HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-23, Page 6• Til B STGNAIL : GODRRIOH, ONT.. THURSDAY, JAN. 16, 18H. A Pala TY t:EHLMONY. ' I ass... .y L.v.abas • skradssllea *1 Levee ..,alley The rradilsttw, of Mies Jun Mu,ahen,uf AYER S Nair VIGOR R..tor.. mitered color to the belr, and also prevent* it telling out. Yrs. W Fenwtok. of Digby, >M. 0., oars: "A little more than two years ago my Ii ur began to turn gray and fall out. Af- ter the use of One bottle of Ayer.* (lair Vigor my hair was restored to its original color and ceased falling out. as occasional application has since kept the hair in good comfit ion."—Mrs. H. F. Frsiwic[, Digby, N. s. Oroac h of Hair. "Eight ye..1s age, I had the yari.r- loit, and lost my hair, which pre%i. ously as quite abundant. I tried a variety of preparations, but with- out beneficial result, till 1 began to fear 1 should be p'rmanentl) bald. About nix months ago, niy husband brou t home a bottle of Ayer's Hairy i r, and I began at once to Use it. In a short time, new hair began to appear, and there is now every prospect of as thick a grewth of hair as before my illness.' — Mrs. A. WEBER, I'olymnia ,t., New Orleans, La. AYER'S HAIR VIG0R BY 11.1. C. AYER t CO.. LOVELL, MASS., U .S. A. dltrer'a PIU. cure Sisk Headache. TIPS FUR TiIE hi,•1'IIEN. MRS- RORER ON D't t oed Stell Ube eat .et G+.1 riattb la t «. klieg - At Innis Leger' "hu pickle* is to show a leek .d education, ..i4 Mrs. Rorer an the court,. .of a 1•-•• ur• '-eel-cry of pio. hnru. th.00. Iigh .•o .• Drain. Gook. d apt les are mere ..s:l p din sled than VIM, but ars nal a., v.1./,0,1e 1. „A. . heal t h standp set. Tre sngar of nature .s to fru!: Ma... rugar wall creste mote d•-uruction than a mad doe. I emene.1 to • e.1 table toed if owokeJ for !hien hour. sod »• I masueat ed. as starchy foods must t.e . -e— .'d for hours. Huck»heal u.kee toe ate townie/i- tems unto the Lord. 1'.ubeue. .,id .mio.s O nab, I) out ken fare .0 tee r. It hen there it . dor they are ruined o ami To 000k them rightly put them into a iter that $ twilling hot, (brit keep 11 sun •' to rhe heehaw point. Will cook in ler time in wa- ter at 2110 dogs wee • eau .t 210." Mr. Atkineou.IuJ the lads •n tog about him claimed that she rUr.. s11.vi was largely responsible for he P. tigeetible things they put en their 411.•s, they all kept house ' v her co. k 1 . k S es, she svory ;r, adult males. t to an average each anewrre.l. ' 1 know it : hut 1 • a.do't eat group of 54 f..mrllos io New York .rapports the thimws to that book for the money to the oke *5th family to supply it warn liquor. country. .nest who, slit .un • -•,ane said le •ummsr,,.og the evil, the Journal im for breakfast she hoot wheat grit. :a 1.1 cream Pre""elT espy a broiled chop, shreeld.J wheel • *cult and " Last year there were 31,897 arrests for unties without milk or carpo, R• • lunch • drui•lenue•w in New York, sod among the Welsh rabbit. sed boot. For et. u.•r • light waTprito he cwt e 8 414 twomenerrific tot•l of b1,897 sr - soup, me.wi, aced two vegetables, me to be green sad ..,.d with a little • 1 .r lemon esu. including wbseclueot trials, sod, to luux, • wafer, ADA Anne. She lid all eat ow caw of conviction., impelsnomeets, was own cooking, never rare uv.r hoar se Pot Ivo, ?hon $3 703 77t1 more than twice prep.nng a meal, and n -per in t .r Wally tis reveeue which the cite gets from the made soy epec,al preparation' for .or ODD berrnnrrte. `'That 'at the sad it etingeth like so a.. _ ABOUT PNF UMuNIA dist • le shown by the city • h..epital reports. Sex hundred and eighty deaths were direct - abe fauns mad rrere.lte..1 • h..s.s.r ly caused by drink in 186i. Of the 5.737 end tae.rty INwa.e IIve. lost through pueumnnia, at Leet Me - Dr. t'yrus 1. I.so.,Conemia'i'.sr .f Health half. the doctors say, might have beet. for the State and city of New 1 ark, in a rued had the victimo not been weaker," ha1l%ho Consumption clsim.d 5,204 letter to the public gives some it. ormatitn victims, I `l8lt5, cod of the" 1,000 o..sht and makes ...nee suggestions in -.meet i•1 heys lived It thee had not used liquor. And pneumonia and Its prevention. He save se the story goes. gnat pneumonia In t•rohol.ty an et oh germ i A pretty effective temper»noe lecture to di..ame, sod that In cold weather Ie terms make the r way to the unfrorro'n ¢ mind b.- ; sewth houses. Thus house. be Pie their route of wento from earn h ro a r. rod %hue ill houses ought to to w.11 vent.rl. ed • 1k_ Kdieon, .•f c..ur.e, wait, o ut those well keown, hut ht le toeded, trip be in re .prot to over Lowe., irregular e ring and l sleeping, sod loci of op. • air el. ciao. 1f a man is .• r.,ng, .1 he eats et giv. te hours, if I nee gets ail the sleep he mode. if .e walk• 1 or rides rq,yho open air he cyu wer•IIv throw it off sesta All the .Io i.,r. say this and w) it pretty often. conside leg this, they do so for nothing However. there are people w .o won r ' ilstes to their physitites, and tt, it gaffer l sometimes bee K.leo. give. %bee people • lot et very import..' odrioe. Ole wy.' that when au •dui: se seised with • sudden 1 READ chill, the chill which is the i.eg note, of pneumonia, too grains of quinate ttt nee dose should be '.ken .mmedt.t.'y, fol owed •t ,1 upon by live drops cf camphor In water se os a lumo of . TM lent a .rrold sesee•d ie hat water, the Ice.. y wrapped in a blanket " Tbr,,, rays ha, . . jute bed. Th. Mealy will per pyre. be Ing yet wrapped in the Market, at i a pro- spective woe of pneumonia may 1 w nipped intb.bud '• 1a ten oat $tet, whore sodden and trielgat chooses noes, warm under sed Quist eld►- iag sad stoat, dry oboes an . feet rdiag tis the doctor., •tisntaiely seeressry to earl, winter. Ths day may ho oboe. et, 1 ort death tre{oeetI Ito k• is the hewn g dem". Hee earth wind. WASTING YOUH LIFE• • y~y bei 111 t oeen�:.err N .Able*, r/1M With • pathetic, sigh how often has it bass maid : N.U. Hee., i series" 1 m.st let go my heitl s• NM" Ito fstb.re cad teeters et eareared ebrl did this i. Irsgi.- NM whom* owns* ware sad time ly 8. 1p• loruuto, with the co/Herring of the gradua- 1 ei medal art Loretto Abbey. wee the cru• ..emu at a ler) pretty sod touuhtug nesse• e,0n1 upon the clueing ul the suhwrl ,.estes tot thy 1 hurtful... holid•lt. Maes Muoabae is the daughter of the late .luno llenshso, Court ateeographer it will be teenembered that last Water, returning Irene Stratford, where court was beta held, to compete% with the Judge and members of the Ir.r stteodrug the 1 uurt, Mr Mo.mhan was terribly injured to the accident that oc- curred on the 1:.T. R just west of Tweak, cud .uocumbed tu_i,i5 injuries a few days alter. re. shock of her tether a death pres- troLeJ Miro ldonshas, sad bee etudl.. wore .ou..queutly se/ iotetrupted that she was unable to gradate with her dem last *Mr mer. Inc ceremtrol, which was etriccly priv- ate, took place on the handsome and 'pact - 1110•14100 room of the Abbey. Hu l ;rads Lite Archbishop presided and bestow- ed the graduating medal epos the young student, praising tier fidelity sod pereever secs Chet esu sow rewarded, exhorting the recipieet w follow up the teaching she had baro favored with end warning her of the leaidione dangers of the world she eras about ..tering. Tho youog graduate stood out from among D OT oletsaul.i.ee, the observed of J , Her simple hind dress to Its length b.tuleeed the step from girlhood, while the hair coif - lured ac.x.rdiog to fashions dictate., maces torted the lime of separation. Musical se lrohow from the pupils and presents of A eve.r. from the came brighteoed the cocoa , iso, �ltes Manahan distmguiohed herself in her course b% her proecieucy in the lasg- ueges She occupied the position of ex- change editor are 'he ,toff of the quarterly publitati.w of the pupils of Loretto--Leaf- !eta of Loretto. VERY HELPFUL TO fLADtES. '.ick tenet. with no lifterCsplessant.ess t wise. to these Who t .e &..th cased- (, \Mary Cure, Whilst both sexes are.ufferer from kid D O, trouble, to many respects women are 11ar,ls, to many respsote women are hello to peculiar wssl.oesees and paras, because of disorganization of the kidneys Objection is taken, and nghtli, to mato remedies be deem of the method of use, as well as after. unp aseautoees This is never thuya.s with the South Amerieaa Kidney lure. it grew ease to the patient in six hours, and .o -a- noyiog efrcta follow, for in a short time even :u aggravated cases, en entire curs is effected. There is no other medic:ns I :e South America° Kidney l urs. It a m re- medy tor the luau., a and Weider ails cwt a general ,pe..ibr that is supposed to curs everything that ends be efeotla, .o cure. Mouth Amerman Kidney Care dors its particular work and does it well. Sold t y .1. E Heels. (milli Tipple. The New • ork Journal publishes • mass of etapetrw seeming the consumption of liquor in the great metropolis. The annual consumption of liquor of all kinds to the city amounts to 17u,531,1t0, gallons. The consumption of beer reaches 168.960,17 gallons. In considering the ooaseeue.ces the Journal partly says- "More then 30.000 persons were arrested for draokeoppees in New York in 1895: 22,001 men, wliwe manhood alcohol had de• strovsd ; 8,000 women from whom liquor G uile all that wee beet sad higbest," Tbere ere 8,730 planee where liquor is G oo, which te one ,.loon to every `224 people, count( ? men, women, children sed babies en arms There is one saloon for the foregoing figures yir Samuel Lewis. K.1'. M 11 , the oosl- black negro who was kniehted on New Tsai day, is S2 years old. H. was edu- cated at Wesley I',llega', Mheltield, and Uo• 'varsity, London, was admitted to the bar of the Middle Temple in 1871, and became Thief Justice of Yam Leone in 1882 last year he wee chosen as the first mayor of Freston. Great Bargains IN Y - MADE othing. jump t a The � y ' pyeelesei lc sad • .Mise Mestaient - Ly ..hg Vim auk ware. bet onts . thOmsk at mid d• Eid- er* rsb hoe caw How more business can a ma. d• whose system is in a state of disorder Headache is only s =in. in. It is not a is the bead i=a e sin of rebellion. There leave been mistakes i. diet. There has been over work and sleepless sights. The machinery of the whole systems is demoralised. A beldam man feels that be cannot afford to be 111 enough to quit work. H. drags along day after day, makes bud deals, says the worn thing, and health sod basins.. col- lapse together There's no need of either disaster. Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are • gentle, effective renovator of both stom- ach and bowels. They a•eist nature with- out threatening to tear the body pieeedpeal There are no griping pains, no nausea One is a barely perceptible laxative. Two give more noticable results, and they may be continued until the system is throttgbly renovated, etrrngthene:d, and put into bar - moo with nature. One need not tear • "habit " of taking the " Pleasant Pellets „ As soca as health is restored theymay be discarded without a return of illness he - cause of their abeence. Therefore, yos don't become a slave to their use. • A GREAT HOOK PREM. Wiwi" Ili. at a Pierce, of Buffalo, Ir T., pub 'shed the fest edition of his work, The People's t ._anon Sea.. Medical Adviser, he announced that titer 6fl,ao copies had been sold at the reg- ular price Sr •n per copy, the profit on which Nteld repay him for the great amount of labor end eae.ey expended is producing it, he would d..tribete the next half million free. As this number of copies has already been sold. be is now distributing elaefearfv free, soo,00a copies of tau moot complete interesting and valuable c..mmon sense medical work ever published— the recipient only being required to mail to bias, at lbs above address, thirty-one (}O cents le one cent stamps t, cover customs and mailing soh and the book will be feet poet paid. It u a verita- ble neediest til.eary, complete is one volume.. It contains over . m pages and mon duke ,po dime lralio.a a The Free Eberle 6 precisely the oast as those sold et flys norm only that the book. are bound is w i en, man11le paper coven talked et clads. Mad Now before eel are glees away. Coal. Coal. The undersigned begs to in- form the Public that he has gone into the business of supplying Coal, and has opened out in J. S. PLATT'S:WOODYARD, where he will keep on hand the Best Qualities of Lehih Yalley Coal ! Owing to the Aiest re. uction we matte in our prices in the fall of '95 our READY-MADE CLOTHING was disposed of nearly as fast as we could desire Having, then, a welt to do feeling, and desiring to plew.s my cud -milers .till more , also in consider ati.rn of the fact that Baan people at this time of the your, And it .tifficult to procure clothing owing to hard timer, i wish to announce to my cus- tomers antomers and the genM'al public, that we have REDUCED OUit PRICES still more. This ..�. y.tll eori- finw till the Asset a[ www+which time we expect to olear eat ad that is loft of our ee.dy.w.da stook. L CARD a CO. which will be delivered promptly, at Lowest Market Prices. D C. STRACAN. DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU vet guarantee Dodd's eider, Mato comae, ase of Rr(ht's Dtseese. Diabetes. Lumbago. ,raps eumatism. Heart Disease. Female l roubles. KhImpure Blood fir muaey ret ceded. re. by 1.11i deal• n is rmedicine,.oorhoi 1. o re..nsx ..t ,x ice. ya• per OF' L. A. SMITH a CO.. Toronto. t ,1U RF Cr)I''STIP AT.ONe tai LIr: U'S:4ESb, 1r DYf;FT-7S IA ") �ICIC �1EAtDAt HEr ;i:EGULP E TNT. LIVER Q"C' 0000 i�L AF"rtttt [ATI1 0 ' tip ,h Ir.' _f ?S ,15,T+tI�OD u bio�cy Hello l The Old Reliable Sal oil Deft. THE BEST AND ONLY SCRANTON COAL BEST FOR 1)AY the Obsaent Oul wee sold la thin market. All oar wooed •• Me Market Soak, so that 'Wm etre row gra paw welgbt, (niers left at HARPER h LEEN promptly attended to. HAMILTON -ST. WEIL LEE. The Shoe that's envied! A good shoe is a good friend—to the man who wears it—to the dealer who sells it. But a good shoe 1s a baa enemy to the dealer who can't get the right to sell it, and dares not tell his customers so. We are sole local agents for The Slater Shoe, which is the best shoe for men that we know of. We are the only firm in this city which can buy these shoes wholesale, and with the knowledge and consent of the makers. Other shoemen want them so badly that they get their friends to purchase from us, "on the quiet," a few individual pairs, at full re- tail price in order to put them in their windows for show. But these firms can't buy the Genuine Slater Shoes to sell again— they buy them to keep them and talk against them. We buy ours wholesale from the manufacturers, so we can afford to sell them retail. We keep every size, width and shape in stock, so that we can fit any man, no matter what kind of feet he is addicted to. Ours are The Genuine "SLATER SHOES," stamped on the sale $3, $4, $5 per pair. Now don't you think it must be a pretty good shoe that's envied like this ? Perhaps you should see these shoes that shoemen want so badly. We are the only people who have. the Right to show them to you. WM. SHARMAN Jr. Cor. East-st and Square, Goderich. IF YOU WLNT (CHANGE "F BUSINES Having bought the ..tire biomes. of Mr. JOHN HILLIER, Kingston -st,Godes-Mk we will be prepared on mod after Saturdsi , Nov 23rd, 1896, to give `' A WINTER SUIT Immense Bargains in a• a. of First-class Make, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. a Good Material and FLOUR tin,' FEED. CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, ETC., ETC Latest Styles, —CALL UPON— HUGH DUNLOP. The wess.mt. IANNS Next tys..k/.w ■wtr PLANING. MILL. ESTi111SME1N1114. Bucalla1ls & Rhyus trai eran-TrerIe• SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers la all k1.d. or LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And bonder'.,material .< every dsso1111410. School Furniture a Specialty. Patronise True s Competition. To Oswapeaw PACTITIO RarawaT oa e T.r/eshpw bas 8... etnablMed to gins w paha• a 1010--1e.e servile left\ Ab .d pP ..nuns isempt-lac. 11 Y rYY.sd.. b.st..r Rt.etpies all (. %kis I .us e. of hs puttre.s. b¢T�t(�M(�rvM tM d even, pros. who Mer Balk Osausoria. nee W. ems satitoms..am��,'�s Ieaes, eea.sstlsg wttk all Ileus sad ..Marc swi North Gale /sde,ll ia( .%5045 ires ie all da the Cuan 0Si.—Uis.th w.ww. Wri r Beal Vasserr. OaMleb We have also decided to adopt the CASH SYSTEM, believing it to he to the beet interests alike of buyer and eel:ern We cordially solicit the p•tronsge of all the old customers, and as meaty new ones es possible. Come and see the substantial reductions we make on our gocds A large stock of good dry oordwood,delivered at ani part of town for $3 25 per cord. We are able to sell cheap, because we have bought Mr. Hillier', woll-amorted .tock at a good discount, and likewise by managing the burnoose on a cash basis Goode delivered promptly and carefully. Produce taken as meth. Remember the date, Saturday. Nov 23rd. R. II_ CZi7TT. POTMAHOFF TEA. This new blend of tea for family UM is now on sale at our store. . We 1,:1%.• also the finest in FRUITS FOR HOLIDAY USE and keep en hand full lines of best Family Groceries, and the most reliable in Dairy Produce. Seasonable Fruits and Vegetables. STURDY EROS. The grocer., on the Square. TIIOROIJD CEMENT or ATER LITE. $1.25 PER BBL. AN D SCOTII FIRE IIIIICI $4 PEA 100 R. W. MGKENIIE'S MSE 018 NEW STOCK 07 OUI& CHEAP HARDWLss STOSE St bt •1M rim llll pee M the !nor fS Ott lit• t/11 NI Thei woe l•l lace is vu Wbrs now id. keeper mein tasks r them seed. keeps say os e t logy' her Isl Itiau prod arc tow of sever I • nythi Mee trout'', peau 11 waste We be up the potato never which burs. user troubl. souls lavish must i fie • c wa11d .e111 ma SO r. an etc n om ear reeler I pet eh .d wouldw people way 1 them ger a l door. same theme and he Inuit 1 said of She close. It, sod will • pings .toad sods: amd w tram .war Ice of able t1 when worn' ever♦ Meows the h■ timers. old be tut. .Bei e .ad o .e is r w11rM }ay A memIMO M NOM 1r1 We as ki Palk wlta. Ilm= ins/ i isZis ., Ortt RI the the! efI radii rhea that ibis brec .fay pQ11 until e. TWO cup diff of f1t it Jl that Yam bl« is 5 row M fret dor taut