HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-23, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODWRICH. ONT. THURSDAY JAN. lir 1KMG. CARLISLE FOR PRESIDENT. RI090 �Nd • pyrans • Swan That (ale eeeeesYT e/ T !M r'.•- AV enYa► Mfr r • .Monde M Mew.w.• en , lewd Ing I tl.eslssrwe. _-----� Cincinnati. Jan. 19.- The Tribune w1tl R. E. RIOHARDSON�( L D. S., to-wlorrow nay �.••. deetka. *Mow tateaetae There now seem* to be no question �vGe tae /e�erwares .•m t. _ that John 0 Carlisle is an avowed iia.. Ogee_ O.ar James R �s candidate for the nomination for Pre Goode erre. Ibillsldent. and In some quarters It Is be- y. TURNSOLL. ID.D K.. Las._ hewed that he has been selected to per - M. petnat.• the t'levrtand dynasty. . lleetal .ttrrsn _ 0011 pan,. In Washington last week It was deft . t 1oof[b7711� es add er alum- nitely sneertslnrd that Mr. Cleveland attasties twee to the wee not • .•andldat.•, and w.'•tld no 'Pt the nomination if It was ten - lade beet.. 77 -lie w oo(r tb• Mural troth. OOe• a GtIler. LrS$'• new bleak. 1111111 at -_11[edaesl. _-- R -- r1I. Iowa& PHYSICIAN, ScT1s ) /•e•. Ike. Oe0.-MoL0sai r Orr. bubo cal • from Wends •wRI-Is VI TAR. J. HAMILTON, VETERINARY a =sod: lis ct tees• nigh ls c �0wp(ly' ett•StLMSl E Namilt s West OMte titre • t E.e.t Ur LANE, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE Linemen. 0sdarl0b• 1.1.1. ta0blr n LOW. - - t ]L G. CA�MaERON, BARRISTER. (SOLI- ` c Oetee-olle. b 111. vAmine ances les a It mow. Gm. cabana L - BARRISTER. N ae1 . H Noota�ryN wain Achteace's T` Bret. west Street. is b _ T,,• CAMPION,Q.('., BARRISTER, SOL- a Li leiter. Notary. ac. (lace ever Medical Hats tequ.te, Widerwt _ ` n M. O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, 8O- , ,tetter. cowtmitrisser. ow. Meso. is d lass. (lases : cur. H.mCr•s sed ra. An T dtew'rate. O• ariob.Oat. 1M b 1 OTTUSt DANC EY, BARRISTER, e AA Mlsetter.O.avpeaser. /to.. Me.t illertime• Money ream te /peens 01 ~es 0•+.101. Oat !al•tf t t Deane 01 Ontario J LIALEWI$, BARREFF=K, PROC- in Csllbsree hetet. IBIS i U O. HAi ti, BARRISTER. SOLICIT d 11r. OR, te. 'Ake Norther.. met door 0 MwaL Oro.. 1'rl rats trends lo at lowest noes 01 'smear,. _ GARROW rrimers. Atttoorneys,,OL�'D�OT B T rtes. J T. Oan'ew. Y.C.. W. Prewd sot._ 1AMER DN, HOLT A HOLMES, w Solblan Ila Ok•ecery to e N..) ower. 0•a W. M. C. Dimer.•. Q.U.; P. Holt . p peaM1 HGIss.. c lienor " .a� U .:: and a et �• ..loose es n seine. r••.Ol•••• edema declaim .Armstos.a. d.roithme tar C say •odea. mit tar 1)l0• Mem 1a tar f Juries. the We Court of Jay `AVpe.ltoff Co sN C Clearer K e se Division Court. scarefuad 0 �All., 'darerD.na■stem timk -tt w ia/!'snM• T 11AM1f0 a-- lt,i Oi1T TO LOAN. - 0+0,100.00 - .only.. M. O. EROS, Herein bleak. ou tomato M 1Md at Si Per twat. ea eremite Gibs... Nod•ria1. M0•I1 c .pRIVATI FUNDS - PARTIES DE t streusel obtaunIaa oases en antcWe [thyme)(••. urimy ma do so u Se per brut fit; W m 1014 Redlin. J. A. Tomato.t,rI loam.. S t•.1 1 t SHAMIR, CONVEYANCING AND r omoo, oppositeOlai1 .'H0u1 t esti MONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE at N per met. Nese. dtmseuated. C. , •LABOR, omue opposite Yartl .dine 1.(bode- ebb. _ L1 J.T.NAFTIIL,BIM, Li71 AND , • et suet s r . amides' _amid MOIL Odom --Orr. sod Mown. t ,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO OAMILROK HOLT t HOLM1iat1Y•d•. 311 t Bleb. 1 MONEY TO LAIRD. -A L A R 0 1 1 .Tl of Private reeds ter laywoman mom �0.w.01 tea a Ir D7 ase .'.name.. £ppb t 1 RRADCLIFFE, GENERAL 'IN. 1 . .ma.•.. Real sad eatm net e 1aes eway iM•titir s. Oa17 1 Lend w Mca0D0kt srpee•m.Md. Mosey to Matte. at tb• beset rete of latents t0 .may way to sett tht 'sorrow*. BGG. Woes 8tt'es�. M door from squire. _.Oodt- irr xtitf rat*I ' •Ia.USMTM. L`IODIBRI06 II AUIOS' INSTIL - TUTS LaRue"' AND RRADINY- Doom, ea. st ran street a.d Square lap Opts tram 1 to 0 r.te...ad from 710 10 P.W. ABOUT 9000 VOL'8 IN LIBRARY. L,•gd my Gaily, )wkly pita II1ws1rsted Papers, y dr., ow PVI.. 11R11.BilthHl ' TiCYiT. ONLY 00. enable tree ems •t Library 0.d fob - Rom. ApNeaU0.e fm membeseblp resolved b le Librarian. robin J. H. COL8.12 M•11. H. HAMS mOMelsba••1a•ei Ilse um. THOMAS OUNDRY, AUCTIONEER t- Ammon loseasb1re 0 Ise Co - sad las Os Wee at- wit Owee wit tended oe l0 w sem et We •enemy. way Joll<N KNOX. GENERAL AUG - 0) sad h.ed YaltMtae, a.derieb. rl ace la Oat. vane had ...sN..tre ears Made. be le is a yeattlen w ... IOW ssNdaele• 011 cern Mr. drdare lett at es: ee oma ess ;...1L �W tae lo1111 Realism. Hitt • • {:901sty PreissslnaaL --- .- E C. STOLE Arm. twang MM. '1I/*V.Tet. Ott USmMAlt, TA&IIATo - Onsb--Gr. dassmhesesek11BMtit.40.3. I AVITIRAN OF TH WAR... sod eeeM of itrontibenp. by O► £)(sunse ewe isiSO ter ob• 01480-00 •Iwy MIMve• is amlea sed Thus einem Tfe-.-mb e1 Yves. Mr. W. N. Mmwlw, ssember of Om 1) W Pa.. I bare A. 12, els.pert. wriest' : feed We bottles 0f Dr. Agrow's Caere he bon e1 She Beart, sod h..• entirely eared Savories the bears pelplistien •r el sod stalk. 1 teak 10 bathe of ow gmsM.rly bet is hied 1s en) way le reline ilopenlla. ow 1 de t 4 tltt0k She .wise et Mee Heart be lb bin t Dore - esd.abed. • abeam is int •edfi.e tea i Uel slob Nb • mew mem" dei by J. I Davis .-Asmsw your .ubseri'Wm to Tea hemi. fee Iii. red him. 1141400r. m tilt err. *newsy$.d w two a Wt..eurl T.w. and tla4. • Illat.kr. Jefferson City, Mo., Jan. 11 -It de lops that the four- bandits an-., teat t Cedar lily yenterday are the tram fW,bora wbo held up the Missouri 1'a- flc train Thursday. Yesterday the ,),b.ri•. nix in number. apt•• ar-ed at rAir lily and undertook t.. nun the uw,. Their leader was shot and kill - 1 by Charles (filbert of Fulton. and aur were wounded. They were pieced n Jail herr. From descriptions it I, este rialned that they were undoubt- edh• the Nevada train rrobbeirs. on ne ret the men 1000 was found. There e in the city great excitement 0.t1 he capture. The fifth man was air - ted this morning when he cal'td at he jail to ser the others He Is a rather o; the man wh.. w:ta killed. re131Ca OT. ILUA. Sarre Weeded tees 1Ge the &eke et Seek'. messed Ma. New York. Jan. 19.-A London cable petla! says: A proposal bas been made to burden he Duke of York's latest sun with Rp- m, of St. Felix, for no tetter reason Nan th it hr was born near the church cheated to that saInt In Norfolk. Iw PNnr-e of Wales Is about to re- u11.I at his own expense this ancient bur: h. w-hk-h tra di ion assigns an ill flr• t Christian place of worship in hle country. and the idea Is to astu- te his little srands.,n for•Ver with be plow work. The baby will be Ckrlstenrd In the Chapel Royal. St ..new'. The Queen has pt omieed to be resent. and the affair w111 be otos of I events of the London season• which urs not rive much promise so far f being particularly brilliant. A •esT at eses / 070T. lamlws 8.ar %ew. eta Sew r...G.a. rmmbtee • GMM.. London. Jan. 19. -The Daily News ill to -morrow say that It r --boards the dt piton by the United State* Senate n.mitte, on Foreign Relations last 'rlday of the reeolutlon of Senator Mels. supporting the Monro. doctrine. s a must serious step 1t adds: "The a Ger Lord Salisbury discovers a .ethoti of arbitration the better The enesuela Commiseion hangs fir... not erbaps without President Cleveland's or.sleance. It he is giving us tlmr we t uld be foolish not to take lt." s:L.&080w Lee a 04T avteCm. aagas•0 '. tete as Ballot to Accept the Tera.. offered. London. Jan. 14 -.\t a meeting In Glastfow of the locked out engineers of the Clyde ship -yard. to -day. • bel- t was taken whit h resulted to a de- idon to ancept the terms offered by he masters. and work w111 be resumed on M.otday or Tuesday next. The trlking Belfast engineers rejected the profw.rale of the matters, but the d•• - gates of the workmen say- that th.• acceptance by the Clyde engineers of be masters terms ends the stri re- es.eeifblpe Is Tremble London. Jan. I0. -The British Memoi- r brut, Itler.l'aptain Nicholson. from G•sc • n 1••ans, whlrh was In collision rlth 51.. ,.•nnan hark Mowe. as a re- ult of whil•h the More sank. has been rrested and tier owners have been re - oil 5., g.s •• a bond for £3u.0uu for i.•r r.•b a-. The British ship County of Tar- nouth. captain Swanson. which sailed rum Hull. Dec.:. fur Ship Island and nut into Grimsby. Dec. 15. dismasterl, ias been sold at auetion for 330 [wounds The British arca tar Cephalunla,from i.wton, Dec. E1, or Liserponl, which truck a rock the Suuth Stock and Ras afterwards beached. and later Coated. arrived at•her destination Le - lay. The Rrttish ste•smehlp Dominion urived at a3, iatul to -day. Slab* le ampeoess fera.br. London. Jan. 10. -There is a move- ment within .the antl-Parnelllte mer- lon of the Irish Parliamentary party trnding towards the acceptance of the resignation of Justin McCarthy. the Trader of the section. There Is, how- ev. r. much difficulty In deciding who eha11 be appointed to succeed him. A number of the party are 1n favor of the selection of the Hon. Edward Blake. the well-known Canadian. who .*presents South Longford In the House of Commons. Ilmo 0•.ase-aesten w Sa-lwsHf. Leswt a Herald 0.. el tae most bevel arid Ior.rest s0 •vost• is spurting • room wbieb bna occurred lie the silty for sense time wee the bases& eating uunteel be. ►we premium( y•s.g men 01 aim any, Oar. r.tt Welsh and John Labs, whiob took place u the trait stud el Mr I'ugazu, os Mots .11..a, lately. '1'b. neatest was the ostmrowta sit sem* remarks made some tlsbe ppnnvow u0 11141o•paurty at 501 aonN•t•ata. 1Psoh sed trusses preseat who were barking Mom clear at 11. beards Tb. summary Is e s tallow. At the drop of the fleet Starter Dae Cru. ,.:.t nccurtd to . good start ,with Weir, a ited bsu•us is the I. -.d. He led Laby to :the mai tee whore a was over oaten. (1 the bell, Luby had 38 bantam se boo main, with Nshah • clow eaw,sd with 36. Here H Gish west out sitar the mosey, sad at the three planers it was Webb by 8 benenec, but 1C.I.1, was show Ise fugue al dauess Turatog tato the .uetah. Luby'e Cocke), H.i urk went out soother stale r.1 hems... and succeeded is swats)( out Webb in Ina[ time. Timer Luby, 64 banes; Wel.h. 61 bananas. Kolb ran • 0u aaters1 race, and with a better jockey than Mo(;tss.s 11•rb shouki have win Both were seat to the eat le to rest up They .S entered for smother stoke race nest week, Sad t1e betting on the race promises to be spirited. Le.tet7ed With Lard W.ls.ley. London. Jan. 10 --Prior to the meet Ing of the Cabinet today Prime Min- ister Salisbury. \Ir. Joseph IL -Itemiser - lain. S.ot.taty of the Colonies, and the Duke of Devonehlre. President of the Council. conferred with Com- mander -in -Chief Lord Wolseley and several other high military aril naval officials. It is rurmised that the con- ference had rererenoe to schen:es foe the National Defence Committee. lag which the Duke df Devonshire is pre- sident. ►*11 Omni .ed Deed. C:Inton. Jan. it.-W1111am Hhrgin., one of the old resid.ate of th. town. but for some time past visiting hie s •n at Rat t'. route, had just bidden his son good-bye. Intending to come back to Clinton, and had resched the doorstep when he dripped and Instantly expired. He was aged 71 years. M 01,54 ev ('8004. My little tirugbter, tl.ler and a half years .1d, puttered carer years with Ec- toma Her 111(10 body wu covered with the itchn.g rash. and doctor/ did u•• q..,.d Four bele* of Cheer's Ointment 1..• entirely cured and saved our o►dd. Her skin is dear and not a sign of rash is to be seen.- Andrew .A,tun,Harllalld, N. B. Mr. Alto, is one 01 the thousand. genititted by this cut.iLug sire for Piles and skin d ireeees. The True Tem et SmrwMtlM•. Indianapolis Journal : '• Watts,ou know something about thin Transvaal seen. d00 . leu "I thought 1 did until 1 tried to tell my wife somrthrno •bout tt.' mela.rte Is 0l 810111 . Paris Republica° : A young moiety belle at Winchester told one of her gertlemen sellers • Low evenings shier that her heal: h had greatly improved Mow. t.ktug Desserts. He w,mly naked : "Do you take M Internally or rub It on mobs.. ■meimIppl 0assinlra Holly Spriest, :South : W• mopped tress lieturdsy weal Moeda, with Leese aur Walnut tiro.., w leeks oueaIy. Ms, loses is 4o y.•re old, hie who Is 43 old. and they are the pusate ua as eats.. .luldr.., sateen of them listing at 10116e They have tuts toys 34 ye•re sod tete giro 5 moathr •1J. 1 sew the settse tass,l. in ea* roost at tow [rets At Italaleb we stupptd at the k.10lt1 Hotel Dr. J. Y. Currie, proprietor While Mese 1 was introduced ta L Padgett, wbo is 44 wean and, lite all, 43. Tey are le plateau 01 L.urt.,u ciuidrea. eight gut. sad six buys. lir. Currie sod .there tslt4ssed see Ib.t la the e.c..usty 1$10151 Ilse nom luauend 011... the parvo:. of t we.tw - twu children, th . .en girls sod hiss boy.. lk. Currie tul•1 is., tb• 1se ss su the promo moo ebbs 0105 rein end tour bat., all living sod 'woe sea. •way. 1 thought treat thin would . net the obey tar, but whets 1 fob doe". hue 1 beard el libels. K111y Smith sed sus rem.rt.sbl. abuts Ing for Inoru.IIug obs I..pulstiou. l made It • paint to ase hie., and urea hint .bout but children. He has bee. inured tutor, and u the anther al beldam um.dten b> e ach wile. One singular ratans of such .. luge family seas their bush bb d -iter - bill 11.a not been se such as*. To betels up this Int al wuuderlul I•md- refs, Ed. Kann) at Plcsause .uJ Its wile, still bale and hearty, are to puent• of ht teen ckddreo-• boy mud • girl at one birth. two buys *ad a earl at suns her. Ayer's Hair Viper ie eertai.Iy • remark. able pr.p.rstrw sed i.. king f11. sit e. ever Leen produced. No matter bsK wiry . ad enmatiNo llie the i it .tr) be, u.J.. the it fleecier of this roco•neatable dteesitw. tt beo..nea soft. ad►s', .uJ plllaMe W Hoe comb and brutal. AN 1896 STORE., WHAT IS IT LIKE ? It's a live store where . - - you can get - ' - UP-TO-DATE GOODS -The newest anti best to be had.- AstesMr 1,1.1. h"01.Iearau. New York. Jan. 10.-A 81. Peters- burg dem/patch to The Herald says : Report* reeelved here .how that an- other crisis Is at hard is Bulgaria. Prince F e•rdinand te being openly op- posed by Dr. Stolloff. and wantts to replace him by M. (lrokof In the air - Ike of Prime Minister. *weer tle*N•e A ..weeemeeM. The Ontario Casette contains the Lieut. -Governor's proclamation stating that, aa eel week predicted by The World, the Provinclsl'Ierlslattire will assemble on Feb. 11. John M Hamilton. Milton. a now • Local Master of the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario: A. E. Sean - Inn. Bradford, a solicitor and notary public: Dr. Wesley Robinson, Mant- ham, associate coroner for the (•ous- t) )of York, and Wil tam W Williams. IX of the 8evwlh Di,leion Court of the County et Norfolk. In place et D. C. Brody, resigned. Lettere t bete been 'ranted, 'Vb. Snipes Wltitewear OM et to (l td.l, Tb. Ripley Via= 0e. (Lodes:" "The tion Meeleln. CO. a Toronto (Ltd)." and "'11te Te- e Das aN 00 OD. (1 td).' Ours is Such a Stout New ideas in Fancy work ; dainties in China goods and useful articles. ( )rders for plain and fancy needlework are taken. An interesting place to drop in when you have an odd moment. TEE FAIR. McLean's Block. COAL OIL COAL OIL COAL OIL Straitening web the Ned. fret M. ('p : i'b0 l' uo =Ab. Ism s• yon climb re 4.ttehsoa! %.t wee a lei to be proud ot. db. P.rdno m10. C.'tr*, he, you mean feat. 1 he Count - -O.0-h ' oboe' -Renew your iI(:YAL for I+'96, 1 ti chn.A mere ••• -u'lewrti.tion to THE ro pll►Notupit ' GCNttsst s 9080 • PAUNo TAR SOAP (Tr C3rGEI,LENtT iuwaat E rNSEo1pPYWNvNESUT0305a1tsOL . RELIEVE, Fe 1111 256 THE STAFF OF LIFE. Adulteration and substitution in food pre ducts bare of late years become tau grave w evil, slut twos ernreats even". here byre been obliged to can in the .era a r. of .07.13sts to ther& their spread and ease the lives of tie Druid: 0 c . t •h•• must important Artice.s of fo d aaquesuuaat.'y is Htt0.AI). Yor pure wb leeorne Bread. it must be made from Malt end Hop Yet . for this reason it is eerily isolable in the juices of the stomach. or, in ether wordy. light of digestion. Rip and MC: Ye.'t is pronounced by the hest analysis to bCnitl.nd to he the pure Gad esa.ul.erat.d yet. and iised by the best bakers In tlmr count' y. IN MY BAKERY Yen can get fur one cent as much Bread mule from Hop Neu u you can for three cents from the premed yeasts which are foreleg themurlva on tae public. but which do nos and maims I. ice the tame sweet flavored bread (I.,derich. M1 BREAD 15 biADF.FItI'MTHE PURE MALT AND HOP YEA,T AND NO. 1 4 L 5 �c [OD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR PURIFIES and STRENGTHENS THE BLOOD, Regulates the Action of the Liver and Kidneys. and w111 be found Indispensable In cases of female leregularilies A carload of American and Canadian Coal Oil at Wor- sel l's. Wholtlaale and Retail. Delivered to any part of the town. 50 Cords of Wood wanted in exchange for stoves. The largest and cheapest stock in town to choose from. WORSELL & THE STOVE AND FURNACE UM. and SIANI1OKA PATENT FLOUR. Try It and prose for youreblt. it 1. the most wboiesoin. and *sweetest bread that can be produced of Oat )0401 on the nt.rket. My long experience tri the Haktry busl.es. Asa pros. d these to be facts. D. CANTELON. Groceries' AS: The undersigned beg to an- nounce to the pulls. that they have opened out a general store of Urinary Diseases. Q liwwwiwamo, isaiwierLiaraio • Wm - AM 5100 SreMl8 Of mai deer Is Bae LA00111 I.AMORATMY. e•emalTK. taw 0 FOB, :\I the FINE HONEY A goal line of Syrups. A special line in two gallon Pails X -MAS FRUITS Large supply. Best quality X -MAS CANDY Ont of the teat assortments this side of the city. Anything in tine French China for Christmas pre- sents. Your wants are looked after Your trade appreciated. CASH GROCERY Hamilton Street New Fall Mil very. Groceries, Dry Goods, 1 Flour and Feed on Hamilton Street, next door to 8. Sloane's Warehouse, where they will endeavor to sell at the very lowest price possible. Terms Cosh. C. Beck & Co. ■i■ E. B. EDDY'S LEADERSHIP MEANS. r • i SUPERIORITY Iry In the Lead MINCE 1‘51. MATCHES. ■N Mls:. 1 AMER()N, the Hamilton -Street Mil:i.ter, having visited the wholesale millinery centres of Umlaute, she has Is -en successful it. procuring a complete stuck of new shapes and trimmings for the fall trade, including all the new chenille affects, etc. In returning thanks for past 'patronage, she invites inspection of her stunk: MISS CAMERON. CHE A P CHOPPING ATTHB aOLERICH WOOLEN MILL. I beg to say that i Kaye opened a store corner of Colhorne-st and Square, in Mr. Lewitt's Knitting Factory, and have made arrangements with Mr. Lewitt to attend to the selling of our popular Woolen goons. You will find our stock tirat class, and made of pure wool, well selected, consisting of TWEEDS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, YARNS, ETC. Now is the time to buy your woolen goods as wool is fast advancing . in price. Huy before the goods go up. I have put a new Grain Chopper in the Woolen Mill, and will he prepared to do chopping every day. Grain ground tine or coarse, and have put the price down to 4c. per hundred pounds, hoping by doing good work and fair dealing to receive a liberal share of your patronage. G. M. COLLINS. 1 GRANO JEWEL l BUN ON STOVES. WE LBB HAYING IT. The Grand Jewel Wood Cook Stove with Steel (oven is the ONE. NOTE THE FDLU)WIN(. I'0INTt,.-1. The Grand Jewel has • grnu:n. steel oven. which makes it hake with .bout belt the fuel required by other Targe wood stoves 2. The Grand jewel oven plates are made of Steel. Thea cannot creek. Has a patent double AGe in frost of oven, which makes the oven bake evenly all over A number of second hand Wood and Coal Stoves cheep. HARP, & LEE. A Little Knowledge is not a dangerous thing when it directs your attention Forest City Busin •i, : and Shorthand College, London, Out', is giving the most practical and business like course in Canada. Everything strictly high grade. Write for catalogue and College Journal. :School re- opens elan. 2, 1896. J. W. WESTE.R.V ELT, I'rincipeL Cheap Winter Millinery We ale welling our large stock of Millinery at greatly reduced prices, many lines at and below cost MISSES YgTES. P. $.--Store next door to !et