HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-23, Page 5t THE SIGNAL : GODSRICH, ONT., THURSDAY JAN. 23 1896. xsar CLEARING SALE W. AACHESON St SON. ore annual stock taking this month we oBer at unheard of prices, all Winter goods. Hem! partial list for this week. Ladies heavy all wool Cheviot Serge Coats, braid trimmed, Silk, Velset collars at $b, reduced from $9.50. I1oas y plain, all wool, Serge i.:oatn, full skirt and Kleeve. at $3.50, reviler $6 value. Wool Tweed Dees Goods, 42 inches wide, a great assert tent at 3lic , worth 50t' :• Ib. White super wool, St. Lawrence mill Blanketa at $I.9h, regular :2.75. 6 Ib. White super wool Blanket& at $2.26, worth $3 OVER 100 ENDS TWEEDS, MANTLINGS, FLANNELS and DRESS GOODS Clearing this week at about entehalf price and under. W. Acheson & Son. WILMER SMITH, UNDERTAKER, C30DACRICEL, L • eriak ire I Np•r went i• el oar Mr. J. i YsNpwve practi o•1 Funeral Di,s. er tend Illualslm w. Calle preesm.ly attostMd .1ge t or day. 1_ DIED. NN'ROL$ON to Ooderleb. es Monday. Jae - 1111th. late. lavas 0 1. M . daughter of archeand Ida Embolism. aged 5 meniha and N days. McKENZIE In Oodericb. o■ Moeda,. Jan 301$. MJM. Donald MoKesrz.. amid 71 years. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - JAN. y23 Locale-Oes, Price 1 a Phan ler Sale -G. M. Elliott 5 Hies. te Leas -J. J. Wright 5 Leek Before You Leap Wilmer lisJtb4 Great (Tearing Sole- W. Aabooss A Sea 5 Reversible Pri.ted Cloth-J.T. Achim. 8 Cle•riag .la. -I!. J. Horten . • - - 8 Common Sew -G. W. Thomism' - - - 5 Property to Exc5•.Re-T. A Heugbtos. 5 Hay for 8014, --Colin Campbell: 5 Woman Wanted --Box ICI Goderich - 5 (titter for Sale -G. W. Thomism - - - - 5 THE TALK OF THE TOWN. !Immo tie Reporter's Notebook 11 goo'.. • Role 1a •' ter ('eats. 1 rade its wt 11 1 • tinter. Amami i• Takla' fesse. as' tales Sell ►rest H.-_sarses. It wiU soon be time to get •your set -•p salt but dos tforgwt that the. • are cold day. •'rad sad If you seed as ulster or oyereo•t .p to date, deal tail to call spo. F. J. Pridh.m, the eople's clothier. ��pwe. the photo artist. is ot111 1e the tors. to the ef Ids ..u. is the pbtoel. orap1.tt 1.o teittyes is cram get st hl. studio. �q�p M BYE MIGHT L.• priestess treasure. Tia wM lisve got it .hs.take core of 1t Towwe have wt get It .bodd have rots M at Mea Ws maim the the •Fir VFEIeRNot • ..ad ora test . w. Id Arran AND MAN. -This Cempey bre been booked ter the tiraad Opera Hesse, Wedsuday, Jas. 29th. They are highly Meekest of where they have boor. Mon. sad impieties leads i.. the belie, 45.1 the is•titutio. is bees to .ay. The hose made and making were rood a y.elity and m•aufacture sad should take the lead in the West. GI.T.R I.r' y. )tat,. ANL. 441'-1. .l. AND LITI.RAKv ENTxkTAIp)11NT. A■ Oyster Lobesti and musical and literary eater tsiameat will be held under the •aspics• of the Y. I'. S. C. E. of Koos Church. on Fri day January 31.t, 1896. Supper will be served from 6 to 8 vex ; literary ;.ed musi- cs) entertainment will begin at 8 o'oleok. The Goderiob H•rmosy:Orcheue., 000pos- e d ot fifteen mumol•w, of whom six are lady vioh•ute, will be in attcod.aw. Adm)•• W oo 25 omits. All ere invited. AN. gt..T Otiose (it Fwi. iaK. --A sup per sad moose% was given by the Ancient Order of Foresters to the Victoria Opera House Thursday evening hot which was well •tt.wded. A capital spread was pre- pared to which ample justice warn doss, after which the musical treat came os. Mayor J. R.Sbauoou preeid.d in good style, and the program wag furnished by Misses Wilkinson, Webster and Messrs. Notebook. Belabor tad Shepherd. The event was an enjoyable enc, sad reflects credit on the promoters. 3. A. *aim --A masque advs•oe boa been made at the publication ottios ot the Wart "rv. rhe poor, they claim must have °beep religious rending, while the nob nay share in the advantage. The reduoed prism will be two mate -within the reach of all. The sire will be the same as before while t5e result is expected to mon than doable the circulation, Next week • greet cam- paign will be ia►ugur•ted to boom the paper. Each corps h•e guaranteed to double their number, sad officers and sol- diers will halo the great work along. A f&simout Sivas. -There hes been mach ooesmest lately r the eppearaao. of W. C. Geode's drug store which hes bees refitted once the fire, m • inset tasty and modern style. The fitting is in ash sad oak and w trimmed out with cervi.,, scroll work, etc, is beautiful sad well executed desires, giving the plass a highly ate active appearance. Behind the obeli bottles &long or satire side, mirror platen are set against tie wall, which, glittering in the light sad ref0.tisg the oboots Won them 'reduce • II UMW unique and patty effect. There are airs many other improvwiesta too numerous 4, describe, tar/iodine improved lookers for stortag goods, • new offices with light from • large window on Kingston .t., to. Alto- gether it oert.inly makes see of the most handsome and commodious dro, stores in Western Ontario. BotLDlsO Oysk&Tto(s.-1896 hes sort- ed well fee the building trade. heti carpet'- s'', sad soar barium already oo-- --e•d es the two sew stores y the Album block. Tun Saw MILL -At an esters' sorry bald on Monday eve.isg u eMsuui•s with the proposed saw mill it was slated fast • large number of legs new es We Brno Pam - rids bad bees secured by the rueasy. P.ors*TT Cat •eas. -The Kidd siert xsar the O.T. R miss baa passed unto the loads .f Gee. Aeries. It is esdssdod that We s.r erod Weyer was in tin.•dabs hybrid et two teses.d. and 15.4 ear lag. red ..tote rear is heldise to Meek t r • osoptny that is =looted a m•terielixe is • few days. SENT m Kisoero..-Yesterday at 11 a- 11.-, Hy. Hers was b,ettgbt before SO Hom- er hedge Doyle for essteses, be, the pri. .mer, having waved • plea of guilty waw brought up hr tried last Friday. More mere three dome against hies, one fer berm esesdng .ad two ter theft The Judge after giving Hers rows good advise ✓ et aim te the pentertiary ter three roma A Smita.v.L G.O.I. ArosEtrr. -We are plod l harm that Serums A. Rallis. a fernier pail .f the Gedsrie\ oellegi•M la - Mitre, bas passes • very eredit•MM maw Wren ha fie Law Augeiw University. US- W eighty -Wm per cwt, es the whele, and is ere .ableste as birth as eisety-.baht per amt. Nerinam's many kirk in Md •rosmd .1ei.rieb wi11 be pleased to her of Ms enr MIN 1■ u. Nadir •.t-seitr .f re 0alden Nate. lee T..r'a. EEtvrtru.-O. Tuesday sad Wednesday the tss.ivisry at t5. Knit - Nag Ferry. Erb err. war ratting mer - YET. mid 15.41111p4ey$ taring .se base d MI Maas QWM • member ad Wade ware irgagld fat Os rel. d1 el obsms are pre► kinfral trees s dluanag, but by wet weak a wive Si pare p opfs wa be Wren 1 Se the sew.w.kR.h...t Ey Ib ~Way d Ow Iota -ere. Y. F. Ptm1 1 ,efmntly of Trw1A, 1111 RAW fib somil lay 1e qw. ears Mills Me Sot a•rling meta of the .,arra The les was fairly- geed, the doses sew. &ad the playas filled with the antics Mem saws,' foetid is players of the resets' sifts Tb. of W.....swtrsg tfis Ira natal will be head Wow. Among Nem will be .•Peed tet of ehrd Gibbose who in •aeardeaoe with • worse Asada at the turning et the drat sod is we $satmer, led the pees. sad We wistaria aide. The gentler• she is 5r 8645 year oo. wield • eto.e mast be a real eerl.r indeed, .red 5.605 t5e sheriff proved se be, for is addition to mekiag • good led geseeslly, be pleated We last etre .t kis last end squarely cm 150 T, • feat that mused • wild outhouse. of shears. The following nown the player 'Ahem Gibbons Wes. Wallace 1. M•fesmw. K W. Lege. W. T. Neleb A. M.D. Alias 1►. C. Straebsn M. Hearer C. A. Humber,ekip 18 H.Iwekweed,skipl2 1. the resist two rink, were played by the (ollowiag No. 1. W. W allao, E. E. Bird R. C. A. Humber,skip 8 H. No. 11. 1). Holmes, (.loos. Humber, W. T Welsh, R. W. Log... 8. 4lalootosoo, skip D. 1'. atrwbas, skip. 15 11 At the c,.oclsnoo of the rurltug • meat ex• citing g••)• of hockey w.. played in the presence of a loge sad interested amenibl- e ra Teta Amid or Estes There was a Targe gat5eriag at the Norte .t Mot hodeet churob ea Moed•y seeming to witness the pretest - sties of tie Arab of Fame, )n wl.brstion of the Sunday School anniversary. After . patty prelude by the orchestra, Mr. Prid- b.m read the enamel report o1 the school, • most favorable one, then another interest isg musical pteoe wee followed by the chief selection of the evening, the Arch of Fame. The initial ensue was the t'niversa King portrayed by Loftus I)•.oey. The king was supported by two stewards carryiag • . teudard on which could he sees the same of the oosntry represented. Russia s Mos- areh was Event McKenzie. This we, fol- lowed by a recitation by Mr. (:r.ar,ssd the eslioesl anthem charmingly sung by the children s choir. ('vole Sam on this sow• Mon was Henry Cooke. sad • reeit.Uoo by Miss Lillie Mess, led to the appearance of Reissue Guest as the monarch of Her Maj esty'e India. passion.. The appearance et Albert Cox as the Emperor of "ermaay was followed by the aural esthete. Italy • king bad as proxy Albert Roberson. Mw Bertha Farrow gave • recitation. Frames • president, Mr. Grant, appeared.. Mrs Colborne recited. Willie Hayden ap- peared for the station whish so recently van- quished ('his, sad W. Reid °erne forward with all the majesty of Austria's king. The Motherland 5d as Queen Mies Lilly Moss, and • recitation by Be. Robinson introduced Mies Fuser, who appeared for the land we live in. Mies Faber's introduction was fol- lowed by The Maple Lott F'orev.r,.nd both sone: and ('•Dad& • representative were re osived with great applause. Here Miss Freak y.ve a nice recitation. Mies Eva Acheson, as Christianity, gave an appropri ate neiatioa, Then .11 the monarchs of the earth placed their diadems at the feet of Chrietainit,. Each monarch •a be retired ton his country's oma off the .to.e, and whoa all lied passed the word "Jesus" was sees on the sap .tone and "Ring of Kings' and "Lord of Lords- oes the stases composing either side of the aroh. A very pretty march by twelve y onng girl., charm ipgly costumed, who sung the hymn "All Hail the I'ower of Jesu'. Nos," was Tory mush appreciated. The v- aieeesary was brought to a close by the mngiag of the tuitional anthem. The set prooesda of the evening, $56, was • large sum. oonaidering there were nearly 300 iron admissions. Hiatus 0. Reynolds Lookweed,ship 9 STEIL MONSTER LAeltl.'N.D AT CI.Syg• L AND. -Cleveland. Des. 23. -The steel steamer, W. D. Remo, building for the oen Tres.it Co , was sseesed.11y laa.ebed at the yard of the Clevelesd Shipbuilding Co today. The Ras, w5i.h is up to date the lariats vowel steer herbed at • local yard, will be completed and ready for besi- eges at the e.esi.g of .,)gabs tart .prise. She is • heirloom. and will perry ere, grain and coal betimes take Starerier and lake Erie para. The now beat i. 413 lose long eye, a11, 45 Leet bean. and 38 feet deep. ago was Moistened by Mier A•ahel sad Mabel. We two youngest daughters of apt. Thea Wiles, of Cleve - lead, es•megisg owner of We Wilms Transit iia, to whroh the W. D. Reser is Use latest .ad grandest additi... The Reiss will be . ailed by amt. A. M. aepherd. formerly et We eteseser Olympia, et to mune line. room Marini•. -The sortie' of tae PIAS. Beret bs.rd for o.gatxesien was bead en Wdnsdry oveaisg, tie secretary pro am pre idirg. Tse •ones returning e.ees', .,rtibsate stare that Robe. Me- L..n had hese .lured for Lia. David'. word, W. Aromas fee St. Parka's. M. Wireless for St. Oesege'..nd H. W. Hall ler 1t. Asd,ew's bavi,ig bre reed, the .sermtary tolled for asesisatie i. fee elair.... The saris, Arra Jan Basb•..s er., seise 150 only Mbor semis•td, be was 4. .l.,.4 sleeted sad leek hie wt as padd- le/ Aker. r. .1. R. Cabe,.* was r.d.e0d to the Celleglea LseW.a beard rad fbe toflwbg eomtM4tsse appointed : Otria- p st. M..... Bail. J. L Celheorss, end J. Reid : Mss pmenI, Mare. K . Milo...•. NWdw amid R. McLwe ] Flares. Messe. 0hryotel, 0.15erme end Adore. 150 8510 gamed en iamb eommittoe ring Arra A asik. that 144 ,moor most - kg MOS be the Mme Meadsy b .a0 tr.mtk bowing hos ~mod the Ord al - kismet TIAs arm' ' OAon-The =zed -baklag ,Ink wee He .assn d eselbasen/ es Waft _Masa., Mos so BEFORE TAKING STOOK. IF YOU WANT TO Idler i S f"."r' DAY COODS o. READY MADE CLOTHING 10 PER CENT BELOW COST. We shall be glad to see you and show you the goods anytime during the Month of January. JAS. A. REID, 14th JAmmary, 3696. Jen ks'e Leek, Ootisricb. - --- CHRISTMAS - -- is the tis above all otuen, for rejoins,. for giving and receiving gut.. Make your (riseds happy with some'ntog from the X -mu Mock at 000I)E'iS DRUG STORE SMOKERS' FX\ 1HAViN(; OUTFITS, i'1RETFY VELLI'LOID GOODS,, rlat )1LF.T CASES, ANICURES, etc., I; UTt CUT-(iLAEB PERFUMES, 1The meet bea.tif al of si I g i ft.l AIN many (Amer lines. Styles never prettier or prices more rsssosable, We will be pleased to have you call sad w them whether you but '-r not w. C COODE l .e our irlavoring E•sen.ee *ma twer sad tin Tes enter es. CIGARS 1n • neat box Peach. Pineapple V&alas. eta, eta I Specially pat tip for gifts. Messrs. Dickenson and Riolianes will have the held to themselves in the South Wentworth bye election tor the t )pier)* Lewslative Assembly, Mr Kinkbaying neglected to compIN with the law requirieg 5 .1 to publish the name of his agent, THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF The county council will meet o. Tuesday afternoon tor the election of miaow end reseal business. (Jen} Pries wants 2000 Ib., of first °lam butter. Ash Wednesday, the begip.tnm .f lost, will tall oa February 19th this year. Faster Smedley will be on Apel 5th. The January session of the Huron county oeoncil will he held in (:oderioh, commenc- ing es the 281.h. Several of our leading streets are in each bad oenditir that it is detest impossible for our residents to pass easily along the sidewalks. Co.me.80sse Bievoles-(leo W. Thom- son has bess appointed loeal asset for this beautiful wheel. Call on him sed leave year order. Big nob on. 53 4t Geo. Pries wants 2000 lbs. of firet dame batter. Repositor : The many fries . of Mee T. Dickson, of Goderiob, will regret to learn of bar eerier alio.... Her sister, Mrs. S. Dickson, ot this awn. is atsediag os her. leis litnito.,sou of our tow.saae,st tioe agent Stratton, who hes bees for saes year. rent ter the G.T. R at Teesdale,►as bees moved to 8t. Orme, a &aided prew.tte.. Tia Gedsrieb boys keep gs4kg ahead. alifersia dried fruit sheep at (Jet. Prises. Orden Senders., the .table whet •Rest aS *e O.T.R. for amo years pest,••. bees 4Im.a,d M a similar prior at Stir - ford. Se is • riparian and *ireful e4 - 1.i.1 mad w Biosis bmo, shbosab pleased with his ••e•••i. will be loth to lase hit.. D. nal /mgat re Obedvs' es Friday t The fair haired girl wits task . pair of sew brows weetra ears., .r.-bernd with w►Hs ,ilk, et tM rear at TAE Ft/OPAL ease lad Thursday •fternses, is requested to retro Went at onto and tabs bee ewn tasterd are )..teed. The gloves were a Cbe.tmss gift end marl as snob if tic intndMtely mama pr...wMee will fel- low. eyerissely at it brigs sae- . arras fes to .sing, stidr played end the s/srme pet firth ti ear 1896 keys," knows to rover in O.4. risb as Tw Fair. New Yes are esustesNy kveegbt est at ibis plass, end if yes west be be plowed we ..s esresisly rearward ear readers M this Ws urn 0odeete5 rrMe.. 90D111110U. Jan. D. 1444 TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changer must be left at this (ice not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes mast be left not later than Mon day noon. (?aual Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. Rall Wheat, (sew► .t•adard... .. 0 64 ;100 eYPaU Wheat(o14t. 0 00 ell MIMANNA1.11Lw, TEACHERflour,famlp. per cwt.2001NBitOie-expericnoedflour, Pelt per cwt sass 0020 t0 21811 N CarNr and s „ode 1 � � per cwt I2 W to 309 deb II 4' toll 44 Shorts. 9 ton 12 00 toll 00 eareeaiaw 9 too. 12 eo toll NI Pr1vat, Salo. New Oats, i 1005 ............... 0 _*3 23'6 _ Peas. gbr,b ,.. 0 Ott $.10 °C4 .',(1 SALE OF FIRST CLA(41 FUKN- ITL'RE, New Hay, 9 ton 13 00 to14 00 t- ('ARRIAOBCM ANi► PItOP$HTY. Hat' Old H•y, r fou -- 14 00 14:1004 tlo Pontos,, Kbu15 •ossa . 0 iS >G Ing decided to give 00 houge-keept.p, parties Pwttar 0 10 1� deslro0a of obtaining Ont'class funitnre, woad frea5 nitpicked, 9 dos0 Ili to 0 17 carred*. picture*. famous which are some vory 3 00 to 3 oft choice engravings) fila. china glaasw•re glad 2 00 to 300 *Uverw.re. 5100 oonte.te of arable, compete. Sh p Skin •• Dressed Rare (•bo B.00a pe II m, w.rser 15Ib„ .,., M McUrfm nes trine sleeted Priam* of the R.4w Rider M..ei-vlen at No em- sttal b MemA wows woe h MU en w . 1k► 11 1,. l semirb • asrdH•fs kr las O 110 b • 20 • .. 300 to 3 1.5 410to425 0Rto4 010toS14 n 1n to 0 11 '1s7Gllog Outdo K ited GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. aaatv1. Maul and Express Mixed Nell and Esp.mm" ..- Mailer .....�. 'sass... . M - sass 10.30 tam 1.48 0.m. 7.40 p.m. 11.50 p.m. 0.S. s.10. 1.30 p.m. 344 p.m (lord o[ Thanks )'�O THS ELRLTOR8 TO WEST HURON GENTLEMEN. -A1 a critical period in the bi tory of ( amide you did roe the honor of electing ate to represent you in Parl1•meat, as • solemn protea[ ag•lnat 150 mlan'-,nr ;etoant of oar public affairs. 1 heartily thank hot air I -beta' sad Con n arrative Meads for the honor so conferred. Tho is hope for Canada when the great eoaauming ,rasa. abandon their party &Beal sore In the Interest of the Commas Land. There 1e more hope for ('•nasi• now woes men of all shades et politica( thought unite to stern the tide of mu -government and eorrOp tion and to etevte political life to • higher and attar plane. My bwble ages will be used. 1a your interests, to that end. i tbaak platform speakers rasvesen, deo- ton. one and a►L far this last and prososmned a ark of year .isodose In me and approval. of the ata Iso lase sad still advocate. i btv 150 lessor to M, Yon•. truly. Tr. C. CAMERON. 0.4.rie5, 3515 January. Its.:. Spada' Noises.. WOMAN WANTED. - TO TARE *barge .f a sick baby. Geed home sad ■mod wares to tight ,party. Address with t*,m* BOX tat, fiedericb 33-tf. ACAPITAL WORKING HORSE IN spe.dld radius(' .411 la leased to • re.pe.sltle perms for ' e behave of the mar ` Mop. p. J. WRIOH . The POR EXCHANOK TORONTO CEN• .0 teal bars y 1.r geed Oed.rich: amp else imlwewed hea 4 Know What You Chem r hoe been the klbelest IIt18L. The tiler. ,es a81 et r the hell pea Ube It. on OW R. Tt3galT F • SOW Me ellen NAIIRL.T+eO. ONT. lag 1 family carriage. Toronto made, as good as new. 1 open buggy. 1 phaeton. 1 double sleigh on hob runners with pole and shahs double a•1 single feta of harness, Bergains give. in every instance. A11 the above la for ear owing to the death of the late James Shaw, of Ooaerich. in order ro close up rhe erta'e. The hotted sed .trout,•' a i11 .1... M cold at . bargain. Corr.repnadrne by mall ch.erfully answered. CHARI.E9 E. SHAW. Gr.terk -h Jan. eek. 1196, - 4t -4t For Solo HAlFOR SALE--IHAVE ON hand • quantity cl good Timothy Hay for sale. Orders delivered to env part of the town. ('OLIN CAMPBELL. West Iltreet.533t Theft SALE.- un ER. 4.001) $EC o.d ba.d- Big bargain 910, 010. W. THOM3ON, Music Depot. 3321 PIAXO FOR 'SALE -UPRIGHT. 7 octavo. Fine Met rumont. Address Hex 170. tows. or enquire of O. NI ELLIOTT, grocer. 53-tt. SAFE FOR BALE -A SAFE IN 0001► ew014an. Apuly to WM MeettRATH. caretaker Courtneeee, tenderfeet, nit PubUo Notloels.^^_ `t KITING OF HURON COUNTY Wt'N('11.-'I be Conseil of the oopora tion of the Comity of ituron will meet in the Court Room in the Town of Ooderich on Twee. day. the Ilt5 day of the proses month. at 3 o'clock r s. W. LANK, Clerk. Dated January 1301. Im6, 62 21 NOTICE TO SHARsHOLDEKS--THE anneal gonenl meerjng of 1110 abarr holder, of the Hutton and Bruce Loan and In vestisrnt company will be held at the ('oat pane . offices eta Tuesday. the 4th day of Yeti ruary pact st 2 P.M.. for the purpose of reoriv fog the Oaseial statement for the put year ending De.:. 31st and the .leadss of director., and all other .central business. HENRY HORTON. Manager. 3134 r" THE TEETH USE WILLIAMW A NTItiKU ,1)E1:. IWtotergroe5T . I .e.P25u. per 5.44444) Cleanses tM Teeth Preserves 15. .anAll Harders the Oman. Pu* 1.. the breath. IT MAS NO SCPMRIOR FHJ. * H. BNOLIell sad JAYANNI1 TOOTH BR l'19111314. d 4.«IA q.i.Uty. T1 Popular and moat Aperoal Prepare' ono drT08 450 PTeethHAI411ACY. pas •w5ye be obtained at CHAS. D. WILLIAMS' ft,�, ,Ik.�1�as� {trM, MMt Dispensing Christ. Geld Ildast. list M V Oedema. Ont. ARB TOL LOOKING /OR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS? TMee this a the shore 1 uu should row. 10 . . . This week we are .bowing a nice line of JAPANESE TRAYS , LEATHER DRK88I20 CASES MANIt.URB CASES SHAVING METS, els PERFUMES That will bates deiigbt of all t►. ladies Alio- - PIPES and SMOKERS' SUNDRIES, 'TOBACCO POUCHES, I'2RSES,CARD ('ASE.S. 15. Why not give your friend 'rho were GLASSES a sine told -rimmed pair J. E.DAV IS, Phnl. Medical 11411. •JTCST THE PHING -- FOR THE iljOLI1tAlS We are again to the front. with dainty crea- tions of art furniture most appropriate toe X man presents. %Ve aim to steel'. and we do excel!. Nowhere in the county can you have such a selection of Fancy Chairs. Rockers, 1Cacritoires, Tea Seta, Centre Tables. Parlor td nit•. Couches, etc.. MI in beautiful woods and revering*. Ma- hogany. Walnut. Curly Birch. Bird -eye maple a.d Quarter Cut Oak. Hattan ('fain. Cobbler rest ('hairs, Oat Easels, Screens. Made Cabinets. etc . etc, ia greet variety The best designed. tact a.s5tructed. and hest finished market, You cap make no mistakelabuying mst g obese goods for your X mail preas.R. ♦�. prices are remarkably low. 1'le....sil and atomise, NOTICE NOTI* it 18 HEREBY d veu (het •trolicst(oa w111 be made to the Letrlai.tive Assembly of the Provisos of Ontario. at the nett asselon thereof, for an act to authorise the l orporttios of the County of Huron. by and thrown' It. Mnsloip•l Convict] to borrow the sum of $100.1110 with latero,, re payable In t. years. for the 'stepper of aiding to retire serial• debentures of the said nor poratios about to mature for which. by mis- take... lasuecfent sinking fund wee provid- ed. and to pay for the expenditure 0..00 a Hots of Refuse recently est•bllebed. sad tar power is melba( sad trsasferlag tete mart- traess noon real estate now Mid by the e•N e.rperetlw. representing the Investass.t of the saki idea tag fund. to 5narante5 as •saaet� 150 principal and Interest secured byy* agPg mortises.. and lo- such further .�R pewees as may be necessary to fully gamy Trop effect the said purposes in the moot advas- bieewus manner. Dated the 9th day 04 December 014. T 47.74 loleHsee for the Crotty of Hero.. N' j 0TICE-APPLICATION WILL RE i� made by to morph Jerre Railway tpsm"ssy to the Parliament or Canada at its me=t errs fora Act szteedir 15e time ter the eires.es.ett sad orrettes of the aateades of Ha railway hoes Guelph to • "�=e44t!�4 sa� �lake ■ t ur�at er mar the Town of G.drW►er to snot ether plot es diesesed In We s Aot tdl4I ether V4*, 41 111sd '"As Ant m- eriting te Gri- per ;iM 9 raurgen p, NEW X - MAS GOODS OXLULLOID •ted LEATHER 10008 CAM.... INLET CA4R8 Me♦V1N0 canto. JRWELRY CA8E94 OOLLIR sad CUFF CA/IBS w MANICi.RES Our rah of PZRTUMICS r oa."leta We bay, �ppDTT AY 11 t Me uAlur LU ATi iiINe a GROOM" R iLtLT� WOO'Lf1B('B11R7 be the seem 0r at • cwt el.is lettiss Q1B mall w thane •hoods sed Piro J. WILSON'S Omsk SMITHS DURNITURR OTORR. F. SMEI rH'S PLANING MILL - AIM - BASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. 'lake this opportunity to Inform the public that I am still In the business notwithstanding . 11 rumors to the contrary. &ed.m prepared to do evert close of work In my line from maids' • window frame to erecting • 3 -.tory buddy. with mansard roof. Estimates furnished end oompetttlon invited. The furnishing of building material. such en lath, AAisgles and lumpier • esecialty. F. SMKITH . Preeeripliee Drug Scor. Oedrl.la July tib 1344. - Lean aad 8fa>i!i•!o SoulGty. Ir le NOT WHAT YOU EARN, RUT w$AT YOU 0A70. MALES YOU RICH. THE HURON AND BR*'('E i.OAN AND iN V EST KENT COMPANY. loLtetmss._Cameron. Holt and Holme.. Dimmers. interest Compound every rex menthe at tour per coat, per annum. on sums hem re dollar upwards. iPepositors will Ned 1t to their advantage to come and see us. Lome --May be secured at any time without delay on the security of approved d.SnW propertmostye� ss It:Douses moderato Apolies cla the Manager or solicitors. The Company's ollikm are looted on North Street and . Court Meuse Square -opposite Roos s[imit. 01 e. HORACB HORTON. R 1 Presider. Per Nato or To Seat. 1o AOR SRL L-THESTORK AND T at Eolith', '3111. Carlow P. 0. St4R i., of "regent occupied b It A, h111. No opposition. One a1 410 beet I3*try Sands In Ontario. Apply a 1, A. oDeestb, 341 l'burch s4. lornste. rpo LEASE -THE HOUSE. mit- t arr. late4y soca"trd by Dr. Appy te CA MINOS. HOLT d; HOr. BRICK 001181 FOR SALE. --SITU. wed ea Iasi Street, elms past the Pres- byterian t'bared, teammates else /Mesa '!5. above property 1s Is a good peeitliss, sad will rent well. Eaquire er E. SHARMAN, fail FOR HALE. - CHEAP, ON EASY J2 TERM 4: West Mit et lot 13 eosoroslon 5. Wes W.w&..6. 100 acres. A well Ospreys& brat. L..4. (1 w and pas to •uhdlyMioe et Block R,4' Ooltone absent 36 sores. TO LEI' The shop lately occupied by the Ws Thou mood. And, to ILOJOHNMTON.lrrriter, 0..l.- riA lett Situation. VaItsat. WANTED CANVASSERS, MALE ANT) f0KA1.E• In every township b Caeeb, to saw for 150 svwwei weekly LTIrayls 45• world. Tse MoroH . ewi The Waship Iffstroah 1•s 5.. .seep) a eM usdred •ad twenty eight eskers per week. equal se sae heattred I.rgm volumes per assume. It 1s Improved la every deportees.% msowspeolisself as es be teas' •hent allover pie ser A sordid preeslues mows with wee_ ~Ay Mwwld, A geed eep.r4a►t3 fee immvei ere a legrlobalsh m • yearly taco. wimperirses - Weirs • geed tir ' •t% 5551. mmp� ele ores. .1s.. On. A'ep, ♦ridges We164174=Titles It IMmu t.