HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-30, Page 711 lily iiry ilea. ;• Fs. THE SIGNAL : OUDIRICH. ONT., THURSDAY JAN. '23 196. 5 self-help You are weak, '• run-down," health is frail,strength gone Doctors cull your case an- aemia -there is a fat -fam- ine in your blood. Scott's Emulsion of cod -liver" ---77, , liypophosphites, is the best food -means of getting your strength back -your doctor will tell you that. He knows also that when the digestion is weak it is better to break up cod-liver oil out of the body than to burden your tired digestion with it. Scott's Emulsion does that. /seer i tetwss. gell.d1s. Os . tot. end es es LIFE'S GREAT LOTTERY. Some Very Odd Marlat[ets. ■aerlmalal sentare. .f Daisy reveller Wails lkat angled Nesters se Title. • Ratter .0 Irsdraa. tiogni bed dipbmatlsle is the serves xi Quota Vioteri•, r dgaoendsd Mem • .task wke worked his way up. Men TEs acTLInanitir el ase el alas Meths u Leedom le the post el Omerneeohlp et Madras, wed it was ter hie sewham bs the taus, impunity that be wee tweeted • hereset, the dignity mow bora. by Sir Hermes- Then there is the Marquise Hervey d• 8 shat- Denis, one of the leaders ad Partes ssoi ty .ad an isum•u friend d the Censure de Paris, who is the daughter el 0. &whoa /teem mow* Ward, +teem= srwaaag e• • ..able boy , coded by b.omeseg the Primo Minister of the Duke of Parma. Prince Henry of B&tWnburg s .hater-& law, the sow widowed Prisons Al.xavod.r 01 Hattemburg and Countess of Harteo.u, a the Issas of • union between the valet esti the cook of old Field Marshall Coast Mer Us$ TM entire primely house of Murat u deseeaded from Kiera Joachim of Naples who began hie es • cable boo, while the first Prison Kutusoll, the 1 tdkwr of the powerful Russian family aokieved bus greatocss by the skill which be displayed as valet and barber to Coat Paul. The Dukes of M•rlborou/h arc descended from • eb&mb.rmatd,while the first 1 tucbees of Maolbsrough lived to • mei who had hemp is her serum bloom ate • Secretary of St ate •td • Peetmm ilard; amid. OLD Sir Henry Parkes, who. at thi- eve heeve of 81, has just married • 20 -Seer -old chambermaid of hu own household, is by no means the first titled Englishman to week a asatrimootal alliance is the 'eremite hell. A. a rule. the bridegrooms in such oases have been of • lows mature age than Sir Henry, who is the meet dutingum.bed of .11 Australasia statesmen, and has repeatedly bold the lobos ot Prune Minister of New South Wales. Among the most not• able cues. are those of Sir David Evans, who was knighted during his term of Ake of Lord Mayor of London and whom wife wee • e►ambermaid •t the Seven Oak. Hotel in Kent, where he wag in the habit of staying when on his fishing excursions. Sir Henry Hawkins, the eminent Esglisb lades ae the Supreme Court, married hie house- maid. while the second wile of tie, late lewd Bramwell had previously tilled the *Moe of cook in his e.IaHishmeot. 1 be late Earl Stamford m•rrted hu general ser- vant, • Negress. FMiM Tea e.esll WAR*, Nor were each marriage• as thee@ oonfin• d to the English aristocracy. The Dowa- ger Duchess of Itocbeton0sald,motber of the head of that illustrous home, was • lanod. reeve, while the Dowager Countess' of Wold stein. whore@ son, now deed, married Prtr tees yetter,ich's daughter Passim* had bees • ob•mbermead to her haahn.d s house bold. Count Eugene K[nsky married hie laund- ress, and old Count Octave Kinsky, whose Meth at the age of 82 had into taken place, illigristed his relatives by waddle* • wholly tisadao.ted .nd exceedingly objectioo•ble woman who had filled the position of scul- lery maid in his kitchen. After marrying hint .be made herself @o abhorrent to the people of the district, eepeeielly the mama. try, that on two noo.eions she was shot at. The Count himself was placed under legal roetr•tat • couple of years ago by his rola time to prevent him from dissipating hie vast estates and rtuaing hu property in order to satisfy the greed of his plebeian born trite. Dont worry. Dost run to debt. Dent trifle with your health. 1)ob•t art expert ante with mdioin s. Dos t wadies time and money on worthless compounds. Don't be persuaded te take a substitute for Ayer's Sersop•rtlle. 1t a the best of blood peri - tin. • Menne et /ttibb. • I have bstore me • letter from • Parisian friend, • gentleman of some literary son in his own wintry, who 'storms me that be is learning English by the aid of • small text- book and • diouooary, without soy other instructor : and he adds : '• la smell time 1 learn so many English es 1 Utak 1 will oom* to the Amend. and go on the scaffold to lecture."- -Methodist Herald. THE WELL BRED WOMAN Does not snub people, Does not weer attains garments. Does not issue commands except as .tneeu. Does Dot hum or beat time to music with her foot. Does not address ac% but intimates by their tint Dentes. Does not &Iloer her hat to obstruct the view of the stage. Does not tail to distinguish between tin pertioeDoe and writ.- World. 1 EACH THE. CHILDREN. That teasing as • positive crime. Dr. ('althrop has • rtriki.g personality. That they must est bread before oak,. To the .ye he is • most pictureatoe figure. That bed time is not • "movable hour. Ra heed end face. framed in luxuriant That the musts k respectfully to the j ma of ,•:ky, .now•white heir red beard, 1 Fr PeC I &re of the re - A BROAD MINDED DIVINE. DOES NOT HESITATE TO SPEAK TOR THE GOOD HIS WORDS WILL 1)U. • UVNOL•SLT easeruAe AIV eWv au rea- les-veto a.usv/ !R PRAISING Tat sung As WCLL An TE1 Elttp. The twenty ninth day of April is • ast•bas day a the butury of the May Memorial church a Myracu,e, •s it u the anniversary of the [.relation of the Rev. Mama R. C•Iihrup, U. D. , the eminent dive who ga leas 14.. manuteredauu them spiritually •s pastor of the uhuroh. Dr. ('altbrop was born an k.glrtad red reuayed nes preper•tery .cbulaSuc teeming e t St, reels newel, Lunde.. Eateries l'rinit v College, Pembridge, be woo became • origin tidier. a that oruliant coterie et e obolere, literary mei and wit. that fol lowed in the traditions of Macaulay and ba .restates •t the 1 utyentt N. 10 tate middle al the *awry he visited Syracuse and re envied hu first tat premiu ms of the yo00g city that nearly • soot* of years laws. be +se to ..hoose es his home and in which his labors have bees s . long and effective. T't e poop....ldrediw of Dr. t'&lthrup have bee their fundament&Is drawn from the deepest research. H1e people have trees instructed by him, not only in things spir- itual, but is the sletnents ut the broadest culture, in literature, in art end m mimes. His young men bays been 'sught• mos:ulem ..stem of morality. 10 these and an moo) otter ways has he a*de&red himself to hu uongrevtloa, which is one of the most hrgnl' cultured red wealthy in the city. RR\. I,a. •I.THRor, -VRA, .P., PACIFIC CABI F COMMISSION. Bee. B.srau i11tbe sad M► Sant •aeseal appease* me We ts.leewtee fres Sydney, N.B.W , Jsi. 19. -At a con- i -tent' of the Postmasters -Greens' •0 the Australian n,lenlrs, Hon. Duncan ((1111.s and Sir Saul Nsmuel, Agents - General In London of VMtorta and New South Wale. reeptctively, were appointed Australian delegates on tate Pacific Cattle Cum►nleSk.u. The con- ference adopted a resolution declaring that (treat Britain. Australia and Canada should each pay one-third ur the coot of the cable; that the landing Pierre should „Sly be ion British ter- ritory. and that On route tr„m FUI should be to Norfolk Island, from which plates th. llnr dboukl extend to North Island, N. w Zealand and More- ton Hay on the .ttlgt coast or Aus- tralia. /Mar P1uW rs1XDsf'kL.I. type of invent and Loogfellow, servants. Although over seventy years of age has That bawling over bruises Ir unworthy rather soare figure is firm and erect, and sturdy beings, every- movement is active and graceful. His 'that they should not appeal from the de whole life lone he has been an ardent ad- etuoo of one parent to the other. miter and promoter ot &thistle .porta, and That punishment follows ,D the wake ot even at hie adv.noed age, plays tennis with prevarication and of hiding more swiftly all the vigor and .kill of • young v assn. 11 then It follows active mischief. Syracusae.. perhaps, That it a in bed taste for them to tell all I le moo is most widely known, apart teem his profession, as a eoteetiet. On • bright April morning • reporter fol- lowed the winding driveway that. curving &round the bill, leads to l'elthrop Lodge, an old fashioned red brick mansion, surround- ed by • genre. nf ens and chestnuts. Wear- ing • blkok skull cap and a black coat of semi -clerical cat, the master of C&lthr,p Lodge vraoiously received the reporter whoi called to esquire about his health, for, thouab maotully repressing all possible evi- dence of his uufferino, Dr. l'•Ithrop for many years had been the victim of a dis- tressing affliction. until by fortunate chance he was led to take the remedy which has effectually cured him. During mors than half his pastorate in Syracuse. 1)r. (•althrop has bow troubled with rheumatism, and at interval@ he suf- fered excruciating agony from it. At times the pain wee es great mato prevent him from walking. Many remedies were tried with- out success &ad he and his friends had given up hope of a permanent caro or of mors than temporary relief whim he took the pre- paration that drove the Amon completely from his system. In a letter written to the editor of The Evening News, of Syrs^ues, last year, I)r. Cahbeop told of his sin ictten and its ours. Thu le Dr. C&Ithrop ei letter •- To the editor ot The Emitting Nowa - 1)ear Sir : More than 3S years .go I wrenched my ksee, throwing it almost from its socket. Great swelling followed, and the ay novae! juice kept leaking from the joint. This mde me lame for years, and from time to time the weak knee would give oat entirely and tbe swelling would commence. This was always 000&sioned by sours strain file • sodden stop. The knee gradually re- covered, but always worn weaker than aha other. About 15 years .Po the swelling reoom mesosd, this time without any wrench at •11, and before long I realized that this was rheumatism setthni in the weakest part of the body Th• trouble came .o otteo that I was obliged to carry an opiate in my peck et everywhere I west. I had generally a packet in my waistcoat pocket, bot in going to • 000frsaoe at Buffalo, 1 forgot it, and .s my tar was damp and cold. before I got es Buffalo, my Moes was swollen to twios ito intend size. I had even the good effect. that Pink Pills were having in meh came, ad I tried them t amed with the result that i have never had • twines or a swelling rimae. This was ef- fected by mesa or eight 14..... i seed not say that 1 ant thankful for my recovered ind.pendeses, bet 1 will add that my} keel in far errseeer Mian u it hbeen for 36i took owe pill .t my .twan three times • day gladly give yon this statement. Yes... S. R. ('A I.Tettnr. Stanw wriMeg this lobar ]k. O.Ithrop has not W any visile from has old 0•«.y and is uvea mss medial mew is his reemerged .pen of Dr. Williams' Tisk Pills thee he war then- To the reporter he said : " I ant .eetiaa•Ity nmmmsndieg Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to agegristeeges and these 1 abeam to meet whit are Wadded with does.. ti.m or l0005000r ataxia. ' halt Pill.." rsetiosed Dr. Calibre,. " are the best thing of the hied i knew of They am ialeitely superior te mast mdfe Mom that an pet .p for gala I keetr �r,-y-��� well wsmt the pills metals mid f. M..raeor it se *realest prssorw ipi. welt a one se I mirk1 get from sly assent bet be wail est sive it in seek • eemp--t farm end s ..‚.5 lee take. "1 regennsied the pills Mealy le •11 who are trading with .bei +ahem. lessmsur ataxia sr my istprov mos• of Me MM.ad. -._}!Anew your subscription to Tai SteBAL for 1116, that they learn of the n.tgbbors domeatic arrangement* through playing with the netghbor. children. Mew /t worked. When the landlord had settled himself comfortable and got hie cigar well started he looked at. the newspaper man and re marked • "I don on why you don t take more i0• serest is the •ff&irs of thu suburb.' " Nothing in it, replied the newspaper .SUM1. ^r RANI:. '-et another nobleman who married bus servant is Prince t;regnry Stnurdra,th.Iton- M.n1•a rimers'. senator and statesman. There are two iDItanuee of women occupy mental positions wedding royalty, on being Ro.in••the morgas•tio wife of the late King Victor Emm.nuel of Italy , who wag a chambermaid et the ins where .he attract - .d hie *meet Ion. The other was that of the consort of Peter the Crest, who was elevat- ed to the dignity ot Empress of Rosso, and from whom i• deeoe0ded the present occup- ant of the throne. Mill more numerous are the instances of women of rank .eekier mates in the Itjtchen or gable. Pioosee Adolph ('hinny was mar vied to her English butler who rejoiced in the name of Johan before .he purchased fee him the Italian title of count, and the Doke of Fife's .liter. lady Id. Hope, first eloped with, and than married her groom. I'rinow i{liz.beth HoMalohe married one of her hither•s assistant gamekeepers just • few weeks before raring Birt te • child of which In was the father. Besides these Here are • good many tem - lies of rank who are descended from eery - ants. !lir Horses Rambldd. 1 r - British mass am evey at The gemmond mai. '• Oh. yes, there is, protested the land- lord. " Pander I think tt would be • mat- ter of pride witb . ole " Pride is loerpeosive," interjected the ne emp•per man. ,. 1 dost believe 1 quite fellow you, •• Well, last year I was so proud of this place that my pride lust bubbled over. Ves,I remember yon were quite enthus- iastic. I stopped people in the street to tell them about the beauties of the suburb in which I hued. t eves wrote an article or two &bout it. I resell them. benefit, too. ' "They were' " Indeed they were. They did • lot ot v.. I rather thought they dad. " Why ,• K.o..se they impressed you to such an extent that you raised the rent for my hones. That's why I think there is such • thing .0 being too esthuei•gtic and public 'ptrised. I'm not do(.g any toying this year." Chicago Evening Poe:. FOREIGN NOTES. They were of Imm(IYO 1T PUT NEW LIFE IN ME. " ALL I DID WAS JUST TO MOP* AROUND* " ROUND- •• SCOTT'S SARSAPARILLA CURED MM. " The chilly weather of late fall and early winter Ands them unprepared to stand the change and hence they tmt- ter. This fact fs plainly proved by the fallowing opinions el some who speak Oren practical elperielnee : "1 1.11 like a Irian that cou ld ASN-ycaga a mppround, had twinges of 1111MScnlar pains, couldn't eat and 't sleep All I did was to mope MOW and make all is the home as as myself. t lite in me braced am up sky, and since its Ess pain Y a to me. Alex Grant, Teroute. ilirrrMcGraw, • minis; prospector, Tilting ss from Minden : Express- three tsliys Seett', Sarsaparilla here before �+a Have bees s to hAirsdas t os �ax�Ts. St Sernapa la b eagidl enr1Me ever eg5•lled Scott's 1j utpp the ss�yestt��wtt�Rmi�� the Yogi be hhoelti el drwla- e d tertgesatiag the belly. wweaknits asse �~agbattsf Oa this segoint so ettleatioe ral draggle* $11 per Oliver Itesw•. (t bs tires. fora- -caro. --formainisainse w TW M f•suL• toady lbw Teres 11•110111 UMW [sass -rash lehasso New York• Jan. I,. -C. Marnm-Fra- so who arrived In New York ) • sterday by the steamer 1'!..1:rdelphle. from t e- nesuela, wh••re h represented (ar.`e eontrinueial lute, -t., was Interviewed to-dny. Mr. Marx.-n•Fr., stated that the !starts publlsb..1 n 1Jiv nrwr1Ntpers here as t(1 111e ". .tke spirit and ex- citement in V.•t. • Uel/ were grossly exaggerated. 11. :...d been tratelltnlf for the last two, • -tithe over .1 lance portion of Vetere t and was Impres- sed rvcrywhete th the 5t .-nee of anything like bra To and the feeling Prevalent emonc \ ersu.-lane that the pending yu.•rt..n.- •.uld ultimately be retitled without ' Nob.nly In Ve- nezuela ..sure h • - (leve ht war and there Is no Well:. • .;i on tho part of th.• authoritie•w or ..i tis.- fart of the people to prrlpc...•- an iesu.• The country is Premise: • is an,. bi:-nies, Is progrrs,llig In ite nal distant with - ...et any dleturtlin The p...ple of \' . euela are entirely •atlsBed with th, e.rospe.•ts ..t art 1- tratt..n and h..th 11c'al an.1 un.•tti- eial circles there c determination to abide 1: It, but t . air at 101.• sante time determined that they shall not be despoil -it 1 )' fore.•. Mr Mai•xem-Vrie-. in conclusion *aid that nothing taut p rubes xe:gr.•slOn en the part of Englund could bring about war. TOIL set 11%11 5480 al1INT. M'b1 Mf she OMIT mese Thal Ms f•iiNlar tiled V teeeatsent. hew York• Jan. 19. -Thr Herald's Lit.don cable ,a)r: AB the vear1R of the Flying Squadron are now assembled at Spi[head, %hence. 1t is runier-d, they will start on Tuesday muru.ug I burn from an unaelal ii..U1cc. that the stateei nt of lt,t destlt.atlun brant; 1.'enauela is un- fot.n.led, and as pi •f thea••'( the fact is instanced that ••.• .1 vessels of the Flying Squadron. the Royal Saver- . din and the Ituyal oak, draw over 1:3 t..•t of water tech. end thus could nut approach Georg. -r •e n harbor. Gibral- tar will probably 1.•/the-etirst station of the Squadron. The fact that nilt::tly In the London music halls the di -play of French or Af,erican colors or ur:rfurn[s has fetch - rounds of apptaes.•. while the Ger- n.ar dag has been hissed• is much dI* cussed :1: polltleel an'te's. It 1s said 'bat stantilang by is. lee If. this would not 14. of mueh stgnih, ..:• e•, but It coin - cider, with the sir :a; and -berm:.❑ he ling right threuee the county) --a !.Jing the inteneie. of which has not teen alent_-stet !n aur get -.radon. It is now an ul• • seer• t that ten da)s ago_ the titu.,'.•.n was held in reepuneible quarters : . pint to Imme- diate war with be: many. for what rendered the p. -!:inti except lonallKe perilous wee that a hlle the popular excitement was dally Increasing the /Foreign office could not Imitate the action orf the chamberlain, re the Transvaal. and public communications pat•.ing between the 1;••rman Ambassa- dor and Lord Salisbury. and between the (jueen and the Emperor. Although the acute state of the erena Is conedder•ed past. it is held by people fa r'*pomeible paltienn seho bate been cor-Putted that a lasting sore feeling teres. -en England and Germany will be th.• inevitable result the recent com- lications, and that this will. owner or Iter. lead to a chane:. In the grouping n: the European p05.•15. 1 I••arn from a go.t 1.0010e that as hoar as Queen Victoria llv.•s Rhe will dao her lust to prevent a rupture with Germany. But should she die the ad- ditiona: element of commercial rivalry which exists betw.-•"r two t..untrtee. and which 1s resented to Germane tn•rhepe more than In England. would m,eterially le -tem -are the chance.' of a ,erieus estrangem,'nt. 5eessie• r.l iel • SHk S TWt' MIN'S WIFE• Money .I been. (;.ores M. flu Hearer u 'needs settee b new T.rh nes .leas'. has rv/r.'• /a ape•• to tors e) "Toles He bee arena fit York rod Piero a bat aline •' 50 worry s1 ti. book 6.":„...1h.01 .4 ala. herorM ibat New York See : William H. N Ala ►.s cede horn faiuue. .w a 00.11,01, tial be In ale • report Is the Septets. 1 hurt In lav sever epees,. el w0, wJ ob}dw W or of Ur. Freak G. Blum of 2114 West fort.- ell referees Y it, third street is bus action to &maul hie mar rules ILO Sara C. Pr/w. fhe referee hold. tyt • divorce which the ddeadeet obtained against her former husband. Wel- ter H. Prove, ap ('uler040 W&s out regular. and that in tins Mate she te 8.111 the wile of Enos. 314. married Price, whom mother is the proprietress of the i'embert s Haus. In Hostas, on July 1Stb, 111411,. Throw Veers later .hp wont to l olor•du Le get • divorce from Peace, and on Nov 24, I890, she ob- tained • does. of absolute divorce In (lent County, (%ol. Rhos carr her furtive yeas before ►le +•mugs 10 her. sad for • Tear .nes half before tbie marriage, which took piece oa Jul. 27, 1891. she was h1- house reaper .t 229 Lexington •venue. elutes errs married to b.e by bus father. the Rev 11 (:. Blies of Cambridge. The defendant &d mitred un the stand that 1'nce 1.ytill Itvill 1k. Klan sad be thought she was invoiced from Priv when he married her It appeared that the summons in the Colorado suit was nut served up uu Prim. nor did M appear in that actin. The ref- er0, finds that in this State she w&• the wife of rete when .he esu meerted to Blinn. la Colorado .he is the wife of Khoo. He re she is the wife of litre. Tb. gise/sar Light. 1. s m atter of small importance con, pared with other eppliattons of electricity. By this agency Poisons Nervihoe u mode 0 penetrate to tha mast remote nerve--evei bone, muscle and tegument is :moor w feel its beaettclent power. Norville.. pleasant to take, even by the youngest child, ,yet so powerfully far reaching to its work, th.t the moat seonizing internal pain yields ere 11 by magic. Neryiline relieves neuralgia tn• scantly and ,tor the speedy cure of mere pame of everi deecrtptton 11 has no e.ival. Sold everywhere. Coostastinople hes just bad • mow storm heavy eaoogh to prevent trains trim leav- ing the city and to rtupeod navigation at the port. Lemons se Jears•lam, on legislation re l.ting to the pre.s,•ed es industrial'oriels- lotion am YAM. the courses of the Catholic University at Lille. M H. R•adry mad iieueunin ('oesMet are prepsriag the piing for the .segue that is to be .rested i. Paris. It will probably stand on the Qua d'l rs•y.eser the Chamber .f Deputies. Paris is to have & new Hippodrome to re. piece the nee tarn down on the Armee d Alma. It will be in the oeatre of Pari., between the Roe Haled h will M ready Clio st .ad Res Mammy,1 year, Leaden barometers en Jan. 9 showed • premiere of 30.934 [seises at 9 r. w. 0517 fest times in • hundred and liter years has • height above 30.9 Mobea been recorded. On the same day agar Chester the barometer reached 31,013 imams Delia Hole of Rochester. bade, Mese Wilson Barrett's sew play, ••'h• Bine .f the ('ass," cells it " a enured endeavor to rat net the false, rhe/ in the tree." mod calls se " all earnest obristiw " to " mp pert it by their presages and their .Maims. ' Pre(. Raoult .f Grenoble bag reotived the bisn.ial prise of 94,000 tram Ilia Amaemb dm Risme hr his dinemevy .f eM namer- lenl ratio betimes the etels..ler weight el • se14 .nes sod the di/trees medusa ea Me hoodoo prone[ et tie liquid that dis- selves it. as well as es the expinnien et abs "yen et tM lama Oh ,busen y k" exalted es. Wi d work irk. yes, we veer. It were ldlessdxsweWrese As yes are haft taw. The M) • Geode - "Is it really true" laid the Ittt;e boy. "that politiciaDs are sometimes not strictly bouts i ' • "Nes' replied eenater Sorghum, sadly ; •'1 am very sorry to esy that at is. 1 have known pohttcisne who got vote. years ago and have not paid fur them yet. --Wash torten mar CRISP AND CASUAL - C. P. Villiers. the Father of the House of ;Commode, hes •ust paned his ninety• fourth birthday acid hen entered on has Ax ty first year of Parliamentary lite. Though he badly ever appears in the House. bas interest au pentemi affairs is as keen ss ever He was elected to Parliament from \Volver h&mpton in •Jenu.ry. 163b, end h.. repre- sented th.t constituency ever once. A syndicate hes been 'formed in London to .end out an expedition to `the Aararctir next August [tor whale and .eel ti.htog. Two steam whalers of 400 tons, wtth .team launches to he need in cheerio the /slur whale will 1 e Atte t o7•, and • small *ciente tic party. headed by . Mr. Ilordlgreyinck, will be taken along and landed, if possible, at ['ape Adare. `(tmilar commercial exp. dittons have been planed .t Leith and Ham. bury and in Norway. Break Up a Cold in Time eV USING: PYNY-PECTORAL Th. titan Cure far eOl'(ill0. (01.11*[. CRO('r, tttW)N- CH1Tts. MOA5$R2t11(.M .sse. Mos. Joann No.wlra, of on Soneen Ave., T.tw,to, writn rrey r.Weal tar Msec aai.d to ren .• w.Iiia... a ....w ate, a w.6.4 N • .�.A ..)deer . I.. Am re ea .hes ▪ ..nu neer needier led Pees n has ✓ W v .,1 Y ...iN41 Meow►rte./men., he W7. 1 p40. a w Ye .[liar menus. 4K 0•111.• eoer .t 8,050.. H. O. Beesees, of Little RG,ctwr, 14 13 , writes "AS • on. Ow ....Nibs Sys) i'..e..•i b 40. bet .enter awake.) 1•.., a7 CW wears in owe Larger Bottle. 115 Cts. 1'AVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LTD. eProprietors, MostTaAL Driving Nails and .if ,.ing hareems ere • rood deal I:ke, nue want• to .Dew whets to strike. IN SILVERWARE AND FINE CUTLER! 1 (lit 1ST !Ati TRADE We are giving great bargains. Ia Citoste-CLT SAWS,AXES, FILES and (i1;N1:RAI. HARDWARE. Our prices are •way down. Fifty thousand Belgian dogs are employed in dragging small art• about the streets. They are said to have greater pulling power than any other enamel, being elle easily to pull t...- tames their weight. They aro of - loin overlo.ded and crueiy ireate.l, and se an effort 1s toeing niede to improve their con dition by passing laws punishing the nee of the whip and kicking. prohibiting the eel ploymeot of dogs under twenty-two inches shoulder height, and competitor the use of such hareem and shaft. ea will allow the anis .1a to lie down for rest. In the new %ears. hatch of promo: ions in the Legion ot Honor three American prat era, Mecewete Meemo0Dles and Melchers ere made chev.lirr.: MM. 1'. \long&n. di- rector general of •etiquttes in Egypt, Irieu• lsfcy. the explorer of Itehyion. and Leroy Beaulieu, the political economist, are matte officers : Francis ('harmer, the essayist, Jules ('Iareti0, director of the Comedic Francaise. i.sesaret the hietort•n, \laslrero, the egvptalosist are made commit -Mere, and MM .los Bertrand, methemectacien,1.uree Boomer Ernest legouve of tbe Academie Franaisr, Leopold Delude. librarian of the National Library. and Gensler, erchiteet 01 the (:rand Opera, are appointed grad otfioers. New York. Jan. 1:• - Th.- St. Peters- hurg carr •• pondcut ..( The Herald eat lees: Russia's polity at the present mo- ment IR 'steadfast!> to avoid bring drawn Into any combination or compli- cation with Arne net. Germany, E g- land or Abyselnta. but Otiental euestlon ever fr oaen the t. The Hevoeti, rrto fritndllness of the English press. Saye: "•Wr esteem her high civilisation. but we see the defects In her policy, which IA purely egotistical. .1,n alliance could 1.• useful only to hear. nut 10 us. France and Ruled& must r•rnaln neutral." Th. Vledomeiett *atv • "Rusuia trust .'nein.• herself to th- orient." Herbert MMti tossing to Temno. New Torii. Jan. 11 --Among the pan - e.1 ger, who arrived on the 8t. Lout. to -right was Hubert leeith, youngest son of General William Booth and brother of General ltallington Booth of the Salvation Army. He was asked as to the reported re -alt of atlllington Booth end Sts wife from their Am- erican work. He 11.1 not kp"w Ou- r oust• of the recall. he said, but too ught It likely that It wee because M the practice of .'hanging the com- mands of the army's omcers every six or green years. lie did not know whether he was to take tris brother's 1.leK or not, but thought It not Un- likely that his district would be change 1 within the next four months or es. Hilbert Rooth wtl start for Toronto. Ont.. to -morrow. "Sews., I sera • teeth palled. I'm • •o•• soused wham N seem M psis, sod R• Tm amid of bath pelt W .Melee&" "Yee stere he baggy wpb .lbw HAVE YOU CATARRH I DAVISON & CO. Noted for good gaols. PATENTS! CAVEATS. DOW 111111 100 Cgp,OWNTS Obtained, and ell business in the U. 8. Patens Office se 'andel to et 100115RATR FRES. Our *Mee a opposite the C. 8. Patent Ot- etoo, end w • an oMain Patent* In less time ban those -emote from WASHINGTON. trend WO/•RI.OR /)RARING. We ad - vies ere to patentability tree of Chanteand we make Nn ('HARON CNLR9ti P OB- TAiN PA TRW?. We refer, here. to the Pn,lmastrr, the Pups if Money Order Div.. and to omnlal@ of the L. S. Patent Offloe. For eirnnlar. advice term* end references to actual clients In your awn State or County. write In 4 A allow Arra.. 'tetra,' te ('.teat tteee.Waehinnt'n. 11 C. One One Sore Remedy -Obtain It for 25 Comte. Blower 1.11,4ed, Sad be Cared. Catarrh is • disagreeable and of- fe.s(ve disease. 1t usually results from • cold end often ends in consumption and death. The one effective remedy so far discovered for it is Dr. Char's Catarrh ('um. Physician felled to rnre (hen. Belfrey. toll -rate keeper. 1101111nel Landing road. Char'. Catarrh Cure did it. Or box cured William Kneeehaw a.d two boxes James T. Stoddard, both of West (lwillimbury. Division Court Clerk Joel Roger*. Rob- ert J. Roover and tiro. Taylor, all of Benton, voluntarily eertill to the Pill - 5a15 01 Chase's Cater J. R. J.ronin on, of its on doctors, ha relief until be trl Chase's. Mies Dwyer. of Afll•ton. got rid of a .old ie the bead in 12 boars. Henry R %irhol!". 178 Rectory street. London. tried a box with exeellest ef- fect. Dr (hay's Catarrh rare i. for gale by any dealer. or by 7M10•nso.. Antes • Ce , Toronto. Price 25 eeote Weeding bJ�ewor. atie illord, .pent nearly found no permaseat a 25 -emit tax of FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS T • Teleran Tali twiner 5es.red. New York, Jan. 1A.- N••t even the Lo- tus Club. famed ashailI* i within r Its lia Mwap111- tallty. he. ever more dlstingulghel gathertng of men than those gathered about Its dln- In& board to -night to du honor to ('Merles A. Dana, the veteran editor or lb. Bun, to whom the Lotus Club was giving a dinner There were law- yers, bankers, .sett-hanta, men promin- ent la the affairs of the states id na- tion tion and leaders 1n every wathek of toast of Speaking. is reply to his health. Mri)ana said that this n entry was the hope of the world. and that the one M• • embodied In the Stare and Stripes w&. that of a nation where liberty should to defended a 0th th- hast drop of birsei to our velem we were e•Itivns of a country. he .' l 1. that - knew ne rival. anA feared nu foe 'Ire Wenn to stand at a most Inter -st- ing erlsls and our fall would mean mots to the world at large than to the Iedlvlduol Arne/leen '• Coddle, *oats and bro•ebial troubles cured by the latest discovery, Miss's Limo/ell and Turpentine Pleas - eat esti easy to take. 25 .seta DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND LA#OCST •ALE tN CANADA. GODERICH STEAM BOILER WORKS. r•••.•••••••_ • • "DI; " PMLASTENTHOERL • • . • • • • • • • LI••••ls.••••tt1 tr 0.55Y•1 Pirtw 1 . er5 &.este . 50 .4 y, twee, ••. •'• s• �w. •alcAaronns .( aiaer.r �d Y.rowel.ora ton e.g Isla eratd fn . Ne. lressas.r K w 0v Wafts. pair. WOO a tawsesee Oe.. r a. WO tt.0. Prepaleler� Mo.vseAe- •• A. S. CH RY STALw, Vreereeorto (Angst& et R1arki Manufacturer of all kinds of BOILERS, Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Irofi Works, etc., etc., And Dealer In -- Engines, Machinery Castings, Ate. All sires of Pipes and lips Fittings, Vtgam and [Vater Gauges, Globe Valves. Check Valves, inspiratory, Ejectors and 1.- iooters Constantly on Hand .t Lowed Priem A special line of Steel Water and Hog Troughs for nee of farmers and others. Repairing promptly attended to. s. S. CaRTSTAL. 31tt217 P. O. ilex 37, Oo.lertoh,Oat. Werk. G) Mile R. T. R. [[tattoo. (leder[.. GRATEFUL -COMFORT INC. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST SUPPER. „Ry a thormrgh knowledge nf the natural laws which govern the nper•ttons of 41geseiea and nutrition. and hy • careful application of tis.. Rae °repertlee of well selected ('ocaa, Mr. Rppe ties provided for nor )wwskfnst and sup- per • Anceat.ly Meonrvd beverage whl.-h may tare ns teeny hew doetews hills. It is by the J•i.1Ml0•w nee of ouch articles of diet that •ee•- a lent ton may be gree malty hath up until strong enough to reelel every tesde•e7 to Moses& ltun.lr.•ale o1 sntole maladies ars itemise aro,luw .0 ready to attack wherever then 1e a weak polar. We may florae• noisy a fatal Saesha•qarit i nramj sad property nourished eaaa.'- (Yeti Semen. ^ er !lade simply boiling ester Nk. nem anIe esokea,by [/rote's. label l JAMS tt w!i.sPo., .s. ii sd leg_ lemememelbell MID 1 •