HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-30, Page 4U`. 4 Ihc $iqnal, le rosua.gw )•VERY THURSDAY MORNING; OS le. a.YmmiNiMi. Clem et PnMlasttee $ and 10. North stresl. Dederick. Oatsri.. Terme of s.borlpU/R t Dee month. In advance 1 111 river raaathe, ■ One year. •...: ...... 1 M L eek at Weer Label. Tt•u label tea mending renetpt of the date 0 which you e•• p.•d rap. fixe that 1t is not Sowed to fall *ate &river. When a change of address le dewire& both be old and the new address should be 'given. dveeebtag Eager peltal and other casual advertisements. lOD. for flnt insertion. and 3 cents per leu ter web subsequent Insertion. Measured by nee I wale. samlaemm Dards of ala lines and under. OS gas Isar, llaemeate of Lost. round. Strayed S ituations Oaoaot. Ahua•ione Wanted and B raine. Chanes Wanted sot excee.dlog $ Ham aostatrell. gl per month. Heuaes on Sale and tarn• op tale, not to w ooed m linea. III for Ent month. sec. per sub- *sgarmt month. la-grcr ad, te. is proportion. Aay special notice. the object of which ice to promote the pecuniary benefit of any indi- vidual or company, to be considered an ad- vertisement and ctarged •orordinaly. Loral notices in nonpareil type Doe tent per word. no notices Ise than tic. Local mottoes to ordinary reading type two cants per word. No notice for less than SOD. N.Uos for churches and other religious and benevolent Institutions half rate. Almost ••The nlg.al" Delivery. Subscriber who oil to receive Tag SlosAL regularly, either by carrier or by mall. will confer • favor by acquainting us of the toot at se Orly • date u posible. Ratfected manuscripts cannot be returned. (torrsepondence most be wrlttebn one side of paper only. ✓ ablbher'e notice. J. C. Le Touxel, of Goderich. has been ap pointed Local Travelling Agent for the town ships of Goderich. Colborne. Asbfleld and We Immesh. Local postmasters ,ver the district are aloe empowered to receive subscriptions to Tits SLnAi- All communications must be addressed to 1) McGILLICCUDY. Tug Smxat, Telephone ('a11 aft. Dederick. Ont. 000LRI('H. THHIMIDAY. JAii. 1s. t#6. RENEW FOR 1896 We have to thank those of oar subscribers who have kindly renewed their sub- scriptions to THE Sib AL fQr 1896. We would be very much pleased and financially benefited if some hundreds of others who should do a like good turn would do so at once. This week a 'uml.er of ac- cewuta have been sent out and we hope those who re- ceive them will call and set- tle. We have the v,00d wishes of our subscribers, but we need goal dollars a.s well as good wishes to run a newspaper like Tits SIGNAL. Don't wait for the other fel lows to conte in and pay, but set a good example by com- ing in yourself. and confer at, favor upon THs 8IOIiAL. SNAP SHOTS. --Sir MArseezie Roseau. is almost as badly off as the late Kis/ LRAM - W atiadua 's pledge to the "Purifier' was Ms Inst kaiak of • lost muss. - Young Kaiser Wild-t*w has stop - pad tusking fans at his esteemed grand- mother. There i, a great deal of talk nowadays about '• the righte of minorities," but nobody ie saving a word about the rights of the majority. The war scare has subsided aeross the line, but now it has bobbed up is Otta- wa, where it is said it will rage with great violence until the elections are through. Another ministerial crisis ie look- ed for Feb. 4th. As an offset to this The Mail and Empire is sow angered seeking an Opposition crus on about the same date. f ---Tate wayto hinder the settlement of the ManitoSlimed Vaestis ie for the people of the Gauntry to foolishly divide in- to oamps of creed. Aoy mall who advises *mob • Doors is it mes.•oe te the (hate. - Up_ the time of writing neither DAytn W alawtl.l.gR nor any of his verities eme.g the a.aymoae writers of the local newep•rws hews denied that' h s. y 1 n pledged himself as supper• the third party polios. Brother 1{1'1'1111‘•‘. of The Royal Templar, didn : fare well in the Weetwortb ostst, laving bees kse.ked out hi some aoo of • tnejority ig#fneli him. Kat he em lay the flattering ea1Mss to his soul that Paean Taker i• W11 ale west sewed wogs es the isms eseasien. �rz A M. 1000'$ NAfi! WAS SIGNED. A. 11[. TODD of the Clinton News - Rowed is evidently "waked up," as the bons try. At the leesnt Wed Huron nomina- tion, R N.wwai, the Third Party oandidat., charged that Teem wee one of ibe party who sant a telegram to Toronto asking to have hiss (Nitr- o us) tide -tracked is the 1..'t of WoonuAa. Tao ITeseAL reported Niwwos's • THR RTONAI, GODRRIOH, OMIT.. THURSDAY, JAN. 30 I896 statement, and now Tout, froths at the mouth, and says it isn't *o. Well, Mr. TODD, if you were not a party to it, as much the better for you, but THE $l .NAL can assure you that the telegram was sent, that your name was appended to it, and so was the nate of Mr I'AxTswN and another. If some of the friends in Clinton heve been signing A. M. Tour's name to telegrams, without his knowledge or consent. it to really too bad, But that do. -.n t justify hits in calling naughty names at those who apprised bits of the fact. We may give more particulars of this nutter next week. THE WARDENSHIP. ''lift election of THOIAs STRACNA!1, geese of Grey, to .the War+densbip of Huron, Tuesday last, was a well-de- served tribute to an old and capable member of the County Couu_ t'il. Mr. STRA('11AN was first elected to the Reeveship of Grey in 1874, and sat at the council board for thirteen years, when he retired from municipal politics for a term of years, but re turned tr the eouucil in 1855. He has the respect and confidence of his fellows in the Council, of all stripes and creeds, and will make a capable executive ollicer•. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. Thema. atrarbae. reeve of lire. R=eeled Warden for Ines. Jan. 2fi At i o clock r . u. the following reeves and deputy revs handed in their certifi- cates and took their seat& Messrs. Arcb►bsld, Hendee, Karns, Krirham, o wring, Cox, Churchill, Cruik- shank, I Ielbridge, Dulmsge, Errstt, Either, t:eiger, Keddy, hints, Hicks, Holt, Holmes, Hyslop, Kieklev, Kerr, Kennedy, Kirby, Freddy, Lockhart, Medd, Mooney, Morruoo, McLean, SIeEwan, McIlvis., McKeoiie, McDonald, McPherson, Patter - eon, 1'roudfoot, Robertson, shepherd, shunt, sparltng, Saunders. Sothras, Stewart, Strachan. Turnbull, K Turnbull, Je.. Wilford, Watson, Alex. \ Dung, A. A. l ouog, l'ts,per. The roll was called and the members re- ported present. The election of Wards was proceeded with according to ruler and regulations of the council. Moved by Kerr, seconded by Girvin that Thos. Strachan be wards. Moved by4'ox ,seconded by 1)ulmage that Hy Either be wards. Judge Ioyle and i►r. Holmes were ap- potated to act with the clerk in wanting the ballot& The vote ebowed for Strachan 26, fer Filter 25 Mr. Stroehan was de erred elected wards of the County of Huron tor the year 1596. The warden the took the chair and sub- scribed to the oath of office before Judge Dry le, atter which he ex pumped his thanks Inc the honor which had been extended to him. A ballot was then take to elect • strik- ing committee, ami resulted in the election of Messrs. ('ox, %looney, W at.on, Gat vin, McDonald, Holt, iherritt. The following communications were read. Petition from 1'aunty of ('arleton re pay- ment of polling booths at elections to the Legulative Assembly, sent to special dwm- mitts. Memorial from fount. of Grey re.impor- tion of pauper chtldree, Gent to special com- mittee. Memorial '-nm county of l:rey,asking o0 operation in .etitiooing the Ontario Loran• lature to an. .4 the ihvision Court Act,.snt to special cowtnittee. Circular from the Prisoners' Aid Associa- tion, asking for grant,•l.o circular trom the Ontario Rifle Association asking for grant. Stub communications sent to executive wnmmittee. On motion of Messrs. Girvin and Kerr the court' adjourned to mat tomorrow at 10 o'clock. ' COUNTY CURRENCY. Clinton The old friends of !I. Willis, now of Charles City, Iowa, will sympathize with him in the react los of his daughter Annie at the early age of nine years and six month& Turnberry ; Stewart Mulvey bee been re- elected to the Manitoba Legislature tor the oonetituenct of Morris. Mr, Mulvey is a brother of las. Mulvey of the township of Turoberry. Clinton 1411 ileo, .ilei, Mrs. Reid, eldest daughter of Mrs. Watt, of towo,died at the resides of her husband on Manitoulin is- land. She was formerly a resident of Stan- ley. and leaves • husband sad seven of • family. Relgr•ve Rev. A. L Sedge, • graduate of Knox ('ollege, Toronto, occupied the pul- pit ot Knox eburoh, itelgrave, last Sabbath. He has recently bees placed as pastor of • flourishing congregation in the °minty of 1.•mbton. Mr. Kudge is one of the many Mures boys who have come to the front and hie man, friends in the vicinity of Relgr•ye his former home, will be pleased to bear of hie sueonee. Meehan On Friday of ter.00. the two- year cid .on of Geo. H. Irwin met with • painful accident. Mrs. Irwin was Sting • stove pine apetairs,and rice little fellow was watching operations from below when • pipe slipped through the hole and labial down struck ban nu the bridge of the nose, mak tag an uoly wound. 1)r. l'bisholr was called and found it summery to insert oven stitches The bridge of the no.. is r- ed and it is probable that he will be die figured though youth is is hie layer end the wound may heal seas only to nave a .light disfigurement. At latest reports be is pre greening se favorably as might be ex- pected. Kt snarl. A M. l.i:'....'., Ltstrsm. For •xternal use ,only, is a positive cure for spinal di.e..., hip di....., in- flammatory rheumatism, lame busk, lam• hego, it.,. throat, weak and sore lungs, braless, swains, stiff joints, rupture, and all kindred diseases. it hes aloe be.. found • sure sure fee throat ateetines in horses. rat. i. '5 d 'NITS. None genuine witb,rt haring the trade nark on lapel' and wrappers sad R. A. McLen.an's Liniment. (lndeviek. mOnt., stamped ne war Beal on vie► hcttl., Maiafast.r•d only by iRephnmia A. MSLS.em, wile manatee sad pprrea mistreat. Newgate fit O.derish, ODN. FARMERS' INSTITUTE. January 1 etotf. At Auburn. A were tuseee he lessee. was Elena --i. eirestee Addresses es ,.thews lab lame -sere AtMeMawr at tae sesame issies. :%UBU RN, Jan. _3. --The regular insular of tee West Hares Farmer's lasts - tate was opened hero today at 1:30 o'eleok, Proudest Relle is the near. After Besse routine besiaem the president tilled lapse G. C. Castes, .1 (b'sigbaret, to introduce the first wbje.t, " The Beet Var- lets. of Orchard Fruits and Hew to Grow these,- special referees* being made to top grafting on hardy stook. He claimed Chet the trait iidestay was destined to become one of the greatest industries in this ooan- try, owng to the halted area in whisk Sri Wass trust tan be raised. The fins plasters hems wro.g by pettier oat too muni vara. ettes sad not hardy eweIb stook. The early nineties were the most preamble if a mutable market would be Unused, tai they were the heaviest bearers,sad were market- ed before the high winds of fell blew than off The quality of Oat•rio Fruit was sot euaUed is the world. The Columbian ex- nibition vette • good edaoaior of the North- ern Suites to the quality of our fruit, as ..ur fruit had expaled •11 others at the Col- umbian Exposition in potwts of excellence. The Northern Sp is a groht favorite is the 1'.ited States, It des beet by top indium on some hardy geek as it will mine into , .aring earlier. Th* " Kum of Tompkins is the highest seller is the British market. He &demoted Sprier planting. as the roots would take bold better end safer. The tope should be out back in a000rdanoe with the roots, as the rooks ware more or less injured by removing, ..d would not be able to throw up e.o.gh sap to make a healthy growth is the top if they are too large. Never seed doss an orchard tor several years, but keep tt in cultivatioo or is a root crop. I)o not form the trees to grow too f ..t, but keep them in s good, healthy coo - dittos Prune et any time, especially when thee are young, bet June u the beet month, e a there will he lam sackers then than in the spring. The beet fertilizers were wood ashes. Clever tan* good if plowed down when green. The grafting wax he used was composed of tallow, beeswax and resin, in the proportion of Ib tallow, 1 lb beeswax and 2 Ibis resin. James Johnson led is the discission which brought out many point. Simp.on Rennie, ot Milliken, wee the next speaker ; ►b* subjeot wee " Ceder- draining.- The way be handled hie subject you could tell M knew what he was talking shoat, The .eta of the soil has the most to do with the way to drain the land, se • level oleos of load seeds more draining in general then • more rolling piece of lead. The drain u beet put in the lowest pier's, except in • very step grade, whim it will he hes• to drain each side of the hollow. Thet way to drain u to plow out the first furrow with • narrow plow, then t.ke the mould board off and plow another furrow, then oleos out and use • narrow, hollow spade about 14 in. lone for the first spade and • long 18m. Darrow spade tor the last'psdinr. A good outlet for • dram was a straight -splitting cedar log. Split it through the centre, then hollow it out and psi together .gun with wires. It was beet to lay tile from the lowest end, as then you could lay wash night what was dug dar- t..g the day,wbiwb would insure you egainet a freshet washing is your drain. The best level was water. as It was the truest. For a quicksand OeMnm Olay well tramped in • sld make • geed bottom for the tile The old dead gree. was • good thing to pot all joints of the ia the quicksand ; then pat on some more dump clay. Plowing is the cheapest and easiest mode of filling is • drain. A .mall til. is not desirable, as the least move of the tide would leave • rory small hole for water. He then showed some results whiob he had obtained by under - draining. The first crop was only two loads of pcaee off tea ares. Then he drained the land and obtained 53 bushels of barley per acre, and next year over 17011 in money for e orop of wheat. Than he got 82 bushels of oats at 65 oents per bushel. Although the prices obtained were seed grain prices, it shows the value of draining. R. C. McGowan led in the discussion which was prolonged until nest dark. About one hundred were present at the afternoon session. The evening session was well attended there being about three hund- red in the halL The speaker were ]'resident Rube, F. C. Elford, en •'Celle!ii life at the 4). A. 4'," 4. Renals, en "Apiculture in our public e obools." G. C. (nate., on "Horticulture on the farm. The evening meeting was en- livened by staging and instrumental music by the young people of Auburn, which was docs in • way pat was • credit to them. Austax Jan, 24. The discussions of the Farmers' institute were continued this morainic 8. Rennie spoke on "Cultivation of pots toes and field roote. ' If possible manure i. Fall and plow down lightly, if net able to manure he Fall plow good and deep is the Tan the Dad thoroughly ng e Spring r. pvea and plow y Ws,ploughing, no not w toe wmdl peto 4e.s nor too large ones. Platt le drilfi three feet apart and about 18 inane smart in rows, keep well cultivated sad flee Paris green for the pota- to* belt. The arns treatment of land was able geed ler wsrretr, turnip' and mongols. Toem seeds ah*.ld net be pleated too deep or the ride's made le high- This out es they would see crowd is rem. flee • one shear cultivator to loesso the soil between the rows te she depth of tea or twelve bunts' Ord keep tie eenffl*r going se lost as po.sible. The ears sop he treated the some wsv as he did the resit strop in the pte.- psriag d the I5.d, end .iter planting he ealtivlatod /M sugar the...a. ooetianio until the ease w.11 rasa The riniekst and •le.n.st way te harvest note ws to hand pail and tapsigth• knife, then draw to bare .ad have • with • door in the bot tom se they esuld he unloaded quickly. He ales rave his *=prigse is grewng ohioory, bat el.im.d ti was • very hard thing to vet rid .f when areas es the farm. 0. 0. (ase.a esatine d the sbjeot and gave his impedes* la be as daises r0oM, as his .oil wr. Ren.ie'& Hi. male wee esseers.s diagram. R. Med st.r$.d the diemenies on Mr. R.s.M'. *ablest whish was well brought est. mentagene ace-ootr. G. C. (10e5 . spoke on the hest vera ti. of .mall trate end mode el swlMyaios.'' The esrowberry should h. trod e 11•y, set .0 she IL..oma the year se it makes • stronger plant. Plant revue Neat these telae *pert sad Sites§ lashes apart is row. D. Ohio 1ee roman spread is mesh -.hent cgs leek Ile set pls.i mi one hhhiied. es venin ki.ir will est greaser kelt sembes. The reopherry Asia be eeMdie roue ds ss apart and heves sed a bell iambs la Dews P10s1 veer piste bask seem s• they will seam Mak weed h•ssm. The aese•karr, is alma trimmed is the shape • tree. Spray with the belies sisters le keep el the mildew. He elle aspleased how to Brow grapes ..d trim thsm.bsi as it would shoes. Oahe • sheet to skew the peeper way se trellis them 1 will use mature to de se. J. Welker, V.$., of LonJestero, gave • meet .:.Onset address to "The Mere •.d Her Foal " Tae .-. sbeeld have gleety of .aersi•e name by light work or Isdl,g evened before fealieq. Do not give toe mach balky feed for • while helots, ea it is sot to oats a rapture is some vessel* when the labor pease are se. No medimne ie of maob use to iuerrsss Ohs Bow of hulk it the supply to short. Do sot give foal any modi- cum at all, exempt wises the mare loose her milk before fooling then • light dew of linseed off is best Let '110 ma • su. k le the loal tor at least Lax menthe, or longer 11 eooyeatsut Halt. brisk ib, 10111 •• coos as it is • week or two old, Gave the mare • good bran m•eh. It will help the milk sup - S. Rennie spoke on the " Destruction of Weeds." He Breu dealt with the (neediest thisile. Never allow the thistles to vet in Noon. but keep than plowed ander • good tammm% fellow or root Drop, the best .if. of gettihq rid of weeds. All 'stubble fields that are intended for next year's crop should 'ii plowed immediately atter harvest, se that all seeds will germinate, and then plow deep later iu the fall There were about 125 present at morning and afternoon esesie.. The March meeting was set for Loadesboro, the &meal meeting to tie held at Nile, second Tuesday in June at 1 o'clock. roe meetings were instructive end lively .hrooghout, and there was no lag at any part of the programme. W. N. Hoe 111.1.. See. -Tree. CANT CALL "CASH" NOW. They Are Charged With Theft. The.eaed. of Dollar. wise sr Geed. 5ec- ared-Ii 1. S.ppesed Tbey a/eN Prom Ness•. A. R. herr t re. Their Employer.. Hamilton Tims, N EISON Cornell and Mrs. Margaret Doherty, two ex -clerks of Meyers. A. R. Kerr k Co., drygoede dealers, wife arrested is Windsor Inst night. They were charged with stealing from their employers, and several thousand dollars' worth of dress goods, presumably stolen, was found in their possession. i►etectiye Coulter and Chas Webber, of Kerr and Co. left last night on the midnight train and are expect - back with the prisoner, this afternoon. Cornell is • well-known man about town, between 15 and 55 yawn of are, and had been a trusted clerk for years. He rot a respectable young girl into trouble • few montes ago, and lett the city for parts i n - known abcut seven weeks ego. He is • widower, and his son, Charts Cornell, mer. found hulled with goods of all kends sod reed • woman of the half world recently, the billed itself u of the costliest 4. - Cornell boarded in Park street south a tae the furniture The trunks and boxes hevieg Isms house as his in the lice, Mr..lbhrty, been found partially unpacked, it u the be - Kerr t Co. for • considerable tam& She u ; gooda soros to 1Ntroit is email goanUties. • " gra widow -. from Clinton. The man has been to W hai.d.od beer for here shator • The firm bas been miring goods for °conch• bat the woman ef long time, but did not swpest either of the I only two days. It is believed she had been parties until • few days ago, although other ebippi11v the goods to him ander an assumed e mployes had noticed suspicious anions. name. for the boxes were addressed to 'El. UODERICf'S BABOAIE CHTRE. RALi' PRICE A $1U mantle for $5. THIS MEANS A $7 50 Mantle for $3.75. A $5 Mantle for $2 50. ANI) 80 ON. 1f you want a Jlantle get it now. If you want a Mantle for next winter, get it now. We don't want to carry a single Retitle over. We have two Greenland .veal (.'apes, 2:0 inches, full skirts, fee $ Also, :I pair Lulls' Fur Gauntlet Mitts, worth $5 for $a. Also, Indies' Vesta, worth 8I , for 7.5c !Adis' Vesta, worth 75c. for Ladies' N'eets Worth 50c. for 25c. Ladies' and Children's ( ►verbose, away doe n in price. We must have room for nee goods. Don't miss this opportune Corner Square and West -et. JAMES ROBIISSON, paid hill* for minimay were instituted, and a osssultetis was held with the Detective Department, the result being that a search warrant was imtu.dutelt procured and Mrs, Doherty's room in her boarding hoose was esrobed. In her trunk were found dress goods and other articles which it wan ihovbt belonged to her employers. About • dols lose letters from Cornell were sloe 'seared. The police immediately secured warrants' for the arrest of 4'ornell and the Doherty woman, and the police in wasters cutis were notified. The windeor police received the notice and what they did is the matter is told to the following despatch. "The polis set out and :n les than half as hour had the couple under arrest. They olatmed to be married and isdipei•ntly pre - tamed their igeor•ooe ot any theft, seeing they bad nothing with them except their own wearing apparel, The police did pot pat much faith in their .tory and ewe die- oovered that they had rated a house os Goyesa street near London street. In this hoose were found dry goods of all de.crip- tioes, enough to stook • store. There were thew boxes, throe trunks and two valises, all filled with goods mestly silks. Be- sides webs of silk and whole prose of cloth, they found 35 or 40 silk dresses made up, any .tuantity of leans underwear. 20 or 30 men's tweed suits and Iodide of the finest linen. Boxes, drawers and cupboards were Un Friday last Mrs. Doherty showed • W. Ro"d' bogus tekgrern to one of her employers. It It is supposed that the oouple have b•1111 staved that her mother was erionely is is systematically stealing for a long time. Clinton and she asked 1e61,e of absence for 4 hos dreesauker in the city has retaotly • few days. It was granted and she left the made up melee exp•seive dress for Mr.. the city. , Doherty and the inateral was doubtless Soma days sem *nines about some an- I taken from Mr. Kerr s stere. The lettere found were full of endearing tamer make spice reeding, The couple will to brought helm, Ng true .letts to morrow and an eigheity mend will likely be asked for. A thee.. rer Eustis MLOMINI' An uuprete.ttuue ceremony, which 14 pl•oe at the Kink of England at 11 o,c1 ea Saturd•♦ morning, adonis striking e deem ot the monetary world. Here w .nenieled represeotat se of thin& and pee, the former to haen oyer tad the let te receive • che,lue for t4,900.000 odd, price of the evacuation of the Liao TI ps.tnsula by the Japanese troops wit' taree months of such payment. The us Dialed might have anticipated that it .motto. woad tak• place le cete, t that the leprous representatives wo Inks away their doe te geld in • fo wheeled cab. t'otortuaately,howevsr,tk are tttrteriel difficulties in the way of sun primitive proceeding. A million govern weigh. 256,750 ounces troy, which mu be roughly estimated at between seven s sight toes avoirdupois, so that allowing tee se • fair load, •011111 .35 vans would he Men required for the opratioo. The p .sdsre adopted was therefor much eat Heroes 13 Rows, the chief cashier of Beak of E.tla..d,was present with • chey fer £4,900.001*, representing the gold wh had been paid into the bank to ('hep credit. This °bailie he headed to .'bin representative, who, with • grave la heeded it to Japan. representative, w beaded it back to Mr. Rows, who in tiers walked to &.other ethos and paid it the credit ot the Japanese (.ovrnme where it will remais until drawn against. London Graphic. McKilloo John McLeod, son of .ani Mcleod, of McKillop, who has been 1 jonroinv in Los Angels, California, 6 the benebt of hie health tor some time noire pleased to lean, nearly ren°veret and is able to proeeoua his cellege nodi •gate. Look Before You Leap. 1 T WILL save you money. If you intend furnishing a house, call in and examine our elegant line of Furniture. See and compare quality and prices, before sending your money to Toronto and other cities, with the mistaken idea that you you the can buy cheaper in the cities. We are up to date, and guarantee to sell same goods, quailty for quality.'ten per cent. less than yon can buy in leading furniture warerooms of Toronto. Remember this is no idle boast. but a positive fact, or we will forfeit our reputation. Figures tell and every- one tells figures. Other advantages are :-You see what you buy before part- ing with your looney ; You save not only 10 per cent., but cost of stamps, money orders, cartage, unpacking and putting together. We manufacture all our Parlor Suits, Easy Chairs, Couches, Lonnges, Divans, etc. Latest designs and coverings, and best material and workman- ship, our expenses being lighter. Some lines we can sell you 15 per cent. less than city h'nses. There are three advantages in trading with us We save yon money. Home industry is encouraged, and the money is kept circulating in our own town. We also carry in stock an immense line of Window Shades, Certain Poles, Mouldings. Frames, Mirror Plates, Artists' Materials, tic. (Catalogue of Artist's Materials mailed free.) THE CHEAPEST HOUSE iN THE COUNTY. SMITH'S FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING EMPORIUM LUMBER' TAKEN SAME AS CASH. Il