HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-16, Page 5THE RIG NAL : GODERICH. ONT. THURSDAY JAN. It 1996 S W. Acheson & Son. Great Unequalled Christmas Chances Goderich's Bargain Oentre For High (''lj ' awl Pleasing Prtments. Rear l our Suggs.+tion+. fur A HANDSOME AND SERVICEABLE PRESENT A Ladle., Silk Umbrella, Steel curl awl handle of Gulls Plate on Silver at $3.50 awl $5. A Ladies' Greenland Seal Cape, 2s inch, full sweep Skirt. first 4qual- ity ut $Iti. A Ladies' Golf Jersey, new anal ' stylish in Black and Navy. at $1.75. ladies' Real French Kid Gloves at 11 a pair. A Ladies' Silk Waist, new goods, 6 yd. pier -1 for $4.25. The latest ' A Ladies Knitted Skirt, best Fingering Wool and finely finished, special at $1.35 each Wide Wool Plaids and Tartarus at 25c. a yard, the regular :34k. and 40c., for Children's Dresses. This special price for this week only. A Gent's Silk l'mbrella, Steel Roil, sutural Cherry Handle at $2 and $2.50. A Gent s or Boy's Pure Silk Tie' Silk Lined ins pretty -Christ- mas Greeting" Box at 50c. very special value. Gentleman's Pure Linen. Targe Hem Stitch Handkerchiefs, 6 for$1.15 to $1.75. Gentleman's Initial Hem Stitch Large Silk Handkerchiefs at 4ac Largest and Richest Choice in Handsome Dress Goods in Town. W. ACHESON & SON. WILMER SMITH, UNDERTAKER, CiOD13;R1C13, ON _ Un "making I ep•rtmeet to cparg. of our Mr J K. 5nelgrove. practl- o.l Funeral Director sod Embalm or. Call* promptly attended els. sight or day. BOHN. licLEAA-- At act Sixteenth .4 leered. Mick Jae. silt. the wife of Capt- Wm McLean. formerly of 0oderich. of • daughter. • HENDERSON-0.611 Co. . Oodercb Town- ship. on Saturday tbe 11th of Jesuitry. 11116 the wile of Robert J. Henderaem of • sea. MARRIED T A M A N- HOR N EY At the X t.torla st par tonne. Jan. Nb. b7 Rev. H. Irene, lee ramose Myth. formerly of Seaford to Mie' Edith Sophie Hersey Colborne town .hip. M. MATH CKAHH Om We.neday. Jul. Lyth. at the residesoe of the bride. mother Klein •veuee by Rev. J. A. Andersen. James J. M. 'Luh to Jsset Elisabeth . Net ale►. daughter of Mrs. Crabb. MAHAFYKY- CAMERON At the Presby Sedan church. Norwood. os New Yeses Aay, b7 J. Fest Somerville. Rev. Albert It.A . pastor of the i'resbiterlaa c]ihureb. Milton. to Mire t'brietiu J. (+m even. Townies daughter of Mrs. K. ['ant eros. Norwood. DIED. MURIIO('K-Ou Thursday Jan. 16th. Ki a both M• dockruneral !Pride,. at 3 p.m.. ((pposi� lb. ree•deaoe of ber shirr Mrs. It Liebe Victoria -et. Obsequies private, THE TALK OF THE TOWN. Prom the Reporter's Noteboet, 11 . ane and the balmier required has been Isbe by the beet financial men of Goderioh. lee M etpected the buildings will be erected Igen elle of the sites offered near the i:. T. R. station on the sidle,. The coming of this .sooera to (:oderiob means • large addition be the population, as it will be • south more e.tensive x.mpany to Eta operations here weigher during [tae past two weeks has than as worked now i0 Looton,where about The w efes'v. • Role 1s a' T.r feat.. 1 MIR Te tent It i • ('hlel'a Amaag Ts Takla' oases. au' talc► Melt `rent It.- -tars*. day evening the usual prayer meetings be• Lag held in both churches. Notwithstand- ing the ccuuter attractions the •tteodwce on each sitenieg was large. Tins is, no doubt, an excellent way to oomtneoce tb. year -a Presbyterian and • Methodist church uniting for the purpose of prayer oa the eventags of the first week in 1896 Tet.aritosg CON N x. TI ' w ITH MoNT- tiesI -The 13e11 T•lephose Co. completed est month their new heavy metallic lions from Toreoto, Kingston and Meatreal, and the public can now communie►.e direct from all points In Welters ()•carie to .11 poets to F.satern Ontarie and Quebec, etc. Rate' man be obtained at any Boll Telephone Co.' office. The Company b•s also instituted for the tint time. h.11 rate for night service (from 7 i• r. to ( A r , which will be is fore* between all oboes sufficiently fir apart le a•ke the day rate for oonvers- Goes $1 00 or over. FotcH:' PATENT L.01 -We have re- ceived from C. A Snow t Co, solicitors of Malted States and forego p.teats,of Wash- ington, 1).C., • pamphlet reo•otly published . sd oopyrirbted by them, entitled " A summery of foreign patent laws with in formation and advice about foreign patent., Riving the cost of name in venous coon• tries. The p.apblet is cosct.e, well written, and ooataiss, an plain atetement. Math that will be of interest to inventors, pate.tese and manufacturers. A copy will be gest free to anyone addressing 1' A. Om* t Co„ p•teoa lawyers, Washington. D. C. Ft'a'trrtt FA. T.'RN . -The Kensington Furniture Factory, of I.o.J..o, wile move to Oederich in June. the stook took has been @ applied to the full .mount wanted -capital Meet $40,000 in 400 shares of $100 each. The Lnudoo oemp•ov takes 7n shares of :(allows the photographic artist. If you wast tee latest anti beat la the phntogreohic art, 0u can always gat at the studio of i4. Ft.SeJ lows, anything and everything can be had. been such the man "she bade t an °rer0oat or forty families are connected with it. The ulster made at if. J. Pridnam ■ was in • truly hildtafe are tee ready for oecepetion in nmfortunate condition. If you want rainiest um te r. J Prldit•m a Jena, and it u expected that by the first of sister ot Prof. H. R Ander.os, of Trinity ,GOOD CYR SIGHT- isa prieele etr•seaes. July neer mew industry will be in hill blast. S. S. ANN tvtlt.Aar. -The Sunday school of Northet Metbodiet ohurob will hold their annivereary services o. S..day, the 19th of January. 1896. Sermons will be preached in the morning at 11 ..s , te children, and in the evening at 7 r. r., to permits and guardians, by Rev (:. H. Cwb- bledici , K. A , of Brussels The Sabbath school will furnish the music at the morning cervioe. On Monday events*, elan. /loth, Nie hunday .ebool entertainment will be gives, entitled The Arab of Fame. This e't- tertaienaest bee been so highly appreoitted that wheels that have gives it have had to repeat it, sad every effort is bang pet forth to make it a raceme hero. The orohe.tra will be in attendance Doors open at 7.30 entertainment et R r.w Admisas adults, 15 ossM : children not of the school, 10 cream. s ANxrAt. Ms/TIN.. The missal meeting of the (iederieh Horticultural Mosier y wee held in the Lle. Clerk's ofhoe on Jae. 8th. The auditor's report wee laid before the summing amides station was adopted. The report showed fees from member* $375, 1'lev.rument grant $185,00asty grant $2.308 a cetyl (lades Kent, heir Ranee. whoa be was at with typhoid fever at his betel. The Levine mtaislretwae of the two ladies s.- dsbtedly mired the youa(l nesse hl. Wien Mess Carney fell ill Mr. Kest was re reeved to Hotel Diss, ce Mra ('arwy wee seeded et her daughter's bedside. H. was kept is Ignorance .f the eertoas sew. of her 111..as metal • day er two before she died, when she heoame o.sseiose, and &eked to se. him. He was brought to her house, but the exertion of being moved exheasted ham, .sd It wee some tow before he re covered, Miss ('srw•y then became oncost move agate, and else remained so until she died. Mr. Kest is still at I►r. Carney s boss, sad hie oo.dilioo u improving A Coaaux. CION. la writing of the wee ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. lessee Strachan, of Seltford, in the issue of the Zed in.. • esistaks was made. It was the 57th and sot the 27th aasivereary of their wedding which was celebrated oo the oenasloo mestion.d The old Fentl.man, sotwithatendiug his advaao.d years, is as smart a. • oric►et and quite jubilant over the result of the West Huron .Iectis. WLAT Hrtu.' FAItrtt.' INSTITUTac - -The regular Jeaouy meeting of this lsstitute will h.Tl.1 at Auburn, coo Thursday and Friday, .las. . ;-d and ?,..h, 1896. The meeting will be e.pec••1'y instrsotlt'e• as some of the beet talept .v.tl.hle has haus secured. The meeting will commence at 1 o'clock on the afternoon of the 23 of .las- Bary. First .oris. let subject. Prof, J. H. Reid, 0. A C., "The Laws of Breeding." lecture and discussion, 50 minutes, A. T. McDonald, to lead in the discussion ; 2ed subject, (:. C. Casts, Creilrhur.t, "The B est Venetia. of Orchard Fruits, and bow to Grow Them Special referenoe being inade to top grafting oo hardy stock. Ler ture and di/mammon, one hour, Jetties John- ston to lead in discussion 3rd subject, Simpson Rennie. Milliken, "Under -drain- ing.' lecture and discussion, 40 mroutee. discussion to be led'hy R, C. McGowan. Eveet•g meeting. A suitable programme will be provided for the events,/ meeting - 1st Subject, Prof. .1. H. Read, O A.C., "The iiducation of the Horse, time 25 minute' 2nd subject, (:. ' . Canton, "Horticultureoa the farm, time. 30 minute' ; brd subject, Simpson Resew, "Country Roads. ' time, 30 minutes. 2nd day. morning series, open at 9:30 oolc::k.-let subject, Simpson Rennie, "Cultivation of Potatoes and Field Rsola, ' time 40 minute'. R. Medd to lead is the discursive ; 2ad subject, 4.. C. Cas tes, "The beet Varieties of Small Fruits, sod the Mode of Cultivation,- time, 30 min- utes John Stewart to lead is discussion ; 3rd subject, Prof. .1. H. Reid, "The Mar. and ber Foal," time, 1 hour, J. Snell to lead in dissuasion. Second day, after0000 sot mon - Lc subtect, Simpson Rennie, "The 1►eetruction of Wends," time 30 minutes, J. Kerningbaa, to lead in discussion : 2nd sub- ject, Prof. J M. Reid, "Breading Hores for Profit. time, one hour. C. Wasbingtes Flour. Fall. ler cwt .. .- lour• 9•/001. p.r cwt to lead discussion. Local es[ will also FBran, 1 ton. BEFORE TAKING STOCK. I1'' Y(►I' WANT T(1 Bl1Y DRY COODS OR I"R THE TEETH USE Wll.i.l•yt. 1)0? I,[ wll)E1: I W intergreen wad Rase. 26e. par betHet ) t'leau..e the Teeth. Preserves the enamel. Hard•i.. the Shwa. Puri ties the breath. -- IT MAS N ' I Sl_PREWAR-- - 'rhes Popular .ad moat Approved Prepares x�y.►t ruii:\H. RNLIIIR asd JAPANESE 'IY)OTH 1•R. ofOastimolai,. READY MADE CLOTHINCIOI1.Ads ( at THEP • ACY. CHAS. D.WILLI AMS' Our (.mpborated (load Medallic, Chalk is the !meet DlepM elog I 'helmet, 14n/curable very Godersuh, Oat.11 . Na uncal. 10 PER CENT BELOW COST. We shall be glad to see you and show you the goods anytime during the Month of January. JAS. A. REID, I It it January, 1 -,u., Joldaa's Bleck, Uoderich. i. --- CHRISTMAS - - - - the time above all others, for re►ootne, to( giving and reneiving gilt.. Make your friends happy with something from the \-max Mock at 14001 /E'S DRUG' STORE Mi►KEKS' SET.:. .HAVING OUTFITS, lilt ('ELLULOID (,(KIDS, T1) I I. ':T (CASES, MANICURES, etc., ;E CTIFI' , t'T-Gi.ASS 1�EIth1 • NI ES, Style' never prettier 01 pewee more roa.00•tte. W. will be pleased :n have you mall and see them whether you buy or sot . . . . *The most beauti ul of all gift., And many other lines. NV. C (;OODE t'u. onr Flavoring K..eo.•es extra strong sad porel'en extra ase CIGARS in • neat box 01 Peach. P119ple - .Dill., eto,. etc. I Specially put up for gifts, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Local --K K Sallow* Local F. J. Pridbam To The Electors of West Huron l'.meron To Rent or 3011-.1 Safe for Sale --%%m JAL, 16 Page. M. C. A. McDonagh. Mc+ teeth New l:rooery Stere ('has. Knights For the Teeth l'has. ii N'dliame. Ready-made Clothing . Card . No 'leek 1►ay H, R. l'i.ilock h ('o. Coal Hit --- I. A. %corgell t Ce... ...... Retort. Stock Taking --Jest A. Raid.. •. . 5 5 S 8 5 6 7 3 5 THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Podolia Mese. OVRIMiten. elan. 1r;. ISA. .........-. Fall Wheat. intim) stander4... 0 64 10 0 64 - - - TO ADVSRTISER9. Notice of changer[ must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon day noon. (;aanal Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. TPsoeliug Guide. &IRAN» TRUER RAILWAY. %fixed Mail and ROMs Mitred Mall and Baps Mi Aiwa *oral[,. 10..50 a.m. 1.414 p.m. 7.40 p.m. 05•p.m. 1155 a.m. 1.50 p.m. 1` 0.m Fall Wheat meld n. - 0 0U to 000 Flourfamily. per cwt............ 200 to 2 10 1 10 to 2 10 14• to 10 11 00 toll 00 12 00 telt 00 if 00 Coit 00 .. 02.2too 0 45 to -0 10 13 00 tole 00 14 00 tole 110 015to016 u 16 to 0 17 Isom treeh unpacked. 1 4....... 0 if, to 0 17 Wood .................... 300 to 300 Hides Sheep Skins LiveRom Hove Rama. Ham. per Ib.... assist at the different ..rises : free discos "circa- 9 ton •ion invited. good tome. A New VICAR t utu Now Yeer'u day was the occasion of • pleasant event in Norwood, when • prominent young minister from the West claimed as his bride one of Norwood's most popular young ladies. The principles in this happy uaios were Mies Christina .1. Cameron, daughter of Mrs. E. Cameros, Spring et, and Rev. Albert Mahaffey, R. A., pastor of the Presbyterian church at Mil ton. The nuptial knot was tied at 1.30 r w to the Presbyterian Church by the Rev. .1. Forrest Summerville At the hour ap- pointed the groom and his attendant ester ed the auditorium of the church from the vestry soil took their places before the •I- ter and the bride, leaning upon the arm of her brother, W. L. ('•moron, petered by the front door and passed up the aisle while the organist. Mies Annie Haddon, played the wedding march. The bride looked charming in • neat travelling dress of grey ladies s cloth, trammed with velvet,and was attended by Mies Anderson. of Toronto, Come nae and all ann enjoy a R toms[. --Norwood Re Yes who have got it should take care a 1t You who lave sot got it should have year eyes attended to at once. We maim the pre' merv.rJs of sight a special[ amid oast test your • es accurately a*d eoitiac•111. W. your WEL*H. opt lclan and jeweller • AT VIeTOmiIA-ter ('MIlieu, -Rev. Dr. .los Cook, (,rantoo, prase -hem twice) in • totems .t Methodist church next Sunday. Mrs. Cook, who is • noted sneer. snags • solo at soh services. This celleottone .11 days are for the eupareneoation intrad. A (1sAND Calla tvAI. -The beet ,rend hooey dress ~nivel will be Field in the New Risk, Wilt et. o. Frid y..lsa. 2401. Over $30 will be given in prizes, and the event promises to be the greatest of its kind ever held in Goderioh. For particulars see bi11s and prograW.m0. Lu.wvcs Corrtaatonsse. -The following have boss •ppnteted house oom.ietissere ter the respective ridings of Huron : Hures Fast Thomas 4.ibeos, George Fortelle, George Murtha. Huron South Robert Spiosr, Peter Douglas, David Douglas Wil- iam. Huron West --Samuel Sloes, James Stovesr, Bluth Mcvnarrie. Demo Witt 1_ The following clipping tree a Semis paper refers to • former mem. her e( Tut f(tei*AL etaa, bet who ie now ad. .otter asd mak. up on the Sarum Daily Ob- server - Resist Roes, of The Observes mews room. tees the alk umbrella offered by Clark t Fowler, for the best sod roost stylish set .d vertiteesests toy their ices, dortag 1806 • MeV et. Ttr►wae Or TtrrateleM. ---The assert teesY_* of the Herne District ('oan all of the Revel Tempters of Temperaaos will Se held es Kipple. en roved.,. Jsas• asp MY, 1806, summonsing at 10 a. r. A11 the eb..sile ere rguesW a sad •tali rep ve omleses, red ferwi.Y eespMM reports Pisses gid. Were the lith inst.. names et these who will sieved as degasses to 8 1lsesses, Wean eau PPAYn- -The e•sererw.s..f Roos eberea .ad Nerthst. M.sbodMI *Yeeeies held alive prayer nieetisgf a saga aerie ehresely es Meeday, Tsrlay, TY..d•y sod Ikiday ewaviege-Wesine- College i who aloe looked very pret t y in a grey dress. The groom was assisted by his brother, Fred. Mahaffey. of Toronto raj - varsity, and Messrs. Albert Reddon, also of 1orosto University, and George Rose, of Queen'* College, Kingston, acted as ushers. A very large number ot people were present te eitose the happy event. After the ceremony • reception was held in the base- ment of the church where a large number of friends of the bride had assembled for the purpose of .xteading their hearty eon- .a•tulatione and beet wishes to the newly married maple The bridal party then re- paired to the home of the brides soother, where a dainty repast was partakes of. The list of guest* included only the immediate friends of the oostracting parties. Mr. and Mrs. Mahaffey left by the 4 I. r. train for Toronto, where they will he the guest, of the Rev. Mr. Morrison until Friday, when they will leave for Strabane to visit the Rev. ger. Cameros • id faniily. On Thurs- day they will praised to their home at Mil fes where they w111 bonfires a hearty romp. tiop by the ladies of the Atwell. The ore - 'este to the betas were rte► and beautiful. Many .f the gine wore tient by didaat Screenings 1 ton.. New Oats. 9 bush Peso 1 bush. New Hay. 1 ton showing an jeerow over last report of friesdm and some very pretty ones from the SW11. The following gentlemen were bride's slaw -mate' .t the Presbyterian Ladies College Torose. The best wishes of a host of friends aesespaey thy yams emote to their sew hems sussed s the bawd for this year : Preeideat, A. MOD .klIan : yiee-president, Jae.&swart : Direeter,, Mame Warsoek, Jordan, N.IeI, $laga.ss, Wolfs, Richards, Teen, Shsaoen, Sewart. W. Law men rein - pointed eeey•treas Meows. Reynolds ass Halls wen appointed auditors, ad a vets of thanks mess tit(sd•real to Mr. Hath far his earvhss as sedit•r during the past year. Mama biibboss, Fox, .ad J. H. Wil- liams es [mots are hoserary Message. A Vey Sao Arrant A Wisdssr des- opate& gams the ipliewi.g partials,' el a very sod beee weint, whbY hes as !teres[ for ear readers hes the het eat the *to- ward .ow..d yeas. left toes a Men of Dr. mad Ike Hulme•, e/ ()Warhol' : -'1.4.a.54 f iery 1. ssseet3s with the dens .f Mir Rdith Osman, waia leek plass eines days atgr. Mn W boss oil s. bar robber 1• Old Hay, * ton Potetoss,'thumb new _.. 0 en to 0 s0 300 to 315 400 to4Li 0 to to 01 OIOte31 e l cheese. ore 1► .... .......... .... 0 10 toe 11 Meld of Thanks. rip() THE ELKC?ORQ 1 or WEST HURON OKNTLKiMIN.-At a r•n'ual period in the history of Canada you did nee the honor of elecliegme to repreaeat you in Parliament. as • solemn protest against lb. miamaaagemeat of onr public affairs. 1 heartily thank both y t hers' awl Co. o ervative friends for the honor so conferred. There is hope for Canada when tbe great consuming stares abandon their party alleli anoe in the Interest of t6. common Land. Tbere is more hope for Canada nowwhen men of all shades of political thought unite to stem the tide of mie.governmeat and .orrup tion and to elevate voltam) life to a higher and Dobler plane. My homed. awls will be used. in jour interest,. to that sad. 1 thank platform speakers envenom elec tors. one and all. lex this last and pronoenned nark of your confidence in me cad app i. of the casae I eo long sad *till advocate. 1 have the besot to be. Yours truly. M. C. CAMKHON. 0oderi b. bib January. IIMk. For Sale T.ckeremith Peter MeO sold sod Min Aggie Msodell, delights' of 9. Mendell, en T.e8erees(th, were united ie the hely heads of matrimony, at Virden. Manitoba. es Chr8w day, R. W. Rimini* oeedaetia g the eervis. W isgbasi . Arehihald Fisher, nes of the pioneer* el w Ned brother of Post- master Fisher, bee bees Messed reeve .t Paisley by • nakeilly .f 43 vette*. after a sharp swam* witY Yr. Owen, harrint er of that tort,/.. W re.obsr : We sake that the .Ieamehip i)onbass', es whMY Deevga ASe1L elf a tows, was a psasap*r, kiwi!. a "berm lee Seep belesglse a Resters Wises'. Ins Brie. eel, Menlesd, west excess es she mesa bond helmet AN /M peelsnpn pee d stele. L RENT OR SELL-THBSTORRANI) L prwres at Sesfth's Bill. Carlow P. 0. Co Hares, a premet ooc*pied b M. A. Gledhill. No opposition. 0.e arf /8. bast reentry stands is Ostarb. A9st1 to J. A. McDoeagh. 311 ('burgh et. I arnSfo. `,/AFF: FOR SALE -A SAFE IN 0001) 17 oondiris. Minh' to 'V M. M(CREATn1, caretaker Courteous*. Goderlc•. 21-11 1Sus1e MISS ANNA L SHAW, TEACHER et Neste and Theory-.=pegtgsad Career Elgin and W elle,let' > �, de riobfit Know What Yon Chcw Atregod Animals. L'STRA\' any. - STRAYEt) FRO31 / the oreniisee of subscriber on Thursday. Jan. I. a small red and white row, four year* oid.giving milk. Intorstatlon leading to Eta re- eor'ry wli' lie suitably rewarded. Itobt. Thompson Elgin -at. Private Salo ALF. OF FIRST ('I.A'S FURNITURE:. 1.7 CARRIAGES ANI) I'KOPRItTY. Har In decided to give up hnuseheeping pieties desirous of obtaining first class furniture, carpet.. picture'. [among which are memo vert choice engravinesi flne rhino. glassware and silverware. also ennteote of stable, compris- ing 1 final, carriage, Tovooto made. as gnarl as new. 1 open bumf". 1 phaeton. 1 dnnbl.• sleigh on (, rnnnere with pole and shaft. double an•) single Bete of harness. Bargains gives in every instance. All the above is for sale owing to the death of the bite James (thaw, of (ioderich. in order to close up the estate. The house and ground will also he sold at • bargain "orreepondence by mail cheerfully answered. 'II AIt LK9 K. SITAR'. 0o -teach Jae. Oh. ;rt.: 51 It Situations Vacant NVANTRD - CAN` ASRERS, MALI: AND FEMALE. la every township i. ( anal.. to cense for the grease., weekly newspaper in the world. The Vomits /Jerald nwd Weekly Slur of Montreal. TA. ramify 11. rnld orad J1-rrkly Sl..r hes been enlarged te one busdred and twenty •Ight "-oboes per week. penal to one hundred !erare rotund. per annum It i* improved In every department 50 ennemouo.islr as to be talked about .11 over the world A splendid premium sacrum with the /•),,oily 13.rn:.1 A good opportunity for eanv•esers to r-etabl'sh a yenrl% ionone. No expertrnce needed. O.Iv nattiest rapacity for knowing a gond thing at sight >innipla copies, etc.. ere.. Tree. Address ImmeAlarniy- to secure positron. Plumily Herald Ptibliwh- Ing (E.. Subscription Department. Montreal, Canada. 50.43 tr '6 trees tib IalsrLmg elaartai. The mere yes sap et le tis dater yea Otte It. .OLS, L T%PCIENTT • NON 00.. ton IIAMIL.TOU. OIIT. Public Notifies. Alla YOU WOKING FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS? 'Tam iiia Y the snore you should west to .... . nesse '6 sr far •hown.g a nice 1.ne of• JAPANESE: TRAYS LEATHER DRESSING ('AS88 HAND, URIC CASKS SHAVING SETS, s s. cep -- PERFUMES l'ba: w:11 be the delight of all the bliss. AM --- PIPES sad SMOKERS SUNURtEB, TOBACCO POOCHES, PURSES, CARD PASSES. eta 11'hy met give your friend who wean GLASSES • sloe gold rimmed pair .J. E. D A V I S, Phu). IL Medical Hall. UST THnrrHING FOR THE I1OLiDAYS We a;e *emu to the front. with dainty , rea- '10115 of art furniture most appropriate for X ms preaeats. We aim to &seen. sad we do exoell. Nowhere in the county can you have touch a selection of Fancy ['hairs. Rockers. Kecritoire,, Tea Sets, Centre Teetes. Parlor Snits, Couches, etc., all in beautiful woods .Ltd reverie*•. Ma- bog•ny, Walnut. Curly Mech. Hird.eye Maple and quarter Cut Oak. Rattan Chairs. Cobbler -teat Chairs, Oak Easels, Scrmlfeo. 'Music Cabinets. etc.. et:, in great variety The best designed. best .onstructed. wad Lime[ finished goods in the market. Yo,, can mak mistake in buying these goods for you Jr man pretreat". The prices are remarkably Mw. Please 0*8 aad examine. THE OMNIRAI ANNI'AI. MEETING of The Metall ('lrox and Netter Can. piny. Limited. will be held at the Mowry. January 2t.t. .t 1 o'olnok 1•. w. R. MrKKNZiI. pees. 0. STK WART. res. ‘,1- !STING 01 HURON COUNTY .. ON NIAL^'l he Ceusell of the eepers- tis of the Coast, of Huron w111 meet t. the Court Room In the Town of0ederleh on Tose day. the fah day of the present mouth. at 3 o'clnek r V. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated Jsasery 13th. laM. 32 11 NOTICE TO SHAR3HOLDRR.s-THF: weal gewenl meeting of the share holders ettheItF een and Bruce Loan and In vestnw'et Company will be held at the Coen yes) al office. on Tosoday. the Mb dal of Feb nary next at 2 P.m., ter the purpose of merle Ise thrAeanelal .I•temeat for the peat year mediae De.. 31.t and abs election of directors, sad all other general 1uelneee. HKNR5 N ORTON. Measurer. sl 11 lf1TH s LICHNITURE QTORE. F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL -awo- SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY, 1 take this opportunity to inform the pob►le that 1 am Kill In the business not withata0ding all rumors to the contrary, and am prepared to do every elan of work in my line from makftsg • window frame to erecting • 3 -story building with mansard mot. Eetimetes furnished sad competition invited. The furnishing of building material- such as lath. shingles and lumoer • specialty. F. SMF:F IH. NOTICK -- NOTiCR 19 HEREBY given that application will be made to the Lettl•latlre Assembly of the Province of Ontario. at the next •e salon thereof. for an act to authorize the corporation of the (booty of H eron. by and through it. Municipal ('oonell so borrow the sum of s1011.000 with interest. re payable la El years, for the purpose of aiding ho retire serials debestsree of the said mer poratloa about to mature for which, by nits takeout lasssl.iest sinking feed was provid d, and CO per for the expeedltere uvea • Roues of Refuge recently s.ebllabel, and for power 'e meths, sad traester1e* the marl *neer upon reel estate new held by the said esrp..ties. rinwe•euting the inventenest of the said deities fond. to gam ent., as •sorer the prtselp.1 and I.Mre•t seenred by the said and far .Leh further sad ether p.wtu0 sir may be seee•••ry to f.117 carry late Whet the said purposes In the most •dran espente latsalaer. Dated thefk8 W ol D*esesber IOs, •ARROW a PROUDrOOT. e7 Tt S.Sel.are ferias Csesy .f Bayo.. NOTICE-APPLiCATiON WILL RR 1� mode Ig the Ytrip% Jrlaletlss Railway Campus) a IM Parliament of C•oaA. at it .ext Mottos for sa Aet ex toadies the time sea the essimensem.et and eeenidsd.s el the ext.s.Ns se Its railway from 0n•b$ to a► czes use Rory u er near the Town of lsh, ee a .sash siker mist M dimmed fe sahe AM �Ad6V4(3.p resOWd An A ► ep"e!!g0•48 lumen= HallwNy (Ioderioh, July nth 1111111. Loan mall Raytown Society. Ir Is NOT WBUTAT YOU EARN, BUT WHAT YOU SAVE, SACKS YOU RiCH. TIM HURON AND DRU('K LOAN AND iNVESTMENTCOMPANY. Sot'. t'tys.. '('ameron. Holt and Holmes, Dtr'nairs. Interest Compound every six .oaths at four per cent. per annum. 00 sass trees one dollar upwards. Depositors will gid It to theft advantage to oomc and see us. Loaxs May he secured aI any time.11hoss deia1 on the security of approved desirable ryurepiLsals d Ripeness xpeness amoderates.oliAippllc atioss Comyjaloess rarorlocatceon. North •trust Coestisle sse square opposite Hutton Sweat NORACE HORTO1. J. H. I'OLHOKNR Hassam Prandial. Par Mobs sip To Rent. MO LEASE. -TAR I1)1'58. FUR- L sashed, lately ne•'tipied by 1)r. Mclean Apply to('AENRON. 011.1' & IIOI,MK.v,t3'tt` BRICK HOI'SF: FOR SALE SiTU• wed on Rost Street, t lots past aha fres. byterian t'harrh. eonlaining nine room.. The above property Is in • good position. and will reit wall. inquire of It •SIIARRAN. 2541 IVOR SALE. CHEAP, IN EASY ✓ TIItM4: West half of lot 11. concession ., west W awanoeh. 100 steres. A well improved Lots lt, a and osrt 10. •utdivlsion 11t1Mlnet R. Colborne about K acres. TO LET The shop lately occupied hj the late Thee. Howl d. Apply to M.() JOHNIITON,harrieter. Goiter rich 0011 NEW X - MAS GOODS ('ELULIAID and LEATHER ODOR CARES.. INUIT 4'AMK6 SHAVING CAMER JEWELRY CAS§ DOLLAR and (•(Iry ('AIM and MANICURES Our sleek of PKRFI' M F. r eomplMs We have URLgTTKRZrt I38ELYR ecYrr a W4 WILLIAMS L1'$IS'4* WHIR a OAI.LKTS I TAYLO 's 110•TTtRN 05 * RICKSZ((ER'S by the owes or to est -gees bottles Call •.d sem these Goads sod PaMss. J. WILSON'li (felt Psserriptiw Drug fiber. ee