HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-30, Page 66 THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, JAN. 3 , 1896. a Dr. M. T. Menta. Results Astonish MEN OF SCIENCE. AYERS '= A MEDICINE WITHOUT ANEEQUAL6. � !a Statement of a Well Known Doctee Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is without an equal as a blood -purifier and Sprang medlctue, and cannot have praise enough. 1 have watched its elects in chronic cases, where other treatment was of no avail. and have been astonished at the results. No other blood medicine that 1 have ever used, and 1 have tried them all, is so thorough to iu action. and elects so many permanent cures as A1-"r's Sarsaparilla "-Dr. 11. F. llcasu.y Augusta, Me. Ayer's,o" y Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World's Fair. /yea's Pills for Herr and bowels. HEALTH AND H011.. NEWSPAPER STORLES. Frye days preceding Ins death, says the N•braek• Mats Journal, Prof. (.morels Mc - Kunlun. • Scotch/Dan, sent for the Rev. 1.'. M. Shepherd As the iuinlstax entered the house he saw that Mr. MoKmaoa tram yery low, but desiring to cheer hint up be spoke in s hearty way. They talked together for some time Fatally Prof. McKtaaoe said '• 1 have sent for you to hold my fusers' esrylces. The Dilatator was somswb•t shaken by the words, but les said '• Why,you are not ronsg to die, my foetid.' •• Yee. 1 ant, sod l prefer listening to the reading of the Word before my death, and to the prayers. w 1 think they will do nee mon good. was the response. Hs would not accept • uegativ• answer, and the monster tool the liable, and is the preeenw of the relatives read s chapter and pr., ed. The service we. tre.1uently broken by the ex:Iamatlnos of uoatentm.st which were uttered oy the incl mea. H•vtwv std• fered so long, he monied glad to give up trying to bear his pain longer. There was • *ma* of supreme more on bin taw when the prayer ot the minu:.er ended. It was one of the most impressive et er conducted, and Mr. McKinnon said he was ready to die when it was oyer. He lived for time dace atter the ssrvi.ss. dying peacefullt Wednesday morning. Twice N•r.ed kr Dreams. Louisville Courier Journal. Sunday night W. A (:entry drummed that he was run over bI an electric oar. Modav Dight he dreamed that he was the victim of • cable car accident. The successive dreams an impressed him that be bought two acci- dent tickets .or $,000 each, good for a day, and made applicants to • regular accident agency fora policy of $2.5 • week accident indemnity and $2.500 in oase of death by •e - admit. This policy had to go to New York for approval, .arc w corer the day be thin morning took two more $,000 ow -day ticker. At three o clack this afternoon Mr. (:e.. try stepped on an icy crowns, and fell pewee upon the street, his lett arm directly under a hear m coal .cart wheel. He u at the City Hospual, where it is the opinion of the sur- geons that ,mpntatese will be neoe ry. Te lanke a Beate ..t .f a Nimmeheld. W• End ourselves •1utteoften pu.rlsd as to the reuse of right and wrouq in the prac- tical yuestiow of daily .is We haven a strong inebriation to mine course of oro oedure cenwrnine the wsdum on propriety or Iswtuloess ot which we teapot help en- tertaining • doubt. Will it do for us to go forward, or will it ••ialste *erne standard of dut by wb:ch e e ought to he governed May we gratify our desire, or will such wit - indulgence strain and woken our allegiance to the pure.t morality' May we solely talcs sonic step • lite agreeable to us, or by the act exert en unwholesome IDttueoos upon chose whose estimate of vood and evil is attect.ed by our example :' %t'e wish we could see clearly the merits of the coati, and we cannot •esu. -r• the affirmative in the problem of prtvilrge without some slight Intel/wings as to the vindication of our course. \\ a do not mean to do wrong, mud we hope we hays not gone cleat , for noth ing would induce u• to trample upon any pounve rectitude. St ll there r a little cloud brooding the whole transaction. with- in which there inmy Iui t. shove our head • shadow of condemnation. How ow we be guided to such questions of permwl con• duct m as to nee t1.e nicht cle.riv through the blue end commit no traipses There is in moat of these punke• one indteputabl} safe side. It may not be quite right to gratify our ioclin•iton ID a lit ea twtance, hn• it to un. Seems as U cos- sumptlon always picks out the bright - ort sd best. Maybe it isn't sp. Maybe it seems so became consumption is tie most frequent of all diseases. Consnmp- tiou kills more peo- ple than wars or Cholera or Yellow Amer. Fully one-sixth of all the deaths that occur in the world are caused by coseumptloa And t'ousump& gen be cured. Doctors used to say that it was incurable, but the doctors were merely mi*tales. It would be strange if medical se tenet did not make some louver. Many things were once considered impossible. The ocean steamer, the locomotive. the telegraph and telephone, the phonograph, the electric light --ail these were onceIm- possible, and once it was imposeible to tare consumption. That was before the time of Dr. Pierre's Golden Medical Discovery. Taken according to directions, this standard reinedy will cure $ per cent. of all cases of con.umptioa. Consumption it a disease of the blood. It used to be considered a dis- ease by itself. I1 is not. It is caused and fostered by impurity in tde blood. Purity the blood and restore the healthy action to the yarionm organs of the body and con- sumption will be cured. It is by weakness and loss of vitality la the blood 1t is cured by purity and richness of the blood—surely, certainly cured. Mose who have consump- tion 01 any lingering bronchial, throat or lung disease, and these who are on the road to them, have a Dusltive remedy at hand. Any condition of the body that indicates w rrkneaa, any indication of impurity in the blood, should be attended to at once. I.o.s of appetite, lues of flesh, loss of vitality, nervousness, weakness and unnatural wear- iness, are indications that the body is ren - sing down. Dr. Pierce's (:olden Medical Discovery makes the appetite good, the di- gestion strong. It builds up solid, healthy flesh and vigorous strength. Thousands of people have testified that it has really saved their lives. Gime of these testimonials, together with hundreds of things that ev- erybody ought to know about health and sickness and medicine. have been embod- ied in Dr. Pierre's "Cominco Sense Med- ical Adviser." This tool, page medical work, profusely illustrated, will be sent free 'on receipt of f,t one cwt .tames to cover ustoms and postage salt . World's Dia. Pommy Medical d/eoctution, Buffalo, K. Y. Case alit Seeed ea the Water. About four yeah ago Henry Lewis, moon isotone, who hum with this wife read as children at 52 Floyd street, Brosklyo.N.l ., found an aged woman sitting on the stoop of hu house. She woo poorly dressed and evident'' without funds- As she showed evidence of culture, he invited her to hu home, and Mrs. Lewis refused to let her go. Tho aged visitor remained with them until six months ego, when Lower found et • ilii ticnit matter to wpport his until.. Thea she told him she would not conttaue to be • burden on them, and unstated on going to •he poorhouse at Flatbush. where she re manned unt.l • tow weeks ago, when she re- turned. She had gone away comparatively a pauper, but retnrned worth $300,01.), which sae turned over to Lewin for his kwdnw in taking her in and caring for her when she was without • friend. The dis- covery that she was heir to the money was .rade when the surrogate of San Francisco Inquired for her through the Brooklyn sur• roe -t•, and tt was diwoyered ibat she was an inmate of the poorhouse. questionably right Dot to do eo. Shall we take the cup lifted to our lips. m *perk ling and fr•gnat aid sum•il•uog'• %V. best- ial* to say "Yes, hut, without hesitation. we may my "No, and forego the tempting draught. There is some profitsl.le walk of bemuses, the influence of which upon the peptic good and the common safety is often .luestloaeo, but the probe of which are large. Mat we engage in 11 without censure" Well, there will be no deserted reproach for letting it alone Will it le safe and right for us to place upon our hoard for our owe use, and to otter to our guests, stimulating and intoxi- cating drinks, and to socusIom our children to this feature of dolomite He • we hnpe to have enough strength of .elt control and that others have to prevent any mis- chief. That may be se, but it cannot be de- nied that abstinence is sate. There t• some style or public entertainmest which. in its own neture, or In the character of Iia omrformers, nr in the more laud) and pre - Coal. Coal. The undersigned begs to in- form the Public that he has gone into the business of supplying Coal, and has opened out in J. S. PLATT'S WOODYARD, where he will keep on hand the Best Qualities of I.eI1iji Yaffe) Coai! Cella the JaenM•eas Irt.ed. The Sunday Chronicle Story Teller says The man who lives across the street had barely caught the last car of the cable train on hie way to business i est. rday morning, and be plumped himself down wet to the man around the corner. Both remarked that it was cold, and then each dived tato his morning paper. ••Weil, well,' remarked the man across the street sitar a few minutes' earnest rtmd- mg. "That • funny. This paper says that •1ioc.' .Jamieson has been lilted down t. Africa. '•\\ hat 'Doc. Jamieson u that : ' asked the men .round the oorner with mild in- tereet. '•W by, you know 'Doc. .lsmiesos, don t you' The poltticun. Hes always in the papers. you know, about something. Hos got s..iie kind of • good thing down thereat the counts building, 1 understand,' replied the mac across the road. "And you my he's been killed in Alriw' asked the Inas around the corner. '• Yee,he was shot atter a drumhead oourt martial He was mixed up in some wry with the (wen down there, "Well, that 111121:1111% I read in my paper yest rd•) he was down in Illinois, some - whores, making a spiel for John R. Tanner, for governor, • said the man .tuned the corner. 'Maybe he was down in Africa on that Tanner business," suggested the mac across the street. ••I don t know, said the ot.ber,"youcan't depend on these newspapers. They'll print anything to get • sensation,' and they both dismissed 'I toe. Jamieson from their minds. Clinton lir 1. W. Shaw, Clinton. was elected President ot the Huron Medical as sooiation tor the romtne term. valent type et it exhibits:to, is • vinlatis of the most sensitive parity and delicacy. May 1 emotion and endorse it with my pn Woos, for the Sake of seme gratification of ml taste " Lf, in such gratifieatinn. I have no thought, or Dimming nr ezpsrisos bat what is pure and whnlesr me. 01111 11 t hair be • question of it proton.. y and heoetiosee of .• the bead scab of pub, r morale, tt will -1 menet, diepnt.: ria este for ate to stay away. and keen my skirt. Hear from the possible appearance o1 .v l 'Phare is one safe side. 1..t ns learn and apply this troth in .11 • he reined of our per. sisal hahit. and so ••^•p' unpeachment. from (nod sad men Great Bargains IN READY-MADE Clothing. Mwbaaerta Vr.w a sea. A peg dog wandered into the residence of Mr. Astley, of fedr•naoulie, thrm weeks aeo, •tad Reversed, the q year old child, in• Wood ee lumpier it •e a pet IPS tktost was swells and it had • eenrh, bet the peanale helms d the oh ld and the deg re- gegkeed. Raymond has .tee. developed • eame et ssaig.•nt diphtheria, •nil the featly =behevem that h. chmase was eon - MN Non dnR, tad t h. • the s seeps IID he aee,sbssstad by the fact that the Mild has Imes exposed to the disease in se oboe way. _Mdleme weft pedalos bete a dsuhle Wear tat half . eepfsl mob elites and mishap, pima ever them • quart .1 beet milk sad add • e•ltspeesful of salt. Alb, this se bill geed*, fees hour sod • yid, ices add the well - host.. yelki of three -a eepfml of ..par sod eosin. or lemoe a tj• Mete. Peer Mem p tddteg den .alb bake n • taeelerese eves VII Grua, thee Mede with a ...doges made Nom the whites i the sop. brews MAU, is the even sod • away ...ma. _Rse.w year ssb.crtpiiea to Tits eltnr*L for 1866, which will be delivered promptly, at Lowest Market Prices. D C. STRACAN. DON'T DESPAIR Owing to the great reduction we made in our prices in the fall of '9i our READY-MADE CLOTHING WILL CURE YOU we guarantee Dodd's KAro., pills to cute any case of Bright's Disease, that.etes. Lumbago. 1 hops Rheumatism. Heart Disease. Female Troub�. Impure Blood or money refunded. Sold by All dealers u medicine or by mall oa once, receipt of sm. per bux. or §1x boxes leen. Dla L. A. SMITH & CO.. Toronto. was Pliepoaevl of nearly as fast as we could desire Having, then, a well to do feeling, and desiring to please my customers still more . also in ooealider- ation of the fact that many people at this time of the year, find it d{l6ceIt to procure clothing owing to hard times, i wish to annonncs to my cus- tomers and the general public, that we have REDUCED OUR PRIORS still more. This cheap sale will ems- tinse till the first of March, by which time we .:pact to oiler oat ail that in left of our ready -seed. seek. LCARD i00. ctt1ou•4T. GU Re CONSTIPATION. 1 BILIOLiSNES8, DYSPEPSIA, --0 SICK HEADACHE EG U LATE THE. LIVER. OHC P11L AFTER EATING iNSURGS AOOD DIGESTION. PRICE 2S CTS.TstQOD Heliot Th Old Reliable 3h�1 ei Deck. THE BEST AND ONLY SCRANTON COAL V The Shoe that's envied ! r ` A good shoe is a good friend—to the man who wears it—to the dealer who sells it. But a good shoe 1s a baa enemy to the dealer who can't get the right to sell it, and dares not tell his customers so. We are sole local agents for The Slater Shoe, which is the best shoe for men that we know of. We are the only firm in this city which can buy these shoes wholesale, and with the knowledge and consent of the makers. Other ahoemen want them so badly that they get their friends to purchase from us, "on the quiet," a few individual pairs, at full re- tail price in order to put them in their windows for show. But these firms can't buy the Genuine Slater Shoes to again— they buy them to keep them and talk against them. We buy ours wholesale from the manufacturers, , so we can afford to sell them retail. We keep every size, width and shape in stock, so that we can fit any man, no matter what kind of feet he is addicted to. Ours are The Genuine "SLATER SHOES," stamped on the sale $3, $4, $5 per pair. Now don't you think it must be a pretty good shoe that's envied like this ? Perhaps you should see these shoes that shoemen want so badly. We are the only people who have the Right to show them to you. WM. SHARMAN Jr. Cor, Bast-st and Square, Goderich. IF YOU *HT 1 A WINTER SUIT of First-class Make, Good Material and Latest Styles, tis AeaesM O1•61 ever meld in this market. AS Qse4~e1 ee the Market Reales, se file* TWA* dare Te. Ret Tear weig►l Orders lit at HARPER • LEE'S •Needed to. 'gni. ■ ten 5. - -1 A1.1. UPON HUGH DUNLOP. The II anima. (Issitte mut so thank os ■estresi PLAITING KILL. Buchailalis & Ruiyuas SASH, DOOR and BLIITD Dealers ta all kinds se LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES Aid sussm'•.tsatmri•1 of sever deseriptlos School FaraituIe a SDecialtj. Patronise True Competition. Tim cones%AP PaO1trQ tapwiT O.,I Tutomerei bass eAaMMaei le give the melds with Air ... per It le es kiest..m• prieseeles awl le the fe�dst Ir p use- sf .vers ss,ss. what - tr ellsIIII aM iahfss thee °sleall eat.: .wWi . 121 >r ... G1sGrsleh E. B. EDDY'S LEADERSHIP MEANS T SU PERIORITY In the Lead Wi' SINCE 1851. MATCHES. mom POTMAHOFF TEA. This now blend of tea for family use is now on tale at our store.. We have also the finest in FRUITS FOR HOLIDAY USE and keep on hand full Tines of best Family Groceries, and the most reliable in Dairy Produce. Seasonable Fruits and Vegetables. STURDY BROS. lie. Gr'oeem, on the Square. TUOROLD carr or ¶ATER UIE. AND $1.25 PER BBL. SCOTII FSB BRIC[ $4 PER 100 - AT R. W. MeKENZIE'S e OHLP HARDt1'hIE STORIA 8EE HIS Nfw STOOL 07 OIIXS. sel You are- a health isfi Doc t ors c seinia—th ine in yoi Emulsion w12 best food your stre doctor wi. He kno, the diges better to 1 oil out of burden yc with it. does that &MT 11 Beam,& LIFE'S G Some Ver M•,rlmeal•I 1 keds Ib TI ( I1,11 Sir Ht age of r:l, has obamberm•id of means the tint m•trimnniel all As a rule. the have bees of • Henry, who is Australian eta held the ctb, New South We able isms ars who was knigh of Lord Mayor was • e►aetbei Hotel in Kent. e tayi.R ween o Hoary Hawkin as the Supreme maid, while t. I ,nrd Bramwel ollos of 000k late Earl Stam vas, • .egress P'tt.iw Nor were es. ed to the F:ngl ser lynches' rat bead of that ill rem, while the stein. whose a ono Netterii. hes a chembe bold. Count Ever gess, sad old 1 death 51 the s disgusted hs r uneducated u woman who hi lery maid in h hint she made people of the try, that on i' The fount bit restraint • cot time to peeve vast estate' r order to sane poen wile. '-et soothe 'errant is Pm manta. gene There ate ter menial po•itic Ito•ioa•the m Victor Kmn a ob.mb.rma •d bis orison oo.ort of 1'e ed to the dig from whom 1 ant of the ib Still more women of no ar stable. Pn rigid to her E the name of him the !tali of Fife's ensu with, and th. glitabeth F father's soma weeks bereft be was the h Besides tb lies of rank este. Sir A *Toy at The 1T PUT " ALL 1 DT 't SCOrT't 'The chil early want stand the sr. This f111owing irenraet "I felt I =kids. 1 big oa dl awi el new ee>sldn't e areeed u miserable Ilia pat it thorough! fit J'. J.T. T bettieswrih 81 Saturday rieseneatl' by expo' .Serapes' Cm and seats teal extra MOM dr