HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-30, Page 1• 1. FORTY-EIGHTH YEAR. -2064 THE IffiLAXIINGI. N111WBPAPER OF HURON OOVIsTTY. ONE DOLLAR WILL i1Y *Ott THE SIGNAL Cell. JAN 1, 1pI. GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THITK$I)AY, JAN. 30. 1896. ' D. McGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO It THE SIGNAL " FOR THE YEAR 1896. GODERICH DISTRICT 8-8 and E•L. Conventloa or floe Proceedings bold la N 'orb, et leetlemlir tlarrb. Clinton. en Wedaead•y rid Tb.reda, Wm Yard and Mb Ian. H E following is a condensed report the oonvestis held i. Ost•rw-at Meth- ist church, Clinton, on •a. 82nd sad rd. Tet the work of the S.d•y Sorrels the Epworth Leagues holds an import - t prides o the moods of the people may be died by the large •tteodaow of ministers, legates and °thereat this oosvaouon. 0.1y o I.l.isters belonging to the Godenob die- t were •iwe*t, one through illness, the her as account ot *pect•1 work at boos • subjeote under 000stderst,os were ably t with rd. in general, heartily discussed • sessions op Wednesday- were devoted re 000etde auoa of Sunday School metier'. Thursday Epworth League subplots disposed of. Addresses and discussions combined tor 000venteses. t iter vp.eime. TM first maim on Wednmd•y afterglow' as opened with • payer and praw.ser- os, which lasted for one hoar it was by J. W. Holmes, chairman of tad din- t. Mr. Malmo. of I,derich,tntrodoesd subject, "The mercy of the tearer ha leading to decision for Christ and church bershtp. Over 32,000 teachers and ass teaching and mamma over 253,000 Ian in the Sabbath Schools of the hodist church must bave • great ofiu• ewe en the future of Chu"crusty , as obis army Is to fll the ponder of tmporteooe u both church sol state. They will be authors of book., editors of papers. teachers and oenlm*tt.r to prepare 8 S. lessons How rport.nt thea that In their youth they should be trammed aright. 8 S. oonventioss through the delegates, have • great infia- ence ea the community ; teachers have greater advantages in loading children to orversion than the .[nuts., as they have so taw to deal with and are more ow'• stagily ie touch with them. Early io tad week the faithful teacher should begin the preparation of the lesson for the art Sab- bath ; first, by reeking God's blessing on the study of the work assigned and thea essug all the helps that he can get bold ot, but re- ins ads* Bade more than any of the hers. He should go tato the class in • prayerful .pirat and teach f•thfully sod prac. tio•Jly, •ppirlog the truth to .very individ- e l member of the clamm. Visiting theseholau end proving for .5d with them will have a strong tendesoy to lead them to Christ. When ooaverted they should beam mem- den of some live church, asnutoids of that .re apt to stray. Teachers should in all way -s let their scholars know that their first, their meet inters .ad most e•roe.t desire is for their .•Ivties. ('ooverted scholars should work to .ave their classatew Rev. S. J. Edmunds, of Drog•nnos,hei.g •heent, DID subject, "The Amory of the Holy !spirit in leading to Christ and church membership," was r't.ou.ad by those pres- ent. We should h000r the Holy Spirit in e 11 our work. The power of the Spirit coir. Dot through the intellect, but in age e wer to faithful prayer. The teacher, in. spired by the Holy Spirit and whole heart edam, to the wort u sure of saucer. God's Iv Spirit shining In has word and apply - its troth to the beart is the strongest y that exists, t0 winning souls tor ri.t. Rev. J. W. Ford, of Clisioo, to discuss• "Home studies of tie laser,- rained oral works rueful to the teacber,but Isid '.1 eenphssis on the use of the Bible. A orough knowledge of the lessen is esmau- to present the hest thoughts that it con- ies. The subjects wigad for rd of Clinton and Bright of Se.forth went biped for discorso*, the atter genue- being almost. The Holy Spirit will honor laziness, slovenliness or caroler - no the part of the teacher, and thorn to were heartily condemned. Parents sot retrieved of their responsibility by e `i S. tsa,her, and should, wow' sot able attend Sabbath Schools tkemsslves, take to study the Immo with the child should study the Bible diligently and ant , u.eetr.gs and the Suad•y school. A bond "UR OTT:, 11 .i Isally, but not Is a ant ming spiritW• I of ores should exist Wirer the members should study the broke of the Bible to fed of the March. We should be loyal to our 'the plea God had in *bar ia.plrsta., sad so5stry, oar oosventtoa lad the literature of study the veers particularly Nuri the the church. truths they omWa. Th. Bible the beet literary work exert. The avatar(: 5N1Mto5. A half hour song worries was followed by the dao°astaa of "$.osmose methods on ap- plied to A S. were," introduced by Rev. S. Reed of Seaferth. The chore\ ebould in the Sunday School the beet workers available, end should boor and immures, them by supply's, them with the boot roma setd apllarat.e else sere to s000menfally sen duct the work of the whirl The primery eedost of 8.8. work beteg the °mammies et the embelara, the teacher abeeld tomb the deeteemest fasts, prinapM*. amus. e nd promisee cenWsmd is the Bib co and slew ssuvwba they should be edu- cated is .ash • wry as to make them god sitimer. Twobere should show their inter- e st by regularity and p..etn.lity of .4tsad- sae. A press tbere.gbly i.tew►ed in work for Christ will grow to like the work, sod Moose more Cerietlike. We, as atrial/ma, most be voluntary workers fin Christ. As rtereeting. pr.eue•l,sud panted mi- dmost en '•Th. Bible .sd hew to kaidle it." was given br Rev. •.C. Crews, maws/ see - rotary of 8 8 sad M i. The Bibb, the Mosher,' bez bank, is en i.fsllible Ashlars vrellmg the will of (ted .ad ew't.iaiug • , ss sge Irmo Him. It was written by did - fermi implied mea, et different periods, ia Merest est seuntries, sod i5 diflemme lames - y•• esut•ied me snntladiedises. Sim- one or fallen to B 8. work deposes largely en the me of the Bible by the essebssa Read the Bible at say time, but mine en - pedal, when the mW is most e•pabla of oderst..dl.R sod .ppr..atMg the M.N. N ecso - -- Thus. wits keep the Bible al- ines at hood sod tl.fy It an err bidden Messer. will .et be disspip.kawd. Al to as q sssiws L the ysesu°u drawer were •sswr.d by B. load of Ssafortb. egos rate[is . The sunrise pr•yermeewng, led by Rev Jos R Cue. was well attended, sad was • ....o' of great eptntusl ba.dt to those who mode it • pout* to *Mond. The afternoon .e.eew' was opened with • song service, .iter which Mayor Holmes gave his address on "Iteutioos between the Epworth League sod the senior member of the church The members of the Loser recognize the fact that • rel....wor p exists homer them end the church, but generally reline their efforts to our pert of the ebarob work, *he primeness of spiritual work amore the youor people. The different or- gagix+uoes werkiag together with • com- moo obj.ct io view are • great power for good. The old ars not in touch with the young, es they are inure advanced is *pint- ail lite, but they are in touch and sympathy as ymp.thy- as they 11.ve passed aloe( the rood wbere the young .re now tr•velltne, and can give them the benefit of their experience and at. vise. Members of the league should .t - tend the general pr•yermeetlogs we well as those of the League Members of the Quar- terly fiord should be made ex r thoio meta bore of the Epworib League to bridge over the minium chasm between the ohurob and the Loom.. "Mtss' Aehreoo'. adder' on "For whet purport should the Lague rare money'' was well received She emphaa,ed strong- ly the idea that the League should raise so moor except to pay 1ts own running ex- peaea CM League was never organized es • niodey-m•kieg society, but amply and solely to do spiritual reek. Members of the League should, as members of the church, support the funds of the °buroh, but the money should be paid dir.otly tato the fund sot pin through the league. Verbal re- ports of the different Leagues in the district were given. showing t.vorsble provers in rho part of the church work. " The Epworth Lorre. reeding course how can we make the best use of It was the no ject introduced by Rev, G. W. Au drew., B.A., of Holmesville The reading course is about the beet tor the purpose that Das be obtained, but the example .f some parents In provtdiov light reading, the in fierce of newspapers mind books found In the home*. and eyes in to 5 o. libraries, have • tendency to create in the young • rate *,r light literature. To overcome this taste and to supply healthy reading it the objeot aimed .t an providing the E. L. ranting course to oat be used by minister staking it their study sad persuading the church members to join with them. " Hollers in heart sod Ide was thesub- jeot of • paper read by Rev. W. W. Lurch. Holiness is our .pinta' lite and strength, sad is therefore of very much importance. Holiness is purity, morn goodness, i he re- n ewal of the soul in the image of Got, is whose Image It was created toe keeping of the oommandments. having the mind on Gni, and being separated from sin. The heart, tF- fountain of life, should be pure and holy. that the thoughts, wide and a. tions should be pure and holy. Holism, is obtatned by faith in Christ sod °bdiesos to God. Whams s r much needed : .11 a. knot. fnss soy enjoy it and *bow it 1n their Uvea B y hong b.•ly lines we proper spiritually and ..k. religion attractive and desirable, sad liva.g for 1:od will be much waist. Rev. F Swann introduced the subject, "'the Learn, and the boys. The boye.the hope of the church and ooantry, should be saved early in l.fo, and interested in what is good, thee they may be fitted for • made mad useful manhood. In the b.,. are the term. of • power that, It rightly- directed. will tie after years prove • blessing to the church, the community and the world. [.- spire the boys with the knowledge tb•1 then is • God who Dares for them, whe wants them end their whole lives, to whom they are reepoaible and whom they should reverence Teach the boys to study- the Bible, to be true, to be horst, .rid to feel that whet is worth doing is worth dory well. Get them early interested o Christ- ian work. Every duty pertormed from • richt motive is • rep heavenward. Kap the boys off the streets. Teach them that they con have • rood ria and enjoy their games sod still be Cbrissi• es. hydro the boys to take Christ as their example sad B ye pure, noble,oprig11t and goad lives We most walk and talk, lee, and live with Gd bo saoo.sd in the great work of wincing and keeper the boys When the pastor visits the homes Dail is the boys that they may he pems.st et the Owe of d.votiosal remises. Rev A. (' Crewe took the pletfortn sad answered many questions from those in the mosgr .tom Sorel entert&INelente might b5 11.11 about rinse is two menthe. He would advise towing the remb.rs pay tanto Una ler, and monthly or quarterly da.. If memhers ot the obareb jou the teams it d to.ld he as active, not as se.ociate mem bee. Mr. Crew. would advise the literary os.rmittee of every league bo try to increase the °iroatation of the Cloutier Guardian. The •lectins of offices for the District Convention malted es follows :-- Honorary president --the .hairm•5 of the district. Pnsidmt Mayor Helms, Olbtoa. 1st vice pros. -J. el Milken, 6edmrieb. 2.d " D W. Bright. Se•fert\, Sed " " Rev O. W. Asdr.w., Helmesvile. 4th " " Miss Wilma. Reneall. 6th " '• Mien M 8. WA.h'sRten,Clin tea Bae .try - Mins 8 A. Aehesen, (1Werkh. Treasurer -Urn H. Ninon, Kippers (b.feesses RMratent•tiew--Rev. J. F.Jge, G deneb. The pledge sad sherd loyalty was the su►j.ot mimed to Ret. J. Edge. C..Ndwisa the somber who heves .ken the Moire it would appear Mist s large archer sm harried together for (h intra work. Without loyalty ts the motor rad the almersh the league onemetimpost te Ma e sessful We moot he h the men, desertion end semM- ' Mtwara end feet et the dour- Be loyal M the wor- ship of the oMrsh, the slams 5.d prayer CvE'I'.. 1C2 1HN. The rester 55,105 was opened with • Sour ftervlos, after whin► Rev. E Olivant red • paper os the subject of " Worship 15 flow sod Spiritwlity is our Mosta Music hos always been assoot•td with religiops worship. It had the divine sanctum and was •oeepteble to God. Saninny was Dom atssded by Jesus .ad the apostles by ors- "OTTAWA, Jauuot .:7th -Parlia- 1 tad azsmpl.. Sims thou the ouwsrd merit has Deco to ..s... u for newly tour march of roll/ripe has been •ccompsoied by weeks, end it the tea j..) are oho toot the msg. Hymns should be spiritual and scriptural sod should promote reverence. The Gospel suss without the 'Ouse°, of the Holy Spirit or oDIN reach the emotion •1 nature. Rev. A. C. crews then disowned The Epworth league, "Its Aims said Methods.' The Epworth league though ax yeses old has 1,506,'1011 members, but a et has room for the exercise of the talent of • great many mon. Leak up mesas pr•ver,ldt op means devotion. Devotio& without prayer soon develops into fanaticism. The liquor traffic has • new sod powerful eesmy to fight arum* The literary department Aims .t the tptelleotu•I development, and or be made the instrument to God's bands of do- ing much god u deaounc1y seasstios•I fiction, and substatuttog for it good, elevt• tag literature, The social department Is important and so far se it creates sociability will lacrosse the membership of the Teague, l'beertulnees is an influence that should be used In winning soul The Epworth Longa hes come to stay, It u progressing and will sever .top its ettorte in working for the salvation of the young and o nosing them from death to on to life in Christ. A resolution was passed wthonring the Executor Committee to rt•age the time and pleas of the next annual meeting and to prepare • program for at. After • num- ber of votes of thanks the 000vention closed 11s first meeting with the singing of the Nations' Anthem and the pronouncing of the benediction. A. P. SHsrrciu, Sec. of Coeyest000. LETTER What le Going on at the Capital S melt •r 1\e Trade rains, el Me govern mut Liv las beet k, isms Ire Nark .r lane Mand I..r.a a 115 the bail.s.I isebe. CANADIAN rRESS ASSOCIATION. 1 l'.avea1.■ to be field at its Par. Hameln 05104105.. Feb. 5.:. At the Parliament buildings, Toronto, on Thursday end Friday, Feb 6 and 7. will be held the regular annual convention of the CA.sdian I're.. Arrocution. The opeotng sss.Ion the first day will be devoted to routine business and the d soon of serial copyright. In the afternoon thin papers will be end discussed . " It0moralinitioo of Advertising Rtes, ' by F. J. Dobbin, Teterboro ; •' Advertising as lent. by F. Nichol, Hamilton ; "An Eight -Page Pa in • Four -Page Town, b7 C. A. A , Woodstock ; " Canadian Editorials, ' et J. 8. Wilber, Torooto : ,. Telographsorod Cable Services, by A. H. U. Colquboua, l jp.ato ; " Newspapers and Mail Pnvilegir, in Job. Bayne Maclean, Toronto ; •-' ricers and Underwriters,' by Mr. Preston ; " Machines and the 1'ountry Weekly," by W. E Sahlield, Renfrew, and W. C11mi.. Listowel ; "The Country Weekly and to Field, Work and Manage- ment,' " by J. H. Thompps�0000, Thorold ; "Small Local Ada. in Weeklies, by el. Y. McLean, M. PI'. , Soafnett, and " Estim- ating .lob Work,- by Atwood Fleming,Ter- onto. Thur.d•y evening will be devoted to • .mokise ooncert. Os Friday morning the following papers wtu be road : " The Ciroulation Canvasser, by 1. F. Mackay, Chatham ; " The Piens and Rehri- ous and Charitable last tutloos, by Das MoGiH.cuddy, Godeneb : " The Press and Politic.' by Jo. T. Clark, Tweeto ; "Coon ty Correspondents." by A. R. F.wostt, Toronto Jnnction, and A. O. F. M•odowld, Alexandra, and " Railway Advertiwng, by A H. Preston, Brantford, and W. 11. Dingman, Stratford. The *leader of officers will ooaclude the erventlon. John A. Cooper, editor of The ('radian Magnum. Is secretary of the 000- venton. THE DANGER OF STOMACH TROUBI E. TO.,. 1. No Te111.g Mier* 0aeaset .f lee «emceb lad dowels Nay Fad oat Moto Amperes eerie* has troves a tensed, ter /he Neel Sesperate C'a... - Tbe Wonderful Neer? T.Id by a teareed Resident. Have you noticed in hew many eases of death the explaattoo a giv.s that the real trouble was in the stomach' It bed re- fused to perform its important functions Wood would sot remain there, and with .1 - most every mouthful eaten the n,o.t terrible pais has been mired. People may well dusk eer.ously when the stomach and bowels teem. deragged. This inss the ease with Mr. Smoot Elya, of Mw ford, flat., • prominent Patron of Idastry. He herdly saw bow he could survive the bold diaries of the stomach had moored on ham. " I was IN meat trouble,- said Mr. Elva, " with pain is the bowels : my food felt like lead fa my .teach. 1 eould not deep sod my naves were enured, shat- tered. i bad fwd different dorms' midi• aims, bat the, all failed M eats me, or, e- dged, to do ore any geed. An advertise. moot of South Animism Nervi.o oases soder my norm., sod I' purchased • bottle of this msdloioe freed the les•1 druggiet. it did me es amob god that 1 get two mon beetles, and them three bottles, I Wilmette baiievs, eared am i know it eras the bs.1 throe dollars I aver spent. I new en joy health as 1 Mm sot foe sway years. My whale system rasa to •he sobramtially built up, sod them bhsd.a. 1 dei sot shesi- tate to attribute to Beeth Acarian Nen - hes" Bald by J. B Dors. Belgra s : Orem to • atspia d mite' soar Nalp.vs. the After.... Main earth por y rem ell the trash ea Me.day. The {ser .Hire was the eery see that left the Mack ..adroit, end forb.uatsly It did .et Clem swr,renengecntl/ •A dae♦sgt: wets deme a The pss•Rore sore Ted several hears Were the angles wee pt 54. hills look to see what s..rk has been dime iD that amu they 5.1. Dud it reetnoted to the lulling and r..tlrt.t:t.ou of • Teeny l.bi. o r. 1 t all than soba 1,.,e oentr ibu.ed to defray tug 11e OR pewees uouiu have vowelised the woe* that has beim ori erblbiuoo hen froth the de, the Hauer .,i.eued they ought have received eoolethou4 .0 return tut tneir money. But the performers to this arctr were po11uco1 •crob.t.political clowns. Any way they are the Hit I. who govern the country. How THI 1 ..i. r CN. We will see what *bey neve dope for us in the way of trovern,uv during the past year It is upon their rro..rd they will ask • renewai of 'oar twribd.aoe when at t polls 0111 :meaner they w.:. Bea k your sup- port. As • result of their trade policy we lino that exports frond Crows during 1896 ete creased from $117.524,93.' t.. $113,638.803 as oumpureu wide 1894, • declhae of $3,886,- 146 so your purcheemo power, for &wordier- to what you are title to etl1 ...die your ptse chasing powers extended or diminished. During the same time Imports taw Cords denier,' iron. $123,474,940 to 5110, 781,682; • shnukage ut Y12,693.258, The eggregaIe u1 triads declined from 3G3U,e,l ,93'L to 5218, 891. 314 So far so good, but where .re Si to bad the large falling ell in our anus! Whet will our tueads ..y when I tell them that if they looked .t ;.,e trade and avlgation returns two will nud that what or purchases, or imports, 1.,.n. *he Moller ooaatry dwhued during the year from 538,- 717,2b7 to $31,131,737, we, es customers of the United States tpere•oed our purob•ses in their market trent $53,(13-1.199 to 154,- 634.521. 011horrors'. insior.I y, 'reams, sod whet sot, for their tu.le bas keen changed from "God 8111.5 the Queen to "Yankee Doodle. ' ()h' the fault r not with the disloyal Grit- these tate. The fault lose •t the door of the ultra -loyal Tory Government who have so re* ..•td the cus- toms tard that whale on the dutiable goods we imported last year from tee United States customs duty only at erased 26 per oleo the duty collected on durable British imports averaged 30 per cent. Taking our totel imports from the United States, free and duUable,tt.e duty averaged only 124 per toot., while the average on the moil British Import. wen 22 per cent Dote that not strike you as • dscrimiu- tion against the mother country' Does that loot like a steppasg-ewm towards im peril federation : prefer.stul trade with Great Britain ' Yet, torr •re the cords Sir Charles Tupper and but friends intend paving when bidding for your vote art tune. He is 5ot0g to play the " old flag racket once more, end if he proves himself as toyed to the Queen and Caned• as he is to the *upper family Her Mejety has one sub jest who would stop at nothing to serve her. Let us look farther tato the trade returns. As to the shrinkage io exports I tied the* Great Brttatu took 56,681,866 less of us In 1895 than we sold her to 1894, stole In our .Ales te the United Smuts there was • shrinkage of $6,487,736 When our wire and Tory Government asked Parliament to votes good round sum to subsidize • direct It.. a steamships be Wien Canada, China, .japan and Australia they justified the expenditure ..n the ground that the 'permed transportation fanil i s thus offered would Sive you new meat mar• keels tor the one of the product of your farms and factories. Have you realvsd that increased market' Whet has been the result, any way' 1 con only go by the trade and navigation Morns which show that while our total .r• porta to ('hta and Japan in lH`tl amounted to only 5540,849 they had fel en ID 1895 to $376,160. In 1889 our exports to Am.tr•la amounted to $661,208 while in Ifni, two of the subsidized steamers bad been runnier to that country from Canada, we find the fig- ures reduced to $417,124. Make your or °momenta on the official facts 1 bays gives yes and then our politi col opponents cannot say 'lint hes.' The facts will speak ter them.elves and I have so fear of the results, 1 would ask you on your search for odor stun to look at the last official ratans of banks midair under Demotion charter. 1t shows that on the 31.1 Ilsosmber there was an Morose of 29 per neat. in overdue debts se compared with that of 1894. That. 1111. Does that save of prosperity' Lock at the last volume of ponies se - rear. The information they supply us with is sot memrsgu5, at least net room - w iser to those of our uemmuntt a who do at wish to leave behind them as • heritage to eo5ting geaonions* • national debt that will .Wd as • mermen to the memory of ,ecklwsse. extravagant end corrupt goy errsment. Tfh•t do the figure tall ts' They tell Ori that during the year tad (iove►Dtnent It•s dooesadetl in ieorde ing the oatmeal debt from 5906,183,029 to $253.074.'427. Yon will hear them say that too mom import moo is Attsehed by *be (hits to the immerse is the asthma' debt sod that after all N really eau no figure is the .lotion. Well. if it dons set it shootd sad 1 will give you the Annum why. Jost think tar yourself err ms.o.t what the iraresas of 26,880, *498 is the debt krt year insane i. laares..d Worms alma li moans am hagpse of $6106,766 in your lazes 1. pay the above lo- bster .t 3 pow mat. TM i.w.as* en War- eed ales derisg the year is marl v a wearier el • mitres 4.8... But really de yes ewer os.sidor the are hole year weal Merest Newest sed fink*" food, (sitar gtvf.g aredat far massa" rea.tved fro. i..eat- OVER THE HURON TRACtT. unmown akes in the amorist yua yearly My lista the treasury (u custom tares' It is this. Of the $17,640,467 Ton paid in ouetoau tries last year $11,338 669 went to pay interest and staking fund. The nasal interest amount alone is over les milltoo dollars. After paving interest on your wtiuo•1 debt there u any between 111 554 seven millions of dollen; left for other potpies' out of the as.. you pay tato the custom house. Is It • wonder they hay. had to tar your sugar again ' Vet they say Chet an acreage In IM FXF.TER About five o'clock Tun, n ational dett means Nothing to the peopie only • very trivial matter. Trivial to the °ay a•orsing the dnnna eked on the term Government, but poverty to many who have of Tbco. Shepton, west of F:reter,was burn to pay their last dime in tattoo. During the ed to the ground. Live ashes thrown in • MOM p.rtd they moored expenditure Itarrel near the °bed, was the rouse of the from 537,585,025 to !i8 132.00,•. Another bre. evildoers of economy. ..t from all their sbortoomangs they hope public attention may be diverted by the Manitoba School ore or some other ode era. They sing " God Save the Queen rind at the same time are trying their Man at to bankrupt and rum one of Her Majesty a finest possessions. Her Msjesty would dotter* their loud professions of loyalty if she k.iw the wbole story. The Griot trom the Local NW • ',relit, anises .r erne sews served ■p 1. salt Everybody - rate mad nose a lipped and tendemed Frens bier, seH/en. -- COMING AND GOING Mrs. Ktrkbrtde is seriously ill. W. J. Herrman was to town the past few weeks. t'•ptsin Reck was in the owe.. 4'it y last Saturday. John Sherman en Monday. A. D. McLeod .id M from Ashtabula. Jno. Kelly, of Bly tb, was town on Tuesday. J. i. Gsrrow, M.PI'., was to City the past week. Jas Scott, brewer, of Clinton, was in (.odericb this week. Rob Morton has returned trom his trip and is much oene6tted. Mr. nod Mrs. Wm. Jobb, of W'ingbsm, were In town this week. J. J. Doyle as.tea.ltly recovering from • seven attack of pneumoei•. Walter V•netooe, of 'Vtngh•m, was in the county towo tits week. Mr. and Mn. John Copp, of Sestorth, were to Gdench on Sunday. F.Q. Swartz, of Bayfield, wee visrttng i■ the county town on llunday. Ex -deputy reeve _'soteler, of Clinton, was In the county town ..n Mo.d•y. Mrs. Seaver returned last week from • Nag visit to relatives :n H.miltoo. A. Saunders, men•ger of the Organ Co., was is (juebec • metropolis last week Wilson Seigel(' as spending • few weeks visiting relator so town and tomnahipe. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hanson, of 1Ying- hsa, were visiting in town during this week. Mir Welsh, of 'tr•ttord, is the residence of her uncle W. W sat-st. Sam. .Johnston, of (,oderich township, who was reported to be seriously ill, is get• ung along nicely, I). Morrteon who has been visiting relit. tor for some weeks past returned to Mar- quette Monde% last. Mrs Frank Moria, of Wheatland, flak., is on • two months visit to relatives and friends in Colborne and neighborhood. Mrs. J. E. Newton, and Mies M.John- ston, leave today for Toronto, on • visit to the former mother, Mrs. P tt Wallace. Mabel. sided daughter of .las. Price, who bre been in delicate health for sore. rime, W been confined to bed once New fears. Yah sympathy is expressed for the fam- ily returned from Woodstock i•mpbell are home ID the county the Queen mains. •t T. Welsh, m BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. GRAM ascii,' Al. A, *i,t a t -by Ci. 1. Siraug B.A., Mad master of the Godenoh Colleg- iate lautote, In town parte. A glean through the pages of this book isenougbt m satisfy anyone who has the lets* knowledge of present educotiot.l methods that it is bound so 611 • ladle end Important place in our school. I.rammrtocol Analysis is pre- scribed tor the Entrance, Public School Leaving and Printery ;laminator. It is • subject trent which motion results can be obtained if properly taught, 1f • boy gets into the habit of analvnng sentenoss,he will be inclined to anely,e other things, and will thus tend to be of • generslly ao.lutrtog mind. But It may be improperly taught. Then time is wasted, and worse stoll,• pupil is likely to vet at idea that language is al- together mechanical, (he Muse that mats oo•tn►ote to the .bow of grammatical sw- lyw as • subject of wheel study is the torn oenology which socumbers.ad confuses tkie mind of the young lea•uer it there is to be • terminology at •II, it ought to be uniform and co•ssetest, as well as simple -sad not too oopiois. In this book we have • mode of rallysie that should at dhee beoome the model for uniformity. 11.. without th.t pod.ntry which delight. in invents*. nines for every variety of relation in whish words, phrases, and cl•uem may stand to the two modal words in • retro* and to soh ether Is the book the tesoher will Bad met only the richt ideas exemplified, but •'a • great fund of material to work on Thins le so need to co outside its envrs to no •11 the exereisee twosomes be marsh the sabjees thoroughly- The ootlecdes and gradiwg et emersion most have oast the author an immenm Ararat of nano and labour. The great difficulty is the way of teaching anal- ysis from peerages takes at reader 1 the eooelant eeenrenee of respected etembby Meeks that make the oomulative results aimed at by the toaster Now of atwsmrt. A tint bore in needed, and, as we should =post from ths author of "Kreiger in F.1.. 8yedaz," the owe he bas provided fills the want Prim 40 ata. Tomato The Cop. (lark Publishing (o. --Mail amid Dlsp're. Mates We twAA'.• aFFsrss the death el Was Harriett E Nieces, eldest daughter of este 0. M. Hoven. while\ ..- named en Musid•y el last week, at the ague d 20 years. Deemed matx.Nd • ernes at the Yee d him feathers death. Irmo whim\ she ower reesr.rd, Usborie . `alas N. Shier got his arm broken in some nutobtory o* Friday, 3rd *net. E. Wswroeoh f1 filum Porterfield has returned borne from Manitoba wbere he has been rimmed as clerk In a store ter four years. Brawls Wm. Dodds, who has bees an the employ of .1 T. Roes fur several years, has gone to 1 .Loto where be expeuto to take satiation. ltrussels Robert Wynn, jeweller and operator, of Seed Reach, Mich., is visiting under the parental roof rod reeewing old frieodehtp• in town. Clinton The fnende of Mr. and Mrs. C. Csrita wall be vied to know that atter a maewhrt stormy purge they arrived safely at floe Bahamas. McKillop Wm. Dickson, McKillop, has 67 bead of eters feeding for M.y export. He is rooming quite a stockmen, rod has • hue stable for the purpose. Wroxeter . Holborn R M,'I'•vish,of Radon 504 Seatortb respect ay sly, have taken pos session of the store in the Hemphill block and are now opening up their stock Grey . Mrs. Walter Oliver has lewd her farm to Drool Meehan for • term of five years at ro annu•I renal of $200. Mrs Ol..er will continue to live in her present resodmos. Grey • Thomas sad .Joseph 'Amber end the eon and daughter of the letter, all of Barrie, are venting Thomas D* -,deon end friends. They drove oyer, tit dtstanue be ung 118 males. Brawls • W 1,. Smith, of London, was a town last week visiting Ii Ward and other relatives. Mr. Smith hold. • busy end important position in con.ectaon with the I. T. R. at London. ('I:otoo : Mw Mary Isabel Moore, • Dative of town slid daughter ret the tote Hugh Moure,dtd at Iretro.t;on Wednesday, of pseumoola, at the age of 17 years. The body was tnurred an (Immo. Brawls . Mar Maud Abr.h.m, who is teaching •t W iodeor, has been dangerously 111 Woos New Years. %lir Maud taught suoce.sfslly the Primary Iteprrtment of the Brussels Public School a few yenta ago. Mullett . Mn. Susan Medd, relict of the late Henry Medd, died o5 the lith. Her death was expected. About two weeks ago she contracted a cold which turned to con geetioo of the lungs, being only one day craned to her bed. E. W'•w•no.h aloha I.tnklater bed the mufortuse to lose • valuable horse last week with chro*ic indlgestioo. Be lost one • few moothe ago by falling over a fang plank agd breaking its hack, Thu makes , wo he has lost is ox mouths. Hulled It is our ditty this week to chroo.cle the death of another old and re- spected resident of the township ID the per non of Mrs. Jas ('ox, of the 10th coo., who pared away on Mondry, 13th lost , after so illness of shout tea wet k• St. H.Iea John Woods infant child was brined in Dungannon on the 13th inst. The following day Mrs. R Miller's baby was buried at Goderioh, belay rive month and five days old Both hive the gym pitchy of many friends in their bereave- mCnt Rru.sels Last Monday Rev. 1smuel ,looed celebrated hue 88th btr'hday, and o5 Sabbath (.ad Monday received the oo.rr•tu- tattow of his many- friends. The reversed gentlemen enjoys a fair share of good health, considering his advaneed years, and gets to church almost every Sunday. Morns Thos. Randa. ot Tripp, South Dakota, surprised his relatives end triode by dropping in on them Iasi Saturday for • 'solidity visit. Mr. Rads has been in the West for the past 1:) or 16 years, and has prospered to such en •eteot that b• u now the owner of • large tract of fine land. Grey James McDonald was returning from Brussels oa Friday rimming when, an g oing through • pitch hole, the horse and nutter dissolved partnership. 'The animal was captured after a short ren and by the kind wt.tenos of John Robb • set of heir ser was Lined Chet took Mr. McDonald a•fely' home Welton W'e:ton may boast of quite an investor in the person of .las. Mowbray,.on of John Mowbray He has 000.eruoted • replete mestere steam engine of one-tenth W m power. which works to psrfeotto.. He has devoted • good deal of tame to .1*.study of electric engteeerug to etratford, and ran the slow ri + lights of Rueter last year. He bels tact to Merano • fir.* elm steotriers. Welton l,fatto • hvsi% hese took place os Tuesday afternoon after • fine Hayseed. J. .Johasron's hound started s fox out of Mr Mattoon(' • imah and ran it south towards It Pollard • bare, when Will 1'e1. lard's .tt.ntnr was drawn to rt and he gave char with hs faithful dreg it was luiskty overtake. by that rent Iran while healing into Wm Pollard's bash, end einiekly di5- petehei with • olob Kneel A grin.' elan has beta oat nye, tis eill.ge of Billet and vtot5tty b* the death of Mabel, only daughter 4 ('irtsi.. Eekm'w, es the morning of Sundsy, 19th test, at the early age of eighteen y.*" 5th was ill ler time • week with • eerier affssIjen of the threat, whish fear the be gienbg gave very little hops of recovery Three akrll.d 'hystereses were is atta.dau"e e ms Mr, end show ea.plo,i.. all tremors Mows to madtsl seimee it was deeded that the roily topo for b.r marry ay i. • 5urgral wpsraaen. The etnr.*M. we. 5r tcaa,fd.