HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-30, Page 8S THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH, ONT.. TRUTRSDAY. JAN. 30, 1801. annensinssminumma Tali BEST . 18 THK C NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. ! !res Our OW1900'FliSpondenta- There le tarer...aMlea more nese teases be Med ♦ay wiser* Klee- %eweelO m e .sissy ae.rtaly •.peeled ter TM Maost. ASHFILLD• 1r•t.u.i, Jam 24 Mr Everett, formerly of kielvrood. hie tJJro•ed to Mr, !tower • bouee,12th maw , at the sawmill Miss E Crawford, of ti.idertoh, spent lianday at the home ot her permits, neer Sbipperdtoo. The business done on the roads in saw logging and stove wood within the last few weer. is very Tarp. There was • regular 'hoe dawn at Mc Yat! s hall ou Friday, to which • large Limo bet ot sports from l.o,lench took part . large nulotil' ot the 'pure crud was thefts also, and with Is help • wild time wes sprat LEEBUNlf. ids i Thea Blues. 19 Mods of gravel. 31.36 ekes oypeweoo. 1121! : 1 cud of weed K E Y E ft S ham, 11.50: Al/seeder Shields, taxes re headed, $2.b8. The oet•aotl thew odisersed to moss February lath of 10 e'oMsk • r. F. W. 11. 1Jut.i.lr, Clerk.' 1 ..ups Rtrtl TVw Seslr. l•uunan a TO%.•.iiIr Jan. 20. Covedd mea today twoordsag to seetate, the following sereoae made the neonseerl yualttiestiuo and deolaratito of olives, Jebn Col, res'.: Thos. Churchill, d �t) reeveW.Jas. Cassell), Jas Wilhaoi., cuurcdleca Minutes of lest meeting were read sad adopted. Moved by l'oasolly, se.,00d.d by .Johnston, that the board of health mason of .Ias..iubwtoa,ese year, t . W t!'t!t;ams, for twit ) ears, thus. Churchill. tor tiny years, John Cox, ubaarmaa : Nikon "turd`, racy sad I ir. .1. B. W hitely, m.dtwt ottio.r. Moved by t'hurchill, secoudud by .Johnston. that the shaves ot township ottiesels be as fellows, v►:.: clerk, $100: treasurer, /701 aeseaaer. ((b0 ; collector, EU . auditors, $10; and that the members ot the yinuncil board ye eft for each and every day s sitting, bed that the several uuoin:atore acuog se road commissioners shill be add id for sev ose for e as such. $4'..3each. reste for expending boundary !toe mosey, and that • bylaw be passed confirming the same, bylaw No. 1 uow read, was paved. Mo.ed b Nilltam., se000ded by Toles - .too, that T. C. Pickard receive $30 rest for use of hall by township council. Bylaw No. 2 now read was passed. t Perk was io- .troctsd to oak tenders from local papers for township printing. Moved by Connolly, seconded by t hurcnill, that the following accounte he paid : Collector, .� legal &dvils. postage and ionec d stat er), .50: Samuel Merr.11, posting treuurrr s report, 31.50 ; W. Campbell, use of post ottioe box, 11 : election ..pears., '7. i5: Star. printing, 32; H I tyke, gravel, $t : treasurer for making out report tor Bureau of industries, postage and .tatiooery, tioaooul atatemeot end tnrwsidtog the same, 3d ; Harrison s Municipal Manual, go municipal work, 357, The following othoere were appointed, T. Mc amus), assessor: I. .1 Anderson, .'1cx.t•tl, Jas. 23. You caa Ret three poised. 0t CaLfuruie dined ,peaches for a quarter ar Geo. Price e. Wm. Gordon,bar at Purt Albart,was is Lisburn last atvrday collecting tor the Bible society. Next Mundt) it n possible that a lady mi.- slanary, Mise ?welsh,. borocently returned from ludo. may take part in the church service. Rev. Mr Hamilton is somewhat better, and was able to teach hew Bible class on Sunday, mad the rev. gent \'miss • brother, who reoeatiy recused from Winnipeg, con ducted Divine service. DUNLOP. Ti r-i•it, alae, 28. pounds of good Aspen tea for one duller at (.so. I'nc.. Wes F. Allem is on .i few weeks visit to friend• to -Fuckenon; h. 1 transient vu •on I%•' wet were Ar'.htr Mimeo. of 8•u.•.-tield, sod Miami Black and Luby, ut i•odertcn DUNGANNON. Neatest.- The local agency to Dungannon for Tun fines A . u at tho office of J. G. Ward J .P.• 000veyaooer, tis.. who will receive or dors tor ione ng and on work. and 4. authorized ed totgive ii receipts for • mounts paid for the same Trl: t•.t). .Iso. 2 . Ivey. Mr. Edmunds u holding • revival meeting. pounds of tloger swops for 2.1 cents at Geo. Pnc'.•s. On Saturday, Miss `•ndby s.nousl) tn• jured • knee while skating Communion will be dispensed in the l'reebtorten church next sabbath. sleighing is gc:d and farmers are getting out woo.) and sawlogs •ince the elections. Mrs. Treleaven bas been suffering from an attack of paralyse, but is now on the mend. A number of fernier. are already bud iog feed for their cattle, on account of the short crop the past season. Mine host of the "Prince of Wales, A. Black. who had been to poor health for some time past died on Mlooda). t.. Ward, the esteemed correspondent of Tot. Si'." it IS still very low, his attack of intlamation of the lenge being • seven one. Let ue hope before long he will be around. The council of West Wawanosh met ac cording to statute. l'reesot. Reeve Lock- hart, Deputy reeve Medd, and councillors Cameron, lfcilatllsn and %1 .biter. After makug decl•ratioss and qualifying accord- ing to law, the council appointed William Mc rostie, clerk, J. U. Ward, treas. !\-alter Wilson, reserseTkir 189b. CARLOW. MottDAT. J. 20. 1000 pounds of first-class butter amid 500 doreo fresh ewes wasted at (:.e. \'rice's, }Harr) and Miss Clara Teweley are spending • few days in the village ot l;orrie. Rev, .1. Hamilton, of l.00deeboro, oc- cupied the pulpit of the t're.b, tenon church on "abhath teat. Alex. Johanna and his sister, -lulls, ot Amberlei ars vatting at their grandfather • Alex N' ming. The reeve and depot:. reeve ot the town- ship of Colborne leave ou Tue•dsy for We county town to attend the session of county council. .collector . T. V. . ).inn and J R Holme., auditors. The various psthmasters, tenets viewers and pound keepers were ai pulsted. The council then adjourned to moot on the eecood Monday to Fe NI us Snaps,Clerk. THE M• CORD CASK. s ■a. Derive rr u..ared ate 1■ ear ble t stead. v 1 wrevi en sus by•aseedd end Melee, 1111•. Fir ii,t•..;•..lan. 2i, ,Special -The talk of farmers and others in town is moral) about the a.tourining cure of Mr. 'McCord, a fernier near here. Hu presence made as .urance !visible. and he said "Atter iia doctors prosouoix 1 my trouble Uubetes no one thought recover) possible 1 was parti- ally IBNR PRINTED MOLLETTON CIOTII.. STILL BARGAINS. A FEW LADIES CLOTH COATS LESS THAN WHOLZ- BALE PRICES. 1 Ladies' Greenland dial Cape, $27.50 for $10.00 1 Ladies' Baltic Seal Cape, .. , . 15.00 for 11 00 4 Men's Wombat Fur Coate... 16.00 for 11.00 q Men's Wombat Fur (bats... 13.00 for 10.00 4 bets Storm (share and Muds at cost prioe. 1 Masi Fur Cap $12.00 for $:f 00 1 Ladies' Fur Cap '2.75 for 2.00 The above goods are groat bargains, and must be cleared out thus month. WHEN placing our order for Spring Dress Goods with J. & W. Campbell & Co., of Glasgow, we ordered seven pieces of Printed Molieton to be shipped out at once, These goods have now arrived and are in stock at 15c. a yard. We have them in Black and Red, also in Black and White fancy Checks, suitable for Ladies' Wrapps or Waists and Children's Dresses. Perfectly fast in Color. Inspection of this new line of goods is in- vited. sad emu heeena. ft ter the biggest bicyclist in the world lives in Bloomington, Ill. He is Leonard H. Bliss, popul•rly known as "Fishy Bliss, and he weighs W2 pounds We have had skeleton, bicyclists, ilf/M% Incyolists. blind himelists and even • bicyclist who wee able to ride hi* wheel without lees sad only one arni, hut m.o. echo ie calculated to make such • weighty impression on the cyo hog world as "Riti: Blois It is said that "ran% only vieighed 47,.. pounds when he riding Wet spring. Now he weighs ,pounds and evea makes IMMO preten- tious as racer, and has sotually beaten ail comers in hta class by scorching a quarter of a mile in one minute and seven seconds. This was on the Williams track, Galesburg. III At this rate he would have covered the mile in four minutes and twenty eight sec- onds He thinks he may do it yet and is waiting for a real cold day to try at. Mr. Bliss tweini two years of age. Strange to say, it was au alarming decrease hts weight which rowed him to take to Inc% cis rid•og. Lest .tanuery he was losing several pounds a week. He leaned gallop. tog consumption, and • physician recom- mended ',racier air and • change of climate. To leave Illinois was impossible. eo he tooi. to the wheel til se is a conapictious tigure at the race meets, which he regularly attesids. He is alniost as great an attraction as the race meet itself His wheel, of course, was The many friends of T. Campbell will be made especially for him. It weighs thirty alibi to learn that he us improvtag. Also six prmads and is stronger probably than John 4 •Ohaiter and family. who were all wok an% wheel ever hoilt. He learned to mount with la grippe, are all *lowly recovering. and to ride without the aid of en instruct • or. This in 'wolf was • great feat. He is AUBURN- now. as one of hie friends maid, "a shining M,04011, •lan. 27. exemplification of what • noble specimen of tiles Maggie Holvrig spent :-.unday at humanit% righteous li•ing and proper ex• Auburn. ere's* on bicycle may produce. ' Miss 1, 11. Wilsoo peid • dying visit to friends •t Helens one day last week. Krussels Merida% evesiog ot this week D. Bower and Mies M irchard, prue- reacken an obi and well-known resident ot lev. are valttl,Pfl '• ".111"16.11 at prallen_..„- le: and Mies Fannie, second daughter "." 1'4 4"..r• tAgea tm. be r!Pr,. °•:":".? of I ohn Gardiner, of Blutevale. were united Anburn 1"."" ev"ing' r eh' '• to the holy estate of rnatrimooy at the reel - gay time la expected. deuce of the brides parente, be ReT• W. H. MM. It Wilson. who is attending the 4 .01 Moss legiste Institut*, I linton, spent Suaday un- Mcliollop Though we sometimee hear of der the parentat roof. the death of a centenarian, it te rarely such The local I OA: T. paid the Itiyth lodge I occurs in our miiiit. There peened through R flying visit one night last week and report Seaforth Egmondville covey/miry on Thum having hid a good time .11•R lent 4110 funeral ot the late f!athertae 1 he rain of Thursday did not improve the Campbyll who was horn in 179.2.6nd who bad sleighing, and the pathmasters are busy thus reached the great are of UM. looking after the pitch holm week wax • grand 111110001111, OA II great assay s opERL Roils/ good points were discussed for the benefit of the farmer The pacitor of the Methodist church has the revival niontiag in tull swing. sad no T doubt mueh pied will be dose lti the suer l GODERica gene pastor. .l THE S FORTY -F Our Carpet scock is, as usual, the largest in the County, consisting of BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIES, 3 PLY ALL WOOL, 2 PLY ALL WOOL, UNIONS, HEMPS, and the new make of AXMINSTERS. It is scarcely necessary to say that our prices are rock i.ottom oti these goods Our Lace Curtain stock is large for this Season of the year Between 200 and 300 sets to chaise from, and:l:iU sets of new stick expected daily. CHENILLE CURTAINS. MATS, RUGS, ART SQUARES RUG FRINGE and TABLE COVERS in great variety. COI BORNE BROS. J. T. ACHESON. Tli' l; rent !carpet :utd lace Burtain Warehouse of the County. . - Holiday Fruits . • Our stock is now complete in all departments especially in Watches. C .A. HUMBER SON have eftia 11 past records far behind, and this year show one of the greatest selections of SUITABLE GIFTS FOR THE X -MAS TRAD Don t miss it 1896 Wishing our Customers and the General We begin the year with a full supply of The Farmers' Institute held here het 200 MUNICIPAL COUNCILS- CHORAL SOCIETY 1 Tee new onellMel eltst Is the township Mal Masi" Present. the reeve, deputy rosy.. Zik Sligeem I lore Hill, dohs. sod Totter All misted their declaration., end of °Moe rm. minutes of last Sage read and signed Moved ny Tedeer. esomided h) Wm Hili, and eorrimi, &bet Flab!, Williams be auditor The reeve appointed AlexanAer Rob rise% e a by A. A. Trigg that all the eirt seek& be tesereemeg. Carried The missed RIR A 11 CUFF. A fine assortment of new Friits for the holiday season has just been received. Everything New and Fresh and of best brand. Fa/114 Groceries a Specialty. ST. GEORGE PRICE, Illversmon -ma. watts A 160%. COIL WiteT *T *AD MICA= §pecial, at Munro's. Honey Comb Shawls, Scotch Plaid Shoulder Shawls, Doub!e Single Long Shawls in Black and Colors. Fine Cashmere Plain and Fancy Ribbed, from Infants to Ladies size. Boys and Girls Heavy makes, warm and durable. Ladies' and Children's Underwear in all the leading makes. Men's and Boys' Shirts and Drawers from 20 to 44 inches. Just to hand, full lines of Men's Merino and Heavy Socks. New shades in Cheap Silks tor Fancy Work. Pure Silk Hamikerchiefs from 5c. to $1.2;',. Draper and Haberdasher. SEE 01.1: AND 300 PAGE FOR 5 CENTS. Exercise Books, N ote Books FOR 5c. AND 10c. Leather SAtool. Bags Direct from makers Extra, Rubber End Lead. Pencils GODERICH HARMONY ORCHESTRA Coterie'. MOOS NEW FLOUR ad FEED GROCIRi STORE If you want the best that is going in Flour and Feed and Groceries, at the best rates for your pocket, call at my store on the Square, near Colborne Street. Tbe goods are of the best and the prices are right. CHAS. KNIGHTS. 3 FOR 5 CENTS. Best 5c. bottle sold. New Tinted 14ote Papers, Stationery, Blank Books, Extra value to hand. See them. Albums, Silverwafe, Dressing Cases at cost. Window Shaaes, cloth MS eillsiell wale WM.* Pli."" Pri."*.11 Admission- illic . Reserved Hakes, 31$0 Ildo miwairi Weeld, $6 . sone* e r • rviAs.1 at Porter's Book Store. 50c. TO $1.50. Next door to JAS. ROBINSON'S Dry Deeds 8sere. Seel satinlisstleit Is the thing above all veinal& mod is "Made the rebols of all. Illeay &Mrs wealth. sad may peer they Mires ler keesrlsdee. mid rearm oriespars sleety lessweet. Bet the seal that hampers and shims arbor righteesssimmafeer a Mear- s, kith, e brighter bops, a baker jery, a Clearing Sale Dry Goocis &twiner reversers. shall in ilge line steels to the height of fell Ionia isiiiisties mord to these this. "I shall be eatuded steekesisa news is amain. fez all seals that heavy and theist after rittesinesesa, for (14e1 . 'They shall be II led. ' , is animenia-wister, sal dried by standing it I ea de brill= is the fen! FOE 30 DAYS Farmers produce taken in exchange. the CASH STORE, oor. hlestreal street and Sonars. C.R.SHANE&CO REMEMBER --- Choice Groceries provisions Fruits etc. MCLEAN'S BLOCK.. Full Line of Seasonable Goods. C.A. Nairn's Family Grocery. Ladies' Fur Capes a specialty. IlUtioN COI Report ot tht Novi, bow Girt 14 IC costae:11 %house • of Tan • The folio**, terred la the east. College; Outara asking lc. • grail Huron resetterre' Goderieh sail Seat Kent r• re -1.0160i The rep ert of Yocum, Ill, is. Rihin •51. Morriasu. ,n (louse, Paors MOIL I r, SPlICIAL Woe. Soar 00M1010',111 IR us n umber of miconut A petit ma Doi w▪ as seer to eduosi The felloeviag tarred in eorimim Sober I inspectors tree le,. The (closing Meow. Bawd. of Meafortli, were examiners for itch, w ad W audit. library was mint t, 001111111“•• That Meet to pmesd I for asd h•e`ler. ye be which t -hall auditor liy Oa op by the warden The follYwiug road and nridge bridge, lake row • county bridge, Whisky. v bridge. Harm, and Ler o▪ f Ely • h bridge. to abut rremte dor A mottoes to SO oxhihitioss darns five oommittes. Council then at] Cutting Prices -not cutting our none off to spite our face -nowadays is what we are doing, to make room for the large stock of Spring Goods that will soon be to bent]. Although the prices in Suits anti Overcoats will be shattered, the same high levels of Quality and Workmanship will be maintained. As usual at thin season of the year, we are offering our entire stock of Trousers to order foe S850 and S4.00 PRIDHAM THE TAILOL farmed removal from C:iatus Coil as • inspeetor of H ▪ bow's of e truoted to have oessliti.me of the S leet i eel r repair mit, wader the engineer, if deem The following the executive mead sum ef 113,I Farmers Imitate ie grasellial read to lib. Rol A mottos was be nmenhers _of vegan to be rural the seunicipalh The elork was reeve and depot statutes : the II fieszrocreed at y's semi se settled that M leek after tbc maned wren. maul 10 &Sleek TILITial Ostenell oat