HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-23, Page 7ro
rust him'
You want .Scott's Emulw
lfyou ask your drug-
ist for it and get it -you
n trust that man. But if
e offers you "something
lit as good," he will do the
lme when your doctor
'rites a prescription for
hich he wants to get a
pv'cial effect -- play the
tame of life atld death for
he sake of a penny or two
more profit. You can't
,1st Mat man. Get what
ou ask for, and pay for,
Nether it is Scott's Emul-
i.)n or anything else.
h Mew, esnedi r, Ont eon end eine
Thorny Meseswires,
Then is every oommeod•tioo in the
worl•i fur an . 000mtwl minion, but a su-
pow hes no ones sympathy. Economy
is • virtue when not ridden its • bobby
When all the waste that tutu is taken into
consideration. it .eons strange that house-
keepers mud mothers do not, or wul uu , ea
occur their ingenuity to prevent tier rather
arks all thine. go sa tar as possible, and
fess serve the surpin* and • in it those in
wed. ulna huusekeeptr we late in wood
keeps hour for tiv• persons oo less than
any one we know of. Then is nota sign of
stlogyner in anything about her work, and
her table is etways I.•len with good things.
It to true if dose out show best the market
produces, but the way she cooks and takes
oars of what eau hes r the mmotet. W• have
trete kaolin her to throw away or burn
snythine that oould be utilised seams.
Slimy house/tam do out care to take the
trouble of saving or fixing over things, ea
penally where the table u oo.oarntd. The
waste In some honed ,s .imply deplorable.
We have seen • friend of ours 'them clearing
up the remelts, sit • meal take two or three
potatoes, meat, bread - food which had
never been removed from the dishes on
whtcb they wars brought to the table sod
burs. If remonstrated with rhe would .ne-
wer '•Oh,pahaw ; that would be too much
trouble She is one of the most 1eoero00
souls oho ever lited,ht to improvident and
lavish when he table is co.ceraed. She
must Oto either yen ind,I.reo: or lazy, and
•s • oeutwri eau the waste in her house
would poeltively make an economical per
eon sorry
So-called sonoonty may be carried to such
an extent as to amount to e'Ineynees, •Ld le
eometiunes ludicrous. Our woman was m
remarkably careful that over her new car
pet she Arst tacked r mtu:.n cover and them
placed newspaper. wherever she thought it
would have the hardeet wear. Again many
people want to be eo eeoeomteal that com
pithy is altogether out of the question with
them They Dever can atford to give • beg-
gar • bit to eat when he Domes to their
door. They ca000t go hen nor there be-
comes It may out somethtnr They shut
themselves out from w much of the pleasant
and beautiful in the world that 1de to tbem
meat he • hordes. A writer not long sine.
rid of thethrift y housewife
She takes note of the kitchen lire and
closes up the dampen when she is not thong
it, and m ken one firs to de all the work it
will •t once. be ryes her nisi "drip
plaits and make them serve in oinking in
*teed of butter she saves all the odds and
acid :of breed ant meat left ever from meals
and works them up into appmzing and oat
trigon* dishes instead of throwing them
away. Her clothing rite keeps clean by the
use of •proms: she has suite of clothes emit-
•ble ter ditty work. She 'turas hoe sheets
when they grow thin in the middle. ler
worm tablecloths are cut up nett napkins for
every -day use. She keeps rugs spread over
pilaus is the carpet the are subjected to
the hardest wear. She carefully dues her
tisw•re so it will not rust out. She keees
old brooms tor rough use. and se prolongs
the term of service of her beat broom. She
need up her worn tarmenta is makingquil'e
sod comforts or in rugs ud rag carpets,and
w in • thousand ways she saves what it
wasted would be pure lose, •ud do nobody
any good,
t ,say Beard Indeed.
There are so many things that seem an
es1eeesry, and which tor the life of us we
MOMS rietber purpose nor end. It may hei
gegen ale jest one of those thorns in the
Ilse why and the wherefore of which
rte eaneot sea Nevertheless they are of
Me kind that are e.ily removed. Pnttn•a.
''felon' Corn Extractor sakes short work
of them Try it and see bow steely it
orates them nut. Use seam other than
Potman's Painless (Corn Extractor. Sold by
Karaite rgAlhert's open Gbi.med• was
vat oeldy received at 14 first performance
in therden.
Its Cause and Cur•.
A peinonons Acid in the Rio(i.:,
(• which needs removal.
Only one ,assns for a radical cars.
MOW tie lite sed • /seams/ no arhsewl
etre Ilbat men Mend adveeelrmerY.
Aiken CWYtslte . 1 wee reeds tie W.J.
lees seed'. pieawat resointeoeaw of Hoary
Grady le lass Strada►'s paper, sad it warned
so tack to the hard days whoa Hoary was
etnleglittg airman tate to make hie paper c
e.soam, The merokaste had net dim
learned the valm d advertising, and Henry
plosded to vain ter a mere liberal pair's -
age. A leading merchant who ulainied to
be bis friend •tubbor.ly deolied to give
bin' a his 'ad' and said it would be money
thrown away, tar aelody red them.
" Don't read than earthward Emery.
" Doe l road them ' \Well,► will show you.
Next tnuruteg • paper ooetais.d . Mort
editorial on cats, sad told how cot fur bad
recently .lime into great demand u (aehiou
able circle. to New York, and b -•w the long
ooaree heirs were stimulated sod the teal
for was made into Lappin and muf e, mud
aver) fantasia!' lady wore • falls*. Rc.
Not far elf in author uolumo was a ds -
played advertisement that said :
" Waisted -1.000 cant, fur which 10 ovate
• tch will be paid.'
-i he merch.ot a some cat signed to it.
By ouon the eta began to roll tn. Small
b)yu, whys and black, brought tiles) in
beaker and b.ys Fur awhile the merchant
majored the l ,ke. but roe got tired mud
went .way to dosser.
By the time he r.turad the boys and
darkies from the suburbs were coming to.
and the sidewalks were blockaded. Hoary
had laughed until he was exhausted, and
oat on a window sill .arose the street,
he said, with • cataleptic set. Niegbborias
merchants and their clerks gathered uouud
and laughed sad shouted and orad .t eyery
bow arrival of cats. As last as the mer
chant drove ofl one ;roved another tilled
their places. He armed himself with a big
'tech, but at last he closed his doors in
sheer despair, and night relieved him from
the pressure.
Kut the next morning the catastrophe
was worse. The catalogue was not evaded,
for the country people had beard the news
and brought caw to on theme wagons sod
under their hu'gi mean. and tied up in oot-
to baskets like chickens. Henry took hu
grand near hv, and lesaod against • tele
graph pole f,r support. He sad the folks
who loved fun were all then, and while tt
was fun to the boy. and death to the from,
it was such • ran and racy joke that the
merchant couldn't get mad. sod tin•lly sur-
urrendered. Hs made an appropriate little
speech to the crowd, and told Heart' that of
he week! promise Dever to do so any mon
ne would vive him the lugger " d he
he had ever had in hi. paper. Henry pro
meed and the " ad " was given.
That modern women mmetlme• stoop i'
o.edinsly low to.00quor.
That it is hotter to be a good
waitress then • poor typewriter.
'that New York women oo the street for-
get the dismal fate of Lit's wife.
Tut sootety men add to their popularity
by being d.fere tis? to old ladies.
That some debutantes appear to know
everything/ at that first •ppeueoce.
That a match -making mamma, thwuted
In her plans, always geu,her revcoge.
That books that poison the mind and cora
not morals were never so numerous.
'MM. -metropolitan moiety will be more
mixed thin Winter than ever.
Teat matrimonial triumphs of gentlewo-
men is trade cause more to go into it.
that some noblemen and their American
wives survey are soon allneated.
Thus days of rapidly accumulating tore
tams o0 speoulsticn an rapidly gliding by.
That *sulked philanthropy m the kind
tbst requires the •ss.stervoe of publicity.
That affinity is not suficintly osesidered
n owadays in the matter of marriage.
That the adoration of the horse@ and
dogs will Dever bring one "peace at the
Tb•t those who envy the lives of rick lam
,lir do not kuow the shadows there.
That some women at receptions attack
the refreshments as if Char tut were over.
That mike er dislike of the o►ergymu
ahnuld not have anything to do with the
That aetresees with sordid minds make
it a rule to sell their flowers back to flor-
ets. •
cook or
Rbeumatisre is a blood disease, due to
the presence of uric acid -a poison -in
the s stem, and it is only by the removal
e1 this pain -producing pnimon, that a
radical cure can be effected. Acute
rheumatism is hereditary, and thus it is
that young children are often victims to
this torture. The use of liniment+, em-
brocations and outward applications,
may give temporary relief, but can never
cure, for the poison is in the blood, and
until it is expelled, rheumatism, sciatica
esti neeraligic pains will continue.
eeetts' Sarsaparilla cures rheumatismby
removing the cause -by neutralizing and
expelling this poisonous acid. la chronic
caset, this medicine reaches the source
M the disease as no other medicine can.
it gives renewed energy to the ergage
that sustain life, the forces that make the
blood. For the nervous troubles of
youth, for the debility Act prejdes old
age, fm; ladies in their severe ordeals, it
m without a compeer.
Sett'• Sarsaparilla le a concentrated
compelled of the fittest medicines known
to madam aedkal seience-The does is
front one half -t me teaspoonful and
geeing > se t dreary vocalises see
Wbe Mare teed Or. Sesew'. ('eternal
Powder. sad 1e rte salere.re of user -
Ing Massa.lty oaf maw Much // Me.
Leese fee Them.
io the eooleeisetieal history of Canada the
n ames of the Right Rev, A. Yweetman; 1).
D , i) C. L., Lord Bishop of Toronto, and
Key. lobo Langtry, M.A., 1) C.L, stand
out prominent, and within his own pariah
may be added to Obese the name of the Rev.
W. R. Williams, 1k.. Longtrv's perdu
curate, These rentlemen believe in acting
out the axiom of the Good Kook, that,
having learned of that whiob has been •
sours' of benefit to themselves, it is their
duty to tell the good sews to others. These
three olergymeo of the Episcopal Church
have snob Weed 1►r. Arnow's Catarrhal Pow.
der, and found tb.1 tor cold in the head
and catorrbal troubles it is • great helper.
and neer their own signatures they have
rid to the public that these thieve are se,
thee utile,* may be likewise benefitted and
One abort puff of the breath through the
bl"wer, supplied with each bottle of Dr.
Ague** thterrh•l Powder diffuses this
powder ever the aortae* of the nasal pu-
rges rainier lied deligbtlal, it relieves
in ten minute', and per.seetly verse
catorah, bay fever. cold■, headache, sere
throat, teneilltis and diatoms. 60 meta.
Sample withitlewer sent en reoespt of 10s.
in stamps or diver, S. O. Dachau, 44
Choral+ street, Tomato.
*T.H'Kne wets La uniers, reLWwt1 01
runt SOFIA. ells LANeCI%H1D sea SOK/
TRAK • WYa-Da. WILL1a Me'r1ea rILLY
saves, SSA «*IN uTHea «Kut, 111+
gram 1.'gtoile de Fest. Ceatl000k. flue.
The town of Aueill,k't ,u situated •bout
agbt miles from ('uti000k. i,uo. and is the
house of Mrs. Ada Hartwell, who hes many
relative. and sumeous friends to the atter
plsu. Mrs. Hartwell has pored through
an expersou. which L'Etoile de I Fiat thinks
7'.rthy ot giving the widest publicity as
many others may derive much bemtlt there-
from. Mrs. Mart ler!' has ever been could -
wed • woman enjoying • healthy oowtltu
Woo until two years ago, when she was, like
hundreds Lot others le thie vicinity,
stricken with Militants oras 11 is more goo
'wetly termed la grippe,• dream which cos
rid og m.ey people in this town mud vicin-
ity, end 10 els ease of numerous others left
behind wrecked uunetttuti • • As often
heppeim. greemc Ola follow. 1 • • • that amp.
toms of !h grippe .n.1 tl •. H•rtwel was
u uk, ore,. unto de.:,' Tete 1•.,rt n e 1,.•t•1
aid Wu.umnioll.• 1, sed Mrs. Hsrtwrll o a
1 Lew •pUM&
"Lew sums" is s oomme eat se ler s
I great deal of selbsbue.. It is uer4wly •
mutter of doubt *tutees. soy we has the
right to tie imtnoholy to • world so full e1
Me groomsmen and tteseteeity of Pruyid•
.sea, tied it t • nuserr'ile pew al egotism
50 thrust uoe a low .pink upon others.
Melancholia is uadobte,tle • daeaee, but it
to nos of those usere.-• which are largely,
If oat wholly, under . uotrel of the w111.
ooetradictory though 'he statement may
es" -n.
There •r• many dt.•wes recognized by
physiceses Se brought .,out purely by pati
our *Bowleg thetas] ,-• ro drill use our
bid condition of u, ,.1 Ecco dreaded
scourges, bks typhus stater aid choler• sad
known to he induced 1 • nteaNd leu COO'
aunt brooding nicer • honied wrong er
Imaginary alight. shooing as exagrer•td
state of eeltishnese. which s not triton nee
entered eupersenntiyroe.., will readily ie -
duce that cooditiou of o,rud Iowan se mel-
The selh.h idl.•r a .'un L mOr I by ever;
one ; bet the one who '••.•see hie time 1•
Obis much more food s.. ,nanner, .;r••aniag
and oomplsieiag until h'.enornw s ,rnroeic
hypochoodrtrc open ! ,-.s for a hard -
worker from' the very ., ,.s of trouble. be
takes to find !rouble. \ s ••fowl of fact,
such persons s000utphs', very hods real
work in the mold. Th.1 arg,Rrest wastage
of time thou the nines It pogo, go, Muer of the
world, becru.e they t.e. away from the
torus and the life of otb.ra %Iisss
quantities, they re -prone, mach len One
.111.01'•, IUD/. H ITII„1'1' 1(11,•1'0.
✓ ued from what to her friends seemed imi-
nest death, hut when coov.lesceioe came,
. he remained deprived of her appetite, ex-
tremely weak, and in constant duvet of a
relapse, and •11 her physicians could de
oould not bring about her former coodittue
of health. Numerous medicines were tried
but to no avail : •he was weak, dispirited
and despaired of agate sartyie t her former
vigor and nealth. For a whole year atter
her attack of poeumoau she 00.tioued to
languish in that .tate. At lest one day her
husband purebred • few boxes of 1)r. Wil
Game' Piok Idle. He had read of the many
cures wrought by this wonderful medicine,
but procured them, he Gaya, for hi wife
is order to Inviable to my,'we have tried •11,
rather than from .trona faith in them, To
Flute her husband Mr. Hartwell willingly'
consented to ,aka the Pink fills, and great
was her surprise and that of her Armband
when atter taking three boxes she was able
to take a short ride without feeling any fa-
tigue. She wisely resolved to continue the
treatment, and before loot found that *be
had regained her old time strength. and she
<fe tered that she owes her recovery entirely
to i)r Williams' Pink fill.. Last Winter
Mrs Hartwell felt a dight recurrence of her
weaker..nd again resorted to Ptak !'ills,
since which time .he had not had • days
Dr. Williams' Piok 1'tils have • more pc
tent influence en the blood and uervee than
any other known medicine and speedily re-
store the bloom of health to pallid cheeke.
Pink Pills cure when all other medicines
fail Sold by .11 dealers or sent hp mail
at 50 sesta • box or mix boxes for $2 50. by
addressing the Ih. Williams' Medius. Co.,
Brockville, Out, or Sohenectadv, N Y.
Refute all .tissue es alleged to M "prat es
good. -
men Is • Safi arse.
White setts slippers with red heels.
Lasa blank gloves with a mews et marls*
A gown wish Medici roller and no sleeve
et all.
A oisetere of silver beard. with u oval
deep el yearn
♦ tiara e/ terq.eses with a laoe•hke de -
mentis. of dlameeds
Yellow ..eery birds a either shoulder o1
a blsmksheired Inside
A Kowa of white satio severed with white
tell* .ed trimmed with sable.
Very thy white setts *Speen with .
rwsMs a 1*. We1sp mods of ermine tails.
A eta el twenty with p..ese.6 eM
deer miler., dome with
A fee .t pt lase wish sliver mNks,
lower sttadded with stngostam, the former
spseslsd with diam..d dusk
Prime Proderiek e4 Preemie hge
beenh� i..tellmdOv Ms 5.r 'info
the .tie itepseumiM
wee last hey by theism
ware be wee mews ?Mesa
• MEM N Mesa
An English physician write. "Let me
give two or three hints to boys who use to•
bscoo. Tobacco has spoiled and ruined
thousands of boys, inducing • dangerous
precocity, dbveloping the pinions, soften-
ing and weekenioe the hones, and greatly
In)lnnr the spinal marrow, the brain, and
the whole of the nervous fluid. A boy who
early smoke., is rarely known to make •
man of mueh energy of eh•r•cter, and he
generally looks physical end musenlsr, as
well as mental energy. 1 would puticul•r-
warn hots who want to rise in the world, to
shun tob•coo as a deadly poison.
"A few:week• ails, . youth arrived in
this eity to prosecute his studies with •
view to a professional life. A week or two
after his arrival he was seined with par-
alysis in both lege. which advaeoed upward
till nearly all the lower half of his body wee
benumbed and apparently litelese. There ie
little hope of hu recovery. The cause of
his disease was tobacco smokier, a habit
which he had early acquired, and persisted
in to the time of his attack"
Set about doing good to matabmdy. Put
se your hat and Ito and visit the peer: in-
quire into their wants and .dmidMer unto
aunt; seek out the deseln» sod s s....d
and tell them of tesMeeerAi ole of relights.
I have often noted Ni Me bend it the beet
medicine lig a bs y-heeef.
arefavorable te the gernsimanation.1 seeds
and the runt* of planta M. Sottniar 5..
loud i. 15 eour•e of his elpIYOWe.r with
nu issue eleutrie light en plats, that
Alpine plans, oulttveted uudor
light, precool pots4 of ,Nrs4ture 1A+u11w1
with there .,f *101*0 pians•, «hock. g... 1..
der the waists le we.
Is should be known to lomporsn •e people
@morally that the festivities atte•1.01 up
ea the ermtog of age '•f Mr. `t•,mrr Mantel •
set, oily child and Aar of lady H•ur►
S.wnerset, and shoe' ins -Need moiety ten
thousand guests, litre conducted without
rhea oar o1,nin.leattag'Nears 111 e-1 f•,rm,
nor d,d the fact exelle eutfi •'tot r.xmii k •.
1". reported M the press. Alt honor t.. Lads'
H.•,rt S ,nter.et for her etre, -h wih,renie
r.. prinotplee,•af all honor 4• the great per.
1"• that begins to uompr.hend the ream
•t, .en,.. of • wume'e work to ode's,* 110-
-sumer of • clear brain and a stead) bond
F . iceante u1 the eata•es presented Ur
Somerset wt•h r Nucleate* pros.D•, °f gouts
.nal silver plate. tied art adder.. in which
hos mother's not 1. ,sample «w most high'y
commended In replying, 1 h» 1,'. .1 ...n
sect he desired to keep the memory of h••
a•ranIf•:her and granamothrr before 1 m
«hone acme and wtwhro w.•," .15.• t to hell
their tenants, and en lune .. his vomiter
lived tie nope•) he might 1,e al 1- to aoria h.
in promoting the welfare of her tenaut+,or
• hew .-.`a• n, sed arurnd !iso r,, conclu
•i•.n thea• 1• was his hitrh•st prrpnae on
m"in'a-n the trodri,n of his soother'. fam•
nothing, or the, reduce tn. working power Ina' the girl shoul l hesitate lose and
of all around them,eser• at leg them by their ,'sr'-.''ly helots oh•nglag religion In
contmuoue dole and plaint. mart. .- , �• !TV
e '
-trunve ea it mayeiernt, a dispnsitlo0 to •1 mit the' net memo" is beeriest when
melancholy often appear. it ohddren, aod.11 she star) engage aomeooe in oonverwtee.
o ot di.nouraged, may .I.v(lop into r tixel
habit lster . n. Thr..re ,• r:n cern better for
such morh•d tendeaoi•w than sone tumbed
by which t h.• indiv•du•l .v not nu -.,,1e .f \S ^ K I 1Ni
himself and forget his ow. selfish uitereete
and desires. Peevishne.a 10 • 70.111 , hill
e houl•1 he treated as • ..•r.ou+ 1,1,1!1, y ', 1ts
sine cense 001 of ton the fretful child le set- }
pet, and so rewarded l -,r his fretfulness ; :Ons Remedy N hwa hem Never Failed -
and the fretful chid t-ntakk.aahe complaining Tried and tc,tu.l umtn'eat.
melancholy man or w•,msn Erratum other elle,.d remedies for
Wee, *crofuiu, etzetmtic eruption.,
scald bend, chafiu$, black heads, salt
rheum and skin diae.•'e. generally have
Read .Ayer'• Almanac, "stitch your drug-
gist will gladly hstt yon, and now the
wooderfnl cures of rheumi'mm, catarrh,
scrofula, dvsuep•ia, t• rem•, dentlity,
human and sore•, by th. ung 0t Ayer . lar
w sp.rll!a. 'he nosy' Sanapse tIa admitted at
the World • Fait.
Ourine 1896 the London mist struck oft
72,245 295 °otos, .bout ten millions more
in 1894 The value of greys ening" was t3.
592.625: of the silver coma, t1,196,16A,ud
of the bronze, t40,905.
A 633 karst diemond,titetiosat,aerfound
in Africa, was found set .lagersf in _min in the
Tram•v.s! the day after 1'hnstmas \\ hen
cut it ie expected that It will be worth 41,-
Mir AuSuetu• Hemmin0,'ie new I.ov•ro-
or of British Guiana. th• age i4 years old,•
an active cricketer, playing with an lour -
n ett ('lub on its annual tout. then youDr-
er he used to plan to th,- •t;enttemen vs.
Hy • recent motu props • 'he Pope new
appointed a permanent and todep nd.i $
t ommterion of cardinals f.•r the F:wtero
churches It coo.i.ts of Cardinale l eilooho•
proved mels.. don't ,:uud•mu Dr. Cheer's
Ointment. It bat never been known to
fail For instance. Nielson Simmons.
Mw1Nsbarg, Ont., writes:
I used Dr. si'nne'r Ointment for
Itching Piles, and .an recommend it
highly. Since usi1.4 it 1 have bad
perfect freedom front the disease."
Peter Vanalleu. L Auiable, Que., had
the eraeme for three years. He tried
three doctor*, but received no benefit
One box of Dr elawe's Ointment and
three boxer, of Pr. Phase's Pills cured
completely- large realer covered
bee legs and body. but the Ointment soon
Tem 0 ted them- III* will swear to these
. Chase's Ointment may be had from
any dealer or from the emanofaeturcre
Edmasnoo. Bate. & Co., 45 Lombard
street, Toronto. Prise 80 cants.
Mother's greatest remedy for cough*.
colds. bronck.cial and lung affections is
Dr. (,'Acne's Syrup of Leareed and Tur-
pentine. The medicinal trate is wholly
distgni'ed mating it pleaaeot to take.
Lange bottle 25 testa.
wekt,ltranielio, Vaughan, l.anieoteux,Rnse-
polte, t:altmberti, and id.z✓elle.
Even royal poor relations have much M, r
put up with. The ('ouotee. Fedora (:leach- 1 •
en,00e of r; seen Victoria's mother's I:erm$n
docendenta,who *babbles with senlpture,hla
been commissioned by Her Majesty to make j •
the bust of the late F Clark. John Brown's
nephew and successor as Highland attend• ' •
ant, to adorn the corridor et Balmoral.
Beton Von der (:outs Pasha, who in 1888
left the Prussian service. in which he held •
the Lieute..nt Colonel for the purpose of
reorganising the Turkish army, baying re- •
signed tram the *urkiah eerrioe, has been •
restored to the Prussian arm. as a Lieuten-
ant -General and appointed to the command � •
of the Firsth military d!v,sioe with heed -
quarters at Posen"
Do tot say "He speaks had granbsar,
bet " He uses poor F.aglish."
Not "I feel had," but "1 feel badly."
Not '-Hadn't eight,' bet "S5.uldn't
De net begin all remarks with an ex -
ol•at•tioe see' es "Well !" "Ravi "Ob o'•
De sot say " I'mI deet he1Mye '
but "I'm sot wing 1 bears,/."
Not a "tree pie," M • •' pees:" set
" New Begieee s," her " Regimen : ' set
"Elevated up," bat "Iterated."
Net "I emu through dieser," hes "i have
•skated dieser."
Not " it is :tee ashy," hes •' It ie site
Net " It is testy," bet " It M tasteful,"
Net " Light oomplaned." hat "Light
t'ampler toned."
Net "He 'hit mem to see me," but "Re
loom% sena to see sm."
NM "Who are yen gang with but
"When are ye going with'
Net heerreetly " She wrote to Nen and
i," wham you my meeestly "Ste wrote to
M. Jake Ombra, at present (inventor
(Memel gt/ Algerie,bes eosepI,sd the posh'.ia
of ding is Adel .f The Jimmie! dse Dr
hates, withal' bee sew beam an emotes pa-
Dill1y*e phials
will be (shoe by iL T. Omit, et the Weil.
td.wmr (Assess►
A new application of calcium carbide has
hese duooyered by M. Rowel. By heating
powdered oarbide with magnesium in • cur-
rent of air he snooeded in firing the nitro-
gen in the air, the prodoeta being lime tied
nitride et m•gnenum. This eotnpouod im-
mersed in water deoompses. giving nut am-
monia M. Rowel has else ohteiod combi-
nations of nitrogee with aluminium and
A fat simile edition of the cel.hr.ter' \I.
.•o0 (:enol., helnoginv to the Emperor of
Austria, the oldest illuminated purple vel-
lum manecript• of the Greek Septuagint
translation of the 01d Testament. has just
been published in Vienna. The original
consists ot 24 leaves 1211 by 101 inohes, with
from 13 to 17 lines, written oe both edge,
with 48 miniature ousting. it dates treat
the fifteenth oratory.
F.lectrioity i. likely to he so impnrtaet
factor ia the agriculture of the future, as•
oording to the Italian Professor A. Alii,
who has collected evidence showing lire
both terrestrial and atmospheric .Ieetrio►ty
• • • • •t>t • • • • 11
1 two merrier Noland Wane: ta • twtsr
et num
«eryd� rwee f.ttwaa pair.44�i,..rafseaa s"'li gr .pp• W.8 Caavor.
Tau. MIL. 0•••1 stet.•,
Yaw w nested nriers• ormat mar
.1 mmwWr 44.4444.0.1118.04 wwy.ar
Yate vivo dm•d•eamMaM rrmematWrr.
-.1 M rke,w
16.1. . w -'-'.gar, n.C,
It Cures ldatl e,1l1ew-
rmlgta, Palms h beet or ado. er
any 1Gssenise Paws.
Break Bp a Cold in Time
sic u$SNG
The Vostok ('err (•,r l.Ot'(YNO,
(',)LDS. CNA 01 1'. lNWN-
cMrlAe. MOAMAKJi kak, ere.
fem. Jessen Nos WICK.
of 66Soriano1t e., Tetsuo, writes
W ,rel nota u.• re
..y Mown sf ewe ria• ftwe 4...•4...•l •tie la
we .44114•14144.4snagee4011.4. It .1.. 1, ,4 weans ase r f'r r.
O s r1 .. ea• I este sae
sit ter+
B •r'4'ee• * - t., Inowwa te4eru..
H. 0. 0a.....,
el Little Kocher, P40., w,I ss
"4 • we le anew hwf-fann sal 11
the WI ..Wer Wird*. 11•w.: tar no&
Largo osmole. ee Cts.
Proprietor. Mos•rasat
Driving Nail::
sod 'rising lartarn• ore . 1u4i- dee{
.hes•-. •1.•' *..I, . l•, 411"%i lib -re to a1 net
ON..' or'tu.g glom tertt•irr. le
CRt t.s ' f"r :1-tws. A XES, Fl1.Ex and
1'Leaf:lUAl. IIAll1►WAl.E.
l pr.cs. are •w4 door,.
Note' for V•14,1 got !..
Obtained, and ..:l t•usireee !n b. t:. S. home
Odic* attended to at lf(iDBRI ITS P61111.
'her ornee is opposite the C.A. P.te.t (•.
nose, and w • iac obtain &•menu In lees due
ban those •enom r tram WASHINGTON.
send ,Yr)DRL (►k DRi WI 'J. •e M•
;lee se to nate.ta/•i:ity free ni charge
We refer. here, to the Poet.•aster, rte
>< Loney Order Div.. and to ottici.l. of
U. d. Parent l)ttt . Yor etreolar. ad
norms and !'!,r«.«naw to actual *!tents la yews
)mum mai.0' 1%,111. • 1 .0
4' a .050 .5 ('e.,
riepm.te i'at•at 1.41...0Rwninetit. It 1'.
[TALCI Davis i L►wre
wee 0e., Ltd/ •
25r. Sok Proprietors, MonraaaL.
• • • • • M • • • • OS
"Ry • Ihornn,h knnwl•v1.it of the nahir.
law. «hi.h guy ern the operations of di,n'.t ,,.
and nn, rillon. and by s careful application ,.t
the tine nrnpertie• of well-eelectel ('nano, ter
Rpp• ha. OrovId.d for nor M•wakfe.t ane •n1
per a del,eatcl•- l.vouret Icy. r•1e «bleb mai
sere ate testily Navy doet,t,. /.,:;a. 11 is by the
Iodielno• mot of such art fries of diet the' 5000 -
*tit ol an may iv gradually butlttp until tom., g
*mooch to reds, ewer, trudeney to d•ew..
Hnndrede of subtle maladies are I1.rti,•,
around us reads to attack wherever there 1. •
weak noires. We mar aw-*De many a total
shaft toy keeping oorvelves well fortille•d with
pore blood and • properly nourished fume-"-
CYn,l .e rib's IJq'ssrte.
Nod, aimplr «1th trilling «5151 or milk.
Bold only In•nackeI.i-by (Armors. labelled thin.:
JAVIns Errs t ('e.. Ud., Memw.Miiite
ll«mistw. Leedee. Iteglased.
Some merchants look for slack business days after the h. -t of the
year, but we don't want them, and
Weil give you such goons at such price!; that will make trade.
This is the way :-
Youths Buff Bala, size 10 to 13, solid leather, double toe, regu-
lar, *1.00, for
Boys' Pebble Top, Pegged Boots, size 1 to 5, solid leather, regu-
lar, 11.10, for
Men's Heavy Laced Boots, Blocher cut, rivited sole, guaranteed
solid leather, regular, 11.25, for
Men's Waterproof Grain Boots, felt lined, regular. $1.75, for.
Girls' Rivited School Bo.)ts
Women'. Heavy Laced Boots, leather lined, regular 11.25, for
Ladies' Kid Ruttoned Extension Sole, pointed toe, patent tip,
worth *2.00, special at
Have you tried
They're the beat. We sell them. ORANBY Rubbers and Overshoes in all
$ 75
1 00
1 25
1 00
1 00
1 50
Yworeasorro ('Aryslot d. Markt
Manufacturer of all kinds of
Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Iron
Works, etc., etc.,
Aad Dealer 1r -
Engines, Machinery Castings, Ao.
All sires of I'ipe. and Pipe Fittings,
Steam sod Water f:.uvw, t:lobe Valves,
Check Valves, in.pir.tor•, Eje..ters and In-
jectors Constantly on Hand •t Lowest
A special line of Stet l Water and Hog
Troughs for use of farmers and others.
Repairing promptly attended to.
A. 5. C3iTs:.L.
ilw1g P.O. Box 37. pSfierloh. vat.
weeps -O mite 10. T. R. 055 s. 10.6101.0
The Sun.
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