The Signal, 1896-1-16, Page 1e
iiia 19 THE MT.
"I." e
?he Old Oh1e1 Still Lead*
Tho Mw.rdry sad Slarettstable Tarte= •t
theiteyeremeat Workers- L►I.i and
tllraa•rr Hasan! Werk is
grand Old Wed aures.
THE election contest which
going oc to West Harm for the past two
weaks kir been ems upon wbieh almost
every eve in die Dosiotoo has been turned.
The vacancy in the riding was mused by
the resige•taoe of the Hes J I'. Patterson,
who some months ethos •ooepted the oleos
of Leat Governor of Manitoba. West
Huros was the earliest vo•sc', but so
eatodied was the Government that there
was so theme for the. electsoo of one of
their supporters in the ndiag Limiest M. C.
Cameron that the constituency was not
oposed oatdl the very last moment-io fact,
n et %Mtil Parliament bad bees u session for
dearly two weeks
O• the 25th of Uatobsr the Liberal ooe-
vetion .t at Dueganoos, and M. C.
Camaoo was unanimously chosen to on=
more carry the Reform standard in the
°onstttg.vicy, sod matters went on gamily
until some Mr* week. sce when este mnt•
reign was duly tegarated.
In the meantime the Government party
in this motion began to oat •round ter •
suitable mended/its, end the ooao•aes of
*pato° was that the 'eboios lay between
Jobe Butler, then mayor of I:oderioh, sed
Joseph Keck. of Maltford. But the heat bid
eoiemee of mice •.d mea, as Robbie Ronna
hes said, gang aft array, and the Sieturday
before (the Conservative oosvesuoa found
David W eiumil ler, • twto* detested made -
date of Hoath Huron, en hie way from Nortb
Ontario to Goderioh, at the instants of ter.
Montague. to match the coveted prize from
the two local rspirante. How be wee ono
eemetul is his effort in this regard, with the
able eamietaaoe of E Campion, Q C., has
been rat forth in • preview. isms of THE
St0'4 Al.. The two loom! aspirwte were twin-
ed down and given the marble heart by the
o.nventies, and Weisrniller became the
Government bell -wether for the mace.
The the third party began to stww
ages el life, and talked • eoeveotioe,
WW1 met at Auburn, the result of
oil ieb was that Robert Newman, ef
Temete, P.O.M. et the Tree Blois, of Os -
to rte West. wee deem to 5pi1d the Wi-
ser of the party, sod sous/ the Wass
sgsiet the Government es the Manitoba
YAW goodies. How he meet hue fate at
the bands of the reiterate( oMMeer ea sem-
leatise day, was set forth is these columns
lest week.
TM Deafest did not begin in earnest until
the els year, sad thea medals galore
were the seder of the day. The Liberals
were essiMBed with use Livetin;each night at
lite nothing Mort of three meeting•
sight wee eatNantery le the Govern
Meet easdidata and hie friends, and ems
fear sad eve meetings • sighs were billed.
About Ofe tinte the odd wave, the Nis -
card and the roma! mew -up bsges, which
e ests•tsd is the C•..ervative esdidste
beteg lest to eight altogether es the wens,
el the 14th is.. Rot bole*o the big mew
. tars Clarke Wallow bed renews! fres the
Controllership N asses, and time Maas
to leek Mae Mr Wei- --'s seedidsssre
Ruing Me oddest" deegeasiesa brake est
is tem Othiret, sad see .eel day 1M es• l•.dh •511.0 fee. Will., cab wee just bedding late =meg
sonasema-t ttrte wee Ire the aged tat o•staeere arenas washout, Wag 19 ,ares. 7 menthe of
Ptlgmhr had ilea deserted by =MS tit W Ar the newly-el..sed swebsrMopped a sea
eelimteted. IN t►ti raves dntrtere was Me- the platform the aeiheefese i broke fast.:
team, the pul+Yoal sperm of Wetemtller =red sad of was seem Mate Mfore he mud"
l o• t ter tater who had takes up died for • vmatary in his late mean on ,vie
te West Maros. Boo Blrmngham, the proceed. He sever, he Mei 1, felt mon tress f
'ram 1tmWhat 1e Oiling 'Lithe Ca it,111
his os s t)
rerWrg.isrioh temporarily, wee n
wpretest aoseu. R. I.It that the tilt ` Ill onP
Mealy recalled to Otawa, and the plea of of the mama was owe teat woo pet wily
oae,p*agu was left in the hands e1 that emu gratifying to hitneelf but to the Liberals of
n eat ebonies worker, Geo. Mor, aided and Heron •sd of the 1)umtniou at largo. IIIe
abetted by little Guitar' Campbell, es I thanked the sods hood of outside eps•k.-rs
Hr•mptos, 11. J. Seems, w Pahaeretoo. C. wise had yolusteered their ..moon oe the
J. NoLllu, o181. ('atberioes,Juha George proem' mosso° to •od.syor to secure the
of Hrw.e Pestasala, • chep awned Bertlett, victory, and who had dose mei• tem tutor
from Landes, sod some other gay and feet- est of the Liberal party,heseme of the bem-
ire hes rs-us of the t:weramort party..• fit that would worm to the party by hie as
meted by Dr. W. Holmes, Erose! Realm. mates= in the Hoose. The Yuan; Liher•e
Disk Tichbourne, ot Goderich, Jarvis of the of the town hod also dose ♦.uwnw •0100..
Saltford brewery, ted sad • .amber of sod he hoped they would moord= mod prom
other talented loosl st•te.moa. per so that new victories for Liherslum
The 000Wt waxed even mon exciting, might be woo. Tho fight in Nest Hees
sad femur avoid be earned tut, the camp of was sot • local esu, but one in weld - the gummy, thought the moving spirits of entire Domenico took • great floored,
the Government party, ted w, .n tee ab- the victory here would prove a hes',
seas of Hub b(rmiagbam, • uoup de Mat to the pretreat stegten.g Govan omen. H
wadi rt uu foot wbiob was hoped to prove would be in Ottawa as sone as the return;
the most effseuve move of tee o•mp•ugn.
Aehheld along the I.1.11 Shur. was to he
stormed, and the Catholic vote woe to be
pocketed by W•umiller, the Equal Righter.
To 10. sad two able sad skilful m•otppaa•
Istor., tea the portions of E. Campion, V.C.,
sad Joseph Kuud, who claimed to cart !het
P articular vu a +n thou outer pockets, were
Tbr (shirr. a TbI.g el serails am* rrtrns
l/a1•Ir►• weirs tee* NMI leer. merry
re wl••eulese. were ilesremka,
of IN eae•rrat• •1 Trate.
OTTAWA, January 14th. iI „w
j•hall ere chusotenre it ' What abets I we
'0.11 it and by what name will it pas. tau
tem puliuo•l limier, of ( cord• ` A coos*,
y, plot, a•aaaaaattuu Call it what yea
ke, tem cr.u.try hoe at heat been made
war., loot whew arrow for the I.;•,etal
e-• •.rued y..0 of Crhiuet dt.wat ,o., ia-
.guer and c .aepsrsoles..•od *tut must he
vie is.ui'.ble rrsul , thi at least h.,i .0END
ea of wnat wee goeu¢ os 1 41 , 1 tem
lag othuer gave bar oerti6oste, and would
do again, as he h5d done in the pmt, .11 rte
hie power to advance the muse ot good
gov.rnmeut in ('&sad. He closed • brrl•j!5nes
hoot address amides loud .od proloogod 1 u,.t many week• •go we hesid air.
During the evening the members of the . "'tar '''"4 eas4 lbs people tet ls. h'e
• I, u f••ll au.. " You hems learned from
Young Liberal club presented • gold beaded
de/Toward to Kiousbrictge and Kintail,eith r Turouto, , (+]be tint Arses that the l..v.rement at tie
• ket ot Inns circulate, • ould Morale* ebony cane to Frank Pedley, n. •
pacSawa u Juunit.d and demural.aed. 1 ad
warebuwe zf gall and •set of slanderous slight recognition of the valuablerrvies
sones in effect that M. C. Cameros was, 01 he had rendered in the contest. Mr Pedley . re to d,•m..atra.s to a .0 won m} two
not • member of the 1'. P.A.,n close =luaus made • feeling reply, but said he es. ie I I , in,, i 1)r. leesteiue sera one of them)
with that party. was the stock u trade of {Lha., tree t' ..enruv• a►w.rmieut nee', r
t>")better form when lighting the enemy t►m t d old, is a (.overameat *hid t. united ea
those two worthies. when acknowledging from (need.. Ne &lineal how tet pope, wLLeeut •shred
Now, if then are two men under the I , drrar.non.'
kh f Following to the address on the °comma
ore 1000P1 ot heaven who are a. nu
earth Ther during the election is Cardwell the
ly ,tee os Aeifleld, or, for that matter, any Oeutku'H, Jan14, t de 11 idontrgue .poks as follow. :
where elae,der,ng an ilrcties contest, Cam 1 ro F,RA". Picot&. ` '
pees sod Kidd are these two embryonic We, the Young Labors of the( For 17 years for Mackenzie Bowe!I rase
Statesmen. Kidd has oo reoord et a+1 la I town of G oierioh have much velour. bees 5u hoour•d member of the Govers-
Aabb.1d, and ('anipiow • previous effects in in preeeeting y..0 web thre os -,e. as • /.wont tient, who mfrs sntceesfull, •dmsistered the
the mores have not been of the most savory I token of oar sppes rectsttof the v viable affairs of bis depertmeet. Dunne all thee*
sod satafactory order. The result of the .ervoose )ou have rendered to oar rem:woad veer• u‘.1 000 mark u plaosd assist hie
vote proved this t• he the fact, and the vote parti ularly fur v•or indefatigable exertion i li sty. either s a minister
istero pas & putties
r bt.
of Kisr.bridge showed oonclu.ively th.t it in wutisg our grand a.11 ,..n, %l. (r ' man.
t.E 01.1 the treadrr the
of pili..
would have heap better for the two miestos- I (honoree. M 1' , the old L:bsral Weir
.rtes to have termed at Jericho -bodench ,L Home of West Hu -no. to •.c'0rv, to hes 1 Sod lo..lw•ys supported pled for ( •nsd•'
unitl their political beards grew. If Birm- at
ngb•m had been hen the mistake of Brad•
Iter two eucb Late docks on such • mission
woof never h.,. bees mads.
Meantime, tea Coniston men had hese
steadily engaged un doing begone= on burn
n ateprinciples. They did. t send men
loaded with lies to Ashfield or anywhere
else. but they put up a •iaorou. fight .11
slog; the hos. Frank Pedley, of Toronto,
mats brat upon the owns, .0d wherever the
Little 1.iant •ppapred on the platform be
made .meads for H. C. Csm•ron and da-
oomtit1ed the adestuary , John M•Mtlle
M. P., the r•doobteable campaigner of
South Huron, was on tb• circuit, .ed
did big week is tete interest of Reform.
harm, A. Kros, of Lindsay, oleo got sew
Ilan bteen the heart of the Dearest, sad Sir Richard
plucky fight •g.iest his political -.pponente ! panne.& and Jevlopine
W• feel we •we you • debt tet ttra,node"•e Cardwell election was held lest
which no mere outmode" ma repay. 5',4 mown. Yet oe the 7th of Jmuary, io et.
feel .xceedtnely proud of •u,at a oo sot pie ..tug rainy he and six other mout.ters,
Liberal as younralt-vine who tea. nae .n • en tea. !..-Lug 11r. lbontag.e, had left hir \Iso -
such • d.ep •merest in the welter. ate••^•'• r•nnvt. air Foster mid " 11 itL
of our country, and who, w. aro 1 inane m+•trtytog. we finally screed to enter
sure will always he foam in toe the t:overament under Sir Mack.wie bee-
troot ranks of that iodoenr•hIe army ng «t+ ad r- h.. noes with rrowtng regret that
whose banner as =scribed ' Reform ' It is' a. hmoe eaves oar efforts result In • meuure
to such young ran as yourself ahs, the ri. of eu.•,,ae l+es Lhas that for which we had
isg ren.rseios of this felt D .irno,no most in hip. 1 .red strives. W• thought it our duty
Cartwright and Hes G. W, Roes did grand
work In the interest of Cameron and Re -
dem Previous to this, Dr. McDo.•ld, Y.
P., of Wusgham, had uouurl.d the RNorm
standard in the Wewasoeb•s, .aauted be
M. G. Cameros, of (.odencb, and Jas Mc-
Mullen and Hoo l). C. Fraser, of Guys -
borough, N S . ted opens on to do good
sere toe later no last, but not least,
Peter Ryan the silver -mooed veteran of •
hsadred platforms, sad Frank Asrlta, the
talented controversialist took en active oral
successful band in the fight.
To flab' went 00. The reformers psi
up •tj ggreseive contest and followed tem
Government candidate and hie (needs ea
taltbar platforme,whilat l/stsmiller's hobos
kept as tar away from Cameron's neestiogs
as they oould possibly ret. About thio
time the breakaway from Rowell by iia
mins ki.kun in his Cabitoel took pl.oe,sad
Wei mtller'e poliuoal scooter = the Wed
Huron oandtdature-Dr Montague - west
os strike Then it we, tits PLarmingbsm lett
the henna and went to enjoy the scenery on
the banks ef the Cheedi•re, sad then it
.as that, lya.g rosrbacrs wore resorted to
to bolster up the Governmeat saw which
here, as at Ottawa, had been torn up the
bask. clanked at the stomach. frayed
at the edam, rest in the tear, and barged
at the hese Thea it was teat the ('am
sae sad the Kiddie and //army. Mc•
were given • free band to get is
say ri
y kind of stders that they
ht Steam. religions prejudice
and ;o1ry to rata its head. The
alma w5 appealed to is the ow, but, we
are pleased to say that, is the town and ie
A.bbeld the *often of the 000sptmtors met
with leo (•sorb.• response *hes fiveo'olock
Dams around on polling day.
1n addition to the dirty work and mlan
dereng that was resorted to by the friends
of Weum.11e•, the Reform calm was ham-
pered in another way. The maters' Iasi
were packed against them Seers. of MEMO
of I.:berate of =outline and of years e1 previ-
ous voting were (mod to dews bee left of
the roll, sad none of the polling sub timieiss.
were free from the trail of the make is this
respect. Wh-ther the foul work of de.. Literal electors after this whole-
sale iashios was done bore or at Ottawa. it
i. • subject well worthy ot i.,..tigsttos,
and it se to be hoped that Cameros!' first
duty as Ottawa wall be to move for an in
vestigati"s to find where the guilt lido. I1
it hue at Ottawa, then that sed should be
thseowghly exposed sad the delinywa
pNtnhed. if the mum of the disfrsseliar-
se.t of the Liberals is (seed te exist b5,
the Ileal (Mvereasent Ise the power amt
is enquiry on foot and get at the Note of
tem sass.
But is •pili of the desteredvotri lista,
lying ranrbaeks and every ether device, S
p clank T.erday brewght vietery to parch
epos the Liberal harmer --sot 41sees the
heather was Lib•rsl ig arae, merely. but be -
mw it repro.oeted • polies of Government
which appealed to the heat and miseeiesee
el those among Liberate .od CeaaeryaYNe
who believed that goyerespeMl ie/ern le
.benletely geeses•ry te save the mems,.
Whim it Weise kms. that Mr. Camer-
es'e elastic. was aseered the doors e1 the
Tempere•m Y&ll were throws epee, ma a
large anti esthssisetie meeting we bald.
The chair wee oopapied by 1). IleOtlliswddy
Predilest tithe West Hares Rotors Ase
noble, and addresass of eseerasulatMs Gaon weir., aced to, (505 p10111 ti5A 1 y .►mc. what
Ism. obey dew. lee yew' W hot have
were magi. by Ysmra. Pedley, Trask Asa- spa they not done for pee! Wb.. leave they
lin sad Peter Sve,edTereste,Mayer Heim* Yerris : Or Teesd.y merel.a. I►re 31st, Apes ter ah.ntsmlvse! Thar •re thres
.1 Qlaw, and John A. Rvr.w, 5E N.p.,.f Aeatb sensed the b.m. sl Isss0 Pastas:, p.nti of gweett-.r ter yc. se wlyre b.lore
Lidesy, after white Yr. O.mses we, 3ti we. .and biro away ►i eldest one. neati5 yes, rata.
1e there a single res of thein that it...
m.4 is .mem way moor of pelitle•I •erre
A •
Mew. There whey be, but it rem deeply M meg. waving the paws= 11fi.4hQ. ii.
time torn for •dyios and support, and we
behove that your best utereete w,l, over
b. Lives to the furtherance of freedoet. the
promotion of prosperity and the edemas -
meet dl that wholesome doctrine of the
rreetst possible geed to the eree'vet poo
B ible number. Ws subscribe outsel•es on
behalf of the Young Liberal*,
A. C. Me•reit
Sep. $Lu'or*Ov
Arrant R..
HARRY Whiten*
The meetisr closed with sheers for Mr e
Camerae, Mr. Leaner amid the Queen. mIarivinge. Their own story skews that let
the very moment they were dsuossoing
THE MANITOBA ELECTIONS G... (:rim log they were knifing it Macke.-
{ mendtrytogtosecurehad,wnfell No,they
s,tw.wrm aeemtrte ew■ tem tTa1rM M .hnn•et false .Isrm lest the old ..atl.w&e
vleee t1od117 •4oald M able to extingaak the e.mes tee►
Were mai, Jett lbth. The returns of Imo/ started talon th.y get beyod ■i. oon-
yenerd•y'b.t..tiote for the l.egi.l=are, se we'.
far es ars rood ed iadie• a that in the sex! Kut is it sot animas; to hear Fodor and
bones Yr. Oresswsy will bay. • follow,•, Hvg&rr tell you that Sir Maok.attie is
o1. with other psrt+m divided into nppo weak that pubic .osddesos ►as bmsu
y esti i.d dot 4 is eh•kesis the (love .maeat biasses
se rstire,and to that manner pave the way,if I. -r the formate= of . Government
whose Premier could oemmand the confect
mos of •11 his ooilmen's, could satisfy the
Labored -Conservative party that its strong.
est •temeuts were at fes bead teed impress
the a,aotry that tt had • Governuest whole
was untied and bad reser to rivers
Now, the.. are the same men who talked
to yea of "Grit lh..' wee we told you of
the threat curare' there has bees going on
is Sar t4.okeozii s =beset from the day he
formed it. Why, Foster admits now he
and his and ass entered the Cshi.ot entk
under the •ae..abtiss of vides.•
u ,ttel►c te* sad corrupt 'reruns that
gel deeds w oompitely hidden.
o vouidssos is Sir blackouts. 'feat
cls welt cussed from the vert moos who.
respeusible for the sae.vwly light ..
bury I.overaa.oat bas boos placed tic
:he comity. They build that defeat.
• the plea teat Su Msckesu. ie • weak
to a hest the oesmtry homiest mo4do.os.
.ow usretally they Limits thou own
mle rid uorrupt resord. It would
• nauseate is •treurtb : • Guluab se
ore . . Solomon on wisdom : • Job i•
•rid * Joseph n virtue w defends
and sake pare and Olean teem dirty
of ate political kith.
t thew men my that the country has loos
=Heaps his
is Nu Maakeettls 11 it
it from bu long Wuol•uUn with
who are now consp►nng to destroy 4141.,
=tee esveu mem are sure to q..,r'el
the politmo•l uprose, they have fallen
Tney are •11 leokine after the WM
S ad :care Le sure a be . row, and whip
e congratulate our friend .1smm J. Me -
,•m! wash him and gin. McM•th orae,
ot 'Pedaled happiness.
1.t %tuck sale tel alt household
urouure for tour dry., alae 23, 24,
d. slesmm io etteod•sos. Nal
J • Shaw. executrix
number of bolus fifty cent pesos. the
a• u.ue of the 1 noted :moue, are 10 ctrow-
here. Thom, handling 4555., wall de
to be me *bar guard.
m Prwr, the Delaware fanner who
molts -tea before Squint Lowy • week ago
co . nrrgs of k*Luuog black squirrels and
quell ,mut of season was hoed 5•', •.d meta,
hotreks Councol 1.1 T of 1'., purses
tett . concert to the Temperance Nall,
Nolen .t., on Thur•sdy, .I.n. 30th. The majority it will get.
beet heal talent will teke part, and &butt, The 3'eoex'0- m beuoclary commission is
lett.e'tog addresses nave beer' arranged now getting down to business l:on.eriuent-
for. ly its meetings arm held behind closed door
'lite pastor, Rev. .1 K'Pe. has tees sue The house after a more or lees &crtmoD
useful ro urganv+nt • large reading •prole onus debate hoe adopted a set of ruler, not
u eeoorrtios with the Epworth leases of differing wodely from eh• engine. Reed
Menu et Methodist church. The Circle rules, and is nue working co routine bust
mets neat Tuesday sewing at the parses neve.
If two bill. a uci have boon iotruduoed
Aemoh,t •he mimeo of the boner groom" ever beuome I•wi we shell hays two ad
ti the l urosto Normal school, ai the recant dttioosl members of the cabinet in • li.on-
essa.., we are pleaaed o nee those of Muw tory of l ommeroc and a Secretary of Labor.
Ella tJacomtb and slaw Man'Pots, ot Much can o es d in favor of the establish
1i.dsneh, Mie. Ferru. uampbeil &ad Cbm. meat of these two sew executive depart
(,I...u, ad optorth. mento et the Government, and little is said
2 'este. Mcl'ull•, artist. Pupil of i sleet them, dill such changer are
Maas Kouguersau, leoy K Fleury, K.
hastily made. K .th Salle are old .e.tu•nt
Gattis, M. Chapu, oeeipor, of Parte, I wogs os (bsrre.e. Neither would add
leve. High liar prtraits in oil paiet- anything to the present I:overoment mach-
psstel painting and w•tor Dolor, ine : they would merely make executive de
Sew o'osze, clay, marble. All kinds of partmisna of the ;.shot Bureau, and of the
Waminatm.g le.daeap•s mai wash. samba. =versa bureaue o. the treasury department
oar•• i:.,de'e drug store.
Which decal with 'nnitttercisl matters.
Spirited but tui leoties effnns have been
ilia 4. . V. McLean, of tondo°, wbo con- etade in both Huuee avid Smote to burr•
d.oad a vie 000ktag class In the Interest of the •coon ot the rwpseuvs Fureon ('om
tem Fleischman Company, left on Saturday mittoes n reporting a resoluttap for recog-
far (I !intern. The classes were largely at• nation of Cuban belligerency The men in
leaded and proved both nteresuog and to- control of tboe.' committees have medicated
trtr'eat+re, and the oourtuy of Mow McLean yery plainly that no hasty &staoo will to
eaiaod nor many friends, who will be plese taken, by referr,og it to sub committees,
ed to welcome her back. lead IL is well nigh c.rteio that the Admints-
- tntion will on take any action until di
COMING AND GOING- rented by Congress to do so. Meanwhile,
News Notes tree, Waeh1AMI
Tar tenets Yi.&see 1ea•nslllee 1■ a Rivet!
lerS Tee ta erereetes aous4re
temmiwl.r a4awswr5tle %ewe
papers awl Lao r e
% L$HINGT11N, D.C., Jan. 13. -
lee sumer moo ave tee whip hand of the
11enaa,•nd wbrl _ . hey de eat ex pest touooem-
pluh an) legisl•r.on, they towed to demon
"mato that power. The bill tor the fres ooto
age ut silver which was repot ted se • sebetmt ate
for the House t.ond ball soil which is aim
paudmog in the :mesas they intend to pas,
Although they have little faith In is tett
leg through the Howse and know that it
would be vetoed if it did . but that w
the only way they propose Le demonstrate
their power. Senator I eller has served oo
lice os the Senate rinsed oommtttes that
be *111 not allow tbo how* aril Mll,wktob
the Republican .suoae crdered reported
wtt►out amendmeat, to be retorted without
an amendment provndng for the tree ooa0
age of saver. . od that with» has thrown
the committee into • deadlock which will
be hrukea nobod, knows when.
It has not boot. decided when the debate
now going on in the Semite on 'he bill for
free ce,osce ot •slyer will end, but at will
probably- depend more agn,n the wishes of
the trieod• ot t'ae bill than upon its oppo
Dents, who have demi red that they -would
rouse no obetecies to bringing it to • vote at
any tune. Ali ogres that it will pada, the
Dolt differeoee of op10100 being as to the
mitis, 7 5150.. ep 5 b. a 5t rhe 41.54 .fit. it i. the'so
1410 Inst l.giolaNt• hewer l:reesw•y bad (•gob men 5. Fester and•rl h5•.
27 supporter* t • s on.•rv•t1vee hro.gh1 epos the Qo•eramset that it hes&
Patron ed ladelpillideat 0905511100 of 13. lost the co..fidoaos of the oo0otry.
- Haggett s 4'urros Kndg• serial and
"Rise flet M. gid, nee is the sew ' Fwu.t • deal with the Feederietos Kridge
Ri.g, happy belle, mew the mow enmpanv have eestributed • Rood .Aar.
The year Me gone, 10t him go toward .baki.gwidows is Sir Msolterie's
Rig est the Wee, reg is the trim. Governess'. lb you think you would fare
easy better in the hande of these tie. thy.
Rise est a newly dying tames, Sir Nankeen's
And sanest bonne et party strife in the mow of • few mo.eba. pessibly
Mee it► the goblet •sada. d 111.,week., thea. mes who harem their dealings
With mPam' sweater, palave with lir Yaek.s a Revell .hews them
Tennys's. sslwel the trees ot • certain die-
rep.ta 0 iadtvide•1 we read et is .eriptare
meets of Spam are said to be 'pearlier
A. lodgerwood, of Guelph, is in town money liberally to deb.• Congressional w
Thomas Rogan left on Wednesday last tion.
for Woodstock. Senator Morvau'srem! ut,oscoogr•tulsttog
ides \1•ggis Coupon left oo Thurday the republic of thu Treeeyasl for maintain -
hid for 11.110it. tog rte institutions of political liberty
Rgv. Mr. Tbtt•ud.u, of Maid.tns . was against the sooroschments of it. enemies,
L sewn this week. whish w., referred to the committee os
](iso K campaigns.was visiting fried. Foren Affair., was mmewhat of • surprise
in Rsaforth lit week. Wvhale tnnoo*nt er ough mod entirelt proper
soder ordinary cmrcum.tsraw, the prompt
t,, record hie vote. Rorertson came from Toronto oo relations heti/wee the (- ;t sod Great Brit-
ain •> ain and the ride/one of the latter toward.
D. I: t'rlbtck came up from Woodstock the Transvaal republic makes the resolution
to poli has •-ole os Tuesday. look like a uses,.t England
Mi.• Aggie Knox has returned home 0f- It i.•Iterether probable that Represent+ve
ter • nlewot mutt to'relative. in Toronto I'evh, of Ye. ipaaded to be esprc•i•Ily pmt
and Elora. ristie when he introduced • hill prov,d+ng
Mn. Bedford has returned from • pleas 054 mimes of 100,500 or more +nh&Mt&na
e at roe of throe weeks with friends in ile m•• ostein parade stomps of speoisl design-
teuit )lick. memorials of local history and m..:+ from
the Postmaster ( loners!, but there ore peco.Ie
dellkaJa.ho at mm and 's, M of crows , o, are just lorded enough to revard the bill as
,.44,L •t his wools'., Nr. Burrows , os his heiog entirely in ale interest of the .amp
tlegddiav war. 455,5.
Mforth Soo Mies F.Iooner, Hayfield, bee Democratic new.papsr moo of W=hum -
boom visiting at the residence of Cha. Nim toe w just hopping mad baa»,vie of the
n aso, t:odsncb Ia0gw•ge used by I'rNldeot Cleveland in his
Yr and Mrs. Warren W. Thoeap.os, of looter to Seoot..r Caffery, of le., idyls,
1+eforth, arrived a the late tram on Teel- that he had meds any deal with the Morgan
day) eight, as time to w the W. Huron bond syndioste. The paragraph in the
01111414ration. latter to whish the oorresposdeote take
Re• (.en. F Salon prey hod is Victoria. wend exception is the following : "I w
e t Methodist cherish last Sunday to pleased •m&zed •t the in•oleranos that leads ave
oosgreg•tieae. excited p.timoship to adopt as • basis of
(i. 1- Blair, of Brussels, sins in tows me attack the untonnde4 a000satione and .mer-
Teassd&y to poll his vote, and participate is "cons of • m•ltotously mendwloo. 'Lad mass -
the victory of the 014 Chieftaoual newepayer - it is well knows that
Reslorth Sun Mies Maud Ferguson has although Mr. Cleveland seemingly mingles
returned to Godenoh after • .bort vine to Otl1Pa• PelPir ti. N. Y. World --that tahe
story of the boon deal was set out by peso -
tem parental home, Hayfield.The s:odericb ()rohestr. is god to as. tio•Ily •11 the o"rres nee' is is Washts.
ons► leo, although the d.mnemt. made it ns wy
.i.t a! an entertainment to be held •t Clue- as they could. This matter was not seat at
t000 the latter part of this month. haphazard, nor without investigation. but
Brussel. Post Eph. Downing has takes affil•- repeeted attempts hal haven mode to
& poa,t,n. es the staff of the gee • denial er an affirmation erom Sec -
New, whtoh papa' a run by t: F Colwell. rotary Carlile or the White Home. The
Mr ..d Mrs. John Stilling and family, of demoorstio newepepor sea wculd have teas, Man., are hose on • vett to hit par oely ton `lad to have had even • hist upon
este and friends of Colborne and Goderwh whish a denial of the .tory could have been
toweehip esnl out. but when theta hint was repeatedly
M. M. Mol)oo.ld and Mise N. Han. refused. they think Yr. C1..elead rather
well lel1 on Meade, for Detroit, after • rubbed it in M bl.oktasrdiog theme who
vomit to the focuser s pares, Mr. sad Yrs. weed the .tory bedews they believed it true
loh. Mot)o.•I4. .nil b.taw either he nor S.o►ewy Car
Yr and Yre. T. H. Cooper sad *hilarious, ii.I. wnoId deny it
of Tomato, are visiting relatives is tows A person wit • from polmoeary cm.
after a extended visit to relatives is the ea
mptipe may he absolutely free of danger
*withers Brats.
to his scet intimate asootates or his ien-
4. A. Berm., V. (' , of Leads.,, •ed mediate surra n.dmv., if the .pwtom i. die
Freak I'sdl.m, of Tornato, left awe Wed- posed of with seropaloee caro.
mere•, .(ars*og*1!h the good wibes of • tem, sad the sputum alone, in wore wet is
I%MRP 00mer of b(rimed. she 4154 •sa.mbl•d the emir= of dancer : and oosm0a se..,
at the'metes to bid them goodbye. good .anitatioa, ed even the re
Morris Os Naw lasts "MM. • hasiren..• of .i ple eleatiws.., denied
harpy e►•1 thi..beald be destroyed or rendered
2.1emer. Petrick Ye(ilyr. got kin leg will be whiny yet be chew Tear e,alden, e
broken, .ad Ila brother .1 trues got anme is thou e y ret.rwisg then to power.
:Lia_,._.•. 6 .ii+ia►_.._.r. k'r'a.::.... .: rL... `iiia
.vast took N.0. M ti" .widens. of George harmless Dr. Lawrence Flick, of Phil&
Parker, it Mi.g the w.rriaga of kis eldest dadvadu, Wks bra .tsdt.d the subject mare
daughter. Mary, to Wm. 1, el 11.1- hill W wWarm arm osevictis ..het
.141, eldest ems el .Jaime Respell, a1 el Mor with nest preens' kmwle4gs se have it in
tie. • car power he smenpletelx wipe ser pslnse
Ethel At the mawn meeting of the pa .ry tebere.losie is a Moyle gsser.tuc.sad
Wes of the chew fastery the sodium pre he *die **Were h.14 *he energy *ANS is
seated the report e1 the hot year's work. bet eagg event is the sim..t hnpelees teak of
There wee 1,188.000 poen& e1 walk re-\teg for • missile sore for tgberedosb
Weed, sales( 101,51111 Ihe el sh.m., cable\ Awaked M is eutershat re the
realbed SR.41iia The seas... •awes.tsd need weerd be einered. --- Hermes Y.
Mop, 111. D , is Jeere•I .4 Byg(t...