HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-16, Page 7h. kat • rP THE 'ATONAL : GODIRTCH. ONT.. THiTR`I)AT JAN. 1e. .181 16, 7 unfortunate Cod-liver oil suggests consumption, which 1s al- most unfortunate. Its best use is before you fear consuinption ; when you begin to get thin, weak, run down ; then is the pru- dent time to begin to take care, and the best wal to take care is to supply the system with needed fat and strength. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil, wail hypo - phosphites, will • back ho hav't! plumpness it, r '•'eke stiz•ng'th wh cod- liver oil would • • • • en. A .ed.rfw ear origin Mr ettlyrat 4 herr a his...11etievinr. O.L , los. sod;Lee TetE OLD SUBSCii1 PriE (R ANO THE UDEft OM A tint to well, sir, teat k ye 'S well • I ever tomo tehurt 1 d .alt end ..r that peer 1 tot l.o gilts in. list t.e.k ler paper fifty yeti: An watched her prow aa' grow, Ti. now. tannin se'. •.whore n.er I.ik• what l u.'Irr know. 'Twos Mot • weak lin' thee, An uut ter mak• U.nar Naar aur because it was too smelt T alert t'l knohen fire. bit Mat was let o.y w.le's quer way, She u. -ver learned trasd-- As' lights& fire. was .11 tai voodoo"' In papers that ehe.00d. I woo t much totter. CII allow, A•' lore 1d it boll through A r•.dtn• oar 1 was t man Another d be moot due. Bot 1 kepi prowls' better warned Th shoot k.l; groom' too, . A. every vee. • keep &heal Fly .pr.hgtn eon.ahin new. 1 'd cat h up oath •h' old plain type. Th bang o use num • style, When sem.e new ch•p'd come along Au shift thieve roue • *bile Tb' paper ch.ngal'titltew . o thing. At tint i celled it do.b, An' soul I d quit. but pretty won I ab&eged roan tun, b Rosh. It got t •!moon funny IMLs Ac' 1'ydi. I. cilium we. An writ., t...ut the wsmmn folks An • I their new born fees. It • to • paw.. th.t mime duped hard Fer oe• Lk.• me t• hold. But pat lb' same 1 road It &ll If 1 am ..gestin' old. I read &lout th. baseball games An' all th ear• I s chaff, &. •ll snout th' hi ,.,mw girl. With skirts cut plum in half. Marcor panes t h' teatime philter 1e .crop book. -do we road Te' Sunday .ermoo., did v say ' Oh, yes, air . yes, indeed. A. sow, by gum, I want t see Tb' tbiaga that does th work - Th' type machin annew fest prom That pries news In • ;eck. • Well, 1 am beat. The blame thing runs, •\•kitin' sure'. I'm born : It heats th' new macho• 1 got At home for ahelltn' corn. Tb thing anti fed with little chunks (f paper I ke I re seed Moet presses run. but acv, gen whiz ' Its plat one round o speed. They're heaps o' this's IA like took About that blain' machine, Bot my, my beat a •' whirl.' now With all the thin,. I've seen. i'll jut go home en' rest a week As' quiet down, I gene, As then 1.11 take another look At that now prints& press Arthur Chapman, in lir R'tokford Resis- tor Genet te. Poet • ar Don't talk about the Don't t•11. shoot the rortreet'e. Don't dress to Monism veer guests. Don't invite wore resets than sou can oomfnrtably entertate. Dent stove to Teeniest* envy of your be- le.tings in the hearts of your smote. Dent address all your . ' to fem- inine ears whoa you are hos o and women both. Don't give your guests *oh setartaio meat as will entail poor (antismog' the family for • week after. Don t convert • foam* gathering into ea. exhibition Pooh as upholsterers read silver smiths make ie their stores. MY MOTHER'S 801'40. When the threshes mom Omar saagiog sod the wild hem leave the clover, Wham the glory of the ssss.t lodes, sod leaves the heaven pale When ahem the hill sod nwnataw maty shod. el twilight hover. And 1trdilltordis of the dot tuns far owey in fall. Whoa the rote whist* tlsstly rustles, sad timid seps.a shiver, And the West woods stgbi.g softly soma from 'looping dowers brag When the peewits ory together plaietively by brook •ud riser a. a Then it is Gat. 1 hear the old song' bat my mother used to ung. Round my fleck 1 fool the pressure of her fingers warm tied .louder, :1ud in sleeping dream and waking l have tet It maim times, ,lust as when of old I !atoned to that ditty, quaint and tender, Till the houghs that waved above us caught the oa.lenoe of the rhymes. And ens heart throbs loud and quickly as 1 hear it riu.55 a.Mrer, Youth is mine, its hopes sod vatoo., dreame and plans are mise again K.rth is fairer,ltlr is sweet -ay, and heaves itself neem. t.earer To ane as I let in face w that no er fro gnttwo 'train. HOT CORN. There • nothing like poached egg., as the man said when he robbed tis. neighbor . fowl house. -Renew your subscription to Tots SIGNAL for 11496, Nervous Prostration. Oured effectually by Scott** Sarsaparilla. al heart goes affected. The oversize ab horse is • tenderhearted entree! 11e is always ready listen to • tale of whoa, to stop and Kray : " My dear fellow -two umbrellas' What on earth is that for , 7 .►"1"" Jay : •'11 by, in case I leare one any• where. He -What month a it in which it is un- lucky to be married' She -Goodness m. ' wr•t spoor memory sou have. We were married in June. Mise Jay Mays sou env lettere for loo tod allots t'ostmietrees loo, Mist, this card : and he is Doming on Thursday Ihck-1 am surprised that you even crew coder • proposal of marriage from Harry. Penelope My guardian tells me that be is a very promising young man. Ihck -He is, to his creditors. " So you think you Tan stand the arduous duties' of • variety actor• 1 ou know in our Play we find occasion to throw you down a 30ft. tight of stain lute • `erre! of rain weir.' "1 I think 1 can stand it, said the hue rry man. "1 was. t.x eolleotor for three years. LABOR NOTES - wkai worker. ars alas is ether Vlorew. A 5:ermen potter earns $175 • year. rleruselem gores 50o. • day. in India toasty* 25c. • day. 'bipwnghta a Belfast eke 118.14 a week. Upholsterers in Dublin make $8.26 • week. A R..si•o teamster receives about 40 seats • day. An Italian meson makes $3 to $3.(ei • week. Stevedores in Italy make about $7.44 • week. An trosworkee in Ss no can mak. $.3 • week. A Russian term laborer gets about $10 • month. A sword maker is Monacan. ten earn $5 • week, Boiler makers in Hamburg ere paid $5.45 • week. Gatherers of tea leaves a China receive 6 cents • dot. ('abioet makers in Florence receive from 48 to 68 menu • day. Silk workers in Germany receive about 1146 • year. A railroad laborer to India earns from 5 to 10 menta • day. A shoemaker in Rome earns troni 11.80 to$240•week. A street oar driver in London averages $5 82 • week. A weaver in Leos makers DROPPED 5.N THE STREET. Woo w.. whru II.p,e..d • Welt a..we if1.14..t.atoms. sf.Wks, WOwe t. aeetlala 1188111146. 'Tem the News llama It A hike ower • yosr mu the reporter o1 the New• while standing in front of the *Mos, before its removal to C uiw, sut.►e.d lour wee earryleg Mr. J 1' !hawse, the well knows floret and gardener, into the (:wart easy House- The reporter. ever oo the .l ort fur • stews Item, at more wept over to se- vesttKstr the matter, and ',raised that Sir. Davis had had • slight ••rot• of p.rslysis A auto us the eirysrwtenoe appeared in the New* •t the time and .othrny further jet h eard of it Last spring Mr ISsvos wpa .h • verd to be Ire.iueutl, to Came brixeule m ower* and Tater a • getalrlee for solo, .ad th *porter meet og him one Jay, the fol. bwusv converse't.au took place "111.4 b wee yon looking so •e.l Mr Ikea, said the reporter, " the last time 1 saw you you e eem..i pretty hall [woken up " 1 ee, mid Mr. D.va, •• 1 did hey. • pretty tough lime of it. 1 wee troubled with mt h -art, h.vwg fnetuest ...'ere sponse, .0.1 .hnrtuem of breath on dight es•rtio. 1 had .l«t • srrtltuy of the seek mia) W le ours, Two vein from their use. A depraved tor weer% osedita' a et she blood or .k.atereu nerves .re the two 1ry11' ful sources et almost every ,lease thew •1 flat. hunusute. sol to dl sufferers 1M Wil. hams Pink Pak .re tiered with • mooed - 0•4:111 that they w the eel% putout aid s• faalrsg blued tuilJ.r and nerve restorer, aid that where peen • lair trial cheese' art sultans( must banish. Ptak Pithier* veld by all dealers or w t;l he mini by mail ea re .sips el no mote • to ■ r $2 sitar eta buses, by aadrses 4 the lir. Wdhaan' tiedi hs Os.1,,.kyill.. 11111 , r Schenectady, N ityssars of imita,i,oe and always rectum tease .ahetttul... •lleazet to be "jest se • *errs. U • lot o1 I.t.b moue • Ass • lot ret little •nic., Why are 55.• . lot of homes Celled • 1.., of little two • If • tot of ),'r.e goose. tits • 1 it . I lathe ¢r•'os. Why •re a . lot of -noose. r I lolled • 1 .i of het!. mace : 4 1I COUNT Y CURRENCY . �.,r lt04 hT1'.w 11. L. u..rt.W, e. • allibi<bwa. HAD INDIGESTION ! M•it people w !elk with e m'tt"a .r 1 for . a1•tt•r of .one Veiny Yews er Mere. Joseph 'Auditor, stunt dealer, of lath. Miliaria. IP a great believer ss Ur. (;ease's Kidney -Lieu Ytll• cur aadi;:ee two. cu..Upetius. dyspepsia. Brig Xs disease. rbauarti.u. raid kidney. I1%er and slomncb troubles geuereliy. • t was troubled fu: utter forty years with iadigr•tiou uud eoustipp•auuw" be write.. "At %uter.ula 1 •sfh'red frust severe headache. 1 •peat dollars and dollars witk,.ve result until Mr. Bolt, our drugg at. edvwd ua' to try K idney- Li Nils I did so. sad noost that say that they ere the only reatodY with- out• me repel. I would net M out the for siythiii ." Many p.op.e 'pilfer from rheumatism. Bsd blood sod dite,tied kidneys bring it on. Dr. C'oor's Kidney -Liver Pills will remedy all this i.t:4 east rh,unaa- tteM. sciatica sad ell liu.lred cumi,la:tits. Sem i• a sarnpl* exec : crippled up and " My Ituy era* all Trip{ suffered awfully at 111. rheustatient.•' writes Mrs.. 11. 'Will.. of Cheeky. 511.1. " ii. also had a tot•'h el diabetes. The when eat R doctors could do him no g.ot1, but Ul. Mee 1 asst* sp from Nasaisto sad trek tea � 5.t Blyth, has yru.•h4svd the •ei. '•aaesatsog •( C:iw'm Kidney -Liner Yitle : omyletely Herrin ration, hop►ng • ukanRe world do K H. Fortu.r cured biro." 1 Krusemis : A total "1 mute was Dieppe I sow by all isalers mod I:dtitaL•uu. eastward se. Thureds, _by Nissan. (;legg h sates A 1'o . Tomato 25c. Dsmee. - I;toy 144v, F. V• ;mita who hes berm AIDE all other remedies toil Dr. Chore's COUNTERFEI rs. will cure Nlootresl. , worst / Uula.c cold. f5 Moleewor'h • The miaow of Molseworth chosen, amours' Ing 10 shoot hes' bites, w*5 .Yipped last week. W Ingham Wm. f :,left, of The Adesn.. *toil, bee purohese.t Rob". }:11 ct .a pro perty on Seu'er•et. I' imo.'Iville : Live ,reek, %Ir. sod %Ira Ktobard strivetrt. r.•e .ed the fibasuirermry of thou ...l,:.ng dab Wroteter . Mrs. tt n Weir l.' for Ire land on Wednesday to pat a )lilt to the home et her childhood Wingh•nt : Mr.'. ,rips, druggist. has n. . r.t.t. 5..•w . ". Tit-yaf:ar, his oh •p 4 mammoth, rpb•nt pleat measur- me good, bot in this 1 w..• dimippointed,and ialt bye feet to beat), seemed w br steadily growing weaker. I Horne N'ellmgton eldest .ran of Rubt. bad three a,-, run at dadenst tones, but Gammas, . Us bur. ha,i .. tial run into bpi foot thea- eppe.rrol not to uuder.ttiad my oar. recently, causing • p.in(nl wooed At !set I got eo low that out day i tell down 'kneels • .1 H. 1 oath of Sault Ste. in .he sweat, and those who picked m. up Mane, hat purchased 'he bakery' outfit for- tbourht'1 was dying. After that 1 was ober!) belonging to Ino Grower. urged to take kr. William. Poul Pills, and Exeter : Peter Kawrlee, druggist, of almost from the outset they b.Iped me and ItiJgetowo, an old Exeter hot has been tiler, after the use of abut half • dozen boxes 1 Ito the clown' board of that town was as well es ever " Do you stilt take Helmore . Patrick blul;lyon got hie leg the Pink Pills' asked the reporter broken, end his brother ,lames got moms '• Well,` was the reply, '• 1 *WI keep 'hem keen broken and his lace pretty badly eaten about me, end once i■ • while when 1 think up. I require • conte I tats tow, but as you $eafurth 1) Tres'....,ref the star bakery, eau "'°, 1 don't look hk. a mem who r"lauss boo received an order :At • large wedding to tae medicine now. 1 In this pout the ale from over "forum'. Thts speaks well reporter quite agrees with Mr Davis, se he for Boron. looks as vigorous esti robust • neo as ecu Seatorih': Mr. 1 er.vke, who lett here coal l wish to see. After parting with Sir. before Christmas wit t, /osteo n} valuable Davis the reporter celled of Ytmbury R Co.'. hones for the old cowers-, had the miefor drug ',tore, where he mw the manager, Mr.'now to li.•e.ix beton...riding. Van Houten, who oorr.bor•ted what Mr. Davis had 'aid regarding the um of Lr. Williams P.ok 1'.11., and further stated that he belayed Pink Pills to he the nnest tonic in the work. and get• the names of several who hod foes& rewtsrkable benefit A few wean ago a great discovery was made. t'npriooipeled pereoon are trying to prey upon and dupe people who me led to ask for kidney treatment. Soste of the methods adopted by imitator are as follows. First -To Imitate the rite, Dolor titiqgpp sire of Dodd'. Kidney Pills and sell the% by count. Se000d--To put them up to appear very nearly the same and to be offered at the same pries Third- To hook on the word 'kideey' is naming cathartic pills so as to inoses the sales of mere physic. Fourth -To rev • oast* so near to 1)odd's that savary people may be deceived tied think they are getting I►odd's. Look out for such dodger. Whoa you want kidney medicine yes want the best, and osght not to be t subject of any trick - So beware ' • • lessee I. asmre. "Overwork as a student at college brought on an attack of nervous prostra- tion, ergs Mr. Gilbert. a railway missionary. " 1 was exceedingly ner- vous and if 1 exerted myself my heart commenced to flutter violently, and I was warned that even ordinary exercise en- dasgered my life. But thanks to Scott's Sarsaparilla 1 feel better than 1 ever ex- pected to feel, for i can now address a meeting without effort, can walk a brisk ppaaccet for two hours or mors without CI- y.stion and am free from that distresafst palpitation. in my work i have ohms - owe recommended Scott'scases sesSarrssaapr�ils a. amid have see. _y _ geeriiaffieCti a Sarve t/ been sets likedsame Lal restoringshattered nerves beca.se1t re. builds tnerve centres. Nervep�l e tache, nervous dyspepsia sod al1\t 'es Berangements wear on the system. Sesst's Sarsaparilla makes sew Use area wades and Mres( serves. Of all Moak $t Don item hell las taaapaeatell. McKillop : }lt Rees . I;enneweaa, of Mc: Kinn., was elected 1: -ease of Logan town skip by • maferity of ,:40 over hie opvo.est, W. Smith. Mr. Itenoewteee lives in Lean but hes also property in McKillop. NO SLACK DAY WITH TTS Some tnerchaat* look for slack business days after the ti.+t of the year, but we don't want them, and WE WON'T HAVE THEM! We'll give you such goods at such prices that will make trade. This is the way - Youths' Buff Bals, size 10 to 13, solid leather, double taw, regu- lar, $1.00, for Boys' Pebble Top, Pegged Boots, size 1 to 5, solid leath5•r. regu- lar, $1.20, for Men's Heavy Lacer! Boots, Blucher cut, rivited sole, guaranteed solid leather, regular, $3.25, for Men's Waterproof Grain Books, felt lined, regular, $1.75, for . Girls' Rivited School Boats Women's Heavy Laced Boots, leather lined, regular $1.25, for Ladies'Kid Ruttoned Extension Sole, point. d toe, patent tip, worth $2.00, special at Have yo. tried Madagascar was ea stoned by the early explorers from the Malagasy or Malays who inhabited it. Normandy was thus named beosnes it was oosgeorsd aid inhabited by tits N .ref MOO, r Nerleeae. Nov. Beetle or New SootMad was nomad by Sir William' Alexandr, who rsoeived tits great is 1621. Italy was •o milled from the .ams of holo., w early kis, wive governed .test of the peninsula. Belgium tool its .Mess frees the Balgse,s warlike tribe whieh ub.btted ie bete* the time of Christ. liritta.y was we called from the test that that for many motorise it was ol•tt.ed by the times d Rritai.. Kardesta. wee en milled homes* the rul- ing" tribe is its plain. Mad meseries was that of the Kurds. Australia mese. ".sett ' Mad the lied sow koewe ky that Meas was formerly sold. .a New Helloed. T styles WESTGATE OVERSTOCKINGS hey re the best. We sell them $ 75 98 simile* a Brandied. returned CO collage at L:.. ed sad Purie'ut:m• ills 15 refits. nark-Aess. fuer-.aeke. •cl.45. rams. %...remit rota. - rale IN lir w1Ar. err. The "D. &L." Menthol Plaster Norm ,u-4 •••1111 2 1. N.ri•tr••I r•11•r M,•tie,-lata!e. r.. wet .tai 117:1111=1. 'oiler..5,45 • reek. -A Lars a. ti , rl.a4.t.Mwa . tat. Prior e.6. !'At'lS de i.AWRE\CE CO., Lru. 1`,'•flrn.r 11.1,,T11.1 AL. N7 die ,T GRATEFUL COMFORTING. COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA "BREAKFAST --SUPPER. •MIME "R• a 'h..mn.1 knewle•dire of rhe' natured Isms which eneern the opera•..ma of dierttion and nutrition, snot hen rarefy)! •pnliratina of Lha floe nmportie. of well aeleetoot row*, Nr N!nt'• h.a provided for our breakfast *nn "'le per a d,-hcaely flavoured beverage which may 5ve n• many heavy donor,.' hills, 1t Why the rod ie ian5 oar of much article.: of dirt 't,*• aeon stunt on may he start 'lolly Milli on until •t roof ennurh to resist evert trndeney to di,teaae. Hundreds of sone!e modality are floating around us made to attack where.•er there 14 a weak point. e.V. mar ~Aro- mwnv • fatal •halt by keeping morsel yes well fort' •Ld with nitre Mond and a properly eouri*he•1 1rwlr,r.-- rw.l Tter.;re ner.frr. Made simply with trifling water or milk. Sold only in°o&eketa by Orno.re, 1•hnlledlt hue : J.Ier t err* a re.. 5.A.. Ameleep•t�le tlemisl.. L.e4.s. see ftlIM 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 00 1 50 GRANBY Rubbers and ( tveruhoes in all H. B. POLLOCK:13 NEXT STURDY BROS. THE BEST i8 THE BEST I8 THE THE THE ttuE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE TnZ THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE FHB THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE team ib. nSw el the primMps, lobed in the Japan*. sceptre. Norway is saws properly Nana. mows - Mg "North 1aM. " 11 Is mrd by the se- ttee. "Th. Nettle Ktasiem." Every els teas yea e.e_mlk muses s hese �selt be b. o. -..i -a to pr.seeetlse of 1 yet rj kiss BEST I8 BEST IS BEST 18 BEST I8 BEST BEST BEST B� BEST BEST BEST BEST BEET BEST BEST BUT BEET BEET BEST BEST REIN BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BUST BIER BRIT BUT THE BAIT sT THE MT THE BEET THE BEET 18 THE THE BEST IS THE BEST IS E THE THE THE BEFIT lis THE THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE 8IONAL 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SiGNAL i8 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS • THE SIGNAL IN ADVANCE! CHEAPEST AND THE SiGNAL CHEAPEST AND THE SiGNAL CREAPIPIT AND THE SIGNAL CHEAPEST AND THE SiGNAL 01LPEST AND THE SiGNAL OELPEST AND THE SIGNAL 1•. �, &se I'ee.. • at aeon urliatersl sat .vete. .5, ehas the oak• ep .oe pis. 5. It •r• with .lot.•ev I.t.•. 1s '►.• r-.di.g lentos tb•14 sae • Secs mated t o err' •, ore who had ''c"a, m Gated • ...d the ,woha oelt•.i stt.rlte• hs ti • s..r.. 1.• '1 ' u•rau• meth - log n•'.r. this • ••• •.old. That aMer.oun Iohnuy hal to elite • sopoeitine. sad like • .Muab.r 1 . • e►m• for his •u' jea l. its aseowt o.t w 5.15:5.55 u• oaniso. W lbs whole it w.. a pretty Ail...I •u!• peefors,•n.',for • bus of .Iobt.ny'• • re . 5.1 the tee. bar we. "1 !omit 1. In.agb whim alto .su,r (1. this •rnt.n e i ti.hed MII an hour,et.•' a.atrt.Msd deo parches ai 4 woe hero pout PYNY - PECTORAL Positively Cures COUGHS and COILS in a .rwpr.•la.tair .b..11 neo 1...1 e . ridge curtalul►'. !tire en • 1 u tat , x rota.a eat h.s1isr in Its effect, W. C. Mc.:usiu itle••-1,,..., • K . import ma Mot, t.1'r5e* 540. •,r' ,.• be .•t'H W.. w'5. • . •- • - St. ' It t. 1!t•R,t•'a. • 3.. a .e.l..i ace Mr.. 55. 1 t5;. r•. t•.. al t. 5- t w, ... tr.�..aa o.e t M. Arra Ow .(,e.1 rioter.. 1.• •II .IW k•,• 3,540. was.. 545155 r -tae •. •. 4112.0. ►eau ..•o..e 0w• It. n,.. n. tiro 1551.• n 1. •,.5.,w. ..•.:4r Nome,. A'W r••..s..M la. WNW Ie se . wilt we 1' ...13/••••••••11114. 1051 .• stays n.41•n.r4 • *4 • •M.. as f..s.k ...s► 5udlr.ae Laser ltklffl.. IR in"-, ptt'!', d 1-AWKLN. • Ct., 1 rt. Neta. Prot.! t.. .... ., Driving 1\♦ails a Creel leve•f No. Pate emploter is fond of things of an lir". ante) suitor,. His 1'hrery a R'Ie.l up with Turkish ri,vare .n.1 row., the wails are de• °nested with all aorta of .•ur,nu• '.r -.n"• et tlr Fee', ."•l is evrry way the r'o•••• ...'. the 1 .renting place 01 an 1 to en' •I pntelatat.. The latest a. -notation to thin In- teresting room is • nsr¢hi1.h, whop the proprietor .molea w,th evident eel'.yment on frequent occasions 1'.t recently fnnnd it necwnar, to nater the 'own OD *nm. i`ti,,ne.• cone..•t-d with the fireplace. I'M for the first tim.• in hie life hi. vieinn tank ,n the remain! glse. (v hal; filled with water and the Inng. 'lender snhinr noon staid' his rmpleter was con tentedly matins. Pat atnnned •hart on him war across the room, and cared a. if awe stricken by the Dight What's the master, Pat ° asked hie mas- tar, +rich sn amo••d .mita. Nn'hir. , stir." replied ten ('.l•, '' 1►i wei only snrpt.•ii54 •bit• at •etio hot sew poipe err hay.' " What 48 there •nrpn.isg about it •" its WW1 ti•ked. 1Tt's s greet inyintlon, stir r-'nrr-d Tat, with • •hake of his head " I !.n-.' Seeteh whiehk., hal .hmnke in ut, he' 11, didn't know Tel could git at out H.rprl s Meter.ine, THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST TAS BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST TUE BEST THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE and detain I....un. ar.' s pool deal •1140. floe wants to know abet• to strike. 1\ SILVERWARE AND FINE CUTLERI 1'5511 CHRISTMAS TRADE. We ere ytvfug great barrens. is ('nor“. f i'T SAWS, A\ES, FII.Fu and (:FsrkAI. HAI:DW.tltl'. r cur prices aro OWN t .town. Qeaf-,rte lnhn N1'T•v,wh.fin'ter matter, of his 'nom. has ..iter -.t Into Wart ne r-1 p wish hill brother in law. w01 .tart • g.(4rral in WroTeter }!rotor Themes Snell, I;utley -t, has a (•hnaoh of Rnpland prayer book of the date 1698. anti • dirket. of •-:,p*nieh cards over 300 veers old. They are relies. BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BERT BERT BEE BEST BEST DAVISON & CO. Noted for grad goody. FOR TWENTY -f LVE YEARS Rroreel■ - .1. 0. Bl.kl.y, formerly of Rruwelti. has • reliant sun serving in the Revel Marius Artillery on hoar.! H. M. S. St fl«ir5e, out the African station. Rel¢raye • Rey. T. W Heel, of f.e1¢rmvo, received se • Christmas hos teem the one - 'rogation of Colvin church. Fast Wawa nosh, • handsome for snot, driving mita nod robe. Ethel Kphri•m Coberand Mies Maty K., daughter of Roht. Ions. of Ethel, were *noted is the holy sedate of ma►nnine% et the Predwterian manse, I'r•nbre'k,hy it... 1). R. McKie trey W. A. rnrnbull, who bas bees tq.hicie near Clinton during the pest year. will put in • session at the Ottawa Norm.l echoed He is • bright young man and will aka hie remark. Morris : Alter Rremner, wbe am base visiting here for the past few months. lett for Astoria. Oregon, whore be has spent the last sane years. Mrs. Bremner will renals here until Spring. grasses • .fon. R„ Mrs. i.root. Mies N. Kay and Miss Jessie (;not, of 1Vion.peg; are visiting fs Stratford, sod will be ls Brussels is • few days. Tear sxps.t e speed tits Winter Is (Astarte THE REST THE REST THE REST THE BEST THE BERT THE REST THE BERT THE BE81 18 THE BEST IS THE BEST In THE BEST i8 THE BEST 18 THE SEPT 18 TOE BEST TENTS 1 DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. GODERICH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. CH RY STAL, `eevr0etr to (`arvae& B Hioei.I man it (to too. r of all kinds of BOILERS, Smoke Stock PI, 5,511 I'an", Sheet iron Work., .etc., rte., And 1►e•'er In-- Engsom, Machinery ('asters, Alt wire• ret 1':pe• and 1'.ps Finaglers, Steam .04 11.'.'r (taupe., (.1otho lues, ('heck Valves, In•p:rater.. Fleeter. and ln- j.cten l'onetant.y on Hand at lowest Price. CAVEATS. Teeef •*iaS 410 (OPTI11101TS Ubtased. sad all beelmee to the U, Pt. 1'ae•, 1)tl.e atte.dod to at N01)11411 ma. Our .m.s r o5 S*u the c. a. Patera Mt. 5e., aa4 set tea elude Patents 1. tem 15sr has them • meet •frees WAIHU'i'OrON. . rye afr)PR/. OR DRAWING. yrs e.4 rows as to poiw&tsIilllt fres of .targe sod we smoke NO CHARON UNLIN! WE 01 ?AIN PATIN?. We ester, re. the P0111100/P0111100P0111100/40r. the Rete MowMowDedheis w Div.. Med to semole or the wen. a,. .I'/atro 1. syialort m Meets he treslar.rrwo awe ems er County, writs N C • MOW & CO.. Op.ewtts Noose o)llnaweekh'ttea D C. 144 A •pe' al hoe of Steel 1Vster and Hog Troughs for r,.e of farmer. trod oibers. ttep•ir.ng promptly •ltee4ed te. A. 5. CEBTSTAL. I'. () Hos T, 0u.lertch. Oat. e• to ft. T. R. Put.00. Goatees INN 5 y Werke 0 The Sun. The first of American Newspapers, CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. The American Constitution, the American lairs, the American Spirit. Thee first, last, and all the time. forever. 1)AII.Y, by retail . - - $6 a year 1).\11.Y& Si NnAY by wail ISayear The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday NewapSpW in the world. ptucf: Sc•a copy. By mail, $2 a rat Ad1•rs•• rhes OVR, Sew Took.