HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-30, Page 22 THE SIGNAL : GODISRIQA, ONT.. TI! 1.RSf A Y. .1 A N. 30 IR96 EVERY FAMILY lesele. Come the 1st el .fan lea .ill SHOULD meow THAT hey to board with me. and oblige Joins Is • wty remarkable remedy. bsA ter Iw- TZRNLL and tXTI*NAL ass. am& won derfa' to Its quick action to reeve dleYewa PAIN -KILLER Y. .mr no, eo Mere ureal. . e.eb.. bites. Mearr.r .. as seaters. eases.. 4 •siero, ted.:; w ..: , . •.plw:r PAIN -KILLER VI" BI W.. s. Mena`. Paine N ara yv nide. lberms. toe see NAM PAIN -KILLER :r'« ;:sin M4fl. h triage alrrbv *orb r1.m*mlfr .rutr o JI •.w At Probe., enema ._ulna. Kver+. Mrs.. ale. 1 PAIN -KILLER Y Y. w.11 wlna a.4 trews fp/e.d d mr ■ Mask. raiser. r�yy.ter. saM.4. r• r 914 an rl.ena wanton a medkl.e ANA,. mi rd. . 4..rt 1.•''.r lsterMlb .r el/ern.Ib wW ..wary .•t Mei. freer. 4 iaflr ... Taw nae. bel 1•. -nese LAr. - 0.14 .yeiyw•.re. 0 big ktdl► IJ.11 "My first impulse wee to refutes to go,bul 'the foot that 1 bud sol) +dti in the world, oonlpell.d me to 000eset- l ate my Christ- ina* dower is • third rete bowl and et.rud on ms louroee to Iiirb•rlem. "After s loop and uo.veetful trip through I • country the so:eoery of which was •Imeet mnnowauus in u• grandeur, 1 arrived at 1'eoetawqulaheee, sod bidding • lows tan well to civtiv.rton, hoarded Chi stage for the efts mile drive to Desert. "My travelling companions were smites. A drwkeo lumberman, ,o all the ueoouth splendor of his tied, immediately ul•ised meas 'the besbt free he'd .d, Gad wben I told him 1 dtdo't care to know him he *were •t me in Eorlab for too minutes. and Tin• mediately afterwards resorted W French. After thus relieving his feelings, he drew • murderous -looking revolver, and plowing it on hu knee, he immediately west to sleep. "The other two persons were of • differ• ant style. They had lust hese to P.set.a4 to get married. Th• girl was portably good looking, but she bud purchased in town a large quantity ot tutti-frtiitti gum, which she chewed moat industriously. Th. ',room was 111 bred and he talked inores•at- h. He informed me that he worked • rooky farm about twenty miles this side of Des- ert, and had never before been sway from home "He 'calculated that Sal was the beet• looktu girl in :hem Arta, sad was • toler- able worker, too I derived considerable amuaeme0t from their oompany, and was sorry when they left the some. When we were nearly at the end of our journey. the Intoxicated lumberman awoke' 111 • pant refreshed. . lug his revolver no his knee, he replaced It is his hip pocket after which he astonished in. by remarking 'Be you the new t• .cher at the Deserts 1 replied that each was the came, and asked if we wodld aeon be there. He said that In hall an hour we would 'strike tt,' and re- marked still further that be was the secre- tary of the school board. "To my that 1 was surprised would be • mild way of putting it. He noticed my as 'tattoo and amid with a ounning leer that he guessed I didn't know ham when we left t'ene•ang, or I would not have beam so 'et- •.dottish.' 1 was too indi4uent to chooee my words so informed him that, as • rule, school trustees didn't get drunk.and I could not be expected to know him. 1 immediate Iy sow that I had made anenemy,aod would have given willingly my year's salary W have recalled my words. "We reached the scene of my future lab- ors late to the afternoon. It was the last day of the year and the red di.c of the son was fust dwppeartmg behind the distant anew clad hills. The 'tows'' cowutd of eight log house*, • black-emisb • shop, and • "ratty old nightmare celled the queen's Hotel. With sinking heart l asked Jay where the school house was, and he delighted me ty saying that it lav about two miles to the north. I comforted myself with the thought that the walk there and back would at last give me some tune to myself. "1 was still ruminant/ on the happy state of affairs when the worthy secretary intro- duced me to several 'Deserters,' who had for the last five measures been carefully ex• •mining me, with something of that interest • demonstrator in /,00logy would exhibit on discovering a new species, They all mod they hoped that,! would like the Desert, and 1 mendwiou.ly informed them that I was certain 1 would. "After bei -1' invited to p•rtak. of • drink with him, w .ch, greatly to his vexation I refused,Mr.....y took me to hie house where 1 was tc board during the following year. The household consisted of his worthy self, • flattero wife, and six dowdy daughton, whose ages raged from 14 to 25 years. Af- ter *upper of fat fad perk, drowned in gravy, stale bread, and too sweetened with black -strap molasses,l pleaded fatigue as an excuse. and went to bd. 'My room was in the ottic,and the bards forming the walls were warped to such an extent Whet • •narrow could easily come in- to my apartment for shelter without diaar- r•nging its feathers in the least. When I awoke in the dim winter morning, I was lea nearly frozen, I dressed myself as rapidly • possible and went down to breakfast, which was a repetition et the evening be- fore. "A eight o clock my host conducted ew to the los school hones, where about Mesa children were assembled to greet m• I got • good stere, and thorenghly enjoyed myself for the first ttme since leaving Toronto. Rut four o clock brought fresh horror*, and when 1 retired that night to my attic I was \erne •sick. "!tut it would he impossible to tell you all I endured while teaching is that awful place. The uontempt of the men homes" 1 Bather drank nor swore, the persecution of the females, who seamed to think me a can elided* for matrimony, and the jealousies of young Resume who imagined 1 was trying to alienate the affections of their several ,luliete besides en.00ttorable loneliness, I held on grtmlr instil last Oclohsr when i gave a month's notice. "()e the first of November the *sarstary of my beard, the worthy Mr. Joy give me se eity "siert for lies me.4hs • reo.ipted bill 11lM Igl oared 819 le cash. Without a word N romonetr•ste I took the ant stage to Penman'. *ed shook off the dust of Desert from my fest - i hops forever. I. Ponetang 1 hatmeneet te pink up • copy of the Detroit Fres I'raso, .ad lend there se advertise meat tor an organist in an BpbSppal aura i• that env. i took the eau he Tomato. houghs this aseead hand eels teem • Jew. and se i had .Gly • (teller left i derided to walk to my detin*tioo, sad Wseieht i well you, We first man to whom 1 have told seg THE TNtE.sOFA t'I►I,I,EI;F; IIRADCATE. 10.11 0. 1.1 1. l;C WAS walking duwu the street the other evening, thinking, as every good (,hit should tbmk, about our glorious t rntarto and its immaculate voveromeot, and be wailiog, as every goal t irir should bewail, the mtema0•gement of the Federal I.w-mak en at ():taw$, when I overtook • young man who hors on hie person ev deuce of fi- aaoctal emb,rwmene He was dressed m • suit which had once been back. The portion of it covering what we might term the ;socially portions of hie an•tomv,shooe with a brilliancy that betokened long servie-c. His shoes were Umbra ; and his hat was the crowning wreck. A. 1 was passim/ him he accosted me with the following question •'My dear sir, eco you kindly direct me to some place where I can secure something to eat, and aocommo- datioo for the nightJudging from my appearance, he continued, "you eau no doubt we that I am in straightened cram cumetaoose and unable to pay my way at the hotel." Why' said 1, "sou seem to be an edu- cated man, how in It that you are in such a position "i am a school teacher," he replied : and • graduate of Toronto University : at pres- ent I am an example of what can result when 'supply exceeds demasd'. I invited him home with me and to tell me by story. He accepted, and shortly af- terward• we were seated at the supper table discussing the value ot Ptychologv ea a meu tal discipline.; My sister- who presides' •t the table in the absence of that inestimable necessity a wife ---was somewhat disgusted with my taste in choosing a guest, and indignantly informed me that If 1 wee going to feed every tramp weir cams along, I could keep Hechelors Hall. But her scruples were un- expectedly silence& t io adjourning to the the prior the 'tramp seated himself at the piano and play. t ('b.pin's First Nocturne, with • grace that showed him to be • real artist. When he had finished Laura urged bim toplay something else. So, for nearly an hour we enjoyed such high-class music ea commco people lake Laura and myself •re seldom privileged to hear. When he fioally left the piano I reminded him ot his promise W tell us blistery and he proceeded as follows "My father was • barrister in an import - mat ('anediao town and was considered by many to be • suooessful men. He was not rich, but his profession brought. him enough to live on comfortably. He was a widower and se i was his only son he gave me • Arm - clam education. "At sixteen yeah of age 1 entered Toren to University, sod graduated with honors when 1 was twenty After my graduation my father meet me ro (termone for • further - musical education, and 1 had been • pupil at Lelpsig Conservatory for a year when 1 received the melenoholy news of hie death. 1 immediately;returned home and found that after the r-leims against the estate had been settled, then was only about $1400 left The moot that 1 must get to work. Ac o•rdi•gly, 1 attended Model school and the lintel January, 1R92, found me in charge of • country school at • salary of MOO. Tait To rive you • full account of the trials and troubles 1 met during the time I wee then, would weary you. Suffice it to say, that after tw, years' experience 1 was asked t. accent *250 as salary for the following year. 1 indignantly refused and was ignominious- ly deemed from my threes. A lady towhee mow reigns in my stead. "As I was now withost • siteatios i de- termined to go to the Normal sad secure a mooed -clam prolessioaal certificate, 1 did ase, .sod 1 look on the time then *pest es the happiest ot my life. 1 due time i re weaved • eertieate with honors, sad calm validated myeelt that my future was soda. "Dorian the long, hot ismer days, I made apptiostios te tweetyilve tram!.. (bards, many of whidm &WWdaisd to eves .sed me word Ih•t I had been nuesomesfnl. I tried emote trashing, bet I only got tors mils he six weeks, se L dropped that, and Gade began applying for seheola "Os. mcw.img I saw the following •dew- li temmnt is Tia Toronto Glebe 'Teesum W.IrTwp.--A s.eend-slam pre - I wasted for R 1• No, I, Reeky parry Sewed. Applimeb meed gttali- fieshiess sod tostUiake, starry, �(1. hmmbmr a sweep wed light Brea -.1.b. Jay. sea„ Desert P. '•1a a smmseet .1 tnonsel deamoomeeM 1 applied and was meoped. The Is*1u leg Islam tote we of me geed I..,tmme. "Dada t#o s Yen air elr assess fee ear my mother word M you about tramps atter Nr"-Aed tee mover ban.. Yr. Middbtea, who lam • °Witham ..heel teaober. a makla* • ansa 1, Nsn.lf as • writer el teras. He rives es "Tee Trisha et • Collins liradoats ender the nom de plasm . 1 Tom Wellman'. Reim, Igreyed tis• P•..g men's hand. asid said, Well. my der dr,yee •re amos4 trash ..w give es some mess tressle be- low we retire for the eight." After the beautiful oberdp W died away sad as up es s Y a had Nese le / room. Laws and Made es my'h..ldermaid'~, •' se sr to LIFL IN THE OLD LAN- D YET. Tnero eke mite in her Mead hems, Peerless ostoug her peen ! Aud Liberty oft to her or doth come To ease its poor heart of roan, Old Harked eu'I throbs with the mottled ere Of • pert she ma sever forget; Aud awes shall she banner the world up /amber ; Fee Nene 1110 i. the Old Lead vet. They world monk at her now, who of old tooted belle I. their fear .• tie" heard tier afar ; hut lead will yosr wail he. 0 !Liege N the earth, tV hon the t )Id Land goo" dews to the war. The Avalssobe trembles, hall launched and half riven, Her voice wiU la mottos set ; 1, rtes out the Meier, ye winds of heaven There's life i. the Old Lead yet. Tb. ofd naming motber s not hoary yet, There is sap u her Saxon tree - Lo ! she lifteth a honest of glory vet, Thro' kir mets to Nems and the sea. Fair at the omen of Love, fresh trona the foam, Or a star to • dark cloud set ; 1 s may blame her chaste--vou may leap at her name -- But there s life in the Old Land yet. Let the *corm beret, it will find the Old Land Ready -ripe for • rough, red tray She will tight as ibe fought when she took her stand For the right in the oldea day. Rouse the old royal soul, Europe's best bops Is her sword -edge bv Vi,tory .et ! She shall dash Freedoms foes down Death's bloody elope ; For store's life in the Old Land yet --Gerald Massey. Whops las Spill l.k. Should you spill ink upon the carpet or spun • woollen tablecloth, immediately sprinkle over it • thick laver of commoo salt, remarks an exob•nge. When this has • barbed all the ink that it wan, oarefnlly w raps it off and apply some mere. Keep riding this until the Mk is taken up. 1f your carpet bas an Ink spot apco it that you don't know how to attack at the time of the accident, moisten it with hot water. Bt careful not to rias enough water to make the ink spread- Then apply the salt. Vont snooty will amt be complete, but the spot will become dim, and perhaps will not be noticeable. A seem Nplemat•e. Charlie was cough napping on the porch of • summer resort. A pair of soft little hands oovered his eyes, and • sweet voice oommandd: "Gogo" who it u." Nothing very dreadful in this for Charlie you think, but, then, you doo't'know that Charlie was engaged to two girls, and tor the lite of him couldn't 1.11 wbioh girl it was, which made it • very embar•o"ing situ tion for Charlie. Rut a happy thought in spired ('h•ali., and he announced ' "It • the dearest, sweetest litttle girl in all the world." "Oh, you lovely boy," gurgled the @staali- ed woe, as elm removed her hands. And now Charlie thinks of applying for • foreign ministry, ;feeling that his talents would be wasted in any other than the dip- lomatic geld. The trader of Lha t.rkta*L Philadelphia Times . The oocktailwteats foveation of Col- Cotter, of Culpeper Coen House, Vo. Many years ago In that locality there was • wayside inn named " The Cock and Bottle,- the @emblemo. of an old Eng- lish tavern, and which bore upon iso swing- ing sign a cock and bottle, meaning thereby that draught and bottled ale oonld be hod within -the " seek," is old vernac ler, moaning the tap. He, therefore, who re- ceived the last and miiddv portion of the tap was and to have received the " oock- tail' Upon ens omission, when Col. Carter was subjected to the indignity of having this muddy beverage net before him, be throw It angrily epos the floor and exclaimed Hereafter I will dnnk 000ktail• of my own brewing," and then and there. inspired evidently by the spirit of the Ganymde, he dashed together bitten, sugar, the oil of lemon peel, and some old Holland gin, end than and then and then was the original oock tail 000eoted. The Newsboy's Thais. Through • truant officer's activity • boy of 'even years called 'J•msey' was forced to cheers the freedom of the streets for the reetraot of the whool. He went to the school hones half determined to escape of the Ent opportunity. but soon got interest- ed in the proceedings. Towards the close of the session rho teso•er said - •Now, I will reed this from the little book Gad any of you wbo wish to me repeat is to the algae in your own words. Don't try to say it es i read it, but jet in your own words," Jimmie• eyes grew big bad he was all et - aunties. The teacher read this short Winos from the brit reader . "See the oow ! 1e it not • pretty oow' ('an this oow ru.' V. the oow out ram. W the o•w rte os feet as the bores' No, the wow mute run as fast as the bores." "Caimmi.y,•• Moneta Jimmy : is 'at all ' 'ACs deed easy." lib band was up i• • twin\ ling is imitation of sive& others. Hi• i.tewtod to" oaaght the t.adher'e ye and .s• said : •'Well, James, yen 'nay try it. but be careful te get it richt, 1•ou may Maid up by year amt.. '.!Grassy' arose. Ordisrlly he was nee b•.efd.but now his face was flushed and he was trembling with impatiens• as b. said : Get onto de wow ! Aia'S she a besot • ('t she gee • move on ' Sure ! O '. she hemp hereelf as hat as the horse ' Naw, she ain't he it old de hares, we to The washer was woman*. lest .everth• less 'Jamey' was a fayeries frees that tee. meat. Mr Neer es.0asa, asalkinti-flew den year wife like her sow Itl.Nrlpy-1 b•ve.'e ease her lately. "How's 4109 r "Bb's hose se boy callus ea hag freed. --peak. A wider advisee to have the .sed peewee /sgsepd es mesh as pomade te light and Blit. es maws the liability of speeding N the mislmsm. They may tare Ines, hut Nue will wet hurt them ter seed - Jun.. Yep Jeateeea. Ayer's Pills "I would eke to add my testimony to that of others wbo have used Ayer's Pills. and to any that 1 have taken them for many years. and always derived the beat results from their use. For Stomach and liver troubles, ami for the rare of headache caused by these derangements, Ayers Pills cannot be equated W•eu my friends ask me what Is the best remedy for disorders of the stomach, Liver, or Bowels, my Invariabley A r Pills. Taken in �epM. VLUeYup a cold, preve.t 1a jam, asset fever, and regulate the dlgesstto wp•s, They set easy W take, sad Are the best all-round family medicine I have ever known." -Mrs MAY JoulNaox,Jme Bider Ave., New York Qty. AYER'S PILLS Highest Awards at World's Fal►. 1 per's Ssrospar4em/tits fused. aoW et a awed Avast. New Tprk, Jan. 16.-1t has just been learned that Matthew 1i. Brady, well known as the pioneer photographer of the United States. died at tete Prrwby- terlan Hospital. in this city. Wednes- day evening. Mr. Brady was born In Warren County, N.Y., In 18:3. For 15 years be- fore the Civil War he conducted a studio In New York. In 1851 he entered his work in a hoadoh a;hibitbon and tcok Ant prise. His pictures were to tn. seen all over Europe. During the War of the Rebellion, Mr. Brady plac- ed a corps of artiste In the field and obtained a famous collection of war studies at a cost of =100,000. The Gov- ernment now owns the plater. The tall .f • assn The ranks of life • battle are open to all, the lowly as well ea the great, and though in the 000fltct full many must fall, you may reach to an honored estate Prees up W the froot,witb • resolute mind, and struggle with all of your might, or soon,to your shame abet confusion you'll find you are but the teil of • k e Witte Tar sad Feathers. Charles Durchek. • etudest at the Wyom- ing Seminary, at Kingston, Penn., and • resident of Laser's" County, where Ms tither is a wealthy brewer, was tarred and feathered by thirty students early the other morning. For the past few weeks the stu- dents have mooed articles from their rooms shod eller investigating the metier concluded that Durchek was guilty. The door of ha room was broken open and he was gagged and taken to the campus. There he con- fessed and was coated with tar and teeth era 1 he boys went bask to bed and Dor- obek spent the balance of the night in hie room oryia4. He was expelled by the Kee 'deet. " Five year ago, ' nays Anita A. Lewis, Rimed, N.Y., 'I had • mamas' cough, night sweat•, was greatly reduced in flesh •.d had boon gives up by my physicians. I began In take Aver'. Cherry Pectoral, and offer tieing two bottles was completely send. Mta, 1 body -Is this novel • fit one for my daughter to read ' 8•bom•e--1 don't know. I'm not ••• (maimed with your daughter. BRISTOL'S ' PILLS Cure Biliousness, Sick Head- ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish Liver and all Stomach Troubles. BRISTOL'S Arc Purely Vegetable, • elegantly Sugar.Coatcd, and do not gripe or sicken. BRISTOL'S PILLS A.t gently but promptly and thoroughly. "The safest family medicine.' All Druggists keep PILLS • 1 BISHOP STR.ACHAN SCHOOL rUK GIRLS, • Ka -ori** Christmas Holedays ea MO%u.e, Jae. 13th, When sew puNb sea lea be revolved. A only for eale.dar te !flew drier. / u.ls !'rear epi! It 'ketoses en II Tere.4e. Harper's Magazine. IN 1896 arrela, a mew nova by Willies. Hawk. writ ten with all the besot hoes well -k mow. chorea of maaser. will hews is the 1)aoeruher Nunbr, Ind continue until Maw. A new novel by 011010110 or M.t•atsa. mutinied Time Sari!.., will alae begin duri.s the year. It 1s not too much to ash that ne novel hue ever been awaited with emit great expo lattice an the ewvore.or to Trilby, The Ferreira aeteller Brae el Jeael of her will 0010.1ntie. and will relate the story of the failure and martyr - Auto of the Staid of (rrlean•. Cit her important fie. Too of the year will 0e a slowelr,le by IIANN TWAIN. under the Lite. Tens sawyer, ttWee. the , a humorous three tart tale ailed The vetroear swam Eaddielly. by L*ounn e i.wye Mee -Erma.. u d short stories by (h• TAtr Til INST. HI rot SOW H .nun a1. DAVIS. MAUI( K, W,t i,Ne, Jo sae R911.11. Hi10911.19. Nsr-rieuee Owsrt Wierrn. end other well- known writers, Prot. Wouuaow WIi-numo wllleon tribute dt papers anOrrin Weehin,rtoa *ad hie times, with illustrations bv How AND i'vl.a. l'ot Lr NUT Roi1c1.00or w Itir'orr of The Bierman tmrseg•e ler L/b..iy, ilhur amoral hr lt'1'Animo Weantvn.i.w. wall h ,1»l need ,hrongh the winter. Two papers o. ret. ('lalr'r ".fear amid Mad Anthony way nerr.r, ry nam !'tiro'. • hr. 141t.e11y r1.T. with graphic .11a*tr.Iio.• will be Printed during it.. year. A notewertby fe.•ure of the 1 etiAZINle Anring the year ILP: will he • serum•e of articles by l'Aneelt W. Wiwivlty. deorrtbiug hie trip of i/a0 miler oat in,,. shoes and with dog slelah train Into the caesplorrd ftrrne (irouode of Rriti.h Nonh Acted... in put - omit of wood bim% sad musk oven Yr. Whitney eerie• will bare the added interest of trine Ihw.trated from photographs taken by hlmeelf, The Volumes of ter tdaaarloe begin with the Nmmhere for June and December of each year. When no time ie momtweed... hemp( iona begin with the. Number current at the time of receipt if order. loss.Rcxemiltan. should 1.e. made til Poet odic" Money Order or !Trost, to •vWd chancu of Newspapers ore loot to rope (Are ,tdtrrtise- tw'er •eithoat the fryers. order of Harper It Brothers. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. H RPF -R'S MAGA7.l %R....Pe • Year. .4. HARPRR'$ R'KKK LE' 4 ... HARPRR'.YRAZAH. t n, NA/WICK'S YOUNG Plty)PLP. • ,,, Postage Pere to all erh rriheea in the Uaited Slates. Canada and Meriee. Address: HARPICR t RH(YrH;RB P. O. Box 96111. N. }(. CIV. • Harper's Bazar. IN 1896 The twenty•al.th year of H4RPiCR'S BAZAR. beginning in January, 1A.t, sods it mointainiw Its deserved repu'atioe both as a 'radon Journal and a weekly periodical for home reeding. week the BAZAR presents beautiful tolte/ten for various occasion., N .' ie,L, flautist and ('it.I'r,o illustrate and engrave the *sw- eet design* from the fine., model. to l'ar1.aad Berlin. New leek raa4Isas epitomises cur- rent styles eau New York. A fortnightly pat- tern -sheet •upelsment with diaereses and directions enables women to cut end make their own gown*, and is o/ greet value to the professional modiste as well as to the amateur dressmaker. Children•• ('lot hiss receives con- stant attention. Fashions for Sten are des Bribed in full detail lir a mansheat tow*. err Paea tetter, by KATH.KI*I Irl PoamT is a sprightly weekly recuw of fashion, gown_ and .ocial doings in Paris. given by • decor woman in an entertaining way, Holli the aerial* ttw Bet ere the work of American women. are. B:ee•ald, by MAnu Lois.. Podia, in a striking start of New gat( Mediae. Many 1C. WILeimoa-fin Jermee.. . Peer Has, discusses the always interesting problems of the relations batwesw labor sod capital. Short stories will be written by the beet authors apeetal neparlt.ent.. Musk, The (hat.loor Woman. l'ereon*I.. What We Aro Isdeg. Women and Men, report •ud discuss themes of immediate interest. A.•wers Be ferrv.pe.A..ls. Queen iono re- ceive the pommel attention of the editor, and are awwered at the earliest possible date .t - tee their receipt, The Yolume•of the BAZAR begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time u mentioned. suh*criptioa• will begin with itis Number current at the time of receipt of order. Remittance* should be verde by Post o®ee Money Oder or Draft, to avoid chance of loss Newspapers; are not to ropy fhie rtdreett•r- weat without the express order of Hsltrgtt t Bacrrats.s. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per rear r lid RPRRSBAZAR a op Nw RPRRB MAGA ZI N K .... ........ _ 400 H4RPRR'H WIOW 1,Y HARPRRAYOUNG PJIOPLIC f 00 Postage Pyre to all seheser(bera lathe U.tted 4tatea, Canada, and fferf-o Address : HARPER & RROTHRRS, P. 0. Hoz ids N Y. (`ite. Harper's 'Weekly. IN 1866. HARMER'S )YF.gk 1.Y 1• a Journal for the whole country. It deal. with the events of the world that are important to Ameriraas. In carrying out this po1My, in IIRS• J11.1Aa RAI.rs vimit.d China ted Japan. trod journey ed WV** through 'eokk • trip 11 rotuh be earr1 Ftis n Bee; the evolutions of the new Navy were descnb sd and Illustrated by Hi ria Y. Zno,At•tt YkaI»u u' Rsvi*oTON pre.eeted siudles or Army and Frontier lite; Pori Tigre Bw0r4w art the opewree of the Kiel Canal.in 1 lige attesttoa will be gives to every notable happeaing. The chief events in art, literature. and music and the drama will he artietUrn se•d preempted. It . 1r. Roraima. t. drones In hes Interesting weLift e book. wad 1be 00000 pleat of the time. K. S. Merril . i. •twlgbtly gossip of the nu.y weed will be oeeti.ued• The Protons of the Transporta- tlo.Commissi.n Monod the World will be relieved. a'ud CAartn W Wnirwty .111 moo. deet the department of Atnase.r spore, I. Ices will weer a Presidential elertlo.. I. iseedderhlesad through tri political ar. teems the WEEKLY win eontiane to he en la dependent advocate of good t('bverame.t sod .one motet. 1b fiction the WKRKLY w111 be especially strong. 1t wtll_peblleh th. only novel of the year by W. I). HowiLt.. and a stirring serial of • Stretch feed. by S. el. "ooegrrt. The mloor stories tltilaeted are of nauenat immune.* Gad Iatmest. la every re•phtq HARPER'S Pi/SICKLY will malais1e It* leading pleas I. the llluetnted Journalism or the world The rolunten of the Weitet.y beets with th. fleet Number for Januar, of each year. When me tinsels t.0atlosed. satrrriptbas will bogie with the Number current •i the time or ria tripe of aide Re.sltt•soee should he made by Pow.a.m Money Order or Draft, to avoid .+ranee, of N • are mint to rnpg fhb adtwfiar used we heuf the trireme erler o/ HslINI a Bmornernes. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per fop 1 BA SPRAT frisk ams...... .._•.. •..,et M BBg is .1149 d N Nor RP A TOt1 PRbPL . • M ^ einmp t idgoie,,.7OOneida Adieus: f,4 pI1R gt P.M Les M S. T. Oils. The Signa Nee mere a•lt mete -etas le as Job Pri. u1g whisk ace anew .atlti& thefee the rehire an▪ d pope wand= of all sires all print's.. A porwsel d Nis •sssasee. sail Y meg b. u ...d and is sees we •r& oil torr pp.atru.., asaemia Mei our .flurtay to pl.sos wia asst wide the approval of our petaoaa Mole iieud►s This useful sins is kept in the all range of qunities s.015 as letter heeds- W hl are not so generally used, the an important -place in oommercia correspondence. See what we've got under the above heads. IAetter i\eta6►1. In this line we have a very !urge Moen of tine writing papers suit able for every class of business represented in this locality, nom prising laid and wove, linens, quadrille and other papers, ruled or unruled, as may be required. B4\1 -Nemo,* if the " pay -am -you -go" plan was the order of the day the demand for account paper would not be so great ; but there are some nen who get no many stunners that they wonkier if the stock will ewer run out. We don't intend it M and at present our stock is coni pieta in this line with four siiM. Good paper and neat ruling. $twttriftems Both single and double dollars and cents columns. They come cheaper than hill heads, and .re the proper thing to send after delinquent once a month. They are sure to fetch him 'round - sometime. V.ht1e\0res Now, it would be hard to get along without enveiopes, and t0 keep up with the demand for them we keep a large stock on band. We have now about a hundred thousand in stock, and the prices will range from 75c. to $2.00 per M. We handle nom mercial and legal sizes exclusively, Co1LifLlrlt-tere\w\ T'rvn\ttut has already been partially enum erated in some of the head. above. There is, however, a vast amours of work under this head that to enumerate would more than take up the entire space occupied by this adv't, but we do it all at Tina SIGNAL. T Inge twttorms to an "At Home" or a wedding require cotwiderable tante in melee tion sometimes, but we make it an easy matter by keeping in stock the very latest and best samples to be bad. Call and ee amour w111As of entertainments and meeting promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most elegant with cord and pencil attached CWt8n\ars We aim to excel in .1l the differ ant kinds of work we turn out. but especially in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitable for all requirements. Cweds cued cV ek.ets This head Doves a large range of work, from a bread or milk ticket to . neat calling card, from an or- dinary rdinary admission ticket to a Gusty bnainei card or a handsomely printed membership ticket. ,P esters Our facilities for turning out this class of work are evidenced by the fact that the great bulk et it is done by u.. This line also da eludes Dod\fers which our three fast -running job presses are able to turn out is sarpri ingly short time. mkt. W \\s belong to the poster deoartens:at also, and we make a specialty of them -promptness being our sins in this respect. A notion of sale will appear in Tag 8Ie11AL free d charge woes bills for same are get bare. oS W orAIL in thet`,�pngr•phfoal printing line can be tions. in this establishment in as expeditions and artislle manner and Otar V %Ne,ts Wilk be Sovawa l 'try rtwsol%&41 t. We extelea oar ors, and 'obeli a sense. thanks for peel rev - continuance of the Pooew• Ulaf. • 11101101.11011 L rasa sees as a Ilk, R. a MOHAN �9 p�oa.-poor Jett Bissw. 14. TUR.NBULL. 1 t aim sew or the aster b mow hawk. R. HUNTS& PB ■ * 1� ea.seal R. J. HAMILTON les=red wt. aptletast ed au street >t[ar1'iaS' L LANG.. ISSUER . latwon.*. Uudecto - - - O. CAMERON, 1L ton and W. Andrei KN BST H L(ATOI* $eb.ito. Notary sok, west Stl05l. JCat N -own -•C:,11 . 101.'. Notary. 4 5. .41. *0 u•rr, Uedertok. x. u, JOHNSTON. Heiler, oemnalwi se. Wrote : tor. Has ride et$ Oodti lch, Val was O.AsHowl. Oe Nor.LrUS morl.DABN�ICIL•ersiterOonvieeri rikeMum at Jewess moo 1. RO. HAYS, B RRI . 0R :e. Ohms ori. *L ural. ►'molt ate lewost tors of tmter.et GARW)W t PRO .14{51*. Atbreeyy5",, II rloa. J T, Narrow, l;C., CAS ' eoUeitor O. WARD...a( J• usse Masv�.A.e.� . laGad ee.matin9sstOmd. UCm wid MONEY TO 1.0=rt�▪ Lor ol . p�p%ti 4 -awareness. PRIVAT1i FUNDS slew W oes•le►r tarts security oa. do •o •e ply lag to J. A. Mcl1UNA hada L.4diolp. 10,0.10 ((1 STAGER, CON V V. lasernse.toroe. sl Wdliriah. MONSHY T(r LIs\L m per Dent. r af�OKR othce uppcaltl VJ.T.NAFTSL,1 L▪ ke.11: accmdent 15.0r.ne to.-Ooh.Nort 0O0LM,104TO NIL= . ffO1IY TO L111! paws' or Prlvs$. 0 °ARROW t PKCUD D RADOIJ FFE, Rest lasseeg acme e =titten. Mosey 4 the lowest rate y anto snit W o door from egoor• IlNdlahfalyt�' !'IOD1OH d4 l? 11)'7 i.LBRAB` *0081, esu. .f first 4 from I to 9 r,r,. ABOUT 9010 VOL' LisdMq /)silt, Wes P•pws Maq pmsq.gHtrem also tear Aps1I••u•us ser am 14b00454, h ream J. B. oO�Lp�alOfRNIL 81p4 e4 4 6 81.•sk.� s Anetloa THOMAS OUN earedDI ..4 Qsre tei)4.l401 le set part M aefA l t IH�N.r IL?%01, e nd Leal flet. kilns Wsew E. C. MILS tIlr L tiiNtlrtfal. ides A4 0S50 -C.'. Heelless The SM Wwa.Id We Se Ose el the sense let he try M the Divide 0 emitire w end his by lea whoa °revfe d B staid that the defends ploy htss.elf esti W purposes, hes failed 1 arse. Tile gas Wash" wallah hew go bask did. bas w Iwit eyed ler ibeim N mes11 sod y- " DN the gone he used r Ne bey wee a t'No. be wee •e woe nes and hie beat Ths eyes ors v�