HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-23, Page 2s
Family Medicine of the Age.
Taken Int.rnally, It Cures
Diarrhoea, Cramp, and Pain in the
Stomach, Bon Moat, Sudden Colds,
Coughs, eta, dc.
Used Extsrnallyr it Curate
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Blwlds, 8prwng,
Toothache, Pain in the Foos, Neetalgl ,
Rhetim'Jtism, Frosted Feet
V. ankle ...r awry le roam willem l rw•r-
tV -fate. uirerwer.
ora o. Mar t.eMum le tel rias et a. P.M
VIM satym era ms mesa dr is u makie t tel
pais. ami Imes Ale le a geed rash. -.rev
"Ill1t.sti.•e..yttetsiam l toe y\r-awr. wtete le
1p sol r• srtklrs eiaatO41 mr.Yr.r re t• rrrrrare
rIt km vel/ loam r se a err par rwrgls rY r
webre a kr a t•v.ts ss•..W te Dry VOW
lal.tW . rt ir..wa/wa mareerr
M warmers;taiyimplest ra`-tar.
1 WAS.'
If 1 tlieda't tweet how .u.l I was.
Do you Inlet 1 1 k•• 1 Attu .lose
lb yea shout i .I w...n tr t .ttc !soul. yard
If I could remember ' hat 1 watt steht '.
If 1 dads : forget how root• 1 d grow
To be . b -g iu.0 nr. t'e..e Joe;
De you u.tok lit)• p.p. wuu"t u..•uwto ssea
Car 1 dl•iu t du *int 1 ore told ' ,s
...e1"/411 .. AMMO e. ..-• rsr
D., you tbtul I'd set dry peps w wild,
An .t ..0 it,tea. i,k.. 41L.i,• h11d,
If 1 Bide t target 1 ma half -peat eight'
As would Muse plow [taus to seep me
late i
?lits Itrnwu ..el 1 was "a tame head..
Au 1 ti..it t know what Lite ilial tbiag
meumd ;
Eat she m tet ,...e bleu, I pl.ye'1 se rugh,
An It made my ma toy- sure sough.
If 1 didu c tt,rtrr', di. you • Jo•. that 1
Would rv.:r act s r '-u nuke her c v'
Aad dont yo. .1...• 1 ti uen.ve Int tial,
1f I dela t forret 1 w.• gawk on tine ' t
If 1 could remember, don't yet suppose
1 would take core of my Suudayjtlo'es .
An• wouldn't 1 .ter' m+I et my c"u.in Bea
Without rotog right away ford again!
Pa save he believes I was tarn lila! bad,
Au Uncle Joe say. that 1 tai "like my
Ar Aunt Lou sire she dont supports,
171 ever be betut, but me -she knows, F or
An, she huge me clow wish a kyr, room:
She says, "I forgot how ell 1 wen
Youti.. t'ompaaioo.
NEWSPAPER s'111)11I Es.
--_ n
New. -bey a ldeall el a seltlai
Maser. -.... :'r►,
A New 1 ork hny,wh.. was asked to write.
a menu for an ideal Thanksgiving diaper,
submitted the following
}''ural Corm,
Minos Pia,
Seeped Verse,
Pumpkin }'te and Turkey.
Thi d Corse.
Lamm 1'.e, Turkey and Cranberries.
Fourth Cors,
Custard i',e, Apple Pie, 4 ho'•ocolate
(.'eke and Plum Pudding.
l andy and Nuts and Ramos.
OM UI.k.re.
come ven rood stories, sot recently In
print, were brought 'nut at several of the
celebrations on the nth of January. Amour
thew is this one, *hewing the indomitable
will of Andrew Jackson :
.Inst after his death a Whig friend of hos
mot an old family servant and began ask
leg him a few questions about his late mas-
"14o you think, said he, "that the l:en-
ersl bae gone to heaven' •
"limed, 1 dung esh : dot jte detest e.
"Dineen on what`
"Ji.• dep•n., sah, on of d• (haat' want-
ed to gn, salor not, said the darks,. with
Imprensa confidence in the loaners] "Kf he
wanted to ro, @eh, holism dale .ho ; are •r
he didn t, he stat, ash."
THE ATO WA 1 : OODRRI(7Nr ONT.. TA ET FWD A Y. .1 A N. 23 I M96.
old eller. /rimed• Neel,
1'hilaelelphia Record From their mover
Mesa they most have been old college
Ogles who had not [net for a long time uu-
a tharan
up against each other in an
street car last emoting, The.
ssserlr epi was m000mpooted by two mt'db-
aged sea, who leaked like prosperous trier•
eb•am, while the other •x -Dollen'', ooe of
tines fellows with a stentorian vows, was
They shook hands effusively, and thea be-
g an as escheat/. of reminisceaess, in which
melt fragments as : "beat you remember
the '1ih game with Yale'" ..d "W hat's be
mese of Jank `im•den'" were dutinenuh-
abie all over the oar. The big man was not
partioalarly earetul to his °heioeof linguae"
. ad 000snioadly would rip out an oath that
might have dose er•dit to a"be.rded pard."
Soddenly the otter seteed to realise that
mmhssg was wrong, and, Iroise ever, be
wh1. seed "may, old ass, be a little ear.
h1 los kaew I've got a eharrh Isere i.
Philadelphia, sad these two fellows with me
are • couple of my west iwflee.tisl trustees.'.
Tao !rig man get ea at the sell mans.
This Parllarnent Will Expire
on the 2foth of April.
Tb. aatlwuy 9 r.r.r441r9' IM
Wail, .1 Mr. 1.b■ ar.•.w. M r
Mr I.•r, • t. uud ar..wrr •ill
rot, Ir .b' Jell 's'ar'i
Yea. trams WI..•.
(quote, Jan. 19. --The Cabinet was
ng•►ged rte rely the whole 01 y'eterdaY
tv,u.hlertng the eslimute+. As is will
melte st•'' 1, the Ken. : al Moistness of
Yatll:tm:•nt is H. be transacted at the
pr ,slut .e•rrkni, i,nt .• h,th.-r the ••stt-
mateit w 11 M• I'am..9 Ito their .•ntlr.iy
.I.•pende largely uiwn the ranositle'n.
It It..generally conceded that the tttc
..f this Parllamerlt rxPlrrt: on sprit
rilthough • few Cordele, that it elan
legally run along until .lune. The
highest conitltuttonal auth.•rltiw,how-
.•ver, are opposed to the latter conten-
tion and rather than that there should
1•e doubt as to the vab'llty ad tiny
legirlatlon period by Parllrlment. the
April contention will held gond.
At the Cabinet mc.•titt Ye aterdaP
an Order -in -Council We. Barostat' os.
the Premier's recemmm"ndntlen
organizing *le Railway Committee of
the Privy Coun.'ll. ail follows: lir. Hai -
Fart tehalt MATO Kir A. P. Caron,
'Meseta, Foster, (tulmet, Daly and
I'.'•.fngnd r'gr•a o a. '•x•"e^•.root 1^
plolttk'nl circles to -da" at the announce.
men( of the death this morning at
t ..;,L.nx,• of .loons titym.n. M.P. for
1'••nnac In. -ceased att('nderl his ,par-
liamentary dutiee for the drat day or
two •.f the west's, but a week ado
h, went hoer mid hat Leen suffering
toner from u severe. attae•k of heart rill -
seam., On Thursday h.. was very low.
but rallied somewhat .on Friday, and
yeeter'Iay trail a turn for the worse.
.culminating In his demise this morn -
frig. Mr. ltryson was a worthy repre-
tentative of a tinnily which Is greatly
honored and respected in the Ottawa
\'alley. Perl•cmally, he was a most es-
timable man.
lorceared war the eldest mon of the
Hon. (leorge Bryson, late member of
the Legislative Council M Quebec. ale
was born at Ft'rt Cnulonge on :adv.
y• 1SN9; married Dec. 311. 1874, to Mary.
daughter of the late Thomas Br.aoa
(who died in 1081). M.L.A. for Pontiac.
He Was a lumberman and fanner, and
had teen Mayor of Mansfield sinee
tic_ In whtM year he was first re-
turned to Parliament. He was re -
sleeted at the !met general election. In
I" latae, he was a ('onaervative.
• straws society is all agog over the
grand fancy dress ball to he given
ty Their F:x'-.11encles in the Senate
chamber on Fel.. 17. A series of eight
.lance'., emblematic of leading i'erlods
of Canadian history, le being arranged
and pr"mlere to be a creat attraction.
A 'uccerrur to ('al. Powell as Adju-
tant-G,neral of Militia has not yet
1•'•'•n appointed. Lieut -Col. Aylmer.
Assistant Adjutant -.;.'neral, ti. actlrg
Adjutant -General and is freely spoken
of as likely to eut-ceed Col. Powell.
During the part day •'r two the names
of Col. Otter of Toronto, and Col.
Smith of London have also been men-
Mr. Carey's till! to secure safety of
railway employes and nareengers eon -
tains some prevision, which are 0' a
meet commendable notions,. For in-
etanee, all care fitted with brake, are
to. be provided with an automatic de-
vice in the hole coupling of such air
trakea;'nr in the t: -.in pipes, so ar•-
raneed that after the tars are coupled,
the ottin,•Ctiun between such brakes
and the air pump on the locomotive
cannot be broker, or the couoling de-
ranged, ••tcide'ntalty- or otherwise,
without '•knowkdge of the
engineer. ootber clause previd('e that
till box ft eht cars built in Caatada
molt, after th.• parting of thla act, be
of a uniform standar! height, ..n4 pro-
vided with attachment. for security
of ttltway eKrtptore-*. There are also
llmita.tione respecting hourtr, of labor
f"r railway empk'yen, compensation
for Injuries., etr-
ttev. Dr. Flounders. paster of the
1k.mintent Method*, Mrani[, In the
,Donee of hks 'parson to -tetrapi. depr.e
toted the extremes to whk*t members
e'f ParJlarnent went in their personal
att.uks and calummniee - in the House
lea's week. and referred to the absence
of honest argernent to many of the
spe•echc'e. 1f thew, methrxls wore eron-
tinned, hr. aid they must eventually
destroy the tourtry. He deprecated
the tar. a that it lnlitletan wad not be
an hottest man. The country needed
i. an and hone.[ men at the head of
:trait.. ad it w•nuld be en unfortunate
'ting if the .young men of Canada,
• he Nslrr 99 1 a of the etiuntry. wen
1•. net the Idte into their beads that
pot -4'• r•r' dlehonetty Were syn-
'• "•'r clamp.
Ni 1,, coir,. Mni,t-el!, a labor refire-
, '.,I t-.. it 'rising to test the feeling
of I hyla.•- ret ' n the print -has of an
eight -h• u, any on (lovescm••nt works.
H`e tali (mole•+ anions ..t99.-, things,
that .tett -tenure Matt lie the length
Nk' '* 'r',Insl -day fn:• all workmen
"'"T•Int,trnrr ,;r play,'.+,lth r perm4
n' oily nr tempnroMly. by the floweret -
mi nt .d c'anada, or by ' n^•ragtors or
rut-n.ntrnrters toes. r r for Eeery
empd•.v, ..f th.' , : 1t ernm• n' ar I eye-yi
tont -weer or oil-e,.tt'net .r. Wt's Fn.
under him or wh•r • ni .nye weeekmen
or 1st,,rer. on a nubile work, •nd,who
wilfully vi late* the pri.vl.t•r.e lir rhos
cwt. le guilty of an MAI - table :'Nonce
and liable In a penalty not ex:e•+Itns
$1000, or to Imprieorme•t 1. r ,. t. n
not tare..din; ole menthe. Mtn fe rh
penalty and Impr1.nament. In the Ole-
eMkn of the hurt.. This. am dt,fi
not apply to mnfraetore or to 0.,99-e a1-
traMnre now hav'ng rialtos' t..• v it.: or
for the lnvenunenl of Carson, flw fee
exew•ntlnyt et a rotate work. nor 'hall
>k app1Y In eaves or pr, sing t n:c--
arnoy' 'r M 1tl.anlute net, .,991r.
A Paul event occurred In the county
fall hit.• yerderiny. (1:. Frlen J.
Rutherford 3Ioir.a9ar Mn .l. nal'd,who
'ay. he hail. atom il,t*tu:t. Jga,.,,waa
rnt.need lit' .ridge Mostrn.e to five
yrarsi lmt.ri.t.nment In Ki'tt;oton Peni-
tentiary f"r flim -/lamming 310 foul
Aye. F'or4e•r riot, ll•.lr ass fearfully
door.* sod ,H the h.vtvy Pon [.ere Ila•
pad upon him Y,.terday he was al -
.1.9lae6 that ••oasiderabee gam ltatboa
> acbl.Ay from sear, to an-
t sari Lr. Sproule' bll'.w ten
11 heellteasell Ian. will alit til• homer
b ••-k•eeper.
tr. It 'Mon. H.1'., left Yesterlay (or
11. llfai fur a few days.
senator Perley or the N.W. Teri -
t. ors, a New Hrunewlcker by ti las
ertalned Premier Blair and usher
N. w ltlunawlckeea to dinner in the
s. ' ate ltestaursat Wt night -
NIP. M ulock will again press hie lara-
sut- prohibiting a member of Parlta-
n„ nt from reorients mileage if he
tt.:%el• to or from Ottawa *1 a leas
tel. than ordinarily charted to the
K' oral pubil,
risers. waa a great fulling ..if in
•': mss.. Immigration last year, as .r n -
p•: •d with the previous three years,
TI'• total errlk.etigps on account ..f the
1*..' rattail anteunted to $pillbox in 1b$2.
1.: st year It was only $72.47..
.►t present there are six vecanc.es 1n
th Commons. vis., tloutsntw. 4'hvr-
Irt • Ig. Missimouul, Pontiac. Northum-
1. 'land and ['ape Breton.
The annual report of tate Ik•pertinent
e Trade and Cotnmerr•.• is out . it
(s'at'ire a .as amount of statiettcal
mod finaec•Iai information as well a.
d. !ails of commercial relations a nth
.t'Down t c•eruntHos.
/I:\1Av RAIN e1 CLVAra.
L army .aw rater". teres a Tarwll.l Be -
OW; ' .. tang and J•mrse•'. M./1.
Londa n. Jan. 1$, -The law papers
h. r.- eddiie1 the treatment accorded
t'i prisoners, taken during the Fenian
raid Into Canada as a precedent for
ti, treatntenl. of Dr. Jameson and his
companions in the Transvaal raid.
'1 hey ray that the prisoners ought to
'1, tried by the ordinary courts '.f
1e gland. As no Indemnity was 91I"
91 andel from the I'niteJ : tat s 1 e -
...tote of the Fenian raid. r,. n.. lir
sit meaty should be paid to the Trans -
• nerweeds s .•
realm Osman his,'•' 1 lowed to etresee In a '-r.rrl.lnr of the
Itasue twee. MO, completely Isolalt.l fawn the
wows= Pegs, NerwMt Oat. •lash meter 4 0.4', it ie rocuru1 hie o
urod the tolled
Christmas i meld hardly walk, was nearly rht. mail then eats/elate on a chair, -
doubled 1 with rhmtwagam. I prewn(1 eA the other and of the towel to O m
ease battles el heath American Rheumatics llntee of the •loerr, snA than ropp*d
dale hem W. Ratherferd lJegriat, •/ Nr from t9. chair When dlamn.vedd M
wed. sad feed it H. arse .ad *.iskree woe Mnp d.ad. wee bete t.lai at -
geeing mbdefine i ewer saw. The bet dem sum cold An trtortent will be 1.ds r
ave shit, sad Ms three kettles eseepriely morrow.
(tared ma i Mee bed 'summa .eate ser Or 8pyeale bas an saturable mem-
from Akinguipeek dew.- field by,l R. •err no tel artist paper, dsdaaed to
t ••vena the manatee -tuns and sale of
csrtare imesestetap tar baa.. it Is
Venally trial. s. acute
It Is reported in court etme'.t that
:mantas }'r. dertNt of 4;erne .ny (tno-
th.•r of Emperor W :Ilia mi the Prince
Wakes *ltd Quern %te(,r-a have
ae bonne(' a number of .ontmunka-
t one r.lativ4' to that Emperor's mer -
sage to President Kruger of the South
:Oilcan Republic. The Engin-se ex-
t•:mined that the Emperor entertained
rt.,• friendliest feelings. for England.
t'AMPSs Is A rAfRloi
.Ir 1H•II. lila taw• Ire!/.x. le elver Tame
Opole flay Not be OrahraN.
Madrid, Jan. 18. -Premier Car.ovas
Iasi received a lengthy despatch from
•;.i1. Marlines Camper. the retiring
general of Cuba, with regard to tar
Liter's retail by the Spanish Cabinet.
The despatch is as follows:
1 regard your message as an order.
but 1 would remark that 1 have not
tendered my resignatiun. 1 have no
ri nae of failing power. 1 have not
reared opposition or any kind, fur 1
always know how to face it. 1 could
not resign of my own free will, yield-
ing to pressure, in the preeeuce of an
tee -m)•. I congratulate the Govern-
ment on Its decision. which may obvi-
ate dls.ens:ons, w•bbch, if they did not
affect me. might work harm in Spain."
(Jen. l'olav*jut Whole went honed as
the probable successor of (Jen. Cam-
I•e'e•, has advised Premier Uanovas t4.
appoint Gen- Weylor to the pusltbn
(`_onlntander-to-Chief of the Spanish
1.•rees in Cuba.
g,ea. t'sar's Deposed.
Madrid, Jan. 1$ --The consensus of
9• nWa here Is that the superseding of
erre' Martinez Campos In command
the Spanish forces in Cuba will
re ally improve the situation there.
'I he military journals censure Gen.
Uartlnes Campos. and declare that his
slitting up his 100.000 followers Into
-mall aretions to protect rural prop-rty
has been the chief cause of the ex -
't lesion of the Cuban revolt.
TOE Nirtl•'\ of ii/AM.
remission' er tine A reel concluded
Newel• mad /'rawer.
London, Jan. 18. -The abundant talk
'•f the Anglo-French alliance le based
en the agreemnt recently signed by
.rent Britain and France relative to
the partition of Siam.
tinder the new convention France
a.qulres the whole western valley of
the Mekong River and part of the
astern valley of the upper M.'knng,
:.11 of whi. h territory c.'.uprises the
:,heat of the Siamese p.ovlr.ces. 1's.:19-
1.ind takes the territory west of the
tenant valley and absorbs the Malay
t•.'nlneula, so that the Indian Empire
will .stead in an unbroken line from
I:rloocttl♦tan to the Straits Settle-
nleots. France wanted to ease Ban-
kok, the Siamese capital, which would
have completely put an end to the
l ingdom of Siam, but England object-
, I. Siam proper will now be confined
t. the valley of the M. -nam.
li..th powers have now turned their
attention to it settlement of the quiet -
on elf the Niger territory In Africa,
t •r w hlch purpose a joint commluei'.n
.• ill 1.0 formed.
The Temps of Paris warns the Eng -
1:,.h papers that the accord of the
:earn and Niger questloua la not th.•
b. ginning of • sort of political honey-
! nun of France and England. It adds
that the present Fnglieh adulation of
France is not acceptable and that the
rrenulnenees of the feeling expressed
it entirely distrusted.
A Na -fear 014 R•'y Aeeleleasally /tat.
1 ad., ■1. reetaloa Aa.
Pane, Ont., Jan. 1R. -A bad accident,
which may prove fatal. occurred here
last night. In whleh a 1 -year-old boy,
,on ' f Th• mas ratan. of Parts station.
was nearly killed I y his father with an
ax. It appear" while Mr. Cavan was
plitting wood in the yard. the young
lad, whll., Welting up chips, slipped
ender tit. descending ax. which Otani
him a tremendous blow, cutting
rhrrmgh the skull and injuring' the
membrane of the brain. There Is IMMO
hope of his recovery.
- -
/RrJttrT TRAIN W9MCt11fa.
WOOS ('ar. FiIN 1 p Is a totaled at Lome*
Rill - \•Mdy Ruled
itseust Hill, Ont. Jan. ie. -There was
an atcitiont to a west bound freight
train a mile east of here to -day, caus-
ed hy a broken axle. Seven earn were
piled up in a out Two anxUHary trains
were Immediately ordered from Toron-
to and Havelock. Every effort b be-
ing made to clear the track, but 1t 1w
• Marini yob as the secident occurred
In a deep cutting. The through pa•een.
ger train for Montreal will be flagged
INFO TM 990.*tertiem sa •.seat.
Winos. ,lam- 1L -le • letter just re-
ceived from Rev. H. N. Barnum, It Is.,
,of tlatpoot. Eastern Turkey, where the
t•loprrty of th. American heard wan
hi tm'd, btt says that report. have been
-0 cured tram 171 villages in tel v1e4-
ulty ofThew villages non-
, , in..l 11.* hossees belonging to
•'hriStl*RB Of Oslo number 7si/ Mw
salsa and 15.041 permnne are' ee-
t••rt••d I1r Harrwtori adds: "TM
r.al tam I fear. will prove to be
,nee& lirsatet•"
' 11111111111M1
Ta•w... A. iairs..
A Common
hiwuuMJ Cahill y Tagg
Ry par Ila
• C•I -DZIVEZ'$ 8TOZt.
"1 was eniteted for eight years with Etat
!Meuse. boring that time, 1 tried a great
many medicines which nese highly mec-
aa.eended, but sue gave me relief- I
WM as last *dieted to tryA eros gam,.
patina. by a friend who told that 1
must purchase six bottles, and nese thele
according t. directions. I yielded to hi
persnadnn, bought the sty bottles. and
took the contents of threw of these bot-
tles without enticing any direct twtteaL
Before 1 bad finished tate lut:ith bottle,
my bands were as
Free from Eruptions
as ever (bey were. Mr Moiste.s, which
is that of a cat.,l►irer, requires me to
be out t. cold and tart weather, often
without glovesand the trouble has
inter returned ."- THOMAS A. Jugs.
Stratford, Ont.
Ayer's _ Sarsaparilla
aggaitted at the World's Pair.
Arerss Pills Cleanse the aesr'e?«
The mires,- Way la wblrb m letramger la
wrtftr d Rerar.red I/1. Merry.
A genaeman from Philadelphia who has
been in Hartford for several days on brut
seem lost hu pocketbook costaittimg 873 it
few evenings ago. He made diligent en-
quiries for it at p1•oes where he had been,
including the opera hotter cafe, where he
had tams' some of hes meal.. Mr Rarity,
the m.n.ger, mid that the pocketbook had
bot been found there. and added that if may
of the waiters had found tt, it would have
been headed over to him. He called all the
waiters up, and all of them said they had
not seen tt. The gentleman went out and
walked down Main street. Ilehtnd him he
beard two men talking.
., Let'e stop in the ('tri- Hotel and hare a
drink, -'said one. The other enuoired where
the Utty Hotel was, and his companion said
it was a little way down the street.
•' Ail right, - said the other, " but have
tbm drink with me. L.*t night. i had no-
thing and tonight l have $73." The fact
that the amount named was eveatl7 the
amount the Philadelphia man had lost at-
-trautel hu notice toed he turned around to
lee wbo was talking. He reoogoized the
speaker as • man he had known is rhlladel
phis. Stepping aside he let the two paw
and followed them into the City Rotel 1'.r
room. Stepping up to the man who said he
Mid $73, he said :
,. You have my pocketbook sod you must
hand it over. it sea little red book and
•ent•ima $73 and • $10 Confederate bill."
The man imdiroantly denied having it
and aeke3 his accuser who he was that he
should dare make such s charge.
"Ill tell you who I stn," he replied,
".nd I'II tell you whir y..0 are. You were
employed once to the Philadelphia Poet
()false and i arrested you for stealing and
eelltne stamps Now hand over the pooket-
book or it will go hard with you •
The fellow reoop.iaed his accuser, and at
Isom took the Work out of his pocket and es-
timated it to the owner, none of ata contents
lumina been disturbed,
1 hu u • true story, but it is hard to
hest. -Hartford Courant.
Chase. RN..yllver PUH.
Cbaiee'a Pill. have gained p..pulerity
because they are s epecitic for the uric
acid condition, prevent Bri,rht's disease,
cure Rheutaalem sod all Cataria' c.ndi-
ti..dk ..f the Kidney'. and Bladder. Th'•y
du this because they po-.eas remarkable
alterative, tonic and diuretic props•rtiee,
exerting r wonderfully soothing influence
on irritated or inflamed ma,..oe mem-
brana of the kidneys or bladder. (hue
pill a dose. 'lb • flex. The cheapest
medicine in the world_
Morris: A quiet fret very pretty wedding
took place at tel hoe•, of the bride'e father
at ata o'clock on How Year • evening is the
pretty v Il• of "Oar.aoloagh,"t bo resid'ao.
e- Wm. Ssett, Morris loveable, when his
yoa•jtp st desibt f, Mrs Sell•„ was nutted
m marriage to Hugh Tooker, a highly r•-
sp.Nsil natant of Tumour,.
Ask your Druggist fe
Murray &
Eer IWMtercbief. To/tet and dflr.
r o<
Rs oasts
Convulse' Holidays
w .
Mo'u.r. J** 13.99'
whoa r y pupils *419
he rswl,eA.
apply fes net ted*r to
MW Gr. 1411P.
/...era Prsmrij al
Mall. Tar.le.
Harpn's Magazine.
•Mist., • wet morel h. willies' It eek. writ
tet, wish tan l ho ant Lora W.111-1111.9..• , h .. m nt
saw, wall Nevin in 'b- (baeslr•w: \umber, 1
( .y4 onw•lwur lista ilei A •res seri 9r
la M trw•KR, en dMd 1M Marlin.,
I'M ate ht•a,udu•Ins the leer. It N mut ...o
much to say the' or marl Imo •.par Mrn
ata ed with .•.-h t- ..i ••.1*' -twine a. rhe
puny.. e- to trims, 1 be ree.•esl a.eelbr
11n. -I Jeaa .1 0,, sal row nue, and e, I
retatr tar. .tory or .he failure and man, r•
dou' of the M..d of /rinse., (]skier I;II u.R+•wt
fiction of the rear wi.l tie a noi a rt,r h. Note
rw'.ir. ceder for i''le, lett .aver -r. r.t.Y.
live. a humorous shr, ; i•.ri is ,• • •I "d 1'w•
111•04•••• Moos •odd9N,, to I.,vuttt.v
K LwY M.t,H..t ; soh •0e'. atane* bt (k'
TA) 19 'VII COST. HI 4.60 if •nui.0 111.v1.,
Mint' R, WILKIY.,JCL. t♦ ft 1111-11, r+a.euer
IIA .TNtrw. 11wa\ W091n. .n.I other well
known wrilere,
Woouann N •torp% *rid .•..utrihu.o•ir
papa: a •r Chrome Wa.e•'._;•La v...1 his lintel.
With111uatralooeb, Hoe *s.1'. It I'.•.1.
ver PR;KIA,w'•t Moor. ..t Thr t.rrtlt*•
fllrwagN I+r 1.ttnrl.l. i Ise..'rasa h. It: a'A:"e
Woourntit, .,I$ h •ne. Moroi •brooch the
wiener. Two repel. n• t(. total ..tefea end
Mad Anthony Ws, n... crery, h, Ta..e. ane
Ro..way.l.T, whh rra,,h.c Il tetra. :vas .:ll lin
misted during the year.
A noteworthy yea d 'hs 'd U: L7INIt
during the year t'O: terI Iw a wit r. of art ., I,.
br •'A,.rr.n W. N u. 1'.ay, drer.I'eg hos u.p
of gale mile. as 'sow .bore tied eel, dog
sleigh train Mtn the uwetpl'trrd R,rren
frrwea4s of Ilrill•h 4inr'h AMeri. a ,u put
.lilt of woad bi.e-. and nowtk, osrn er
rPht'wey'.swum e.l have the rd led Interest
of Laino illustrated from p0olo,: apes taken
by hnmwlf,
Th. Volumes of the Narceine tw ` n w''n
the N umbers fray June sad Doet,..•r of .•..-h
year. Wbrn not'nie Ie n,eationed,.ubser,ptwine
will f..gia with the Number current at Inn
time of receipt of Lerder.
Itemi'tanres should be Made to lint-olltee
Money (elder or Ikon, to wrest chaser of
,\,rwooPers err lint to rope this .dtrrtia.
,stent without the express order of Harper &
Boot hers.
11.41ePPRN it ANA %INN ..I',. ).'.,r .4.
Postage Iles to nit ember riM,. In • he C'ho'rd
Hoofs, e'awade and Me_rirn.
P. O. Bea Bit, N, Y. City,
Harper's Bazaar.
IN 1806
The twenty ninth year nt H I[1'KIYf+
RAZ A it. beglnoleg In Janwry, MS. Rods .t
meinta,ninr its deserved repo alien both a. a
re.hion Jnnreal and a weekly periodical foe
home reading.
Every week the BA/,AR presente leent,rul
soilettes ter /armies occasion., K 'shot. than.
••d (11•14-1.,Iloatrate and enirrats the naw
oat designs front the One., model. in Paris and
Berlin. few Tara V..0$.•• epiton,,,es ,or
rest •tyles in New York. A fortnightly pet
trrnsbeet supplemeat with diagrams and
directions enables wnn,-e to cul and mate
their own gowns, and is r• great vieue to the
Professional modiste as well as to the amateur
dressmaker. Child res . Clot biegre'cellsscon
stent otteation. Fashions for Men are der
erlbed in full detail by a manshsut town.
.r Fart. Mete,, by K.THKIII*K Int FoarosT
is • uprightiy weekly recital of fashion. geode
and social doings in Paris, given by • clever
woman In an entertaining way,
Roth 'the serials for INN are the week of
Americas women. Mrs. e;rrald. by MARIA
Io,t le& Toot., Is a striking story u• New gag
laud rife. Many K. Wt1Atlra fen Jrremr. a
Mr Mss, 9190.'..,,. the always interesting
pr"blems of the mod ion. between labor and
capital. Short stories will be written by the
best author.
iiteve .I aepanmead. 34nine. The Outdoor
%terms. Pommel.. What it a Are 'Mang.
Women and Men, report and discuss themes
of immedlate Interest.
easWers N /'•rr•e.pes4e.ta, (pewit ions re-
ceo.e the personal attention of the editor, and
are answered at the earliest possible date et
ter their receipt,
The Volumes of the HAsrR begin with the
first Number for Januar. of each year. When
no time is mentioned. subscription will begin
with the Number eurreat at the *9.001 receipt
of order.
Remittance* should be tide hy I'ost ol8oe
Money Order or Draft. to at -old chance of low.
Nrtrpapers are wet to ropy this adrertler-
w ent without the express order op' HARPER R
Per Tear I
Poetagr Itis, to oil sufiwrSlera fR the fruited
4tatea. Pre,
and .Mesal -o.
P. O. Bos W N. Y. ells,
Earper's Weekly.
IN Iwo
H \R1'KR -1 1VKEKLY le aJournal for tel
whol.. country, It deaf with the eveate of
the en rld that are important to Americana.
is tarrying out this poliey. In INA, J1.1.1Ag
Rs ten visited China sad Japan, andourney
ed through tars Wewl: R.:HA.o Illa•ntm,
DAvw took a trip through the (larynxes Ilea:
the evolut'oma of the new Navy were Arend
ed sod II hydrated by RI -ors F. ?mon 41'111
F11ana RN' Risher ro. pre.e•ted .t..-liee of
qdod the at. mpeningiof the fe: e Kiel Canal. a
Is IM line attention will be given to every
n otable happening The chief event. la tort,
literature. wait music sad the dream w111 he
. rNpsallT emanated. W. U. Howkuw, la
tan saes departrnea, UA 'tad I..ea.,. will
dls•sss la hl. intnr'.etiag way boot* ash tel
aseW qpuestion• of the parvo. E. A, MAMntr't
sa'▪ d'ly . The of a r piny world *111 M
os*.Iaau.d. The ptngrer. M the Transporta-
ble, Coatmieekot
nnap•rb.be•(:osmiwlea around the World will be
Wowed. and (:Aman W. WH.Twnv *111 0a• -
dant the department of *maser *pore,
in IAN w111 orenr a Presidential electba.
in I** MllMalsand tbrongh c • politIeal car.
Ms•s/ae WERELY w111t'ontlawtohean 1s-
.dq ianyadvocate of rood gover•mleat and
Im inion the WEEKLY will 'be eapooi.l
ateea It ion publish tel only now of the
ytsr bar W. 1►. owct.ta, sad a agrelmll aerW
of a 8eo(eh feud, ay 8. O. fNeoararr. The
sheet 'ownsw s. eve rye sf as
sad treneso* tplls•eo
WEEKLY interest.111la
i ag eriep4... in
ilium rated Jseraslfasi of this
The Toluenes of the WrwWLn bsgts with the
ant Number for Jamof east year. Wizen
se time le meati mad. we bserlp(Inee will bagh
with the Number Oarreal at the lime of to
owleptt of order.
Rwnittaaeme shred be slide by Paw eAet
Money Order or Draft, to aver *ranee., of
Nr,nepnprevee nye no/ to eon this seherfiar-
went POPP.' tis .rima order of HAarea t
RANp $
rosy Twnr l
AJtl•A /1.1P MAP /NR . pap
lawOlRe Iw /a. Vaned
'Ilddaennt Mk
P. U. Hasa,'" N. Y. OW.
The Signal
OOP more mile mimed atte'.4 ten to its
Jul. Prunus facilities, whiut are eager
ps•wd uetude the cities ler the primps
and Proper eieoutien of all Mum al
prlatlmg A perusal of Ws 0.0.41151.-
109.01 may elypfeet something yua u a'
he .n wed of, mad i• snob ow we alt-
o,. your patronage, hobos essatisait
that our a ort. to please will meet with
the approval 44 our patrons
' We k%latae
This useful rine is kept in the all
range of yuaities same as letter
htuwia. N'hi e
Att\\\O. kktto.&le
are not ao generally moil, they
an ituportaut place in ooturuercia
brreepuutieuoe. See What we've
&trot under the above beans.
In this line we have a very IOW
mile,' of tine writing papers taut
able for every Clara of Imminent
represented in this locality, cos
prising laid and wove, linens,
quadrille and other papers, titled
or unruleli, as may be required.
B\\ -Net\Js
If the " pay -a. -yon -go " plan was
the order of the Clay the demand
for account paper would not be
so great ; but there are rotor Hien
who get so many .iunners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is case
parte in this line with four sises,
Gori paper and neat ruling.
VIttiAtI 1\tt\\ts
Both single and double dollars
ami gents oolumns. They come
cheaper than bill heads, anti are
the proper thing to send after a
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to fetch him 'round-
Now, it would be ham' to get
along without enveloppest ,, and to
keep up with the demand for
them we keep a Targe stock on
hand. We have now about a
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prices will range from 75o. is
$2.00 per 31. We handle otos
mercial and legal sixes exclusively.
Corl\un\ere\m\ - Y.VtA\\\a
has already been partially ennm
erated in some of the heads shove.
There is, however, a Teat smote
of work under this head that to
eauutetate wouId more than take
up the entire apace occupied by
this .dv't, but we do it alt at Tug
T AV:AOS\o\\s
to an "At Home" or a wedding
require considerable taste in melee
tion sometimes, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping in
stock the very latest and best
samples to be had. Call and ee
? roc/ ratty*
of entertainments and meeting
promptly turned out., from the
plain but nest to the most elegant
with cord and pencil attached.
We aim to excel in all the diff.
est kinds of work we turn out,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy papers
suitable for all requirements.
Cfards It 4 T'\ekets
This head covers • large range of
work, from • bread or milk ticket
to • neat calling card, from aa or-
dinary admission ticket to • tasty
business card or a handsomely
printed membership ticket.
- osttra
Our facilities for turning out this
class of work are evidenoed by the
fact that the great bulk of it is
done by us. This line also is
od.ger s
which our three fast -running jib
presses are able to turn lilt in
surprisingly short time.
% m\t B\\\s
belong to the poster deoartmeat
alma, and we make a specialty a
them -promptness being oar sial
in this reapect A notice of sale
will appear in Tem HIfWAt fres e!
charge when hills for ease are got
4•\\ " - of W ork
in the typographical printing line
can be done in this establishment
in an expeditious and artists
manner and
Otte ,P\•\tts %SAX\ US SONU\ai
We extend our
OM, and solicit a
thanks for past fay-
roatinuane a of the
fl1(111 .Z1
sitoosasts, Our.