The Signal, 1896-1-23, Page 8NEWS OF THE DISTRICT• FrOM our ownCorreapond.sta Therms Is informal nee leers Inas 4ease. be Mod any.. byre at.* tie w• et IM t east, wypertaur argwrsed far ewe alga.*. AUBURN. ai.,.nit , .les. Zl Mr i• Armor spent 'u11de, "We this t ....ails Vt. ere .cert Mrs • t'ue The yuttotg prop}, are m toe good we of the rleidhu s You Ma get 3 pounds of peaches .r 63.: st 4..0 P. ler* ` ons 4 oar local I•:yworto League attend the w'.att40 at Chown trot week I .e.tiose taw quiettd some people. so pec:•liy whew ober nerd the t..ul.. I:ev Lr. li•uyn rA_n.oYeI pulpits wt'h Bo. Jlr *I .laoo, nt Kw: ura .•n Sund.t. Mr. Itauglu pra•..urd Arae.. w.., etrn...ur oa tb. K '.out n oircu,t The West Hurts Farmer. 1...t. will bolo •serie• of sub rise nvre ..a Tsecede, and Friday . t this Nora t .pestle men will ba• r cherge of the d them.' mit 1 .•t., .rd do ata:. n of the st.h,, its • i:. to b a• ..11 til• ee who Are latruw:v.1 ,u .cri;.J u:rl m.tterr.It••uid alt.n,l her 001 h..adr.d pew•p • f n ie. d • ., r pn-e party on Fr.dry eve au g, the . v. tit • nog h•11 to hua.r of Mr Mums,., r.:..e- meet from the poditron of teacher of tae bol I• c'as, 1• the .deibo.u.t ci.un 1,. Ile ha.: tilled the your,:.m for mate peen, wird he will be mu.:h m...ed os he .vas the hest temci •r toms hod had charvo tot trot . kite Ter many year• the party wrested hiss with • handsome may choir. LE[WPN. '/'reap.• , Jas. 21 ▪ ca,. Art .:111,0 of 3 o.as'of eardtate lee 2 coo. at (..o. Price.. 1Jo.da. Art this week the mesas! mhet- irg Art toe twueregattw will be held In N.- ■tter.onn. Put exp•rieom of wombat bas •.u.t.t th,t dayitirbt ie better ties rcooMisht for ootaduota, church bu..u•1ys, I Arc t., it %.'T Suudey gest, u.u,g to illness, Rev. Mr. H•mtltoa woo not able to conduct divine service and 4; F. Blur, of Brussels, being s (;odericb, cams out is hie place nod gavel interesting address on th• lite of Saul as the first king of Isrwl. Rer^er TH. WAa1• 1■ the June eke tion of 1894, the Patron. had • majority, but the well known local leader, the archi- tect, assisted by a Rued confrere, got the Reformers into lin by • good committee meeting. But then the ardent leader was was not satisfied and had • public mottos on the Saturday previous to the election, at which there was • large attendance. Th. record of the couat shows 55 for (:am woo and 29 for Wermiher, • majority of 2b. The weather was no drawback to the Reformers, but Conservatives did not turn out as bravely, The present Government ,* n ot popular bore, but their .Sew ballot who much admired by all who marked their X oar the ,bull . eye. TM architect is ave bouod to hold the fort from i oaservatiyes and Patrons of industry to future. to ,.era of the dea'b of BENMILLER. Trg ,*a, Jan. 21. Heavy syrup canoed apple. for 10 Oeste a can at Goo. Yrice'.. Vi,1Tr„a.-Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Potter, with their six children, of Montgomery, N. W. T., are visiting at lease tel.dbiil's resi- desce in this village, and revisiting old somas and acquaintance.. Mr. Patter is • saee...fal farmer in our Prairie l'rovinoe, ..d.psake highly of the grand future tor Manitoba. They will probably remain hers for threw month.. Sr 1.1.1N John Stewart, of the bienmiller nurseries was takes suddeuh ell last week with some inward complaint and apes medical attendance being summoned it w1e be ieeed that an operation would have been necessary. lin. Taylor and (loon of ter oo.sultatiew decided that it would not be necessary to operate, and admissionred other restorativos whish we an hoppi to •tie proved .Elective At Dreamt, the pet test, although very weak, i. in • fair way t, recovery, -rid we may expect to see him about as natal in a few days. BLYTH. Tvas0AV, Ja.. 21. Mrs. R. B. Laidlaw if dangerously iU •t pre Mr. laidlaw is very ill, with little hopes of nu Ids being loop spared. Then is a big agitation here towards bonus's' a man to come to town with old machinery enough to run • sawmill. An other bright idea. The new council int last night and did business in the way of dt.oharging the old clerk, • poor mho in need of work, sad hired^ wealthy ,ton keeper. A good com- mencement tor • Tory osrnoil. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Mostn.y, Jan. 20. an. of tomatoes. earn or D... for 25ot.. at (:eo. Price'.. Peter A. Kdmooetoss, Igoe of Joe. Fdmen store, Hayfield read, left hen on the 16th met. for Riverside, California. isaao Salkeld, jr., et the 1st no..,hiod• riob township, purchased • thoroughbred shorthorn ball tram Hugh McKay, of Kin - lm,, Co. Bram. last weak. COMING AND GOING. TTI E SIGNAL : GODW$,WQy, ONT.. THURSDAY. JAN. 11, Tuesday is e..uesths with OM week of She hew ▪ ikKra Month W. Gam, Paisies , E it SIBLE Diefederades LAW Asseeisties. id shish be tl .ad Holmes west to Oedema es Hies P R I N T F �) Moo day sight to psrtiapate is the njoistag- -WV-..- . . •ed thea all kept sober, two ('has. Waimea of N times • dreg stem is i. Chagos a chart. of Wilma A Alw's dreg are, the lest sewed geaMoes.a beteg is Toroeto attending an opt.oi..al college. Mitchell Advocate Mr. sad Mrs, Freak White, of Sudbury, were u tows this week, .p..dieg • few days with frwsd& Mr. • hit. Lad a vete i. Wait Hares, and west os Tuseday to 1 .4.rtoh to poll it. II:ITRE:I► OF ENGLAND EnvyIvnvy Caused by the Island Empire's Success SAYS THE KINC OF THE BELGIANS atltbb Prerperttj is t rearseree, redlibee sad tonin/reseal .tresire tb• a.tresIt, •f the (.atlae.laI r.w er. apearbet.es *denture a..ela r Mea. New York. Jan. 19.-A s;.wctal to The bud tram Laudon soya. J be Times (giver ggrcat prominence la its columns to -day to a letter- sign - 0•I .% rut,4tter," dtscdtruy tae Mt - :Wilt why i.kgi•ud is waledits Vapor - lance los to the fact that tilt wittier ,s IvaUy tv:t.g Leopold Art ticlgiuru, who :a visiting Lunuwi. and tuat he iii apt hone* as Lahr only cnamyeoli of the Litrtisu cadres Witten ha. been fuaud Art i:uwpe Uot+ug the present ct'L1s. a be :ueluw trig snows the truer 01bats MaJ.•$t>'s, letter: "As one who has taken, during a had century. the keenest Interest In EI dish volitive, and who has always Lobo wed wltt, ,jeeat au,rivattun the spirit Art ruterpt,•e, unflinching love oil of 1u,ert>, and great achievements of gout nation ail over the world. 1 can- not suppress ray astonishment on find- ing, that not wil> Americana, Turks. and Boer., but nearly all the nations Art Europe and Anis. maulfrst greet animosity towards Great ltritain, and l,.very naturally ask myself what on earth may have caused ghat unanimous hatred, and what is the reason that they all pour the vials of t -tr wrath upon the English. "In the first place it is envy and Jealousy which have made England hated and feared by her rivals In the geld of c •nipoltiun. The sight of a e .latively small nation spreading a net of colonies and possessions all over the globe. bringing forward rrtraor- dle ary and salutary changes in the so- cial and political condiUuns of distant wild arid semi-eivflaed nations, and. above all. earning moral and material successes for her strenuous work. could hardly have been clewed with indlff- e rice by those European nations whose awaking is of more recent date, and who do not dimmer of the moans and qualities which have help- ed You. "Success has at all times engender- ed envy and animosity, and particular- ly 11 this success 1a the outcome of na- tional qualities in which others are kicking. t:ennany. France and Rus- sia. in comparing their gigantic mili- tary budget with the comparatively small outlays of England for her dr fence. must certain!) feel vexed, and still more will their respective peoples env) the liritiah citizen who dues not feel the burden of compulsory military service. and still enjoys the lit,erty. might and power or the greatest em- pire that ••v• r existed. The Frenchman of the b•-tt. v .'lass Is comparatively lea: blind In his Judgment than the ogle• re, lb' •-a's: 'Je detest.. les .tn- glah, mals Je les admire.' t"I detest the English. but 1 admire them."t "The Russian. like all Asiatics, is carefully hiding his f-eling.. He imi- tates the Englishman In habits and m.tnn•w. Hr acknowledges his trental superiority. In appearance he respects him even. but the more deep-weeted arc his hatl..d mid his efforts to oust him 1n Asia. '10 t:ermany the relation is totally different Sine.. tato the formerly mo - deal, quiet and ipoffensive German has decidedly fallen into the• a -ice of self•admiration, and on- has only to R• niton til. spreading of the English 1st guns. all over the ;1•.Iw, the gigan- tic commercial relations of Great Sri- tt. r: and the ubiquity of the Unin•i Jack In all was to rouse his anger Hui bis dialike. Apart from the aforesaid enern,e,, England has of late estranged many of her former friends by her recently inaugurated policy In the near East What.'ycr may be said about the 'm- oaned Armenian question. It will hard- ly be denied that tilp motives. as well as the means. of a diplomatic cam- paign against Turkey seem, to many nple. inopportune and 111-eho•.n." There ht much mor. on *hie subject, and the King or (11. A.iglume con- cluder. with the prophecy of many dl.- turbences similar to last week. but final Rriti.h triumph over all adver- saries. AA is bads of A.vow.. London, Jan. It. -Th. Standard will ' to morrow print a review of the European .Ituatton. in which 1t will declare• emphatically that Great Bri- tain aloes not seek an alliance with any Dower. P. Nevis, of Window. was 'fe tows last week. Miss Bella Hyslop, of Regale, is visiuisg 1a town. Mies Carrie Scott, of Petrous. is visiting friss& to tows. Teves Clark Mitchell is resorted to be sto.dily improvise. Mn. ti Struthers left on Tuesday last te visit triesds is Tomato. B z Patron easdidete Cn.ar:ily was is the musty town on Tuesday. D. 1 McKinane, of Blyib, toes In the essety tows lest Friday. Om of Chutes's old inhabitants, Mr. fleas was is Gd.rlch es Tuesday. A. E Potter and unite, 4 Ilo.thessry, N.A.T. , are A1iti se relatives is ('.elberas Mho Kate ?Miley, who had Bess i. iis- tratt Ter maw time path, retorted hems lest wok. Mies Polley .ad Um Siewert repreas.t.d Keen ekwrek Mame al the ressat miesies• •,y msolieg bald is S..terth. Capt will asd Mea Maegreoet, of mg. washes. •fe Amities the e.ptals'• pareses. l,.pt. A. M. .ad Mea Ma greger. Nob Mery of Tet Sntru. Aim Mil tows es Twtnda es • week's ramifies • hie M.D. bots wleg add the eeeeata too* Tarter. of Mew. wet le Mow ea tt.a.tT• •A.SSTI. Floor -The market la quiet and prices arm Sorel ht .11.,. are qua t..1 at i3 Er. to at Y'i Maaltebs potent• are arm at 113.00 10 H, and strong Laken' Viet Sen 1'•e of Aran err arm at i11 to iit.5tt neat. and shorts i12.30 to $13. W h. It tlut.rl0 a hent metlnite. very Arm No. 1 (.,li ie 77.• bid on Track and 7te Iced rest '' 1' It whit. 1. worth 71e .... Northern rail pd ISA• wee*. Manitoba No 1 kepi offers at Ter. NIS .. with 74c MO r h1. :.od a .. or No 2 .old a ra•. North tiny The market t %rm, wltk sales out• e '4.e a1 relate ,n tale Waitli heat '1'ke 11111101101 1a noir, and prl.•.•w easy at 3111r 10 Mk Worley N. 1 offered at 4rw east with 42. bid. and No i offer. st 33e natwilte t►:11. 1'ur. offer at ;yRt,- to arrive T.r- p.nto Willie offerou a1 tside, with 7b r 1.1.1. tlatn..•:J Ra, nee..let, with price. 0. ebanr.'1 .1 e'S'ta to ,fit on Inset sad *mall 1..1. a1 1:i, i. corr. Th.• market is nut.1 with offerings oo'.Ide .l . =nes• end Irl, bbl. Ky. '11e tnert.t to arm, with Ilmntd 0ff.•rint.. 'ars NII et Nle ent.ld. nittrlxtl MAItKsrx l.tv.el.•.l. Jan. to --Wheat. spring, to aid to N. I,'yI. red. is 45101 to ns aged. \0 1 California. *. M to 'Ir 7d: .•0rn, 1. 2%4t11; pea.. 4. !1'. 1 - pork. iia bd. I•M. 114 Rd; b.'avy ho. on. !7a 41. d0 . Ilskt DM a4. tad - IOW lt. tel. .•hear w1111. 4eie es.; do . .oi..red. N4 04 (.h.rpt .I d'1.1ae- Wt..* hotline Orme* .t M neve f..r rub and bt *01 roe M.,-5. Mals, std wester •t i 2'yd for J... P'eb. nod Marro and es anal for April sod May. riser 17. 1M lotedow Ma1... A.4.r1Ma Ina At M Y. .our ?l. *0*rano idiotr g•ieti i est 4ae`lih*ti+.bM. far gob, MOLLETTON CLOTH .. , HEN placing our order for Spring Dress Goods with J. & W. Campbell & Co., of Glasgow, we ordered seven pieces of Printed Molleton to be shipped out at once. These goods have now arrived and are in stock at 15c. a yard. We have them in Black and Red, also in Black and White fancy Checks, suitable for Ladies' Wrapps or Waists and Children's Dresses. Perfectly fast in Color. Inspection of this new line of goods is in- vited. J. T. ACHESON. Svc± WTO F 1 S Our stook is now complete in all departments especially in Watches. C A. HUMBER & SON '' have eftla 11 past record* far behind, and this year show one of the greatest selections of SUITABLE GIFTS . shhnuie-.,ilAS n FOTHTRAD S miss it C. A. SHQUUMAREBER & SON. , 00D RIc H_ Don't 1896 Wishing our Customers and the General Public A HAPPY NEW YEAR. We begin the year with a full supply of SCI30OZ BOOKS SC:61007-1 STp=-r The biggest value to be had for cash. SEE OUR 200 AND 300 PAGE SCR=.z1=Rs • FOR 5 CENTS Exercise Books, Note Books FOR 5c. AND 1Oc Leather S:hool Bags Direct from makers Extra, Rubber End Lead Pencils 3 FOR 5 CENTS A ZP�� INi.CS Best 5c. bottle sold. New Tinted Note Papers, Stationery, Blank Books, Extra valve to hand. See them. Albums, Silverware, Dressing Cases at cost. Window Shades, cloth 50c. TO $1.50. A._ I. WEIR_ Next door to JAS. ROBINSON'S Dry Goods Store. DUNLOP. Totowa'. Jas. 21. Mem Anus SbsrlMg, of Matilda. Uederi.k NwlNkp. i vimtioe hare. paw Nix.., latelyham >etgl.sd, m viiYsg Mr. aid Mrs ilips Jobs Graham, who, mum yeses age was es the sawmill emir hero cab.s the sawmill was is 1.11 been. Ms blas vml4Mlg_ tenser fellow workmen eks sad eeg =myrrh! friends about byre. 1a To Uetrrvv Assts. -David Corbett and W. 1. Whitely. she oat ss mesh weed I. tbi...lghberbeed law Wooer. wan omits TNe ws.& i the mom batch. iMM are Is Tiss form ler • reward. Jas. Camp- bell w also • oestrest aear by. *he weed est y them parties will !. Named se the ei ,alar rows by M. Moore. Verlag the year Nygbti.4eltt street will be fully •pe..1 N the Wks, the wood es the read bevies belie sold N Mr. Tibia by the Nwtekip eonotil a Sew week ago. This sew read will be se stars/Kim ter families sal ethers to takes drive is the lake sad gather gobbles from Ito shores or driftwood for home trot, or bathe is its waters wed view the yuess& epmdieg es. sad, is the eines of • M the Wag tdkd of feet may be ..em.d bee we rose defend • sew barber .d • navy yard ee bake Muses. STILL BARGAIN'S. A FEW LADIES OLOTH COATS LESS THAN WHOLE- SALE PRICES. 1 ladies' Greenland Sed Cape, $97.50 for $90.00 1 Ladies' Baltic Said Cape, .... 15.00 for 11 00 4 Men's Wombat Fur Costs... 15.00 for 11.00 2 Men's Wombat Fur (bate... 13.00 for 10.00 4 Bete Storm Collars and Muffs at oust price. 1 Man's Fur Usp $12.00 for $9.00 1 Ladies' Fur Cap 2.75 for 2.00 The above goods are great bargains, and mast be bleared out this -is Our Carpet .cock u, sr usual, the largest in the County, cou.uting of BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIES, 3 PLY ALL WOOL, 2 PLY ALL WOOL, UNIONS, HEMPS, and the new make of A%MINSTERS. It is scarcely necessary to say that our prices are rock bottom 00 there geode Our Lace Curtain stock is large for this Seamon of the year. Between 200 and 300 sets to choose from, and:1510 sets of new stock expectied daily. CHENILLE CURTAINS, MATS, RIIGS,'ART SQUAB RUG FRINGE and TABLE COVERS in great variety. COLBORN6 BROS. The Gnat Carpet and lane Burials Warehouse of the Oimety. Holiday Fruits . 3 • A fine assortment of new Fruits for the holiday season has ,just been received. Everything New and Fresh and of best brand. Family Groceries a Specialty. ST. GEORGE PRICE, affet'ssueta Tel a. pole. a sem. MIL WIIIITAT Aae.♦Catei Special at Munro's. Honey Comb Shawls, Scotch Plaid Shoulder Shawls, Double and Single Long Shawls in Black and Colors. HOSIERY Fine Cashmere. Plain and Fancy Ribbed, from Infant. to ladies sirs. Boys and Girls Heavy makes, warm and durable. Ladies' and Children's Underwear in all the leading makes. Men's and Boys' Shirts and Drawers from 20 to 44 inches. Just to hand, full lines of Men's Merino and Heavy Socks. New shades in Cheap Silks tor Fancy Work. Pure Silk Handkerchiefs from 5c. to $l .� ivrvO_ Draper and Haberdasher. NEW FLOOR and HID aid GROCER .i STORE if you want the (rest that is going in Flour and Feed and Groceries, at the best rates for your pocket, call at my store on the Square, near Colborne Street. The goods are of the bat and the prices are right. ORAS. KNIGHTS. 5,4:trio Clearing Sale or Dry Goods m i.n 30 DAYS Farmer, produce taken is exchange. H. J. HORTON, the CASH STOML Igor. moire.l street sad Spasm. -J REMEMBER - -. T1 a place to get Choice G roceries Provisions Fruits etc. i. at C. A. Nairn's Family Grocery. C. R.SHANE&CO McLZ4.N'$ BLOCK. Full Line of Seasonable Goods. Ladies' Fur Capes a specialty. 0. R. SILL= & 00. soma. s.► Om ra►r.s.■ Loma Cuttlnz Prices -not cutting our nose off to spite our face -nowadays is what we seer doing, to make ro.xn for the larr stock of Spring Goods that will soon be to hand. Although the prices in Suite and Overeosta will be shattered, the same high levels of Quality and Workmanship will be maintained. As usual at this leeartnn of the year, we are offering our entire stook of Trousers to order for SAM and 04.00. PRIQHAM TME TAROK. PORI 8.8 H E folk tbo oonve Maroc . Thai I the Ep■ 1posit-tea t diad by tt legates ase 0 mt.tatt t wen al •r on ace subjects t with es ss.Noas esaaidet, nand dispose •sabioel Tb. first • orotund which by J. W Mr. subject, ieeiiair hip. Mack 10 let 1 so the l yi.toI beth March books, ck iteatmittees important ti should be tie through the mm to til, greater adv. oesvereion bans so few Mandy la to week the to preparation bath : first, l study of the all the helps tug on t be hers. He prayertularm tidally, appl_ •I member o and praying strong tenth When ouove dors of cam are apt to ways let ths. their most in is for their Mould work Rev. S. J. shoot. his Holy Spirit .smber•hep, amt. W. eh all our woe comer, riot tl ower to fait) spired by t1. edam, to gbh holy Spirit I ita truth y that t. Ra.. J. N "Howe1 oral wort sop/ h kn 1 to prise■ iso. 1'be of Chis boned fn being honor 1a on the '1. were sot yds' Y S. tea aimed Ss te eta, A half hot the dilemma plead to M S. Rood of Sea is the Von available, ar tem by eel and apparel' duct the wo object of 8 the scholars deetrises, h aid primal aid after se awed is sus est • by regal sass. A t work fee A . ed beefs Gheleti..t, As dram es "i wee gives 1 rotary 4 tastb.e' he violisg the m..mgo fn firms tempi diieei sa SIM yN oar sr fe01 eat ,sea Read the 1 Mels111 d admteesd N ee.eelme. wgm .5 be