HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-16, Page 6:1R .44 r TAB SIGNAL • GODRRIcI, OPT., TiNTRSDAT. JAN, is, lass. DAMS AND UHINK. w. ass. W.rd, Almost a Hopeless Case. 41 Terrible Cough. No Rest Night nor Dag. dtven up by Doctors. • A LIFE SAVED BY TAKING CHERRY AYER S PERRCTORAL "Several years ago, 1 caught a serere0o1d, attended with a terrible cough that allowed me no rest, either day or night. The doc- tors. after working o,er me to the best of their ability, pronounced my es.e hopeless, and Bald they could do no more for me. ♦ friend, levnirag of my trouble. sent me a bottle of Ayer's (-berry Pectoral, whleh I began to take, and very soon i was greatly relieved. By the time i had used the whole bottle, 1 was completely cured. 1 bare never had mach of a cough ranee that time. and I Manly believe that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my life." -W. H. WARD, 8 Quimby ♦, ., Lowell, Masa. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HI6NEST AWARDS AT WORLD S FAIN. lycr'. J Uf. tA. pest Family I'Aye(.. •{ a1. FiGS AND 1 HOST LES T„ p I s , n mess.! .r ... ne.ke Mon all the woe s earls l W.:ne •,1., os the damper to let .11 the tires in a town Mara 4404 . p,c►wd inc. am Aiws)* ehrsen iron those w h., are The man who arang. ba Lau her I.ae 1.11 ad his hand au. -..t t:uit.. The taw who is Dot aeries! the e.: as. I► not agsu.et . he dr. 11, The minaret 1t.1.e ti, .,t drink .1 Me. i0 be fore the tint dime se team,' Religion, purr and undefiled works .t the trsdrovert d.y an the o`eek. We know west .u•an ie et heart wber we know what lie i. oppaang, It u a lona *ten'oward heavesoo be !ors if a home where (lutist is loved. llue et the hardiest toWB• for entre rola to forgive, is a doff trees in Good That moor use work ...id be great who faithfully door ii, feet •vert day. Many a man 51.0 claims that charity begins at home. let.,. wife waw the wort. The 1'hsura.n shoeu.i be a men whom people *tit instinctively' seek lu time of trouble The devil a noir! hove 14' Irina. of Mounes. if he con !,10 t make sin attractive There s • g• o I de.l of religion in every continua', 1 that dido t some front 1'hr,.1 Fanaticism fur Christ hrn't yet hren s1 le to catch up with thy w4/ria'. Iousttcam for cash, Life never nous at . Maher than the 11e lief. The mw who believes wrong will lire wrong limo of the first marks of •..c-k►It ,ng .. worldly conformity We ase antlois 40 please -Mrs 1 •run.,, .1. pi oportion .. we fat: 1• grace M bat he wtberrd for Neer. The man pu.le•t remselt up to the hotel table, tu:'..,'l h.s napkin under nu chin. picked up the 1,111 of fare and began to study it torridly. Everything was to restaurant l•reuchend he A..W t bke tt.. '• Here, waiter, he said .t. rely. "'twit • nothing on This 1 nosy.' Am`t there nothing else vim would like for dlnnrr, slr" ' ,Lgalle.l the waiter pulite ly '• Have you got .ny sent ,!us non' Tbe waiter gasped. •• No sir," 1w replied " l:ot any b•. n.ot.:" " N No, sir. ' •• /•of troy .emIdeal!" ide:" " No, sir, we stn',." ••1:ot any Pine d'esprit •" " No, .tr : net a cope '• beet any temps. tarot •• 1 rvek..n not, tor ' "(lot any .ours 41.11 -ante r' •• NG, sir " Tbw war et sw. edging • ff. "(1., any sine die, 1. we ain't .ti .. **(rot ae.y h. Minibus stow ' Ti. waiter'• face showed SOROS stud of in teUttterroe. ,. Seemr. 1.k. 1 neer.' oh da,, air," and he rushed os w the k.tch.a ua,y to return empty handed. W. ...i't got sone, air,' he said is a tow .1 dle.pp. n moot. "{rot ems u.*, de in. r •" .. N•N.., ..r Tb• w.•.. -r wee in .g to pleats fast. T(ss geotlea.an to.ei the neat was a me was as a Vey IINN ,•a. " li..t .ny vow . el SS ' ' he .egwlred mato, Tb. w.11er only ane t, his 1.• Md. "Na.' N • 11, ma) b, you've got tame boom aa•t u.i, 5s,e .1114 . 4e.f...1,. leer " V..1 we hes. sir, ' ...Immo d the waiter 1. a tone .s Lbw winos( relwe, .oil he fairly flew sato the kitchen. Mama /N MIAs Ore dot Teo. -e' ly, u w Du .1.. sohool,tls r nabs• was eternising he . I .es is holiday, mud embed ire* n1 the Iwo, e . "law did ('hal lee 1 die''. 'As boy paused for • m".o.. • ..ed ere of ibis ether lade. 1.y way of pr.•mp Tar him, ifat ler. tom op to hie o•• 1.1 •o •'wady M - nor at,oe nous.$.. • Test t11i►i... 11144 Y..re Yrra. Thar Afro hot. With eel civilisation hoe cum a great and co.itinstl dinar in drunk- . ears. Th., ' u.itiuual dont t.Ut. • .x.n- • 1,11g whk'h SU naueh is said. is lees. 'r for man. than it was IS .•••ntury Of at I.war represents a Isere c•on- inin,l•rion N. hear more about 11 UtI - . ;u • er. but that is because se ha'.. r,a:••d t,. n•tCrrd It as a matter •,f ..out..•. a trgular part of daily lit, Ti, f.•r• it may be surmised ttu.t .our 1 h. rtbta.0 and other *rinks in tight- . the "drink fiend.- are strikliat n: is after all a dyiag monster. •,ate dunger;yna rv.•n In the deelth- 'anwhlle anoth.•r and 'subtler d.•m- w►J� .•s. The vie.. •.f c,vUhtation ars 1i Nee and those, a -h., would acorn dripk." as they, call it dlRorentlat- the ••onsuml•tl.•i..of al,d.hot from .t M ail ,ether liyutds-Irultll,le In t_e of-trartoue kinds. opium. either Pit furnl of laudanum-drinkb * or 10 .ubtl. r form of the tf pode•wtic etinn of oo.rphia, le. though not •.mon, toes ran` than 1t is` Ituess.••1 •-In,e.mnla •.r pain which to our • itiv nerves ...ern intolerable is the tsar for healnning the habit. and :b• em) 11 worm- than drunkenness. Th.• "cocaine hal.it" k a recognised f..rt In Ameriea. , when. our Teutonic nee.. sublet -fed to an int.•ttser climate and an Irtenger 1lfe than In Europe. has •1eveloped a quicker sensibility and n.or.• irritable nerves.. The inhalation of chloroform has proved an irresis- tible temptation to many. and w,tmer, who would acorn any indulg••ner in wine. sip 'eau de t'oingne and other LA. tfume,. infiinitely more dangerous than etc••- hc.' are the.. f-irms of Inebriety In that • revolting ass wIatIona surround tn. Their viettms do not regard roach-e'e an drunkards -at lea.t.not rail the habit 1e fully (()cm/d. They caannt td-nttfy thptr nervousness. their faintnres. th.dr sleepl••t!ne•ao with the (oat -lags of the staggering loafer of the street. nor th.• rest they obtain otter the d.-.te with the etupnr of vul- gar drunkennoes. Therefore. to an ex- t••nt which Is not generally realised. write,n are subject 10 this temptation. Their imarinstann 11 not offended, and th. t ran usually nht:ttn the drug they w •nt without sio.pi.•i.••i and carry tt al.cut In (•nveni, nt forms. It takes a long time for ev••r intimate. to reallye that th.• •tepresi.inn. the Irritability. the vi.r•.'Ine tips -brio of a rigid abstainer oris.- from drunk -comet.•: we generally n.•e ivc that condition as being due Foe (my .n.• .ouL(•. And drug habits of t nous sorts bwv.ny• incurable just hermit!, no om- ree.lixes that they are e.n.ph a form •►f inebriety. The e•-n••rtl habit of .loin<Ine Is ,to eondlennn.•el. hewithy pe•rtnni .i- continual medicating with either • '-tire-•• t•urgattv.•t. tonics or soda- If a ito.etor p-eerr11.Pst them thingn, g.•"1 and well: he know.. pre- ntr.:.bly. when to give and when to stpl. tut the irresponsible way tn w h.eh 1•"•`1tt• pour pilhstartces far etior.R••r than alc••hnl Into their oys- t.-ms would awaken one's admirattnn of thole courage. 1f. It did not arouse ane'• indignation at their folly. ('a..n have ts.en known of Ringer 4ryoken- ne•in. Extracts of ginger. popular among women as relieving fun( t anal •liaturhanc •e. contain strong ale.,hnl uittguisr.,i be the pungent spice. Ar- e-r.:e •.ltln; 1s not eipfined ta..lstt•rta, but le i.,polar at an improvement to the . om 1. snot t among the eociety es of, .tustralta, while Inneeent p.•••11.- take strychnine in their torten w ithogt knowing It until they feel ")unl;y.•• The danger is twofold --first the directly laborious' efforts of the eho...n drug. and geCondry the risk of htnorantly• •-l.wptng to one's. hr.•ast a viper more malignant thin the "drink fiend." -1lc.,ho1 we know and dread, hi' these things, As dangerous as al - c, 11.-1--r:.• take without -any fear Aril while Tow men and wrenen of a differ- ent now.. dwelling In a hot and malsrl- .uw t•Iimate. quinine. opium and other' drugs may he not only' haerniege. but ev.•r whnl some, tl r, :r. for us An- glo Savona. except In rare instances, eut.tl• tnd pernteinue fees'. How mach business era a ma■ do whose system is in a Mate of disorder? itlsadacbe is only a slA$om. it is ant Mac Tbc pain is the head is the sign of rsbellioo. There Lsee Mea mistakes is diet. There has been over- work sad sleeple.s sfghta. The rnscbinery of he wbol. s. -items is demoralised. A len-:nesa gala feels that he cannot afford to be Ili nimaat to quit work. He drags along day eller day. nukes bad dials, says the woe's thing, and health and business col- la'•^ together. There's no need of either di.a.ter. IN. Pierce's Pleasant Peliets are a 1;.:.Ue, effective renovator of bath stom- ach rad b•.wrls. They midst Data,, with- out threatening to tear the body piece -meal Th. -r are no griping pains, no nausea lMr Is a barely Perceptible laxative. Two give more notteabl• molts. and they may be continued until tins warm is through!, ren •vakrd, strengtbeyd, sad pot into her mons with 'mature. OM seed not leas a "11 .bit" of taking the "Pleasant Pellets', A. ,-ou a.. health is restored the may be di., .rded without a return of illness De- cal: o of their absence. Therefore, you don t become a -.lave to their nee. A GREAT NOOK PRQe. 'When Dr. a t" Pierce. of Buffalo. N V . pas list. -•1 the first edition of his w.., k. The People's .1'.•.,,rooa seam Medical Adviser, be.saouaced it %nea .4e, o... copies had been sold .1 the res alar price ti ye per copy, the profit op which woutd refs., ham toe the great amount of tabor an.! esowey expended is producing It, he would •t .r:h.tte the neat bet million free. As Ibis nu•. '.rr u( copir. has already been sold. be u a„" - lastributtag : sa.la•Nr Jeer, y,o,o.o copses of th., moot comp]. to interesting sad valuable r -m. mos sense .nrd{t1l work ever published - the -ecipient owh heitagrequtred W mail to him at the iire address, thirty -Gee (recent* to oat - cent stamp.. t.t rover tasloats and malting est, aa•l the book will he seat postpaid. 11 is a vents, Tile medical Weary. complete in one volume.. n c0 - a.ssover . Ka pngetand more the. yrs Mee tra,:oa►• The # •.e Fishes is precisely the mate as :hose sold at $• w tempi only that the books arr'•wsed in twront maeilfa pipet adders instead of cloth. Send .ow before all are gyve, away. BEST FOR 1)" 01. lel r•�r • 0:0 t.'' Lou Lit 1 i/A'1 a Coal. Coal. e - - The undersigned begs to in- form the Public that he has gone into the business of supplying Coal, and has opened out in .T. J. S. PLATT'S: WOODYARD,: where he will keep on) handethe Best Qualities of Lebih Yalley Coal! which' will�bt delivered prompt!) at Lowest:Market ?'roves. D C. STRACAN DON'T DESPAIE The Shoe that's envied! A good shoe is a good friend -to the man who wears it -to the dealer who sells it. But a good shoe is a baa enemy to the dealer who can't get the right ,to se1) it, and dares not tell his customers so. We are sole; local agents for The Slater Shoe, which is the best shoe for men; that we know of. We are the only firm in this city which can buy these shoes wholesale,' and with the knowledge and consent of the makers. Other, shoemen want them so badly that they get their friends to purchase from us, "on the quiet," a f -w individual pairs, at full re- tail price in order to put them in their windows for show. But these firms can't buy the Genuine Slater Shoes to sell again - they buy them to keep them and talk against them. We buy ours wholesale from the manufacturers, so we can afford to sell them retail. We keep every sire, width and shape in stock, so that we can fit any man, no matter what kind of feet he is addicted to. Ours'; are The Genuine "SLATER SHOES," stamped on the sale $3, $4, $5 per pair. ' Now don'tkyou think it must be a pretty good shoe that's ' envied like this? Perhaps you should see these shoes that shoemen want so badly. We are the only people who have the Right to show them to you. I WM. SHARMAN Jr. Cor. Boast-st and Square, Goderich. Re waNasalIapMltive. A minister newly settled o • place think • ins to tntr.tia.e hints. 11 with a ',Die boy, -upped to talk t nim, and began by ask- ingtis name, his age, what school he at- tended, where be stayed, if he had brothers and esters. and how many of them --.11 eh, •h gee.' 1004 the boy answered prompt- ly. • at with some dryness of manner •' Now,- .ant the mlnater, "after tether me .11 ills? 1 .rm.) you'll want to know *h. -.. 1 alas. .n.1 how meter little boys and g.r 1 have , • t L., no, ' said the child, '• not at all I m not SO u,quieitive " y N. 1 .1..n•ae grape"• as he bought, Illi. triee.,'a meaning, ....I . t‘os.ina41 to the WW1 .mneemsst o1 len oleo Per. -e. we, he died .4 on••l«.r"-Is•n M Morelwg J•tore . &the rite* frig '�S titosAI for tar year 1894. Great Bargains 11 READ? -MADE Clothing. Owing to the great reetnctlnn we mad. In (•ter prh e. nt 11x• fail of •95 our READY -MOUE CLOTHING wa Aiapn-w1 ••f nearly ea feat as we could d,'IP' neon {, thrltf, a well to (lo :epilog ale. .iralring to plain. my eo • omen. •...I more ; also in vnn.i.ier tttjt a of the loci that maul people at thi. time of 1..• year, film it ditlicnit to pro» ort' ...Thin; owin,f too heel Maws, i wish to annonn a to my tits_ ,oaaer.. ali•I ,hr genera: pubic, that We have RRDDO") OUR PRICES *till mare. '1 finite 11 1 ti pm- we • xp left if roar '•-1. cheap e•v,r win .gin - 01..f' of Slay. h, t,y which to clear obi, all that is • ,..n.le stork. L. C RD & CO H.tM11.TtM WILL CURE YOU guaraetee Dodd's Kidney Pills to cure an ase of Wight's l)t.ease, iia es. Lambe*, ItropeiY Rheumatism. Heart Disease. Ferns'. .,uubles Impure Blood or money refunded -.ild by .11 deal n in medk.ne. or by mat, of receipt of once. pat. per bo.. or Su boasts...5G Dv L.. A. siert; t CO. Toronto IAMOND I1JNER P S .i,vRE 1CrII$TIPAT:ON, ;:", lIY .PE'".d1A $71CK;1EAMACMG, ((IEGULATLTHr U E.R. WO: PILL ArT[I, [.ATIIIII 11N. itna•• ROOD f1I:•CSTION. 1421'. iF rr Cho. 1"eQOL . Ts�lt� 1114 Hel'lo! Tie OW Reliable Still oa Deck. THE BEST AND ONLY SCRANTON COAL the Oheaossl peal ever sell is vs narks•. All (Joel w.yb.d au She Msrbe$ goatee. ea tr', you're eon yea get veer weigh Orders IA at HARPER a LEI!'E promptly aMrd.d to. W Ma LM IF YOU WANT a MO MB u A TER SUIT of t -class Make, Good terial and Latest\ Styles, -CALL UPON HUGH'DUNLOP. rued were•.*-t.tssle Neil t.'aeak se itemlr PL ruu.a..YING MILL. CHANGE ^F BUSINESS. Haring bought the ware business of lir. JOHN HILLIER, Kiagstos-st, Goderub, we will be prepared on and after Saturday, Nov. 23rd, 1896, to gays Immense Bargains in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. FLOUR "(I FEED. CROCKERY and GUSSWARE, ETC. RTL Ws have also decided to adopt the CASH SYSTEM, believing it to be to the beat lettersets alike of buyer sod sen:er. We cordially solicit the patronage of all tt.e old oo.tonters, and as way sew Drees ea pe.sible, Come and eee the eultstsnual reduction. we make 00 our goods. A large stock et good dry cordwood,deltvered at any part of Limos for Sb 25 per cord We are able to sell cheap, bee.ase we have bought lir. Hillier's well-a.aorted stock at. good dieoonot, sad likewise by managing the bwm.eas on a ooh bane. Goods delivered promptly and cerelully. Produce taken ss cash Remember the date. Saturday, Noy 23rd. CZ7TT. POTMAHOFF TEA. khans & Rhyiias. ESTAILISMEll I111S ,t.,rOr SASH, DOOR Itnd BLIND Dealer is au klads it LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And ►w11410'.►r l of every deserlptto. School Furniture a Specialty. Patronise True Competition,. To Ong bare Pa a_rn. wL` A 0. . _,.m Loan nss eMasa �MAlr Mae • laa.b .deme Mt.aN� aro r IrellerrsiellLet�aaRtreed dors.. wf. �wasrado hNg..`�OII.M Wag IV: ock. N- ,9ta..l ..oast. ;wow, war Thine new blend of tea for family use is now on sale at our store. We l.ave also the finest in FRUITS FOR HOLIDAY USE a and keep on hand full Tinea of hest Family Groceries, and the most reliable in Thiry Produce. Seasonable Fruits and Vegetables. STURDY BROS. The Oroce•r, oe the Hqu.ro. TilOROLIl CEIENT or kTER UIE. 11.25 PER BBL. AND SCOTII FIRE BRICK k PEP 100 R. W. McKENtiIE'S SRE H18 NEW STOOK OP OII118. CHEAP HARDWARE 8T►ORE •