That returns of receipts and expeedi-
tures of S.•fortb and l:oderiob Collegiate
Institute., that they he printed in the mu-
utes, that said tet.• in .re not se fully de
tailed as called foe by the council, as 540 -
forth .bom under head of other •xpen• e,
the sum of $937 R7, end (;dertch under
ml•oell•"'eel ..1-0' .•, 5222 86, seens which
the committee thought should have been
more (rally detsil•J That Clinton Col-
legiate nictitate lead not .est in soy stew -
mast, .soaringly blunts( the •editors for
their (sieve is the venter. That they had
examl.:id the rep,rt. et I,.neotors Robb
..d Tom, whi.'h ee-e fount (u I of ,.form.
floe ret•rdi.'g the schools, m'id .1 s: said re -
porta be print 'd In (''e mutein..
t'O •T0 Ptun•LRTT •00MITTrtL
A Ai: it, Celanese.
w)AD Aatl. RRIM:L i'ONMITr1R
I1. I'ArrOR'(i)a, Chairman.
Recommended, that the (aunty Comma
wooer's report of work done and order is-
sued be published to the minutes.
Teat an %coon be taken re the commu•i-
canoe Irom Gond Runde Amecutioo.
That the ooa0ty imam, the bridge known
as the Whisky bridge, en the b.u•dary
between Huron and L.mbtee. Reg•rdtag
the bridge koowo es F15a's Itridge. Lake
Shore roa4, Ashfield Township, the the
.oust% onmmeineer titanium said bridge
and report at Jo.. seesien.
That the tender, Sable o< Stream & Adair
for Tome's bridge bo aemnpt.d, it bele, the
That the tender, $540, of Joh• Forster,
for gyresk bridge he accepted, it being the
That the minty 00mmiseioaer examine
the abatements of tee Blyth bride*, sad
sake the nm••1•ry repair as mos as boa
i'Orwrivt crtrrlrrim.
novae, weePt00 0t111111MW
0...el1 met p0mm.est 4. .dl}emr.m.N.
M0.hesa •11 press" the word= is the
actio0 be taken l0 the mailer, se it is the
opinion ot J. T. (arrow, that oo da.mtmto
.moa can be nide between resident and
n on-resident pedlar and Meeker.. Signed,
Juane 1 • , (1i:inm.o.
S.000d report ot .pedal . " rrmiuee.
6. In regard to the motion from Messrs.
Turnbull t H•) i mod Shephard re. petaio0-
Iig Parliament to peva • law to bave •11
actions analog from accidents occurring tea
the streets sod bighw.ys'.t municipalities
to be ..t' led by • .out of arbitrate-• from
which there /hail be no spiral, we tog to
report to favor of muse, also the the law b.
so •melded as to provide that mel actions be
tried to the orient. where the • (1. o arose,
maid an the event of the act en arts s4 on the
bouud•re between two matinee, that the
action be tnd to ether.
7. In regard to the mot•ob from Mears.
Stewart and Sotbrra re. petitionlov the
Ontario Government to •mend the municip-
al law eo se to h I.emunaclp.I't!emrepresent
d at the county oou'lctl by reeves only, we
berg to reocmu.eod teat as action be 1.1..
In regard to the rime Inn% toe,
Reported that they had erat,oed the
jail, Lound tverythi0R clean mod 1n good nr•
der,and *hitt the number of prowlers .greed
with the jailor's •1.tem001.
Reoommeodd that ,tone bre•kitsg he
. 4d.d to the 1•bot of pruo.ers, that stone
be peroh••ed, end that said e1o0e be (anise
from, now side of jail le the other.
Repotted tum they had visited the Regis
try officemart finead everything satistsetory.
Tb•t they had 10*pectd the Court Hours
sad recommended that impressionists he
made under the supenntmede0os of the
meaty 01.1k. enmity ow,tueer and care-
taker, •P follows : • sew end suitable
carpet res the jodgos room and the stain
leading thereto, that the driakteg fount mod
imam basun .Ajnaa,og the mead jury room
be raised two feet,
That the present grand jury room be
transformed into • library room for the law
Association, present mate to be removed to
earetak*. a roe.. upstairs, cocoa mattes" to
be planed on the (l -.or, • long study table
supplied, honk shelving to be flied,
and so sediti, nal window to he pat is : all
improvements is the library root, to be use
de: the supervision of the oounty clerk, Hie
Honer Judie i)0yle and the county en011104
Th. cost of improvements, .xcluwv ot 014•
dow sot to imaged 5125
That the hall in front el boort room be
Th.* )•,Ing's report he prated is the min-
utes, and that the clothing asked for there-
in tie psrnhaesd
That the musty clerk's report on tasur-
•so • On county preperty is satisfactory
That the repeat of inspector of house of
refuge he printed is the minutes.
That 'he iron y engineer report at Jona
ens on, r"."1. Oast of floori.g the nisei
hall of 4 orrt Home with the •ed with
herd mond.
net they Mee great please,* ie me premiss
approval of the miner is whit& the ewe -
teem heel .leaded to hie relpotive duties,
sae he ehligieg sed seerteeus stysties te
the scone)
sem Al. ,vtwwtr110.
W. H HALL, (alarm...
R.mmmend.d teas $00 be grated le
each breach bortiealtanl..4 ngr(oalt.rai
e.abty, 516 te emeb robin library.
TINA goo be greeted a .soh riding,
4.44)1...' trttgae.
'That se ,rest he made to the Oetario
RNs A..lt.tioa
That w1111.w J Kapott, .f Teeliemenite,
he the ens.y modest at the (Uteri* Agri
salter* Omega
That the wader .4 The Oed.rish Stir he
.ee.p40/ for the ewWog
pristine et .g
tee {swell d the he s..4.re.
That 45,000. be miestsd for bcs.d- 'y
a0C4L Or RLF. V.
Sauce the lest sea•:oo ct this oouocll your
1om0,lttee hate duo-wered that the sewer
•g• sy.teel of the Houde of Refuge oils coo
. Busted Ian eoob • e,s-ger that it was found
oo exam:bacon advisable t, take op the
Your committee ere of •r.e opiutoo that
the architects •ppo nted b, •uta 1 ranch to
superintend the c'tat rue _ion of the Hoose
were 0.4kge01 to the p.riormaoce of their
duties to allowing work to he done to and
around the beaten' :o the matoer when
has been found to exist, and year committee
would recommend that it be the duly of the
preee.t house ot refuge committee 10000.4
4.4.. the conduct of the.-chitecta and con
Praetor daring the progress of the oonstruc
time ot the buildtog mod other works inci
deleted thereto, with the object of being
hatter able to report to tete roused and
with liberty Of so advt�esi to take such
legal proceedings ger beeeary.
oar committeehe contract to the
Dennis Wirt andWerke, of I.ondoo,
to erect 2 fir.-e.o•pes for the sum of me
huoared and thirty dollen. We expect the
same to be erec'ed in •.bort time.
HLA Kyr Ellent:R, Chairman,
ton : Robert Hugbee, Hamann : Jaren
W11.u.. Col email ; %%'m. Walsh, l I,ft00 :
Thai. Ferguson, Grey township.
S% Iib the tampion of Uanlel Desmond. 1�1`I A W�, Fob, :1. --- Jiy Witt this
wbe tem vet, poor health, .11 aro s;runa
mei fit for bard week. All were committed week .,1. b. tovad 70 44" "It."'" c. auntie
by Cooties 45001011. ashes esgl.tnte. of the (•tceinmee.t organ herr, the Ottawa
l'it .reo, of Saturday, or, bib:104.1y .peek -
COMING AND GOING. Ing, 11 a ill also b• fouled on the K-ioks of
Mrs. .1. K. Shannon is visiting in the Revelation, wh,cb to thio meet err the pub
city. hu wcuunts, rude .ted n4fugrail::: art orae,
H, M. Stacl.r, of Krutrs.b, was 15 town the..uneaten.od tae-ludt(ur.I.0 •e-
on Mood•%. •poi 1. Th. l' t o u sa.A : '• rhe Fln.•lne
F. .i Scott, of Brussels, was 15 l;edeneb Mlnmirt d.Lv.rw1 hiet udiOl .p.s^•h yr.ter-
on Tuesday. ,fey alter0000 mud it sou (xrt.u„y o.. lei[
Th. Deputy Sheritl bas returned from his
meters trip. .traklug and luterestiog, th',uvh t he con -
Meyer Holmes, of t'liotoe, was 15 tows dames were mare d•tti.u:t that. weal He
on Setturdsy, lad to announce 004.01 tztly with r for of
N'tlie•ttle returned home last weak Liter revenue sod • dncr
�a IncIng Int' )o, own,g to
• long tartans. decreased trade, an nee arm in the .'. '..t -
las. Perkin., of Borne, was to the county ed eapeudrr urs for next yoar and .0 ro„wale
Iowa on : nday, to the oatmeal debt
Chas. I 'arise, of Kincardine, was in (ads 1
Although 1 •m not •stud reader 1 kirk
1 told you to be prepared for Om 1 ov go,
Oat ler r.Mltaale-
rich last Saturday
E. 1'. Mulder, of Kincardine, was to (:Me-
na 00 the let ensu.
as l told ).0 moor hs ago to Iwm eat ti, the
ntloutsriel orae *-arch occurred beat mouth.
Kut beer doer, Foster s story 151,4 with the
Mtge A. Nairn is visiting relatives s-astory he told y ,u . mon, h or are a.to .hieing
friends in Detroit. his political tour when he pmtui. + :6.
Mess 1•• Hutchison te visiting in Manatobs country as a land ...stei.tmg with u. k 0d
and the Diurthweet, hooey How hard the .dmr.elon t
Jas, Stretlen, of ISrua.rls, was in the oome to him sow, *hes he ha to -... up he
cnuo•.y 1000 yeeterdmy. has been deceiving vuu. They say 4n ,..u•
Alf Seo.,rd, of p aoewrdtoe, was videceivingest confession t. 3400( .. 1 tor tilt eon, an ' WS
the old hems the past week. tim0 we must 4101 Fester credit for haring
Mr. t'. A. Sanders, of fort Calom, as • 1,111e holiest', fur he hr beau foxed to
0101110, her parents n awn. tell the truth.
l0 hie buAget eyeeeh Foster exper...d the
W. F. Ihwmtne, of Kincardine, soma is hope that the ',mit of eepen,nurr had boot
Huron's County town on eaturd.y, reached, for the wily politician matted ties
Mime Laura Acheson left for Toronto oo ballot box. I thtuk I have heard .u.:u In -
Monday to continue her muwoal studies.
of hope yes, promisee -from the
Mier Jessie Stratton a the guest of her sena quartet before and we kilo* holt well
brother, the *tenon master at St. GeOres thole uromises have been kept. 1f w. have
Sim Keating. of limy City, t• vasitto, at soy doubts, public .ccouute wi 1 vent) our
the residence of Wm Tighe, Britannia at °°•F'°'°°11'
ru•%Tlea ,nee:/Vu"
MimiUon•gh loth on Thursday on her
usual Spring visa to Detroit and other t.o.i of revenue --de5t,t - .4..re.mei trade
muss. in
seumaiedrxtxuduuu, iocreas-
1). Mor •ilkcuddy u attondiog the annual ed debt.
meeting of the Press Association to the Tb.•. eve five ,ntereet.ng admin. o. for •
queen City. • usester of nuance to make feet. •a he and
Mrs. Sanders, of Highland ('reek, u vest- his colleagues .re prr patina to ask • renewal
ing at the residence of her pectate, Mr and of your cuuideuce at the (,oil.
Mrs. J. H. Wiliam".to my lea, letter 11rew your attention to
Chea. Mame, who was to Clinton the the hirerd.,-I•oe is our exert trade during
past two weeks, raootbg Willem it ♦lien'. the poet ye .1. and • ce0settue.t •hr:.'k•ve
drug atop, returned to tomo on Saturday 10 the yurcuastog power ot the 0. u..rt.
last Naturally wader such oouditlima you
would expect to bbd the 1:overeat«ut .how -
LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. Inca dupoeit'oo to 00oaom170 to the .*pen•
drugs el a y abet h•• been turned
Hy. Marne sr. has been eery poorly the no of punahi•mone(he way of eu.1' m• teles.
pmet few weeks, Kut the evidence that ham been iarenleed
Singing is • sew study for the pupils .t by the estimates for the comma. boo. year,
the Central school.what were pr.eebted LY the minister of
Seaton McCully is tree6ned to his room finance to Parliament Ire *eek etiee in. . even attack of pneumonia creased 'witted ot reducedexysr.d.turr.
Baguio meeting of Maitland lodge No. The total rote chargeable to consolidated
3 A.F. and A.M. nett Tuesday.o ay. fund i'revenue s .0-1') .ho.' an 111cre.,0 of
There were • number of curler prscri41.3143 584, as m a.mpered with the estimates
my at the rink en Slender afternoon. "f last aerie . The "sly items 10 which •
deow a reaebo e u Is - L'vesled a Is, f100,136:
Mre. T. K Van • Arts, agriculture, e.c , $17,450 , '01.1 sub -
severe attack of wee", $13 5110 ; Northwest Go. • nmont,
$3,650 ; oollectiou of ox••tee, $4272 ; or Bee
6100 Of from railway., $4,493.
To tl.e chairman of the committee o0
House of Refuge mod industry, -
With reference to the detects in the
drainage system .t the House of Industry
and Renee. 1 beg to report that before the
December meeting of Council in Clinton I
found the one of the closets to tee hen
meet eras caused up, and at so expense of
$1.50 i had it remedied. Shortly after
wards trouble arose with the drain Irom the
bath rooms and kitchen sink : thlektog that
the difficulty might not be of any more
anginas • nature tees the first one, I began
invest gating. I some found that we were
face to face with trouble which would only
be overcome by overhealiog the whole
system. Toe nature of the troutls can beet
be understood when it is eeplaud that net
• particle of the sewerage from either of the
bath rooms, the kitchen sok ..r the hospital
eloset had ever got beyond the centime of
the build.rg. An examination of the sewer
showed that it had been moat carelessly
laid. i asked the contractor end besmeared
me flet he had sub let the contract for the
drainage tallith. Y. (:rummest, on the non
daimon that the work should conform to the
spect5eatioes sod be 'abject to the teepee-
tten and approval of the architect, sad that
the architect hal pad the work as mate -
factory. i then wrote yon, es oh.irman of
the onmmittee, and on eoe.•ltatios at wee
derided that ow1ag to the presses, seed of
improvement tide work should be Irooeedd
with •t .see The medical isetrm'or toll
Ina that we were 1110.15, • serious risk in .1
lowing the 0411104 elate of "Rain for one
day longer them obsoletely necewrv. Teat
we should oettainly have an outbreak of
typhn.d lever .r dipethera. In my orates
the sole blame fee the inseam se wbioh the
.1r•iemia was dem rests a the •n anent, if
tee faces are as stated by the co.treotor.
Wit.Liew (bars.
gpisial eemmitW reported as fellows ;
1 is regard e• the potation from the
hearty .l Carleton is regard to polling
bath. ran Legislative slesMee., we beg M
Tam tie applimeleil favbe lb. t!apaf* h /aver e••t S.
three tidies T.rmers' i..t be ramrod II 1• regard to pat Mee from Pvieswm'e
M Jarss smarm d mama Ad AssesMties ter grant .ad .ppeeyal d
*kat 11010 /..tai be gravel read had- this musty mooed ter e.rteis reforms, we
Every u
suffering from
of the lungs
l)ur sheriff, Ian it h•tending his advanced
age, still c nonuse able to truudle the
" 'tete•.
Dr. McLeoda little daughter h.• entirely
recovered from • rather .ever. stack of
The trouble with the drain. at the Home.
of Refuge eras not caused by Harper At. Lee'.
plumbine work.
Quits • large number of skaters were ne
the due •a coon ea the hockey match was
over on Manley.
Town Clerk Mitchell is still conio.d t...
her bed although reported to be on the way
te conveleeoeoce.
Dr. Nicholson, when in the Ambitious
City last week, was present .t the mo..ter
MIeo110 banquet
Don't fail to attend the R,T. of T cos
Deet in the Temperance _Hall this (Thure
day) evening lilt,
Health is kept In the tinnily by use of
fruit. 3 pounds of dried peaches for a Hoar
ter .t Geo. Price's.
The Missions Reed will give ea .10104104
ly interesttsg esteryenenent is tee ob.roe
en the maim of Friday the 21st, inst.
Common Some Ilticycles Geo. W. Thom-
son bas been •ppo►ste d local meat tor this
baneful wheel. l'al1 on him and leave
your order. lir rush on. 53 41
Mees Eva Actaeon charmed •11 by her
.rtemtic rendering of the beautiful min"Ora-
Pre•No bis,' en Friday evening at Koor
ebaroh, her olear articulation enabling her
listeners to follow and enjoy every word.
We see gI*1 to meson* the harg•i.e that
are stain to be had .t The Fair. Several
hie .re to be got rid of to mike room for
• sew stook of everything for fancy work,
etc. Hee their adverti.ement "Every Doe
leas His May.
The boot is the Cheapest. Try my Ra1rer
Syr, Crimea, Oleop4se, sod Americas
Water White Cal Oils. 1 ban also
Farmer'. Cookie( 'tore, with steel oven --
boots ties all in q.altty and price. Sold
by G. N. Davis.
' 411.[Il 1 Re►O1T.
WM. I),.•ic•to',, Jailer.
Herewith 1 .alwnit tor en.eideratne. my
report el the state e' your rail, •Ise prime
me at preset in es.teely.
Se ler as 1 know en repairs of soy hied
SIM regnired. We he•a twenty peisq•►on,
. iesteea mates sed ere female. is custody
as follows
The ie.ele is teases, her ease has bass is-
vsetlg•ted and the •-..marry papers for
warded to the authorities, so she is laser
swards, removal to the beyl.s. She is
d.strwmtive es clothier, eo that 4 .0) be
e sesewr•y a espply her with e4Nlii when
.he is removed to the asylem. To fri[si
w amble te de anything for her, se the
wooer •as 15l sets w4B show. (N the males
ass Is en1.r metes* ter Weeny. The tea -
PILL Dy TOR Tattle.
Sot look at the noc'wesed topiadtt.reitin
prnpneed to make. --On ac00aat of deb.
5250,983 ; chargee e( ,.u•oagemeot, 4 ,afro •
•,vel I:overament, 59,909; e.imtstptr•tload
justice, $3,766; lwn•ten'arles, $11,539 ;
enpsra0nu.ttuu, 537,000; .•Itt u, $372.716 ;
r.ilwsys and canals $80 540. pubo • works.
5247,270 ; ocean and river wt vin, 44,500 ;
It.tht houses, $73 640; ete•mboai impieties.
51.300 ; fisheries, 57600: geological survey,
522 000: Indians, $80 263; mounted polies.
530,000 ; *towel I•r,eou•, 54,389: o Merinos
of oustema, 1125,095 ; weights and memoir's,
$1.150 ; collection r«venule 1 .ohne works,
$4,750 and pest *Ebert depot -meat, $240,780.
These •x pond it urea ha..' no reference to
expenditure on capital mount. Dom them
mayor of economy'. Kot three estimates by
O o means cover the full amount the t;overn
meat will ask Parliament tab vote nes' see -
mon. Rye and bye. in the dying hens •1
tba 51510)0, when the membersi are all sox
tees to get away, the Minister of Emmen
will be (woad roe.►15, to his suoplemeptmy
estimates involving aha appropriation of •
few million dollars m re
way THEY vtAklrl I rP.
Nieto • The town hall narrowly e.e•ped
t.strwstien by fire ea Wedmeday afternoons.
Mr. W.h► bad put • Ire h the fetuses is
order to beat the building for • .assort
praMise, @betties of properly the hot ter
register is frost of the leek -ape The hot
air pips ben get moiety heated, settee, lire
to the miler joist. sod the weeder n that it
had not happened before, as joists are ten
sear the pipe for safety. A well dirooted
stream of water sees pet the Ore at 1t
wee hr1We that it did Mast brook est is
the sight, for moos started. the bedding
Beed set have bees saved. The plass has
elses boos made pofeetly user.
1 have it os the moat volatile •atherity
that It mu in the preparation .t thews
Ntire.%fes that the roeost lateral to the
Cabinet began. Mr Ma.•kenne 11,well had
with pride pointed to the reduction of over
• million dellen to the estimates last ses-
sion as see of the result. of hu determine
time no •'cepu0g the premiership, to Out
dow. erpeedetere. Them year he showed •
dl•pootties to still further cut them down,
but his 0011iagnes remonstrated, that
kicked. Instead of requiring les mosey
they wanted mon, and neve a the engin el
the row which resulted to the seven rOotg-
satirise from the (tables,
The minimum brought dews last Maeda,
show that Mir Mackw'. has hese overruled
by the 00.t4itetion who are only witting
Sir Chas. Topper's retarn from Cape Breton
te tares him one Ad what thee' A tor -
Mer redaction of expenditure or teass' No.
The e.reivl ot extray.ganos and cornea
tins will oesusoe with renewed forge.
(lista The 6r'et death amen, the is
Mews et she Hews. of Refuge swatted se
tl►1do..ia worming, on the demise 0l Jed.
Sadler, et Wieghem at the age of 56 yors.
He has . Mother Men as Inm•tw. The brae
then were a one time well to do canoes d
Wiltgbos, het lees their preperty,It is said,
thiewgh bsiwp Asir ewe worst asemes.
His body was Mikes to Wi gbs for is•